This paper uses data from an observational study, conducted at access points in straight sections of primary roads in Malaysia in 2012, to investigate the effects of motorcyclists' behavior and road environment attributes on the occurrence of serious traffic conflicts involving motorcyclists entering primary roads via access points. In order to handle the unobserved heterogeneity in the small sample data size, this study applies mixed effects logistic regression with multilevel bootstrapping. Two statistically significant models (Model 2 and Model 3) are produced, with 2 levels of random effect parameters, i.e. motorcyclists' attributes and behavior at Level 1, and road environment attributes at Level 2. Among all the road environment attributes tested, the traffic volume and the speed limit are found to be statistically significant, only contributing to 26-29% of the variations affecting the traffic conflict outcome. The implication is that 71-74% of the unmeasured or undescribed attributes and behavior of motorcyclists still have an importance in predicting the outcome: a serious traffic conflict. As for the fixed effect parameters, both models show that the risk of motorcyclists being involved in a serious traffic conflict is 2-4 times more likely if they accept a shorter gap to a single approaching vehicle (time lag <4s) and in between two vehicles (time gap <4s) when entering the primary road from the access point. A road environment factor, such as a narrow lane (seen in Model 2), and a behavioral factor, such as stopping at the stop line (seen in Model 3), also influence the occurrence of a serious traffic conflict compared to those entering into a wider lane road and without stopping at the stop line, respectively. A discussion of the possible reasons for this seemingly strange result, including a recommendation for further research, concludes the paper.
In recent years many models have been proposed for measuring soil water content (θ) based on the permittivity (ε) value. Permittivity is one of the properties used to determine θ in measurements using the electromagnetic method. This method is widely used due to quite substantial differences in values of ε for air, soil, and water, as it allows the θ value to be measured accurately. The performance of six proposed models with one parameter (i.e., permittivity) and five proposed models with two or more parameters (i.e., permittivity, porosity, and dry bulk density of soil) is discussed and evaluated. Secondary data obtained from previous studies are used for comparison to calibrate and evaluate the models. The results show that the models with one parameter proposed by Roth et al. (1992) and Topp et al. (1980) have the greatest R² data errors, while for the model with two parameters, the model proposed by Malicki et al. (1996) agrees very well with the data compared with other models.
A limited backcross procedure was utilized to introgress genes associated with grain quality traits from Oryza rufipogon (Accession No. IRGC 105491), a wild rice from Malaysia, to the cultivated rice O. sativa cv. MR219, a popular high yielding Malaysian rice cultivar. A set of 10 BC(2)F(7) progenies were selected based on the field performance and phenotypic appearance in BC(2)F(5) and BC(2)F(6) generations, which initially started with 266 progenies in the BC(2)F(2) generation. These 10 advanced breeding lines are similar to each other but differ in several important grain quality traits, which can be traced to O. rufipogon introgressions. Phenotyping and genotyping of BC(2)F(7) variants were considered for QTL analysis. The introgressed lines did not show any significant changes compared to the recurrent parent MR219 for the traits grain density and milled rice percentage. All 10 progenies showed significantly higher head rice percentages (70-88%) than the recurrent parent MR219. Variants G13 and G15 had higher amylose contents than MR219. All variants were analyzed using polymorphic SSR markers. Of the 34 SSR markers, only 18 showed introgression from O. rufipogon for chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 11. Graphical genotypes were prepared for each variant, and association between the introgression regions and the traits that increased grain quality was visualized. Based on marker trait association, some of the QTLs are stable across environments and genetic backgrounds and could be used universally.
