Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 39 in total

  1. Ahmady A, Abu Samah NH
    Int J Pharm, 2021 Oct 25;608:121037.
    PMID: 34438009 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.121037
    Bioadhesive polymers offer versatility to medical and pharmaceutical inventions. The incorporation of such materials to conventional dosage forms or medical devices may confer or improve the adhesivity of the bioadhesive systems, subsequently prolonging their residence time at the site of absorption or action and providing sustained release of actives with improved bioavailability and therapeutic outcomes. For decades, much focus has been put on scientific works to replace synthetic polymers with biopolymers with desirable functional properties. Gelatine has been considered one of the most promising biopolymers. Despite its biodegradability, biocompatibility and unique biological properties, gelatine exhibits poor mechanical and adhesive properties, limiting its end-use applications. The chemical modification and blending of gelatine with other biomaterials are strategies proposed to improve its bioadhesivity. Here we discuss the classical approaches involving a variety of polymer blends and composite systems containing gelatine, and gelatine modifications via thiolation, methacrylation, catechol conjugation, amination and other newly devised strategies. We highlight several of the latest studies on these strategies and their relevant findings.
  2. Khambalia AZ, Aimone AM, Zlotkin SH
    Nutr Rev, 2011 Dec;69(12):693-719.
    PMID: 22133195 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00437.x
    An international perspective of the magnitude of anemia in indigenous peoples is currently lacking. The present systematic review was performed to characterize the global prevalence, severity, and etiology of anemia in indigenous peoples by conducting a systematic search of original research published in English from 1996 to February 2010 using PubMed, Medline, and Embase. A total of 50 studies, representing the following 13 countries, met the inclusion criteria: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, the United States, and Venezuela. Results indicate major deficiencies in the coverage and quality of anemia monitoring data for indigenous populations worldwide. The burden of anemia is overwhelmingly higher among indigenous groups compared to the general population and represents a moderate (20-39.9%) to severe (≥40%) public health problem. For the most part, the etiology of anemia is preventable and includes inadequate diet, poor living conditions, and high infection rates (i.e., malaria and intestinal parasites). A concerted global effort is needed to reduce the worldwide burden of anemia in these marginalized populations.
  3. Owodunni AA, Ismail S, Olaiya NG
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Dec;30(60):124677-124685.
    PMID: 35678970 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21353-0
    Chemical coagulants like alum, ferric salts, and polyacrylamide derivatives are helpful in water treatment. However, the long-term detrimental effects of chemical coagulants on humans and the environment require alternative research for natural coagulants. This study used novel leguminous (green beans (GB), pigeon pea (PP)), fruit seeds (Tamarind indica (TI), and date palm (DS)) as coagulants to remove turbidity. The seeds were powdered, and the crude active coagulants were extracted with distilled water and a 1 M NaCl solution. The result showed that PP's distilled water extract had the highest turbidity removal of 81.12%, while DS had the least performance of 62.54%. The NaCl extract of PP had the highest removal (94.62%), followed by TI (76.08%). This study found the optimum doses for GB, TI, PP, and DS to be 50, 40, 10, and 70 mL/L, with their optimum pH at 3, 1, 3, and 1, respectively. The FTIR spectra confirmed the existence of -OH, -NH, COOH, C = O, C-C, and C-H peaks, indicating the presence of protein-specific functional groups supporting their potential use as coagulants. Therefore, PP would have been used based on turbidity performance; however, due to their nutritional value, TI and DS are suitable seeds for the coagulation-flocculation treatment of turbid water because they are waste materials.
  4. Khambalia AZ, Lim SS, Gill T, Bulgiba AM
    Food Nutr Bull, 2012 Mar;33(1):31-42.
    PMID: 22624296
    For many developing countries undergoing rapid economic growth and urbanization, trends in nutritional status indicate a decrease in malnutrition with an associated rise in the prevalence of obesity. An understanding of the situation among children in Malaysia is lacking.
