Displaying publications 281 - 300 of 420 in total

  1. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Azreen Hashim, Mohamad Hussain Habil, Noor Zurani Md Haris Robson
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):108-112.
    Objective: This case report highlights the abuse and dependence potential of Zolpidem and the risk of life-threatening withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. Method: We report a case of Zolpidem dependence which presented with withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. Results: A 32 year old male, who had abused non-benzodiazepine Zolpidem for 6 years presented to the accident and emergency unit with generalized seizures upon stopping Zolpidem ‘cold turkey’. He required admission to the neurology high dependency unit for stabilization of the seizures and was later managed by the addiction team where a tapering dose of benzodiazepine was prescribed. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that non-benzodiazepine agents can cause tolerance and dependence, and thus produce withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  2. Zainal Abidin H, Muhd Besari A, Nadarajan C, Wan Shukeri WF, Mazlan MZ, Chong SE, et al.
    IDCases, 2017;8:63-65.
    PMID: 28417070 DOI: 10.1016/j.idcr.2017.03.010
    In Malaysia, melioidosis is commonly encountered as this infection is known as part of the endemic area for the disease. Managing cases of positive Burkholderia pseudomallei infection can involve multidisciplinary unit mainly, microbiologist, infectious disease team and intensive care as it may be quite difficult to distinguish melioidosis from a number of other diseases on the clinical setting alone. Laboratory diagnosis plays a vital role in determining the direction of management. Investigations such as culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serology should be evaluated once the disease is suspected. In this particular case, the patient is a young adult involved in a road traffic accident. Unlike any other cases with melioidosis, he had no potential risk factors which may have contributed to the severity of the disease and it is likely that the site of the accident was the source of acquisition of this gram negative bacterium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  3. Irfan Mohamad, Arumugam, Puvan Arul, Nik Fariza Husna Nik Hassan
    An 11-year-old Malay boy was allegedly involved in motor vehicle accident. He sustained left lung contusion and pneumothorax which necessitate chest tube insertion at a district hospital. On arrival at Accident & Emergency Unit, general physical examination was performed. Neck examination revealed multiple jagged lacerations wound on the left side of the neck (Panel 1). (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  4. Hamidon, B.B., Md Shariful, H.S., Nasaruddin, M.Z.
    Traumatic bilateral sixth cranial nerve palsy is a rare condition which is typically associated with additional intracranial, skull, and cervical spine injuries. We describe a case of complete bilateral sixth nerve palsy in a 28-year-old female patient after an alleged motor vehicle accident. She had altered level of consciousness but no intracranial lesion or associated skull or cervical spine fracture was detected. In this case, we discussed the differential diagnoses, initial workup, and possible treatment options in cases of traumatic 6th nerve palsy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  5. Marret, M.J., Aili, H., Koh, M.T.
    This paper looks at some of the problems encountered when cases of abuse and injuries occur in children placed in child care in an urban community in Malaysia. It is based on the study of 37 children referred to our hospital's Child Protection Services over the past four years for injuries and incidents where the child-minders came under suspicion. They constituted 12% of the 285 children referred to the Child Protection Team during that period for evaluation of suspected child abuse. Twenty six children had experienced physical trauma. Fifty eight percent of these were young infants with cranial injuries or limb fractures but no history to explain their occurrence. Four had superficial injuries from accidents secondary to inadequate supervision. The other 11 children had been sexually abused. The perpetrators in 73% of cases were either the husbands or sons of the child-minder. Ninety five percent of the incidents occured at home-based nurseries. Prospects of any punitive measures were remote in most instances due to uncertainty about the perpetrator, or insufficient corroborative evidence required in sexual abuse cases. There were three documented cases where the family refused to lodge a police report or co-operate with investigations out of a reluctance to implicate or offend the child-minders who were mainly neighbours, relatives or friends in 58% of cases. Ninety seven percent of the facilities were unregistered, making surveillance for recurrent incidents and adherence to safety standards difficult. These incidents were almost certainly an underestimate of the problem. Training of child-care providers, improved legislation and enforcement as well as education of parents to choose suitable facilities are issues which need to be tackled.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  6. Shamsul Amri Sulaiman
    Since the world’s first nuclear reactor major breakthrough in December 02, 1942, the nuclear power industry has undergone tremendous development and evolution for more than half a century. After surpassing moratorium of nuclear power plant construction caused by catastrophic accidents at Three-Mile Island (1979) and Chernobyl (1986), today, nuclear energy is back on the policy agendas of many states, both developed and developing nations, signaling nuclear revival or nuclear renaissance. Selection of suitable nuclear power technology has thus been subjected to primary attention. This short paper attempts to draw preliminary technology assessment for the first nuclear power reactor technology for Malaysia. Methodology employed is qualitative analysis collating recent finding of TNB-KEPCO Preliminary Feasibility Study for Nuclear Power Program in Peninsular Malaysia and other published presentations and/or papers by multiple experts.
