Displaying publications 2401 - 2420 of 4701 in total

  1. Ng BW, Ong KC, Ahmad-Azraf A, Abdul-Muttalib AW
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 12;74(6):543-544.
    PMID: 31929484
    Necrotising fasciitis is a life-threatening infection of the soft tissue which can be caused by different microorganisms, but infection caused by Aeromonas spp. or Vibrio spp. is frequently associated with higher mortality rate. Necrotising fasciitis progresses rapidly and often need aggressive surgical intervention. We present a rare case of necrotising fasciitis cause by Aeromonas sobria which mortality was successfully prevented by swift diagnosis and aggressive surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aeromonas/isolation & purification*
  2. Letchumanan I, Md Arshad MK, Balakrishnan SR, Gopinath SCB
    Biosens Bioelectron, 2019 Apr 01;130:40-47.
    PMID: 30716591 DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2019.01.042
    This paper primarily demonstrates the approach to enhance the sensing performance on antigen C-reactive protein (CRP) and anti-CRP antibody binding event. A nanogapped electrode structure with the gap of ~100 nm was modified by the anti-CRP antibody (Probe) to capture the available CRP. In order to increase the amount of antigen to be captured, a gold nanorod with 119 nm in length and 25 nm in width was integrated, to increase the surface area. A comparative study between the existence and non-existence of gold nanorod utilization was evaluated. Analysis of the sensing surface was well-supported by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, 3D nano-profilometry, high-power microscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The dielectric voltammetric analysis was carried out from 0 V to 2 V. The sensitivity was calculated based on 3σ and attained as low as 1 pM, which is tremendously low compared to real CRP concentration (119 nM) in human blood serum. The gold nanorod conjugation with antibody has enhanced the sensitivity to 100 folds (10 fM). The specificity of the CRP detection by the proposed strategy was anchored by ELISA and failure in the detection of human blood clotting factor IX by voltammetry. Despite, CRP antigen was further detected in human serum by spiking CRP to run-through the detection with the physiologically relevant samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: C-Reactive Protein/isolation & purification*
  3. Tang Y, Nugroho AE, Hirasawa Y, Tougan T, Horii T, Hadi AHA, et al.
    J Nat Med, 2019 Jun;73(3):533-540.
    PMID: 30911994 DOI: 10.1007/s11418-019-01297-5
    Two new bisindole alkaloids, leucophyllinines A (1) and B (2) consisting of eburnane and quebrachamine-type skeletons were isolated from the bark of Leuconotis eugeniifolia, and their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic data. Leucophyllinines A and B showed antiplasmodial activities against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7.
    Matched MeSH terms: Indole Alkaloids/isolation & purification*
  4. Thergarajan G, Kumar S, Bhassu S, Omar SFBS, Rampal S
    PLoS One, 2019;14(3):e0211034.
    PMID: 30893309 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211034
    Increasing incidences of dengue have become a global health threat with major clinical manifestation including high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. These symptoms were also expressed among Blastocystis sp. infected individuals, a parasite commonly seen in human stools. This parasite has been previously reported to replicate faster upon exposure to high temperature. The present study is a hospitalized-based cross-sectional study involved the collection of faecal sample from dengue patients. Stool examination was done by in vitro cultivation to isolate Blastocystis sp. Growth pattern of all the positive isolates were analyzed to identify the multiplication rate of Blastocystis sp. isolated from dengue patients. Distribution of Blastocystis sp. among dengue patients was 23.6%. Dengue patients who were positive for Blastocystis sp. infection denoted a significantly higher fever rate reaching 38.73°C (p<0.05) compared to the non-Blastocystis sp. infected patients (38.44°C). It was also found that Blastocystis sp. infected patients complained of frequenting the toilet more than five times a day (p<0.05) compared to those who were non-Blastocystis sp. infected. At the same time, the duration of hospitalization was significantly longer (p<0.05) for Blastocystis sp. infected dengue patients compared to the non-Blastocystis sp. infected patients. Besides, Blastocystis sp. isolated from dengue patients (in vivo thermal stress) showed a higher growth rate compared to the non-dengue isolated which was exposed to high temperature (in vitro thermal stress). Our findings suggest that presence of Blastocystis sp. during dengue infection could trigger the increase of temperature which could be due to highly elevated pro inflammatory cytokines by both parasitic and virus infection. This could justify why the temperature in Blastocystis sp. infected dengue patients is higher compared to the non-Blastocystis sp. infected patients. Higher temperature could have triggered a greater parasite multiplication rate that contributed to the aggravation of the gastrointestinal symptoms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blastocystis/isolation & purification
  5. Blasdell KR, Morand S, Perera D, Firth C
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2019 02;13(2):e0007141.