  5. Nazif A, Mohammed NI, Malakahmad A, Abualqumboz MS
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2018 Jan;25(1):283-289.
    PMID: 29032528 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0407-2
    The devastating health effects of particulate matter (PM10) exposure by susceptible populace has made it necessary to evaluate PM10 pollution. Meteorological parameters and seasonal variation increases PM10 concentration levels, especially in areas that have multiple anthropogenic activities. Hence, stepwise regression (SR), multiple linear regression (MLR) and principal component regression (PCR) analyses were used to analyse daily average PM10 concentration levels. The analyses were carried out using daily average PM10 concentration, temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind direction data from 2006 to 2010. The data was from an industrial air quality monitoring station in Malaysia. The SR analysis established that meteorological parameters had less influence on PM10 concentration levels having coefficient of determination (R 2) result from 23 to 29% based on seasoned and unseasoned analysis. While, the result of the prediction analysis showed that PCR models had a better R 2 result than MLR methods. The results for the analyses based on both seasoned and unseasoned data established that MLR models had R 2 result from 0.50 to 0.60. While, PCR models had R 2 result from 0.66 to 0.89. In addition, the validation analysis using 2016 data also recognised that the PCR model outperformed the MLR model, with the PCR model for the seasoned analysis having the best result. These analyses will aid in achieving sustainable air quality management strategies.
  6. Toumi A, Najaf K, Dhiaf MM, Li NS, Kanagasabapathy S
    PMID: 37000397 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-26530-3
    This study investigates the moderating role of environmental disclosures on the market performance of 48 Fintech and 140 non-Fintech firms during the pandemic using data from 2011 to 2022. Ordinary least squares and correlations were used for data analysis. The study's first finding revealed that Fintech firms had a better environmental performance (78.4%) than non-Fintech firms during the pandemic. The study's second finding indicated that environmental disclosures are crucial for shareholders and contributed almost 10.2% to the Fintech firms' market performance during the pandemic. This study's contribution is significant in enhancing the understanding of the shareholders' sensitivity towards sustainability disclosures during financial crisis. The findings of this study are essential for policymakers, start-up entrepreneurs, and shareholders.
  7. Nemmour A, Bakri A, Fischer CA, Brand Y
    BMJ Case Rep, 2019 Sep 06;12(9).
    PMID: 31494583 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2019-229754
    Tularaemia is a rare infectious disease endemic in most European countries caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis 1 Patients often show acute non-specific symptoms, which causes a delay in diagnosis and proper treatment, potentially resulting in significant morbidities such as deep neck abscess, meningitis, endocarditis and septic shock. The authors present a case of a 5-year old boy with a 4-day history of fever, sore throat and painful cervical lymphadenopathy, whose clinical progression worsened despite being treated with recommended antibiotics as per WHO guidelines once the diagnosis of Tularaemia was confirmed by serologic tests. He developed a parapharyngeal abscess and a persistent left necrotic cervical lymph node, which both were surgically drained and excised, respectively, and an extended course of antibiotic was given. Subsequently, the patient fully recovered from the illness and the follow-up was negative for relapse.
  8. Al-Salem HS, Al-Yousef HM, Ashour AE, Ahmed AF, Amina M, Issa IS, et al.
    Food Sci Nutr, 2020 Sep;8(9):5114-5127.
    PMID: 32994972 DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.1813
    In the brain, propionic acid (PA) can cross cell membranes and accumulate within cells, leading to intracellular acidification, which may alter neurotransmitter release (NT), communication between neurons, and behavior. Such elevation in levels of PA constitutes a neurodevelopmental metabolic disorder called propionic acidemia, which could clinically manifest as autism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effects of different fractions of bee pollen (BP) on PA-induced autism in rats, and to evaluate their effects on the expression of liver and renal biomarkers. Groups of rats received treatments of different fractions of BP at a dose of 250 mg/kg of body weight/day for a period of 1 month. Normal control group I and group II were orally administered with phosphate-buffered saline and propionic acid, respectively, for 3 days. BP contains various health-promoting phenolic components. Different fractions of BP administered pre- and post-treatment with PA showed significant reduction in the levels of liver and renal biomarkers (p 
  9. Rabeea Munawar, Ehsan Ullah Mughal, Muhammad Waseem Mumtaz, Muhammad Zubair, Jamshaid Ashraf, Zofishan Yousaf, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:27-34.
