Displaying publications 1001 - 1020 of 1246 in total

  1. Rodríguez G
    Fam Plann Perspect, 1979 Jan-Feb;11(1):51-70.
    PMID: 421882
    Analysis of World Fertility Survey data from five countries--Colombia, Costa Rica, Korea, Malaysia and Nepal--shows that the availability of contraceptive services and supplies is a major determinant of use. In Nepal, where few women know where to obtain supplies, only two percent are contracepting. In Costa Rica, where almost all married women know an outlet nearby, 53 percent use effective methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  2. Goh SSL, Lai PSM, Liew SM, Tan KM, Chung WW, Chua SS
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0242051.
    PMID: 33175871 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242051
    To date, several medication adherence instruments have been developed and validated worldwide. However, most instruments have only assessed medication adherence from the patient's perspective. The aim was to develop and validate the PATIENT-Medication Adherence Instrument (P-MAI) and the HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL-Medication Adherence Instrument (H-MAI) to assess medication adherence from the patient's and healthcare professional (HCP)'s perspectives. The P-MAI-12 and H-MAI-12 were developed using the nominal group technique. The face and content validity was determined by an expert panel and piloted. The initial version of these instruments consisted of 12 items were validated from October-December 2018 at a primary care clinic in Malaysia. Included were patients aged ≥21 years, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, taking at least one oral hypoglycaemic agent and who could understand English. The HCPs recruited were family medicine specialists or trainees. To assess validity, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and concurrent validity were performed; internal consistency and test-retest were performed to assess its reliability. A total of 120/158 patients (response rate = 75.9%) and 30/33 HCPs (response rate = 90.9%) agreed to participate. EFA found three problematic items in both instruments, which was then removed. The final version of the P-MAI-9 and the HMAI-9 had 9 items each with two domains (adherence = 2 items and knowledge/belief = 7 items). For concurrent validity, the total score of the P-MAI-9 and the H-MAI-9 were not significantly different (p = 0.091), indicating that medication adherence assessed from both the patient's and HCP's perspectives were similar. Both instruments achieved acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's α: P-MAI-9 = 0.722; H-MAI-9 = 0.895). For the P-MAI-9, 7/9 items showed no significant difference between test and retest whereas 8/9 items in the H-MAI-9 showed significant difference at test and retest (p>0.05). In conclusion, the P-MAI-9 and H-MAI-9 had low sensitivity and high specificity suggesting that both instruments can be used for identifying patients more likely to be non-adherent to their medications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  3. Loke MY, Yen Gan LL, Islahudin F
    Pak J Pharm Sci, 2018 Mar;31(2):359-364.
    PMID: 29618421
    Falls are a major problem among the elderly and can lead to serious injury. Adults older than 65 years suffer the greatest number of severe falls. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and perception of medication related falls as well as preferred medication related fall prevention programs in the local population. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among the elderly patients in a tertiary hospital. A total of 86 patients (n=86) were interviewed. Approximately 23.3% (20 patients) of the elderly had a history of falls over the past 6 months. Majority of the elderly considered falls as a major concern (80 patients, 93%) and is preventable (55 patients, 64%). Patients with a medical condition reported a significantly greater number of falls within the past 6 months (p<0.001). Approximately 69% (59 patients) of the elderly were aware of their medication and associated risk of falls. In patients that were unaware of medication associated risk of falls, 81.5% (22 patients) had a potentially inappropriate medication preferred preventive interventions for medication related falls were related to strength and training programs (37 patients, 43%). The knowledge of falls, medication related falls and intervention strategies in the elderly were minimal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  4. Khan YH, Sarriff A, Khan AH, Mallhi TH
    DOI: 10.4314/tjpr.v13i1.22
    Purpose: To evaluate knowledge and perceptions of osteoporosis among university students in Malaysia belonging to different age groups, gender and ethnicity.
    Methods: Using convenience sampling method, current study was conducted among students of University Sains Malaysia (USM), Pulau Penang, Malaysia. A pre-validated self-administered questionnaire was used to carry out the study.
    Results: The mean age of the participants was 24.61 ± 5.51 years. A majority, 401 (87 %), identified osteoporosis correctly as a disease that makes bones weak and fragile. Lack of milk and dairy products were identified by majority of participants (74 %) as a risk factor for osteoporosis while being petite (24 %) and family history (34.5 %) were the least identified risk factors. Female showed statistically higher knowledge score than males (243.89 versus 216.12, p = 0.02). Ethnicity (Malay: 228.32, Chinese: 264.46, Indian: 194.04, Others: 236.94, p = 0.00) and type of education (Hybrid: 225.99, Arts: 182.21, Science: 286.23, p = 0.00) were factors that correlated significantly with knowledge and perceptions of osteoporosis.
    Conclusion: This study demonstrates an urgent need for the implementation of educational and awareness programs for university students belonging to various age groups. Such programs should be designed on the basis of the parameters of health belief model. © Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, 300001 Nigeria. All rights reserved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  5. Kohno A, Dahlui M, Nik Farid ND, Ali SH, Nakayama T
    BMJ Open, 2019 09 03;9(9):e027377.
    PMID: 31481551 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027377
    OBJECTIVE: To examine individual, familial, community and societal issues surrounding the reasons for child marriage in Kelantan, Malaysia.

