Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 155 in total

  1. Wijaya MI, Mohamad AR, Hafizurrachman M
    Int J Health Care Qual Assur, 2020 Jan 15;ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
    PMID: 32012498 DOI: 10.1108/IJHCQA-04-2019-0080
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to assess the association between shift schedule realignment and patient safety culture.

    DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Using difference in differences model, BIMC Hospitals and Siloam Hospital Bali were compared before and after shift schedule realignment to test the association between shift schedule realignment and patient safety culture.

    FINDINGS: Shift schedule realignment was associated with a significant improvement in staffing (coefficient 1.272; 95% CI 0.842 - 1.702; p<0.001), teamwork within units (coefficient 1.689; 95% CI 1.206 - 2.171; p<0.001), teamwork across units (coefficient 1.862; 95% CI 1.415 - 2.308; p<0.001), handoffs and transitions (coefficient 0.999; 95% CI 0.616 - 1.382; p<0.001), frequency of error reported (coefficient 1.037; 95% CI 0.581 - 1.493; p<0.001), feedback and communication about error (coefficient 1.412; 95% CI 0.982 - 1.841; p<0.001) and communication openness (coefficient 1.393; 95% CI 0.968 - 1.818; p<0.001).

    PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: With positive impact on patient safety culture, shift schedule realignment should be considered as quality improvement initiative. It stretches the compressed workload suffered by staff while maintaining 40 h per week in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Shift schedule realignment, designed to improve patient safety culture, has never been implemented in any Indonesian private hospital. Other hospital managers might also appreciate knowing about the shift schedule realignment to improve the patient safety culture.

  2. Raja Mayang Delima Mohd Beta, Nordayana Zulkifli, Noor Hasvenda Abd Rahim, Mumtaz Ahmad, Masilah Mohamad
    With the high demands on research ou tputs, academicians are under pressure to cope with their teaching responsibilities as well as other managerial and administrative responsibilities that may affect their in role and extra role performance. Four hundred and thirty one (431) academicians fr om twen ty (20) Malaysian public universities were sampled which drawn from a stratified sampling The study examined the factors affecting in role and extra role performance among academicians in Malaysian public universities. There were two (2) propose d affecting factors that being examined; namely job demands as independent factor, perceived job burnout as the mediating factor and religious perso nality as a moderating factor. The job demands, in role performance and extra role performance questi onnaire revised by Bakker (2014), while the perceived job burnout questionnaire by Demerouti (2010) and religious personality questionnaire by Krauss (2007) were adopted and adapted. The Job demands resources theory of burnout guided the study through a q uantita tive research design. Data were analysed using SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 approaches of structural equation modelling t o test the hypothesised model. The findings of this study largely supported the hypothesised relationships proposed in the theoreti cal mod el especially the mediating effect of perceived job burnout between job demands towards in role and extra role performance. The study concluded that all research objectives were successfully answered and achieved. Future studies applying the propos ed mode l are therefore recommended to be conducted at the institutions of higher learning across Malaysia in order to verify these findings.
  3. Khairiah Rosli, Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Aznan Fazli Ismail
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:893-901.
    Kajian ini bertujuan menentukan kepekatan aktiviti radionuklid tabii (226Ra, 228Ra dan 40K) dalam tanah, air dan tumbuhan
    serta faktor pemindahan daripada tanah kepada tumbuhan dan indeks bahaya radiologi akibat penggunaan Condisoil®.