    The prime objective of the present research work was to evaluate the efficiency of bio-machine for the removal of Cadmium (Cd) from aquatic systems. Aspergillus niger fungus was used as bio-machine to remove Cd from aquatic systems. Twenty three different strains (IIB-1 to IIB-23) were isolated from industrial effluents and the Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied to the best Cadmium removal strain IIB-23 in order to obtain the adsorption parameters. Different parameters such as pH, temperature, contact time, initial metal concentratio, and biomass dosage on the biosorption of Cd were studied. The percent removal of Cd initially increased with an increase in pH ranging from 5.5-6.5 and then decreased by increasing pH from 7.0-7.5. An optimized pH used for Cd removal from aquatic systems was found to be 6.5. Additionally, an optimum amount of biomass was 1.33 g for the maximum removal of Cd from the aqueous solutions with initial metal concentration of 75 mg/L. The results obtained thus indicated that Langmuir model is the best suited for the removal of Cd from aquatic systems.
  10. Hachaichi A, Kouini B, Kian LK, Asim M, Fouad H, Jawaid M, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2021 Sep 15;14(18).
    PMID: 34576536 DOI: 10.3390/ma14185313
    Date palm fiber (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is a natural biopolymer rich in lignocellulosic components. Its high cellulose content lends them to the extraction of tiny particles like microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC). These cellulose-derived small size particles can be used as an alternative biomaterial in wide fields of application due to their renewability and sustainability. In the present work, NCC (A) and NCC (B) were isolated from date palm MCC at 60 min and 90 min hydrolysis times, respectively. The isolated NCC product was subjected to characterization to study their properties differences. With the hydrolysis treatment, the yields of produced NCC could be attained at between 22% and 25%. The infrared-ray functional analysis also revealed the isolated NCC possessed a highly exposed cellulose compartment with minimized lignoresidues of lignin and hemicellulose. From morphology evaluation, the nanoparticles' size was decreased gradually from NCC (A) (7.51 nm width, 139.91 nm length) to NCC (B) (4.34 nm width, 111.51 nm length) as a result of fragmentation into cellulose fibrils. The crystallinity index was found increasing from NCC (A) to NCC (B). With 90 min hydrolysis time, NCC (B) showed the highest crystallinity index of 71% due to its great cellulose rigidity. For thermal analysis, NCC (B) also exhibited stable heat resistance, in associating with its highly crystalline cellulose structure. In conclusion, the NCC isolated from date palm MCC would be a promising biomaterial for various applications such as biomedical and food packaging applications.
  11. Palash MAU, Islam MS, Bayero AS, Taqui SN, Koki IB
    Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2020 Nov;80:103440.
    PMID: 32585422 DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103440
    This study is focused on the determination of trace metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and Cd) concentrations of nine different indigenous fish species of Meghna River in Bangladesh to know the possible risk in human consumption. Fishes' wet muscles samples were analyzed to evaluate the level of trace metal concentrations. The concentrations (mg kg-1 w/w) of the six selected trace metals were in the order Zn (1.42 ± 0.12) > Cr (1.31 ± 0.08) > Cu (0.92 ± 0.09) > Pb (0.54 ± 0.07) > Cd (0.51 ± 0.07) > As (0.47 ± 0.02). The results revealed that all the selected trace metals were below the maximum permissible limits recommended by the reference standards. The fish species may pose no risk with respect to the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI). Target hazard quotient (THQ) values for Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in all the fish species were <1.0, except for As which is dominantly organic in fishes. Both adults and children are vulnerable to carcinogenic health threat due to Cd exposure.