    DESIGN: Qualitative study by means of semistructured interviews with women and key informants, using social-ecological model as a conceptual framework.

    SETTING: Interviews were conducted in Kota Bharu district, Kelantan, a northeast state in Peninsular Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: Eighteen women of reproductive age (18 to 44 years old) that experienced their first marriage below the age of 18, as well as five key informants, consisting of a government officer, a community leader, an officer from religious department and two mothers. The women were recruited from a reproductive health clinic. The key informants who had specialised knowledge related to child marriage were selectively chosen.

    RESULTS: Three themes emerged that aligned with the social-ecological model: immaturity in decision-making, family poverty and religious and cultural norms.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings imply that sex education and awareness-building activities regarding the consequences of child marriage must be implemented to eradicate child marriage in Malaysia. Such implementation must be coordinated as a team-based approach involving experts in such fields as law, religion, psychology, social-welfare and public health. In order to increase the awareness of child marriage consequences, the target for awareness must extend not only to the adolescent girls and their families, but also to the community and society at large by clearly communicating the negative consequences of and addressing the drivers for child marriage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  6. Rumetta J, Abdul-Hadi H, Lee YK
    J Infect Public Health, 2020 Feb;13(2):199-203.
    PMID: 31431420 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2019.07.027
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine-related diseases are increasing in developing countries. This study aimed to explore parents' reasons for refusal of childhood vaccinations in Malaysia and their recommendations on addressing their concerns.

    METHODS: A qualitative study design involving individual both face-to-face and online in-depth interview was used. The topic guide was developed from the Health Belief Model theoretical framework. Seven face-to-face and seven online interviews were conducted with parents in the Klang Valley (an urban area) who had refused childhood vaccination. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and checked. Thematic approach was used to analyze the data. Data was collected until data saturation was reached.

    RESULTS: Findings were summarized into two main categories: Personal Health Beliefs and Vaccine Related Concerns. Six personal health beliefs were identified: lack of confidence in modern medicine and health care personnel, pharmaceutical conspiracy to sell medicines, preference to a natural approach to health, personal instincts, religious beliefs and having a partner with similar beliefs. Four main vaccine-related concerns were identified: negative effects and content concerns, doubts of necessity and lack of information and knowledge regarding vaccines. Parents recommended that more empathy from healthcare professionals and evidence on safety and content purity would help them reconsider vaccination.

