Displaying all 19 publications

  1. Mahdy ZA, Basri H, Md Isa Z, Ahmad S, Shamsuddin K, Mohd Amin R
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2014 Apr;40(4):983-7.
    PMID: 24320794 DOI: 10.1111/jog.12277
    To determine the adequacy of antenatal calcium intake in Malaysia, and the influencing factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  2. Zhang ZW, Shimbo S, Miyake K, Watanabe T, Nakatsuka H, Matsuda-Inoguchi N, et al.
    Eur J Clin Nutr, 1999 Mar;53(3):226-32.
    PMID: 10201805
    To examine the accuracy of food composition table (FCT)-based estimation of dietary nutrient element intake in reference to the instrumental measurement by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  3. Zaid SS, Sulaiman SA, Othman NH, Soelaiman IN, Shuid AN, Mohamad N, et al.
    Clinics (Sao Paulo), 2012 Jul;67(7):779-84.
    PMID: 22892923
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Tualang honey on trabecular structure and compare these effects with those of calcium supplementation in ovariectomized rats.

    METHODS: Forty female, Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups (n =8): four controls and one test arm. The control arm comprised a baseline control, sham-operated control, ovariectomized control, and ovariectomized calcium-treated rats (receiving 1% calcium in drinking water ad libitum). The test arm was composed of ovariectomized, Tualang honey-treated rats (received 0.2 g/kg body weight of Tualang honey). Both the sham-operated control and ovariectomized control groups received vehicle treatment (deionized water), and the baseline control group was sacrificed without treatment.

    RESULTS: All rats were orally gavaged daily for six weeks after day one post-surgery. The bone structural analysis of rats in the test arm group showed a significant increase in the bone volume per tissue volume (BV/TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) and trabecular number (Tb.N) and a significant decrease in inter-trabecular space (Tb.Sp) compared with the ovariectomized control group. The trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) in the test arm group was significantly higher compared with the ovariectomized-calcium treated group, and the inter-trabecular space (Tb.Sp) in the test arm group was significantly narrower compared with the ovariectomized-calcium treated group.

    CONCLUSION: In conclusion, ovariectomized rats that received Tualang honey showed more improvements in trabecular bone structure than the rats that received calcium.