    PMID: 30811387 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007141
    Although leptospirosis is traditionally considered a disease of rural, agricultural and flooded environments, Leptospira spp. are found in a range of habitats and infect numerous host species, with rodents among the most significant reservoirs and vectors. To explore the local ecology of Leptospira spp. in a city experiencing rapid urbanization, we assessed Leptospira prevalence in rodents from three locations in Malaysian Borneo with differing levels of anthropogenic influence: 1) high but stable influence (urban); 2) moderate yet increasing (developing); and 3) low (rural). A total of 116 urban, 122 developing and 78 rural rodents were sampled, with the majority of individuals assigned to either the Rattus rattus lineage R3 (n = 165) or Sundamys muelleri (n = 100). Leptospira spp. DNA was detected in 31.6% of all rodents, with more urban rodents positive (44.8%), than developing (32.0%) or rural rodents (28.1%), and these differences were statistically significant. The majority of positive samples were identified by sequence comparison to belong to known human pathogens L. interrogans (n = 57) and L. borgpetersenii (n = 38). Statistical analyses revealed that both Leptospira species occurred more commonly at sites with higher anthropogenic influence, particularly those with a combination of commercial and residential activity, while L. interrogans infection was also associated with low forest cover, and L. borgpetersenii was more likely to be identified at sites without natural bodies of water. This study suggests that some features associated with urbanization may promote the circulation of Leptospira spp., resulting in a potential public health risk in cities that may be substantially underestimated.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Bacterial/isolation & purification*
  6. Nurul Najian AB, Foo PC, Ismail N, Kim-Fatt L, Yean CY
    Mol Cell Probes, 2019 04;44:63-68.
    PMID: 30876924 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcp.2019.03.001
    This study highlighted the performance of the developed integrated loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) coupled with a colorimetric DNA-based magnetogenosensor. The biosensor operates through a DNA hybridization system in which a specific designed probe captures the target LAMP amplicons. We demonstrated the magnetogenosensor assay by detecting pathogenic Leptospira, which causes leptospirosis. The color change of the assay from brown to blue indicated a positive result, whereas a negative result was indicated by the assay maintaining its brown color. The DNA biosensor was able to detect DNA at a concentration as low as 200 fg/μl, which is equivalent to 80 genomes/reaction. The specificity of the biosensor assay was 100% when it was evaluated with 172 bacterial strains. An integrated LAMP and probe-specific magnetogenosensor was successfully developed, promising simple and rapid visual detection in clinical diagnostics and service as a point-of-care device.
    Matched MeSH terms: Leptospira/isolation & purification*
  7. Stark DJ, Fornace KM, Brock PM, Abidin TR, Gilhooly L, Jalius C, et al.
    Ecohealth, 2019 12;16(4):638-646.
