Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 936 in total

  1. Woon FC, Chin YS, Mohd Nasir MT
    Obes Res Clin Pract, 2015 Jul-Aug;9(4):346-56.
    PMID: 25476772 DOI: 10.1016/j.orcp.2014.10.218
    This paper investigates the association between behavioural factors and BMI-for-age among early adolescents (10-11 years old) in Hulu Langat district, Selangor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  2. Rachael D., Leelavathi M.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(2):17-25.
    Obesiti semakin meningkat di seluruh dunia dan secara umumnya ramai wanita mempunyai persepsi yang tidak tepat mengenai berat badan mereka. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti kadar obesiti di kalangan wanita mengandung dan dan persepsi mereka tentang berat badan sendiri. Seramai 315 wanita mengandung telah mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Indeks jisim badan (BMI) mereka direkod dan persepsi tentang berat badan mereka dinilai dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Lebih dari separuh peserta (60.6%, n=191) dalam kajian ini didapati mempunyai berat badan yang melebihi paras normal dimana peratusan obes adalah 29.8% (n=94) manakala 30.8% (n=97) mempunyai berat badan yang berlebihan. Analisa kappa (kappa = 0.185 (95% CI, 0.119 hingga 0.258, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  3. Farah Fauzi, Arimi Fitri Mat Ludin, Mahadir Ahmad, Kamarul Zaman Maidin
    Aktiviti fizikal yang kerap seperti senaman mempunyai implikasi yang baik terhadap kehidupan seharian kita terutamanya dalam aspek kesihatan dan pengurusan stres. Kajian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan program senaman aerobik dengan protokol yang ditetapkan ke atas aras penanda tekanan terpilih di kalangan pelajar universiti semasa musim peperiksaan akademik. Lapan belas (n=18) mahasiswa tidak terlatih, dipadankan dengan umur dan BMI, telah dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan iaitu kumpulan intervensi (n=10) dan kawalan (n=8). Kumpulan intervensi menjalani senaman jenis aerobik berintensiti sederhana (60-75% daripada kadar denyut jantung maksimum), 3 kali seminggu selama 40-50 minit untuk setiap sesi selama 6 minggu. Darah vena diambil pada sebelum program senaman bermula (M1) dan selepas program senaman berakhir (M2) iaitu dalam minggu pertama musim peperiksaan. Kecergasan kardiorespiratori dan status stres psikologi diukur sebelum kedua-dua sesi pengambilan darah. Analisis biokima dijalankan untuk melihat aras malondialdehid (MDA) plasma dan kortisol serum. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa program senaman selama 6 minggu ini telah merangsang penurunan aras MDA yang signifikan (F=19.58, p=0.002) semasa minggu peperiksaan berbanding aras sebelum program senaman bermula. Kumpulan intervensi juga menunjukkan aras MDA yang lebih rendah (t=-0.42, p=0.001) berbanding kumpulan kawalan semasa menduduki minggu peperiksaan. Walaubagaimanapun, tiada perbezaan yang signifikan pada aras kortisol dalam kedua-dua kumpulan walaupun terdapat penurunan yang sedikit pada kumpulan intervensi semasa minggu peperiksaan. Kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa program senaman yang dijalankan mampu dijadikan sebagai strategi yang berkesan untuk membantu pelajar menghadapi stres terutamanya sewaktu sesi akademik yang memberatkan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  4. Shashikiran U, Sudha V, Jayaprakash B
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 Mar;59(1):130-3; quiz 134.
    PMID: 15535353
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  5. Fadieienko GD, Chereliuk NI, Galchinskaya VY
    Wiad Lek, 2021;74(3 cz 1):523-528.
    PMID: 33813462
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: To analyze the status of Gut microbiota (GM) at the level of the main phylotypes in patients with NAFLD, depending on the body mass index (BMI) and gender in comparison with a group of practically healthy individuals.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The study involved 120 patients with NAFLD, who were divided into two groups depending on BMI and the control group containing 20 practically healthy individuals.