This study employed contingent valuation method to estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) of the households to improve the waste collection system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The objective of this study is to evaluate how household WTP changes when recycling and waste separation at source is made mandatory. The methodology consisted of asking people directly about their WTP for an additional waste collection service charge to cover the costs of a new waste management project. The new waste management project consisted of two versions: version A (recycling and waste separation is mandatory) and version B (recycling and waste separation is not mandatory). The households declined their WTP for version A when they were asked to separate the waste at source although all the facilities would be given to them for waste separation. The result of this study indicates that the households were not conscious about the benefits of recycling and waste separation. Concerted efforts should be taken to raise environmental consciousness of the households through education and more publicity regarding waste separation, reducing and recycling.
Polyethersulfone (PES) based membranes are used for dialysis, but exposure to blood can result in numerous interactions between the blood elements and the membrane. Adsorption and transformation of plasma proteins, activation of blood cells, adherence of platelets and thrombosis reactions against PES membrane can invoke severe blood reactions causing the increase rate of mortality and morbidity of hemodialysis (HD) patients. In order to minimize blood immune response, different biomimetic, zwitterionic, non-ionic, anticoagulant molecules and hydrophilic brushes were immobilized or blended with PES polymers. These additives modified the nature of the membrane, enhanced their biocompatibility and also increased the uremic waste dialysis properties. In this review, current perspectives of the different additives which are used with PES are highlighted in relation with PES membrane-associated blood reactions. The additive's purpose, compatibility, preparation techniques, methods of addition to polymer and influence on the chemistry and performance of hemodialysis membranes are described.
Partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) is a well-known technique for feature extraction and discriminant analysis in chemometrics. Despite its popularity, it has been observed that PLS-DA does not automatically lead to extraction of relevant features. Feature learning and extraction depends on how well the discriminant subspace is captured. In this paper, discriminant subspace learning of chemical data is discussed from the perspective of PLS-DA and a recent extension of PLS-DA, which is known as the locality preserving partial least squares discriminant analysis (LPPLS-DA). The objective is twofold: (a) to introduce the LPPLS-DA algorithm to the chemometrics community and (b) to demonstrate the superior discrimination capabilities of LPPLS-DA and how it can be a powerful alternative to PLS-DA. Four chemical data sets are used: three spectroscopic data sets and one that contains compositional data. Comparative performances are measured based on discrimination and classification of these data sets. To compare the classification performances, the data samples are projected onto the PLS-DA and LPPLS-DA subspaces, and classification of the projected samples into one of the different groups (classes) is done using the nearest-neighbor classifier. We also compare the two techniques in data visualization (discrimination) task. The ability of LPPLS-DA to group samples from the same class while at the same time maximizing the between-class separation is clearly shown in our results. In comparison with PLS-DA, separation of data in the projected LPPLS-DA subspace is more well defined.
The present study investigated the concentration of metals in commonly grown vegetables (Luffa acutangula L., Zea mays L., Solanum melongena L.) irrigated with waste water in District Bannu, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The pH (5.80) and electrical conductivity (13 dS/m) of waste water indicated the acidic nature that is not suitable for irrigation purposes. Soil and vegetables samples were analyzed for metals concentration through flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Varian FAAS-240). The findings showed that waste water irrigated soil was highly contaminated with Cd (4.62 mg/kg) which was above permissible limits set by European Union Standard (EU 2006, 2002). The concentrations of heavy metals such as Cr and Cd in vegetables were higher than the permissible limits set by World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization U.S.A guidelines 2001. The health hazard quotient (HQ) of waste water irrigated vegetables was observed higher for Ni (0.699-0.1029 mg/kg), (0.0456-0.1040 mg/kg), (0.731-0.0994 mg/kg) in Luffa acutangula, Solanum melongena and Zea mays, respectively. The study concluded that the consumption of commonly grown vegetables in waste water zone of the study area may pose potential health threats in local population.
