Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 274 in total

  1. Ngalimat MS, Mohd Hata E, Zulperi D, Ismail SI, Ismail MR, Mohd Zainudin NAI, et al.
    Microorganisms, 2021 Mar 26;9(4).
    PMID: 33810209 DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9040682
    As a major food crop, rice (Oryza sativa) is produced and consumed by nearly 90% of the population in Asia with less than 9% produced outside Asia. Hence, reports on large scale grain losses were alarming and resulted in a heightened awareness on the importance of rice plants' health and increased interest against phytopathogens in rice. To serve this interest, this review will provide a summary on bacterial rice pathogens, which can potentially be controlled by plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). Additionally, this review highlights PGPB-mediated functional traits, including biocontrol of bacterial rice pathogens and enhancement of rice plant's growth. Currently, a plethora of recent studies address the use of PGPB to combat bacterial rice pathogens in an attempt to replace existing methods of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that often lead to environmental pollutions. As a tool to combat bacterial rice pathogens, PGPB presented itself as a promising alternative in improving rice plants' health and simultaneously controlling bacterial rice pathogens in vitro and in the field/greenhouse studies. PGPB, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Streptomyces, are now very well-known. Applications of PGPB as bioformulations are found to be effective in improving rice productivity and provide an eco-friendly alternative to agroecosystems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  2. Sherman A, Rubinstein M, Eshed R, Benita M, Ish-Shalom M, Sharabi-Schwager M, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2015;15:277.
    PMID: 26573148 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-015-0663-6
    Germplasm collections are an important source for plant breeding, especially in fruit trees which have a long duration of juvenile period. Thus, efforts have been made to study the diversity of fruit tree collections. Even though mango is an economically important crop, most of the studies on diversity in mango collections have been conducted with a small number of genetic markers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  3. Hossain MA, Islam JMM, Hoque MM, Nahar S, Khan MA
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05881.
    PMID: 33458447 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05881
    Sodium alginate oligomers were tested for tea plant growth promoter and anti-fungal agent in this experiment. Sodium alginate solutions were irradiated by Co-60 gamma radiation with different radiation doses to produce the oligomers. Irradiated solutions were then diluted into 150, 300 and 500 ppm prior to foliar application. Solutions were applied through foliar spraying at 7 days interval and the best response of tea plants in terms of various attributes were recorded. Tea buds were collected in 10 days of interval and the growth attributes like- total number of buds, fresh weight of buds, average leaf area and weight per bud, weight of made tea etc. were calculated. The experiment was continued up to 12 weeks and the attributes were averaged to get results per plucking. 12 kGy radiation doses along with 300ppm solution showed the best results and about 36% increase in productivity was found based on the fresh weight of buds. Total fungal count in tea leaves was also found to be reduced greatly. Based on the present study, irradiated sodium alginate could be used as safe and environmentally friendly agent to increase tea production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  4. Ummu Afifah Fadzir, Deny Susanti Darnis, Basma Ezzat Mustafa, Khairani Idah Mokhtar
    Linum usitatissimum commonly known as flaxseed is one of the oldest crops traditionally cultivated
    mainly for its oil purposes. Flaxseed is widely known for its rich source of nutritive and bioactive compounds. Recently, it has gained considerable interest due to the potential health benefits attributed to its component of metabolites, including its antimicrobial properties. Two main components of flaxseed, the unsaturated fatty acids and lignan, are suggested as the main metabolites that exhibit antimicrobial activities. This paper aims to give an overview on fatty acid and phenolic compound in flaxseed and their possible activities as antimicrobial agents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  5. Muhammad Faris bin Md Yusoff, Suhaizan binti Lob, Nurul Faziha Ibrahim
    Vermicomposting is a process that involves biological, chemical and physical transformations of solid organic materials such as agricultural residues of plant and animal through the use of microorganisms and earthworms. There are three main classes of earthworms, and only those from one class are usually used for vermicomposting. However, mostly foreign earthworms are used in the setup. Foreign earthworms are more expensive and harder to obtain than local earthworms. This makes the local farmers reluctant to try since they are expensive. The difference in vermicompost using two species of epigeic earthworms, a local earthworm and a foreign earthworm (Eisenia fetida), and normal compost without any earthworms was measured in this study. Both species of earthworms were placed in identical vermibeds consisting of partially composted goat manure and partially composted spent coconut flakes (SCF) with the ratio of 5:1 respectively in terms of weight. The vermibed moisture content was maintained at 60 – 70% throughout the whole process. The end products showed a difference from one another. The E. fetida showed a better result compared to the local earthworms in terms of the nutrient content presence and the adaptability of the earthworms during the whole process. However, the end product from the local earthworms was still better compared to the normal compost without any earthworms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  6. Norhani Mohidin, Chia, Jho Yan, Mohd Norhafizun Mohd Saman, Nazeem Desai
    Patients who lost their eyes as results of accidents or diseases (e.g. retinoblastoma) usually underwent enucleation or evisceration. They were then fi tted with ocular prosthesis to prevent collapse of the globe and also for cosmetic effects. Custom made ocular prosthesis is almost unheard of in this country for most hospitals supply ready-made (stock) prosthesis. The cosmetic results of stock prosthesis are often unsatisfactory. Besides being uncomfortable, stock prosthesis may also induce allergic reaction that may lead to papillary conjunctivitis. The Optometry Clinic at UKM started its custom made prosthetic service in 2010. We described here two cases of patients who complained of discomfort with their old stock prosthesis and re-fitted with custom made prosthesis. We also highlight the importance of proper hygiene and maintenance so that ocular prosthesis can be used for as long as possible. This article aims to create awareness among eye care practitioners and showcase the cosmetic benefi ts of custom made ocular prosthesis.
    Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  7. Shaeran TAT, Samsudin AR
    Case Rep Dent, 2018;2018:6540945.
    PMID: 29971169 DOI: 10.1155/2018/6540945
    Introduction: Dislodgement of orthodontic appliance into operation wounds may occur while performing orthognathic surgery. Its occurrence is commonly associated with bonded upper molar tube.

