Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 388 in total

  1. Cheung KW, Tan LN, Seto MTY, Moholkar S, Masson G, Kilby MD
    Fetal Diagn Ther, 2019;46(5):285-295.
    PMID: 30861511 DOI: 10.1159/000496202
    BACKGROUND: Fetal subdural haematoma (SDH) is associated with poor prognosis.

    OBJECTIVE: The conflicting evidence from the literature presents a challenge in prenatal counselling. We present a case study and systematic review of the literature for the management and outcome of fetal SDH.

    METHODS: Systematic search of electronic database.

    RESULTS: A total 45 cases were extracted from 39 papers. Prenatal ultrasonographic features were intracranial echogenicity (42%), lateral ventriculomegaly (38%), presence of an intracranial mass (31%), macrocephaly (24%), midline deviation of cerebral falx (20%), and intracranial fluid collection (11%). Further secondary features were noted including reversed diastolic flow in the middle cerebral artery (11%), echogenic bowel (4%), hydrops fetalis (2%), and elevated middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity (2%) (all highly likely to be associated with fetal anaemia). The rates of termination of pregnancy, stillbirth, and neonatal death were 18% (8/45), 16% (7/45), and 11% (5/45), respectively. Overall, therefore, the fetal and perinatal mortality was 32% (12/37). Amongst the 24 survivors with available neurological outcome, 42% (10/24) and 58% (14/24) had abnormal and normal neurological outcome, respectively. Underlying aetiology of fetal SDH was not identified in 47% (21/45). Fetal SDH with an identifiable underlying aetiology was the only factor associated with a higher chance of normal neurological outcome when compared to fetal SDH without a detectable cause (78.5 vs. 21.4%, p = 0.035).

    CONCLUSIONS: Stillbirth and neonatal death occurred in a significant proportion of fetal SDH. 58% of survivors had normal neurological outcome, and better prognosis was seen in SDH with identifiable underlying aetiology.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  2. Nurainna Abd Majid, Zuriani Zainol, Nor Aripin Shamaan, Nazefah Abd Hamid, Nuruliza Roslan, Noor Fadzilah Zulkifli
    Introduction: Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is endemic especially in the under-developed and developing countries and is a major public health concern. Improving nutrition is one of the ways to alleviate this condition. Consumption of locally available and affordable food such as date palm and goat milk which are rich in iron is one of the ways to overcome IDA. This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of date palm and goat milk supplementation on hae- matological parameters and iron bioavailability in IDA rats. Methods: 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into normal control and IDA group. The normal control was fed with normal diet and water ad libitum while the IDA group were fed on iron-deficient diet for two weeks to induce iron deficiency. The IDA rats were further divided into subgroups; each being supplemented with date palm, goat milk, a combination of date palm and goat milk, and ferrous fumarate as positive control. Blood were collected after 28 days for haematological parameters and iron profile determination. Iron bioavailability was assessed using the haemoglobin regeneration efficiency (HRE) index. Data was analysed by Student T Test and ANOVA using SPSS 23.0 software with p value < 0.05 considered as sta- tistically significant. Results: Supplementation of date palm and goat milk for 28 days significantly improved Hb, RBC, PCV, MCV, MCH, serum iron and transferrin saturation (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Iron-Deficiency
  3. Wan, Ying Gan, Siti Fatihah Murtaza, Norhasmah Sulaiman, Zalilah Mohd Shariff
    Malays J Nutr, 2018;24(2):215-226.
    Introduction: Childhood stunting is recognised as one of the most significant
    barriers to human development. This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the
    factors associated with stunting among Orang Asli (OA) preschool children in Negeri
    Sembilan, Malaysia.

    Methods: A total of 264 children (50.9% boys and 49.1%
    girls) aged 2-6 years (M=4.04, SD=1.21 years) including their mothers from 14 OA
    villages in Negeri Sembilan participated in this study. Mothers were interviewed to
    obtain information regarding socioeconomic status, sanitation facility and personal
    hygiene. The height of the children and their mothers were measured. Venous
    blood samples were drawn from the children to estimate haemoglobin level, and
    stool samples were collected to screen for intestinal parasitic infections.

