Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 123 in total

  1. Anis Farhana Mohd Kassim, Azlina Mohd Khir, Mohd Ziyad Afiq Zaharim
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan hubungan antara motivasi membaca, persekitaran membaca di rumah dan sikap membaca dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia. Seramai 214 pelajar UPM yang dipilih melalui kaedah persampelan pelbagai peringkat terlibat dalam kajian ini. Satu set borang soal selidik yang diedar kepada responden mengandungi tiga instrumen iaitu Survey of Adolescent Reading Attitudes, Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) dan Students’s Reading Environments at Home: Exposure and Support. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sikap membaca bahan bacaan digital dan bercetak pelajar UPM berada pada tahap tinggi. Selain itu, kajian mendapati motivasi membaca intrinsik dan ekstrinsik serta persekitaran membaca di rumah pelajar UPM berada pada tahap sederhana. Keputusan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif secara signifikan antara motivasi membaca intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik dan persekitaran membaca di rumah dengan sikap membaca bahan bacaan digital dan bercetak. Kesimpulannya, motivasi membaca dan persekitaran membaca di rumah mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan sikap membaca dalam kalangan pelajar UPM. Untuk melahirkan generasi yang mempunyai sikap membaca yang positif, pihak yang bertanggungjawab seperti ibu bapa terutamanya perlu mewujudkan persekitaran membaca yang kondusif di rumah agar dapat memupuk motivasi membaca dan sikap yang positif dalam kalangan anak-anak. Selain itu, pihak univerisiti dan pensyarah juga perlu mengambil langkah yang proaktif dalam mempromosi dan menggalakkan amalan membaca agar ia terus menjadi satu budaya dalam kalangan pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
    Concerning on navigational safety of a ship, comprehensive investigation of manoeuvrability of the ship is prominently required. The turning instability due to improper speed and magnitude of the rudder angle is vulnerable to serious accidents such as collision especially in the confined waters. This paper presents a computational fluid dynamic analyses on manoeuvrability performance of a tug in calm water. Here, the characteristics of the turning ability and zig-zag characteristics of the tug has been assessed due to effect of the various angles of twin-rudder and turning speeds. The results revealed that the increase of rudder’s angle resulted in subsequent reduction of her advance diameter from 144 m, 108 m, 96 m to 92 m. While for zig zag manoeuvre, the first overshoot angle is 0.6° and 1.08° for 10°/10° and 20°/20° rudder’s angle respectively. The first overshoot and second overshoot angle are within the IMO criteria which is below 20° and 25°. However, the increase of turning speed from 7 knots to 9 knots has been proportional with the increase of the turning diameter (advance diameter) from 70 m to 105.2 m. Basically, the turning performances of the tug manoeuvring with the turning speed of 7 to 9 knots incorporated with rudder’s angle 20°, 25°, 30° and 35° have been complied with IMO manoeuvring standards. This preliminary analysis contributes very valuable findings at early ship design stage to provide a safety of the navigational guidance for turning ability of the tug.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  3. Ramli FF
    Bosn J Basic Med Sci, 2021 Jun 01;21(3):261-269.
    PMID: 32415819 DOI: 10.17305/bjbms.2020.4759
    Mercury is a toxic substance that is commonly used in skin lightening products. Various effects on humans have been observed, which affect both users and non-users. Many studies reported delayed diagnosis and treatment, even after weeks of hospitalization. The possible reasons are non-specific clinical manifestation and lack of awareness and knowledge regarding chronic mercury intoxication secondary to skin lightening products. A thorough history of mercury exposure is crucial. Physical assessment and relevant supporting tests are indicated to establish a diagnosis. Blood and urine mercury levels are an essential examination for diagnosis and monitoring of the progress and response to treatment. The primary treatment is the discontinuation of the skin lightening products. Chelation therapy is not mandatory and is usually indicated for symptomatic patients. The prognosis depends on the duration of the product use, concentration of mercury in the skin product, and the severity of clinical presentation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  4. Rajagopal R, Thachil J, Monagle P
    Arch Dis Child, 2017 Feb;102(2):187-193.
    PMID: 27540263 DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311053
