Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 854 in total

  1. Aniza I, Fairuz MR
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Sep;64(3):228-32.
    PMID: 20527274 MyJurnal
    Physical activity is the first line approach and one of the main factors in preventing chronic diseases. Currently there is the increasing percentage of sedentary life style or lack of exercise among adolescents. The main objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence of inactivity and the factors influencing physical activity in adolescents. A cross sectional study was carried out among secondary school students aged 14 and 16 in Petaling District, Selangor, Malaysia. A total of 519 respondents participated in this study. Their physical activity level was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The active group was classified as those having levels of equal or more than 600 met-min per week while less than 600 met-min per week was considered inactive. Response rate in this study was 95.4%. The prevalence of inactive in adolescents was 20.8%. Female adolescents, non-working mother, time constraint, exercise only when having ample time and stretching before exercise are predictor factors for being inactive among adolescents. Steps need to be taken to persistently ensure that the physical activity among adolescents be increased continuously.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  2. McConnell KJ
    Ann Emerg Med, 2007 Jan;49(1):62-3.
    PMID: 17084940
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  3. Ya'cob Z, Takaoka H, Pramual P, Low VL, Sofian-Azirun M
    Acta Trop, 2016 Jan;153:57-63.
    PMID: 26476394 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.10.007
    To investigate the breeding habitat preference of black flies, a comprehensive black fly survey was conducted for the first time in Peninsular Malaysia. Preimaginal black flies (pupae and larvae) were collected manually from 180 stream points encompassing northern, southern, central and east coast of the Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 47 black fly species were recorded in this study. The predominant species were Simulium trangense (36.7%) and Simulium angulistylum (33.3%). Relatively common species were Simulium cheongi (29.4%), Simulium tani (25.6%), Simulium nobile (16.2%), Simulium sheilae (14.5%) and Simulium bishopi (10.6%). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of all stream variables revealed four PCs that accounted for 69.3% of the total intersite variance. Regression analysis revealed that high species richness is associated with larger, deeper, faster and higher discharge streams with larger streambed particles, more riparian vegetation and low pH (F=22.7, d.f.=1, 173; P<0.001). Relationship between species occurrence of seven common species (present in >10% of the sampling sites) was assessed. Forward logistic regression analysis indicated that four species were significantly related to the stream variables. S. nobile and S. tani prefer large, fast flowing streams with higher pH, large streambed particles and riparian trees. S. bishopi was commonly found at high elevation with cooler stream, low conductivity, higher conductivity and more riparian trees. In contrast, S. sheilae was negatively correlated with PC-2, thus, this species commonly found at low elevation, warmer stream with low conductivity and less riparian trees. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies from other geographic regions, which indicated that both physical and chemical stream conditions are the key factors for black fly ecology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  4. Ng YY, Wah W, Liu N, Zhou SA, Ho AF, Pek PP, et al.
    Resuscitation, 2016 May;102:116-21.
    PMID: 26970031 DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2016.03.002
    BACKGROUND: The incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in women is thought to be lower than that of men, with better outcomes in some Western studies.
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the effect of gender on OHCA outcomes in the Pan-Asian population.
    METHODOLOGY: This was a retrospective, secondary analysis of the Pan Asian Resuscitation Outcomes Study (PAROS) data between 2009 and 2012. We included OHCA cases which were presumed cardiac etiology, aged 18 years and above and resuscitation attempted by emergency medical services (EMS) systems. We used multi-level mixed-effects logistic regression models to account for the clustering effect of individuals within the country. Primary outcome was survival to hospital discharge.
    RESULTS: We included a total of 40,159 OHCA cases, 40% of which were women. We found that women were more likely to be older and have an initial non-shockable arrest rhythm; they were more likely to receive bystander cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The univariate analysis showed that women were significantly less likely to have return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) at scene or in the emergency department (ED), and had lower rates of survival-to-admission and discharge, and poorer overall and cerebral performance outcomes. There was however, no significant gender difference on outcomes after adjustment of other confounders. Women in the reproductive age group (age 18-44 years) were significantly more likely to have ROSC at scene or in the ED, higher rates of survival-to-admission and discharge, and have better overall and cerebral performance outcomes after adjustment for differences in baseline and pre-hospital factors. Menopausal women (age 55 years and above) were less likely to survive to admission after adjusting for other pre-hospital characteristics but not after age adjustment.