    The results suggested that the pressurized water reactor (PWR) is the prevailing technology in terms of numbers and plant performances, and while the commercialization of Gen IV reactors is remote (e.g. not until 2030), Generation III/III+ NPP models are commercially available on the market today. Five (5) major steps involved in reactor technology selection were introduced with a focus on introducing important aspects of selection criteria. Three (3) categories for the of reactor technology selection were used for the cursory evaluation. The outcome of these analyses shall constitute deeper and full review analyses of the recommended reactor technologies for the intended full feasibility study in the near future. Recommendations for reactor technology option were also provided for both strategic and technical recommendations. The paper shall also postulate or rather implore what could be the best way for Malaysian and also other aspiring new entrant nations to select systematically their first civilian nuclear power reactor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  7. Rizawati, M., Mas Ayu, S.
    JUMMEC, 2008;11(2):72-82.
    The aim of this study was to determine whether the home environment was a risk factor for falls occurring at home among the elderly in the Masjid Tanah community, Malaysia. An analytical cross-sectional study conducted from early June 2006 until May 2007 in six randomly selected villages in Masjid Tanah Province. A total of 516 participants were included in this study. Overall prevalence of falls among the study participants was 27.3%. Home falls accounted for 66.7% of the total falls. In conclusion, there was no association between home environment and home fall in this study. Logistic regression analysis showed that having a depressive mood was the main determinant for home falls among the elderly in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Home
  8. Rafidah Bahari, Muhammad N Mohamad Alwi, Muhammad R Ahmad, Ismail Mohd Saiboon
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2015;16(2):203-211.
    There are a number of validated questionnaires available for the screening of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and the PTSD Checklist for Civilians is one of them. However, none was translated into the Malay Language and validated for use in the Malaysian population. The aim of this study is to translate and validate the Malay PTSD Checklist for Civilians (MPCL-C). Methods: The PCL-C was translated into the Malay Language and back-translated. The reliability and validity of the MPCL-C were then determined by administering them to those who presented at the emergency department for motor vehicle accident at least one month before. Results: The MPCL-C has good face and content validity. In terms of reliability, it is also good, with Chronbach’s alpha values of 0.90, 0.77, 0.75 and 0.74 for the full scale, re-experiencing, avoidance and arousal domains respectively. Conclusions: The MPCL-C is a valid and reliable instrument to screen for PTSD in motor vehicle accident victims for the studied population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  9. Nik Rosmawati, N.H., Manaf, A.H., Ahmad Zaki, I., Naing, L.
