Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 325 in total

  1. Othman, M., Boo, H.C., Wan Rusni, W.I.
    The role of adolescents in family decision making related to food consumption in Malaysia has received comparatively little or no attention by researchers although there were evidences of differences in influences found in other countries. This study addressed the research gap by testing adolescents’ bilateral strategies in influencing their family decision using family power theory. A survey of 500 adolescents from urban area was conducted to investigate their influence based on their involvement in family consumer tasks. Key findings include strong relationship between perception of influence and rewards thus indicate the existence of strategies in adolescents influence attempt.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  2. Victor Lim
    Consent is defined as the “voluntary agreement to or acquiescence in what another person proposes or desires”. In the context of medical practice it is now universally accepted that every human being of adult years and of sound mind has the right to determine what shall be done with his or her own body. Informed consent is now a central part of medical ethics and medical law. There has been a change in the public’s expectations of their role in medical decision making. The paternalistic approach by doctors is no longer acceptable. Today the patient has the right to receive and the doctor the obligation to give sufficient and appropriate information so that the patient can make an informed decision to accept or refuse a treatment option. This has led to higher standards of practice in the process of informed consent taking. Consent taking is both a legal and moral requirement. Failure to comply with standards of practice can result in criminal prosecution, civil litigation or disciplinary action by the relevant professional authority. Consent taking is a process and not merely a one-off affixation of the patient’s signature on consent form. It involves a continuous discussion to reflect the evolving nature of treatment from before the treatment is given to the post-operative or discharge period. The regulatory authorities in many countries have established standards for consent taking which would include the capacity of the patient, the person who should seek consent, the information to be provided and the necessary documentation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Clinical Decision-Making
  3. Haidar, R.T., Ahmad Fareed, A.R., Jamsiah, M.
    Introduction : An organization performs well with proper management methods. Participation is a process involving cooperation and collaboration within all levels of individuals, groups or community for the purpose of organization improvement. Empowerment brings the organization further by delegation of power and responsibilities to others for better result.
    Methodology : This is a systematic review on various publications, articles and studies based on the findings and researches conducted by experts and scholars involved with participation and empowerment of organizations.
    Results : Participation and empowerment are crucial in every organization including healthcare. Its success depends on factors such as proper planning, mutual understanding, regular training and continuous education. They contribute towards better outcome in goal setting, decision making, problem solving and organizational development. There are also various levels of empowerment and participation depending on the type of activities, organisation’s performance and level of authority.
    Conclusion : The prerequisite for an organisation’s success is dependent upon holistic participation and appropriate empowerment. The benefits gained from these measures are indeed invaluable. It creates sense of ownership, increases motivation and satisfaction, optimizing resources, promote innovations, enhancing quality and improving efficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  4. Hing Wong A, Chin LE, Ping TL, Peng NK, Kun LS
    Indian J Palliat Care, 2016 Oct-Dec;22(4):437-445.
