OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to develop an ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) method for achieving a high extraction yield of anthraquinones using the response surface methodology (RSM), Box-Behnken design (BBD), and a recycling preparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) protocol for isolation of anthraquinones from C. singueana.
METHODOLOGY: Optimisation of UAE was performed using the Box-Behnken experimental design. Recycling preparative HPLC was employed to isolate anthraquinones from the root extract of C. singueana.
RESULTS: The BBD was well-described by a quadratic polynomial model (R2 = 0.9751). The predicted optimal UAE conditions for a high extraction yield were obtained at: extraction time 25.00 min, temperature 50°C and solvent-sample ratio of 10 mL/g. Under the predicted conditions, the experimental value (1.65 ± 0.07%) closely agreed to the predicted yield (1.64%). The obtained crude extract of C. singueana root was subsequently purified to afford eight anthraquinones.
CONCLUSION: The extraction protocol described here is suitable for large-scale extraction of anthraquinones from plant extracts.
Methods: Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR)-based metabolomics approach was used to investigate fecal and serum metabolome of rat model of IBS-D with and without HPM treatment.
Results: The current results showed that IBS-induced metabolic alterations in fecal and serum sample include higher level of threonine and UDP-glucose together with lower levels of aspartate, ornithine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, 2-hydroxy butyrate, valine, lactate, ethanol, arginine, 2-oxoisovalerate and bile acids. These altered metabolites potentially involve in impaired gut secretory immune system and intestinal inflammation, malabsorption of nutrients, and disordered metabolism of bile acids. Notably, the HPM treatment was found able to normalize the Bristol stool forms scale scores, fecal water content, plasma endotoxin level, and a number of IBS-induced metabolic changes.
Conclusions: These findings may provide useful insight into the molecular basis of IBS and mechanism of the HPM intervention.
METHODS: Warfarin relies on regular monitoring of International Normalized Ratio which is a standardized test to measure prothrombin time and appropriate dose adjustment. Pharmacometabonomics is a novel scientific field which deals with identification and quantification of the metabolites present in the metabolome using spectroscopic techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). Pharmacometabonomics helps to indicate perturbation in the levels of metabolites in the cells and tissues due to drug or ingestion of any substance. NMR is one of the most widely-used spectroscopic techniques in metabolomics because of its reproducibility and speed.
RESULTS: There are many factors that influence the metabolism of warfarin, making changes in drug dosage common, and clinical factors like drug-drug interactions, dietary interactions and age explain for the most part the variability in warfarin dosing. Some studies have showed that pharmacogenetic testing for warfarin dosing does not improve health outcomes, and around 26% of the variation in warfarin dose requirements remains unexplained yet.
CONCLUSION: Many recent pharmacometabonomics studies have been conducted to identify novel biomarkers of drug therapies such as paracetamol, aspirin and simvastatin. Thus, a technique such as NMR based pharmacometabonomics to find novel biomarkers in plasma and urine might be useful to predict warfarin outcome.