This study investigates the effects of powerful Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) on earnings quality in a setting where CEOs have strong dominance over other top executives and occasionally attempt to exert their influence over corporate regulatory bodies. Using 10-year longitudinal data for the period from 2010 to 2019 and 1,395 firm-year observations from listed non-financial firms in Bangladesh, we found that CEOs' political power and CEOs with high structural and expert power have a significant detrimental effect on earnings quality. Ownership and prestige power have an insignificant impact on earnings quality. These powerful CEOs use accrual and real activity manipulation techniques together to manage the earnings. This study uses the system-generalized method of moment estimates for estimation purposes, and the results remain robust when alternative earnings quality proxies are used. Taken together, our results suggest that CEOs' political duality (i.e., serving simultaneously as a member of parliament and a CEO) should be restricted and that a CEO's tenure should be limited to a reasonable period. This research adds to the existing body of knowledge by offering empirical support for CEO power dynamics on earnings quality, specifically political and prestige power.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of sustainability reporting (SR) quality on the corporate financial performance (CFP) of initial public offering (IPO) in Malaysia. This research applies the OLS and WLS regressions through content analysis of annual reports. The data was collected from Datastream, where 131 IPOs listed companies on Bursa Malaysia between 2007 and 2017. The findings indicate a positive and negative association between SR and its components with CFP. It is found that there is a negative and significant association between the SR characteristics of employees and products with CFP. However, it was discovered that the societal and environmental components have a significantly positive association with CFP. This finding shows that SR practices might be seen as an attempt to enhance IPO performance. The findings can facilitate financial institutions and regulatory agencies in driving responsibility on the part of companies regarding SR issues. The firms should involve SR practices in their SR decisions. Thus, this study emphasises the significance of combining social and organisational activities.
The process in recruitment and selection of new workers give an impact on the quality of human resource. This process is the main factor that influences the success of an organization. Nevertheless, there is one practice that could influence the process of recruitment and selection of new worker. This is the practice of nepotism. The practice of nepotism is an issue frequently debated because it is one of the dominant factor that influences the appraisal of an organization. This practice has to be abolished in order for our country to develop.
Although firms increasingly publish sustainability reports, assuring such reports is relatively new. This study reviews the literature of sustainability assurance to evaluate the intellectual development of the field and provide recommendations for future studies. It also demonstrates the role of assurance to enhance the credibility of sustainability reports and corporate reputation. This paper systematically reviews 94 papers obtained from the Scopus database between 1993 and August 2021. Our study shows that there is an increase in the number of studies published in recent years. We also found that some countries have received limited attention, such as the USA. The scant literature examining sustainability assurance in private institutions and non-profit organisations should be reinforced. Likewise, the sustainability research also provides limited evidence on the governance debate. The vast majority of research is not based on theoretical grounds. The need for assurance of sustainability reports not only enhances the reputation but also adds more value to the organisation's planning, monitoring, and accountability. We highlight several new research suggestions that may enhance the understanding of sustainability assurance practices.
The purpose of this research is to measure the combing impact of corporate social responsibility on company performance and to conduct a comparative analysis among local and foreign companies in this context. This research aims to conduct an empirical analysis about how corporate social responsibility contributes to company performance. The study utilizes AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS theory to conduct research. The results revealed that environmental corporate social responsibility has a vital role in the development of organizational reputation and employee commitment. It can be observed from the results that the weights of environmental CSR, corporate CSR, financial CSR, and social CSR are 0.30, 0.25, 0.24, and 0.21, respectively. The preference of these four criteria is environmental CSR > corporate CSR > financial CSR > social CSR. The corporate CSR criterion got the maximum weight of 0.30, whereas the social CSR criteria received the lowest weight of 0.21. The financial CSR get weights of criteria 0.25, and the commercial potential obtained 0.24 weights, while the financial CSR got the 2nd highest criteria weight of 0.25, and the social CSR get weights of criteria 0.21 lowest weighted. The research provides valuable information for decision-makers. The study provides a valuable information for policy makers.
Background: The confidence of Bottom 40 (B40) shareholders is crucial for cooperative's sustenance within wider corporate governance. An in-depth study on cooperatives is needed, as they play a crucial role in the Malaysian economic system and contribute greatly to the country's social development. However, in the current landscape, confidence among shareholders is at stake. This study aims to identify the research gap into corporate governance for cooperativess in relation to B40 shareholder confidence, as well as identify current study challenges and develop a conceptual framework for future research. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review, with the use of agency theory to assess shareholders' confidence. Emerald, ProQuest, InderScience, Scopus and Science Direct were the online databases used in this study to search five keyword phrases: corporate governance, confidence, cooperative, agency theory and Bottom 40% (B40) household. Tranfield's five stages were used to conduct the systematic review. Results: Only 5 of the 324 studies assess shareholders' confidence in cooperatives, as well as one paper on B40 and two papers on agency theory. Our review presents three major findings. First, research in the context of B40 shareholder's confidence in cooperatives is scarce. Second, the challenges related to shareholders' confidence in B40 are major issues in the context. Third, research on agency theory in the context of shareholders' confidence within cooperatives and corporate governance is still scant. Conclusions: This review urges the research community to conduct more studies based on the highlighted research gaps.