    PMID: 27803566
    Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of shared decision-making about future health-care plans between patients, health care providers, and family members, should patients becomes incapable of participating in medical treatment decisions. ACP discussions enhance patient's autonomy, focus on patient's values and treatment preferences, and promote patient-centered care. ACP is integrated as part of clinical practice in Singapore and the United States.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  5. Mohan, Jai
    The importance of incorporating medical (or health) informatics into the education of medical students and medical practitioners is being increasingly recognised. The advances in information and communication technology and the pervasion of the Internet into everyday life have important implications for healthcare services and medical education. Students and practitioners should learn to utilise biomedical information for problem solving and decision making based on evidence. The extensive introduction of electronic health information systems into hospitals and clinics and at the enterprise level in Malaysia and elsewhere is driving a demand for health professionals who have at least basic skills in and appreciation of the use of these technologies. The essential clinical informatics skills have been identified and should be incorporated into the undergraduate medical curriculum. It is recommended that these be introduced in stages and integrated into existing programmes rather than taught as a separate module. At the same time, medical schools should support the integration of e-learning in the educational process in view of the numerous potential benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  6. Fashiham Taib, Nur Arzuar Abdul Rahim, Mohd Rizal Mohd Zain, Mohamad Ikram Ilias, Nik Mohd Rizal Mohd Fakri, Zabidi Azhar Hussin
    The paper discusses on the complexity of the issues surrounding a patient with subluxation of cervical spine in a Down syndrome child. Several relevant issues are discussed including consent in a minor, conflicting decision making between parents and doctors, end-of-life issues, supporting handicapped child with minimal co-morbidities, community ethics, neglect of care by the caregiver and decision making after allowing zonal of parental discretion. Despite the difficulties surrounding parental actions, there are still ethical priorities which have to be considered individually to alleviate the suffering of the patients and the family members. Dealing with patients with chronic illnesses is a challenge for any medical doctors. The case warrants sensitive approach to allow appropriate respect for parental decision despite in disagreement with the clinical team. The term ‘zone of parental discretion’ refers to a controversial area of decision making; and has still many potential conflicts on day to day clinical cases, especially among the conservative society in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  7. Kumurasamy V, Ahmad Fairuz M, Taib F, Mat Pa MN, Mohd Nazri S, Norzila Z, et al.
    This paper discusses the ethical issues of patient autonomy based on a case of a patient who refused medication during Ramadhan fasting period. Issues on patient autonomy include the right of a patient to refuse medication, informed decision making, the importance of effective communication and the physician roles and responsibilities are discussed. In conclusion, patient autonomy must be respected and valued. However, the need of effective communication in facilitating informed decision making to improve doctor-patient relationship, should not be overlooked and compromised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  8. van Rostenberghe H, Yong A, Mohd Zin F, Fuad MDF, Idris B, Tahir NA, et al.
    Autonomy is widely accepted to be the third pillar of medical ethics. However, if it comes to refusal of life saving treatments, some extra considerations are necessary, especially if decisions are made by surrogate decision makers. Four cases of problematic decision making are presented here, followed by a discussion about the cultural and religious misconceptions about the rights of surrogate decision makers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  9. Nur Azriati Mat, Aida Mauziah Benjamin, Syariza Abdul-Rahman
    The selection of landfill, which happens to be an environmental issue, has attracted
    the attention of many researchers from the fields of waste management and
    environmental sciences worldwide. Hence, in the attempt to overcome this problem,
    some decision-making techniques, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), have been widely utilized in prior studies,
    where multiple criteria, particularly in site selection process, have been employed.
    With that, this article identifies the selection criteria for landfill selection and presents
    a review concerning decision-making techniques that have been used in past studies
    for two important phases involved during the process of site selection, namely, (1)
    preliminary site screening, and (2) assessment of site suitability. As such, some 82
    articles chosen from 34 peer-reviewed journals had been investigated in detail. The
    results showed that 42.68% of the selected articles integrated GIS and MCDA
    techniques to solve the problem of landfill site selection, and this is followed by
    integrating GIS and fuzzy MCDA technique (18.29%). Both these techniques are indeed
    powerful tools that can guide decision-makers to solve problems in making decisions
    on the basis of various criteria under certainty and uncertainty results, mainly involving
