The frequency of Schneider's first rank symptoms (FRS) was studied in 221 Malay patients with functional psychosis. The prevalence of FRS in schizophrenia was 26.7%. The most common symptoms were voice arguing, passivity phenomena and somatic passivity. In the absence of organic brain dysfunction, the specificity of FRS for schizophrenia was 87.8%, and their positive predictive value was 90.6%. These findings indicate that although FRS is not pathognomonic of schizophrenia, their presence should be regarded as strongly suggestive of schizophrenia in the absence of organic etiology. FRS do not however occur with sufficient frequency to have potential diagnostic in schizophrenia.
Deinstitutionalization has shifted much of the burden of care of chronic schizophrenia from mental institutions to the family. The aim of this study is to asses the prevalence of mental disorders among 210 primary carers of Malay schizophrenic patients, explored the burden and hardship experienced by them. This is a two-stage psychiatric screening procedure. All the cases suspected from initial screening with WHO Self-Reporting Questionnaires (SRQ-20) were called for clinical interview. Patients' behavioural problems and the burden of relatives were assessed by the Social Behaviour Schedule and the Interview Schedule respectively. It was found that about 23% of the carers developed neurotic disorders resulting from the stress; nearly half of them had neurotic depression. Despite their burden, they do not complaint about it. Neurotic carers compared with non-neurotic carers had significantly more subjective burden and distress related to the product of active psychosis. The carers were generally able to tolerate the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. The number of problem behaviours and previous admissions were significantly correlated with the severity of burden.
The focus of this study is on urbanization in Malaysia. "This paper is divided into three parts. The first part examines the trend of uneven urban development in West Malaysia. The second part discusses the change [in] ethnic composition of urban population between 1970 and 1980 intercensal period. The third part analyses the impact of the urbanization process on the Malays in the context of housing problems of the lower income groups." (SUMMARY IN THA)
The severity of anxiety and depression in 72 patients presenting with somatic complaints to the psychiatric clinic were assessed after excluding organic illnesses. Majority of the patients were females, between 15 to 34 years of age and came from lower socio-economic background. A high percentage of patients were brought up by dominant mothers and the married patients had passive husbands or active wives controlling the family. Generally the severity of depression was correlated with the severity of anxiety (C.C = 0.704, P less than 0.01). Majority of the patients were found to have both mixed anxiety depressive symptoms and the anxiety symptoms masking the underlying depressive symptomatology.
Study site: Psychiatric Clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
Sixty four percent (104 patients) of Malay patients attending the Psychiatric Clinic for the first time were interviewed. A similar number from the general Out-patients Department (O.P.D.) randomly chosen, served as the control group. Seventy six (73.1%) psychiatric patients had consulted a bomoh prior to their visit to the clinic as compared to 26 (25%) O.P.D. patients. The number of bomohs consulted was significantly higher among the psychiatric patients than the O.P.D. patients. The strength of social support, the availability of a bomoh and the belief of the patients, friends and/or relatives in the bomoh have been suggested as the main factors that influenced the Malay patients in seeking bomoh treatment. The belief that mental illness is due to supernatural causes is firmly held by bomohs who reinforce this notion in those who seek their advice. The importance of understanding the patient's cultural background in treating psychiatric patients is highlighted.
Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
The effect of the total glysosidic extract of the plant Sarcolobus globosus was investigated on the contractions of the smooth muscle of the guinea-pig ileal longitudinal muscle and taenia coli. In the ileal longitudinal muscle, addition of the extract inhibited the electrical field-stimulated twitches. Similarly to verapamil, it also reduced the contractions of the muscle to acetylcholine, histamine and KCl. However, only the tonic contraction to KCl was reversed by increasing the extracellular calcium concentration. In the taenia coli, lower concentrations of both the extract and verapamil induced a parallel displacement of the dose-response curves to calcium (0.30-30 mM). Addition of the extract also dose-dependently inhibited the KCl-induced contraction of the taenia coli. Increasing the calcium concentration increased the IC50 values of the extract. The result suggests that the inhibitory effect of the Sarcolobus globosus extract on the smooth muscle, like verapamil, is mainly due to inhibition of calcium influx.
Since the Government was implementing the policy of decentralization of psychiatric services, a large number of chronic schizophrenic patients failed community management because of the breakdown of family support. The rejected patients were admitted to the Old Persons' Home for protection because no other suitable places were available for them. In a follow-up study in one of the Homes, the one-year prevalence rate of treated psychiatric illness and schizophrenia was found to be 27.5% and 15.3% respectively. Lack of rehabilitation and community care facilities and inadequate staff in all categories were the root of the problem. The author foresees that the Government will face a serious problem in future to cater for the increasing number of chronic schizophrenic patients in the community if it does not take immediate action to improve mental health services in the country.
A validated study of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) of the World Health Organization against ICD-9 was found to have good validation indices at the cut-off point of 5/6. The sensitivity was 84.8% and specificity 83.7%. However, SRQ-24 had poor validation indices and are too sensitive to detect psychotic illness. Twenty-three per cent of 264 schizophrenic relatives who had been staying together with them and or actively involved in their care for at least one year had neurotic disorders compared with 1% who had latent schizophrenia. The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity was higher in the first-degree relatives compared with non-first degree relatives.
