Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 274 in total

  1. Jasim HA, Misnan R, Yadzir ZHM, Abdullah N, Bakhtiar F, Arip M, et al.
    Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2021 Feb 11;20(1):76-87.
    PMID: 33639634 DOI: 10.18502/ijaai.v20i1.5414
    Crab allergy is reported as a serious form of food allergy in many countries. This study was aimed to identify the major allergens of the local mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica (S. tranquebarica), and subsequently, determine the effect of vinegar treatments on the crab allergens. Crab muscles were treated with synthetic and natural vinegar. Crab proteins were then extracted from the untreated and vinegar-treated crabs. All extracts were then fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and analyzed by immunoblotting; using sera from crab-allergic patients. The crab proteins were then further fractionated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE)and analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). The untreated crab had 38 protein bands, while that was only a few bands between 18 to 73 kDa for the vinegar-treated crabs. Immunoblotting of untreated crab revealed 20 IgE-binding bands, whereas the vinegar-treated crabs could only retain a few IgE-binding bands. Five major allergens were identified with molecular weightsof38, 42, 49, 63, and 73 kDa in the untreated crab. In contrast, the vinegar-treated crabs had only a few major allergens with molecular weights of 38, 42, and 73 kDa. MS identified the 43 and 49 kDa as arginine kinase, while the 38, 63, and 73 kDa were identified as tropomyosin, actin, and hemocyanin, respectively. Inconclusion, we found three common major allergens for S. tranquebarica including tropomyosin, arginine kinase, and actin, and one novel allergen known as hemocyanin. All the major allergens could retain minimal allergenic capability in vinegar-treated crabs, suggesting that vinegar treatments might be useful to reduce crab allergenicity. These data would assist the clinicians in the management of crab-allergic patients worldwide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  2. Tham CL, Yeoh SY, Ong CH, Harith HH, Israf DA
    Mediators Inflamm, 2021;2021:9725903.
    PMID: 33883974 DOI: 10.1155/2021/9725903
    2,6-Bis-(4-hydroxyl-3-methoxybenzylidine) cyclohexanone (BHMC), a synthetic curcuminoid analogue, has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties in cellular models of inflammation and improve the survival of mice from lethal sepsis. We further evaluated the therapeutic effect of BHMC on acute airway inflammation in a mouse model of allergic asthma. Mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA), followed by intraperitoneal administration of 0.1, 1, and 10 mg/kg of BHMC. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, blood, and lung samples were collected, and the respiratory function was measured. OVA sensitization and challenge increased airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and pulmonary inflammation. All three doses of BHMC (0.1-10 mg/kg) significantly reduced the number of eosinophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils, as well as the levels of Th2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) as compared to OVA-challenged mice. However, serum level of IgE was not affected. All three doses of BHMC (0.1-10 mg/kg) were effective in suppressing the infiltration of inflammatory cells at the peribronchial and perivascular regions, with the greatest effect observed at 1 mg/kg which was comparable to dexamethasone. Goblet cell hyperplasia was inhibited by 1 and 10 mg/kg of BHMC, while the lowest dose (0.1 mg/kg) had no significant inhibitory effect. These findings demonstrate that BHMC, a synthetic nonsteroidal small molecule, ameliorates acute airway inflammation associated with allergic asthma, primarily by suppressing the release of inflammatory mediators and goblet cell hyperplasia to a lesser extent in acute airway inflammation of allergic asthma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Respiratory Hypersensitivity
  3. Krzywanski J, Kuchar E, Mierzynski R
    IDCases, 2021;24:e01084.
    PMID: 33889485 DOI: 10.1016/j.idcr.2021.e01084
    Athletes playing beach volleyball come into contact with sand and may contract skin parasites. We present a case of cutaneous larva migrans in a 20-year-old Polish female beach volleyball player. The athlete participated in The World Tour in Asia (China, Malaysia, Cambodia) a month before. In the beginning, her skin lesions were misdiagnosed as allergic reactions and treated with antihistamines. The disease in the form of a pruritic, migratory serpiginous skin eruption on legs was diagnosed during routine medical examination at the National Centre for Sports Medicine in Warsaw. She was treated successfully with albendazole and cetirizine. The skin lesions resolved entirely within two weeks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  4. Jantan I, Ahmad W, Bukhari SN
    Front Plant Sci, 2015;6:655.
    PMID: 26379683 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00655