    environmental issues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  10. Nathan, Sanmuga
    This quasi-experimental study examined the effectiveness of SET pedagogical style training that combined teaching style E (Inclusion style) from Mosston Spectrum of Teaching Styles (Mosston & Ashworth, 2002) with Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), in hockey. A total of n=25, Form One low-skilled students (LSS) secondary school boys were involved in this study using Physical Education class for the duration of nine weeks. The effectiveness of the SET pedagogical style of training on LSS in hockey was measured using speed and accuracy executing general hockey skills, acquisition of declarative and procedural hockey knowledge as well as ball control, decision making (passing, tackling, dribbling and scoring) and skill execution (passing, tackling, dribbling and scoring) in 3 vs 3 game play. The data was analysed using MANCOVA together with other two training styles, which was not disclosed in this article. Findings indicated there were significant improvements in speed and accuracy executing hockey general skills, declarative and procedural knowledge using SET pedagogical style of training. Findings too revealed the SET style was able to develop significantly game components of ball control, decision makng and skill execution in 3 vs 3 game plays at posttest among LSS group. Conclusion, further research has to be done to validate the SET pedagogical style of training across many invasion games.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  11. Rabihah Md. Sum
    Risk management requires human judgements, from risk identification, assessment to response. Although automated tools are useful in handling large amounts of data and in performing complex calculations rapidly, humans undertake the entire risk management process. They bring to the process their intuitions, insights, previous experiences and skills. Therefore, creating a rich source of information of risks faced by an organisation. Ignoring human factors may impoverish information and limit risk management to only measurable factors. This study contributes to the field of decision-making and risk assessment by investigating and discussing in detail how to quantify subjective judgements using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is used to assess risk of an insurance company. It discusses how to do risk assessment by combining both intuition and analytic in the decision-making process. The study defines intuition as knowledge and experience, and analytic as the mathematics or quantitative analysis to derive the result. It demonstrates how Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) - a flexible multi-attribute or multi-criteria decision making tool, enables risk managers to use both intuition and analytic to do risk assessment. Risk assessment using AHP produces global priority weights representing the overall risk ranking of an insurance company. The study develops a risk assessment problem and uses AHP to organise and structure risks and sub-risks of the problem. It uses formative evaluation method with open-ended questionnaires to obtain feedbacks from risk managers on AHP. Three employees of a risk management department in a government agency assesses the risks using AHP. AHP strengths are easy to use and understand, improves risk assessment and useful for risk assessment problems that have scarce or no data. AHP limitation are the numbers and repetitiveness of the pairwise comparisons. The participants either ignore some of the pairwise questions or they answer randomly instead of deliberate judgements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  12. Moga Dass T, Sabri MF
    The main purpose of this study is to understand the financial status of urban poor community in Kuala Lumpur and factors affecting their personal well-being. The sampling size of this research is 1,064 respondents chosen by using systematic sampling method. The data was obtained by using selfadministered questionnaires and the data being analysed by descriptive analysis meanwhile and multi regression analysis. The results shows that the urban poor community in Kuala Lumpur are having a moderate level of financial literacy possess a less effective financial behaviour, experiencing a high financial strain and adapting a moderate level of personal well-being. Besides that, the results also indicates that the financial literacy has no influence on personal well-being of the urban poor community, meanwhile financial behaviour has a positive influence and financial strain has a negative influence on the personal well-being of the urban poor community. The findings of the study suggest the government and non-government organisation such as Economic Planning Unit ((EPU), Kuala Lumpur City Hall (KLCH or DBKL), Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM), Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (CCDM or AKPK), Federation of Consumer Association (FOMCA) to make an inclusive effort and approach to improve the personal well-being of the urban poor. By understanding more about the financial status of the urban poor community, it is hoped to help them to become financial prudence and in the long-run could lead them into a good decision making while facing conflicts in financial issues and maintain a good quality of life. It is important to ensure the urban poor consumers have better financial management skills which lead them to make the right decision in order to enhance their personal well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  13. Suhartono Nurdin, Muzzneena Ahmad Mustapha, Tukimat Lihan, Mazlan Abd Ghaffar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:225-232.