    Case Report: A 25-year-old gentleman presented with recurrent upper right vestibular abscess three months following a bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. A bonded molar orthodontic tube had dislodged into the wound during the operation. The clinical presentation initially mimics an odontogenic infection until our investigations revealed that it originated from the dislodged appliance. The abscess was drained, the wound site was explored, and the molar tube and neighbouring rigid fixation plates and screws were removed. The patient recovered well following the procedure.

    Conclusion: Dislodged metal orthodontic appliance in oral wound acts as a foreign body that may exert allergic reactions, infection, or inflammation. Pre- and postoperative intraoral examination of fixed orthodontic appliances including its count should be recorded in orthognathic surgery protocol.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  8. Ilangkovan M, Jantan I, Bukhari SN
    Phytomedicine, 2016 Nov 15;23(12):1441-1450.
    PMID: 27765364 DOI: 10.1016/j.phymed.2016.08.002
    BACKGROUND: Phyllanthin found in many Phyllanthus species has various biochemical and pharmacological properties especially on its hepatoprotective effects. However, its effect on the immune system has not been well documented.

    PURPOSE: In the present study, phyllanthin isolated from Phyllanthus amarus was investigated for its immunosuppressive effects on various cellular and humoral immune responses in Balb/C mice.

    METHODS: Male mice were treated daily at 20, 40 and 100mg/kg of phyllanthin for 14 days by oral gavage. The effects of phyllanthin on cellular immune responses in treated /non treated mice were determined by measuring CD 11b/CD 18 integrin expression, phagocytosis, nitric oxide (NO) production, myeloperoxidase activity (MPO), T and B cells proliferation, lymphocyte phenotyping, serum cytokines production by activated T-cells and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). Its effects on humoral immune responses were evaluated by determining the serum levels of lysozyme and ceruloplasmin, and immunoglobulins (IgG and IgM).