Content management is an organisational effort of managing content, particularly in digital format. Although it has been over 25 years since content management was introduced, this field of study is still considered an emerging topic with unresolved issues-in particular, the subject of benefit achievement. Therefore, grounded on an extensive review of 135 articles, the purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits that organisations can gain through the proper use of an Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS). Subsequently, this paper identifies a list of ECMS benefits and proposes an ECMS benefit framework for further exploration into this field. Our result shows that although ECMS does bring benefits to organisations, these benefits are diverse; indicating that there are certain determinants or factors influencing the achievement of such benefits. Moreover, it is also found that in the context of the benefit framework of Shang and Seddon [10], three categories were found relevant to the field of content management: operational benefit, managerial benefit, and strategic benefit.
Work-related upper-extremity disorders (WRUEDs) are frequently occurring among workers in general. Various researches support the empirical results of the Autogenic factors related to such problems of health and safety. Research shows the association of different aspects of work organization strengthen the possibilities of work-related stress and other psychosocial factors, which may lead towards adverse health conditions. To review the previous work done for finding the association between psychosocial factors and upper extremity disorders. Findings from different studies have been reviewed to examine the psychosocial factors association in developing WRUEDs. Published studies, which were primarily focused on WRUEDs and psychosocial factors association, were reviewed. Various studies have shown the relationship between psychosocial factors and UEDs. Due to the different nature of epidemiology of the disorder and variable differences, findings from different studies contradicts. Finally, this review presents the limitations in existing studies, and further research has been proposed for future.
Environmental nongovernmental organizations (ENGOs) are considered key players for engendering good climate change governance to address both climate change and sustainable development. The participation of ENGOs in climate change governance occurs in a four-phase policy cycle. They include (1) identification of policy options, (2) policy formulation, (3) policy implementation, and (4) policy monitoring and evaluation. The ENGOs, however, have been criticized for their lack of effectiveness, and their roles in tackling climate change remain unclear. To date, the study on the roles and activities of Southeast Asian ENGOs in climate change governance has been under-researched. This study, therefore, applies a systematic literature review of 19 published articles from Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journal to understand the current state of the Southeast Asian ENGOs participation in climate change governance based on the four-phase policy cycle. The findings show that the ENGOs in Southeast Asia are involved directly and indirectly in climate change governance. They are significant actors in the implementation of the climate change policy, but they play a minimal role in the formulation of said policy. It implies that they could also be a vital partner to the government in the climate change governance process as they can bring effective policy improvements. Lastly, this review will recommend future avenues of research for scholars.
At present, climate and other environmental problems are arising because of the development of the industrial sector at a large level. The industrial sector is supposed to be a major cause of climate change problems that lead to global warming. Therefore, corporate social responsibility (CSR) with the help of corporate governance is an imperative approach to control these social problems. Consequently, in the context of the organizational and management theory, agency theory, and the stakeholder theory, this study focuses on important factors of internal corporate governance such as chief executive officer (CEO) power, the board size, independence, ownership concentration, managerial ownership, and audit quality for improving the profitability of firms. Moreover, this study considers corporate social responsibility as a controlling and moderating factor for firm performance and internal corporate governance. We employed ordinary least square (OLS) for endogeneity testing, fixed effect (FE), generalized method of moments (GMM), and feasible generalized least square (FGLS) on data of Pakistani firms for the period of 2010-2019. The results of this study demonstrate the following outcomes: firstly, all internal corporate governance factors are positively linked with firm performance; secondly, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the most valuable tool for improving profitability. Importantly, this study suggests that all internal corporate governance factors are positively linked with firm performance because of the interactive role of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This study practically contributes to the literature by suggesting the imperative role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for internal corporate governance, which may help to reduce climate and social problems.
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) as proxy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate firm's performance (CFP) in the context of Pakistani financial and non-financial firms sectors. This study comprises two main firm's performance indicators such as market base (excess stock returns) and accounting base (returns on assets and returns on capital). The data set starts from 2011 to 2017 and consists of three hundred and fifty (350) firms on equal numbers of financial and non-financial firms. This study uses a non-linear and disaggregated approach for data analysis. The results of the linear model indicate that CSP and returns on capital have a negative relationship, while the non-linear model of CSP and accounting base performance as CFP have positive association in the domain of long run. There is a significant relationship that exist among environmental social governance (ESG) disclosure score, government sub-components score, and social performance. However, a U-shaped association found between CFP and government sub-components, which further suggest that governance has a vital role toward CSP and CFP components.