    CONCLUSION: Parents had multiple reasons for refusing childhood vaccinations but felt that communication and empathy from healthcare professionals was lacking. Besides individual consultations with parents, addressing these concerns at multiple levels in the health care system and society may help to increase the uptake of childhood vaccinations in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  7. Graham JE, McGilligan VE, Berrar D, Leccisotti A, Moore JE, Bron AJ, et al.
    Ophthalmic Res, 2010;43(1):11-7.
    PMID: 19829007 DOI: 10.1159/000246573
    AIM: The purpose of this study was to survey the attitudes of optometrists and ophthalmologists, located in a number of different countries, towards diagnostic tests and therapies for dry eye disease.
    METHODS: A web-based questionnaire was used to survey attitudes using forced-choice questions and Likert scales.
    RESULTS: Sixty-one respondents (23 ophthalmologists and 38 optometrists) reported a wide range of patient dry eye symptoms. A large variation in use of diagnostic tests was noted. Patient symptoms and fluorescein staining were reported to be significantly more valuable and more frequently performed than any other test. Artificial tear supplements and improved lid hygiene were the preferred therapeutic options selected by the entire group. The results demonstrated a wide variation in attitudes in relation to satisfaction with the range of available diagnostic and therapeutic options.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the interest for the issue of dry eye is relatively limited amongst eye professionals, as demonstrated by the poor participation in the questionnaire.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  8. Kalok A, Loh SYE, Chew KT, Abdul Aziz NH, Shah SA, Ahmad S, et al.
    Vaccine, 2020 02 24;38(9):2183-2189.
    PMID: 32001070 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.01.043
    BACKGROUND: Vaccine hesitancy is a complex behaviour which involves various degrees of indecision about specific vaccines or vaccination uptake. Access to antenatal care had been associated with positive vaccine behavior.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy towards childhood immunisation amongst urban pregnant mothers and the associated socio-demographic factors.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1081 women who received antenatal care at a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Vaccine hesitancy was assessed using the Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) Survey in both English and validated Malay versions. The sociodemographic data of the mothers and their partners, source of vaccine information and reasons for hesitancy were analysed.

    RESULTS: Eighty-six (8.0%) pregnant mothers were vaccine hesitant. Ethnicity, religion, number of children, educational level and employment status were significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy. Multivariable analysis showed that a low level of education was the most significant risk factor (p Health professionals was the main source of information about vaccine. The non-vaccine hesitant women were more likely to seek information from health professionals, and health books and magazine. Fear of adverse side effects of vaccines was the predominant concern for all participants (58%) whilst fear of vaccination pain, preference for alternative medicine and lack of trust in the pharmaceutical industry were significant reasons given by the vaccine hesitant group. Partners' ethnicity, a low educational level and a low income were significantly associated with vaccine hesitancy amongst pregnant mothers.

    CONCLUSION: Prevalence of vaccine hesitancy amongst urban Malaysian pregnant women was relatively low. Muslim mothers are less likely to be vaccine hesitant. Educational level of mothers and their partners are the common determinant of vaccine hesitancy amongst antenatal mothers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  9. Ahmed A, Saqlain M, Tanveer M, Tahir AH, Ud-Din F, Shinwari MI, et al.
    BMC Infect Dis, 2021 Jan 07;21(1):35.
    PMID: 33413164 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-020-05714-z
    BACKGROUND: Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), a tropically neglected infectious disease caused by Nairovirus, is endemic in low middle-income countries like Pakistan. Emergency health care professionals (HCPs) are at risk of contracting nosocomial transmission of CCHF. We, therefore, aim to analyze the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions (KAP) of at-risk physicians, nurses, and pharmacists in Pakistan and the factors associated with good KAP.

    METHOD: A validated questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha 0.71) was used to collect data from HCPs in two CCHF endemic metropolitan cities of Pakistan by employing a cross-sectional study design. For data analysis percentages, chi-square test and Spearman correlation were applied by using SPSS version 22.

    RESULTS: Of the 478 participants, 56% (n = 268) were physicians, 37.4% (n = 179) were nurses, and 6.5% (n = 31) were pharmacists. The proportion of HCPs with good knowledge, attitude, and perception scores was 54.3%, 81, and 69%, respectively. Being a physician, having more work experience, having a higher age, working in tertiary care settings, were key factors for higher knowledge (p health ministries and HCPs, in particular nurses, encouraged to follow authentic academic sources of information to prevent nosocomial transmission.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  10. Jamaludin TSS, Zakaria MA, Saidi S, Chong MC
    Objective: As the incidence of emergencies has steadily increased in recent years, it is important to en-sure that individuals, including university students, are adequately trained to deal with such events. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and awareness of, and attitudes towards, first aid among IIUM Kuantan campus students.

    Method: A quantitative cross-sectional survey with stratified random sam-pling study was conducted among 348 students at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Kuantan. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire which was adapted from Hong Kong Red Cross. The questionnaire was available in both English and the Malay language.