    Approximately one third of the children (35.6%) and 7.8% of the mothers were
    stunted. One in five of the children were anaemic (21.6%), while one- third had
    intestinal parasitic infections (35.0%). Low birth weight (AOR=2.526, 95% CI: 1.310-
    4.872; p=0.006), anaemia (AOR=2.742, 95% CI: 1.265-5.945; p=0.011), presence
    of intestinal parasitic infections (AOR=2.235, 95% CI: 1.310-3.813, p=0.003), not
    wearing shoes (AOR=2.602, 95% CI: 1.453-4.660; p=0.001), absence of piped water
    at home (AOR=2.395, 95% CI: 1.047-5.476; p=0.039), dirty nails (AOR=1.956, 95%
    CI: 1.163-3.289, p=0.011), and stunted mothers (AOR=3.443, 95% CI: 1.334-8.890;
    p=0.011) were identified as significant factors for childhood stunting.

    It is suggested that the factors identified associated with childhood stunting be
    included in future intervention programmes that address stunting among OA
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  4. Putra WE, Rifa'i M
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2020 Jul;31(2):175-185.
    PMID: 32922674 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2020.31.2.9
    Aplastic anemia, life-threatened disease, is a hematologic disorder characterised by bone marrow hypoplasia. Multiple modalities such as bone marrow transplantation and immunosuppression treatment have been proposed to ameliorate this entity, however it remains ineffective. Sambucus, a group of herb plants, possesses a broad spectrum of medicinal properties such as antioxidant, insulin-like activity, anticancer and antiviral. However, the study about its activity toward aplastic anemia incidence is based on limited data. Thus, the research aim of this study was to evaluate the immunomodulatory activities of Sambucus javanica in chloramphenicol-induced anemia aplastic mouse model. In this present study, BALB/c mice were administrated with chloramphenicol (CMP) to induce aplastic anemia then followed by S. javanica extracts treatment. Additionally, cellular and molecular aspects were evaluated by flow cytometry and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Further analysis showed that S. javanica extracts could promote the population number of regulatory T-cells and naive cytotoxic T-cells. Moreover, those extract also reduced the inflammation and necrotic incidence in CMP-induced mouse aplastic anemia model. Together, these results suggest that S. javanica has therapeutically effect to aplastic anemia by altering the immune system as an immunomodulatory agent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Aplastic
  5. Shimmi SC, Kabir S, Parash MTH, Hossain ABMT, Khaing MS, Muhd Yunus R
    AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONGRESS. New Frontiers in Health: Expecting the Unexpected; Held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia; On 3rd-5th September 2019
    Introduction: The use of medicinal plants as a remedy and prevention of diseases based on practical skills, knowledge and therapies was passed down from one generation to the next. It was reported by WHO that, approximately a quarter of the modern drugs were derivatives of plants or herbs, used as traditional medicines. It has contributed greatly in the health care management as the main source of medicine for many of the rural population in Sabah. This preliminary study was carried out to observe the use of medicinal plants in different villages of Kudat and to know about the knowledge of the villagers related to possible side effects of these plants.
    Methods: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study which was carried out in different villages of Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia between August and September 2018. The data were obtained through interviewing the people in different villages by using semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to present the data.
    Results: Among the 87 participants, 37.9% were male and 62.1% were female. Their mean age was 45.87 (±14.03) and they were mostly from Kadazan-Dusun (50.6%) and Rungus (42.5%). The highest level of education among the participants was SPM (20.7%). Roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of 49 plant species were reported in the treatment of more than 30 types of health conditions. Anaemia, hypertension, diabetes, joint pain, hypercholesterolaemia, fever, asthma, malaria, vomiting and few acute illnesses are mentionable. Majority (71%) of the participants did not have any knowledge about possible side effects of the orally ingested or tropically applied medicinal plants.
    Conclusion: There should be thorough research on dosage, mechanism of action and possible side effects of the medicinal plants and the results of these researches should reach the users of these plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  6. Amran, A.R., Moosa, F.
    Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EH) is a rare but well-known compensatory mechanism of red blood cell production when the normal site of red bone marrow is unable to produce sufficient number of red blood cells. When the body demands for erythrocyte cells is high this lead to EH. This occurs mainly outside the bone marrow, usually paraspinally and sites which are normally observed in the fetus as in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and less frequently at other sites such as adrenal, thymus, kidneys, pleura, breast, skin, gastrointestinal tract, dura mater and brain.This is more frequent in thalassaemia major (incidence up to 15% of cases), in myelofibrosis, myeloproliferative diseases (polycythemia rubra vera, chronic myeloid leukemia,), hemolytic anemias such as hereditary spherocytosis, pyruvate-kinase deficiency, medullary tuberculosis and in Paget’s disease of the bone. In some cases the cause of the EH are not identified [3]. We describe a case of EH in the presacral space that mimicked an ovarian mass on ultrasound in a patient with beta-thalassaemia intermedia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital
  7. Phua, K.L.
    The Orang Asli of Malaysia continue to experience poor health. There appears to be stagnation of certain aspect of their health status. Underweight (low weight-for-age) and stunting (low height-for-age) are significant amongst Orang Asli children. Worm infestation such as Ascaris, Trichuris and hookworm continue to afflict Orang Asli communities in Malaysia. Orang Asli communities can also be afflicted by other kinds of parasites, e.g. malaria parasites, microsporida parasites and Cryptosporidium parasites. Thus, primary care doctors who treat Orang Asli patients should be on the lookout for malnutrition and its effects (including anaemia, iodine deficiency, Vitamin A deficiency) as well as worm and parasite infestations. Such patients may need to undergo de-worming at regular intervals because of the tendency to get re-infected. Primary care doctors also need to be aware of possible interactions between infestations and nutritional deficiencies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  8. Siti Khatijah, A.R., Rosnah, S.
    Background : Anemia in pregnancy is a worldwide problem. Ministry of Health Malaysia has conducted prophylaxis program to distribute hematinic pills to pregnant women since 3 decades ago.
