Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 1818 in total

  1. Eshaghi M, Tan WS, Yusoff K
    J Med Virol, 2005 Jan;75(1):147-52.
    PMID: 15543570
    A random peptide library of heptamers displayed on the surface of M13 bacteriophage was used to identify specific epitopes of antibodies in pooled sera of swine naturally infected by Nipah virus. The selected heptapeptides were aligned with protein sequences of Nipah virus and several putative epitopes were identified within the nucleocapsid protein. A total of 41 of 60 (68%) selected phage clones had inserts resembling a region with the sequence SNRTQGE, located at the C-terminal end (amino acids 503-509) of the nucleocapsid protein. The binding of antibodies in the swine and human antisera to the phage clone was inhibited by a synthetic peptide corresponding to this region. Epitopes identified by phage display are consistent with the predicted antigenic sites for the Nipah virus nucleocapsid protein. The selected phage clone used as a coating antigen discriminated swine and human Nipah virus sera-positive from sera-negative samples exhibiting characteristics, which might be attractive for diagnostic tests.
  2. Arzuman H, Yusoff MS, Chit SP
    Malays J Med Sci, 2010 Jul;17(3):40-7.
    PMID: 22135548
    A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among Big Sib students to explore their perceptions of the educational environment at the School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and its weak areas using the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) inventory. The DREEM inventory is a validated global instrument for measuring educational environments in undergraduate medical and health professional education.
  3. Yusoff N, Anuar NN, Reza MF
    Malays J Med Sci, 2018 May;25(3):103-110.
    PMID: 30899191 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2018.25.3.10
    Background: Sex is a psychobiological factor that is important in the process of emotion. This study determines the effect of sex on the electropsychological process of various intensities of emotional arousal.

    Methods: In the Event-related Potential (ERP) session, electroencephalographic (EEG) data was recorded for 90 participants, 60% of whom were females. The participants responded to 30 universal emotional pictures, randomly chosen from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), which were classified as invoking high, moderate, and low intensity of emotional arousal.

    Results: From the analysis of variance of two-way mixed design, the interaction between sex and emotional intensity was observed in the occipital regions (O2), indexed by the amplitude of P300 and N200 components. Males exhibited higher amplitude of P300 and N200 components (in the occipital region) as responded to high and low emotional arousal stimuli than females.

    Conclusion: Sex is a fundamental factor that modulates psychological states in reaction to emotional stimuli.

  4. Sharif S, Saddki N, Yusoff A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2016 Jan;23(1):63-71.
    PMID: 27540327 MyJurnal
    This study assessed the knowledge and attitudes of medical nurses regarding oral health and oral health care of pregnant women.
  5. Bilu R, Yusoff H, Mohamed IS
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2025 Feb;32(9):4934-4948.
    PMID: 39722106 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-35795-1
    This research employs the treadmill of production (ToP) and legitimacy theories to examine the relationship between deforestation, ecological footprints, and corporate environmental responsibility (CER) in the context of green criminology within the Malaysian palm oil industry. The study employs a regression analysis to assess the connection between deforestation (total palm oil-planted hectares) and ecological footprints data spanning 2008 to 2018. Additionally, content analysis investigates the CER practices of 40 palm oil companies listed on Bursa Malaysia between 2016 and 2019. Results indicate that an accelerated treadmill correlates with increased environmental harm, with Malaysian palm oil plantation deforestation contributing to 43.7% of the nation's ecological footprints. The CER analysis suggests that the industry prioritizes conservation practices, potentially as a strategic response to mitigate environmental legitimacy risks associated with deforestation. This research contributes novel insights into CER behaviour within the framework of green criminology.