    PMID: 30927165 DOI: 10.1007/s10393-019-01403-9
    Land-use changes can impact infectious disease transmission by increasing spatial overlap between people and wildlife disease reservoirs. In Malaysian Borneo, increases in human infections by the zoonotic malaria Plasmodium knowlesi are hypothesised to be due to increasing contact between people and macaques due to deforestation. To explore how macaque responses to environmental change impact disease risks, we analysed movement of a GPS-collared long-tailed macaque in a knowlesi-endemic area in Sabah, Malaysia, during a deforestation event. Land-cover maps were derived from satellite-based and aerial remote sensing data and models of macaque occurrence were developed to evaluate how macaque habitat use was influenced by land-use change. During deforestation, changes were observed in macaque troop home range size, movement speeds and use of different habitat types. Results of models were consistent with the hypothesis that macaque ranging behaviour is disturbed by deforestation events but begins to equilibrate after seeking and occupying a new habitat, potentially impacting human disease risks. Further research is required to explore how these changes in macaque movement affect knowlesi epidemiology on a wider spatial scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plasmodium knowlesi/isolation & purification*
  8. Meselhy MR, Abdel-Sattar OE, El-Mekkawy S, El-Desoky AM, Mohamed SO, Mohsen SM, et al.
    Molecules, 2020 Mar 05;25(5).
    PMID: 32151037 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25051179
    Phyllanthin and related lignans were found to be responsible, at least in part, for most of the activity of Phyllanthus species. This observation encouraged the authors to develop methods for the preparation of an extract rich in phyllanthin and related lignans from the aerial parts of P. niruri L. Direct extraction with solvents produced extracts with variable yields and contents of lignans. Lignans were identified by LC-ESI-MS analysis as phyllanthin (used as marker substance), hypophyllanthin, phylltetralin, nirtetralin, and niranthin. Extraction with boiling water produced 18.10 g% (w/w) extract with a trace amount of lignans (phyllanthin content of 0.33 ± 0.10 mg/g extract), while extraction with MeOH gave 3.6 g% w/w extract with a low phyllanthin content (3.1 mg/g extract), as determined by HPLC. However, Soxhlet extraction with hexane, CH2Cl2, or acetone gave extracts with low yields (0.82, 1.12, and 3.40 g% w/w, respectively) and a higher phyllanthin contents (36.2 ± 2.6, 11.7 ± 1.68, and 11.7 ± 1.10 mg/g extract, respectively). Extraction quality and efficiency were optimized by adopting the following three different approaches: (1) Alkaline digestion of the plant material with 30% potassium hydroxide yielded 3.1 g% w/w of purified extract with high phyllanthin content (22.34 ± 0.13 mg/g); (2) microwave-assisted extraction using 80% MeOH gave an extract with a better yield (8.13 g% w/w) and phyllanthin content (21.2 ± 1.30 mg/g) (after filtration through a Diaion HP-20 column); and (3) treatment of the ground plant material at 50 °C with two hydrolytic enzymes, cellulase (9 U/g for 12 h) and then, protease (4 U/g up to 72 h) optimized the yield of extract (13.92 g% w/w) and phyllanthin content (25.9 mg/g extract and total lignans content of 85.87 mg/g extract). In conclusion, the nonconventional methods presented here are superior for optimizing the yield of extract and its lignan contents from the aerial parts of P. niruri.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Extracts/isolation & purification
  9. Sinulingga TS, Aziz SA, Bitrus AA, Zunita Z, Abu J
    Trop Anim Health Prod, 2020 Jan;52(1):151-157.
    PMID: 31273582 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-019-01995-y
    Campylobacter is reported as a major cause of foodborne illness worldwide. Consumption of contaminated chicken meat is considered a significant risk factor of Campylobacter infection in humans. This study investigated the occurrence of non-Campylobacter jejuni-Campylobacter coli, in broiler chickens (n = 210) and chicken meat (n = 109). The samples were collected from seven broiler chicken farms (n = 210 cloacal swabs), 11 markets (n = 84 chicken meat), and 5 supermarkets (n = 25 chicken meat) located in different districts of Selangor State. Campylobacter were isolated from cloacal swabs using the Cape Town Protocol and from meat samples using the method of Duffy et al. (2007) with some modifications for Campylobacter isolations which were reported effective in the isolation of non-C. jejuni-C. coli Campylobacter species. The isolates were identified by Gram staining for cellular morphology, wet mount for motility and biochemical tests. Confirmation of presumed Campylobacter isolates was carried out using multiplex PCR (mPCR). One hundred seven (107/210) or 50.9% and twenty-nine (29/109) or 26.6% of chickens and chicken meat samples respectively were positive for Campylobacter species. Among the Campylobacter isolates from chickens, C. jejuni was the most predominantly isolated species (69.5%), followed by C. coli (16.2%). Campylobacter fetus and C. upsaliensis were the non-C. jejuni-C. coli Campylobacter species isolated in this study, at 9.3% and 2.5% respectively. Overall, the findings indicated broiler chickens were colonized not only by the common Campylobacter species but also by other Campylobacter species. We found the Cape Town Protocol useful to detect the occurrence of non-C. jejuni-C. coli isolates in chickens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Campylobacter/isolation & purification*
  10. Tan KT, Kannan SK, Rajahram GS
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 12;74(6):547-548.