    CONCLUSION: Differences in survival outcomes between reproductive and menopausal women highlight a need for further investigations into the plausible social, pathologic or hormonal basis.
    KEYWORDS: Gender; Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; Registry
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  5. Khan TM, Khan AU, Ali I, Wu DB
    Vaccine, 2016 Mar 8;34(11):1393-8.
    PMID: 26845740 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.01.045
    A cross-sectional study was carried out among HCPs in Northwest General Hospital & Research Centre, Hayatabad Peshawar, Pakistan. The purpose of this study was to investigate knowledge, awareness and attitude of HCPs towards influenza vaccination. A total of N=170 questionnaires were distributed among the staff. There was a 97% response rate to this survey (n=165). The median age of the respondents was 30 years and most of them, 98 (59.0%), were from age group of 24-30 years. The majority of the HCPs that participated in this study were male 106 (64.2%), and by profession, the majority were physicians 77 (46.7%), followed by pharmacists and nurses. A majority 114 (69.1%) believed that it was not compulsory for HCPs to get vaccinated for influenza. Top three identified barriers to vaccination were: not everyone is familiar with the availability of the influenza vaccination at their institution (Relative importance weight factors (RIWF)=0.71), due to needle fear I do not like to get vaccinated (RIWF=0.70) and it is not compulsory for healthcare professionals to get vaccinated for influenza (RIWF=0.64). The logistic regression analysis has revealed association for job experience and profession with the most of the eleven knowledge item. However, when overall sum of eleven items were tested to identify the factors affecting the knowledge score, along with profession (-0.215 [-0.389 to 0.040]; p=0.016) and job experience (0.823 [0.521-1.125]; p<0.001) HCPs age (-0.409 [-0.755 to -0.064]; p=0.020) was found to be another significant factor affecting the total knowledge score of HCPs. Overall, scoring of the correct responses revealed that nurses have better knowledge and understanding about influenza and the influenza vaccination (6.5±0.8, p<0.001*), followed by pharmacists (6.3±1.14) and physicians. In spite of the published guidelines and recommendations, a very low percentage of the healthcare professionals in our hospital were vaccinated against influenza, and the barriers to vaccination were prevalent. Various strategies, including arranging seminars regarding awareness about vaccinations, are required to improve the knowledge and overall outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  6. Mohd Yusof MY, Cauwels R, Martens L
    Arch Oral Biol, 2015 Oct;60(10):1571-6.
    PMID: 26276268 DOI: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2015.07.017
    Age 18 years is considered as the age of majority by most countries. To ascertain the age of interest, both third molar development (TMD) and eruption (TME) staging scores are beneficial without needing multiple imaging modalities. This study aimed to assess the chronological course of TMD and TME in a Malay sub-adult population and evaluate predictions when specific stage(s) of TMD and TME have been attained that are pertinent to the age group of interest (<18 years or ≥18 years). A sample of 714 digital panoramic images for subjects stratified by age between 14.1 and 23.9 years was retrospectively collected. The techniques described by Gleiser and Hunt (modified by Kohler) and Olze were employed to stage TMD and TME, respectively. A binary logistic regression was performed to predict the 18-year threshold with staging score as predictors. Stages 4-6 (TMD) and A-B (TME) for males and stages 4 (TMD) and A (TME) for females were found to discriminate the <18-year group. For both genders, stages 9-10 (TMD) and D (TME) can be used as reference stages to estimate whether a subject is likely to be ≥18 years, with 94.74-100% and 85.88-96.38% correct predictions, respectively. Stages 4 (TMD) and A (TME) can also be used to identify juveniles (<18 years) with a high degree of correct predictions, 100%. The juvenility of an individual is easily anticipated by using the specific staging scores of both third molar variables (TMD and TME) without complex calculations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  7. Tan WL, Yihui G, Abu Hassan MR
    Epidemiol Health, 2015;37:e2015032.
    PMID: 26212507 DOI: 10.4178/epih/e2015032
    OBJECTIVES: This study explored the demographic characteristics of hepatitis C patients in the Kota Setar (KS) district, Kedah, Malaysia, the prevalence of intravenous drug use (IVDU) as a risk factor among these patients, and the associations between IVDU and demographic characteristics.