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in paediatrics is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Although there have been several recent advances in the pathophysiology of DIC, most of these studies were done in adults. Since the haemostatic system is very different in early life and changes dramatically with age, creating a variety of challenges for the clinician, delay in the diagnosis of DIC can happen until overt DIC is evident. In this review article, we report the aetiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic tests and a management algorithm to guide paediatricians when treating patients with DIC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  5. Cheng, Yin Tan, Lingam, Ganeshwara, Suhailah Abdullah, Ai, Huey Tan, Tai, Sharon Mei-Ling, Norlisah Ramli, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2015;20(1):79-84.
    Primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS) is a rare vasculitis restricted to the central nervous system without systemic involvement. Delay in diagnosis and treatment is common due to its non-specific symptoms and lack of non-invasive diagnostic tests. Myelopathy can occur in PACNS, during the clinical course of the illness, with or without cerebral symptoms. We describe here a 51 year-old ethnic Chinese woman who presented initially with paraparesis without cerebral symptoms. The diagnosis of PACNS was eventually made from brain biopsy when she subsequently developed cerebral involvement. Despite aggressive treatment, the patient developed progressive neurological deterioration and died. This patient demonstrates the rare occurrence of myelopathy as the sole initial presentation of PACNS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  6. Mohd Dzaki, Mohd Amir, Sanuri, Ishak
    Magnetic actuator driven switchgear is a new medium voltage switchgear technology. In this switchgear, the conventional spring mechanism which is used to operate the circuit breaker is replaced with a magnetic actuator mechanism. The suitability of this technology in the Malaysian utility network specifically in highly loaded areas with frequent switching was assessed via a field evaluation. Preliminary results indicated that magnetic actuator driven switchgear perform commendably on the safety aspect, on-site performance monitoring and online diagnostic test results. However, there are several concerns that need to be addressed such as the ease of installation, substation system requirements, high life cycle cost and reliability of components, before this technology can be used widely.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  7. Tsai MH, Chan CK, Chang YC, Lin CH, Liou CW, Chang WN, et al.
    Front Neurol, 2018;9:515.
    PMID: 30034362 DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00515
    Objective: Focal epilepsy is the most common subtype of epilepsies in which the influence of underlying genetic factors is emerging but remains largely uncharacterized. The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of currently known disease-causing genes in a large cohort (n = 593) of common focal non-lesional epilepsy patients. Methods: The customized focal epilepsy gene panel (21 genes) was based on multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced by Illumina MiSeq platform. Results: Eleven variants (1.85%) were considered as pathogenic or likely pathogenic, including seven novel mutations. There were three SCN1A (p.Leu890Pro, p.Arg1636Ter, and p.Met1714Val), three PRRT2 (two p.Arg217Profs*8 and p.Leu298Pro), two CHRNA4 (p.Ser284Leu, p.Ile321Asn), one DEPDC5 (p.Val516Ter), one PCDH19 (p.Asp233Asn), and one SLC2A1 (p.Ser414Ter) variants. Additionally, 16 other rare variants were classified as unknown significance due to inconsistent phenotype or lack of segregation data. Conclusion: Currently known focal epilepsy genes only explained a very small subset of focal epilepsy patients. This indicates that the underlying genetic architecture of focal epilepsies is very heterogeneous and more novel genes are likely to be discovered. Our study highlights the usefulness, challenges and limitations of using the multi-gene panel as a diagnostic test in routine clinical practice in patients with focal epilepsy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  8. Mikail M, Putra TATR, Suri AS, Hezmee MNM, Marina MT
    Vet World, 2017 Nov;10(11):1297-1300.
    PMID: 29263588 DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.1297-1300
    Aim: Farms that are neighboring wildlife sanctuaries are at risk of spillover infection from wildlife, and the objective of this research is to examine the species diversity of Malaysian fruit bats in livestock farm in determining the possible risk of spill over infection to livestock.

