Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 283 in total

  1. Chung, B. H., Tan, J. R.
    The own price, income and price of a substitute are the determinants of demand in the classical theory of consumer behavior. We used the theory to analyze the demand for local rice in Malaysia by using time series variables. We examined whether there is a long run relationship among the variables by using the unit root and cointegration tests. We then conducted the Granger causality, variance decomposition and impulse response function tests to examine their directions of causality as well as short term dynamics. The results show that there is a long run relationship among the variables and a unidirectional causality from price and income to demand. There are also lagged and short term dynamics among the variables.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  2. Shaharudin Abdul Razak
    A study of the major Arthropoda taxa of invertebrates recolonizing Saraca roots occurring on various substrates and under various water velocities was carried out in the upper reaches of the Gombak River. The sites for the recolonization experiments were selected in the fast and slow flowing sections of rocks and boulders, sand and gravel and mud and silt biotopes. The Hydropsychidae and the Nemouridae were the pioneer recolonizers of Saraea roots in the fast flowing sections of the stream whereas the Ptilodactylidae and the Caenidae were the pioneer recolonizers in the slow flowing sections of the stream.
    Suatu kajian telah dijalankan bagi menentukan takson utama invertebrata Arthropoda yang mengkoloni semula akar Saraca yang didapati pada pelbagai substrat dan pada kelajuan air yang berbeza di bahagian hulu Sungai Gombak. Tapak-tapak untuk ujikaji pengkolonian-semula telah dipilih pada bahagian laju dan perlahan biotop batuan besar dan sederhana, pasir dan batuan kecil, dan lumpur dan kelodak. Hydropsychidae dan Nemouridae adalah pengkoloni perintis pada akar Saraca di bahagian aliran laju sungai sementara Ptilodactylidae dan Caeflidae adalah pengkoloni perintis di bahagian aliran perlahan sungai itu.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  3. Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Wan Mohd. Razi Idris, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Kadderi Md. Desa, Tukimat Lihan, Azman Hashim, et al.
    This study was carried out at an ultrabasic area, Selaru (S1 & S2) dan Felda Rokan Barat (S3), Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Eighteen samples of plant and their substrates were collected from study area. The purpose of this study was to determine heavy metal such as Ni, Cr, Mn, Co, Fe and Zn contents in soils and different parts of the plant, such as leaf, stem, root and fruit. Biologal Absorption Coefficient (BAC) of the plant was obtained by calculation. Heavy metals content in the plant were extracted by digestion method whereas in soil the heavy metals were extracted by sequential extraction. Heavy metals content in soil and plant extract was determined using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. It was found that heavy metal concentrations in soil substrate for mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) were high for Fe followed by Cr, Ni, Mn, Zn and Co with average concentration of 1208.5, 583.4, 352.4, 352.4, 70.7 and 53.6 mg.kg-1, respectively. Available Mn and Zn concentrations were higher than the other heavy metals in term of percentage. Fe and Mn were dominant in all parts of plants however in terms of BAC average, Co showed the highest enrichment value in all parts of the plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  4. Ahmad Mahir R, Arfah A, Rozaimah Z, Siti Adyani S, Khairiah J, Ismail B
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2305-2313.
    The study was conducted to determine the best model suitable for the determination of ferrum uptake in Brassica chinensis (flowering white cabbage). A nonlinear regression model was selected to determine the amount of ferrum absorbed by each part of the Brassica chinensis plant namely the leaves, stems and roots. The Levenberg-Marquardt method was used to perform the nonlinear least square fit. This method employs information on the gradients and hence requires specification of the partial derivatives. A suitable model was obtained from the exponential regression model. The polynomial model was found to be appropriate for leaves, the mono-exponential model was suitable for stems and the simple exponential model for roots. The residual plots and the normal probability plots from each of the models indicated no substantial diagnostic problems, so it can be concluded that the polynomial and exponential regression models provide adequate fit to determine data on heavy metal uptake by the flowering white cabbage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  5. Shultana R, Kee Zuan AT, Yusop MR, Saud HM, El-Shehawi AM
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0260869.