    METHODS: Retrospective data pertaining to 713 patients from January 2009 to December 2013 were retrieved from hospital and disease notification records for analysis. The risk factors for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection were grouped into IVDU and non-IVDU risk factors for analysis using multiple logistic regression.

    RESULTS: Of the hepatitis C patients included in this study, the most common age group was 31 to 40 years (30.2%), and male patients (91.2%) made up the overwhelming majority. Ethnic Malays constituted approximately 80.4% of the patients, and IVDU was the main risk factor (77.8%) for HCV infection. Multiple logistic regression showed that male patients were 59 times more likely to have IVDU as a risk factor for HCV infection. Single patients were 2.5 times more likely to have IVDU as a risk factor. Patients aged ≥71 years were much less likely than patients aged ≤30 years to have IVDU as a risk factor for HCV infection.

    CONCLUSIONS: IVDU was found to be an important risk factor for HCV infection among patients in the KS district. The factors associated with IVDU included age, sex, and marital status. Appropriate preventive measures should be developed to target the groups in which IVDU is most likely to be a risk factor for HCV infection.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  8. Zulkifli SN, Low WY
    J Adolesc Health, 2000 Oct;27(4):276-80.
    PMID: 11008091
    This paper describes findings on selected determinants of sexual intercourse among 468 unmarried adolescents from a survey in Malaysia. Data on respondents' background, sexual experience, contraceptive use, and sexual attitudes are provided. Based on multiple logistic regressions, factors significantly predictive of sexual experience are gender, employment, and sexual attitudes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  9. Boey CC, Goh KL
    Acta Paediatr, 2001 Mar;90(3):353-5.
    PMID: 11332181
    A cross-sectional survey of school-children aged from 9 to 15 y was performed in the city of Petaling Jaya to look for predictors of recurrent abdominal pain. A sample of 1488 children was randomly chosen, of whom 143 (9.6%) had recurrent abdominal pain according to Apley's criteria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  10. Hauswald M, Ong G, Tandberg D, Omar Z
    Acad Emerg Med, 1998 Mar;5(3):214-9.
    PMID: 9523928
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of emergency immobilization on neurologic outcome of patients who have blunt traumatic spinal injuries.

    METHODS: A 5-year retrospective chart review was carried out at 2 university hospitals. All patients with acute blunt traumatic spinal or spinal cord injuries transported directly from the injury site to the hospital were entered. None of the 120 patients seen at the University of Malaya had spinal immobilization during transport, whereas all 334 patients seen at the University of New Mexico did. The 2 hospitals were comparable in physician training and clinical resources. Neurologic injuries were assigned to 2 categories, disabling or not disabling, by 2 physicians acting independently and blinded to the hospital of origin. Data were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression, with hospital location, patient age, gender, anatomic level of injury, and injury mechanism serving as explanatory variables.

    RESULTS: There was less neurologic disability in the unimmobilized Malaysian patients (OR 2.03; 95% CI 1.03-3.99; p = 0.04). This corresponds to a <2% chance that immobilization has any beneficial effect. Results were similar when the analysis was limited to patients with cervical injuries (OR 1.52; 95% CI 0.64-3.62; p = 0.34).

    CONCLUSION: Out-of-hospital immobilization has little or no effect on neurologic outcome in patients with blunt spinal injuries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  11. Tay AK, Mohsin M, Hau KM, Badrudduza M, Balasundaram S, Morgan K, et al.
    Psychol Med, 2020 Sep 11.
    PMID: 32914737 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291720003104
    BACKGROUND: Large variations in prevalence rates of common mental disorder (CMD) amongst refugees and forcibly displaced populations have raised questions about the accuracy and value of epidemiological surveys in these cross-cultural settings. We examined the associations of sociodemographic indices, premigration traumatic events (TEs), postmigration living difficulties (PMLDs), and psychosocial disruptions based on the Adaptive Stress Index (ASI) in relation to CMD prevalence amongst the Rohingya, Chin and Kachin refugees originating from Myanmar and relocated to Malaysia.

    METHODS: Parallel epidemiological studies were conducted in areas where the three groups were concentrated in and around Malaysia (response rates: 80-83%).