    Results: A total of 42.8% participants had a moderate level of first aid knowledge. However, 90.8% participants had aware-ness of and a positive attitude towards first aid knowledge. On the other hand, 55.4% of study participants had not experienced taking first aid courses and they had little knowledge of this. There were significant associations between gender, Kulliyyah or faculty, year of study, and first aid training experience, and the level of first aid knowledge based on a one-way ANOVA test with p-values of < 0.05 representing statistical significance.

    Conclusion: The findings indicate that most health sciences university students have good awareness and attitudes towards first aid. Nevertheless, implementation of regular educational programs with structured modules may be able to improve their knowledge of first aid practices and skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  11. Sowtali SN, Harith S, Mohd Shah AS, Ishak NA, Yusoff DM, Draman CR, et al.
    Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl, 2020 3 5;31(1):118-128.
    PMID: 32129204 DOI: 10.4103/1319-2442.279931
    Knowledge limitation is a major cause of the increasing number of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in Malaysia and the world. Nurses are responsible for identifying the patients' needs to come up with appropriate discharge plans which might include educational activities. The objective of this study was to determine the baseline information (socio- demographic background, as well as medical and lifestyle histories), along with educational needs of CKD patients. A total of 116 CKD patients who attended the Nephrology Clinic of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan were recruited. Patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected between April and May 2017. Data were obtained via semi-guided questionnaires; the patients were given enough time to complete the required items. The CKD educational needs' assessment consisted of seven domains: general information, chronic illness management, complications, self-management, medications, treatment, and financial status. Majority of the patients were men (53.4%), aged 54.65 ± 16.49 years, secondary school-finishers (49.1%), and jobless (48.3%). In terms of medical and life-style histories, most patients were diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (51.7%), hypertension (96.6%), diabetes (51.7%), and anemia (25.9%). The patients were interested to know the complications of kidney disease (57.8%), management of diseases like hypertension (58.6%), complications like edema (55.2%), indications for medication (73.3%), self-management or fluid control (37.9%), hemodialysis (37.1%), and financial status (21.6%). Thus, strengthening patient education strategies in the clinics, hospitals, and community settings should be given due attention by relevant healthcare professionals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  12. Chit HH, Samsudin A, Kyaing YY
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 09;75(5):568-573.
    PMID: 32918428
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of pain is high and there have also been serious complications related to undermanaged pain. Deficiency in pain education is among the causes of the problem. Studies in the last two decades have consistently reported that knowledge and attitude regarding pain management was generally poor among the medical students. The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge and attitudes among the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIAMS) final year medical students regarding pain management.

    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study and "Knowledge and Attitudes Survey Regarding Pain (KASRP)" questionnaire developed by Ferrell and McCaffery (revised in 2014) was used. Data was collected in July 2019 in which students had to complete the hard copy questionnaire before a teaching session began. Participation of students was voluntary, anonymous and written informed consent was also obtained. Data were analysed using SPSS, version 16.

    RESULTS: Out of 118 enrolled students, 110 participated in this study giving a response rate of 93%. The results showed a low number of correct response to the questions on analgesics, assessment, and treatment. The mean percentage score of correct answers was 52.23±8.67% (range: 29.27% to 70.73%). The results reflected that students were poor in both knowledge and attitude regarding pain management.