    RESULTS: Results: In patients with NAFLD with comorbid obesity, a statistically significant increase in the relative amount of Firmicutes (52.12 [42.38; 67.39]%) and Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (3.75 [1.7; 9.5]) against the background of a significant decrease in the amount of Bacteroidetes (13.41 [7.45; 26.07]%); in NAFLD patients with overweight, the relative amount of Firmicutes was 49.39 [37.47; 62.73]%, Firmicutes / Bacteroidetes ratio was 1.98 [1.15; 5.92], and the relative amount of Bacteroidetes was 23.69 [12.11; 36.16]%. In the control group, the distribution of the basic GM phylotypes was significantly different; the relative amount of Bacteroidetes was almost the same as of Firmicutes - 34.65 [24.58; 43.53]% and 29.97 [22.52; 41.75]% respectively, and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio was 0.64 [0.52; 1.47].

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The most statistically significant changes in the composition of IM occur due to the increase in the relative amount of Firmicutes and the ratio of Firmicutes/ Bacteroidetes against the background of a decrease in the relative amount of Bacteroidetes. These changes were directly proportional to the increase in BMI, but had no gender features.

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  6. Tan, H.Y., Cheah, S.K., Joanna, O.S.M., Azrin, M.A.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(2):164-174.
    Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk membandingkan keberkesanan analgesia pre-emptif intravena magnesium sulfat menggunakan dos yang berbeza terhadap kesan pengawalan kesakitan berikutan pembedahan ginekologi. Seramai 56 orang pesakit dengan Indeks Jisim Badan (BMI)
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  7. Ng ZQ, Wijesuriya R, Misur P, Tan JH, Moe KS, Theophilus M
    ANZ J Surg, 2020 11;90(11):2298-2303.
    PMID: 32501646 DOI: 10.1111/ans.16063
    BACKGROUND: Recent evidence suggested that radiological measures of visceral adiposity are a better tool for risk assessment of colorectal adenomas. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of visceral adiposity with the development of colorectal adenomas.

    METHODS: A retrospective review of all cases of computed tomography-confirmed acute diverticulitis from November 2015 to April 2018 was performed. Data collated included basic demographics, computed tomography scan results (uncomplicated versus complicated diverticulitis), treatment modality (conservative versus intervention), outcomes and follow-up colonoscopy results within 12 months of presentation. The patients were divided into no adenoma (A) and adenoma (B) groups. Visceral fat area (VFA), subcutaneous fat area (SFA) and VFA/SFA ratio (V/S) were measured at L4/L5 level. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluation the association of VFA, SFA, V/S and different thresholds with the risk of adenoma formation.

    RESULTS: A total of 169 patients were included in this study (A:B = 123:46). The mean ± standard deviation for VFA was higher in group B (201 ± 87 cm2 versus 176 ± 79 cm2 ) with a trend towards statistical significance (P = 0.08). There was no difference in SFA and V/S in both groups. When the VFA >200 cm2 was analysed, it was associated with a threefold risk of adenoma formation (odds ratio 2.7, 95% confidence interval 1.35-5.50, P = 0.006). Subgroup analysis of gender with VFA, SFA and V/S found that males have a significantly higher VFA in group B (220.0 ± 95.2 cm2 versus 187.3 ± 69.2 cm2 ; P = 0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: The radiological measurement of visceral adiposity is a useful tool for opportunistic assessment of risk of colorectal adenoma.

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  8. Wong ZY, Ramasamy P, Ingels KJAO, Parmar C, Yang W, Pouwels S, et al.
    Obes Surg, 2023 Jan;33(1):332-338.
    PMID: 36434358 DOI: 10.1007/s11695-022-06363-8
    This study aims to provide an overview of the facial features and structure after bariatric surgery in the existing literature. A systematic literature search was performed in electronic databases until 15th February 2022. Four cohort studies including 129 patients from 3 countries were included between time period 2011 and 2020. Overall, bariatric surgery would promote massive weight loss associated with positive effects on facial aging. Analysis revealed a proportional relationship between body mass index (BMI) and faster facial aging and more attractive. Undergoing bariatric surgery would result in facial skin sagging and a favorable effect on the upper airway. Bariatric surgery was found to have a significant impact on changes in facial features but the current evidence remains inconclusive and further studies are required to illustrate facial changes post-bariatric surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  9. Hashim NNA, Mat S, Myint PK, Kioh SH, Delibegovic M, Chin AV, et al.
    Eur J Clin Invest, 2023 Feb;53(2):e13874.
    PMID: 36120810 DOI: 10.1111/eci.13874
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  10. Choong WY, Teh KW, Lau MN, Wey MC, Abd Rahman ANA, Ashari A
    Cranio, 2023 Jul;41(4):340-347.
    PMID: 35254223 DOI: 10.1080/08869634.2022.2043023
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence of adults and children seeking orthodontic treatment at high risk of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and pediatric OSA (POSA) and its association with demographic variables.