  12. Al-Awadi A, Grove J, Taylor M, Valdes A, Vijay A, Bawden S, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2021 10 07;11(10):e045802.
    PMID: 34620653 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045802
    INTRODUCTION: A Low Glycaemic Index (LGI) diet is a proposed lifestyle intervention in non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) which is designed to reduce circulating blood glucose levels, hepatic glucose influx, insulin resistance and de novo lipogenesis. A significant reduction in liver fat content through following a 1-week LGI diet has been reported in healthy volunteers. Changes in dietary fat and carbohydrates have also been shown to alter gut microbiota composition and lead to hepatic steatosis through the gut-liver axis. There are no available trials examining the effects of an LGI diet on liver fat accumulation in patients with NAFLD; nor has the impact of consuming an LGI diet on gut microbiota composition been studied in this population. The aim of this trial is to investigate the effects of LGI diet consumption on liver fat content and its effects on gut microbiota composition in participants with NAFLD compared with a High Glycaemic Index (HGI) control diet.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A 2×2 cross-over randomised mechanistic dietary trial will allocate 16 participants with NAFLD to a 2-week either HGI or LGI diet followed by a 4-week wash-out period and then the LGI or HGI diet, alternative to that followed in the first 2 weeks. Baseline and postintervention (four visits) outcome measures will be collected to assess liver fat content (using MRI/S and controlled attenuation parameter-FibroScan), gut microbiota composition (using 16S RNA analysis) and blood biomarkers including glycaemic, insulinaemic, liver, lipid and haematological profiles, gut hormones levels and short-chain fatty acids.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Study protocol has been approved by the ethics committees of The University of Nottingham and East Midlands Nottingham-2 Research Ethics Committee (REC reference 19/EM/0291). Data from this trial will be used as part of a Philosophy Doctorate thesis. Publications will be in peer-reviewed journals.


  13. Abubakar A, Zangina AS, Maigari AI, Badamasi MM, Ishak MY, Abdullahi AS, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Aug;29(40):61065-61079.
    PMID: 35435558 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-19974-6
    Improper treatment during recycling of e-waste materials by means of open burning is on the rise which has led to an increase in air pollution. This study looked at heavy metal concentrations, concentrations in relation to threshold values, and assessments of risk for noncarcinogenic and cancer risk threat. The Microwave Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry (MP-AES 4210) series instrument of Agilent Technology, United States of America (USA), was used in analyzing heavy metal (Cd, Cu, and Pb) concentrations. The result of the analysis of the Kuka Bulukiya treatment point revealed that Pb has the highest mean concentration of 0.0693 ppm, Cu 0.0525 parts per million (PPM), and Cd 0.0042 ppm. The mean concentration at PRP Gidan Ruwa for Cd was found to be 0.0059 ppm, Cu 0.0363 ppm, and Pb 0.049 ppm. The result of the adult and children population calculated shows that the hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard index (HI) values are not up to 1 in all the pathways (inhalation, ingestion, and dermal) at both treatment points (1.2 ˟ 10-4 and 9.8 ˟ 10-5) and (6.4 ˟ 10-4 and 5.9 ˟ 10-4), respectively. The cancer risk for Kuka Bulukiya 6 ˟ 10-10 and PRP G/Ruwa 5 ˟ 10-10 for adults and 7 ˟ 10-10 and 4 ˟ 10-10 for children were both lower than the threshold set for cancer risk by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). This meant that both adults and children were not at risk of cancer and noncarcinogenic threat based on the assessment in this study. The study concluded that informal e-waste burning has substantially helped in the relatively high levels of air pollution identified in the treatment points and in turn posed environmental and public health concerns to people around the area. This study recommends that samples of the vegetable products at the PRP G/Ruwa treatment point should be investigated immediately and adequate restrictions and regulations should be enacted and enforced in order to safeguard the environment and the populace. There is need for caution from the authorities to avert the possible implications (e-waste extractors and the public) of being affected with noncarcinogenic or carcinogenic ailments over time.