Drought is one of the commonly occurring environmental stresses, limiting crop production in many countries. Selection
of cultivar is the most effective and economical means for alleviating the adverse effects of drought stress on crops. The
present study aimed to investigate the growth, some physiological processes, yield and quality of some newly-developed
wheat cultivars (AARI-2011, AAS-2011, Faisalabad-2008, Millat-2011 and Punjab-2011) under field drought stress
conditions. The cultivars were sown in a field under normal irrigation and drought-induced conditions. Maximum net
photosynthetic rate was recorded in cv. AAS-2011 at growth stage of 67 days after wheat emergence under normal irrigation
and cv. Faisalabad-2008 at 67 days after wheat emergence under drought condition. Leaf stomatal conductance and
transpiration rate were maximum in cv. Faisalabad-2008 under drought conditions. The adverse effects of drought stress
were observed more on cv. Millat-2011 than Faisalabad-2008, with respect to net photosynthetic rate and transpiration.
Drought exerted a significant adverse effect on leaf stomatal conductance at 74 days after wheat emergence which was
recorded as 230 mmol m-2 s-1. Among the cultivars, AAS-2011 recorded maximum yield traits and grain yield under normal
irrigation condition and Faisalabad-2008 under drought condition. Cultivar Millat-2011 was the most susceptible to
drought and Faisalabad-2008 the most resistant to drought. Faisalabad-2008 maintained the quality at the most under
drought stress conditions. It is concluded that Fasialabad-2008 should be grown under field drought conditions to achieve
maximal yield and quality of wheat.
Treatment of chronic Rockwood's type V Acromioclavicular (AC) joint dislocation remains controversial. We describe a surgical technique to reduce and maintain AC joint using a combination of gracilis autograft with GraftMax™ button (Conmed Inc, Utica, NY). Graft was prepared using running whip stitch technique with No. 5 Hi-Fi high strength suture (ConMed Linvatec, Largo, FL). Our technique reduces intraoperative clavicular and coracoid tunnel fracture and restores anatomical coracoclavicular ligament. At sixth week and third month postoperatively, the patient demonstrated good clinical and radiographic outcome.
Penggunaan instrumen pemantauan elektronik dalam peralatan latihan konvensional mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap tahap minat pengguna, seterusnya meningkatkan pengalaman latihan dan prestasi keseluruhan. Oleh yang demikian, individu boleh mendapatkan manfaat optima dari sebarang latihan sekiranya individu diberi sasaran prestasi tertentu yang mudah difahami, dimaklumkan mengenai kemajuan latihan, diberi motivasi, bimbingan, dorongan dan arahan lisan. Walau bagaimanapun, instrumen pemantauan elektronik konvensional tidak berfungsi secara langsung untuk memotivasi atau melatih individu di dalam program latihan mereka. Malah, peralatan komersial ini terhad penggunaannya di dalam latihan bukan kardiovaskular (contohnya, angkatan bebanan dan latihan isometrik). Sistem prototaip jurulatih senaman maya berupaya menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan menyediakan sensorgerak pintar yang dapat diletakkan secara magnetik ke permukaan alatan senaman seperti dumbbell, atau sebahagian daripada peralatan senaman, seperti pemegang logam dari peralatan senaman. Sensor ini akan menghantar isyarat terus ke aplikasi di peranti mudah alih pengguna untuk diproses dan mengeluarkan outputpanduan senaman, maklum balas interaktif, outputvisual dan audio motivasi semasa latihan senaman. Penciptaan sistem senaman yang praktikal ini berpotensi membantu bukan sahaja individu yang aktif, malahan atlet, pesakit yang menjalani senaman rehabilitasi, warga emas dan individu kurang aktif untuk melaksanakan latihan senaman yang lebih berkesan, interaktif dan selamat.