    METHODS: One hundred-eleven adults and 105 children were consecutively recruited from three centers. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) and ESS for Children and Adolescents were used for Risk stratifications for OSA and POSA.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of patients seeking orthodontic treatment at high risk of OSA/POSA was 27.8%, where 26.1% were adults, and 29.5% were children. High risk for OSA/POSA was not associated with gender, ethnicity, age, Body Mass Index, or neck circumference.

    CONCLUSION: Approximately 26% of adults and 30% of children seeking orthodontic care were at high risk for OSA and POSA. Screening for OSA and POSA among adults and children seeking orthodontic treatment is imperative.

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index
  11. Ku PX, Abu Osman NA, Yusof A, Wan Abas WA
    J Biomech, 2012 Jun 1;45(9):1638-42.
    PMID: 22507349 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.03.029
    Postural stability is crucial in maintaining body balance during quiet standing, locomotion, and any activities that require a high degree of balance performance, such as participating in sports and dancing. Research has shown that there is a relationship between stability and body mass. The aims of this study were to examine the impact that two variables had on static postural control: body mass index (BMI) and gender. Eighty healthy young adults (age=21.7±1.8 yr; height=1.65±0.09 m; mass=67.5±19.0 kg) participated in the study and the static postural control was assessed using the Biodex Balance System, with a 20 Hz sampling rate in the bipedic stance (BLS) and unipedic stance (ULS) for 30s. Five test evaluations were performed for each balance test. Postural control was found to be negatively correlated with increased adiposity, as the obese BMI group performed significantly poorer than the underweight, normal weight and overweight groups during BLS and ULS tests. The underweight, normal weight and overweight groups exhibited greater anterior-posterior stability in postural control during quiet stance. In addition, female displayed a trend of having a greater postural sway than male young adults, although it was evidenced in only some BMI groups. This study revealed that BMI do have an impact on postural control during both BLS and ULS. As such, BMI and gender-specific effects should be taken into consideration when selecting individuals for different types of sporting activities, especially those that require quiet standing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  12. Choo WS, Foo S, Tan E, Thayaparan FS, Chung YY, Raman S, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Mar;64(1):34-6.
    PMID: 19852318 MyJurnal
    This is a prospective study to determine the severity of disability and prognosis of acute stroke patients related to their Body Mass index (BMI). A total of 79 consecutive CT-scan-proven acute stroke patients who were admitted to Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar, Seremban between November 2006 and April 2007 were recruited (male:female 49:30; mean age 62.7 years; ischemic stroke 70, intracerebral bleed 9). The patients were divided according to BMI less than 25 (Group A) and equal or greater than 25 (Group B). Severity of disability was measured between 24-48 hours by modified Rankin's score. Patients were followed up after one month. Thirty-seven patients had severe disability (Rankin Score 5). Twenty-nine patients had adverse outcomes including 11 deaths and 18 rehospitalizations or prolonged hospital/nursing home stay. 34.3% of Group B had severe disability compared to 56.8% of Group A (chi2 P = 0.046). Conversely 42.9% of Group B had adverse events at one month compared to 31.8% of Group A (chi2 P = 0.312). There were no statistical differences between high- and low-BMI groups for gender ratio, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, prior cardiovascular disease, mean age, mean lipid profile and blood pressure. When comparing patients with Rankin Score 1-4 versus 5, age and BMI were statistically significant between the two groups. By multivariate analysis only age is independent predictor for severe disability (P < 0.05). The results of this pilot study should be confirmed in larger prospective multicentre trial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  13. Helvaci MR, Ozer C, Kaya H, Yalcin A
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jun;63(2):122-4.
    PMID: 18942297