    PMID: 34898612 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260869
    Soil salinity exert negative impacts on agricultural production and regarded as a crucial issue in global wetland rice production (Oryza sativa L.). Indigenous salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Bacillus sp.) could be used for improving rice productivity under salinity stress. This study screened potential salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) collected from coastal salt-affected rice cultivation areas under laboratory and glasshouse conditions. Furthermore, the impacts of these PGPRs were tested on biochemical attributes and nutrient contents in various rice varieties under salt stress. The two most promising PGPR strains, i.e., 'UPMRB9' (Bacillus tequilensis 10b) and 'UPMRE6' (Bacillus aryabhattai B8W22) were selected for glasshouse trial. Results indicated that 'UPMRB9' improved osmoprotectant properties, i.e., proline and total soluble sugar (TSS), antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT). Moreover, 'UPMRB9' inoculated rice plants accumulated higher amount of nitrogen and calcium in tissues. Therefore, the indigenous salt-tolerant PGPR strain 'UPMRB9' could be used as a potential bio-augmentor for improving biochemical attributes and nutrient uptake in rice plants under salinity stress. This study could serve as a preliminary basis for future large-scale trials under glasshouse and field conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/growth & development; Plant Roots/metabolism; Plant Roots/microbiology
  6. Parvin W, Govender N, Othman R, Jaafar H, Rahman M, Wong MY
    Sci Rep, 2020 Sep 24;10(1):15621.
    PMID: 32973199 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-72156-7
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa developed its biocontrol agent property through the production of antifungal derivatives, with the phenazine among them. In this study, the applications of crude phenazine synthesized by Pseudomonas aeruginosa UPMP3 and hexaconazole were comparatively evaluated for their effectiveness to suppress basal stem rot infection in artificially G. boninense-challenged oil palm seedlings. A glasshouse experiment under the randomized completely block design was set with the following treatments: non-inoculated seedlings, G. boninense inoculated seedlings, G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 1 mg/ml phenazine application, G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 2 mg/ml phenazine application and G. boninense inoculated seedlings with 0.048 mg/ml hexaconazole application. Seedlings were screened for disease parameters and plant vigour traits (plant height, plant fresh weight, root fresh, and dry weight, stem diameter, and total chlorophyll) at 1-to-4 month post-inoculation (mpi). The application of 2 mg/ml phenazine significantly reduced disease severity (DS) at 44% in comparison to fungicide application (DS = 67%). Plant vigour improved from 1 to 4 mpi and the rate of disease reduction in seedlings with phenazine application (2 mg/ml) was twofold greater than hexaconazole. At 4, 6 and 8 wpi, an up-regulation of chitinase and β-1,3 glucanase genes in seedlings treated with phenazine suggests the involvement of induced resistance in G. boninense-oil palm pathosystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/drug effects; Plant Roots/growth & development*; Plant Roots/microbiology
  7. Talei D, Valdiani A, Rafii MY, Maziah M
    PLoS One, 2014;9(11):e112907.
    PMID: 25423252 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112907
    Separation of proteins based on the physicochemical properties with different molecular weight and isoelectric points would be more accurate. In the current research, the 45-day-old seedlings were treated with 0 (control) and 12 dS m(-1) of sodium chloride in the hydroponic system. After 15 days of salt exposure, the total protein of the fresh leaves and roots was extracted and analyzed using two-dimensional electrophoresis system (2-DE). The analysis led to the detection of 32 induced proteins (19 proteins in leaf and 13 proteins in the root) as well as 12 upregulated proteins (four proteins in leaf and eight proteins in the root) in the salt-treated plants. Of the 44 detected proteins, 12 were sequenced, and three of them matched with superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate oxygenase whereas the rest remained unknown. The three known proteins associate with plants response to environmental stresses and could represent the general stress proteins in the present study too. In addition, the proteomic feedback of different accessions of A. paniculata to salt stress can potentially be used to breed salt-tolerant varieties of the herb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/drug effects; Plant Roots/metabolism*
  8. Mohajer S, Mat Taha R, Mohajer M, Khorasani Esmaeili A
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:680356.