    All road users are at risk of being involved in motor vehicle crashes (MVCs). Approximately 52.2% of all fatalities and 70.9% of all casualties related to MVCs in Kelantan were motorcycle riders and pilliori riders. A number of risk factors have been established in the relationship between traffic accidents and road-user, the vehicle as well as road and traffic conditions. The study was a cross-sectional study to identify factors associated with the severity of injury sustained by motorcyclist accident patients admitted to the Emergency Department, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), assessed through face to face interview based questionnaire and, at the same time the severity of injury was determined through Revised Trauma Score. Data analysis was done using simple and multiple logistic regressions. The study revealed that age more than 5O years, no motorcycle license, no stressful condition and crashes on two·way road showed higher risk of sustaining a more severe injury. However, sleep time of six to less than nine hours per day, crash on a straight roadway and wet road surface were associated with less severe injury. We recommend that public education, licensing and enforcement on accident prevention and safety riding should be given a priority.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  10. Nor Shahidah, Ismail Merican, Raman Ismail
    Influenza has always been wrongly perceived as a minor disease which is no dwerent than common cold. Influenza affecting all age groups cause a considerable morbidity and mortality although the data are not well established in Asia Pacwc. In the United States, it claims similar order of mortality as that due to car accidents. Inflluenza A and B can cause epidemic human disease. New Influenza virus variants develop frequently due to antigenic dry?. The rapid evolution of both influenza A and B virus is responsible for annual influenza epidemics in humans. Although in Malaysia, Influenza Surveillance began in 1954, the disease awareness is still low. It is
    prudent to continue the surveillance throughout in order to monitor the seasonal trend, circulating strain as well to prepare us from an epidemic or pandemic. Institute for Medical Research, being the sole WHO National Reference lab in this country committed in improving the Influenza Surveillance which will involve all the states in Malaysia in the near future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  11. Mohd Shaffid Md Shariff, Hanizah Ngadiron, Firdaus Hayati, Affirul Chairil Ariffin
    Fat embolism syndrome is manifested by the fat globule presence in the pulmonary and systemic circulation. A 34-year-old man was involved in a motor vehicle accident with a fracture of the left femur and avulsion fracture of the left posterior cruciate ligaments. He developed signs and symptoms that suggested an early diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome. Intravenous methylprednisolone administration was administered as part of the treatment. The role of methylprednisolone in a patient with fat embolism syndrome is controversial due to unproven effectiveness. In this case, fat embolism syndrome after a femur fracture was treated successfully with methylprednisolone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  12. Solehan Imran Shariffudin, Jafri Mohd. Rohani, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Taib, Roseni Abd. Aziz
    Geographically, Malaysia is situated in the equatorial region, thus having a climate of hot and humid throughout the
    year. Effect of heat stress and physical work load at construction industry need to be investigated because of the high number of
    accidents. Thus, perception of physical workload and heat stress by the construction workers in Malaysia needed to be investigated
    and documented. The aim of this paper is to establish a set of questionnaires containing the item generation regarding on physical
    workload and the heat stress perception of construction workers. Physical workload factors such as fatigue, risks, concentration,
    work rhythm, responsibility, satisfaction, and autonomy are inserted as the items in assessing the physical workload. While heat
    stress are assessed using heat risk factors such as temperature, humidity, heat radiation, air movement, workload, clothing and
    acclimatisation. A questionnaire has been developed resulted from various reviewing of literatures on physical workload and heat
    stress and better suited to the Malaysia working environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  13. Rusli R, Haque MM, Saifuzzaman M, King M
    Traffic Inj Prev, 2018;19(7):741-748.
    PMID: 29932734 DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1482537
    OBJECTIVE: Traffic crashes along mountainous highways may lead to injuries and fatalities more often than along highways on plain topography; however, research focusing on the injury outcome of such crashes is relatively scant. The objective of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the likelihood that traffic crashes along rural mountainous highways result in injuries.

    METHOD: This study proposes a combination of decision tree and logistic regression techniques to model crash severity (injury vs. noninjury), because the combined approach allows the specification of nonlinearities and interactions in addition to main effects. Both a scobit model and a random parameters logit model, respectively accounting for an imbalance response variable and unobserved heterogeneities, are tested and compared. The study data set contains a total of 5 years of crash data (2008-2012) on selected mountainous highways in Malaysia. To enrich the data quality, an extensive field survey was conducted to collect detailed information on horizontal alignment, longitudinal grades, cross-section elements, and roadside features. In addition, weather condition data from the meteorology department were merged using the time stamp and proximity measures in AutoCAD-Geolocation.