    Sebanyak 4 sampel tanah, 14 sampel air dan 4 sampel tumbuhan telah dianalisis menggunakan sistem spektometri sinar
    gama. Keputusan kajian mendapati julat kepekatan aktiviti 226Ra, 228Ra dan 40K dalam sampel tanah yang menggunakan
    Condsoil® masing-masing adalah 13.8 - 17.6, 15.7 - 21.0 dan 44.5 - 57.7 Bq kg-1. Julat kepekatan aktiviti 226Ra, 228Ra
    dan 40K dalam sampel tumbuhan pula masing-masing adalah 5.0 - 18.5, 0.1 - 1.5 dan 42.7 - 321.8 Bq kg-1. Bagi sampel
    air, julat kepekatan aktiviti bagi radionuklid 226Ra, 228Ra dan 40K masing - masing adalah 0.3 - 0.9, 0.3 - 3.9 dan 1.4 - 11.6
    Bq L-1. Julat faktor pemindahan radionuklid 226Ra, 228Ra dan 40K daripada tanah ke tumbuhan masing-masing adalah
    0.42 - 0.71, 0.01 - 0.08 dan 0.85 - 5.34. Penilaian bahaya radiologi mendapati indeks kesetaraan radium berada di bawah
    nilai had yang dicadangkan iaitu 370 Bq kg-1. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini mendapati penggunaan Condisoil®
    sebagai bahan penambahbaikan tanah tidak menyebabkan pertambahan radionuklid tabii ke dalam alam sekitar serta
    tidak mendatangkan risiko bahaya radiologi kepada manusia.
  4. Syeda Humayra, Abd. Rahim Mohamad, Ab. Kahar Ab. Ghapar, L Mohamed
    JUMMEC, 2020;23(2):5-7.
    The Takotsubo syndrome is an acquired, non-ischemic stress-induced cardiomyopathy popularly known as the ‘broken heart syndrome’. It is an acute left ventricular dysfunction presenting mostly in older women after an intensely stressful event. The exact pathophysiology remains elusive. The term came into existence in the early 1990s in Japan, where the distinctive change in the shape of the left ventricle with apical ballooning during systole, resembled the Takotsubo, an octopus pot used bythe Japanese fisherman. From a rare underrecognized syndrome, it has been increasingly recognised as a form of acute cardiac failure. Clinical diagnosis of the syndrome may be unidentified due to its similarity with the acute coronary syndrome, but without the narrowing of coronary vessels in angiographic imaging. There is a substantial elevation of the cardiac biomarkers, troponin and the natriuretic peptides which helps in differentiating the Takotsubo syndrome from myocardial infarction. A case report of a 59-year old Malaysian lady with typical, recurrent episodes of the Takotsubo syndrome is presented.
  5. Nurul Farhana Jufri, Anisah Nordin, Mohamed Kamel Abd. Ghani, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Abd. Rahim
    Acanthamoeba is a free living protozoa that can cause keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Physiological characteristics of this amoeba are found to have a medical importance in which it can be related to the pathogenicity potential of the organism. This study was carried out to investigate the physiological characteristics of survivability during axenization. Six Acanthamoeba strains from three clinical isolates (HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95) and three environmental isolates (PHS 2, PHS 11 and PHS 15) were used in this study. Axenization test was done by treating cysts with hydrochloric acid (3%) and Page saline containing Gentamicin (100 μg/ml). Cysts were then cultured into PYG enrich media, incubated at 30oC and the presence and proliferation of trophozoites of Acanthamoeba were observed. This study showed that PHS 15, HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95 could be axenized but they have poor proliferation rate in PYG enrich media. The result showed that the difference between both clinical and environmental isolates was observed in two strains; PHS 2 and PHS 11. This indicates that there is a possibility that the physiological traits of strains from both isolates are the same and strains from the environment are able to show the pathogenic potential and capable of causing infection to human.
