METHODS: Sixty-five cylindrical block of Fuji IX Fast were prepared using split moulds. The demineralizing solution was an acetate buffered demineralizing solution at pH 403. The remineralizing solution was a buffered solution containing 1.5 mM Ca, 0.9 mM P and 10 ppm F at pH 7. The blocks of Fuji IX Fast were subjected either to two-day alternating cycles of remineralization and demineralization for up to 24 days (test); 6 two-day cycles of demineralizing or remineralizing solution separately, or deionized distilled water alone (controls) or were left untreated (base line control). Mineral profiles of Ca, P, Sr and F within 100 microm of the material surface were assessed following 8, 16 and 24 days of treatment (test); 4, 8 or 12 days (controls) or for baseline control samples, using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA).
RESULTS: There were significant changes in mineral profile in the test specimens in terms of Sr and Ca concentrations. A molecule for molecule exchange of these elements resulted between GIC and eluant solutions. Fluoride loss from the GIC occurredto the level comparable with uptake levels recorded in eluant solutions from previous studies. The ionic exchanges appeared to be the result of dissolution followed by an equilibrium-driven diffusion. These exchanges were superficial though substantial.
CONCLUSIONS: Simulated exposure of Fuji IX to the oral environment resulted in an exchange of Ca from the bathing solutions into Fuji IX to replace any Sr which was lost to the GIC. Fluorine loss from the GIC followed previously described patterns. The possible clinical significance of this exchange was discussed.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three categories of materials, namely, test group 1 (cGIC or type IX GIC), test group 2 (HA-GIC or hydroxyapatite-added GIC), and positive control (glass cover slips) were incubated with human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. The samples were viewed under scanning electron microscope to study the morphological characteristics of fibroblasts. Additionally, elemental analysis was performed to differentiate between the two test groups based on surface chemical composition.
RESULTS: Test group 1 (cGIC) exhibited cells with curled up morphology, indicative of poor attachment to the substrate. Test group 2 (Ha-GIC) exhibited cells with flattened morphology and numerous cellular extensions such as lamellipodia and blebs, indicative of good attachment to the substrate. The test group 2 (Ha-GIC) demonstrated higher surface elemental percentages of calcium and phosphorus.
CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that hydroxyapatite-added GIC is more biocompatible than conventional GIC (type IX), probably attributed to high elemental percentages of calcium and phosphorus.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The search for an ideal cervical restorative dental material has been ever elusive. Hydroxyapatite-added GIC is a simple and economical dental material to fabricate from basic conventional GIC. The results from this study strengthen its candidature for cervical and root surface restorations which may later require soft tissue augmentation. The possibility of connective tissue adhesion to this material is an exciting prospect in the field of periorestorative dentistry.