    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  4. Chee WS, Suriah AR, Zaitun Y, Chan SP, Yap SL, Chan YM
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2002;11(2):142-6.
    PMID: 12074181
    The objective of this study was to compare the dietary calcium intakes assessed by a quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and the three-day food record method in 230 Chinese postmenopausal women aged 50-65 years in Kuala Lumpur. The results showed that the mean calcium intake from the dietary records was 447+/-168 mg/day and 499+/-211 mg/day from the FFQ. The mean difference in intake by the two methods was 51.3 mg (95% CI = -30.8-77.9; SD = 181.2, P>0.05), which did not differ significantly from zero. Pearson's correlation coefficient of 0.56 was obtained between the two methods. Ninety-five percent of the individuals classified by food records fell into the same or within-one-quartile category when classified by FFQ. Forty-eight percent were classified into the same quartile by both methods. No subjects were grossly misclassified by the FFQ. The FFQ correctly identified subjects with calcium intakes below the Malaysian recommended daily allowance (450 mg/day) with 60% specificity and with 92% specificity for women consuming less than 800 mg calcium/day. In conclusion, the FFQ developed was a useful, rapid clinical tool for assessing calcium intake and identifying postmenopausal Chinese women with low calcium intakes in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  5. Houshmand M, Azhar K, Zulkifli I, Bejo MH, Meimandipour A, Kamyab A
    J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr (Berl), 2011 Jun;95(3):351-8.
    PMID: 21156001 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2010.01061.x
    This experiment was conducted to investigate and compare the efficacy of different feed additives on performance, tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) incidence and tibia characteristics of male broilers fed low-calcium diets. A completely randomized design, with six treatments and five replicates of five chicks per each was used. Experimental treatments were: (i) Basal diet containing recommended level of calcium (0.9%) as control treatment (Ctrl), (ii) low-calcium (0.67%) diet without any additive (LC), (iii) low-calcium diet + probiotic (2 g/kg diet), (iv) low-calcium diet + prebiotic (2 g/kg diet), (v) low-calcium diet + synbiotic [mix of probiotic and prebiotic (each 2 g/kg diet)], (vi) low-calcium diet + organic acid (1.5 g/kg diet). Birds were reared in an open-sided house system under natural tropical condition until 21 days of age. Feeding with low-calcium diet negatively influenced broiler performance (body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio) and tibia characteristics, whereas dietary inclusion of all feed additives had beneficial effects on above-mentioned parameters and helped the birds to overcome problems related to low-calcium diets. Different treatments had no effect on TD incidence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  6. Haron H, Shahar S, O'Brien KO, Ismail A, Kamaruddin N, Rahman SA
    Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2010 Mar;61(2):125-37.
    PMID: 19995131 DOI: 10.3109/09637480903348080
    Assessment of calcium bioavailability from non-dairy foods containing moderate amounts of calcium is especially important in populations that have habitually low dairy consumption. Absorption of calcium from milk and tempeh (a traditional fermented soy product) was compared in a sample of Malay subjects. A randomized, crossover design was utilized to assess calcium absorption in 20 postmenopausal women from either a glass of milk (114 g) or from a meal of tempeh (206 g); each containing 130 mg calcium. At each study of Phase 1 (mid-July) and Phase 2 (mid-August), intravenous (42)Ca and oral (44)Ca were administered and calcium absorption was measured in 24-h urine collections post-dosing; with a 1-month washout period between phases. Absorption of calcium from tempeh did not differ significantly from milk (36.9 +/- 10.6% vs. 34.3 +/- 8.6%, respectively). Due to differences in the calcium content of tempeh, four servings of this product would be needed to get the same amount of absorbed calcium as that obtained from a 4-ounce glass of milk. Tempeh may provide readily available calcium for this population of women at risk for low bone mass.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  7. Karim NA, Razak NA
    PMID: 30865965 DOI: 10.1159/000493704
    Two nationwide studies, namely the South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS Malaysia) and MyBreakfast study showed that 13-17% of children aged between 6 and 12 years were either overweight or obese. From dietary assessment, the majority of children achieved the Malaysian recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for energy and protein, but more than 50% did not fulfill the RNI for calcium and vitamin D. The majority of children consumed breakfast regularly; however, 20-30% of children skipped breakfast. The MyBreakfast study showed that 17.7% of the children consumed ready-to-eat cereal (RTEC) at breakfast, while among non-RTEC consumers, bread (44.2%), eggs (31.8%), and nasi lemak (23.9%) were the most common foods consumed. RTEC was the major contributor of whole grain (68.6%), followed by hot cereal (18.6%), biscuits (8.7%), and bread (1.8%). In the SEANUTS Malaysia, among children aged 7-9 years, 13.4 and 9.5% met the Malaysian Dietary Guideline (MDG) for fruits and vegetables while among children aged 10-12 years, only 19.6 and 16.1%, respectively, met the MDG for fruits and vegetables. For the milk group, only 5.5% of 7- to 9-year-old children and 3.7% of those 10-12 years old met the MDG for milk/dairy products per day.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  8. Subramaniam T, Fauzi MB, Lokanathan Y, Law JX
    Int J Mol Sci, 2021 Jun 17;22(12).
    PMID: 34204292 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22126486
    Skin injury is quite common, and the wound healing is a complex process involving many types of cells, the extracellular matrix, and soluble mediators. Cell differentiation, migration, and proliferation are essential in restoring the integrity of the injured tissue. Despite the advances in science and technology, we have yet to find the ideal dressing that can support the healing of cutaneous wounds effectively, particularly for difficult-to-heal chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, bed sores, and venous ulcers. Hence, there is a need to identify and incorporate new ideas and methods to design a more effective dressing that not only can expedite wound healing but also can reduce scarring. Calcium has been identified to influence the wound healing process. This review explores the functions and roles of calcium in skin regeneration and reconstruction during would healing. Furthermore, this review also investigates the possibility of incorporating calcium into scaffolds and examines how it modulates cutaneous wound healing. In summary, the preliminary findings are promising. However, some challenges remain to be addressed before calcium can be used for cutaneous wound healing in clinical settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  9. Barakatun Nisak MY, Ruzita AT, Norimah AK, Gilbertson H, Nor Azmi K
    J Am Coll Nutr, 2010 Jun;29(3):161-70.
    PMID: 20833988 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2010.10719830
    OBJECTIVES: This randomized controlled study was conducted to determine the effect of low glycemic index (GI) dietary advice on eating patterns and dietary quality in Asian patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM).