    RESULTS: Phyllanthin dose-dependently inhibited CD11b/CD18 adhesion, the engulfment of E. coli by peritoneal macrophages molecules, NO and MPO release in treated mice. Phyllanthin caused significant and dose-dependent inhibition of T and B lymphocytes proliferation and down-regulation of the Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-γ) and Th2 (IL-4) cytokines. Phyllanthin at 100mg/kg caused a significant reduction in the percentage expression of CD4(+) and CD8(+) in splenocytes and the inhibition was comparable to that of cyclosporin A at 50mg/kg. At 100mg/kg, phyllanthin also dose-dependently exhibited strong inhibition on the sheep red blood cell (sRBC)-induced swelling rate of mice paw in DTH. Significant inhibition of serum levels of ceruloplasmin and lysozyme were observed in mice fed with higher doses (40 and 100mg/kg) of phyllanthin. Anti-sRBC immunoglobulins (IgM and IgG) antibody titer was down-regulated in immunized and phyllanthin-treated mice in a dose-dependent manner with maximum inhibition being observed at 100mg/kg.

    CONCLUSION: The strong inhibitory effects of phyllanthin on the cellular and humoral immune responses suggest that phyllanthin may be a good candidate for development into an effective immunosuppressive agent.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed/blood; Hypersensitivity, Delayed/immunology; Hypersensitivity, Delayed/pathology
  9. Wilson DB, Wilson ME
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1937;30:431-448.
    DOI: 10.1016/S0035-9203(37)90131-7
    1. 1. The results of various studies by other workers on the spleen and parasite rates in Indians, Malays and Bantu are summarized. 2. 2. The results of our own observations on Khonds in India, and on Masai and Bantu in East Africa are also summarized and compared with the foregoing and with one another. 3. 3. It is pointed out that wide differences may be found in the malarial status of communities in the same country and, in the case of the Bantu, of the same race; while close similarities occur in different countries. 4. 4. The results of experimental infections in birds and monkeys are cited and interpreted in terms of the two states of allergy and immunity. The probable significance of these is illustrated by reference to the role of the two states in tuberculosis. 5. 5. It is suggested that the observed contrasts in the spleen and parasite rates in diverse communities may also be explained in terms of immunity and hypersensitivity. 6. 6. It is concluded that the immune status is dependent not on race but on the frequency of infection; and that the most accurate index of endemicity is the frequency of infections in the non-immune, that is the rate in early infancy. 7. 7. While a consideration of the Spleen Rate and Endemic Index may be of value in forming an estimate of endemicity and immunity when similar communities are being compared, these indices may be misleading when the epidemiological surroundings are dissimilar. 8. 8. A consideration of the variation with age in the spleen and parasite rates throws more light on endemicity and immunity and on such variation a rough classification may be made into immune and sub-immune communities. 9. 9. But it is suggested that by far the most sensitive index at present available for field studies is the average parasite count, and its variation with age. c 1937.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  10. Pang SL, Ho KL, Waterman J, Rambo RP, Teh AH, Mathavan I, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 Mar 20;9(1):4933.
    PMID: 30894561 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40879-x