    The phagocyte-microbe interactions in the immune system is a defense mechanism but when excessively or inappropriately deployed can harm host tissues and participate in the development of different non-immune and immune chronic inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune problems, allergies, some rheumatoid disorders, cancers and others. Immunodrugs include organic synthetics, biological agents such as cytokines and antibodies acting on single targets or pathways have been used to treat immune-related diseases but with limited success. Most of immunostimulants and immunosuppressants in clinical use are the cytotoxic drugs which possess serious side effects. There is a growing interest to use herbal medicines as multi-component agents to modulate the complex immune system in the prevention of infections rather than treating the immune-related diseases. Many therapeutic effects of plant extracts have been suggested to be due to their wide array of immunomodulatory effects and influence on the immune system of the human body. Phytochemicals such as flavonoids, polysaccharides, lactones, alkaloids, diterpenoids and glycosides, present in several plants, have been reported to be responsible for the plants immunomodulating properties. Thus the search for natural products of plant origin as new leads for development of potent and safe immunosuppressant and immunostimulant agents is gaining much major research interest. The present review will give an overview of widely investigated plant-derived compounds (curcumin, resveratrol, epigallocatechol-3-gallate, quercetin, colchicine, capsaicin, andrographolide, and genistein) which have exhibited potent effects on cellular and humoral immune functions in pre-clinical investigations and will highlight their clinical potential.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
    Vinegars are most widely used as preservatives in food industry. Vinegars are known for their health benefits; however, the roles of vinegar-associated microflora in locally produced vinegars are not well established. The objectives of this study are to isolate and identify the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from black rice vinegar and coconut vinegar, measure their pH and titratable acidity, and determine their antibacterial activity. LAB was isolated using cultural method. Phenotypic characterization of LAB was carried out using Gram-staining, oxidase test, catalase test and API 50 CHL Kit. Results from API 50 CHL Kit confirmed that BRV03M strain from black rice vinegar and CV03M strain from coconut vinegar were Lactobacillus paracaseissp. paracasei. The identified bacteria in both samples were consistent as L. paracaseiusing 16S rDNAgene sequences with 93% and 99% similarity, respectively. The pH and titratable acidity percentage of both vinegars were also determined. The stability of Cell Free Supernatant-Lactic Acid Bacteria (CFS-LAB) strains within 14 days on their inhibition against selected pathogenic bacteria was determined using agar well diffusion method. The CFS-LAB strain isolated from black rice vinegar (BRV03M) was more stable within 14 days than coconut vinegar in inhibiting tested bacteria, suggesting this strain has great potential as natural antibacterial agents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
    Listeria spp. and Salmonella spp. are capable of causing food-borne outbreaks and diseases in humans. This study aimed to quantify and detect the occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimurium in fruit juices by utilizing Most Probable Number (MPN) in combination with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). In this study, a total of 50 fruit juice samples, consisting of orange, papaya, watermelon, honeydew and apple were collected from Kota Samarahan and Kuching. Specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay targeting the virulence gene, hlyA gene in L. monocytogenes and fliC gene in S. Typhimurium was performed, with the expected size of 730 bp and 559 bp, respectively. MPN analysis showed that the estimated microbial loads of Listeria spp. and Salmonella spp. in all samples were more than 1100 MPN/g. However, based on the PCR analysis, none of the samples (0%) were positive for L. monocytogenes or S. Typhimurium. This study presented as a preliminary food safety screening for the occurrence of Listeria spp. and Salmonella spp. from retailed fruit juices. Hygienic practices and food safety measures should be adhered by all food vendors and restaurants in order to avoid foodborne disease outbreaks in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  7. Nurul Izzah, A.R., Zailatul Hani, M.Y., Noormalin, A., Faizal, B., Shahnaz, M., Rosmilah, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(2):90-97.