After the cold war, some countries gradually seek to regional cooperation when they could not handle various transnational challenges alone. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a good example. It brought Central Asian countries together. This paper applies the text-mining method, using co-word analysis, co-occurrence matrix, cluster analysis, and strategic diagram to analyze the selected articles from newspapers quantitatively and visually. In order to investigate the Chinese government's attitude toward the SCO, this study collected data from the China Core Newspaper Full-text Database, which contains high-impact government newspapers revealing the Chinese government's perception of the SCO. This study characterizes the changing role of SCO as perceived by the Chinese government from 2001 to 2019. Beijing's changing expectations in each of the three identified subperiods are described.
The current research presents fresh insights on empirically presenting the relationship between ownership structure and corporate sustainable performance of two emerging markets: Malaysia and Pakistan. Moreover, the moderating role of gender diversity is observed on the relationship between ownership structure and corporate sustainable performance. Dynamic estimator, named system generalized method of moments, is used for estimations that control for potential dynamic endogeneity, simultaneity, and reverse causality. Findings reveal that ownership concentration and state ownership are negatively related to economic, social, and environmental indicators of CSP both in Malaysia and Pakistan, whereas directors' ownership is positively associated with all sustainability indicators. Financial institution's ownership showed a positive significant impact on CSP in Malaysia, whereas an insignificant relationship is observed in Pakistan. Meanwhile, the moderating impact of women directors on the relationship between ownership structure and corporate sustainable performance reveals a significant impact in Malaysia and an insignificant impact in Pakistan. Generally, the findings of the study have practical implications for regulatory authorities, securities commissions, and policymakers of Malaysia and Pakistan. Moreover, there is a need to bring reforms into corporate governance structures in Pakistan, where weak economic conditions leave a frail impact of ownership structure on CSP and an insignificant moderating impact of board gender diversity.
Financial performance is a critical aspect of a company's overall health and sustainability. It directly influences investor decisions, stock market performance, credit ratings, and the company's ability to access capital. Corporate financial performance is influenced by multitude of facts, both internal and external such as disclosure of the information, and social and environmental factors. On the ground of the facts, we aimed to investigate non-financial firms that belong to Asian economies affected by climate policy uncertainty and corporate social responsibility disclosures in terms of their financial performance. To conduct quantitative study analysis, we used the two effective statistical tools such as two-stage regression method and generalized method of movement (GMM). Our results show that corporate high value of social responsibility disclosure and climate policy uncertainty has significant negative impact on return on asset (ROA) of the listed organizations of China, Pakistan, and India. Moreover, CSR disclosure attributes higher values such as social (SC) and governance score (GOV), and climate policy uncertainty (CPU) has significant negative relationship with return on equity (ROE) and earning per share (EPS) respectively, while a higher value of ESG total score and the environmental (ENV) score has a significant positive impact on ROE and EPS. Additionally, the research concludes that climate policy uncertainty is a key factor that motivates CSR disclosure practices, which ultimately improves corporate financial performance. Moreover, we concluded from our finding that the climate policy uncertainty creates ambiguity surrounding government regulations, international agreements, or market mechanisms that affect financial performance. Moreover, environmental disclosure information that has the large part in total ESG scores attract the investors around the globe which leads to rise in the financial performance, while the other attributes of the CSR disclosure decrease performance. This study advocated the great implications for researchers, investors, the government, and regulatory authorities. Policy makers can make the policy about the CSR disclosure for creating the good image of the organization to attract investors around the globe.
Leadership in a huge and complex organisation like the Ministry of Health is important. The importance of leadership lies in the role it plays in defining the character, values and direction of an organization; and it's relation to organizational performance. Leadership is a quality that must be embedded within an organization for the organization to be successful and meet its objectives. Good leaders can be developed through a continuous process of self-study, education, training and experience. This concept of leadership also highlights the importance of seeking people with leadership talent, developing their potential and providing opportunities for them to lead.
Workplace bullying has drawn greater attention in the last one and half decades. Despite its recognition by many organizations and countries, it is still rife. Why is that so? Could it be that the root of the problem has not been addressed? Or, could it be due to difficulties and resistances in embarking preventive and control measures. In this paper, we will examine the possible causes of workplace bullying based on a proposed model. In depth discussion of the personal and organizational factors are made while the work group and societal factors are dealt with in brief. In summary, the root of workplace bullying is multi-factorial. Understanding the complexity and subtlety of workplace bullying is pertinent in the effort to prevent or curtail it.
This article define and discuss the issue of plagiarism by nursing students either in academic or clinical settings. It describes and explore the scenario of plagiarism among nursing students and implications for the qualification of the students. Currently, prevention is required to avoid negative culture in nursing education due to plagiarism.
The study of stock market volatility has been the focus of market participants primarily because most
of the applications in financial economics are concerned with volatility. The economic structure in
Malaysia is divided into three sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary. As the stability of the stock
market is important for businesses, this paper carefully reviews the concept of volatility and analyses
how different business sectors in Malaysia are affected by stock market volatility.