    Group 21 and 5 allergens are homologous house dust mite proteins known as mid-tier allergens. To reveal the biological function of group 21 allergens and to understand better the allergenicity of the rDer f 21 allergen, we determined the 1.5 Å crystal structure of rDer f 21 allergen from Dermatophagoides farinae. The rDer f 21 protein consists of a three helical bundle, similar to available structures of group 21 and homologous group 5 allergens. The rDer f 21 dimer forms a hydrophobic binding pocket similar to the one in the Der p 5 allergen, which indicates that both of the homologous groups could share a similar function. By performing structure-guided mutagenesis, we mutated all 38 surface-exposed polar residues of the rDer f 21 allergen and carried out immuno-dot blot assays using 24 atopic sera. Six residues, K10, K26, K42, E43, K46, and K48, which are located in the region between the N-terminus and the loop 1 of rDer f 21 were identified as the major IgE epitopes of rDer f 21. Epitope mapping of all potential IgE epitopes on the surface of the rDer f 21 crystal structure revealed heterogeneity in the sIgE recognition of the allergen epitopes in atopic individuals. The higher the allergen-sIgE level of an individual, the higher the number of epitope residues that are found in the allergen. The results illustrate the clear correlation between the number of specific major epitope residues in an allergen and the sIgE level of the atopic population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  11. Zainal-Abidin RA, Zainal Z, Mohamed-Hussein ZA, Sew YS, Simoh S, Ab Razak S, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:105806.
    PMID: 32566707 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105806
    The genomics and genetic data of pigmented and non-pigmented Malaysian rice varieties are still limited. Hence, we performed the genome resequencing of two black rice varieties (Bali, Pulut Hitam 9), two red rice varieties (MRM16, MRQ100) and two white rice varieties (MR297 and MRQ76) using Illumina HiSeq 4000 platform with 30x sequencing coverage. We aimed to identify and annotate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the genome of these four pigmented and two non-pigmented rice varieties. The potential SNPs will be used in developing the functional SNP markers related to nutritional (i.e. antioxidant, folate, amylose) and quality (i.e. aromatic) traits. Raw data of the pigmented and non-pigmented rice varieties have been deposited into the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) database with accession number PRJEB29070 and PRJEB32344, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  12. Lim K, Abdul Hamid MA, Shamsudin R, Al-Hardan NH, Mansor I, Chiu W
    Materials (Basel), 2016 Apr 20;9(4).
    PMID: 28773425 DOI: 10.3390/ma9040300
    In this paper, we address the synthesis of nano-coalesced microstructured zinc oxide thin films via a simple thermal evaporation process. The role of synthesis temperature on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of the prepared zinc oxide samples was deeply investigated. The obtained photoluminescence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy outcomes will be used to discuss the surface structure defects of the prepared samples. The results indicated that the prepared samples are polycrystalline in nature, and the sample prepared at 700 °C revealed a tremendously c-axis oriented zinc oxide. The temperature-driven morphological evolution of the zinc oxide nano-coalesced microstructures was perceived, resulting in transformation of quasi-mountain chain-like to pyramidal textured zinc oxide with increasing the synthesis temperature. The results also impart that the sample prepared at 500 °C shows a higher percentage of the zinc interstitial and oxygen vacancies. Furthermore, the intensity of the photoluminescence emission in the ultraviolet region was enhanced as the heating temperature increased from 500 °C to 700 °C. Lastly, the growth mechanism of the zinc oxide nano-coalesced microstructures is discussed according to the reaction conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity
  13. Seow I, Siew ZY, Wong ST, Wong SF, Fang CM, Kan MS, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2024 Dec 01;41(4):450-460.
    PMID: 39876502 DOI: 10.47665/tb.41.4.005