    Keywords: Axenization, Survivability, Acanthamoeba, Clinical and environmental strains
  6. Zal U’yun Wan Mahmood, Zaharudin Ahmad, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Abdul Kadir Ishak, Norfaizal Mohammed
    The distribution, enrichment and pollution status of metals in sediment cores from the Sabah-Sarawak coastal waters were studied. Seven sediment cores were taken in July 2004 using a gravity box corer. The metals of Cu, Zn and Pb were analyzed by ICP-MS to assess the pollution status of the sediments. The sediment fine fraction and organic carbon content was also analyzed. Enrichment Factor (EF), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo) and Pollution Load Index (PLI) was calculated as criteria of possible contamination. The results showed that collected sediments were composed with clay, silt and sand as 12 – 74%, 27 – 72% and 0 – 20%, respectively. Meanwhile, organic carbon contents were relatively low and constant over time, based on sediment depth profiles, and it did not exceed 5% at any sampling station. The average metal concentrations in sediment cores at all sampling station were distributed in the ranges of 1.66 ± 1.36 – 6.61 ± 0.12 μgg-1 for Cu, 26.55 ± 1.04 – 57.94 ± 1.58 μgg-1 for Zn and 3.99 ± 0.10 – 14.48 ± 0.32μgg-1 for Pb. According to calculations of EF, Igeo and PLI, it can be concluded that concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb were not significantly affected by pollution from anthropogenic sources at the seven sampling locations. Thus, the metal content of Cu, Zn and Pb in sediment should not cause pollution problem to the marine environment of Sabah-Sarawak coastal waters and further response measures are not needed.
  7. Nurul Farhana Jufri, Anisah Nordin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Abd Rahim
    Acanthamoeba is a free living protozoa that can cause keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Physiological characteristics of this amoeba are found to have a medical importance in which it can be related to the pathogenicity potential of the organism. This study was carried out to investigate the physiological characteristics of survivability during axenization. Six Acanthamoeba strains from three clinical isolates (HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95) and three environmental isolates (PHS 2, PHS 11 and PHS 15) were used in this study. Axenization test was done by treating cysts with hydrochloric acid (3%) and Page saline containing Gentamicin (100 µg/ml). Cysts were then cultured into PYG enrich media, incubated at 30oC and the presence and proliferation of trophozoites of Acanthamoeba were observed. This study showed that PHS 15, HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95 could be axenized but they have poor proliferation rate in PYG enrich media. The result showed that the difference between both clinical and environmental isolates was observed in two strains; PHS 2 and PHS 11. This indicates that there is a possibility that the physiological traits of strains from both isolates are the same and strains from the environment are able to show the pathogenic potential and capable of causing infection to human.
  8. Nurul Zarhana Jufri, Anisah Nordin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Yusof Suboh, Noraina Abd Rahim
    Acanthamoeba is a free living protozoa that can cause keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Physiological characteristics of this amoeba are found to have a medical importance and related to the pathogenic potential of the organism. This study was carried out to investigate the physiological characteristic from the aspect of temperature tolerance. Six Acanthamoeba strains from three clinical isolates (HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95) and three environmental isolates (PHS 2, PHS 11 and PHS 15) were used in this study. Test was done by culturing cysts at 30°C, 37°C and 42°C for two weeks and the ability of cysts to change to trophozoites were observed. The result showed all strain was able to change to trophozoites at 30°C and 37°C. However, no trophozoites were observed at 42°
    C. This indicate that there is a similarity in the physiological trait of strains from both isolates are the same and strains from the environment are able to show the pathogenic potential thus capable of causing infection to human.
    Keywords: Acanthamoeba; temperature tolerance; clinical; environmental isolates.
  9. Nioo, Siew Yew, Zaharuddin Ahmad, Masni Mohd Ali, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed
    Analyses activities of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were conducted at ten stations of Pulau Redang, Malaysia. Dissolved radium isotopes such as 226 Ra and 228 Ra had shown enrichment at coastal area stations. Meanwhile, activities of both nuclides in the suspended particle matters were slightly in equilibrium with the activity ratio ranging from 0.88 – 1.86. The calculated distribution coefficient values (Kd) of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were in the range of 0.78 x 10 5 L g -1 to 5.56 x 10 5 L g -1 and 0.21 x 10 5 L g -1 to 1.86 x 10 5 L g -1 , respectively, indicate that most of the radium nuclides in the study area are strongly absorbed into the particulate phases. Therefore, low concentrations of suspended particles matter in the water column (< 10 mg L -1 ) have insignificant effects on the Kd values.