    PMID: 25045740 DOI: 10.1155/2014/680356
    To explore the potential of in vitro rapid regeneration, three varieties (Golpaygan-181, Orumieh-1763, and Gorgan-1601) of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. syn. Onobrychis sativa L.) were evaluated. For the first time, an encapsulation protocol was established from somatic embryogenic callus in torpedo and cotyledonary stages to create artificial seeds. Callus derived from different concentrations of Kinetin (0-2.0 mg L(-1)) and Indole-3-acetic acid (0-2.0 mg L(-1)) was coated with sodium alginate and subsequently cultured either in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium or in soil substrate. Adventitious shoots from synthetic beads developed into rooting in full and half strength MS medium supplemented with various concentrations of auxin and cytokinin. Prolonged water conservation of black and red soils (1:1) had the highest rate of survival plantlets in the acclimatization process. Diverse resistance techniques in Onobrychis viciifolia were evaluated when the plants were subjected to water deficiency. Higher frequency of epicuticular waxes was observed in in vivo leaves compared to in vitro leaves. Jagged trichomes nonsecreting glands covered by spines were only observed in the lower leaf side. Ultimately, stomata indices were 0.127 (abaxial), 0.188 (adaxial) in in vivo and 0.121 (abaxial), 0.201 (adaxial) in in vitro leaves.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/drug effects; Plant Roots/physiology
  9. Nikolov LA, Tomlinson PB, Manickam S, Endress PK, Kramer EM, Davis CC
    Ann Bot, 2014 Aug;114(2):233-42.
    PMID: 24942001 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcu114
    Species in the holoparasitic plant family Rafflesiaceae exhibit one of the most highly modified vegetative bodies in flowering plants. Apart from the flower shoot and associated bracts, the parasite is a mycelium-like endophyte living inside their grapevine hosts. This study provides a comprehensive treatment of the endophytic vegetative body for all three genera of Rafflesiaceae (Rafflesia, Rhizanthes and Sapria), and reports on the cytology and development of the endophyte, including its structural connection to the host, shedding light on the poorly understood nature of this symbiosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/anatomy & histology; Plant Roots/microbiology
  10. Muneer S, Hakeem KR, Mohamed R, Lee JH
    Int J Mol Sci, 2014;15(4):6343-55.
    PMID: 24739807 DOI: 10.3390/ijms15046343
    Cadmium signifies a severe threat to crop productivity and green gram is a notably iron sensitive plant which shows considerable variation towards cadmium stress. A gel-based proteomics analysis was performed with the roots of green gram exposed to iron and cadmium combined treatments. The resulting data show that twenty three proteins were down-regulated in iron-deprived roots either in the absence (-Fe/-Cd) or presence (-Fe/+Cd) of cadmium. These down-regulated proteins were however well expressed in roots under iron sufficient conditions, even in the presence of cadmium (+Fe/+Cd). The functional classification of these proteins determined that 21% of the proteins are associated with nutrient metabolism. The other proteins in higher quantities are involved in either transcription or translation regulation, and the rest are involved in biosynthesis metabolism, antioxidant pathways, molecular chaperones and stress response. On the other hand, several protein spots were also absent in roots in response to iron deprivation either in absence (-Fe/-Cd) or presence (-Fe/+Cd) of cadmium but were well expressed in the presence of iron (+Fe/+Cd). Results suggest that green gram plants exposed to cadmium stress are able to change the nutrient metabolic balance in roots, but in the mean time regulate cadmium toxicity through iron supplements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/drug effects; Plant Roots/metabolism
  11. Zain NA, Ismail MR, Mahmood M, Puteh A, Ibrahim MH
    Molecules, 2014;19(2):1795-819.