    Crab meat is a valuable source of proteins and functional lipids and it is widely consumed worldwide. However, the prevalence of crab allergy has increased over the past few years. In order to understand crab allergy better, it is necessary to identify crab allergens. The aim of the present study was to compare the IgE-binding proteins of raw and cooked extracts of mud crab (Scylla serrata). Raw and cooked extracts of the mud crab were prepared. Protein profiles and IgE reactivity patterns were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) followed by immunoblotting using sera from 21 skin prick test (SPT) positive patients. In SDS-PAGE, 20 protein bands (12 to 250 kDa) were observed in the raw extract while the cooked extract demonstrated fewer bands. Protein bands between 40 to 250 kDa were sensitive to heat denaturation and no longer observed in the cooked extract. In immunoblotting experiments, raw and cooked extracts demonstrated 11 and 4 IgE-binding proteins, respectively, with molecular weights of between 23 and 250 kDa. A heat-resistant 36 kDa protein, corresponding to crab tropomyosin was identified as the major allergen of both extracts. In addition, a 41 kDa heat-sensitive protein believed to be arginine kinase was shown to be a major allergen of the raw extract. Other minor allergens were also observed at various molecular weights.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  8. Redhwan AA, Low WY, Mustafa FM, Robert C, Ali A
    This study aimed to determine the perceptions and opinions of medical students about food allergy. Universal sampling was used to conduct focus group discussions. The majority of the participants 40 (67%) mentioned that the common symptoms of food allergy are: skin rashes, swollen lips, diarrhea, vomiting, bronchospasm, redness, itchiness, difficulty in breathing, stomach ache and fever. Majority of participants mentioned that seafood is the food that can cause most food allergies 52 (87%), followed by tree nuts 25 (42%), peanuts and dairy products 19 (32%). Regarding the most allergenic food named by the participants are seafood 23 (38%); followed by milk and dairy products 5 (8%) and nuts 5 (8%). The majority of participants mentioned that food allergy can be fatal 48 (80%), a child can catch food allergy 57 (95%), and 10 of 100 people would have food allergy 31 (52%). Half of the participants 30 (50%) mentioned that it is very hard to care for children with food allergy. The majority of participants mentioned that food allergies do run in families 50 (83%), avoiding allergenic food is the best preventive methods 36 (60%) and that food allergy can be treated and will go away and 32 (53%). This study showed that in spite of sufficient knowledge among medical students about food allergy, some misconceptions still exist such as the high prevalence of food allergy and that food allergy can be treated and will go away. Therefore, there is a need for improving the continuous medical education among medical students with regard to food allergy because they are our future physicians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  9. Tikaram A, Chew YK, Zulkiflee AB, Chong AW, Prepageran N
    Introduction: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of otitis media with effusion (OME) in Malaysian children between three months to twelve years of age and to identify the risk factors associated with it.
    Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study consists of 153 children selected by stratified random sampling method. Parents of these children were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Clinical examination, including otoscopic examination and tympanometry was performed for each child.
    Results: The prevalence of OME was 18.3%. There was no statistical significant relationship between OME and gender, race, household size, attendance to daycare center, breast feeding, and exposure to passive smoking, allergy, and asthma.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of OME is 18.3% in Malaysian children between three months to twelve years of age. Frequency of AOM is a statistically significant factor to the development of OME later in life. The different risk factors associated with OME are still controversial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  10. Azam Rahim, Maimaiti, Namaitijiag, Abuduli, Maihebureti, Zafar Ahmed
    Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. It is estimated that around 300 million people in the world currently have asthma. The prevalence of asthma is increasing in most of countries, especially among children. The burden of severe asthma is considerable high in the Middle East courtiers including Iran. This study to investigate the effect of patients' knowledge about Inhaled Corticosteroids (ICS), attitude and health beliefs toward ICS, and behavioral intention to adhere to prescribed ICS in adult asthmatic patients in Yazd city, Iran. A cross sectional study was conducted from August 2008 to January 2009 in three private allergy and asthma clinics, located in Yazd city of Iran, using Structured face to face interviews using a questionnaire by the researcher. The results showed that the majority of patients (55.5%) were not adherent to their prescribed ICS. Patients’ knowledge toward ICS did not have effect on medication adherence behavior, while patients with positive attitude toward ICS were better adherent with their medication. Linear regression model identifies intention to comply with treatment and positive attitude toward ICS as predictors for adherence behavior. This study shows the relationship between medications beliefs, attitude, behavioral intention, and medication adherence. A better understanding of patient's medication beliefs, and attitude and their effect on compliance may help health care system to promote adherence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  11. Ay, Eeng Tan, Wai, Kwong Choong, Pooi, Yan Leong, Wei, Mui Ng, Soon, Leong Yong