  10. Ahmed, Riyadh Ibraheem, Djojodihardjo, Harijono, Abd. Rahim Abu Talib, Azmin Mohd Rafie
    Coandă effect can be found in virtually all aerodynamic applications, and has drawn renewed interest for various applications, among others for generating lift and maneuvering impulses to be applied for unmanned air vehicles (UAV) and micro air vehicles (MAV). These air vehicles have the potential to revolutionize our sensing and information gathering capabilities, in homeland security and environmental areas. Sophisticated unmanned air vehicles for general applications have been developed rapidly across many different industries and interested researchers. In order to carry out a task, these air vehicles have to face many different challenges, due to the MAVs small size, flight regime, and modes of operation. This has led to the development of novel platforms that move away from traditional aircraft design in order to make them more capable. A good example is the Coandă MAV which uses the Active flow control–Coandă Effect. Improved aerodynamic performance of these air vehicles can lead to fast take off and slower landing speeds that can be related to reduce noise and crash survivability issues. The investigation and research in this field is rapidly rising and there are many concepts currently being considered around the world. This report provides an overview on the state of unmanned air vehicle and introduces the techniques of Active Flow Control ACF that could be potentially used for control of UAV. Furthermore, this paper may also focuses on the review research involved with the design modification and the generated flow phenomena of Micro air vehicle MAV.
  11. Betantya Nugroho, Azli Yahya, Nor Hisham, Kamal Khalil, Abd. Rahim, Mohd Najeb Jamaluddin
    Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a sudden burst of wide-band, high-intensity electromagnetic radiation. EMP also called as a transient electromagnetic disturbance, a short burst of electromagnetic energy. Effect of EMP to automobile is classify as medium threats to vehicle attacks where EMP aims at damaging electronic devices such as on board sensors and processors, CPU which found in almost all models from 1990’s and forward. This paper presents a MATLAB simulation of EMP generator by means of Switch Mode Power Supply, thus the electrical shielding can be studied further. Theoretically, EMP generator is developed by implementing energy storage circuit and discharge control circuit. Sending a rapidly changing electrical current through a loop will create an electromagnetic field in the form of a pulse. The results show an increase in pulse voltage from 12 VDC to 758 VDC with a current of 1500 A. A MATLAB model on the coverage area affected by EMP pulse will be developed in the next phase of the research.
  12. Edmund Yu, Wei Chang, Narwani Hussin, Marliana Abd Rahim, Sreevali, Muthuvadivelu, Chan, Wai Seong
    Int J Public Health Res, 2018;8(1):907-912.
    Introduction There is an increasing trend of obesity in children and adolescent globally. The objectives of this study were to identify the prevalence of overweight and obesity among students from secondary schools and to determine the mean random blood sugar (RBS) for the overweight and obese students.
    Methods This was a cross sectional study. Two secondary schools that were scheduled for visit by the School Health Team, Taiping in July 2016 were included. A standardized data collection sheet was used to collect the data. Overweight and obesity were defined based on WHO 2007 reference for BMI-for-age criteria. Random blood glucose was checked for overweight and obese students.
    Results A total of 184 school students consented and participated. 128 (69.6%) were female and 90 (48.9%) were Malays. The mean weight and height were 56.21 kg and 1.61 m respectively with BMI of 21.49 kg/m2. Overall, the prevalence of obese and overweight were 12.5% and 10.9% respectively. Among the 4 BMI groups, there were no significant difference found in sex (p=0.849) and races (p=0.536). However, there was significant difference (p=0.042) in mean RBS for obese and overweight students between races. RBS readings among overweight and obese students were within normal range with mean of 5.95 (0.67) mmol/l (range between 4.60 – 7.70 mmol/l).