    METHODS: Asian patients with T2DM (N  =  104) were randomized into 2 groups that received either low GI or conventional carbohydrate exchange (CCE) dietary advice for 12 weeks. Nutritional prescriptions were based on the medical nutrition therapy for T2DM, with the difference being in the GI component of the carbohydrates. Dietary intake and food choices were assessed with the use of a 3-day food record.

    RESULTS: At week 12, both groups achieved the recommendations for carbohydrate (52 ± 4% and 54 ± 4% of energy) and fat (30 ± 4% and 28 ± 5% of energy) intake. There were no significant differences in the reported macronutrient intake in both groups. With the low GI diet, crude fiber and dietary calcium intake increased, while the dietary GI reduced. Subjects in the lowest dietary glycemic index/glycemic load (GI/GL) quartile consumed more parboiled/basmati rice, pasta, milk/dairy products, fruits, and dough, which are foods from the low GI category. There was a significant reduction in the hemoglobin A(1c) level at week 12 for patients in the lowest GI/GL quartile (Δ  =  -0.7 ± 0.1%) compared with those in the highest GI/GL quartile (Δ  =  -0.1 ± 0.2%).

    CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate the ability of low GI dietary advice to improve the dietary quality of Asian patients with T2DM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  10. Ting GP, Tan SY, Chan SP, Karuthan C, Zaitun Y, Suriah AR, et al.
    J Nutr Health Aging, 2007 Jan-Feb;11(1):69-73.
    PMID: 17315084
    A previous study on a randomized controlled trial in 173 postmenopausal Chinese women in Kuala Lumpur showed that milk supplementation was effective to reduce bone loss at the total body, lumbar spine, femoral neck and total hip compared to the control group on a usual diet (Chee et al. 2003).
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  11. Lim PS, Ong FB, Adeeb N, Seri SS, Noor-Aini MY, Shamsuddin K, et al.
    Osteoporos Int, 2005 Dec;16(12):2069-79.
    PMID: 16234999 DOI: 10.1007/s00198-005-2003-4
    The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with osteoporosis in urban midlife Malaysian women and to assess the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention in bone loss prevention with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as a positive control. A total of 514 disease-free, uterus-intact, non-HRT-using women aged 45 years and older were recruited into the study. After initial bone mineral density (BMD) assessments, they were randomized into three groups: GI (control), G2 (lifestyle intervention), and G3 (lifestyle intervention with HRT). The study group was composed of 67.5% Chinese, 27.8% Malay, and 4.2% Indians with a mean age of 51.07+/-5.28 years. Two-fifths were postmenopausal, and the prevalence of osteoporosis was 24.1%, seen predominantly at the hip. Postmenopausal women had significantly lower mean BMD and a higher incidence of osteoporosis compared with the premenopausal women, 42.1% vs. 11.1% (p<0.0005). A lower incidence of osteoporosis was found in women who took calcium supplementation regularly as opposed to those who do not, 18.7% vs. 29.3% (p=0.036). Age and a greater postmenopausal duration showed a significant negative association with BMD, whereas higher family income, weight, body mass index, and waist and hip circumference were positively correlated. After 18-20 months, the effect of intervention was assessed based on BMD values of 279 women at baseline and after intervention. Lifestyle intervention alone was effective in premenopausal women, preventing over 90% of spinal bone loss compared with the controls, who lost 11.6% (0.046 g/cm2) bone mass with similar losses of hip bone, 2.0% (0.026 g/cm2) vs. 1.5% (0.020 g/cm2). Premenopausal women on HRT also showed a substantial decrease in spine and hip BMD, 18.6% (0.081 g/cm2) and 9.0% (0.122 g/cm2), respectively. The lifestyle intervention program retarded postmenopausal bone loss by 21% and 37% compared with controls, who lost 9.6% (0.141 g/cm2) and 6.0% (0.138 g/cm2) bone mass at the spine and hip. In comparison, lifestyle intervention with HRT increased postmenopausal BMD by 12.7% (0.216 g/cm2) at the spine and 1.9% (0.042 g/cm2) at the hip. The changes in hip BMD were influenced by current age, ethnicity, and income, while intervention had the strongest effect on spine BMD changes. In conclusion, lifestyle intervention prevented spinal bone loss in premenopausal women and retarded postmenopausal spine and hip bone loss compared with controls. The benefits of physical activity on spine and hip BMD highlight its potential as a safe and cost-effective alternative to HRT, which is not advocated because of its potential adverse effects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  12. Kruger MC, Chan YM, Lau LT, Lau CC, Chin YS, Kuhn-Sherlock B, et al.
    Eur J Nutr, 2018 Dec;57(8):2785-2794.
    PMID: 28975432 DOI: 10.1007/s00394-017-1544-6
    PURPOSE: In Malaysia, hip fracture incidence is higher in Chinese women than other ethnic groups. This study compared the effects of a high-calcium vitamin D fortified milk with added FOS-inulin versus regular milk over 1 year on aspects of bone health in Chinese postmenopausal women in Malaysia.