    CONCLUSION: Final year medical students, frontliners-to-be in hospital care, should have good knowledge and attitudes in pain management. Findings, however, revealed that UNIMAS final year medical students still need to get improved in this aspect of patient care. A larger study involving students from all the medical schools in Malaysia is needed before reviewing the undergraduate curriculum for pain.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  13. Lin Y, Su Z, Chen F, Zhao Q, Zimet GD, Alias H, et al.
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2021 01 02;17(1):304-315.
    PMID: 32401617 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2020.1756152
    Little is known regarding Chinese mothers' intention to vaccinate their daughters against human papillomavirus (HPV) since the HPV vaccine was approved for use in China in 2016. The aim was to explore maternal HPV vaccination acceptance, preference for 2-, 4- or 9-valent HPV vaccine and acceptance of domestically manufactured HPV vaccines. Study participants were mothers of primary school children in Southeastern region of Fujian. An online cross-sectional survey was undertaken between June and August 2019. Among the total of 3,586 completed responses (response rate 28.5%), the intention to vaccinate daughter against HPV was high (83.3%). Higher maternal education and perceived benefit and barriers were associated with greater intention to vaccinate. Among mothers who did not intend to vaccinate their daughters, the three most common reasons were daughter being too young to receive HPV vaccination (40.6%), fear of side effects (31.9%) and vaccine price is too high (16.0%). The largest proportion (41.4%) preferred their daughter to be vaccinated with the 9-valent HPV vaccine (9vHPV). Greater preference for 9vHPVwas strongly associated with higher maternal education level and annual household income. The majority of mothers expressed a preference for imported HPV vaccine (56.3%). Our result indicates that lower intentions to vaccinate daughters against HPV among less educated and lower-income mothers may lead to significant social inequalities in HPV vaccine uptake in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  14. Farah Wahida Z, Mohd Nasir MT, Hazizi AS
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Dec;17(3):325-36.
    PMID: 22655454 MyJurnal
    A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine physical activity, eating behaviour, body weight management knowledge, perception of body image and their association with body weight status of adolescents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  15. Wong SW, Chan YM, Lim TS
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Dec;17(3):277-86.
    PMID: 22655450 MyJurnal
    There is mounting evidence demonstrating the importance of adequate physical activity to promote better well-being among hemodialysis patients. Available data pertaining to the levels of physical activity and its determinants among hemodialysis patients is, however, scarce in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are hence to determine the levels of physical activity and it associated factors among hemodialysis patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  16. Shimmi SC, Kabir S, Parash MTH, Hossain ABMT, Khaing MS, Muhd Yunus R
    AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONGRESS. New Frontiers in Health: Expecting the Unexpected; Held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia; On 3rd-5th September 2019
    Introduction: The use of medicinal plants as a remedy and prevention of diseases based on practical skills, knowledge and therapies was passed down from one generation to the next. It was reported by WHO that, approximately a quarter of the modern drugs were derivatives of plants or herbs, used as traditional medicines. It has contributed greatly in the health care management as the main source of medicine for many of the rural population in Sabah. This preliminary study was carried out to observe the use of medicinal plants in different villages of Kudat and to know about the knowledge of the villagers related to possible side effects of these plants.
    Methods: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study which was carried out in different villages of Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia between August and September 2018. The data were obtained through interviewing the people in different villages by using semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data.
    Results: Among the 87 participants, 37.9% were male and 62.1% were female. Their mean age was 45.87 (±14.03) and they were mostly from Kadazan-Dusun (50.6%) and Rungus (42.5%). The highest level of education among the participants was SPM (20.7%). Roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of 49 plant species were reported in the treatment of more than 30 types of health conditions. Anaemia, hypertension, diabetes, joint pain, hypercholesterolaemia, fever, asthma, malaria, vomiting and few acute illnesses are mentionable. Majority (71%) of the participants did not have any knowledge about possible side effects of the orally ingested or tropically applied medicinal plants.
    Conclusion: There should be thorough research on dosage, mechanism of action and possible side effects of the medicinal plants and the results of these researches should reach the users of these plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  17. Farrukh MJ, Makmor-Bakry M, Hatah E, Jan TH
    BMC Complement Med Ther, 2021 Feb 04;21(1):50.
    PMID: 33541336 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-021-03224-2