    RESULTS: TE exposure, PMLDs and ASI were significantly associated with CMD prevalence in each group but the Rohingya recorded the highest exposure to all three of these former indices relative to Chin and Kachin (TE: mean = 11.1 v. 8.2 v. 11; PMLD: mean = 13.5 v. 7.4 v. 8.7; ASI: mean = 128.9 v. 32.1 v. 35.5). Multiple logistic regression analyses based on the pooled sample (n = 2058) controlling for gender and age, found that ethnic group membership, premigration TEs (16 or more TEs: OR, 2.00; 95% CI, 1.39-2.88; p < 0.001), PMLDs (10-15 PMLDs: OR, 4.19; 95% CI, 3.17-5.54; 16 or more PMLDs: OR, 7.23; 95% CI, 5.24-9.98; p < 0.001) and ASI score (ASI score 100 or greater: OR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.46-3.30; p < 0.001) contributed to CMD.

    CONCLUSIONS: Factors specific to each ethnic group and differences in the quantum of exposure to TEs, PMLDs and psychosocial disruptions appeared to account in large part for differences in prevalence rates of CMDs observed across these three groups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  12. Ananth S, Shrestha N, Treviño C JA, Nguyen US, Haque U, Angulo-Molina A, et al.
    Pathogens, 2020 Nov 19;9(11).
    PMID: 33228120 DOI: 10.3390/pathogens9110964
    Arboviruses such as Chikungunya (CHIKV), Dengue (DENV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) have emerged as a significant public health concern in Mexico. The existing literature lacks evidence regarding the dispersion of arboviruses, thereby limiting public health policy's ability to integrate the diagnosis, management, and prevention. This study seeks to reveal the clinical symptoms of CHIK, DENV, and ZIKV by age group, region, sex, and time across Mexico. The confirmed cases of CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV were compiled from January 2012 to March 2020. Demographic characteristics analyzed significant clinical symptoms of confirmed cases. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the association between clinical symptoms and geographical regions. Females and individuals aged 15 and older had higher rates of reported significant symptoms across all three arboviruses. DENV showed a temporal variation of symptoms by regions 3 and 5, whereas ZIKV presented temporal variables in regions 2 and 4. This study revealed unique and overlapping symptoms between CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV. However, the differentiation of CHIKV, DENV, and ZIKV is difficult, and diagnostic facilities are not available in rural areas. There is a need for adequately trained healthcare staff alongside well-equipped lab facilities, including hematological tests and imaging facilities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  13. Ting SL, Saimon R, Rahman MM, Safii R, Ho SL, John N, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 11;75(6):649-654.
    PMID: 33219172
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Physical and behavioural problems from extended usage of electronic devices are issues among primary school children. This study is aimed to investigate the prevalence of physical and behavioural complaints arising from the electronic device usage and to identify the potential factors that predicted the complaints.

    METHODS: This was a primary school-based cross-sectional study using multistage cluster sampling, conducted at Bau district in Sarawak, Malaysia in 40 primary schools. A questionnaire was used to collect information of usage pattern in insufficient lighting, timing and position. The physical and behavioural complaints were traced. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 22. A p-value < 0.05 with 95% CI was considered as statistically significant.

    RESULTS: About 52.8% of the 569 students used digital devices in a bright room, 69.8% in the day time and 54.4% in sitting position. The physical complaints were headache (32.9%), neck, shoulder and back pain (32.9%) followed by by eye strain (31.8%). Regarding behavioural problems, 25.7% of the students had loss of interest in study and outdoor activities (20.7%), skipped meals (19.0%) and arguments/disagreements with parents (17.9%). After logistic regression analysis, the lying position (OR=1.71, 95% CI: 1.096, 2.688) and darkroom lighting (OR=2.323 95% CI: 1.138, 4.744) appeared to be potential predictors of the complaint.

    CONCLUSION: One-quarter of the students studied experienced physical complaints, and one-fifth had behavioural problems associated with the use of electronic devices. Lying position and darkroom lighting are the potential predictors of complaints. Therefore, we suggest that the children should use electronic devices in the sitting position with adequate room lighting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  14. Natarajan P, Choudhury M, Seenivasan MK, Jeyapalan K, Natarajan S, Vaidhyanathan AK
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2019 May;11(Suppl 2):S402-S406.
    PMID: 31198377 DOI: 10.4103/JPBS.JPBS_48_19
    Aim: This study evaluated the relationship between missing posterior teeth and body mass index with regard to age and socioeconomic state in a sample of the suburban south Indian population.