    METHODS: One-hundred and twenty-one women (mean age 59 (± 4) years) were randomized into two groups: control (n = 60; regular milk, 428 mg calcium per day) or intervention (n = 61; fortified milk at 1200 mg calcium, 96 mg magnesium, 2.4 mg zinc, 15 μg vitamin D and 4 g FOS-inulin per day). At baseline, weeks 12, 24, 36 and 52, parathyroid hormone (PTH), C-Telopeptide of Type I Collagen (CTx-1), Procollagen I Intact N-Terminal propeptide (PINP) and vitamin D levels were assessed. Bone density (BMD) was measured at baseline and week 52 using a GE Lunar iDXA.

    RESULTS: Body mass index, lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD did not differ between groups at baseline. Over 52 weeks, mean plasma 25 (OH) D3 levels increased to 74.8 nmol/L (intervention group) or remained at 63.1 nmol/L (control group) (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  13. Freisling H, Pisa PT, Ferrari P, Byrnes G, Moskal A, Dahm CC, et al.
    Eur J Nutr, 2016 Sep;55(6):2093-104.
    PMID: 26303194 DOI: 10.1007/s00394-015-1023-x
    PURPOSE: Various food patterns have been associated with weight change in adults, but it is unknown which combinations of nutrients may account for such observations. We investigated associations between main nutrient patterns and prospective weight change in adults.

    METHODS: This study includes 235,880 participants, 25-70 years old, recruited between 1992 and 2000 in 10 European countries. Intakes of 23 nutrients were estimated from country-specific validated dietary questionnaires using the harmonized EPIC Nutrient DataBase. Four nutrient patterns, explaining 67 % of the total variance of nutrient intakes, were previously identified from principal component analysis. Body weight was measured at recruitment and self-reported 5 years later. The relationship between nutrient patterns and annual weight change was examined separately for men and women using linear mixed models with random effect according to center controlling for confounders.

    RESULTS: Mean weight gain was 460 g/year (SD 950) and 420 g/year (SD 940) for men and women, respectively. The annual differences in weight gain per one SD increase in the pattern scores were as follows: principal component (PC) 1, characterized by nutrients from plant food sources, was inversely associated with weight gain in men (-22 g/year; 95 % CI -33 to -10) and women (-18 g/year; 95 % CI -26 to -11). In contrast, PC4, characterized by protein, vitamin B2, phosphorus, and calcium, was associated with a weight gain of +41 g/year (95 % CI +2 to +80) and +88 g/year (95 % CI +36 to +140) in men and women, respectively. Associations with PC2, a pattern driven by many micro-nutrients, and with PC3, a pattern driven by vitamin D, were less consistent and/or non-significant.

    CONCLUSIONS: We identified two main nutrient patterns that are associated with moderate but significant long-term differences in weight gain in adults.