    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and its impact on antiepileptic drug (AED) adherence among patients with epilepsy.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 100 epilepsy patients, aged 18 years or older that did not have any physical or psychiatric illness. A patient-administered questionnaire was used to assess their knowledge, attitude towards, practice, and perceived effectiveness (KAPP) of CAM. Established adherence assessment tools were used to determine patient medication adherence.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of CAM usage was found to be at 58%. CAM was used more frequently by males (n = 32, 60.4%) than by females (n = 26, 55.3%; p = 0.609). The most commonly used CAM included vitamins and minerals (36%), ginseng (16%), antioxidants (15%), and acupuncture (12%). A significant number of patients had low knowledge of (59%) and a positive attitude (54%) toward complementary and alternative medicine. Main reasons for using CAM were a lower price, better availability, and inadequate seizure control by AEDs. About 43% of the patients who used CAM informed their doctor. Prevalence of non-adherence to AED therapy was found to be 68%. A significant association was found between non-adherence and CAM usage (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  18. Khan M, Mahmood HZ, Noureen S, Muhmood K, Husnain MIU, Hameed Khaliq I
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Sep 01;36(3):664-676.
    PMID: 33597488
    The extent of the economic burden of malaria and its imposed mechanisms are both relevant to public policy. This paper investigates the economic burden of malaria and household behaviour in relation to the treatment and prevention of the illness in Pakistan. In this regard, data were collected from a randomly selected sample of 360 households using structured questionnaires. The survey results indicate that 23.4% of household members contracted malaria during the three-month reference period. The average per person cost of malaria is estimated at 3116 Pakistani rupees (PKR) (USD 32). The estimated cost of the illness was found to be equivalent to, on average, 6.7% of monthly household income. Although high-income households face a higher financial burden due to better preventive and mitigation measures, the negative consequences hit low-income households harder due to liquidity constraints and poor access to effective treatment. We recommend that malaria control policies be integrated into development and poverty reduction programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  19. Tun Firzara AM, Ng CJ
    BMJ Open, 2016 Sep 29;6(9):e011467.
    PMID: 27687897 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011467
    OBJECTIVE: Screening for prostate cancer remains controversial. General practitioners (GPs) play an important role in assisting men to make an informed decision on prostate cancer screening. The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and practice of prostate cancer screening among private GPs in Malaysia.
    DESIGN: A cross-sectional study.
    SETTING: Private general practices in Selangor, Malaysia.
    PARTICIPANTS: 311 randomly selected full-time private GPs were recruited between September 2013 and January 2014.
    OUTCOME MEASURES: Questionnaires were distributed to the GPs via postal mail and clinic visits. The main outcomes were: knowledge of prostate cancer risk factors and screening tests; GPs' prostate cancer screening practices; and factors influencing GPs' decision to screen for prostate cancer. Associations between covariates and propensity to screen for prostate cancer were determined using logistic regression.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 65%. The proportion of GPs who overestimated the positive predictive values of prostrate-specific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination (DRE) and a combination of PSA and DRE was 63%, 57% and 64%, respectively. About 49.5% of the respondents would routinely screen asymptomatic men for prostate cancer; of them, 94.9% would use PSA to screen. Male GPs who would consider having a PSA test performed on themselves were six times more likely to screen asymptomatic men than GPs who would not have the test (OR=6.88, 95% CI 1.40 to 33.73), after adjusting for age and duration of practice.
    CONCLUSIONS: GPs overestimated the accuracy of PSA in prostate cancer screening. Their intention to screen for prostate cancer themselves predicted their propensity to screen their patients for prostate cancer. This finding highlights the potential of using a new approach to change GPs' screening practices via addressing GPs' own screening behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
  20. Fauziah, M.N., Anita, S., Shaari, N., Ahamad, J., Senan, Pratap, Muhammad Amir, K.
    The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of HI V iryfection, risk factors and to measure the knowledge on AIDS among fishermen in Terengganu. In this survey fishermen registered with the Malaysian Fishery Development Board in Terengganu were studied. There were 600 eligible fishermen based on a list provided by the Malaysian Fishery Development Board (MFDB). Study sites were at 6 loading centres where health personnel awaited returning fishermen between 4. 00pm —7. 00 pm during a period of one month, A total of 542 registeredfshermen were studied and this corresponded to a response rate of 90.3 %. The majority of the fishermen were Malays (98.6%}, Nine fishermen were tested positive to HIV antibody and this corresponds to a
    g prevalence of I. 7%. Prevalence of HIV is higher among those with a positive history of drug use, single marital status and also among the unskilled workers who represented the socio-economically poorer group of fishermen. Almost 89% of respondents have heard about HIV/AIDS and among these, 93% received information through TV and radio. The mean knowledge score was significantly higher among fishermen admitting to drug taking, sex with prostitutes, and those who have had at least a secondary school education. The Prevalence of HIV infection among fishermen is higher than in the general population. Risk characterisation of HI V injection was statistically signyicant onlv among fishermen who gave positive history of drug used. Findings also suggest that poorer fishermen based on multiple indicators to socioeconomic status had a higher risk of being HIV positive as well as being less knowledgeable about AIDS, Health promotion strategies should focus on the use of TV and radio as an interactive medium to reach out to risk groups among fishermen as its popularity has been determined by this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
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