Anomaly is a congenital disorder. It is a medical condition that is present since birth. But the word congenital neither applies nor excludes genetic disorder. Congenital anomalies due to environmental factors are called as Teratogens. Infections, deficiency in the diet and toxins are environmental causes. Maternal folic acid deficiency may cause spina bifida. Intake of alcohol, and certain prescribed drugs like phenytoin may cause congenital anomalies or defects. Apart from physical anomalies, other types of congenital disorders are inborn errors of metabolism (Kumar, Abbas and Fausto, 2005). About 15% to 25% of anomalies are due to chromosomal factors or single gene factors, 8% to 12% anomalies are said to be due to environmental factors, 25% are said to be due to multifactorial inheritance 40% to 60% of anomalies are of unknown origin (Stevenson, 1993 ; Nelson and Holmes, 1984). Congenital anomalies are present since birth with structural deformity found immediately after birth or their presence may be detected by signs and symptoms later on (Holland and Brew, 1991). Congenital Anomalies are seen in 2% of population as major abnormality. There are two types of abnormalities, namely malformations where growth disturbances occur during embryogenesis and the other is deformation. It is late change that appears in a structure which was normal earlier (Roizen and Patterson, 2003).
Physical activity is the first line approach and one of the main factors in preventing chronic diseases. Currently there is the increasing percentage of sedentary life style or lack of exercise among adolescents. The main objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of inactivity and the factors influencing physical activity in adolescents. A cross sectional study was carried out among secondary school students aged 14 and 16 in Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 519 respondents participated in this study. Their physical activity level was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The active group was classified as those having levels of equal or more than 600 met-min per week while less than 600 met-min per week was considered inactive. Response rate in this study was 95.4%. The prevalence of inactive in adolescents was 20.8%. Female adolescents, non-working mother, time constraint, exercise only when having ample time and stretching before exercise are predictor factors for being inactive among adolescents. Steps need to be taken to persistently ensure that the physical activity among adolescents be increased continuously.
One of the main characteristics of urbanization in Asia is the very rapid increase in population movement from rural to urban centers. This phenomenon has led to changing population structure, its composition and lifestyles in the cities and its fringes. As a consequent of population pressure on urban system and infrastructure, compounded by the nature of the composition of the in-migrant population, the urban concentrates are faced with several social and socio-economic problems. Although there has been a lot of interests among researchers to study the causes and effects or urbanization, there is a vacuum in the area of health implications. Planners and administrators usually give priority to the physical aspects of the urban and urbanities. Social problems and health implications thereof receives very little attention either at the level of administration or research. This paper therefore is a brave attempt to focus and draw some attention to this neglected area by looking at selected social problems and the health consequences.
There is no report in the English literature on the criteria for neuroablation or neuroaugmentation for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in a developing country like Malaysia. A prospective study of patients with Parkinson's disease from the north-eastern peninsular Malaysia was done to assess their suitability of surgery. Age, race, duration of illness and dementia were considered important factors towards the success of such surgical procedures. A mathematical model is suggested for future cases deemed to be suitable for neuroaugmentative or ablative surgery.
Poly (lactic) acid (PLA) composites have made their way into various applications that may require thermoforming to produce 3D shapes. Wrinkles are common in many forming processes and identification of the forming parameters to prevent them in the useful part of the mechanical component is a key consideration. Better prediction of such defects helps to significantly reduce the time required for a tooling design process. The purpose of the experiment discussed here is to investigate the effects of different test parameters on the occurrence of deformations during sheet forming of double curvature shapes with bamboo fabric reinforced-PLA composites. The results demonstrated that the domes formed using hot tooling conditions were better in quality than those formed using cold tooling conditions. Wrinkles were more profound in the warp direction of the composite domes compared to the weft direction. Grid Strain Analysis (GSA) identifies the regions of severe deformation and provides useful information regarding the optimisation of processing parameters.
A young East Malaysian lady presented with haemoptysis in 1989. Since then she had recurrent episodes of dyspnoea and two occasions of respiratory failure requiring assisted ventilation. An open lung biopsy showed intra-alveolar haemorrhage with diffuse interstitial fibrosis consistent with idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis after excluding secondary causes of pulmonary haemorrhage. She failed to respond to corticosteroid and continued to depend on oxygen until she succumbed to the illness 2 years after the presentation.
In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behavior in an M-dimensional nonlinear hyperchaotic model (M-NHM), where the occurrence of multistability can be observed. Four types of coexisting attractors including single limit cycle, cluster of limit cycles, single hyperchaotic attractor, and cluster of hyperchaotic attractors can be found, which are unusual behaviors in discrete chaotic systems. Furthermore, the coexistence of asymmetric and symmetric properties can be distinguished for a given set of parameters. In the endeavor of chaotification, this work introduces a simple controller on the M-NHM, which can add one more loop in each iteration, to overcome the chaos degradation in the multistability regions.
Centella asiatica is widely used as a medicinal plant in Malaysia and other parts of the world. In the present study, the growth and uptake of heavy metal by C. asiatica were determined based on the plant exposure to different treatment of metal-contaminated soils under laboratory conditions. Heavy metals uptake in different parts of the plants namely roots, stems and leaves were determined. In general, it was found that the metal uptake capacity followed the order: roots > stems > leaves. Since a close positive relationship was established between the concentrations of metal accumulated in different parts of the plant and the metal levels in the most contaminated soil, C. asiatica has the potential of being used as a biomonitoring plant for heavy metal pollution in the polluted soils.