  14. Kotha AA, Ahmad SU, Dewan I, Bhuiyan MA, Rahman FI, Naina Mohamed I, et al.
    Drug Des Devel Ther, 2023;17:3661-3684.
    PMID: 38084128 DOI: 10.2147/DDDT.S432790
    BACKGROUND: Metformin hydrochloride (HCl) microspheres and nanoparticles were formulated to enhance bioavailability and minimize side effects through sustained action and optimized drug-release characteristics. Initially, the same formulation design with different ratios of metformin HCl and Eudragit RSPO was used to formulate four batches of microspheres and nanoparticles using solvent evaporation and nanoprecipitation methods, respectively.

    METHODS: The produced formulations were evaluated based on particle size and shape (particle size distribution (PSD), scanning electron microscope (SEM)), incompatibility (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR)), drug release pattern, permeation behavior, in vivo hypoglycemic effects, and in vitro anticancer potential.

    RESULTS: Compatibility studies concluded that there was minimal interaction between metformin HCl and the polymer, whereas SEM images revealed smoother, more spherical nanoparticles than microspheres. Drug release from the formulations was primarily controlled by the non-Fickian diffusion process, except for A1 and A4 by Fickian, and B3 by Super case II. Korsmeyer-Peppas was the best-fit model for the maximum formulations. The best formulations of microspheres and nanoparticles, based on greater drug release, drug entrapment, and compatibility characteristics, were attributed to the study of drug permeation by non-everted intestinal sacs, in vivo anti-hyperglycemic activity, and in vitro anticancer activity.

    CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the proposed metformin HCl formulation can dramatically reduce hyperglycemic conditions and may also have anticancer potential.

  15. Tablit S, Krache R, Amroune S, Jawaid M, Hachaichi A, Ismail AS, et al.
    J Mech Behav Biomed Mater, 2024 Apr;152:106438.
    PMID: 38359736 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2024.106438
    Arundo donax L. is investigated in this study as a suitable reinforcing agent for PLA/PP waste blend 3D printing filament. To improve the compatibility of the fibre and polymer, the Arundo fibre was chemically modified using alkali and silane treatment. Untreated and treated fibres were extruded with Polymer blends before being 3D printed. Effect of chemical treatment on thermal, mechanical, and morphological properties of the composites was investigated. The tensile, Izod impact, and water absorption of the 3D printed specimens were also tested. The Alkali treated (ALK) and combination of alkali and silane treatment (SLN) composites displayed good results. Tensile strength and modulus of the materials increased, as well as their maintained stability in the Izod impact test, demonstrating that the incorporation of ArF did not result in a loss in performance. SEM examination supported these findings by confirming the creation of beneficial interfacial contacts between the matrix and fibre components, as demonstrated by the lack of void between the matrix and the fibre surface. Furthermore, the alkali treatment of the ArF resulted in a considerable reduction in water absorption inside the biocomposite, with a 64% reduction seen in ALK composite comparison to the untreated composite (Un). After the 43-day assessment period.
  16. Alhindawi M, Rhouati A, Noordin R, Cialla-May D, Popp J, Zourob M
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2024 May;267(Pt 2):131509.