  6. Aiman Nadia Akmar Rahman, Mohd Nidzam Jawis, Surini Yusoff
    Introduction: The Pro12Ala variant of the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARγ) is one of the critical genetic factor predispose to positive energy balance leading to obesity. Objective: This study aimed to determine the association between Pro12Ala variant in the PPARγ gene with body mass index (BMI) status, physical activity and fat intake among Malay children. Methods: A total of 119 participants aged between 9-11 years old from primary schools in Kota Bharu, Kelantan were recruited. Anthropometric measurements were taken and activity counts of the participants were recorded using accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X+). A food diary was distributed to all participants to collect the data of their fat intake. Genotyping was performed using High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis. Data obtained were analysed using SPSS version 19. Results: There was a significant association between Pro12Ala variant in the PPARγ gene with BMI status. The allelic frequency of wildtype (Ala/ala) and heterozygous (Pro/ala) among overweight group were 0.83 and 0.17 respectively and 0.92 and 0.08 in the normal weight group (p=0.03). There was a significant difference in BMI, waist circumference and hip circumference between heterozygous and wildtype groups. Conclusion: The study found that there was a significant role of Pro12Ala variant in the PPARγ gene in overweight Malay children.
  7. SharifahNany RahayuKarmilla SyedHassan, Narazah Mohd Yusoff, Bin Alwi Zilfalil
  8. Arcana Thirumorthy, De-Ming Chau, Khatijah Yusoff, Abhi Veerakumarasivam
    Introduction: Bladder cancer is associated with high risk of tumour recurrence and therapeutic resistance. Cancer stem cells (CSC) within a particular tumour are postulated to drive tumorigenesis and influence tumour behaviour. Recent studies have shown that Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is able to selectively kill and exert a strong oncolytic effect against various cancer types. However little is known about the oncolytic effect of NDV against CSC. In this study, the oncolytic effect of NDV against putative bladder CSC was examined. Methods: Putative bladder CSC was selectively grown in the form of 3D-spheroids from six different bladder cancer cell lines. The spheroid cells were characterised for their stemness properties to ensure that these cells truly represent CSC. This was conducted via the analysis of CSC associated genes and cell surface markers expression. Subsequently, the oncolytic effect of the wild-type NDV-AF2240 strain against the bladder cancer spheroids was investigated. Results: All the spheroids expressed significantly high levels of CSC-associated genes. Flow-cytometry analysis revealed that the expression pattern of the CSC-associated surface markers was different in the spheroid cells; suggesting heterogeneity in the expression signatures of these cells. The infection of spheroids with NDV showed that the NDV was able to target bladder cancer spheroids but there was a spectrum of response across the different spheroids. Intriguingly, NDV was able to persistently infect bladder cancer spheroids that were not sensitive towards NDV infection as the presence of NDV viral genes were detected in the spheroid cells. The NDV persistently infected bladder cancer spheroids were resistant to superinfection and developed an antiviral state by expressing low levels of interferon-beta (IFN-b). NDV persistency of infection affects the process of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) of cancer cells as the spheroid forming ability of an established NDV persistently infected bladder cancer cell line, EJ28-PI was shown to be impaired. The EJ28-PI cells expressed significantly high levels of the EN2 gene. Knockdown of the EN2 expression reduced the viability of EJ28-PI cells; suggesting a role for EN2 in mediating NDV persistency of infection in cancer cells. Conclusion: Bladder CSC gene expression signatures influence the efficacy of NDV-mediated oncolysis. Our current work is focused on identifying genes and signalling pathways that influence NDV-mediated oncolysis us-ing whole-transcriptomic sequencing. The findings of this study can potentially be used to enhance the efficacy of NDV-mediated oncolysis and accelerate the translation of NDV as an oncotherapeutic agent in the clinic.
  9. Mohammed A. Jasim, Mohd Sofian-azirun, Yusoff, Motior Rahman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:119-127.
    In this paper we have studied the acute toxicity effect of Hg on hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). For this, the tissues of tilapia have been digested by means of acids in microwave oven and was analyzed by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS). We have identified that the levels of Hg varied significantly in different tissues and the metal concentration was in the following order: liver > gills > muscles; of which the maximum level recorded for Hg was 0.799 mg/kg. We have also observed the alterations towards histopathological aspects in the gills and liver of treated fishes were studied using light and electron microscopy, subjected to the exposure of Hg for 24 h and furthermore we have also noticed the extent of the increased alterations during the 96 h of exposure to median lethal concentration LC50 (0.3 mg/L) a severe disorganization of epithelial cells and modifications of the structure of the secondary lamellae. Moreover the severity has also found to increase to sub-lethal concentration (0.03 mgHg/L) in 21 days of exposure; Liver was slightly affected by the contamination of Hg. Ultimately, histopathology is considered as a sensitive technique of bioaccumulation and for the observing the potential damage from Hg exposure.