    PMID: 24504074 DOI: 10.3390/molecules19021795
    The use of periodical water stress and potassium fertilization may enhance rice tolerance to drought stress and improve the crop's instantaneous water use efficiency without much yield reduction. This study was conducted to assess the effects of different periodical water stress combined with potassium fertilization regimes on growth, yield, leaf gas exchanges and biochemical changes in rice grown in pots and compare them with standard local rice grower practices. Five treatments including (1) standard local grower's practice (control, 80CF = 80 kg K2O/ha + control flooding); (2) 120PW15 = 120 kg K2O/ha + periodical water stress for 15 days; (3) 120DS15V = 120 kg K2O/ha + drought stress for 15 days during the vegetative stage; (4) 120DS25V = 120 kg K2O/ha + drought stress for 25 days and (5) 120DS15R = 120 kg K2O/ha + drought stress for 15 days during the reproductive stage, were evaluated in this experiment. Control and 120PW15 treatments were stopped at 100 DAS, and continuously saturated conditions were applied until harvest. It was found that rice under 120PW15 treatment showed tolerance to drought stress evidenced by increased water use efficiency, peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT) and proline levels, maximum efficiency of photosystem II (fv/fm) and lower minimal fluorescence (fo), compared to other treatments. Path coefficient analysis revealed that most of parameters contribute directly rather than indirectly to rice yield. In this experiment, there were four factors that are directly involved with rice yield: grain soluble sugar, photosynthesis, water use efficiency and total chlorophyll content. The residual factors affecting rice yield are observed to be quite low in the experiment (0.350), confirming that rice yield was mostly influenced by the parameters measured during the study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/growth & development; Plant Roots/metabolism
  12. Lai J, Yang B, Lin D, Kerkhoff AJ, Ma K
    PLoS One, 2013;8(10):e77007.
    PMID: 24116197 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077007
    Precise estimation of root biomass is important for understanding carbon stocks and dynamics in forests. Traditionally, biomass estimates are based on allometric scaling relationships between stem diameter and coarse root biomass calculated using linear regression (LR) on log-transformed data. Recently, it has been suggested that nonlinear regression (NLR) is a preferable fitting method for scaling relationships. But while this claim has been contested on both theoretical and empirical grounds, and statistical methods have been developed to aid in choosing between the two methods in particular cases, few studies have examined the ramifications of erroneously applying NLR. Here, we use direct measurements of 159 trees belonging to three locally dominant species in east China to compare the LR and NLR models of diameter-root biomass allometry. We then contrast model predictions by estimating stand coarse root biomass based on census data from the nearby 24-ha Gutianshan forest plot and by testing the ability of the models to predict known root biomass values measured on multiple tropical species at the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Malaysia. Based on likelihood estimates for model error distributions, as well as the accuracy of extrapolative predictions, we find that LR on log-transformed data is superior to NLR for fitting diameter-root biomass scaling models. More importantly, inappropriately using NLR leads to grossly inaccurate stand biomass estimates, especially for stands dominated by smaller trees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/anatomy & histology; Plant Roots/growth & development*
  13. Ooi CT, Syahida A, Stanslas J, Maziah M
    World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2013 Mar;29(3):421-30.
    PMID: 23090845 DOI: 10.1007/s11274-012-1194-z
    This article presents the abilities and efficiencies of five different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes (strain ATCC 31798, ATCC 43057, AR12, A4 and A13) to induce hairy roots on Solanum mammosum through genetic transformation. There is significant difference in the transformation efficiency (average number of days of hairy root induction) and transformation frequency for all strains of A. rhizogenes (P < 0.05). Both A. rhizogenes strain AR12 and A13 were able to induce hairy root at 6 days of co-cultivation, which were the fastest among those tested. However, the transformation frequencies of all five strains were below 30 %, with A. rhizogenes strain A4 and A13 showing the highest, which were 21.41 ± 10.60 % and 21.43 ± 8.13 % respectively. Subsequently, the cultures for five different hairy root lines generated by five different strains of bacteria were established. However, different hairy root lines showed different growth index under the same culture condition, with the hairy root lines induced by A. rhizogenes strain ATCC 31798 exhibited largest increase in fresh biomass at 45 days of culture under 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod in half-strength MS medium. The slowest growing hairy root line, which was previously induced by A. rhizogenes strain A13, when cultured in optimized half-strength MS medium containing 1.5 times the standard amount of ammonium nitrate and potassium nitrate and 5 % (w/v) sucrose, had exhibited improvement in growth index, that is, the fresh biomass was almost double as compared to its initial growth in unmodified half-strength MS medium.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/growth & development*; Plant Roots/microbiology*
  14. Uddin KM, Juraimi AS, Ismail MR, Othman R, Rahim AA
    J Environ Biol, 2011 May;32(3):309-12.