    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  14. Pon LW, Noor-Aini MY, Ong FB, Adeeb N, Seri SS, Shamsuddin K, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2006;15(3):388-99.
    PMID: 16837432
    The objective of the study was to assess nutritional and health status as well as nutritional knowledge in urban middle-aged Malaysian women. The impact of menopause on diet and health indices was also studied. The study included 360 disease free women, non users of HRT,aged > or =45 years with an intact uterus recruited from November 1999 to October 2001. Personal characteristics, anthropometric measurements and blood sample were acquired followed by clinical examination. Nutrient intake and nutritional knowledge was determined by a quantitative FFQ and KAP. The findings showed that urban middle-aged women, aged 51.65+/-5.40 years had energy intakes (EI) 11% below RDA, consisting of 53% carbohydrates, 15% protein and a 32% fat which declined with age. The sample which comprised of 42.5% postmenopausal women had a satisfactory diet and healthy lifestyle practices. Premenopausal women consumed more dietary fat (6%) with other aspects of diet comparable to the postmenopausal women. Iron intake was deficient in premenopausal women, amounting to 56% RDA contributing to a 26% prevalence of anaemia. Overall, calcium intake reached 440 mg daily but dairy products were not the main source. The postmenopaused had a more artherogenic lipid profile with significantly higher total cholesterol (TC) and LDL-C, but more premenopausal women were overweight/obese (49% versus 35%). EI was the strongest predictor for BMI and waist circumference (WC), with WC itself an independent predictor of fasting blood sugar and TC with BMI strongly affecting glucose tolerance. High nutritional knowledge was seen in 39% whereas 20% had poor knowledge. Newspapers and magazines, followed by the subject's social circle, were the main sources of nutritional information. Nutritional knowledge was positively associated with education, household income, vitamin/ mineral supplementation and regular physical activity but inversely related to TC. In conclusion, middle-aged urban women had an adequate diet with low iron and calcium intakes. Nutritional knowledge was positively associated to healthier lifestyle practices and lower TC. A comparable nutrient intake and lifestyle between pre and postmenopausal women suggested that health changes associated with menopause was largely independent of diet.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  15. Chong HC, Chee SS, Goh EM, Chow SK, Yeap SS
    Clin Rheumatol, 2007 Feb;26(2):182-5.
    PMID: 16565892 DOI: 10.1007/s10067-006-0258-6
    The primary objective of this study was to determine the relationship between dietary calcium intake and bone mineral density (BMD) in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) on corticosteroids (CS). The secondary aim was to identify other risk factors for osteoporosis in these patients. A cross-sectional sample of patients attending the SLE Clinic at a teaching hospital was recruited. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Daily dietary calcium intake was assessed using a structured validated food frequency questionnaire, in which patients were asked to estimate their food intake based on their recent 2-month dietary habits. Sixty subjects were recruited with a mean age of 33.70+/-8.46 years. The median duration of CS use was 5.5 years (range 0.08-24). The median cumulative dose of steroids was 17.21 g (range 0.16-91.37). The median daily dietary calcium intake was 483 mg (range 78-2101). There was no significant correlation between calcium intake and BMD, even after correcting for CS use. There were also no correlations between BMD and the duration of SLE, cumulative CS use, duration of CS use, smoking, alcohol intake, and SLE disease activity index score. Twenty-eight (46.7%) patients had normal BMD, 28 (46.7%) had osteopenia, and four (6.6%) had osteoporosis. Duration of SLE significantly correlated with cumulative CS dosage. In conclusion, 6.7% of these Asian premenopausal SLE women had osteoporosis and only 46.7% had normal BMD. Daily dietary calcium intake did not correlate with BMD.
    Study site: SLE clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  16. Ataie-Jafari A, Loke SC, Rahmat AB, Larijani B, Abbasi F, Leow MK, et al.
    Clin Nutr, 2013 Dec;32(6):911-7.
    PMID: 23395257 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2013.01.012
    This participant-blinded parallel-group randomized placebo-controlled study demonstrated that alfacalcidol (vitamin D analogue) preserves beta cell function in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes (T1DM) in children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  17. Chee WS, Suriah AR, Chan SP, Zaitun Y, Chan YM
    Osteoporos Int, 2003 Oct;14(10):828-34.
    PMID: 12915959
    Dietary studies often report low calcium intake amongst post-menopausal Malaysian women and calcium deficiency has been implicated as part of the etiology of age-related bone loss leading to osteoporosis. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of high calcium skimmed milk (Anlene Gold, New Zealand Milk, Wellington, New Zealand) to reduce bone loss in Chinese postmenopausal women. Two hundred subjects aged 55-65 years and who were more than 5 years postmenopausal were randomized to a milk group and control group. The milk group consumed 50 g of high calcium skimmed milk powder daily, which contained 1200 mg calcium (taken as two glasses of milk a day). The control group continued with their usual diet. Using repeated measures ANCOVA, the milk supplement was found to significantly reduce the percentage of bone loss at the total body compared to the control group at 24 months (control -1.04%, milk -0.13%; P<0.001). At the lumbar spine, the percentage of bone loss in the control group was significantly higher (-0.90%) when compared to the milk (-0.13%) supplemented group at 24 months (P<0.05). Similarly, milk supplementation reduced the percentage of bone loss at the femoral neck (control -1.21%, milk 0.51%) (P<0.01) and total hip (control -2.17%, milk -0.50%) (P<0.01). The supplemented group did not experience any significant weight gain over the 24 months. The serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level improved significantly (P<0.01) from 69.1 +/- 16.1 nmol/l at baseline to 86.4 +/- 22.0 nmol/l at 24 months in the milk group. In conclusion, ingestion of high calcium skimmed milk was effective in reducing the rate of bone loss at clinically important lumbar spine and hip sites in postmenopausal Chinese women in Malaysia. Supplementing with milk had additional benefits of improving the serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D status of the subjects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
  18. Kruger MC, Chan YM, Kuhn-Sherlock B, Lau LT, Lau C, Chin YS, et al.
    Eur J Nutr, 2016 Aug;55(5):1911-21.
    PMID: 26264387 DOI: 10.1007/s00394-015-1007-x
    PURPOSE: To compare the effects of a high-calcium vitamin D-fortified milk with added FOS-inulin versus regular milk on serum parathyroid hormone, and bone turnover markers in premenopausal (Pre-M) and postmenopausal (PM) women over 12 weeks.