    PMID: 31929486
    Tuberculosis is a nimble chameleon. It can manifest itself in various ways with atypical clinical and radiographic findings. In this report we discuss the importance of radiographic findings (nodular or mass-like forms) requiring a correlation with microbiological and histopathological results to differentiate lung cancer from TB.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mycobacterium tuberculosis/isolation & purification*
  11. Roslan NN, Ngalimat MS, Leow ATC, Oslan SN, Baharum SN, Sabri S
    Microbiol Res, 2020 Mar;233:126410.
    PMID: 31945517 DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2020.126410
    Photobacterium species are widely distributed in the marine environment. The overall metabolism of this genus remains largely unknown. In order to improve our knowledge on this bacterium, the relationship between the genome and phenome of the Photobacterium isolate was analyzed. The cream colored, Gram-negative, rod-shaped and motile bacterial strain, J15, was isolated from marine water of Tanjung Pelepas, Johor, Malaysia. The 5,684,538 bp genome of strain J15 comprised 3 contigs (2 chromosomes and 1 plasmid) with G + C content of 46.39 % and contained 4924 protein-coding genes including 180 tRNAs and 40 rRNAs. The phenotypic microarray (PM) as analyzed using BIOLOG showed the utilization of; i) 93 of the 190 carbon sources tested, where 61 compounds were used efficiently; ii) 41 of the 95 nitrogen sources tested, where 22 compounds were used efficiently; and iii) 3 of the 94 phosphorous and sulphur sources tested. Furthermore, high tolerance to osmotic stress, basic pH and toxic compounds as well as resistance to antibiotics of strain J15 were determined by BIOLOG PM. The ANI and kSNP analyses revealed that strain J15 to be the same species with Photobacterium marinum AK15 with ANI value of 96.93 % and bootstrapping value of 100 in kSNP. Based on the ANI and kSNP analyses, strain J15 was identified as P. marinum J15.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquatic Organisms/isolation & purification
  12. Subahir MN, Jeffree MS, Hassan MR, Razak MFA, Mohamad SNG, Fong SY, et al.
    J Infect Dev Ctries, 2019 04 30;13(4):274-277.
    PMID: 32045370 DOI: 10.3855/jidc.11199
    INTRODUCTION: Norovirus (NoV) is a contagious virus causing acute gastroenteritis and is mainly responsible for diarrheal outbreak in closed settings. The aims of this study were to describe the epidemiological characteristic of an outbreak in a boarding school, to assess the extent of the outbreak and to implement appropriate control measures.

    METHODOLOGY: A descriptive study was conducted to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak. Data on demographic details, onset of abdominal symptoms, food intake history and contact with ill person three days prior to illness were obtained.

    RESULTS: Twelve fresh stool and 14 food samples were tested for NoV and enteric pathogens, respectively. Out of 745 students, 42 (5.6%) were infected during this outbreak. Predominant clinical features were diarrhea (76.1%), vomiting (71.4%) and abdominal pain (67%). Eight (67%) stool samples and six (43.9%)food samples were positive for NoV and total coliforms, respectively. The dissemination of the disease was due to poor hygiene practices among students. Quarantine was imposed until the last case on September 28, 2016. The outbreak was declared over on September 30, 2016.