    Materials and Methods: The 500 individuals of both males and females aged 40 years and older with missing posterior teeth and not rehabilitated with any prosthesis were gone through a clinical history, intraoral examination, and anthropometric measurement to get information regarding age, sex, socioeconomic status, missing posterior teeth, and body mass index (BMI). Subjects were divided into five groups according to BMI (underweight > 18.5 kg/m2, normal weight 18.5-23 kg/m2, overweight 23-25 kg/m2, obese without surgery 25-32.5 kg/m2, obese with surgery < 32.5 kg/m2). Multivariate logistic regression was used to adjust data according to age, sex, number of missing posterior teeth, and socioeconomic status.

    Results: People with a higher number of tooth loss were more obese. Females with high tooth loss were found to be more obese than male. Low socioeconomic group obese female had significantly higher tooth loss than any other group. No significant relation between age and obesity was found with regard to tooth loss.

    Conclusion: The BMI and tooth loss are interrelated. Management of obesity and tooth loss can help to maintain the overall health status.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  15. Lim KH, Teh CH, Heng PP, Pan S, Ling MY, Yusoff MFM, et al.
    Tob Induc Dis, 2018;16:51.
    PMID: 31516448 DOI: 10.18332/tid/96297
    INTRODUCTION: Understanding how and where youth obtain tobacco products are major factors in the development of suitable intervention programs to reduce youth smoking. This study aimed to determine the source of cigarettes and the associated factors among Malaysian school adolescent smokers.

    METHODS: Our sample consisted of 1348 youth aged 10-17 years who were current smokers (having smoked at least once in the last 30 days). The source of cigarettes (commercial, over-the-counter purchases; or social, borrowing or obtaining from someone else) was the dependent variable, and multivariable logistic regression was employed to determine its association with independent variables (i.e. sociodemographics, smoking behavior, and knowledge of laws prohibiting sales of cigarettes to youth).

    RESULTS: Over half (54.3%) of current smokers obtained cigarettes from commercial sources, with a proportion nearly two times higher (84.2% vs 43.7%) among frequent smokers (i.e. those smoking more than 20 days per month) compared to less-frequent smokers, and among young males (56.5% vs 32.0%) compared young females. Multivariable logistic regression indicated that in urban areas, young females (AOR=12.5, 95% CI: 1.38-99.8) frequent smokers (AOR=4.41, 95% CI: 2.05-9.46), and those studying in lower (AOR=3.76, 95% CI: 1.41-10.02) and upper secondary (AOR=4.74, 95% CI: 1.72-13.06) school students were more likely to obtain cigarettes from a commercial source. On the other hand, in rural areas, only frequent smokers were more likely to get their cigarettes from commercial sources, whilst other variables were not significant.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of youth smokers who obtained cigarettes from commercial sources appeared to be high, suggesting that law enforcement and health promotion activities should be enhanced to reduce the rate of smoking among Malaysian youth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  16. Abdullah D, Soo SY, Kanagasingam S
    Singapore Dent J, 2016 Dec;37:21-26.
    PMID: 27916252 DOI: 10.1016/j.sdj.2016.01.001
    BACKGROUND: Dental and maxillofacial injuries are one of the areas of concern highlighted in the Malaysian National Oral Health Plan 2011-2020. General dental practitioners (GDPs) have the responsibility of diagnosing and assessing dental trauma and determining the prognosis and outcomes of trauma along with its management. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge base and preferred methods of general dental practitioners regarding the management of avulsed tooth.

    METHODS: A random convenient sampling methodology was employed for sample selection. A pre-tested 11-item questionnaire was validated on the dental officers. The survey was distributed to 182 GDPs attending the annual Malaysian Dental Association conference in January 2010. The data obtained was statistically analyzed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression was employed to predict the probability of achieving high scores.

    RESULTS: A total of 182 general dental practitioners participated in the study, with the majority being female (n=153, 75%). The place of practice significantly affected the knowledge score. In the group that scored more than 80 points (n=84, 46%), 76% of them worked with government hospitals. Age, work duration and number of traumatised teeth previously treated had no significant effect. The odds ratio for place of practice indicates that respondents who work in government hospitals are 3.6 times more likely to score more than 80 points compared to those who worked in private clinics (OR=3.615, P=0.001).

    CONCLUSION: The knowledge level on the management of avulsed tooth among general dental practitioners in Malaysia needs to be improved. Strategies in improvement of the Malaysian dental educational system, continuous dental educational activities and utilisation of guidelines on trauma management should be recommended to increase the knowledge level of avulsed tooth management to ensure good treatment outcomes.