    Methodology : A cross sectional study was conducted among pregnant women who attended government health clinics in Johor Bahru district to assess the prevalence of taking iron tablet and factors associated with it by using a structured questionnaire.
    Result : Prevalence of respondents taking ferrous pill daily was 68.6%. Anemia prevalence found in this study was 37.5%. Majority of the respondents did not take pills regularly said their reason as forgotten(54.0%), side effects caused by taking pill (39.3%) and did not like the taste (6.7%). The haemoglobin mean was directly inclined with frequency of ferrous pill intake. The significant associated factor in taking iron pill was only frequency of drinking tea. Multivariate logistic regression analyses revealed that drinking tea was the only factor that contributing to iron pills consumption.
    Conclusion : Education is the most important factor in improving adherence to iron pill. Besides that, motivation and behaviour modification of pregnant women also needs to be taken into account.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  9. Mohd.Tohit ER, Khalid B, Seman Z, Md Noor S
    Thrombosis is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in women of reproductive age group. Thrombosis at unusual sites may pose diagnostic and management dilemma for health care personnel. Teamwork and good communication provide the best modalities for maximum benefits to patients. Here with, we presented a case series of thrombosis at unusual sites seen and managed in our clinic.
    A 35 year-old Malay lady presented with left hemiparesis while she was on oestrogen based combined contraception pills (C-OCP). Imaging studies showed extensive venous thrombosis with bilateral acute cortical infarct. Thrombophilia screening of antiphospholipid syndrome were negative. She was put on anticoagulant and stopped 2 years after the incident.
    A 40 year-old Malay lady presented with abdominal discomfort, lethargy and massive splenomegaly. Bone marrow and trephine examination revealed primary myelofibrosis with positive JAK2617F. Imaging study showed chronic portal vein thrombosis with portal vein hypertension, complicated by gastro-oesophageal varices. She was put on hydroxyurea and later started on ruxolitinib with banding done over her gastro-oesophageal varices.
    A 26 year-old Malay lady presented with serositis, mouth ulcer and anaemia symptoms. Laboratory studies were positive for systemic lupus erythematosus and negative for antiphospholipid study. Imaging study showed long segment thrombosis of right internal jugular vein with surrounding subcutaneous oedema. She is currently stable on anticoagulants and steroid. Teamwork and holistic approach is practiced in the investigation and management to provide maximum benefits for patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  10. Chooi, Fun Leong, Soon, Keng Cheong
    Medicine & Health, 2006;1(1):81-84.
     Myelofibrosis is a chronic myeloproliferative disorder characterised by splenomegaly, leukoerythroblastic anaemia, tear-drop poikilocytosis and marrow fibrosis. Splenectomy is indicated for patients requiring frequent transfusions or massive splenomegaly causing distressing symptoms and severe thrombocytopenia secondary to hypersplenism.A 56 year-old lady diagnosed to have primary myelofibrosis in year 2000 was referred to HUKM for further management of her increasing requirement of blood transfusion and massive splenomegaly. She has had two episodes of acute cholecytitis. Investigations done in our hospital showed that her hemoglobin level was 6.4g/dl, white cell count of 23.4x109/l, platelet count 163x109/l and peripheral blood showing leukoerythroblastic picture and tear-drop poikilocytosis. Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase score (NAP) was 184/100 neutrophils. Ultrasound of the abdomen showed massive splenomegaly with multiple gall stones. In view of the frequent transfusion requirements and symptomatic massive splenomegaly, splenectomy and cholecystectomy was performed. A review of her peripheral blood picture, post-splenectomy, showed marked reduction of the tear-drop poikilocytosis and leukoerythroblastosis. We believe that the spleen plays an important role in their formation, but the exact mechanism remains unclear.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Myelophthisic
  11. Latiffah, A.L., Nor Afiah, M.Z., Nor Amalina, E., Shukor, A.M.N., Jalal, H.K.
    Objective To determine the prevalence of diseases and its association with the sociodemographic factors (age, sex and ethnicity) among elderly patients admitted to a tertiary hospital in Malaysia.
    Design A cross sectional study was conducted at various wards in the year of 2002. There were 9 333 respondents in this study selected by universal sampling. Setting A tertiary hospital in Malaysia. Main outcome measures Association between sociodemographic factors and prevalence of diseases. Results The mean age of the respondents was 68.9 + 6.8 years. Majority of the respondents were male (53.3%), Malays (43.7%) and married (73.2%). The prevalence of neoplasm was 15.5% followed by cataract (7.2%), diabetes mellitus (5.0%), hypertension (4.7%) and anemia (0.5%). There were significant association between gender and hypertension, diabetes mellitus, anemia and cataract (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  12. Loh KY, Sivalingam N
    Malays Fam Physician, 2007;2(2):54-57.
    Urinary tract infections frequently affect pregnant mothers. This problem causes significant morbidity and healthcare expenditure. Three common clinical manifestations of UTIs in pregnancy are: asymptomatic bacteriuria, acute cystitis and acute pyelonephritis. Escherichia coli remains the most frequent organism isolated in UTIs. All pregnant mothers should be screened for UTIs in pregnancy and antibiotics should be commenced without delay. Urine culture and sensitivity is the gold standard in diagnosing UTIs. Without treatment, asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, maternal hypertension, pre-eclampsia and anaemia. Acute pyelonephritis can lead to maternal sepsis. Recurrent UTIs in pregnancy require prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  13. Shafiee, M.N., NorAzlin, M.I., Lim, P.S., Arifuddin D, Trika I, Hatta, D.
    Fulminant haemorrhage in cervical cancer leads to severe anaemia and haemodynamic instability. Palliative management includes vaginal packing as temporary measure, radiotherapy and other invasive surgical procedures. High dose emergency chemotherapy is not commonly implemented particularly when complicated with anaemia and renal impairment. We discuss three case series on the usefulness of high dose chemotherapy to combat bleeding from cervical cancer as an emergency treatment. The first case was clinically staged as operable 2A disease with severe anaemia due to bleeding from the tumour mass. The haemoglobin was corrected by blood transfusion while the bleeding was being arrested by high dose chemotherapy. The second case was inoperable with invasion to the bladder mucosa. She had frank haematuria and bleeding from the tumour with severe anaemia. A course of chemotherapy and blood transfusion controlled the bleeding and anaemia was corrected. The third case presented late with obstructive uropathy and anaemia. She required dialysis, blood transfusion and high dose emergency chemotherapy to stop the bleeding before undergoing urinary diversion after an unsuccessful ureteric stenting. High dose chemotherapy consisting cisplatin, vincristine, bleomycin and mitomycin-C has a clinical value in arresting fulminant haemorrhage in cervical cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  14. Idris N, Arsyad A
