Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 1258 in total

  1. Intan Nureslyna, S., Sabariah, M.N., Lim, C.R., Wan Nor Syafiqah, W.S., Chen, D.R., Choy, S.Y., et al.
    HbA1c is an established index of glycaemic control and correlates strongly with risk of chronic diabetic complications. However, the accuracy of HbA1c measurement can be affected by many factors, among which is the presence of haemoglobin (Hb) variants. The aim of the study was to determine the percentage of Hb variant detected during HbA1c monitoring in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. The study also analysed non-reportable HbA1c results in the presence of Hb variants. A cross-sectional study using retrospective data of HbA1c results over five months’ period was analysed on Biorad Variant II Turbo, a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay. The Hb variants were grouped either as HbS, HbC, others (Hb variant apart from HbS or C), and a combination of HbS or C with Others. A total of 11,904 patients were included. Only 2.3% (273) had Hb variants; HbS trait (10.3%), others (89%), and the combination of HbS trait with others (0.7%). No patient with HbC variant or its combination was found. Only 2.2% of those with Hb variant had non-reportable HbA1c. Although the percentage of Hb variants detected during HbA1c analysis and non-reportable HbA1c results were low, their presence should be noted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  2. Faez Sharif, Muhajir Hamid, Amin Ismail, Zainah Adam
    Hypoglycaemic and antihyperglycemic activity of oil palm Elaeis guineensis fruit extract on normal and Streptozotocininduced
    diabetic rats was studied. The oil palm fruit extract (OPF) were administered orally at different concentrations (100,
    200 and 500 mg kg-1 b.w.) in fasting and post-prandial rats. Hypoglycaemia was not observed in the group of normal rats
    treated with OPF. In fasting rats, OPF (500 mg kg-1 b.w.) has caused the blood glucose level (BGL) to reduce significantly.
    For post-prandial diabetic rats, the antihyperglycemic activity was observed after OPF treatment at concentrations 200
    and 500 mg kg-1. Chronic OPF treatments (for 28 days) had increased the diabetic rat’s body weight and reduced BGL as
    well as improved plasma insulin secretion. The result of this study suggests E. guineensis palm fruit extract show evidence
    of antihyperglycemic properties from the reduction of the BGL in diabetic rats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  3. Al-Araji, L., Rahman, R.N.Z.A., Basri, M., Salleh, A.B.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(1):45-56.
    The growth and production of biosurfactant by P. seudomonas aeruginosa (181) was dependant on nutritional factors. Among the eleven carbon sources tested, glucose supported the maximum growth (0.25 g/L) with the highest biosurfactant yield and this was followed by glycerol. Glucose reduced the surface tension to 35.3 dyne/cm and gave an E24 reading of 62.7%. Butanol gave the lowest growth and had no biosurfactant production. For the nitrogen sources tested, casamino acid supported a growth of 0.21 g/L which reduced the surface tension to 41.1 dyne/cm and gave an E24 reading of 56%. Soytone was assimilated similarly, with good growth and high biosurfactant production. Corn steep liquor gave the lowest growth and did not show any biosurfactant activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  4. Jamilah, B., Shu, C. E., Kharidah, M., Dzulkifly, M. A., Noranizan, A.
    Pitaya peel (Hylocereus polyrhizus), which consists approximately 22% of the whole fruit weight, is discarded during processing. Physico-chemical properties of the discarded pitaya peel were determined in
    order to evaluate its potential for recovery of any value-added materials. The moisture content of the peel was approximately 92.7% and it was low in total soluble solids, protein, ash and fat content. Betacyanin pigment (150.46 ± 2.19 mg/100 g) and pectin (10.8%) were high in the peel. Glucose, maltose and fructose were detected in the peel but not sucrose and galactose. The peel also had very high insoluble and soluble dietary fibre which had exhibited a good ratio of insoluble dietary fibre to soluble dietary fibre (3.8: 1.0).
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  5. Wong, C. W., Angel Lee, P. L.
    The inhibitory effect of onion extract on cassava leaf polyphenol oxidase was investigated. The polyphenol oxidase from cassava leaves was strongly inhibited by various anti-browning agents such as L-ascorbic acid and L-cysteine. The percentage of inhibition increased with the increased of anti-browning agents concentrations. The addition of heated onion extract exhibited a stronger inhibitory effect on cassava leaf polyphenol oxidase than the fresh onion extract. The highest percentage of inhibition was exhibited with heated onion extract in the presence of glucose and glycine, which was 87.18%. The onion extract inhibited the cassava leaf polyphenol oxidase non-competitively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  6. Yetti, M., Nazamid, B.S., Roselina, K., Abdulkarim, S.M.