    Conclusions The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity were comparable with other studies done in Malaysia. Nevertheless, there was no prevalence of Type II diabetes mellitus among them.
  13. Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Mohamad Md. Tan, Ramlan Omar, Zulfahmi Abdul Rahman, Tukimat Lihan, Lim S
    Eleven marine sediment samples from Sg. Tengi Estuary, Tanjung Karang were analysed for their major elements in the oxides form (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O3, MgO, CaO, K2O, TiO2, P2O5 and MnO) and trace elements (Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Zn, and Zr) contents. The muddy marine sediment was collected at the left and right side of the river mouth as far as one kilometre away and about 25-30 meters from the edge of existing growth. Some of the mud sample appears to have cockleshell flakes in them. The mean of major elemental content (oxides form) in the sediment in decreasing order were dominated by SiO2 (56.3%), followed by Al2O3, (15.5%), Fe2O3 (4.1%), Na2O (2.7%), CaO (2.6%), MgO (2.3%), K2O (1.8%), TiO2 (0.5%), P2O5 (0.14%) and MnO (0.06%). Volatile substances represented by loss on ignition (LOI) (13.9%) occupied substantial amounts of the sediment volume. The most abundant trace elements displayed as mean was Zr (222 mgkg-1), followed by Ba (200 mgkg-1), Sr (172 mgkg-1), Rb (131 mgkg-1), Zn (103 mgkg-1), V (l02mgkg-1), Cr (84 mgkg-1), Pb (40 mgkg-1), Ni (34 mgkg-1), Cu (31 mgkg-1) and Co (22 mgkg-1). Correlation analysis showed that Cr, Pb and Zn were positively related to the Fe203 and Al2O3 content whereas increase in pH immobilised Cr and Zn in the sediment. The mean of Cr (84 mgkg-1) and Zn (103 mgkg-1) content in sediment were higher than the lower limit of their respective threshold concentration.
    Sebanyak 11 sampel sedimen marin daripada muara Sg. Tengi, Tanjung Karang telah dianalisis untuk menentukan kandungan unsur major dalam bentuk oksida (SiO2, Al2O3 Fe2O3, Na2O3, MgO, CaO, K2O, TiO2, P2O5 and MnO) dan unsur surih (Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, V, Zn, and Zr). Sedimen marin berlumpur dikutip daripada bahagian kiri dan kanan muara sungai dalam jarak sejauh kira-kira 1 km dan 25-30 meter ke arah laut daripada kawasan pertumbuhan yang sedia ada. Sebahagian daripada sampel lumpur tersebut mempunyai kandungan serpihan kulit kerang. Purata kandungan unsur major di dalam sedimen mengikut urutan menurun adalah didominasi oleh SiO2 (56.27%) diikuti oleh Al2O3 (15.5%), Fe2O3 (4.1 %), Na2O (2.7%), CaO. (2.6%), MgO (2.3%), K2O (1.8%), TiO2 (0.5%), P2O5 (0.14%)dan MnO. (0.06%). Sebatian mudah meruap diwakili oleh kehilangan menerusi pembakaran (LOI) (13.9%) mengisi isipadu yang agak besar di dalam komposisi sedimen. Purata kandungan unsur surih yang terbanyak ditunjukkan. oleh Zr (222 mgkg-1), diikuti oleh Ba (200 mgkg-1), Sr (172 mgkg­-1), Rb (131 mgkg-1), Zn (103 mgkg-1), V (l02 mgkg-1), Cr (84 mgkg-1), Pb (40 mgkg-1), Ni (34 mgkg-1), Cu (31 mgkg-1) dan Co (22 mgkg-1). Analisis korelasi menunjukkan Cr, Pb dan Zn mempunyai hubungan positij yang signijikan dengan Fe2O3 dan Al2O3, manakala peningkatan pH memegunkan Cr dan Zn dalam sedimen. Purata kandungan Cr (84 mgkg-1) dan Zn (103 mgkg-1) di dalam sedimen lebih tinggi daripada paras yang dikira berpotensi toksik di dalam sedimen.