    Materials and Methods: Fifty individual fruit bats were captured using six mists net, from May to July 2017. The nets were set at dusk (1830 h) as bats emerge for foraging and monitored at every 30-min intervals throughout the night until dawn when they returned to the roost. The nets were closed for the day until next night, and captured bats were identified to species levels.

    Results: All the captured bats were mega chiropterans, and Cynopterus brachyotis was the highest captured species, representing 40% of the total capture. Shannon-Weiner index is 2.80, and Simpson index is 0.2. Our result suggests that there is a degree of species dominance with low diversity in Lenggong Livestock Breeding Center.

    Conclusion: We concluded that fruit bats are indeed, encroaching livestock areas and the species identified could be a potential source of infection to susceptible livestock. Hence, an active surveillance should be embarked on farms that border wildlife sanctuaries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  9. Lee SP, Chai ST, Loh LT, Ali NM
    J ASEAN Fed Endocr Soc, 2020;35(2):220-223.
    PMID: 33442194 DOI: 10.15605/jafes.035.02.07
    Primary hyperparathyroidism in children and adolescents is rare and often symptomatic at presentation. A 15-year-old bo presented with bilateral genu valgum for two years. Biochemical results were consistent with primary hyperparathyroidism Calcium levels normalized two months after removal of a left inferior parathyroid adenoma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  10. Mohamad N, Abd Halim NN, Ahmad R, Baharuddin KA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2009 Apr;16(2):33-7.
    PMID: 22589656 MyJurnal
    Theophylline toxicity is a life-threatening toxidrome that can present to an emergency department. To ascertain an immediate provisional diagnosis in toxicology at the emergency department is very challenging, especially when the patient presents with altered mental status, because the clinical features of several toxidromes overlap. We report a case of survival of undiagnosed theophylline toxicity that required intubation for two days in the intensive care unit. This was the first case to have been reported from our department. Accurate diagnosis of a toxidrome by gaining adequate history and conducting a thorough physical examination and early serum toxicology screening, coupled with good knowledge of toxicology, will lead to better patient outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  11. Rahman M, Ahmad Shariff A, Shafie A, Saaid R, Md Tahir R
    Iran J Public Health, 2014 Jan;43(1):16-27.
    PMID: 26060675
    Caesarean section (c-section) rates have been increasing dramatically in the past decades around the world. This increase has been attributed to multiple factors such as maternal, socio-demographic and institutional fac-tors. Therefore, this study examines the impact of maternal, socio-demographic and relevant characteristics on caesar-ean delivery in the northern region of Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine
  12. Shojaei TR, Tabatabaei M, Shawky S, Salleh MA, Bald D
    Mol Biol Rep, 2015 Jan;42(1):187-99.
    PMID: 25245956 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-014-3758-5
    Biotechnology-based detection systems and sensors are in use for a wide range of applications in biomedicine, including the diagnostics of viral pathogens. In this review, emerging detection systems and their applicability for diagnostics of viruses, exemplified by the case of avian influenza virus, are discussed. In particular, nano-diagnostic assays presently under development or available as prototype and their potentials for sensitive and rapid virus detection are highlighted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*
  13. Atroosh WM, Al-Mekhlafi HM, Al-Jasari A, Sady H, Al-Delaimy AK, Nasr NA, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2015;8:388.
    PMID: 26198252 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-015-1008-x
    The genetic variation in the Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (pfhrp2) gene that may compromise the use of pfhrp2-based rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for the diagnosis of malaria was assessed in P. falciparum isolates from Yemen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*
  14. Alia SN, Joseph N, Philip N, Azhari NN, Garba B, Masri SN, et al.
    J Infect Public Health, 2018 11 27;12(2):263-269.
    PMID: 30502041 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2018.10.137
    BACKGROUND: Leptospirosis is often misdiagnosed with several other tropical febrile illnesses in Malaysia due to similarities in clinical manifestations. Although treatment regimens could be started based on clinical judgments, early diagnosis has become paramount as a guide to chemotherapeutic interventions. Confirmed laboratory diagnosis through MAT or PCR is time consuming and usually available only in reference laboratories and not practical in healthcare settings. Rapid and easy to perform diagnostic tests are widely used in these settings as the point of care diagnosis. The present study was undertaken to compare the diagnostic performance of two IgM based immunodiagnostic assay kits for acute leptospirosis.

    METHODS: A total of 50 serum samples were collected from patients clinically suspected for acute leptospirosis on admission in the Hospital Serdang, from June 2016 to June 2017. All the samples were subjected to MAT, lipL32 PCR and the two rapid tests (Leptocheck-WB and ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test).

    RESULTS: Out of the 50 clinically suspected patients sampled, 19 were confirmed positive for leptospirosis. Six (12%) were confirmed by MAT and 13 (26%) by PCR. Similarly, of the 50 clinically suspected cases, 17 (34%) showed positivity for Leptocheck-WB and 7 (14%) for ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test. The overall sensitivity and specificity was 47.37% and 80.65% for Leptocheck-WB, and 21.05% and 90.32% for ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test. In another set of previously confirmed MAT positive samples (1:400-1:3600) obtained from a reference laboratory, Leptocheck-WB showed higher sensitivity (90.72%) than ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test (40.21%), and comparable specificity for ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test (88.89%) and Leptocheck-WB (82.86%).