    PMID: 22167942
    Fresh water, coupled with soil salinization in many areas has resulted in an increased need forscreening of salt tolerant turf grasses. Relative salinity tolerance of eightwarm season turfgrass species were examined in this study in sand culture. Grasses were grown in a glasshouse, irrigated with either distilled water or saline sea water adjusted to 24, 48 or 72 dSm-1. Salt tolerances of the grasses were assessed on the basis of their shoot and root growth, leaf firing and turf quality. Regression analysis indicated that Zoysiajaponica (Japanese lawn grass) (JG), Stenotaphrum secundatum (St. Augustine) (SA), Cynodon dactylon (satiri) (BS), Zoysia teneuifolia (Korean grass) (KG), Digitaria didactyla (Serangoon grass) (SG), Cynodon dactylon (Tifdwarf) (TD), Paspalum notatum (Bahia grass) (BG) and Axonopus compressus(Pearl blue) (PB) suffered a 50% shoot growth reduction at 36.0, 31.8, 30.9, 28.4, 26.4, 25.7, 20.0 and 18.6 dSm1 of salinity, respectively and a root growth reduction at44.9, 43.7, 33.4, 31.0, 29.5 27.5, 21.5 and 21.4 dSm- of salinity, respectively. Leaf firing and turf quality of the selected species, as a whole, were also found to be affected harmoniously with the change in root and shoot growth. On the basis of the experimental results the selected species were ranked for salinity tolerance as JG>SA>BS>KG>SG >TD>BG>PB.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/drug effects; Plant Roots/growth & development
  15. Sholikhah EN, Wijayanti MA, Nurani LH, Mustofa
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Jul;63 Suppl A:98-9.
    PMID: 19025003
    In previous study, in vitro antiplasmodial activity fractions isolated from methanol extract of E. longifolia, Jack. have been evaluated. Among 5 isolates evaluated from the study, isolate 4 showed high in vitro antiplasmodial activity. However, which stage specificity of the isolates on P. falciparum cycles has not been evaluated. This study was intended to evaluate the stage specificity of the isolate on P. falciparum cycles. The study was conducted by observing the percentage of each stages of P. falciparum microscopically after 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, and 72 hours incubation periods with 3 various concentration of isolate 4 compared with control. The result showed that isolate 4 of E. longifolia root methanol soluble fractions most potent at trophozoites stages of P. falciparum.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/physiology; Plant Roots/chemistry*
  16. Katayama A, Kume T, Komatsu H, Saitoh TM, Ohashi M, Nakagawa M, et al.
    J Plant Res, 2013 Jul;126(4):505-15.