    The native sago starch exists as a compact crystalline structure and is not efficiently hydrolyzed by Raw Starch Degrading Enzyme (RSDE). In order to enhance its hydrolysability, the starch was treated with acid and heated below its gelatinization temperature, thus increasing the accessibility of the sago starch granule to enzymatic attack. Results showed that treatment of sago starch with acid at pH 2.0 and temperature 65oC for 2 hours greatly enhanced its conversion rate to glucose from 53.3% to 71.9%. It is clearly shown that high yield of glucose is produced during hydrolysis of acid-treated sago starch using the Raw Starch Degrading Enzyme from Acremonium sp. The difference between the acid-treated and untreated sago starch in this study could be due to the differences on the surface of the sago starch granule which may influence the accessibility and diffusion of enzyme into the starch during hydrolysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  7. Siddiqui NA, Billa N, Roberts CJ, Asantewaa Osei Y
    Pharmaceutics, 2016 Oct 08;8(4).
    PMID: 27740594
    Boronic acids have been widely investigated for their potential use as glucose sensors in glucose responsive polymeric insulin delivery systems. Interactions between cyclic diols and boronic acids, anchored to polymeric delivery systems, may result in swelling of the delivery system, releasing the drug. In this study, 4-formylphenylboronic acid conjugated chitosan was formulated into insulin containing nanoparticles via polyelectrolyte complexation. The nanoparticles had an average diameter of 140 ± 12.8 nm, polydispersity index of 0.17 ± 0.1, zeta potential of +19.1 ± 0.69 mV, encapsulation efficiency of 81% ± 1.2%, and an insulin loading capacity of 46% ± 1.8% w/w. Changes in size of the nanoparticles and release of insulin were type of sugar- and concentration-dependent. High concentration of diols resulted in a sustained release of insulin due to crosslink formation with boronic acid moieties within the nanoparticles. The formulation has potential to be developed into a self-regulated insulin delivery system for the treatment of diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  8. Chin, S.P., Shahrin Tarmizi Che Abdullah, How, S.H., Sapari Satwi, Khalid Abdul Kadir
    Patient understanding and perception of diabetes control is important if clinicians were to allow diabetes patients to play a central role in management of their illness. We conducted a survey to see what diabetic patients generally thought of their understanding of disease and glycemic control; if these perceptions were accurate and related to complications.
    One hundred and eight consecutive patients (mean age 52.7± 13 years, BMI 27±5.2 kg/m2, HbA1c 9.2±2.2 %) attending diabetes clinic participated including 63% women, 60% primary or no education, and 47% duration of diabetes >10 years. 54% claimed to have a good understanding although nearly half answered questions on diabetes management and targets wrongly. 32% perceived their glycemic control to be good and were found to have lower baseline HbA1c (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  9. Hussain Imam Muhammad Ismail, Azizi Omar
    Familial Paroxysmal Rhabdomyolysis of the non-exertional variety is a rare but treatable disorder previously not described in Malaysia. We report 3 Malay siblings of a consanguinous marriage who developed myoglobulinuria during a febrile illness. The first 2 died without being investigated, but the last had creatinine kinase levels of 24,800 UIL suggesting acute rhabdomyolysis. Fasting appears to be a major precipitating factor, and glucose infusions combined with alkaline diuresis may be life-saving.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  10. Zhi, Yee Lee, Chuan, Joshua Yung Foo, Mei, Qian Lim, Zheng, Xian Koh, Hui, Wendy Yi Wong, Kock, Tony Wai Ng
    A recently published meta-analysis showed that each additional serving of rice increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) by an alarming 11%. We investigated whether this phenomenon is seen in the Malaysian population by studying the effect of rice intake and added sugar consumption on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and fasting triacylglycerol (TAG).