    RESULTS: The random parameters logit model is found to outperform both the standard logit and scobit models, suggesting the importance of accounting for unobserved heterogeneity in crash severity models. Results suggest that proportion of segment lengths with simple curves, presence of horizontal curves along steep gradients, highway segments with unsealed shoulders, and highway segments with cliffs along both sides are positively associated with injury-producing crashes along rural mountainous highways. Interestingly, crashes during rainy conditions are associated with crashes that are less likely to involve injury. It is also found that the likelihood of injury-producing crashes decreases for rear-end collisions but increases for head-on collisions and crashes involving heavy vehicles. A higher order interaction suggests that single-vehicle crashes involving light and medium-sized vehicles are less severe along straight sections compared to road sections with horizontal curves. One the other hand, crash severity is higher when heavy vehicles are involved in crashes as single vehicles traveling along straight segments of rural mountainous highways.

    CONCLUSION: In addition to unobserved heterogeneity, it is important to account for higher order interactions to have a better understanding of factors that influence crash severity. A proper understanding of these factors will help develop targeted countermeasures to improve road safety along rural mountainous highways.

    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  14. Jothee S, Shafie MS, Mohd Nor F
    Forensic Sci Int, 2018 Aug 31.
    PMID: 30217665 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.08.038
    We present a case of a fatal motor vehicle collision of a 22-year-old car driver, who died at the scene after losing control of his car, and subsequently collided with a tree by the roadside. The subsequent autopsy revealed penetrating injuries on the neck, severing the larynx, carotid artery, jugular vein and fracturing the cervical vertebrae. Internal examination showed the offending material to be a semi-cylindrical metal fragment, which had lodged within the paravertebral muscle. Examination of the car with the authorities found that the metal fragment originated from a defective airbag booster cannister, which shattered upon deployment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  15. Bulut G, Colak I, Mik G, Kilic Z, Tasdemir Z
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Jul;12(2):47-51.
    PMID: 30112129 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1807.009
    An 18-year old male patient, with a history of paragliding accident, sustaining a coronal shear fracture of the body of the talus, an anterior process fracture of the calcaneus extending to the calcaneocuboid joint and a nondisplaced navicular body fracture at the right foot and a displaced fracture of the navicular body accompanied with posteromedial process fracture of the talus at the left side was referred to our emergency clinic. For the right foot, the coronal plane fracture of the talar body was anatomically reduced and fixed with screws. For the left foot, screw fixation was performed through the lateral aspect to fix the large posteromedial fragment. Small bone fragments were removed from the left navicular fracture, and the main fragments were also fixed with screw. The talo-navicular joint was stabilised with a Kirschner wire. At 36 months follow-up, bilateral foot and ankle functions were satisfactory, Maryland scores of the right and left foot were 85 (good) and 90 (excellent), respectively, and the patient regained his full activity level by the 5th month postoperatively. With reference to the number and types of fractures in this one patient, we present a standard protocol for treatment of isolated talus, navicular and calcaneal fractures presenting together in a single foot injury.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  16. Fadzullah NA, Kasthuri S, Basiron N
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Oct;74(5):452-453.
    PMID: 31649230
    According to the Malaysian Department of Statistics motor vehicle accidents are the third leading cause of death in Malaysia and accounts for 7.4% of premature deaths in 2016. With the invention of the airbag, the number of serious injuries and fatalities have been reduced significantly. However, there has also been a corresponding increase in the number of injuries attributable to these devices. The patient narrated in this case report sustained a mixed dermal thickness burn over the upper limb as a result of an airbag deployment. She recovered without other life threatening injuries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  17. Marina M.B., Hazleigh N.M., Thean, Y.K., Sani A.
    Isolated lower cranial nerve (CN) palsy affecting the CN X resulting from a skull base fracture is very rare. The clinical manifestation and natural history is related closely to the complex anatomy of this region and mechanism of injury. Here, we report a case of a 54 year-old man who presented with a delayed onset of dysphonia and dysphagia with aspiration following a closed head injury sustained from a motor vehicle accident. Injection laryngoplasty was implemented to alleviate symptoms of his CN X palsy, which eventually almost completely resolved. High index of suspicion should be maintained when investigating possible skull base fractures, especially with a suggestive clinical presentation of lower CN palsies affecting one or all the lower CNs. Delayed onset of these CN palsies are likely to have more favourable outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  18. Noia G, Silluzio N, Sircana G, Maccauro G, Ziranu A
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Nov;13(3):80-84.