    Malays Fam Physician, 2012;7(2-3):46-50.
    PMID: 25606257 MyJurnal
    Vitamin B12 deficiency is a well-known cause of megaloblastic anaemia and pancytopenia. However, the incidence in pregnancy is rarely reported. We present a case of a 32-year old multigravid woman who was diagnosed with megaloblastic anaemia since 22 weeks gestation and progressed to develop severe pancytopenia at 30 weeks gestation. She was also diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency related to dietary and sociocultural habits. Folate and iron levels were normal throughout pregnancy. Treatment with parenteral cyano-cobalamin resulted in sustained improvement of haematological parameters. The pregnancy was carried to term and the baby was born weighing 2,050gm but otherwise well at birth and had normal developmental milestones thereafter. This case illustrates the clinical presentation of maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and demonstrates the importance of detecting and treating maternal vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy in at-risk patients. Failure to diagnose and institute treatment carries significant risks to both mother and child. Oral vitamin B12 supplementation should be considered for patients who are strict vegetarians or consume very little animal products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Megaloblastic
  15. Osman Che Bakar, Ainsah Omar
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2008;9(2):126-128.
    We aimed to report the first case of anorexia nervosa in a young Malaysian Malay homosexual man with underlying borderline personality disorder and major depression. Patient and parents were interviewed. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV was used to generate Axis-I diagnosis. The Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale was used to assess the severity of depression. His parents had marital discord. His father was overinvolved. Regarding anorexia nervosa, he had 163 cm height, 46kg weight and a body mass index (BMI) of 17 kg/m2. His four limbs had multiple scratch marks. Laboratory test results showed anemia, leukocytosis and hypoalbuminemia. Family pathology, borderline personality disorder and homosexuality could be the risk factors of anorexia nervosa in this patient.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  16. Zariyantey Abdul Hamid, Zaliha Harun, Syarif Husin Lubis, Nihayah Mohamed, Ismarulyusda Ishak, Hidayatul Fathi Othman, et al.
    Health awareness promotion among farming communities are important for a sustainable agriculture activities. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess health status among farming communities in Cameron Highlands, Pahang (n = 61) and Bachok and Pasir Puteh, Kelantan (n = 143). Mobile Health Screening Programme composed of assessment of blood glucose, blood cholesterol, haemoglobin, blood pressure, pterygium, lung function and nerve conductive velocity was utilized. Our results indicate that the percentage of Cameron Highland’s farmers with hyperglycaemia, systolic hypertension, diastolic hypertension and anaemia were 8.2%, 14.8%, 11.5% and 8.2%, respectively. However, higher percentage of farmers in Bachok and Pasir Puteh, Kelantan with hyperglycaemia (32.8%), hypercholesterolaemia (83%), anaemia (24.2%) and systolic hypertension (41.9%) were observed. Pterygium was positive for 88.6% of farmers in Cameron Highlands and 94.4% in Bachok and Pasir Puteh. Lung function test shows that 61.7% and 11.4% of farmers in Cameron Highlands had restrictive and obstructive lung, respectively. In Bachok and Pasir Puteh, a total of 19.8%, 55.5% and 23.9% of farmers were found to have obstructive, restrictive and combined obstructive and restrictive lung, respectively. Current Perception Threshold (CPT) value which indicate nerve conductive velocity were significantly increased (p < 0.05) among Cameron Highland’s farmers for both median and peroneal nerve at all frequencies (5 Hz, 250 Hz and 2000 Hz). In Bachok and Pasir Puteh, the values of the CPT for median nerve was significantly increased (p < 0.05) for all frequencies (5, 250 and 2000 Hz). Meanwhile, a signifi cant increased (p < 0.05) was observed for the CPT values for peroneal nerve at the frequencies of 250 and 2000 Hz as compared to control groups. In conclusion, analysis revealed different health problem among the studied farming communities which could be influenced by the differences in farming practices. Thus, employed Mobile Health Screening Programme offers a monitoring approach that could highlight the need for suitable health services and awareness programmes for different farming communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  17. Tan, AE, Siti, S.A.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(2):288-293.
    A cross-sectional study was undertaken to evaluate if outpatient administration of in-travenous iron sucrose complex (Venofer) was a sensible option in treating iron defi-ciency anaemia during pregnancy and puerperium. A total of 120 patients with iron deficiency anaemia were recruited from the Obstetric Day Care Clinic at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) over 18 months from March 2003 to August 2004. The main outcome measures were haemoglobin increment, patients’ compliance, adverse effects and saving from hospitalization fees. The pre-treatment haemoglobin (Hb) level was 8.5+0.85g/dl for the antenatal patient and 7.6+0.80 g/dl in the post-partum group. The mean post-treatment haemoglobin increment at day four-teenth was 3.52+0.75g/dl. One patient developed skin rash while another had low-grade pyrexia. Seven patients experienced mild metallic taste. There were no serious side effects or anaphylactic reactions. Ten patients (8.3%) did not complete their ther-apy - eight delivered before completion of treatment; another two defaulted following delivery. The average number of Venofer used was seven ampoules i.e. 700mg per person, most of them required three sessions to complete the course. Outpatient treatment allows each patient to save hospitalization fees of RM45 per day, which to-talled up to RM135 for a 3-days ward stay. An estimation of RM16,200 hospitalization fees for the 120 patients was avoided during the study period. In conclusion, outpatient treatment of anaemia in pregnancy and post-partum period using Venofer was safe and feasible, with high patient compliant and cost-savings from hospitalization fees. 
    Study site: Obstetric Day Care Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Iron-Deficiency
  18. Williams M, Valayannopoulos V, Altassan R, Chung WK, Heijboer AC, Keng WT, et al.
    J Inherit Metab Dis, 2018 May 02.
    PMID: 29721915 DOI: 10.1007/s10545-018-0184-1
    BACKGROUND: Transaldolase deficiency (TALDO-D) is a rare autosomal recessive inborn error of the pentose phosphate pathway. Since its first description in 2001, several case reports have been published, but there has been no comprehensive overview of phenotype, genotype, and phenotype-genotype correlation.