  14. Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Muhd Barzani G, Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Mohamad Md. Tan
    Sains Malaysiana, 2008;37(4):341-350.
    Sixteen topsoil samples from Bukit Jernih, Gua Kelam and Bukit Merah were analysed for their major elements and heavy metal composition, together with several physico-chemical parameters. Major elements determined were SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, whereas heavy metals determined were As, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn. Physico-chemical parameters determined were percentage of organic matter, clay, silt and sand composition, pH and electrical conductivity. The results showed that the average soil pH in limestone soil was between 6.38 to 6.93, whereas average soil pH in quartzite soil was 6.23. The average soil electrical conductivity for all sampling stations was below 1.7 mScm-1. High organic matter content average was shown in soil samples from Bukit Jernih (7.45%), followed by Gua Kelam (5.21%) and Bukit Merah (3.31%). Soil samples from Bukit Jernih and Gua Kelam showed a clayey texture with more than 35% clay content, whereas soil from Bukit Merah was sandy in texture with more than 67% sand content. In general, soil samples from limestone area of Bukit Jernih and Gua Kelam recorded higher content of heavy metals compared to quartzite soil from Bukit Merah. The average concentration of Cr and Co at Bukit Jernih at 413 µg/g and 88 µg/g, respectively, whereas the concentration at Gua Kelam was 152 µg/g dan 76 µg/g. These concentrations exceeded the potential toxic concentration in soil. The main major elements were SiO2 followed by Al2O3 and Fe2O3. SiO2 content in quartzite soil from Bukit Merah(89.45%) was higher compared to limestone soil from Bukit Jernih (59.74%) and Gua Kelam (53.16%). Nevertheless, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content in limestone soil was higher compared to quartzite soil. The percentage of easily ignited content in limestone soil was two fold higher than quartzite soil. Other major elements were less than 2.5%. The study showed that enrichment of Cr, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cu in soil was influenced by the presence of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3.
    Keywords: Enrichment; heavy metals; limestones hill; major elements; toxicity
  15. Aminah Mag Piah, Masni Mohd Ali, Che Abd. Rahim Mohamed, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria
    Kajian taburan sterol di Sungai Sepang Besar telah dijalankan pada 17 September 2005 dan 20 Disember 2005. Sampel sedimen telah diambil dengan menggunakan pensampel cekau dari 12 stesen untuk menentukan sumber-sumber yang berbeza bagi sterol dan untuk menentukan aras pencemaran bahan kumbahan di sungai tersebut. Kromatografi Gas-Spektrometri Jisim telah digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil yang diperolehi menunjukkan kawasan Sungai Sepang Besar didominasi oleh kolesterol, β-sitosterol dan stigmasterol, manakala kawasan laut didominasi oleh ergosterol. Secara keseluruhan, Sungai Sepang Besar diklasifikasikan sebagai tercemar dengan kumbahan berdasarkan nisbah coprostanol/kolesterol yang diperolehi.