Diazinon (O,O-diethyl-O-[2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl] phosphoro thioate), an organo-phosphate insecticide, has been used worldwide in agriculture and domestic for several years, which has led to a variety of negative effects in non target species including humans. However, its nephrotoxic effects and mechanism of action has not been fully elucidated so far. Therefore, the present study was aimed at evaluating the nephrotoxic effects of diazinon and its mechanism of action with special reference to its possible ROS generating potential in rats. Treatment of rats with diazinon significantly enhances renal lipid peroxidation which is accompanied by a decrease in the activities of renal antioxidant enzymes (e.g. catalase, glutathione peroxidise, glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione S-transferase) and depletion in the level of glutathione reduced. In contrast, the activities of renal γ-glutamyl transpeptidase and quinone reductase were increased. Parallel to these changes, diazinon treatment enhances renal damage as evidenced by sharp increase in blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. Additionally, the impairment of renal function corresponds histopathologically. In summary, our results indicate that diazinon treatment eventuates in decreased renal glutathione reduced, a fall in the activities of antioxidant enzymes including the enzymes involved in glutathione metabolism and excessive production of oxidants with concomitant renal damage, all of which are involved in the cascade of events leading to diazinon-mediated renal oxidative stress and toxicity. We concluded that in diazinon exposure, depletion of antioxidant enzymes is accompanied by induction of oxidative stress that might be beneficial in monitoring diazinon toxicity.
The conventional heart rate monitor is usually developed with a numeric digital display. This numerical view is obviously not practical to be used during exercise. In this study, the iOS-based mobile application, called Chromozone, was developed to monitor heart rate using the universal color-coding system. The heart rate monitor during the exercise is designed to notify the exercise intensity information to users using the three universal color-coded (i.e. green zone: optimal heart rate; yellow zone: heart rate lower than the optimal zone, and red zone: heart rate higher than the optimal zone). Chromozone is programmed to display uniform colors across the smart phone display, which allows users to easily be informed in regards to the state of exercise intensity. The transfer of heart rate data from the chest transmitter to Chromozone application is designed to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) system technology. The heart rate data is then processed by the application to determine the intensity range of exercise training heart rate based on the user’s personal input (i.e. age, gender, fitness levels and training objective). Preliminary analysis found that Chromozone application is effective in delivering real-time exercise intensity heart rate. Chromozone could potentially help athletes, active individuals and clinical populations to monitor and regulate their workout training regime in a more effective and safer manner.
Constructing efficient structured materials for artificial photosynthesis of CO2 is a promising strategy to produce renewable fuels in addition of mitigating greenhouse effect. In this work, 2D porous g-C3N4 (PCN) coupled exfoliated 3D Ti3C2TA MXene (TiC) nanosheets with TiO2 NPs in-situ growth was constructed in a single step through HF treatment approach. The different exfoliated TiC structures were successfully synthesized for adjusting HF etching time (24 h, 48 h and 96 h). With growing etchant time from 24 to 96 h, the amount of TiO2 produced was increased, but it has adverse effects on CO and CH4 production rate. The maximum production rates for CO and CH4 of 317.4 and 78.55 µmol g-1 h-1 were attained when the 10TiC-48/PCN was employed than using TiC-24/PCN, TiC-96/PCN and PCN composite samples, respectively. The performance of 10TiC-48/PCN composite for CO and CH4 evolution were 9.9 and 6.7 folds higher than using pristine PCN sample, respectively. The possible mechanism is assigned to porous structure with intimate contact enabling efficient charge carrier separation with the role of TiO2 NPs to work as a bridge to transport electrons towards MXene surface. Among the reducing agents, water was favorable for CO evolution, whereas, methanol-water system promoted CH4 production. All these findings confirm that heterojunction formation facilitates charges separation and can be further used in solar energy relating application.
Partial differential equations involve results of unknown functions when there are multiple independent variables. There is a need for analytical solutions to ensure partial differential equations could be solved accurately. Thus, these partial differential equations could be solved using the right initial and boundaries conditions. In this light, boundary conditions depend on the general solution; the partial differential equations should present particular solutions when paired with varied boundary conditions. This study analysed the use of variable separation to provide an analytical solution of the homogeneous, one-dimensional heat equation. This study is applied to varied boundary conditions to examine the flow attributes of the heat equation. The solution is verified through different boundary conditions: Dirichlet, Neumann, and mixed-insulated boundary conditions. the initial value was kept constant despite the varied boundary conditions. There are two significant findings in this study. First, the temperature profile changes are influenced by the boundary conditions, and that the boundary conditions are dependent on the heat equation’s flow attributes.