    House Dust Mites (HDMs) like Dermatophagoides farinae (D. farinae), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D. pteronyssinus) and Blomia tropicalis (B. tropicalis) were found all over the world. Their relationship with allergy diseases was one of the focal points of epidemiological investigations spanning various geographical regions globally but specifically in regions with warm temperatures. Their omnipresence underscores their pivotal role in the etiology and exacerbation of some respiratory disorders, emphasizing their significance as environmental allergens. Despite the availability of numerous eradication treatments ranging from sun exposure to ozone-based approaches, the quest for efficacious HDM eradication encounters obstacles due to the diversity in study methodologies employed to evaluate these different intervention strategies. This methodological heterogeneity complicates the quantification of treatment efficacy, impeding the establishment of definitive criteria distinguishing "effective" from "ineffective" approaches. Despite the urgency of developing solutions, current efforts are hindered by this lack of consensus. This review aims to bridge this gap by synthesizing existing knowledge on HDM eradication strategies and discussing their efficacy, safety, and practicality. By addressing these discrepancies, this article endeavors to provide insights and clues for the future development of evidence-based interventions aimed at mitigating HDM infestations and ultimately reducing its sensitization rate worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  14. Das S
    ANZ J Surg, 2008 Nov;78(11):939.
    PMID: 18959687 DOI: 10.1111/j.1445-2197.2008.04708.x
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
  15. Wong HT, Shahrizal TA, Prepageran N, Lim WK, Raman R
    Ear Nose Throat J, 2007 May;86(5):292-4.
    PMID: 17580811
    We conducted a prospective study of 60 patients in a tertiary care referral center to ascertain the status of cell-mediated immunity as determined by delayed hypersensitivity reactions in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) or allergic rhinitis. Delayed hypersensitivity as detected by Mantoux testing is generally accepted as a reflection of the level of cell-mediated immunoactivity-the less hypersensitivity reaction that occurs, the lower the level of immunoactivity is, and vice versa. Our study population was made up of three groups: 20 newly diagnosed patients with NPC (pretreatment), 20 age- and sex-matched patients with allergic rhinitis, and 20 matched controls without either disease. A negative Mantoux test (0- to 5-mm induration) was seen in 13 patients with NPC (65.0%), in 17 patients with allergic rhinitis (85.0%), and in 16 controls (80.0%); none of these differences was statistically significant. However, it is interesting that while the NPC group had the lowest percentage of negative Mantoux results overall, it had the highest percentage of patients who had no reaction at all (i.e., 0-mm induration); a complete absence of any reaction was seen in 7 of the 13 Mantoux-negative NPC patients (53.8%), compared with 2 of the 17 Mantoux-negative allergic rhinitis patients (11.8%) and 3 of the 16 Mantoux-negative controls (18.8%). An absence of a reaction generally indicates a very limited degree of cell-mediated immunoactivity. Therefore, we conclude that patients with NPC appear to have significantly less cell-mediated immunity than do patients with allergic rhinitis and normal controls; no statistically significant difference was noted between the latter two groups.
    Study site: ENT clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity/complications*
  16. Sosroseno W, Bird PS, Gemmell E, Seymour GJ
    Oral Dis, 2006 Jul;12(4):387-94.
    PMID: 16792724
    To determine whether oral tolerance with the oral bacterium Actinomyces viscosus was inducible in mice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed/immunology
  17. Yeang HY, Arif SA, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Loke YH, Sander I, Sulong SH, et al.
    J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2004 Sep;114(3):593-8.
    PMID: 15356563 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2004.05.039
    Sensitization to natural rubber latex has been linked to proteins from medical latex gloves. Various assays to estimate the amount of residual allergenic proteins extractable from latex gloves to assess their potential exposure hazard have inherent weaknesses.