    Analysis of relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) improves our understanding on the variability and productivity of the marine environment, which is important for exploring fishery resources. Monthly level 3 and daily level 1 images of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Satellite (MODIS) derived SST and chl-a from July 2002 to June 2011 around the archipelagic waters of Spermonde Indonesia were used to investigate the relationship between SST and chl-a and to forecast the potential fishing ground of Rastrelliger kanagurta. The results indicated that there was positive correlation between SST and chl-a (R=0.3, p<0.05). Positive correlation was also found between SST and chl-a with the catch of R. kanagurta (R=0.7, p<0.05). The potential fishing grounds of R. kanagurta were found located along the coast (at accuracy of 76.9%). This study indicated that, with the integration of remote sensing technology, statistical modeling and geographic information systems (GIS) technique were able to determine the relationship between SST and chl-a and also able to forecast aggregation of R. kanagurta. This may contribute in decision making and reducing search hunting time and cost in fishing activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  14. Lailawati Madlan E, Abdul Adib A, Chua BS, Ferlis Bullare B, Jasmine Adela M, Rosnah I
    Social emotional intelligence, a combination between emotion and social intelligence, is a very important aspect of one's self. It is divided into five components which is intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptation and general mood. Social emotional intelligence directly affects the behavior, emotion and decision making of an individual. Secondary school students are a group of early teenager and still in the process of identity formation. Therefore, it is important to know the social emotional intelligence of adaptability skills especially among school students as it has long-term impact on their performance. The main objective of this study is to examine the social emotional intelligence scores among high school students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The sample in this study consisted of Form One to Form Six students from various schools around Kota Kinabalu. A set of questionnaire used in this study is The Emotional Quotient Inventory Youth Version (EQ-i: YV) designed by Bar-On and Parker (2000) contains 60 questions with four likert scale. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 24.0. The results of this study showed that the social emotional intelligence as a whole is at a moderate level. Meanwhile, there are differences in adaptability skills between male and female students, where the mean score for male students is higher than female students. As for the implication, related parties such as ministries of education, parents and the community can obtain relevant information for the purpose of implementation of programs and activities to enhance emotional intelligence and adaptability skills that are appropriate to the current generation Z.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  15. Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, Noresah Mohd Shariff, Dony, Jiloris F., Saiful Aman Sulaiman
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;2(1):75-88.
    An innovative health information system can be used to support the control of tuberculosis (TB) in Malaysia. The existing system of MyTB has helped in the national TB information management and decision-making process. However, the system can be further enhanced by producing a prototype of Geospatial Tuberculosis Information System (GeoTBiS). It is a geospatial decision support system that was initially proposed in Shah Alam, Selangor. Geospatial data has spatio-temporal characteristics that can be used to understand the basic elements of TB aetiology, while geospatial operations are employed to collect, manage and disseminate the data in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. The disease map and epidemiological risk analysis are produced using a global positioning system (GPS), satellite imagery, geostatistical analysis and web mapping services. This GeoTBiS has demonstrated the geospatial capabilities in enhancing the current system functions, and several recommendations towards a practicable application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  16. Roza S, Junainah S, Izzuna MMG, Ku Nurhasni KAR, Yusof MAM, Noormah MD, et al.
    PMID: 30864531 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462319000023
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the evolution of health technology assessment (HTA) in Malaysia over the past decade.

    METHODS: We described the evolution of HTA program in Malaysia based on review of administrative data, publicly available information and quantitative description of impact evaluation.

    RESULTS: Health Technology Assessment HTA was formalized in Malaysia in 1995 as a central structure within the Ministry of Health, Malaysia in 1995. Expansion of activities demonstrated over the years including Horizon Scanning of health technologies and implementation of evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Improvement on the processes in terms of types of report, quality, monitoring, and impact evaluation as well as accessibility was also carried out. Examples of impact/influence of the reports have also been demonstrated.

    CONCLUSIONS: HTA program in Malaysia has evolved over the past decades. Its role in policy formulation and decision making of health technologies has become more significant over the years and is foreseen to be bigger in the future. As a trusted source of evidence, HTA in Malaysia will continue to strengthen the health system by advocating informed decision making and value-based medicine. As other countries in this region is trying to establish their own HTA processes and procedures, this review on the evolution of the HTA program in Malaysia might give some insights on developing a sustainable HTA program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  17. Yong YK, Tan HY, Saeidi A, Wong WF, Vignesh R, Velu V, et al.