    CONCLUSION: The sensitivity was higher for Leptocheck-WB and had a comparable specificity with ImmuneMed Leptospira IgM Duo Rapid test. Therefore, based on the present study, Leptocheck-WB is found to be a more sensitive rapid immunodiagnostic test for acute leptospirosis screening in hospital settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*
  15. Mohd Amiruddin MN, Ang GY, Yu CY, Falero-Diaz G, Otero O, Reyes F, et al.
    J Microbiol Methods, 2020 09;176:106003.
    PMID: 32702386 DOI: 10.1016/j.mimet.2020.106003
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a pathogenic bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). This contagious disease remains a severe health problem in the world. The disease is transmitted via inhalation of airborne droplets carrying Mtb from TB patients. Early detection of the disease is vital to prevent transmission of the infection to people in close contact with the patients. To date, there is a need of a simple, rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic test for TB. Previous studies showed the potential of Mtb 16 kDa antigen (Ag16) in TB diagnosis. In this study, lateral flow immunoassay, also called simple strip immunoassay or immunochromatographic test (ICT) for detection of Ag16 was developed (Mtb-strip) and assessed as a potential rapid TB diagnosis method. A monoclonal antibody against Ag16 was optimized as the capturing and detection antibody on the Mtb-strip. Parameters affecting the performance of the Mtb-strip were also optimized before a complete prototype was developed. Analytical sensitivity showed that Mtb-strip was capable to detect as low as 125 ng of purified Ag16. The analytical sensitivity of Mtb-strip suggests its potential usefulness in different clinical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*
  16. Vola A, Tamarozzi F, Noordin R, Yunus MH, Khanbabaie S, De Silvestri A, et al.
    Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis, 2018 Sep;92(1):31-33.
    PMID: 29776711 DOI: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2018.04.007
    Rapid diagnostic tests for cystic echinococcosis (CE) are convenient to support ultrasound diagnosis in uncertain cases, especially in resource-limited settings. We found comparable diagnostic performances of the experimental Hyd Rapid Test and the commercial VIRapid HYDATIDOSIS Test, used in our diagnostic laboratory, using samples from well-characterized hepatic CE cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods*
  17. Lai C, Yee SY, Ying T, Chadban S
    Transpl Int, 2021 12;34(12):2431-2441.
    PMID: 34626503 DOI: 10.1111/tri.14132
    Delayed graft function (DGF) after kidney transplantation is associated with inferior outcomes and higher healthcare costs. DGF is currently defined as the requirement for dialysis within seven days post-transplant; however, this definition is subjective and nonspecific. Novel biomarkers have potential to improve objectivity and enable earlier diagnosis of DGF. We reviewed the literature to describe the range of novel biomarkers previously studied to predict DGF. We identified marked heterogeneity and low reporting quality of published studies. Among the novel biomarkers, serum NGAL had the greatest potential as a biomarker to predict DGF, but requires further assessment and validation through larger scale studies of diagnostic test performance. Given inadequacies in the dialysis-based definition, coupled with the high incidence and impact of DGF, such studies should be pursued.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine*
  18. Kimura M, Teramoto I, Chan CW, Idris ZM, Kongere J, Kagaya W, et al.
    Malar J, 2018 Feb 07;17(1):72.
    PMID: 29415724 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-018-2214-8
    BACKGROUND: Rapid diagnosis of malaria using acridine orange (AO) staining and a light microscope with a halogen lamp and interference filter was deployed in some malaria-endemic countries. However, it has not been widely adopted because: (1) the lamp was weak as an excitation light and the set-up did not work well under unstable power supply; and, (2) the staining of samples was frequently inconsistent.

    METHODS: The halogen lamp was replaced by a low-cost, blue light-emitting diode (LED) lamp. Using a reformulated AO solution, the staining protocol was revised to make use of a concentration gradient instead of uniform staining. To evaluate this new AO diagnostic system, a pilot field study was conducted in the Lake Victoria basin in Kenya.

    RESULTS: Without staining failure, malaria infection status of about 100 samples was determined on-site per one microscopist per day, using the improved AO diagnostic system. The improved AO diagnosis had both higher overall sensitivity (46.1 vs 38.9%: p = 0.08) and specificity (99.0 vs 96.3%) than the Giemsa method (N = 1018), using PCR diagnosis as the standard.