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(1):30-37.
    This is a cross-sectional study on 218 pregnant mothers in an urban government Hospital.The study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes and sources of information on breastfeeding. The results could be utilised to promote breastfeeding. Almost all the respondents (96.8%) intended to breastfeed their newborns. Most of them (74.8%) were knowledgeable about breastfeeding i.e. colostrum and breast milk was the best food, good for resistance against disease and allergy, filling up stomach easily, helpful in teeth development and maternal recovery after birth, increased bonding, was easy and economical. The two main misconceptions were mothers would stop breastfeeding when infant or mother was sick, and giving clear fluid to the exclusively breastfed infants to prevent dehydration. Most mothers (83.9%) responded positively towards breastfeeding i.e. it was easier than infant formula, had no negative effect on marital relationship or family care, would commence breastfeeding straight after delivery, agreeable to the banning of bottles and teats in hospital and they would not stop breastfeeding even if husband discouraged them. Only 56.9% of the mothers believed they could breastfeed their babies with modesty anywhere. The main sources of information were attained from the mass media (34.9%), antenatal class (32.1%) and other mothers with breastfeeding experiences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  12. Nelson DS
    Med J Malaya, 1969 Sep;24(1):3-11.
    PMID: 4243841
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed
  13. Mary Margaret, P.D.S., Jinap, S., Ahmad Faizal, A.R.
    Allergy caused by food is usually type 1 allergy of four types of allergic reactions. One of the most widespread allergic is those that are caused by crustacean shellfish. Crustaceans are classified among arthropods which include crab, crayfish, lobster, prawn and shrimp. Shrimp which are broadly consumed as nutritional food is one of the most important food that contribute to allergy. Thus, reducing the allergenicity of shrimp allergen will be helpful to individuals who are sensitive to shrimp and for this reason the characteristics of each allergen need to be studied. Those sensitized individuals can develop urticaria, angiodema, laryngospasm, asthma and life threatening anaphylaxis. To date, four main allergens contribute to allergic reactions. They are tropomyosin (TM), a highly conserved and heat stable myofibrillar protein of 35-38 kDa followed by arginine kinase (AK) which is also known as Pen m 2 or Lit v 2 with 40 kDa. Two other contributing allergens are sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SCP) also known as Lit v 4 with 22 kDa and myosin light chain (MLC) which is also termed as Lit v 3 with 20 kDa. This mini-review will provide a better understanding of each allergen derived from shrimp which subsequently will help to reduce the allergenicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  14. Saravanakumar K, Mandava S, Chellia R, Jeevithan E, Babu Yelamanchi RS, Mandava D, et al.
    Microb Pathog, 2018 Oct 10;126:19-26.
    PMID: 30316006 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.10.011
    The present study aimed to purify and identify the metabolites from T. atroviride using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (NMR) followed by analyzing their toxicological, antibacterial and anticancer properties. This work identified two metabolites - TM1 and TM2. TM1 was in two forms: (i) 1, 3-dione-5, 5-dimethylcyclohexane; and, (ii) 2-enone-3hydroxy -5,5-dimethylcylohex, while TM2 was 4H-1,3-dioxin-4-one-2,3,6-trimethyl. These metabolites did not exhibit any irritant or allergic reaction as revealed by HET- CAM test. TM2 significantly inhibited the growth of H. pylori and Shigella toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) as evident by in vitro and microscopic observations of bacterial cell death. TM2 also induced the cell death and cytotoxicity, as revealed by cell viability test and western blot analysis. According to microscopic, flow cytometer and western blot analysis, TM2 treated cells displayed higher ROS, cell death, and apoptosis-related protein expression than TM1 and control. This study concluded that TM2 derived from T. atroviride was a potential therapeutic agent for anti-prostate cancer and antibiotic agent against MDR- H. pylori and STEC and it is also recommended to carry out further in vivo animal model experiments with improved stability of the metabolites for future pharmaceutical trails.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  15. Soegiarto G, Abdullah MS, Damayanti LA, Suseno A, Effendi C
    Asia Pac Allergy, 2019 Apr;9(2):e17.
    PMID: 31089459 DOI: 10.5415/apallergy.2019.9.e17
    Background: The prevalence of allergy among Surabaya school children is currently unknown.