    METHODS: We performed a retrospective questionnaire and literature study of clinical, biochemical, and molecular data of 34 patients from 25 families with proven TALDO-D. In some patients, endocrine abnormalities have been found. To further evaluate these abnormalities, we performed biochemical investigations on blood of 14 patients.

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Most patients (n = 22) had an early-onset presentation (prenatally or before 1 month of age); 12 patients had a late-onset presentation (3 months to 9 years). Main presenting symptoms were intrauterine growth restriction, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart disease, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and hepato(spleno)megaly. An older sib of two affected patients was asymptomatic until the age of 9 years, and only after molecular diagnosis was hepatomegaly noted. In some patients, there was gonadal dysfunction with low levels of testosterone and secondary luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) abnormalities later in life. This overview provides information that can be helpful for managing patients and counseling families regarding prognosis. Diagnostic guidelines, possible genotype-phenotype correlations, treatment options, and pathophysiological disease mechanisms are proposed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  19. Ahmedy F, Ahmad Fauzi A, Engkasan JP
    PMID: 29844926 DOI: 10.1038/s41394-018-0074-7
    Introduction: Tachycardia, or elevated heart rate is one of the important clinical parameters considered when diagnosing pulmonary embolism (PE) based on Wells' criteria. However, tachycardia is not highly specific and commonly presents in many other conditions.