    CONCLUSIONS: A NoV outbreak was determined first time in Malaysia. Environmental assessment showed poor hygienic conditions in the school's kitchen. The number of infected students increased considerably despite the implementation of preventive and control measures. Quarantine was effective to stop the outbreak which is characteristics of NoV outbreak.

    Matched MeSH terms: Norovirus/isolation & purification*
  13. Liu BL, Ooi CW, Ng IS, Show PL, Lin KJ, Chang YK
    Food Chem, 2020 Oct 15;327:127038.
    PMID: 32447136 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127038
    Polyacrylonitrile nanofiber membrane functionalized with tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (P-Tris) was used in affinity membrane chromatography for lysozyme adsorption. The effects of pH and protein concentration on lysozyme adsorption were investigated. Based on Langmuir model, the adsorption capacity of P-Tris nanofiber membrane was estimated to be 345.83 mg/g. For the operation of dynamic membrane chromatography with three-layer P-Tris nanofiber membranes, the optimal operating conditions were at pH 9, 1.0 mL/min of feed flow rate, and 2 mg/mL of feed concentration. Chicken egg white (CEW) was applied as the crude feedstock of lysozyme in the optimized dynamic membrane chromatography. The percent recovery and purification factor of lysozyme obtained from the chromatography were 93.28% and 103.98 folds, respectively. Our findings demonstrated the effectiveness of P-Tris affinity nanofiber membrane for the recovery of lysozyme from complex CEW solution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muramidase/isolation & purification*
  14. Zucchi TD, Tan GYA, Bonda ANV, Frank S, Kshetrimayum JD, Goodfellow M
    Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2012 Jun;62(Pt 6):1245-1251.
    PMID: 21764982 DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.031039-0
    The taxonomic positions of three thermophilic actinomycetes isolated from arid soil samples were established by using a polyphasic approach. The organisms had chemical and morphological features that were consistent with their classification in the genus Amycolatopsis. 16S rRNA gene sequence data supported the classification of the isolates in the genus Amycolatopsis and showed that they formed distinct branches in the Amycolatopsis methanolica subclade. DNA-DNA relatedness studies between the isolates and their phylogenetic neighbours showed that they belonged to distinct genomic species. The three isolates were readily distinguished from one another and from the type strains of species classified in the A. methanolica subclade based on a combination of phenotypic properties and by genomic fingerprinting. Consequently, it is proposed that the three isolates be classified in the genus Amycolatopsis as representatives of Amycolatopsis granulosa sp. nov. (type strain GY307(T) = NCIMB 14709(T) = NRRL B-24844(T)), Amycolatopsis ruanii sp. nov. (type strain NMG112(T) = NCIMB 14711(T) = NRRL B-24848(T)) and Amycolatopsis thermalba sp. nov. (type strain SF45(T) = NCIMB 14705(T) = NRRL B-24845(T)).
    Matched MeSH terms: Actinomycetales/isolation & purification*
  15. Blasdell KR, Davis SS, Voysey R, Bulach DM, Middleton D, Williams S, et al.
    Vet Res, 2020 Apr 29;51(1):58.