    PMID: 23283581 DOI: 10.1007/s10265-012-0544-0
    To clarify characteristics of carbon (C) allocation in a Bornean tropical rainforest without dry seasons, gross primary production (GPP) and C allocation, i.e., above-ground net primary production (ANPP), aboveground plant respiration (APR), and total below-ground carbon flux (TBCF) for the forest were examined and compared with those from Amazonian tropical rainforests with dry seasons. GPP (30.61 MgC ha(-1) year(-1), eddy covariance measurements; 34.40 MgC ha(-1) year(-1), biometric measurements) was comparable to those for Amazonian rainforests. ANPP (6.76 MgC ha(-1) year(-1)) was comparable to, and APR (8.01 MgC ha(-1) year(-1)) was slightly lower than, their respective values for Amazonian rainforests, even though aboveground biomass was greater at our site. TBCF (19.63 MgC ha(-1) year(-1)) was higher than those for Amazonian forests. The comparable ANPP and higher TBCF were unexpected, since higher water availability would suggest less fine root competition for water, giving higher ANPP and lower TBCF to GPP. Low nutrient availability may explain the comparable ANPP and higher TBCF. These data show that there are variations in C allocation patterns among mature tropical rainforests, and the variations cannot be explained solely by differences in soil water availability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/growth & development; Plant Roots/metabolism
  17. Fallah M, Hadi H, Amirnia R, Hassanzadeh-Ghorttapeh A, Zuan ATK, Sayyed RZ
    PLoS One, 2021;16(12):e0261225.
    PMID: 34941919 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261225
    This study's primary purpose was to investigate the possible amelioration of limited irrigation conditions by mycorrhiza (AMF), vermicompost, and green manure for lingrain plants. This experiment was accomplished as a factorial based on the completely randomized design with three replications. The first factor was green manure (without green manure and with Trifolium pratense as green manure); the second factor consisted of Rhizophagus irregularis mycorrhiza, vermicompost, a combination of mycorrhiza and vermicompost and none of them, and also the third factor was irrigation regime (full irrigation and late-season water limitation). Green manure, vermicompost, and mycorrhiza single-use enhanced the plant's underwater limitation conditions compared to the control. However, vermicompost and green manure or mycorrhiza developed a positive synergistic effect on most traits. Combining green manure with the dual fertilizer (mycorrhiza + vermicompost) resulted in the vermicompost and mycorrhiza synergistic effects, especially under limited irrigation. Consequently, the combination of green manure, mycorrhiza, and vermicompost experienced the highest amount of leaf relative water content, root colonization, leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, antioxidant enzymes activity, grain yield, and oil yield, which would lead to more resistance of plants to limited irrigation conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/metabolism; Plant Roots/microbiology
  18. Ebrahimi F, Ibrahim B, Teh CH, Murugaiyah V, Lam CK
    Planta Med, 2017 Jan;83(1-02):172-182.
    PMID: 27399233 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-110857
    Quassinoids, the major secondary metabolites of Eurycoma longifolia roots, improve male fertility. Hence, it is crucial to investigate their quantitative level in E. longifolia extracts. A profile was established to identify the primary metabolites and major quassinoids, and quantify quassinoids using external calibration curves. Furthermore, the metabolic discrimination of E. longifolia roots from different regions was investigated. The (1)H-NMR spectra of the quassinoids, eurycomanone, eurycomanol, 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone, and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside were obtained. The (1)H-NMR profiles of E. longifolia root aqueous extracts from Perak (n = 30) were obtained and used to identify primary metabolites and the quassinoids. Selangor, Kedah, Terengganu (n = 5 for each), and Perak samples were checked for metabolic discrimination. Hotelling's T(2) plot was used to check for outliers. Orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis was run to reveal the discriminatory metabolites. Perak samples contained formic, succinic, methylsuccinic, fumaric, lactic, acetic and syringic acids as well as choline, alanine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, α-glucose, eurycomanone, eurycomanol, 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone, and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside. The extracts from other locations contained the same metabolites. The limit of quantification values were 1.96 (eurycomanone), 15.62 (eurycomanol), 3.91 (13,21-dihydroeurycomanone), and 31.25 (eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside) ppm. The Hotelling's T(2) plot revealed no outlier. The orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant analysis model showed that choline, eurycomanol, eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside, and lactic and succinic acid levels were different among regions. Terengganu and Perak samples contained higher amounts of eurycomanol and eurycomanol-2-O-β-D-glycopyranoside, respectively. The current approach efficiently detected E. longifolia root metabolites, quantified the quassinoids, and discriminated E. longifolia roots from different locations. These findings could be applicable to future research on E. longifolia where the higher content of quassinoids is required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/metabolism; Plant Roots/chemistry
  19. van der Ent A, Nkrumah PN, Aarts MGM, Baker AJM, Degryse F, Wawryk C, et al.