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  11. Jefferelli Shamsul Bahrin, Hanifah Bujang, Nizam Jemoin
    There is a high prevalence of chronic diseases in the community. Promoting health at the workplace is an effective measure to manage such diseases. This study shares the findings of country-wide company health screening program. The prevalence of high cholesterol among participants was 29 %, high blood pressure was 8% and high blood sugar was 3%. The prevalence of high cholesterol from workplace screening was higher than the community prevalence but the prevalence of high blood pressure and high blood sugar was lower than the community prevalence. The various factors influencing these findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  12. Ngoh, Gek Cheng, Masitah Hasan, Kumoro, Andri Chahyo, Chew, Fui Ling, Tham, Margaret
    The production of ethanol, from glucose in batch and fed batch culture, was investigated. In the fed batch culture, the glucose feeding was added into the culture at 16th hour of fermentation. The effects of different glucose concentration feeding rates on ethanol fermentation were investigated for fed batch culture. The 2gL-1hr-1 glucose concentration feeding rate was found to give higher ethanol yield (2.47 g ethanol g glucose-1), with respect to substrate consumed as compared to 8 gL-1hr-1 (0.23 g ethanol g glucose-1) and 4 gL-1hr-1 (0.20 g ethanol g glucose-1). The ethanol yield with respect to substrate consumed obtained in batch culture was 0.81 g ethanol g glucose-1. The fed batch culture at 2 gL-1hr-1 glucose concentration feeding rate was proven to be a better fermentation system than the batch culture. The specific growth rate, specific glucose consumption rate and specific ethanol production rate for the fed batch fermentation, at 2 gL-1hr-1 glucose concentration feeding rate, were 0.065 hr-1, 1.20 hr-1 and 0.0009 hr-1, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  13. Mohamad Ikubar MR, Abdul Manan M, Md Salleh M, Yahya A
    3 Biotech, 2018 May;8(5):259.
    PMID: 29765817 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-018-1268-1
    In current practice, oil palm frond leaflets and stems are re-used for soil nutrient recycling, while the petioles are typically burned. Frond petioles have high commercialization value, attributed to high lignocellulose fiber content and abundant of juice containing free reducing sugars. Pressed petiole fiber is the subject of interest in this study for the production of lignocellulolytic enzyme. The initial characterization showed the combination of 0.125 mm frond particle size and 60% moisture content provided a surface area of 42.3 m2/g, porosity of 12.8%, and density of 1.2 g/cm3, which facilitated fungal solid-state fermentation. Among the several species of Aspergillus and Trichoderma tested, Aspergillus awamori MMS4 yielded the highest xylanase (109 IU/g) and cellulase (12 IU/g), while Trichoderma virens UKM1 yielded the highest lignin peroxidase (222 IU/g). Crude enzyme cocktail also contained various sugar residues, mainly glucose and xylose (0.1-0.4 g/L), from the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellulose. FT-IR analysis of the fermented petioles observed reduction in cellulose crystallinity (I900/1098), cellulose-lignin (I900/1511), and lignin-hemicellulose (I1511/1738) linkages. The study demonstrated successful bioconversion of chemically untreated frond petioles into lignin peroxidase and xylanase-rich enzyme cocktail under SSF condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  14. Ghazalli N, Wu X, Walker S, Trieu N, Hsin LY, Choe J, et al.
    Stem Cells Dev, 2018 07 01;27(13):898-909.
    PMID: 29717618 DOI: 10.1089/scd.2017.0160
    Pluripotent stem cells may serve as an alternative source of beta-like cells for replacement therapy of type 1 diabetes; however, the beta-like cells generated in many differentiation protocols are immature. The maturation of endogenous beta cells involves an increase in insulin expression starting in late gestation and a gradual acquisition of the abilities to sense glucose and secrete insulin by week 2 after birth in mice; however, what molecules regulate these maturation processes are incompletely known. In this study, we aim to identify small molecules that affect immature beta cells. A cell-based assay, using pancreatic beta-like cells derived from murine embryonic stem (ES) cells harboring a transgene containing an insulin 1-promoter driven enhanced green fluorescent protein reporter, was used to screen a compound library (NIH Clinical Collection-003). Cortisone, a glucocorticoid, was among five positive hit compounds. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed that glucocorticoids enhance the gene expression of not only insulin 1 but also glucose transporter-2 (Glut2; Slc2a2) and glucokinase (Gck), two molecules important for glucose sensing. Mifepristone, a pharmacological inhibitor of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling, reduced the effects of glucocorticoids on Glut2 and Gck expression. The effects of glucocorticoids on ES-derived cells were further validated in immature primary islets. Isolated islets from 1-week-old mice had an increased Glut2 and Gck expression in response to a 4-day treatment of exogenous hydrocortisone in vitro. Gene deletion of GR in beta cells using rat insulin 2 promoter-driven Cre crossed with GRflox/flox mice resulted in a reduced gene expression of Glut2, but not Gck, and an abrogation of insulin secretion when islets were incubated in 0.5 mM d-glucose and stimulated by 17 mM d-glucose in vitro. These results demonstrate that glucocorticoids positively regulate glucose sensors in immature murine beta-like cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose/metabolism*; Glucose Transporter Type 2/metabolism