    Objective: To identify the prevalence of the common allergic sensitization and allergic diseases among school children and undergraduate students in suburban of Surabaya by epidemiologic data collection.

    Methods: A multistage simple random sampling was done to select 5 primary schools, 8 secondary schools (4 of junior high schools and senior high schools, respectively), and 1 university from 5 districts in Surabaya city. Out of 550 invited respondents, 499 (128 primary school, 221 secondary school, and 150 undergraduate) respondents gave their consent. A complete personal history, allergic symptoms, environmental exposure of common allergens was obtained from interview and the physical examinations were performed. Skin prick test (SPT) was done using 45 different allergen extracts. Total serum IgE and specific IgE radioallergosorbent test levels were measured for respondents with allergic manifestations.

    Results: There was an increasing SPT positivity among study respondents, from primary school, secondary school, to undergraduate students (21.90%, 28.95%, to 45.30% respectively). Cockroach (42.85%) and fungi/mold spore (42.85%) were the most common allergens in primary school children. House dust mites was the most common allergen in secondary school (63.16%) and undergraduate students (58.82%). Urticaria and rhinitis were the commonest allergic diseases manifestation. History of atopy was positive in 60.79% of the allergic respondents.

    Conclusion: The prevalence of allergic sensitization among school children and undergraduate students in Surabaya suburb areas were increased compared to previous estimates in 1998. While house dust mites are known as important allergens, surprisingly cockroach was the common allergen among the younger school children.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Immediate
  16. Siddiqui MJ, Aslam A, Khan T
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2019 3 25;11(1):43-48.
    PMID: 30906139 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_174_18
    Objective: The aim and objective of this study was to find the immunostimulant and immunomodulatory effect of T. ammi seed extracts.

    Methods: Seeds of T. ammi were extracted using three different solvents n-hexane, chloroform, and methanol by using soxhlet apparatus. To assess the immunomodulatory effect, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) assay method was used and by the DTH assay, the effect of T. ammi on the skin thickness of rats was estimated. To find the exact dose for administration, acute toxicity test was performed using crude methanolic extract at a dose of 400, 800, 1600, and 3200mg/kg. After acute toxicity test, 500mg/kg dose was determined as safe for therapeutic effect and immunomodulatory effect was evaluated at this dose. Dose of 500mg/kg was administered to Wistar rats daily for 14 days and skin thickness of rats was measured at 24, 48, and 72h.

    Results: Results were obtained from six groups of rats, which were positive control group, negative control group, and the groups receiving the test drugs. Standard drug was the combination of sodium selenite, vitamin E, and sodium chloride and it showed more positive results as compared to that of test drug. Furthermore, among the three extracts, methanol extract showed more effectiveness on skin thickness.

    Conclusion: There was a meaningful difference was observed between the skin thickness of rats which shows that T. ammi have good immunomodulatory as well as immunostimulant activity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity, Delayed
  17. Zaki, R.A., Roffeei, S.N., Hazwan, A.E., Musa, N.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(2):38-44.
    Objective: The study was designed to determine the risk perception of the public population in Kota Kinabalu towards childhood immunisation.
    Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study where self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the public in Kota Kinabalu. The respondents who consented were 18 years old and older. The illiterate persons and the foreigners were excluded. The calculated sample size was 400. Only 313 samples collected were suitable for analysis using SPSS v21.0.
    Results: Fever, pain swelling and allergic reaction were correctly identified as risks of immunisation. Autism, mental retardation and even death could also result from vaccination. Of the total respondents, 76.7% agreed with the practice of childhood vaccination, 70.0% thought that childhood vaccinations were safe and effective and 58.1% felt that its benefit outweighed the risk. Other than that, 32.0% refused childhood vaccination from fear of its risks, and this fear was the main reason for the refusal of childhood vaccination. Age, marital status, race and income were the factors which influenced parental willingness to vaccinate their children (p<0.05).
    Conclusions: Most participants understood the risks of childhood vaccination, but few agreed to the practice of childhood immunisation for herd immunity. Public health campaigns are needed, to increase the understanding and acceptance of childhood vaccination especially in the rural community.
    Keywords: Childhood Immunisation, Parental Risk, Perception, Public Acceptance
    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  18. Mohd Khairi MD, Shahrjerdi B, Ramiza RR, Normastura R
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Jun;74(3):205-208.
    PMID: 31256174
    OBJECTIVE: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) usually begins as a spontaneous perforation of tympanic membrane due to an acute infection of the middle ear. This study was aimed to evaluate the association between allergy and CSOM.