    CONCLUSIONS: Consistent AO staining of thin blood films and rapid evaluation of malaria parasitaemia with the revised protocol produced superior results relative to the Giemsa method. This AO diagnostic system can be set up easily at low cost using an ordinary light microscope. It may supplement rapid diagnostic tests currently used in clinical settings in malaria-endemic countries, and may be considered as an inexpensive tool for case surveillance in malaria-eliminating countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/instrumentation*
  19. Wong PF, Wong LP, AbuBakar S
    J Infect Public Health, 2020 Feb;13(2):193-198.
    PMID: 31405788 DOI: 10.1016/j.jiph.2019.07.012
    BACKGROUND: Delayed diagnosis of dengue cases with increased risk for severe disease could lead to poor disease outcome. To date there is no specific laboratory diagnostic test for severe dengue. This qualitative study explored expert views regarding current issues in diagnosing severe dengue, rationale for severe dengue-specific diagnostics, future prospects and features of potential diagnostics for severe dengue.

    METHODS: In-depth individual interviews with thematic saturation were conducted between May and July 2018. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: Based on expert opinion, diagnosis of severe dengue is challenging as it depends on astute clinical interpretation of non-dengue-specific clinical and laboratory findings. A specific test that detects impending manifestation of severe dengue could 1) overcome failure in identifying severe disease for referral or admission, 2) facilitate timely and appropriate management of plasma leakage and bleeding, 3) overcome the lack of clinical expertise and laboratory diagnosis in rural health settings. The most important feature of any diagnostics for severe dengue is the point-of-care (POC) format where it can be performed at or near the bedside.

    CONCLUSION: The development of diagnostics to detect impending severe dengue is warranted to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of dengue infection and it should be prioritized.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods
  20. Tan AF, Sakam SSB, Rajahram GS, William T, Abd Rachman Isnadi MF, Daim S, et al.
    Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2022;12:1023219.
    PMID: 36325471 DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.1023219
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium knowlesi causes zoonotic malaria across Southeast Asia. First-line diagnostic microscopy cannot reliably differentiate P. knowlesi from other human malaria species. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) designed for P. falciparum and P. vivax are used routinely in P. knowlesi co-endemic areas despite potential cross-reactivity for species-specific antibody targets.

    METHODS: Ten RDTs were evaluated: nine to detect clinical P. knowlesi infections from Malaysia, and nine assessing limit of detection (LoD) for P. knowlesi (PkA1-H.1) and P. falciparum (Pf3D7) cultures. Targets included Plasmodium-genus parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pan-pLDH) and P. vivax (Pv)-pLDH.

    RESULTS: Samples were collected prior to antimalarial treatment from 127 patients with microscopy-positive PCR-confirmed P. knowlesi mono-infections. Median parasitaemia was 788/µL (IQR 247-5,565/µL). Pan-pLDH sensitivities ranged from 50.6% (95% CI 39.6-61.5) (SD BIOLINE) to 87.0% (95% CI 75.1-94.6) (First Response® and CareStart™ PAN) compared to reference PCR. Pv-pLDH RDTs detected P. knowlesi with up to 92.0% (95% CI 84.3-96.7%) sensitivity (Biocredit™). For parasite counts ≥200/µL, pan-pLDH (Standard Q) and Pv-pLDH RDTs exceeded 95% sensitivity. Specificity of RDTs against 26 PCR-confirmed negative controls was 100%. Sensitivity of six highest performing RDTs were not significantly different when comparing samples taken before and after (median 3 hours) antimalarial treatment. Parasite ring stages were present in 30% of pre-treatment samples, with ring stage proportions (mean 1.9%) demonstrating inverse correlation with test positivity of Biocredit™ and two CareStart™ RDTs.For cultured P. knowlesi, CareStart™ PAN demonstrated the lowest LoD at 25 parasites/µL; LoDs of other pan-pLDH ranged from 98 to >2000 parasites/µL. Pv-pLDH LoD for P. knowlesi was 49 parasites/µL. No false-positive results were observed in either P. falciparum-pLDH or histidine-rich-protein-2 channels.

    CONCLUSION: Selected RDTs demonstrate sufficient performance for detection of major human malaria species including P. knowlesi in co-endemic areas where microscopy is not available, particularly for higher parasite counts, although cannot reliably differentiate among non-falciparum malaria.

    Matched MeSH terms: Diagnostic Tests, Routine/methods
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