    PMID: 32349781 DOI: 10.1186/s13567-020-00781-1
    Bovine ephemeral fever is a vector-borne disease of ruminants that occurs in tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Australia. The disease is caused by a rhabdovirus, bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV), which occurs as a single serotype globally. Although several other closely related ephemeroviruses have been isolated from cattle and/or arthropods, only kotonkan virus from Nigeria and (tentatively) Mavingoni virus from Mayotte Island in the Indian Ocean have been previously associated with febrile disease. Here, we report the isolation of a novel virus (Hayes Yard virus; HYV) from blood collected in February 2000 from a bull (Bos indicus) in the Northern Territory of Australia. The animal was suffering from a severe ephemeral fever-like illness with neurological involvement, including recumbency and paralysis, and was euthanised. Histological examination of spinal cord and lung tissue identified extensive haemorrhage in the dura mata with moderate perineuronal oedema and extensive emphysema. HYV displayed cone-shaped morphology, typical of rhabdoviruses, and was found to be most closely related antigenically to Puchong virus (PUCV), isolated in 1965 from mosquitoes in Malaysia. Analysis of complete genome sequences of HYV (15 025 nt) and PUCV (14 932 nt) indicated that each has a complex organisation (3' N-P-M-G-GNS-α1-α2-β-γ-L 5') and expression strategy, similar to that of BEFV. Based on an alignment of complete L protein sequences, HYV and PUCV cluster with other rhabdoviruses in the genus Ephemerovirus and appear to represent two new species. Neutralising antibody to HYV was also detected in a retrospective survey of cattle sera collected in the Northern Territory.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ephemerovirus/isolation & purification*
  16. Ng HS, Wan PK, Ng TC, Lan JC
    J Biosci Bioeng, 2020 Aug;130(2):200-204.
    PMID: 32389469 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2020.04.003
    Ectoine is a zwitterionic amino acid derivative that can be naturally sourced from halophilic microorganisms. The increasing demands of ectoine in various industries have urged the researches on the cost-effective approaches on production of ectoine. Ionic liquids-based aqueous biphasic system (ILABS) was applied to recover Halomonas salina ectoine from cells hydrolysate. The 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (Bmim)BF4 was used in the ILABS and the recovery efficiency of ILABS to recover ectoine from H. salina cells lysate was evaluated by determining the effects of phase composition; pHs; crude loading and additional neutral salt (NaCl). The hydrophilic ectoine was targeted to partition to the hydrophilic salt-rich phase. A total yield (YB) of 96.32% ± 1.08 of ectoine was obtained with ILABS of phase composition of 20% (w/w) (Bmim)BF4 and 30% (w/w) sulfate salts; system pH of 5.5 when the 20% (w/w) of crude feedstock was applied to the ILABS. There was no significant enhancement on the ectoine recovery efficiency using the ILABS when NaCl was added, therefore the ILABS composition without the additional neutral salt was recommended for the primary purification of ectoine. Partition coefficient (KE) of 30.80 ± 0.42, purity (PE) of 95.82% and enrichment factor (Ef) of 1.92 were recorded with the optimum (Bmim)BF4/sulfate ILABS. These findings have provided an insight on the feasibility of recovery of intracellular biomolecules using the green solvent-based aqueous system in one single-step operation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Amino Acids, Diamino/isolation & purification*
  17. Kamaruddin SK, Mat Yusof A, Mohammad M
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Mar 01;37(1):127-141.
    PMID: 33612724
    Blastocystis sp. is a common enteric protozoan parasite found in humans and various type of animal worldwide. Recently, genotypic distribution of Blastocystis sp. was revealed in insects, rodents, avian and mammals, which exposed its potential of transmiting the infections to human. However, very little information on current level of Blastocystis sp. infection were reported in cattle from Malaysia. Herein, a total of 120 stool samples of cattles were collected. While the potential risk of infection such as age, gender, body score, diarrheic condition of the cattle were noted, the management of the farms was also recorded. All stool sample were cultured, but 80 samples were selected for PCR sequencing analysis. The cultivation and microscopic examination revealed only 25% of the cattle (30/120) were infected with Blastocystis sp.. But, 43.8% of the cattle (35/80) were found positive upon PCR sequencing. The study also found that age, body score condition, diarrheic condition and certain farm were associated with the infection (p<0.05). Six subtypes (STs) that were discovered during the study were ST10 (21.3%;17/35), ST5 (8.8%;7/35), ST3 (7.5%;6/35), ST1 (2.5%;2/35), ST4 (2.5%;2/35) and ST14 (1.3%;1/35). Thus, moderate infections of Blastocystis sp. and variants in the genotypic distributions of the cattle suggest its potential for zoonotic transmission. Therefore, this findings could be helpful for further understanding the parasite, which assist studies of its pathogenicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blastocystis/isolation & purification*
  18. Chen MX, Zhang RL, Xu XN, Yu Q, Huang DN, Liu W, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Mar 01;37(1):50-57.