  16. Zal U’yun Wan Mahmood, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Zaharudin Ahmad, Abdul Kadir Ishak
    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk melihat variasi taburan 210Po dan 210Pb melalui profil menegak aktivitinya, serta nisbah aktiviti 210Po/210Pb di dalam teras sedimen yang diambil di beberapa stesen persampelan pesisir pantai perairan Sarawak. Didapati profil taburan radionuklid tersebut dalam teras sedimen adalah berubah-ubah mengikut lokasi persampelan dan telah dibuktikan melalui analisis ANOVA yang menunjukkan bahawa terdapat perbezaan bererti pada 95% aras keyakinan bagi aktiviti 210Po (p = 0.000), 210Pb (p = 0.035) dan 210Po/210Pb (p = 0.000) di semua lokasi kajian. Secara umumnya, aktiviti 210Po dan 210Pb yang diukur masing-masing dalam julat 337 ke 2460 Bq/kg, 11 ke 84 Bq/kg di SR 01; 224 ke 2008 Bq/kg, 6 ke 80 Bq/kg di SR 02; 119 ke 1595 Bq/kg, 6 ke 84 Bq/kg di SR 03; 241 ke 2294 Bq/kg, 5 ke 82 Bq/kg di SR 04 dan 175 ke 1340 Bq/kg, 4 ke 44 Bq/kg di SR 05. Merujuk kepada julat tersebut, didapati aktiviti 210Po adalah lebih tinggi daripada aktiviti 210Pb dengan purata nisbah 210Po/210Pb di semua stesen adalah melebihi satu, iaitu dalam julat 20 ke 35. Variasi profil taburan radionuklid tersebut dipercayai dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor sekitaran dan telah dibuktikan terdapat korelasi yang kuat di antara taburan radionuklid dengan komposisi sedimen jenis kelodak (210Po:r = 0.701 dan 210Pb: r = 0.648), kedalaman air (210Po: r = -0.647) dan jarak stesen dari daratan (210Po: r = 0.746 dan 210Pb: r = 0.975). Oleh itu, dapat disimpulkan bahawa faktor-faktor tersebut merupakan penyumbang utama ke atas perubahan yang berlaku kepada taburan 210Po dan 210Pb.
  17. Siti Nazira Masrom, Mohd Hariri Arifin, Abd Rahim Harun, Abdul Rahim Samsudin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1223-1229.
    Survei keberintangan geoelektrik ini telah dijalankan di kawasan Bukit Tenggek, Setiu, Terengganu untuk mengesan kemungkinan wujudnya terowong lama yang dipercayai berada di kawasan berkenaan. Kaedah keberintangan geoelektrik ini bukanlah asing dan didapati amat berkesan di dalam eksplorasi mencari bahan arkeologi dan struktur terkambus di bawah tanah (terowong dan bahan artifak). Survei keberintangan geoelektrik ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan peralatan ABEM Terrameter SAS1000 dan susun atur elektrod jenis Wenner. Kawasan kajian terletak di kawasan lembah yang lembap dan terdapat anak sungai yang merentasi kawasan tersebut. Imej keberintangan 2-D menunjukkan wujudnya beberapa kawasan beranomali yang boleh dikaitkan dengan struktur yang dicari. Nilai keberintangan yang rendah mewakili kawasan yang dianggarkan wujudnya terowong lama. Manakala anomali yang menunjukkan bentuk gugusan dianggarkan berasosiasi dengan lokasi tong/bahan artifak. Profil keberintangan 3-D menunjukkan anomali yang mungkin disebabkan oleh wujudnya satu terowong mendatar dan dua terowong menegak. Namun, kerja galicari perlu dilakukan bagi menentukan punca sebenar anomali tersebut.
  18. Nordin Fatin-Majdina, Haji Abd Rahim Zubaidah, Mohd Bakri Marina, Abd Razak Monica@Munirah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1889-1893.
    The effect of S. persica extract on the population of bacteria in single-species biofilm was investigated. An artificial mouth (NAM) system was used for the development of biofilm. In one experiment, aqueous extract of S. persica at sub-MIC concentration (5 mg/mL) was first pumped into the NAM system to treat the experimental pellicle on glass beads before inoculating it with the bacteria (Strep. mitis, Strep. mutans and Strep. sanguinis). This would resemble using the aqueous extract of S. persica before meals. In another experiment, the aqueous extract of S. persica was pumped into the NAM system after the bacterial inoculation and this would resemble using it after meals. In both experiments, 24 h biofilms were allowed to form. The bacterial population of the biofilms was determined and expressed as colony forming unit per mL (cfu mL-1). For negative control, sterilized distilled water was used whereas for positive control, commercial Listerine. It was found that the population of Strep. mitis, Strep. mutans and Strep. sanguinis in the respective biofilms for both experiments involving treatment with S. persica extract or Listerine was significantly reduced by more than 70% (p<0.05) when compared with the negative control. Comparing the effect of S. persica with Listerine on the bacterial population of the biofilms when used either before or after meal showed that S. persica is slightly less effective towards S. sanguinis before meal and towards S. mutans after meal (p<0.05). This study suggests that the efficiency of the antibacterial effect of S. persica is species-related and by its way of usage.