    PMID: 38608978 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131509
    Giardia intestinalis is one of the most widespread intestinal parasites and is considered a major cause of epidemic or sporadic diarrhea worldwide. In this study, we aimed to develop a rapid aptameric diagnostic technique for G. intestinalis infection. First, the SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) process generated DNA aptamers specific to a recombinant protein of the parasite's trophozoite. Ten selection rounds were performed; each round, the DNA library was incubated with the target protein conjugated to Sepharose beads. Then, the unbound sequences were removed by washing and the specific sequences were eluted and amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Two aptamers were selected, and the dissociation constants (Kd), were determined as 2.45 and 16.95 nM, showed their high affinity for the G. intestinalis trophozoite protein. Subsequently, the aptamer sequence T1, which exhibited better affinity, was employed to develop a label-free electrochemical biosensor. A thiolated aptamer was covalently immobilized onto a gold screen-printed electrode (SPGE), and the binding of the targeted protein was monitored using square wave voltammetry (SWV). The developed aptasensor enabled accurate detection of the G. intestinalis recombinant protein within the range of 0.1 pg/mL to 100 ng/mL, with an excellent sensitivity (LOD of 0.35 pg/mL). Moreover, selectivity studies showed a negligible cross-reactivity toward other proteins such as bovine serum albumin, globulin, and G. intestinalis cyst protein.
  17. Ahmad S, Hussain A, Hussain A, Abdullah I, Ali MS, Froeyen M, et al.
    Antioxidants (Basel), 2019 Jun 19;8(6).
    PMID: 31248160 DOI: 10.3390/antiox8060185
    Cisplatin is amongst the most potent chemotherapeutic drugs with applications in more than 50% of cancer treatments, but dose-dependent side effects limit its usefulness. Berberis vulgaris L. (B. vulgaris) has a proven role in several therapeutic applications in the traditional medicinal system. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to quantify berberine, a potent alkaloid in the methanolic root extract of B. vulgaris (BvRE). Berberine chloride in BvRE was found to be 10.29% w/w. To assess the prophylactic and curative protective effects of BvRE on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and hyperlipidemia, in vivo toxicity trials were carried out on 25 healthy male albino Wistar rats (130-180 g). Both prophylactic and curative trials included a single dose of cisplatin (4 mg/kg, i.p.) and nine doses of BvRE (500 mg/kg/day, orally). An array of marked toxicity effects appeared in response to cisplatin dosage evident by morphological condition, biochemical analysis of serum (urea, creatinine, total protein, alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, total cholesterol, and triglyceride), and organ tissue homogenates (malondialdehyde and catalase). Statistically-significant (p < 0.05) variations were observed in various parameters. Moreover, histological studies of liver and kidney tissues revealed that the protective effect of BvRE effectively minimized and reversed nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, and hyperlipidemic effects caused by cisplatin in both prophylactic and curative groups with relatively promising ameliorative effects in the prophylactic regimen. The in vitro cell viability effect of cisplatin, BvRE, and their combination was determined on HeLa cells using the tetrazolium (MTT) assay. MTT clearly corroborated that HeLa cells appeared to be less sensitive to cisplatin and berberine individually, while the combination of both at the same concentrations resulted in growth inhibition of HeLa cells in a remarkable synergistic way. The present study validated the use of BvRE as a protective agent in combination therapy with cisplatin.
  18. Ahmad AM, Al-Marzouqi A, Dias JM, Saifan AR, Md Kassim N, Mohamad MN, et al.
    Nurs Forum, 2022 Jan;57(1):211-214.
    PMID: 34478171 DOI: 10.1111/nuf.12647
    Aligned with international standards, the UAE Government and many other developing countries in the region (GCC and MENA) have started to implement strict quality improvement initiatives to develop their healthcare systems. Most of these initiatives are geared toward meeting patient satisfaction and avoiding circumstances or events that would dissatisfy patients. It is also used to measure healthcare institution performance, assess efficiency and determine their funding and reimbursement. With this emphasis on quality, it is also important for healthcare organizations to fulfill their other functions. Among the most important is performing their teaching role to prepare future healthcare professionals, and attracting and retaining healthcare professionals. These roles are also a paramount for a quality, sustained healthcare system. However, clinical educators and managers reflect on how these roles seem to be frequently missed or at least compromised while applying the quality assurance measures in the region developing countries. This reflective paper discusses this concern and suggests possible strategies that may help overcome this challenge and thus contributing to the achievement of the quality goal of the service in a more comprehensive and sustainable manner. The similarities between the UAE healthcare system and neighboring Gulf Cooperation Council and the Middle East/North African countries mean these challenges and solutions may resonate with these countries and support the implementation of effective health services in these countries as well.