    PMID: 31890117 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1911.015
    Bilateral fracture-dislocation of the talus is a rare occurrence. It represents 0.06% of the dislocations and 2% of the traumas of the talus. We report the case of a 29-year-old patient with an exposed bilateral fracture of the talus following a plane accident. On the right ankle, the patient had a fracture-dislocation Hawkin 3 Gustilo II, on the left ankle presented a Hawkin 4 Gustilo IIIB. The patient was treated within six hours from the trauma. We reduced the dislocation and performed an osteotomy of the tibial malleolus and osteosynthesis of the fracture with screws. The definitive stabilisation has been achieved in both limbs with an external fixator. We evaluated the patient at 1, 3, 6, 8, 12 and 18 months from treatment, with a radiograph and with SF-36 and Foot and Ankle Disability Index questionnaires. No infection was reported, radiographs showed a successful consolidation of the fracture in both limbs. At the one year follow-up, the patient was able to walk without aids and there were no signs of osteonecrosis on the MRI. The treatment of these lesions requires timely treatment, an anatomical reduction of the fracture and patient's collaboration. The use of external fixator with internal osteosynthesis represents a good therapeutic option in Hawkins 3 and 4 type fractures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  19. Kow RY, Mustapha Zakaria Z, Khan ESKM, Low C
    J Orthop Case Rep, 2019 3 28;8(6):65-67.
    PMID: 30915298 DOI: 10.13107/jocr.2250-0685.1262
    Introduction: Fracture of the ulnar coronoid process is uncommon. It is commonly associated with posterior dislocation of the elbow, but it may also present as an isolated fracture. In general, all ulnar coronoid process fractures with elbow joint instability and large fracture fragments are fixed surgically. We report two cases of the rare isolated Regan-Morrey type III ulnar coronoid process fractures and their outcomes.

    Case Report: Case Report 1: Mrs P, a 27-year-old right-hand dominant female, was involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) and sustained an isolated Regan-Morrey type III ulnar coronoid process fracture. In view of the large coronoid process fragment causing elbow joint instability, she underwent an open reduction and internal fixation when the elbow swelling had subsided. An anterior approach was used to identify the fracture fragment and it was fixed with two half-threaded cancellous lag screws with washers to achieve an anatomical reduction. Postoperatively, she recovered with excellent outcome based on the Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS).Case Report 2: Mr M, a 23-year-old right-hand dominant gentleman, was involved in a MVA and sustained an isolated Regan-Morrey type III ulnar coronoid process fracture. During examination under general anesthesia, passive range of the movement of his right elbow was noted to be <90°due to the impaction of the fracture fragment. An open reduction through an anterior approach was performed and Kirschner wires were inserted to fix the coronoid process fracture. Kirschner wires were opted for the ease of post-operative removal as the patient was not keen to have a retained implant after recovery. He recovered with good outcome based on the MEPS.

    Conclusion: Isolated fracture of the ulnar coronoid process is rare. Open reduction and internal fixation is mandatory for patients with coronoid process fracture and unstable elbow joint to achieve good functional outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  20. Malhotra R, Chua WL, O'Neill G
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Nov;10(3):49-51.
    PMID: 28553450 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1611.014
    We present a case of a lower limb compartment syndrome associated with the use of an intra-osseous line inserted into the proximal tibia in an adult patient. An unconscious 59-year old male with multiple injuries presented to our Emergency Department after a road traffic accident. Bilateral proximal tibial intra osseous-lines were inserted due to poor venous access. After resuscitation his left leg was noted to be tense and swollen with absent pulses. Acute compartment syndrome was diagnosed both clinically and with compartment pressure measurement. Two incision fasciotomy on his left lower leg was performed. Intra osseous-lines in the proximal tibia are increasingly used in adult patients in the pre-hospital setting by paramedics and emergency physicians. Their use, along with the possible complications of these devices, such as the development of compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis leading to amputation, is well reported in the paediatric literature. To the best of our knowledge, there have not been any previous reports of complications in the adult patient. We present a case of lower leg compartment syndrome developing from the use of an intra-osseous line in the proximal tibia in an adult patient. With the increasing use of intra-osseous lines in adult patients, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of developing compartment syndrome which may lead to disability or amputation in severe cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
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