    METHODS: A case-control study was carried out among patients with CSOM (cases) and controls were those with no ear pathology. The presence of CSOM was made through a medical history and otoscopic examination. Allergen testing was done by the skin prick test.

    RESULTS: In all 124 subjects were recruited in this study with equal number of the cases and controls. The commonest positive reaction in the skin prick test in both groups was to house dust mites. Among CSOM cases, half (50%) of them had an allergy to Blomia tropicalis and 48.4% to Dermatophagoides while in the control group, 27.4% to Dermatophagoides and 25.8% to B. tropicalis. There were significant associations between CSOM and allergy to B. tropicalis (p=0.005), Dermatophagoides (p=0.016) and Felis domesticus (p=0.040). The prevalence of allergy at 95% confidence interval (95%CI) in CSOM and control groups were demonstrated as 59.7% (95%CI: 47.5, 71.9) and 30.6 % (95%CI: 19.1, 42.1) respectively. There was a significant association between allergy and CSOM (p=0.001).

    CONCLUSION: Indoor allergens are the most prevalent in our environment and therefore good control may difficult to achieve. The hypersensitivity states of the subject are likely to have a role in the pathogenesis of CSOM especially in the tropical countries where allergy occurs perennially.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hypersensitivity
  19. Chong PP, Chin VK, Looi CY, Wong WF, Madhavan P, Yong VC
    Front Microbiol, 2019;10:1136.
    PMID: 31244784 DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01136
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder which affects a large proportion of the population globally. The precise etiology of IBS is still unknown, although consensus understanding proposes IBS to be of multifactorial origin with yet undefined subtypes. Genetic and epigenetic factors, stress-related nervous and endocrine systems, immune dysregulation and the brain-gut axis seem to be contributing factors that predispose individuals to IBS. In addition to food hypersensitivity, toxins and adverse life events, chronic infections and dysbiotic gut microbiota have been suggested to trigger IBS symptoms in tandem with the predisposing factors. This review will summarize the pathophysiology of IBS and the role of gut microbiota in relation to IBS. Current methodologies for microbiome studies in IBS such as genome sequencing, metagenomics, culturomics and animal models will be discussed. The myriad of therapy options such as immunoglobulins (immune-based therapy), probiotics and prebiotics, dietary modifications including FODMAP restriction diet and gluten-free diet, as well as fecal transplantation will be reviewed. Finally this review will highlight future directions in IBS therapy research, including identification of new molecular targets, application of 3-D gut model, gut-on-a-chip and personalized therapy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
  20. Sim LY, Abd Rani NZ, Husain K
    Front Pharmacol, 2019;10:677.
    PMID: 31275149 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00677
    The prevalence of allergic diseases such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergy and atopic dermatitis has increased dramatically in recent decades. Conventional therapies for allergy can induce undesirable effects and hence patients tend to seek alternative therapies like natural compounds. Considering the fact above, there is an urgency to discover potential medicinal plants as future candidates in the development of novel anti-allergic therapeutic agents. The Lamiaceae family, or mint family, is a diverse plant family which encompasses more than 7,000 species and with a cosmopolitan distribution. A number of species from this family has been widely employed as ethnomedicine against allergic inflammatory skin diseases and allergic asthma in traditional practices. Phytochemical analysis of the Lamiaceae family has reported the presence of flavonoids, flavones, flavanones, flavonoid glycosides, monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenoids, essential oil and fatty acids. Numerous investigations have highlighted the anti-allergic activities of Lamiaceae species with their active principles and crude extracts. Henceforth, this review has the ultimate aim of compiling the up-to-date (2018) findings of published scientific information about the anti-allergic activities of Lamiaceae species. In addition, the botanical features, medicinal uses, chemical constituents and toxicological studies of Lamiaceae species were also documented. The method employed for data collection in this review was mainly the exploration of the PubMed, Ovid and Scopus databases. Additional research studies were obtained from the reference lists of retrieved articles. This comprehensive summarization serves as a useful resource for a better understanding of Lamiaceae species. The anti-allergic mechanisms related to Lamiaceae species are also reviewed extensively which aids in future exploration of the anti-allergic potential of Lamiaceae species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Hypersensitivity
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