    PMID: 33612717
    A 24-year-old man born in Guizhou province was diagnosed with obstructive jaundice and bile duct stones in 2013. Four living trematodes were found during laparotomy and cholecystectomy. Based on the morphology and molecular genetics analysis of internal transcribed spacer and pcox1 genes of the flatworm specimens, the trematodes from the patient were confirmed to be Fasciola hepatica. This report provided the clinical and molecular diagnosis information on human fascioliasis, which is an emerging sanitary problem still ignored in China. Human fascioliasis constantly occurs due to climatic changes and frequency of human travel. Therefore, it deserves more attention from physicians working in both developing and developed countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fasciola hepatica/isolation & purification*
  19. Lau TV, Puah SM, Tan JMA, Puthucheary SD, Chua KH
    Braz J Microbiol, 2021 Jun;52(2):517-529.
    PMID: 33768508 DOI: 10.1007/s42770-021-00457-8
    Flagellar-mediated motility is a crucial virulence factor in many bacterial species. A dual flagellar system has been described in aeromonads; however, there is no flagella-related study in the emergent human pathogen Aeromonas dhakensis. Using 46 clinical A. dhakensis, phenotypic motility, genotypic characteristics (flagellar genes and sequence types), biochemical properties and their relationship were investigated in this study. All 46 strains showed swimming motility at 30 °C in 0.3% Bacto agar and carried the most prevalent 6 polar flagellar genes cheA, flgE, flgG, flgH, flgL, and flgN. On the contrary, only 18 strains (39%) demonstrated swarming motility on 0.5% Eiken agar at 30 °C and they harbored 11 lateral flagellar genes lafB, lafK, lafS, lafT, lafU, flgCL, flgGL, flgNL, fliEL, fliFL, and fliGL. No association was found between biochemical properties and motility phenotypes. Interestingly, a significant association between swarming and strains isolated from pus was observed (p = 0.0171). Three strains 187, 277, and 289 isolated from pus belonged to novel sequence types (ST522 and ST524) exhibited fast swimming and swarming profiles, and they harbored > 90% of the flagellar genes tested. Our findings provide a fundamental understanding of flagellar-mediated motility in A. dhakensis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aeromonas/isolation & purification
  20. Anjum A, Usman S, Aslam A, Faiz M, Usman S, Imran MS, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Jun 01;37(2):273-281.
    PMID: 33612797
    Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a highly contagious disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. It is characterized by anorexia, fever, dyspnea, polypnea, cough, and nasal discharges. Gross lesions in the lung such as marbling, sequestra, thickening of interlobular septa, and consolidation are evident. Serological tests including complement fixation test and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and molecular tests such as polymerase chain reactions are used for diagnostic purposes. In this study, lung samples of suspected large ruminants (cattle n=560, buffalo n=293) were collected from abattoirs of three districts of Punjab namely Lahore, Kasur and Jhang. PCR was performed with specific primers, targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA gene to detect the positive cases. The results indicated that 49 samples (8.75%) of cattle were positive, with maximum prevalence was observed in Jhang with 16 positive samples (10.06%), but CBPP was not detected in any buffalo sample. High prevalence of disease was seen in cattle of more than seven years of age, in female cattle, and in cross-bred cattle. Age and gender were found significantly associated (P<0.05) with the prevalence of the disease. Gene sequencing of identified 5 isolates of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides had more than 99% similarities with the strains isolated from China, Italy, Australia and Tanzania and were categorized into a monophyletic group but strain isolated from Portugal had more than 55% variable regions, hence clustered separately. This study confirms the presence of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in the country which can be a threat to the livestock export market and warrants the implementation of control measures to mitigate the economic losses associated with the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mycoplasma/isolation & purification*
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