    METHODS: Premenopausal women (n = 136, mean age 41 (±5) years) and postmenopausal women [n = 121, mean age 59 (±4) years] were recruited, and each age group randomised into two groups to take two glasses per day of control = regular milk (500 mg calcium per day) or intervention (Int) = fortified milk (1000 mg calcium for pre-M women and 1200 mg calcium for PM women, 96 mg magnesium, 2.4 mg zinc, 15 µg vitamin D, 4 g FOS-inulin per day). At baseline, week 4 and week 12 serum minerals and bone biochemical markers were measured and bone density was measured at baseline.

    RESULTS: Mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH) vitamin D3] levels among groups were between 49 and 65 nmol/L at baseline, and over the 12 weeks of supplementation, the fortified milk improved vitamin D status in both Int groups. CTx-1 and PINP reduced significantly in both Pre-M and PM groups over the 12 weeks, with the changes in CTx-1 being significantly different (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage*
  19. Sies NS, Zaini AA, de Bruyne JA, Jalaludin MY, Nathan AM, Han NY, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 02 04;11(1):3193.
    PMID: 33542317 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82605-6
    Repetitive hypoxia seen in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) may affect bone metabolism increasing the risk for secondary osteoporosis. This study investigates the association between OSAS in children and secondary osteoporosis. This cross-sectional study included 150 children aged 10-17 years: 86 with OSAS and 64 with no OSAS. OSAS was confirmed by polysomnography. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of calcaneum measuring speed of sound (SoS) and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) were collected. Other parameters collected including bone profile, vitamin D levels, physical activity scoring and dietary calcium intake. Majority were male and Malay ethnicity. OSAS children were mostly obese (84%) and 57% had moderate to severe OSAS. Most had lower physical activities scores. Mean (SD) phosphate and Alkaline phosphatase were lower in OSA children compared to controls: PO4, p = 0.039 and ALP, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Calcium, Dietary/administration & dosage
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