    We tried to understand whether there are significant cut off values simply determining body mass index (BMI). The study was performed in Internal Medicine Polyclinics on consecutive check up patients aged between 15 and 70 years to see possible consequences of excess weight on health and to avoid debility induced weight loss in elders. Insulin using diabetics and patients with devastating illnesses were excluded to avoid their possible effects on weight. Cases were subdivided into three groups according to their body weights as under 65, between 65 and 85, and above 85 kg groups and prevalences of underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obesity were determined. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of body weights to determine BMI were calculated. The study included 954 cases (566 females). Sensitivity of 65 kg as a cut off value to detect normal weight was 61.0%, specificity 94.3%, positive predictive value 82.9%, and negative predictive value was 97.6%. Similarly, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of 65 and 85 kg to detect overweight cases were 71.5%, 63.3%, 56.2%, and 77.1% respectively. So both values were statistically significant to detect normal weight, overweight and obese individuals (p = 0.000 for both). Although BMI is probably a more valuable parameter to show weight status, the cut off values of 65 and 85 kg, as an easier way, have significant places, too.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  14. Gendeh BS, Salina H
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Dec;62(5):368-9.
    PMID: 18705467
    The purpose of this retrospective study is to determine whether there is a correlation among overweight, gender and the risk of development of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea. The clinical data of eight patients diagnosed with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea who had been treated at our tertiary referral centre between 1998 and 2007 were assessed. Demographically, seven patients were female and one male with ages ranging from 14 to 53 years with a mean age of 43.6 years. This observation revealed that all patients were overweight with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 32.5 kg/m2. This study suggests that there is a trend of increasing BMI to the risk of developing a spontaneous CSF rhinorrhoea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  15. Noran NH, Nooriah S, Mimiwati Z
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Mar;62(1):49-52.
    PMID: 17682571 MyJurnal
    This study was carried out to determine the association between body mass index and age related cataract among patients attending eye clinic. We conducted a case control study. The outcome of clinical eye assessment determined the patient's status. Mean body mass index among the cases was shown to be higher (25.4 +/- 4.5) than the control group (24.4 +/- 3.9) (p < 0.01). Crude analysis showed that only obese respondents were 2.4 times more likely to develop age related cataract, however this association was not seen in the multivariate analysis after adjusting for other determinants (aOR 1.81; 95% CI 0.91 - 3.62). We conclude that there is no association between body mass index and age related cataract.
    Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  16. Wells JC, Strickland SS
    Eur J Clin Nutr, 1996 Oct;50(10):668-71.
    PMID: 8909933
    To evaluate the effect of different methods (plateau or back extrapolation) of calculating total body water (TBW) from deuterium dilution in an environment characterised by high water turnover. The back extrapolation model is assumed to be more accurate when water turnover is high.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  17. Yong HY, Mohd Shariff Z, Mohd Yusof BN, Rejali Z, Tee YYS, Bindels J, et al.
    PMID: 31590213 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16193735
    Poor diet quality in pregnancy could impact gestational weight gain (GWG) and consequently fetal growth and development. But today there is limited data available on gestational diet quality. This study investigated the association between diet quality in each pregnancy trimester and GWG in Malaysian women. Diet quality was assessed using the modified Healthy Eating Index for Malaysians (HEI). Total GWG was defined as the difference between measured weight at last prenatal visit and pre-pregnancy weight. About one-fourth of women (23.3%) had excessive total GWG. There were significant differences in the HEI component score across trimesters, except for fruits. Overall, overweight/obese women had lower total HEI score (51.49-55.40) during pregnancy compared to non-overweight/obese women (53.38-56.50). For non-overweight/obese women, higher total HEI scores in the second and third trimesters were significantly associated with lower risk of inadequate GWG (aOR = 0.97, 95% CI = 0.95-0.99, p = 0.01) and higher risk of excessive GWG (aOR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.01-1.07, p = 0.03), respectively. Overweight/obese women with higher total HEI scores in the second (aOR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.01-1.07, p = 0.02) and third trimester (aOR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.01-1.08, p = 0.02) were significantly at higher risk for excessive GWG. Pregnant women had relatively low diet quality throughout pregnancy. Diet quality and GWG association differed according to pre-pregnancy BMI with excessive GWG more likely to be associated with higher total HEI scores in the third trimester.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  18. Zalbahar N, Najman J, McIntrye HD, Mamun A
    Aust N Z J Public Health, 2016 Dec;40(6):572-578.
    PMID: 27624991 DOI: 10.1111/1753-6405.12574
    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prospective association between parental pre-pregnancy BMI and adult male and female offspring BMI and waist circumference (WC).

