METHODS: 99 adult patients at four training and research hospitals who had undergone an abdominal contrast computed tomography scan in the ED with the final diagnosis of splenic abscess from January 2004 to November 2017 were recruited. Evaluation for sarcopenia was performed via calculating the psoas cross-sectional area at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and normalising for height, before checking it against pre-defined values. Univariate analyses were used to evaluate the differences between survivors and non-survivors. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the presence of sarcopenia in predicting in-hospital mortality were calculated. Kaplan-Meier methods, log-rank test, and Cox proportional hazards model were also performed to examine survival between groups with sarcopenia versus non-sarcopenia.
RESULTS: Splenic abscess patients with sarcopenia were 7.56 times more at risk of in-hospital mortality than those without sarcopenia (multivariate-adjusted HR: 7.56; 95% CI: 1.55-36.93). Presence of sarcopenia was found to have 84.62% sensitivity and 96.49% negative predictive value in predicting mortality.
CONCLUSION: Sarcopenia is associated with poor prognoses of in-hospital mortality in patients with splenic abscess presenting to the ED. We recommend its use in the ED to rapidly risk stratify and predict outcome to guide treatment strategies.
METHODS: This was a descriptive case study conducted in three selected small footwear factories located in Ciomas, Bogor, Indonesia. The assessment was conducted using the chemical health risk assessment method by the Department of Safety and Health Malaysia Year 2018.
RESULTS: Results showed that the level of risk of chemicals through inhalation fell on the moderate and high-risk categories, indicating that high exposure could lead to carcinogenic effects. Dermal exposure was categorised as moderate risk, causing such health effects as skin and eye irritation.
CONCLUSION: Factory X, Y, and Z have been found to have a significant risk of hazardous chemical exposure (i.e., benzene and toluene), specifically at the glueing stations, either from inhalation or dermal contact.
METHOD: Variables included in our model are categorized into four pillars: (i) incidence of cases, (ii) reliability of case data, (iii) vaccination, and (iv) variant surveillance. These measures are combined based on weights that reflect their corresponding importance in risk assessment within the context of the pandemic to calculate the risk score for each country. As a validation step, the outcome of the risk stratification from our model is compared against four countries.
RESULTS: Our model is found to have good agreement with these benchmarked risk designations for 27 out of the top 30 countries with the strongest travel ties to Malaysia (90%). Each factor within this model signifies its importance and can be adapted by governing bodies to address the changing needs of border control policies for the recommencement of international travel.
CONCLUSION: In practice, the proposed model provides a turnkey solution for nations to manage transmission risk by enabling stakeholders to make informed, evidence-based decisions to minimize fluctuations of imported cases and serves as a structure to support the improvement, planning, and activation of public health control measures.