  19. Suteris NN, Yasin A, Misnon II, Roslan R, Zulkifli FH, Rahim MHA, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2022 Feb 15;198:147-156.
    PMID: 34971642 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.12.006
    This article demonstrates the development of nanofibrous cloths by electrospinning of renewable materials, i.e., curcumin-loaded 90% cellulose acetate (CA)/10% poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), for applications in regenerative medicine. The CA is derived from the biomass waste of the oil palm plantation (empty fruit bunch). The nanofiber scaffolds are characterized for the fiber morphology, microstructure, thermal properties, and wettability. The optimized smooth and bead-free electrospun fiber cloth contains 90% CA and 10% PCL in two curcumin compositions (0.5 and 1 wt%). The role of curcumin is shown to be two-fold: the first is its function as a drug and the second is its role in lowering the water contact angle and increasing the hydrophilicity. The hydrophilicity enhancements are related to the hydrogen bonding between the components. The enhanced hydrophilicity contributed to improve the swelling behavior of the scaffolds; the CA/PCL/Cur (0.5%) and the CA/PCL/Cur (1.0%) showed swelling of ~700 and 950%, respectively, in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). The drug-release studies revealed the highest cumulative drug release of 60% and 78% for CA/PCL/Cur (0.5%) and CA/PCL/Cur (1.0%) nanofibers, respectively. The in-vitro studies showed that CA/PCL/Cur (0.5 wt%) and CA/PCL/Cur (1.0 wt%) nanofiber scaffolds facilitate a higher proliferation and expression of actin in fibroblasts than those scaffolds without curcumin for wound healing applications.
  20. Dirar AI, Adhikari-Devkota A, Kunwar RM, Paudel KR, Belwal T, Gupta G, et al.
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2021 Jan 30;265:113255.
    PMID: 32798615 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113255
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Blepharis is an Afro-Asiatic genus belonging to the family Acanthaceae. It comprises about 126 species that occur in arid and semi-arid habitats. Some species of Blepharis are used in traditional medicines in different countries mainly for their anti-inflammatory, wound healing activities along with treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

    AIM OF THE REVIEW: The present review aims to collate and analyze the available data and information on distribution, traditional uses, chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Blepharis.

    METHODS: Scientific information of genus Blepharis was retrieved from the online bibliographic databases such as MEDLINE/PubMed, SciFinder, Web of Science and Google Scholar and secondary resources including books and proceedings.

    RESULTS: Seven species of Blepharis were found to be reported frequently as useful in folklore in African and Asian countries. B. maderaspatensis was found to be widely used in Indian traditional medicines whereas the B. ciliaris and B. edulis were common in folklore of Egypt, Jordan, and Arabia. Active phytochemicals of Blepharis are flavonoids from B. ciliaris, alkaloids from B. sindica, phenolic acid derivatives, and phytosterols, and derivatives of hydroxamic acids from B. edulis resulted in possessing diverse biological properties such as anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer.

    CONCLUSIONS: Various species of Blepharis were found to be used in traditional medicine systems in African and Asian countries. Few of these species were studied for their bioactive chemical constituents however the activity guided isolation studies are not performed. Similarly, detailed pharmacological studies in animal models to explore their mechanism of action are also not reported. Future studies should focus on these aspects related to the medicinally used species of Blepharis. The detailed and comprehensive comparative analysis presented here gives valuable information of the currently used Blepharis species and pave the way to investigate other useful species of Blepharis pertaining to ethnobotany, phytochemistry and discovery of new drugs.

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