    METHODS: Sub-sample of 2,229 parent-offspring pairs with parental pre-pregnancy BMI and offspring BMI and WC at 21 years were used from the MUSP (Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy cohort). Multivariable results were adjusted for maternal factors around pregnancy (e.g. gestational weight and smoking during pregnancy) and offspring factors in early life (e.g. birth weight) and at 14 years (e.g. sports participation and mealtime with family).

    RESULTS: After adjustments for confounders, each unit increase in paternal and maternal BMI, the BMI of young adult offspring increased by 0.33kg/m(2) and 0.35kg/m(2) , and the WC increased by 0.76 cm and 0.62 cm, respectively. In the combination of parents' weight status, offspring at 21 years were six times the risk being overweight/obese (OW/OB) when both parents were OW/OB, compared to offspring of healthy weight parents.

    CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal parental BMI are independently related to adult offspring BMI and WC.

    IMPLICATIONS: Both prenatal paternal-maternal weight status are important determinants of offspring weight status in long-term. Further studies are warranted to investigate the underlying mechanisms.

    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  19. Duan D, Li H, Xu J, Wong L, Xu G, Kong F, et al.
    J Diabetes Res, 2019;2019:2591709.
    PMID: 30805371 DOI: 10.1155/2019/2591709
    Objective: To estimate the incident risk of ischemic stroke (IS) in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes (T2D) subjects according to different body mass index (BMI) and height categories.

    Methods: A total of 25,130 newly diagnosed T2D subjects were included in this study. All T2D subjects were enrolled consecutively from the Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CDSS) of Ningbo. Standardized incidence ratio (SIR) and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI) stratified by BMI categories and height quartiles were used to estimate the incident risk of IS in T2D subjects.

    Results: In total, 22,795 subjects completed the follow-up. Among them, 1268 newly diagnosed IS cases were identified, with 149,675 person-years. The SIRs of normal BMI (18.5-24.0 kg/m2), overweight (24.0-28.0 kg/m2), and obese (≥28.0 kg/m2) in overall subjects were 2.56 (95% CI 1.90-3.13), 2.13 (95% CI 1.90-3.13), and 1.87 (95% CI 1.29-2.43), respectively (Ptrend < 0.01), comparing to the general population of Ningbo. For each 1 kg/m2 increment in BMI, the SIR was 0.948 (95% CI 0.903-0.999). For height quartiles, the SIRs of male subjects in quartile 1 (<160 cm), quartile 2 (161-165 cm), quartile 3 (165-170 cm), and quartile 4 (≥171 cm) were 2.27 (95% CI 1.99-2.56), 2.01 (95% CI 1.67-2.45), 1.37 (95% CI 1.05-1.68), and 0.91 (95% CI 0.40-1.32), respectively (Ptrend < 0.01). While for female subjects, the SIRs in quartile 1 (<155 cm), quartile 2 (156-160 cm), quartile 3 (161-165 cm), and quartile 4 (≥166 cm) were 3.57 (95% CI 3.11-3.49), 2.96 (95% CI 2.61-3.31), 1.94 (95% CI 1.51-2.36), and 1.71 (95% CI 0.95-2.47), respectively (Ptrend < 0.01).

    Conclusion: Compared to the general population of Ningbo, T2D subjects had a higher incident risk of IS. Furthermore, the IS incident risk was not only higher in newly diagnosed T2D subjects with normal BMI but also lower in taller newly diagnosed T2D subjects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
  20. Waeleh N, Saripan MI, Musarudin M, Mashohor S, Ahmad Saad FF
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2021 Oct;176:109885.
    PMID: 34385090 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109885
    The present study was conducted to determine quantitatively the correlation between injected radiotracer and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) based on differences in physiques and stages of cancer. Eight different activities were evaluated with modelled National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) PET's phantom with nine different tumour-to-background ratio (TBR). The findings suggest that the optimal value of dosage is required for all categories of patients in the early stages of cancer diagnosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Mass Index*
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