    Front Microbiol, 2019;10:2789.
    PMID: 31921004 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02789
    Tuberculosis (TB) treatment monitoring is paramount to clinical decision-making and the host biomarkers appears to play a significant role. The currently available diagnostic technology for TB detection is inadequate. Although GeneXpert detects total DNA present in the sample regardless live or dead bacilli present in clinical samples, all the commercial tests available thus far have low sensitivity. Humoral responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) antigens are generally low, which precludes the use of serological tests for TB diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring. Mtb-specific CD4+ T cells correlate with Mtb antigen/bacilli burden and hence might serve as good biomarkers for monitoring treatment progress. Omics-based techniques are capable of providing a more holistic picture for disease mechanisms and are more accurate in predicting TB disease outcomes. The current review aims to discuss some of the recent advances on TB biomarkers, particularly host biomarkers that have the potential to diagnose and differentiate active TB and LTBI as well as their use in disease prognosis and treatment monitoring.
    Matched MeSH terms: Clinical Decision-Making
  18. Mokhtar, M., Shuib, A., Mohamad, D.
    Portfolio optimisation is one of the most crucial issues in investment decision-making and has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. Traditionally, the portfolio optimisation models are formulated based on the assumption that investors have complete information on the distribution of random returns. However, in real life case, this is not possible since decisions have to be made under uncertainty. This paper deals with a fuzzy portfolio optimisation problem in which returns and turnover rates of securities are represented by fuzzy variables. A goal programming model is proposed to optimise three objectives: maximisation of portfolio return, maximisation of liquidity and minimisation of the portfolio risk. The cardinality constraints, floor and ceiling constraints are also taken into consideration. Finally, a numerical experiment using real data is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  19. Pines R, Sheeran N, Jones L, Pearson A, Pamoso AH, Jin YB, et al.
    Med Care Res Rev, 2023 Apr;80(2):205-215.
    PMID: 35815591 DOI: 10.1177/10775587221108749
    Inadequate consideration has been given to patient preferences for patient-centered care (PCC) across countries or cultures in our increasingly global society. We examined what 1,698 participants from the United States, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Australia described as important when making health care decisions. Analysis of frequencies following directed content coding of open-ended questions revealed differences in patients' preferences for doctor behaviors and decision-making considerations across countries. Being well informed by their doctor emerged as most important in decision-making, especially in Hong Kong. Participants in Australia and the United States wanted their doctor to meet their emotional needs. The safety and efficacy of treatments were the most common consideration, especially for Hong Kong. Findings suggest that doctors should focus on information exchange and identifying patient concerns about efficacy, lifestyle impact, cost, and recovery speed. Rather than assuming patients prefer shared decision-making, doctors must assess patient's decision control preferences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
  20. Husin MN, Khan AR, Awan NUH, Campena FJH, Tchier F, Hussain S
    PLoS One, 2024;19(5):e0302276.
    PMID: 38713692 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302276
    Based on topological descriptors, QSPR analysis is an incredibly helpful statistical method for examining many physical and chemical properties of compounds without demanding costly and time-consuming laboratory tests. Firstly, we discuss and provide research on kidney cancer drugs using topological indices and done partition of the edges of kidney cancer drugs which are based on the degree. Secondly, we examine the attributes of nineteen drugs casodex, eligard, mitoxanrone, rubraca, and zoladex, etc and among others, using linear QSPR model. The study in the article not only demonstrates a good correlation between TIs and physical characteristics with the QSPR model being the most suitable for predicting complexity, enthalpy, molar refractivity, and other factors and a best-fit model is attained in this study. This theoretical approach might benefit chemists and professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to forecast the characteristics of kidney cancer therapies. This leads towards new opportunities to paved the way for drug discovery and the formation of efficient and suitable treatment options in therapeutic targeting. We also employed multicriteria decision making techniques like COPRAS and PROMETHEE-II for ranking of said disease treatment drugs and physicochemical characteristics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Decision Making
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