  15. Jamil SZMR, Rohani ER, Baharum SN, Noor NM
    3 Biotech, 2018 Aug;8(8):322.
    PMID: 30034986 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-018-1336-6
    Callus was induced from mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) young purple-red leaves on Murashige and Skoog basal medium with various combinations of plant growth regulators. Murashige and Skoog medium with 4.44 µM 6-benzylaminopurine and 4.52 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was the best for friable callus induction. This friable callus was used for the initiation of cell suspension culture. The effects of different combinations of 6-benzylaminopurine and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, carbon sources and inoculum sizes were tested. It was found that combination of 2.22 µM 6-benzylaminopurine + 2.26 µM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, glucose (30 g/l) and 1.5 g/50 ml inoculum size was the best for cell growth. Callus and cell suspension cultures were then treated either with 100 µM methyl jasmonate as an elicitor for 5 days, or 0.5 g/l casein hydrolysate as an organic supplement for 7 days. Metabolites were then extracted and profiled using liquid chromatography-time of flight mass spectrometry. Multivariate discriminant analyses revealed significant metabolite differences (P ≤ 0.05) for callus and suspension cells treated either with methyl jasmonate or casein hydrolysate. Based on MS/MS data, methyl jasmonate stimulated the production of an alkaloid (thalsimine) and fatty acid (phosphatidyl ethanolamine) in suspension cells while in callus, an alkaloid (thiacremonone) and glucosinolate (7-methylthioheptanaldoxime) was produced. Meanwhile casein hydrolysate stimulated the production of alkaloids such as 3ß,6ß-dihydroxynortropane and cis-hinokiresinol and triterpenoids such as schidigerasaponin and talinumoside in suspension cells. This study provides evidence on the potential of secondary metabolite production from in vitro culture of mangosteen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  16. Siti Roha, A.M., Zainal, S., Noriham, A., Nadzirah, K.Z.
    Pineapple waste is a by-product resulting from canning processing of pineapple that produce about 35% of fruit waste and lead to serious environmental pollution. Pineapple waste contains valuable nutrient components of simple sugar such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. Analysis of sugar content is important for further processing such as fermentation. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of sugar in different parts of pineapple waste (peel, core and crown) from variety N36. The selected pineapple waste for maturity indices 1, 2 and 3 was cut into small pieces before crushed in a food processor. The crushed waste was then filtered through muslin cloth followed by membrane filter 0.45μm to produce pineapple waste extract. Sugar content was determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. It was found that fructose content was significantly higher in core (2.24%) followed by peel (2.04%) and crown (0.87%). It was also found that glucose content was significantly higher in core (2.56%) followed by peel (2.18%) and crown (0.53%). Significant difference (p < 0.05) was found for sucrose content between pineapple core and peel extract with the value of 8.92% and 3.87%, respectively. However, sucrose was not detected in pineapple crown. It means that pineapple core extract had the highest values of fructose, glucose and sucrose compared to the other parts of pineapple waste extract. Besides, it was found that sucrose content was significantly higher in pineapple core for index 3 as compared to indices 1 and 2. Glucose and fructose was significantly higher in pineapple core for index 2 compared to indices 1 and 3.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  17. Zakaria MA, Mohd Yusoff MZ, Zakaria MR, Hassan MA, Wood TK, Maeda T
    3 Biotech, 2018 Oct;8(10):435.
    PMID: 30306004 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-018-1461-2
    Pseudogenes in the Escherichia coli genome are assumed to be non-functional. In this study, Keio collection BW25113∆yqiG and YqiG-producing strain (BW25113/pCA24N-YqiG) were used to evaluate the importance of pseudogene yqiG in hydrogen metabolism. Our results show pseudogene protein YqiG was identified as an essential protein in the production of biohydrogen from glucose. The mutant yqiG decreased biohydrogen production from 37 µmol mg-1 protein to 6 µmol mg-1 protein compared to the wild-type strain, and glucose consumption was reduced by 80%. Through transcriptional analysis, we found that the yqiG mutation represses pflB transcription tenfold; pflB encodes pyruvate-formate lyase, one of the key enzymes in the anaerobic metabolism of E. coli. Moreover, production of YqiG stimulated glycolysis and increased biohydrogen productivity 1.5-fold compared to that of the wild-type strain. Thus, YqiG is important for the central glycolysis reaction and is able to influence hydrogen metabolism activity in E. coli.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  18. Goh YK, Marzuki NF, Tan SY, Tan SS, Tung HJ, Goh YK, et al.