    CLINICAL IMPLICATION: Trauma prevention and further education regarding the management of avulsed tooth is an essential requirement to improve general dental practitioners knowledge and clinical skills.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  17. Karimah Hanim, A.A., Razman, M.R., Jamalludin, A.R., Nasreen, E.H., Htike Myat Phyu, SweSwe, L., et al.
    Background: With increasing number of dengue cases in Malaysia, it’s of utmost importance that immediate
    action be taken to limit the epidemic. Since dengue control is a behavioral problem, the knowledge,
    attitude and practice in population needs to be studied in order to control the disease. Hence, the aim of
    this study is to assess knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue and its associated factors among
    adult residents of Felda Sungai Panching Timur (SPT), Kuantan, Pahang, 2014.

    Method: A cross sectional
    study was carried out involving 265 adult respondents. A face to face interview questionnaire which was
    divided into 2 parts (Part A: Sociodemoghraphic; Part B: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) was used. Data
    was analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple and multiple logistic regression.

    Results: 53.2% of the
    respondents had good knowledge about dengue and it was found that the main source of information from
    mass media (76.6%). However, only 43.4% were found to have good attitude towards dengue. Multiple
    Logistic Regression analysis showed there was no association between sociodemographic characteristics with
    the level of knowledge and attitude towards dengue. There was also no association found between
    knowledge of dengue and the attitude of the respondents towards dengue. Descriptive analysis on the
    practice of dengue showed majority of the respondents who had possible breeding site for Aedes mosquitos
    (water container, drains/gutter roof/flower pots/tires) in their compound practiced good habit in
    preventing the Aedes mosquitoes from breed.

    Conclusion: Although knowledge and practice towards dengue
    is good, their attitude require improvement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  18. Draman N, Mohamad N, Yusoff HM, Muhamad R
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2017 Oct;12(5):412-417.
    PMID: 31435272 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.05.005
    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the association between decision making for breastfeeding practices and associated factors for exclusive breastfeeding practices among parents attending primary health care facilities.

    Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 196 parents who attended primary health care facilities in suburban Malaysia. A self-administered questionnaire was given to assess decision-making styles and factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding practices. Systematic random sampling was used for the non-exclusive breastfeeding group, and convenience sampling was used for the exclusive breastfeeding group. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the associated factors for exclusive breastfeeding practices.

    Results: We found an association between the mutual decision of parents on exclusive breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding practices. Previous exclusive breastfeeding experience, fathers' ages, mothers' occupations and mutual decisions had significant impact on exclusive breastfeeding practices.

    Conclusion: The important determinant for practising exclusive breastfeeding is parents' mutual decisions. Therefore, practitioners need to continuously educate and emphasize the fathers' role in the breastfeeding process.

    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
  19. Zainul-Abidin S, Lim B, Bin-Abd-Razak HR, Gatot C, Allen JC, Koh J, et al.
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Jul;13(2):28-34.
    PMID: 31467648 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1907.005
    Introduction: Periprosthetic fractures are a devastating complication following total knee arthroplasty. Little is known about the effect of mechanical factors on the incidence of periprosthetic fractures. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between pre-operative mechanical factors, like side of surgery, coronal alignment and pre-operative range of motion and intra-operative factors, and the incidence of a periprosthetic fracture, following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Materials and Methods: Forty-two patients with periprosthetic fractures (PPF) after primary TKA were identified from our hospital arthroplasty registry. These patients were matched two-to-one for gender and age at primary knee arthroplasty to 84 patients without PPF. The incidence of periprosthetic fracture with regards to laterality, coronal alignment and pre-operative range of motion was analysed. Intra-operative factors like implant type, patellar resurfacing and notching were also analysed using logistic regression. Results: Coronal alignment, pre-operative range of motion and patella resurfacing were not significant predictors of periprosthetic fractures. Anterior femoral notching was found to be significantly higher in the fracture group with an odds ratio of 17. Left sided surgery was also significantly higher in the periprosthetic fracture group. Conclusion: Periprosthetic fractures are 17 times more likely to occur in a knee with anterior femoral notching. Preoperative factors like coronal alignment and poor preoperative range of motion do not seem to increase the risk of periprosthetic fractures after TKA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Logistic Models
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