    Case presentation: A 29-year-old female with incomplete paraplegia secondary to tuberculosis (TB) spondylodiscitis presented with asymptomatic sinus tachycardia. The related medical conditions, including anaemia, acute coronary syndrome, hyperthyroidism and other infective causes had been ruled out. Deep venous thrombosis was not on the list of differentials as she showed improvements in neurological and mobility functions with no clinical signs of calf pain or swelling. She had moderate risk of acute PE based on Wells' criteria with positive D-dimer testing and computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) showing thrombus formation in the left-ascending pulmonary artery.

    Discussion: Acute PE may present solely with asymptomatic sinus tachycardia in TB spondylodiscitis. This caveat should provide a high index of suspicion to prevent delay in diagnosis and prevention of more sinister complications. Early stratification based on Wells' criteria for a possible diagnosis of acute PE is proven to be a useful approach in conjunction with clinical features.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia
  20. Cheng, M.H., Norzila, T.A.B.
    Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in patients with Evan’s Syndrome of autoimmune hemolytic anemia is rare. The
    common neurological symptoms are headaches, vision loss, dyslexia without agraphia, motor aphasia,
    unilateral upper limb weakness and papilloedema. We present a case report of a lady with a known case of
    Evan’s Syndrome whom presented with severe anemia and unilateral right sided hemiparesis with right facial
    weakness. Plain and Contrast enhanced CT brain showed bilateral high parietal white matter edema with
    venous thrombosis in the right transverse and superior sagittal venous sinuses. At the time of the diagnosis,
    she was in hematological remission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune
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