    This investigation was aimed at developing 2-site immunoenzymetric assays and identifying appropriate protein markers to assess the allergenic potential of latex gloves.

    The presence of 6 latex allergens--Hev b 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 13--was measured in a cross-section of commercial latex medical gloves by using monoclonal and polyclonal antibody-based 2-site immunoenzymetric assays. The overall allergenic potential of these gloves was assessed by IgE-inhibition assay. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to identify marker allergens that best explained the variation in latex glove allergenicity.

    All 6 latex allergens were detected in at least some of the glove samples. Hev b 5 and Hev b 13 were identified as the marker allergens that combined best to explain the variation in the glove allergenicity. The significant multiple correlation (R=0.855) between these 2 markers and glove allergenic potency forms the basis of an assay to gauge latex glove allergenicity.

    The overall allergenic potential of latex gloves can be estimated by using Hev b 5 and Hev b 13 as indicator allergens. The correlation between glove allergenicity and the level of these allergens was maintained for low-protein gloves (<200 microg/g). This estimation of glove allergenicity was superior to that obtained by using total protein readings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Latex Hypersensitivity/prevention & control
  18. Norbäck D, Hashim JH, Markowicz P, Cai GH, Hashim Z, Ali F, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2016 Mar 1;545-546:95-103.
    PMID: 26745297 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.072
    This paper studied associations between ocular symptoms, rhinitis, throat and dermal symptoms, headache and fatigue in students by ethnicity and in relation to exposure to chemical microbial markers and fungal DNA in vacuumed dust in schools in Malaysia. A total of 462 students from 8 randomly selected secondary schools in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, participated (96% response rate). Dust was vacuumed from 32 classrooms and analysed for levels of five types of endotoxin as 3-hydroxy fatty acids (C10, C12, C14, C16 and C18 3-OH), muramic acid, ergosterol and five sequences of fungal DNA. Multiple logistic regression was applied. Totally 11.9% reported weekly ocular symptoms, 18.8% rhinitis, 15.6% throat and 11.1% dermal symptoms, 20.6% headache and 22.1% tiredness. Totally 21.1% reported pollen or furry pet allergy (atopy) and 22.0% parental asthma or allergy. Chinese students had less headache than Malay and Indian had less rhinitis and less tiredness than Malay. Parental asthma/allergy was a risk factor for ocular (odds ratio=3.79) and rhinitis symptoms (OR=3.48). Atopy was a risk factor for throat symptoms (OR=2.66), headache (OR=2.13) and tiredness (OR=2.02). There were positive associations between amount of fine dust in the dust samples and ocular symptoms (p<0.001) and rhinitis (p=0.006). There were positive associations between C14 3-OH and rhinitis (p<0.001) and between C18 3-OH and dermal symptoms (p=0.007). There were negative (protective) associations between levels of total endotoxin (LPS) (p=0.004) and levels of ergosterol (p=0.03) and rhinitis and between C12 3-OH and throat symptoms (p=0.004). In conclusion, the amount of fine dust in the classroom was associated with rhinitis and other SBS symptoms and improved cleaning of the schools is important. Endotoxin in the school dust seems to be mainly protective for rhinitis and throat symptoms but different types of endotoxin could have different effects. The ethnic differences in symptoms among the students deserve further attention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  19. Shahnaz M, Azizah MR, Hasma H, Mok KL, Yip E, Ganesapillai T, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Mar;54(1):26-31.
    PMID: 10972001
    Health care workers have been reported to constitute one of the few high-risk groups related to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity associated with the use of latex products. This paper describes the first ever study of prevalence carried out in Malaysia among these workers. One hundred and thirty health care personnel from Hospital Kuala Lumpur were skin tested. Extracts used were prepared from seven different brands of natural rubber latex gloves with varying levels of extractable protein (EPRRIM). Out of the 130 volunteers, 4 (3.1%) had positive skin test to latex with extracts with high levels of EPRRIM (> 0.7 mg/g). The prevalence among the Malaysian health care workers can be considered to be low in comparison to that of some consumer countries as the USA which reported a prevalence of as high as 16.9%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Hypersensitivity/epidemiology*
  20. Chandrasekaran S, Kennett L, Yeap PC, Muniandy N, Rani B, Mukkur TK
    Vet Microbiol, 1994 Aug 01;41(3):213-9.
    PMID: 7975147
    Two of the three buffaloes immunized with a non-adjuvanted broth bacterin were found to be protected against experimental challenge at 6 weeks but not at 3 months post-challenge. Similarly all buffaloes (4/4) immunized with alum-precipitated vaccine were protected at 6 months but only 1 of the 2 vaccinated animals were protected at 12 months post-immunization. On the other hand, buffaloes immunized with an oil adjuvant and a double emulsion vaccine were completely protected at 12 months post-immunization. Statistically significant differences between immunized versus non-immune animals became evident at 3 months post-immunization, although analysis of cumulative antibody titres of pre-challenge sera of vaccinated buffaloes surviving versus those succumbing to experimental challenge revealed significant by higher antibody titres in the former as compared to the latter group. These results suggested that there was a relationship between ELISA antibody titres and active protection in buffaloes. There also appeared to be a relationship between cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity and active protection in buffaloes. Preliminary analysis of the antibody isotype distribution in the pre-challenge sera of 2 buffaloes vaccinated with the oil adjuvant vaccine revealed predominance of IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses whose role in protection against haemorrhagic septicaemia was not eludicated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed/veterinary
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