    BMC Plant Biol, 2021 Sep 27;21(1):437.
    PMID: 34579652 DOI: 10.1186/s12870-021-03190-4
    BACKGROUND: Some subspecies of Dichapetalum gelonioides are the only tropical woody zinc (Zn)-hyperaccumulator plants described so far and the first Zn hyperaccumulators identified to occur exclusively on non-Zn enriched 'normal' soils. The aim of this study was to investigate Zn cycling in the parent rock-soil-plant interface in the native habitats of hyperaccumulating Dichapetalum gelonioides subspecies (subsp. pilosum and subsp. sumatranum). We measured the Zn isotope ratios (δ66Zn) of Dichapetalum plant material, and associated soil and parent rock materials collected from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo).

    RESULTS: We found enrichment in heavy Zn isotopes in the topsoil (δ66Zn 0.13 ‰) relative to deep soil (δ66Zn -0.15 ‰) and bedrock (δ66Zn -0.90 ‰). This finding suggests that both weathering and organic matter influenced the Zn isotope pattern in the soil-plant system, with leaf litter cycling contributing significantly to enriched heavier Zn in topsoil. Within the plant, the roots were enriched in heavy Zn isotopes (δ66Zn ~ 0.60 ‰) compared to mature leaves (δ66Zn ~ 0.30 ‰), which suggests highly expressed membrane transporters in these Dichapetalum subspecies preferentially transporting lighter Zn isotopes during root-to-shoot translocation. The shoots, mature leaves and phloem tissues were enriched in heavy Zn isotopes (δ66Zn 0.34-0.70 ‰) relative to young leaves (δ66Zn 0.25 ‰). Thisindicates that phloem sources are enriched in heavy Zn isotopes relative to phloem sinks, likely because of apoplastic retention and compartmentalization in the Dichapetalum subspecies.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study reveal Zn cycling in the rock-soil-plant continuum within the natural habitat of Zn hyperaccumulating subspecies of Dichapetalum gelonioides from Malaysian Borneo. This study broadens our understanding of the role of a tropical woody Zn hyperaccumulator plant in local Zn cycling, and highlights the important role of leaf litter recycling in the topsoil Zn budget. Within the plant, phloem plays key role in Zn accumulation and redistribution during growth and development. This study provides an improved understanding of the fate and behaviour of Zn in hyperaccumulator soil-plant systems, and these insights may be applied in the biofortification of crops with Zn.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/metabolism*; Plant Roots/chemistry
  20. Shokrollahi N, Ho CL, Zainudin NAIM, Wahab MABA, Wong MY
    Sci Rep, 2021 Aug 11;11(1):16330.
    PMID: 34381084 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-95549-8
    Basal stem rot (BSR) of oil palm is a disastrous disease caused by a white-rot fungus Ganoderma boninense Pat. Non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) synthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are a group of secondary metabolites that act as fungal virulent factors during pathogenesis in the host. In this study, we aimed to isolate NRPS gene of G. boninense strain UPMGB001 and investigate the role of this gene during G. boninense-oil palm interaction. The isolated NRPS DNA fragment of 8322 bp was used to predict the putative peptide sequence of different domains and showed similarity with G. sinense (85%) at conserved motifs of three main NRPS domains. Phylogenetic analysis of NRPS peptide sequences demonstrated that NRPS of G. boninense belongs to the type VI siderophore family. The roots of 6-month-old oil palm seedlings were artificially inoculated for studying NRPS gene expression and disease severity in the greenhouse. The correlation between high disease severity (50%) and high expression (67-fold) of G. boninense NRPS gene at 4 months after inoculation and above indicated that this gene played a significant role in the advancement of BSR disease. Overall, these findings increase our knowledge on the gene structure of NRPS in G. boninense and its involvement in BSR pathogenesis as an effector gene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/genetics; Plant Roots/metabolism
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