  19. Muhammad Barzani Gasim, Salmijah Surif, Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Chong HB, Mohd. Ekhwan Toriman, Mazlin Mokhtar
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti punca berlakunya banjir di Segamat pada 17 hingga 21 Disember 2006. Kegiatan termasuklah mengumpul, menilai dan mengalisis data taburan hujan dari Januari 1998 hingga Disember 2006 serta menganalisis data telemetri harian bagi aras dan luahan air sungai pada Disember 2006. Satu set data hujan harian, bulanan dan tahunan dari Stesen Felda Medoi, Segamat telah dianalisis dan dihubungkait dengan data telemetri. Data taburan hujan selama 8 tahun tersebut menunjukkan kawasan Bandar Segamat menerima hujan bulanan yang berjulat daripada 2.5 mm (Februari 2004) sehingga 536.8 mm (Januari 2003). Taburan hujan bulanan Oktober sehingga Disember 2006 menunjukkan kenaikan secara positif, iaitu daripada 118 mm sehingga 435 mm/bulan tetapi berlaku penurunan (392 mm) pada Januari 2007. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa hujan lebat yang luar biasa dan keadaan bentuk topografi yang rendah dan beralun di kawasan kajian adalah penyebab utama banjir di Segamat.
  20. Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Wan Muhd Razi Idris, Jasni Yaakob
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36(2):105-116.
    Secara geologi, kawasan Cameron Highland terdiri daripada batuan granit batolit yang merejah ke dalam batuan sedimen yang lebih tua. Rejahan jasad igneus asidik ini menyebabkan pembentukan batuan meta-sedimen dan batuan metamorfik lain sebagai sisa bumbung. Sekis sering ditemui telah mengalami luluhawa tinggi hingga sepenuhnya, berwarna kelabu cerah hingga gelap dengan butiran halus hingga sederhana dan struktur foliasi yang ketara. Manakala batuan granit mengandungi mineral kuarza, felspar dan butiran biotit dan/atau turmalin. Kebanyakan cerun potongan jalan raya yang dibina merentasi jasad batuan ini dan survei ketidakstabilan cerun dilakukan berdasarkan jenis, geometri dan cirian fiziko-kimia tanah cerun. Hasil cerapan lapangan menunjukkan bahawa jenis cerun yang gagal adalah jenis cerun tanah yang terdiri daripada jenis gelinciran cetek dan dalam. Antara faktor yang menyumbang kepada ketidakstabilan cerun adalah geometri cerun seperti cerun yang tinggi dan sudut muka cerun yang curam, sifat keperoian tanah pada cerun dan kekurangan litupan vegetasi permukaan. Ini menyebabkan permukaan cerun terdedah kepada hentaman terus hujan. Kesan daripada air larian permukaan juga menyebabkan pembentukan alur-alur hakisan pada muka cerun tanah. Sifat fiziko-kimia bahan cerun (tanah) seperti taburan saiz partikel, pH, kandungan ferum oksida, bahan organik, kandungan air, ketumpatan pukal dan sebenar serta keporosan juga didapati memainkan peranan sebagai faktor yang dalaman dalam mempengaruhi kestabilan cerun tertentu yang dikaji. Julat pH tanah yang rendah (sifat asidik) pada semua cerun mengurangkan kandungan ferum oksida dalam tanah yang bertindak sebagai bahan penyimen tanah. Ini menyebabkan agregatan tanah menjadi lemah dan mudah terhakis.
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