  10. Wan Taib W.R., Tengku M.A., Aryati A., Yusoff N.A.M.
    Immunization has been introduced for decades to eradicate fatal infectious diseases by inoculating attenuated, killed or toxoid of microorganisms such as bacteria and virus. The triggering action to the immune system would not harm the host; despite can boost the immune responses to any infection. However, several cases of the eradicated infectious disease have re-emerged due to the existence of vaccine hesitancy group. Vaccine hesitancy has been observed emerging worldwide due to rejection in receiving vaccine. The main obstacle in vaccination program was identified according to the misconception that they received from internet or any mass media without boundaries. Various actions from the government have met the needs to enforce and educate the public especially the hesitant group towards better disease prevention with vaccination. The strategy would cover any interaction activities or programs with the public in transferring the information about the vaccination and its benefit to the health of herd community.
  11. Mahmoud khaki, Ismail Yusoff, Nur Islami, Nur Hayati Hussin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:19-28.
    Forecasting of groundwater level variations is a significantly needed in groundwater resource management. Precise water level prediction assists in practical and optimal usage of water resources. The main objective of using an artificial neural network (ANN) was to investigate the feasibility of feed-forward, Elman and Cascade forward neural networks with different algorithms to estimate groundwater levels in the Langat Basin from 2007 to 2013. In order to examine the accuracy of monthly water level forecasts, effectiveness of the steepness coefficient in the sigmoid function of a developed ANN model was evaluated in this research. The performance of the models was evaluated using the mean squared error (MSE) and the correlation coefficient (R). The results indicated that the ANN technique was well suited for forecasting groundwater levels. All models developed had shown acceptable results. Based on the observation, the feed-forward neural network model optimized with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms showed the most beneficial results with the minimum MSE value of (0.048) and maximum R value of (0.839), obtained for simulation of groundwater levels. The present research conclusively showed the capability of ANNs to provide excellent estimation accuracy and valuable sensitivity analyses.
    Synthesis of nanoparticles by using plant have sparked interest among researchers due to environmentally safe, inexpensive and simple method to compare with chemical method. Use of plant in synthesis zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) that act as reducing and capping agent are more recommended, due to high production of product and rate of synthesis is faster than using microorganism. This study focus on the synthesis of ZnO NPs by using leaf extract of aloe vera (Aloe bardenisis miller) with different concentration (30%, 40% and 50%) and various calcination temperature which are 500 ˚C, 700 ˚C and 900 ˚C for 4 hours. Fourier – transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Brunauer-Emmet and Teller (BET) were used to characterize the prepared samples. FTIR spectra showed present wavenumber in between 400-500 cm-1 indicated the presence of Zn-O stretch. Powder XRD pattern confirmed the hexagonal wurtzite structure with average particles size from 24.19 nm to 67.69 nm for all concentration and temperature by using Scherer’s equation. For SEM analysis the images show irregular shape for concentrations 30% and 50% with size range from 500 nm to 900 nm while for concentration 40% cubic shape was observe with size range from 140 nm to 900 nm. All characterize show that formation of ZnO NPs depend on the concentration and calcination temperature. Sample 30% and 50% ZnO NPs was applied in lithium battery at voltage from 0.01 to 3. 1.2 mAhg-1 was recorded for sample 30% ZnO NPs while 100 mAhg-1.
    This paper examines the determinants of pro-environmental behaviour among university students. It uses the theory of planned behaviour in determining the factors that lead to such behaviour. The determinants consist of environmental awareness, psychological factors (motivation, moral norms, perceived behavioural control and attitude), environmental knowledge and personality traits (agreeableness, extroversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience). Data was collected using convenience sampling through self-administered surveys and online forms distributed to 400 students in a public university in Malaysia. Data was subjected to construct validity and reliability analysis. The findings highlighted that motivation, agreeableness and perceived behavioural control were positively related to the practice of pro-environmental behaviour, whereas environmental awareness, moral norms, attitude and environmental knowledge were negatively related. Some personality traits, namely neuroticism, openness to experience, conscientiousness and extraversion, did not show any significant relationship with the practice of pro-environmental behaviour. This study provides a scope to improvise and incorporate environmental practices into the habits of students by aligning their goals with the universities’ dimensions, including curriculum, campus operation, research and outreach activities. The results could make an important contribution in establishing a sustained green culture through a new university paradigm.
