RESULTS: A higher sensitivity was observed in chromosomal DNA (MPRE-PCR assay), where this assay allows the detection of gelatin DNA at amounts as as low as 1 pg, whereas mitochondrial DNA (CBH-PCR assay) can only detect at levels down to 10 pg of gelatin DNA. When an analysis with commercial gelatin and gelatin capsule samples was conducted, the same result was observed, with a significantly more sensitive detection being provided by the repetitive element of chromosomal DNA.
CONCLUSION: The present study has established highly sensitive DNA-based porcine detection systems derived from chromosomal DNA that are feasible for highly processed products such as gelatin and gelatin capsules containing a minute amount of DNA. This sensitive detection method can also be implemented to assist the halal authentication process of various food products available on the market. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.
METHODS: The PCR technique was established based on published information and validated using blood sample of laboratory animals of which their whole gene sequences are available in GenBank. PCR was next performed to compile gene sequences of different species of wild rodents. The primers used were complementary to the conserved region of the cytb gene of vertebrate's mtDNA. A total of 100 blood samples, both from laboratory animals and wild rodents were collected and analyzed. The obtained unknown sequences were compared with those in the GenBank database using BLAST program to identify the vertebrate animal species.
RESULTS: Gene sequences of 11 species of wild animals caught in 9 localities of Peninsular Malaysia were compiled using the established PCR. The animals involved were Rattus (rattus) tanezumi, Rattus tiomanicus, Leopoldamys sabanus, Tupaia glis, Tupaia minor, Niviventor cremoriventor, Rhinosciurus laticaudatus, Callosciurus caniseps, Sundamys muelleri, Rattus rajah and Maxomys whiteheadi. The BLAST results confirmed the host with exact or nearly exact matches (>89% identity). Ten new gene sequences have been deposited in GenBank database since September 2010.
CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the PCR direct sequencing system using universal primer sets for vertebrate cytb gene is a promising technique for blood meal identification.
Materials and Methods: The novel SSP of CYTBWB2-wb was designed by our group using PRIMERQUEST and NCBI software. DNA was extracted using propanol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol method. The designed SSP was further subjected for validation protocols using DNA isolated from fresh meat and from meatball, which include specificity test, determination of efficiency, limit of detection and repeatability, and application of developed method for analysis of commercially meatball samples.
Results: The results showed that CYTBWB2-wb was specific to wild boar species against other animal species with optimized annealing temperature of 59°C. The efficiency of q-PCR obtained was 91.9% which is acceptable according to the Codex Allimentarius Commission (2010). DNA, with as low as 5 pg/μl, could be detected using q-PCR with primer of CYTBWB2-wb. The developed method was also used for DNA analysis extracted from meatball samples commercially available.
Conclusion: q-PCR using CYTBWB2-wb primers targeting on mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene (forward: CGG TTC CCT CTT AGG CAT TT; Reverse: GGA TGA ACA GGC AGA TGA AGA) can be fruitfully used for the analysis of WBM in commercial meatball samples.