    Mycology, 2016;7(1):36-44.
    PMID: 30123614 DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2015.1137985
    The influence of different medium components (glucose, sucrose, and fructose) on the growth of different Ganoderma isolates and species was investigated using mixture design. Ten sugar combinations based on three simple sugars were generated with two different concentrations, namely 3.3% and 16.7%, which represented low and high sugar levels, respectively. The media were adjusted to either pH 5 or 8. Ganoderma isolates (two G. boninense from oil palm, one Ganoderma species from coconut palm, G. lingzhi, and G. australe from tower tree) grew faster at pH 8. Ganoderma lingzhi proliferated at the slowest rate compared to all other tested Ganoderma species in all the media studied. However, G. boninense isolates grew the fastest. Different Ganoderma species were found to have different sugar preferences. This study illustrated that the mixture design can be used to determine the optimal combinations of sugar or other nutrient/chemical components of media for fungal growth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
  19. Ataie-Jafari A, Namazi N, Djalalinia S, Chaghamirzayi P, Abdar ME, Zadehe SS, et al.
    PMID: 30288175 DOI: 10.1186/s13098-018-0373-y
    Background: Recently, neck circumference (NC) has been used to predict the risk of cardiometabolic factors. This study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine: (i) the sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) of NC to predict cardiometabolic risk factors and (ii) the association between NC and the risk of cardiometabolic parameters.

    Methods: A systematic search was conducted through PubMed/Medline, Institute of Scientific Information, and Scopus, until 2017 based on the search terms of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cardio metabolic risk factors. Random-effect model was used to perform a meta-analysis and estimate the pooled SE, SP and correlation coefficient (CC).

    Results: A total of 41 full texts were selected for systematic review. The pooled SE of greater NC to predict MetS was 65% (95% CI 58, 72) and 77% (95% CI 55, 99) in adult and children, respectively. Additionally, the pooled SP was 66% (95% CI 60, 72) and 66% (95% CI 48, 84) in adult and children, respectively. According to the results of meta-analysis in adults, NC had a positive and significant correlation with fasting blood sugar (FBS) (CC: 0.16, 95% CI 0.13, 0.20), HOMA-IR (0.38, 95% CI 0.25, 0.50), total cholesterol (TC) (0.07 95% CI 0.02, 0.12), triglyceride (TG) concentrations (0.23, 95% CI 0.19, 0.28) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (0.14, 95% CI 0.07, 0.22). Among children, NC was positively associated with FBS (CC: 0.12, 95% CI 0.07, 0.16), TG (CC: 0.21, 95% CI 0.17, 0.25), and TC concentrations (CC: 0.07, 95% CI 0.02, 0.12). However, it was not significant for LDL-C.

    Conclusion: NC has a good predictive value to identify some cardiometabolic risk factors. There was a positive association between high NC and most cardiometabolic risk factors. However due to high heterogeneity, findings should be declared with caution.

    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Glucose
  20. Darah I., Teo M, Ibrahim C.O.
    Atratoxin B1 which was extracted from a local sea cucumber, Holothuria atra is a potential antifungal agent against dermatophytes. Exposure of Microsporum canis mycelia inoculated into Sabouraud glucose agar medium to the 10 mg/ml atratoxin B1 solution, resulted in complete suppression of the fungal growth. Prolonged exposure to the atratoxin B] (72 hours) resulted with necrosis in a substantial portion of the existing hyphae. The main anomalies noted were the abnormally shaped hyphae and the alterations in its morphology and cytology.
    Atratoksin B] yang diekstrak daripada timun laut tempatan, Holothuria atra, adalah suatu agen antikulat yang berpotensi terhadap dermatofit. Pendedahan miselium Microsporum canis yang diinokulat ke dalam medium agar glukosa Sabouraud kepada larutan atratoksin B] berkepekatan 10 mg/ml, mengakibatkan penindasan lengkap dalam pertumbuhannya. Pendedahan yang lebih lama kepada larutan atratoksin B] (72 jam) mengakibatkan nekrosis berlaku pada sebahagian besar hifanya. Keganjilan yang jelas berlaku adalah ketidaknormalan pada bentuk hifanya dan juga pengubahsuaian yang terjadi pada morfologi dan sitologinya.
    Matched MeSH terms: Glucose
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