  14. Shahazwan Mat Yusoff, Anwar Farhan Mohamad Marzaini, Siti Maftuhah Damio
    E-hailing apps Grab and Uber have become household names, particularly among urbanites over these five years. Overall the consumer response to e-hailing services in Malaysia has been positive, with The Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) reporting that 80% of consumers prefer e-hailing over taxis. As such, many believe the availability of e-hailing services will help to boost demand, and raise property prices and rentals and help the tourism sector in locations where they are available. As the demand grows, and tourists around the globe keep rising, the means of communication plays a vital role. Hence, this article explores the Grab drivers’ needs in English language learning for the purpose of successful communication in working environment. The needs are categorised into three elements: needs of English language at workplace, problems in English language usage, and preferences in learning English. A case study was carried out among 50 Grab drivers in Kuala Lumpur. The analysis of responses to the needs in English language learning among Grab drivers is hoped to fashion English language course or the syllabus to the e- hailing drivers.
  15. Umamaheswari Porselvam, Hamdan Mohamed Yusoff, Nik Nor Liyana Nik Ibrahim
    Vapor cloud explosion is one of the major threats to Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) facilities due to its congested and confined nature. Reduction in explosion overpressure can be achieved by improving the ventilation in FPSO. During early design stage of FPSO, designers consider providing grated process decks to improve the ventilation. However, there is limited research on the comparison of the explosion overpressure between the grated deck and the traditional plated deck. In this study, Vapor Cloud Explosion perspective of plated versus grated process deck in typical FPSO was evaluated by utilizing Det Norske Veritas’s (DNV) SAFETI OFFSHORE modelling tool. Representative leak scenarios were selected based on frequency analysis of major accident hazards associated with typical FPSO facility. This study revealed that the overpressure exceedance frequency in plated process deck was higher than the grated process deck for the selected scenario. This serves as quantitative guidance for designers to select an inherently safer type of decks in FPSOs from explosion perspective during the preliminary design stage. However, a detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study is recommended to get an insight of dangers associated with the presence of plated and grated process decks in FPSO, by considering all the parameters and conditions applicable.
  16. Rathmawati Ahmad, Normastura Abd Rahman, Ruhaya Hasan, Azizah Yusoff
    Malays J Nutr, 2017;23(2):239-252.
    Introduction: Appropriate oral health knowledge is essential to enable parents to be responsible for the oral health care of their children especially those with special needs. This study aimed to determine the oral health knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of parents and cariogenic food intake of their non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate children (NSCLP) compared to non-cleft children.

    Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on randomly selected parents with children aged 1 to 6 years at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia and Kota Bharu Dental Clinic. A face-to-face interview using a validated questionnaire on oral health KAP and cariogenic food intake of their children was done. Data were analysed by using IBM SPSS version 22.0.

    Results: Sixty-four Malay parents with NSCLP (n=33) and non-cleft (n=31) children were recruited. The mean (SD) percentage score of oral health knowledge of parents in both groups (NSCLP and non-cleft) was fair, 59.5%(11.85) and 62.0%(15.00), P=0.4722; oral health attitude was good, 78.0% (9.30) and 80.2% (15.40), P=0.504; but oral health practice was poor 33.8% (5.94) and 36.1 (8.44), P=0.220. The cariogenic food frequency score was significantly higher in noncleft children; 40.2(10.32) compared to NSCLP children, 34.8(9.46), P=0.032.

    Conclusions: Parents of both groups had fair knowledge and good attitude but poor oral health practice. Cariogenic foods were consumed more by the non-cleft children. Oral health awareness among the parents needs to be strengthened towards good oral health attitude and practice and non-cariogenic food choices for the betterment of oral health status of their children.