Introduction: Peripheral nerve injuries (PNI) are a disabling injury as it often results in motor and sensory deficit with cognitive impairment. Flaxseed oil provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acid and it is believed to be able to protect the damaged nerve cell for successful nerve recovery. This study aimed to investigate a potential neuro-re- generation properties of flaxseed oil in treating the PNI. Methods: A total of 65 rats were separated into 4 groups: Group 1: Normal group (n=5), Group 2: Negative group (n=20), Group 3: Experimental group (n=20) and Group 4: Positive control (n=20), all the group were further divided into 4 groups (post-operative 7, 14, 21, 28 days, n=5 for each days). The functional restoration was assessed by walking track analysis (Sciatic Functional Index analysis-SFI) and toe spreading reflex (grading score). Electron microscope studies were performed on sciatic nerve to evaluate the regenerative process through morphologic and morphometric changes. Results: Oral administration of flaxseed oil (experimental group) at 1000 mg/kg body weight/day showed better recovery compared to negative control value. However, there was no significant difference in SFI and toe spreading reflex between positive (mecobalamin) and experimental group (flaxseed oil). Morphological and morphometrical findings indicated increases in the myelin thickness and myelin sheath layer after administration of flaxseed oil. Conclusion: The flaxseed oil supplementation could enhance the neurorestorative capacities of injured sciatic nerve.
For centuries, people have been practising phytomedicine in treating ailments or reducing risk of suffering certain diseases. It is considered as a part of an ancient medicine with interest in it becomes rapidly escalating in this modern era. Expansive and prescribed medicine is not the only true path to treat various illnesses. Without disclaiming the modern medicine, herbs can be used as an alternative or a combined therapy with conventional medication. Phytomedicine or ethnomedicine is not a new
field in the world of research. It has been started long ago since the ancient times. As we realized the expensive modern medication is not the only mean to treat illness, interest in the discovery of remedy through natural or conventional products has become more escalating. (Copied from article)
Citrus is one of the major commodities in many countries including Malaysia.
However, production of citrus including Citrus suhuiensis (C. suhuiensis) is declining due to
diseases and inability to withstand low temperatures. Plant cultures such as cell suspension have the
potential in propagating disease-free and healthy Citrus fruits with value-added characteristics.
However, studies related to C. suhuiensis is still scarce. Therefore, the growth kinetics of C.
suhuiensis cell suspension culture was studied. Friable callus of C. suhuiensis which was induced
from seeds was inoculated into MS medium with 30 g/L sucrose, 0.5 g/L malt extract and 2.0 mg/L
2, 4-D for the cell suspension initiation. Several batch experiments using a few types of sugars
(sucrose, glucose and fructose) were carried out. The cell dry weight (CDW) of C. suhuiensis was
recorded for 30 days of culture period and residual sugars in the medium were analyzed using
HPLC. Cells grown in 30 g/L sucrose achieved the highest CDW (9.559 g/L) with µmax equals to
0.00512/h, compared to glucose and fructose. In addition, sucrose is the preferred carbon source
with the highest uptake rate (0.213 g/L·h). Cells completely hydrolyzed sucrose into glucose and
fructose after 5 days of inoculation. All sugars were completely utilized by C. suhuiensis cells after
25 days. The kinetic growth parameters determined from batch experiments were then used for
model simulation and verification in MATHCAD 15. After adjustments and refinement to the
selected kinetic parameters, the model has fairly described and predicted the growth and sugars
profile of C. suhuiensis cells. The proposed model can be used to predict sucrose hydrolysis, glucose
and fructose formation from sucrose and their consumption by plant cells and also for larger scale
of growth.