  17. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Tan, Ying Jie, Ab Rahman Esa
    Objective: Medical housemanship training has always been regarded as a highly stressful environment to doctors. This article described findings on stress, stressors and coping strategies among house officers in a Malaysian hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on house officers in a Malaysian hospital. The 12 items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), General Stressors Questionnaire (GSQ) and Brief COPE inventory were administered to measure perceived stress, sources of stress and coping strategies among house officers respectively. Data was analysed using SPSS version 12. Results: Forty two house officers participated in this study. This study found that approximately 31% of the house officers were in distress. The top five stressors were fears of making mistakes that can lead to serious consequences, work overload, working with uncooperative colleagues, doing
    work that mentally straining and feeling of being underpaid. The most frequent coping strategies used by house officers were religion, acceptance and self-distraction. Conclusion: This study found that there was a high percentage of distressed house officers. It also found that major stressors were related to performance pressure. The main coping strategy used by house officer was emotion-focused coping.
  18. Meor Yusoff, M.S., Muhd Asshar Khalid, Ideris Abu Seman
    The paper describes the uses of microfocus XRF to identify infected Basal Stem Rot (BSR) disease in Malaysian palm oil plants. Among symptoms of BSR are wilting of the leaves and plant malnutrition. The study involves determining the inorganic element content of normal and infected leaves. Si, Mo, Cl, K, Ca and Mn had been identified as the major elements. Their distribution was determined by constructing an elemental map of each of this element on the leaves. Line scan was also performed to look into changes on the element composition on a defined region. Quantitative analysis of Cl, Ca and K on the normal and infected leaves show that the infected leaves have lower Cl content and a higher Ca/K ratio than the normal leaves.
  19. Samna Shaik Ahmad Yusoff, Azimon Abdul Aziz, Suzanna Mohamed Isa
    Kesatuan Ekonomi ASEAN (AEC) merupakan realisasi matlamat akhir integrasi ekonomi yang diasaskan pada pemusatan keinginan negaranegara ASEAN untuk meluaskan intergrasi ekonomi melalui inisiatif baru dan sedia ada dalam kerangka masa yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam merealisasikan salah satu tindakan AEC yang telah dikenal pasti iaitu memperkasakan perlindungan pengguna ASEAN, pengharmonian undang-undang kontrak pengguna dilihat sebagai salah satu agenda penting ASEAN. Dengan berobjektifkan pengharmonian undang-undang kontrak ASEAN yang mengkhusus kepada penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam pasaran pengguna seterusnya mencadangkan ASEAN Model Law on Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, makalah ini mengadoptasi metodologi analisis kandungan berteraskan literatur undang-undang primer dan sekunder. Mengguna pakai undang-undang kes dan perundangan di enam negara ASEAN terpilih iaitu Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand, Filipina dan Brunei, penyelidikan ini mendapati wujud persamaan dalam mekanisme yang digunakan di negara-negara ASEAN ini dalam menangani permasalahan penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna. Namun walaupun perundangan dilihat sebagai mekanisme yang mampu menangani permasalahan ini, wujud perbezaan pendekatan dalam perundangan yang diadaptasi oleh negara-negara ASEAN tersebut. Penggunaan perundangan berorientasikan perlindungan pengguna bagi mengawal penggunaan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna jelas kelihatan di Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Thailand dan Filipina. Penggunaan perundangan kontrak yang mengkhusus kepada terma tidak adil sebagai instrumen kawalan pula kelihatan di Singapura, Thailand dan Brunei. Dalam aspek ini, keunikan Singapura dan Thailand yang menangani permasalahan terma tidak adil dalam kontrak pengguna dengan mengadakan perlindungan melalui dua jenis perundangan yang berbeza menampakkan korpus perlindungan pengguna yang lebih mapan. Pendekatan yang berbeza yang diamalkan di beberapa negara ASEAN terpilih ini memperlihatkan satu korpus perlindungan pengguna yang unik dalam aspek kontrak pengguna tidak adil.
  20. Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):56-63.
    Objective: Medical training has always been regarded as a highly stressful environment to students. This article described a preliminary data on impact of a stress-management programme on medical students’ stress level. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental before after comparison study design. The programme was run over half-day and convenient sampling method was applied. Sample size as calculated for this preliminary study was 38. The 12 items General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was administered prior to the
    programme and four months later. Data was analysed using SPSS version 12. Results: 34 participants were involved in this study. This study found that there was a significant difference in participants’ GHQ-12 scores before and after the programme (p
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