Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 870 in total

  1. Shazrizil Zakaria, Desa Ahmad, Khalina Abdan, Mohd Rafee Baharudin
    Fire emergencies are threat to the occupants of a residential college. Some of the Malaysian residential colleges were built in the 1970s. Back then, the compliancy to Uniform Building By-law 1984 was not entirely practiced. This study aims to evaluate fire safety measures in selected residential colleges of a Malaysian University, which were built before 1984. This includes occupants’ level of awareness and knowledge of the occupants regarding fire safety measures. This study was conducted in selected residential colleges, built before 1984, which were named as A, B, C, and D Colleges. One new college building was selected to be the control variable, the E College. Survey questionnaires were given to 401 respondents to obtain information regarding the fire safety awareness and knowledge. Fire safety inspections were conducted to determine the level of fire safety protection systems in colleges and the documentation of emergency response plan were reviewed. From the study, the level of fire safety awareness among the occupants were higher compared to their fire safety knowledge. Fire safety inspection result indicated that overall buildings inspected complies with the local regulation while safety documentation reviews were satisfactorily adequate. Overall, the score for fire safety measures in all selected colleges were sufficient and in good condition. This study is significant for those in the field of safety and health practice pertaining to fire safety engineering and regulations, to plan for better and more efficient fire hazard and risk assessment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  2. Hoque MA, Pradhan B, Ahmed N, Sohel MSI
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Nov 17.
    PMID: 33248778 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143600
    Droughts are recurring events in Australia and cause a severe effect on agricultural and water resources. However, the studies about agricultural drought risk mapping are very limited in Australia. Therefore, a comprehensive agricultural drought risk assessment approach that incorporates all the risk components with their influencing criteria is essential to generate detailed drought risk information for operational drought management. A comprehensive agricultural drought risk assessment approach was prepared in this work incorporating all components of risk (hazard, vulnerability, exposure, and mitigation capacity) with their relevant criteria using geospatial techniques. The prepared approach is then applied to identify the spatial pattern of agricultural drought risk for Northern New South Wales region of Australia. A total of 16 relevant criteria under each risk component were considered, and fuzzy logic aided geospatial techniques were used to prepare vulnerability, exposure, hazard, and mitigation capacity indices. These indices were then incorporated to quantify agricultural drought risk comprehensively in the study area. The outputs depicted that about 19.2% and 41.7% areas are under very-high and moderate to high risk to agricultural droughts, respectively. The efficiency of the results is successfully evaluated using a drought inventory map. The generated spatial drought risk information produced by this study can assist relevant authorities in formulating proactive agricultural drought mitigation strategies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  3. Hung SK, Kou HW, Hsu KH, Wu CT, Lee CW, Leonard Goh ZN, et al.
    J Formos Med Assoc, 2021 Mar;120(3):997-1004.
    PMID: 32917483 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfma.2020.08.039
    BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Splenic abscess is a life-threatening surgical emergency which requires early diagnosis and intervention to maximize patient outcomes. This can be achieved through accurate risk stratification in the emergency department (ED). Sarcopenia refers to an age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength that is accompanied by major physiologic and clinical ramifications, and often signifies decreased physiologic reserves. It is associated with poor clinical outcomes in sepsis, acute respiratory failure, oncological surgery, and liver transplantation. This study evaluates the utility of sarcopenia as a radiological stratification tool to predict in-hospital mortality of splenic abscess patients in the ED. This will assist emergency physicians, internists and surgeons in rapid risk stratification, assessing treatment options, and communicating with family members.

    METHODS: 99 adult patients at four training and research hospitals who had undergone an abdominal contrast computed tomography scan in the ED with the final diagnosis of splenic abscess from January 2004 to November 2017 were recruited. Evaluation for sarcopenia was performed via calculating the psoas cross-sectional area at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and normalising for height, before checking it against pre-defined values. Univariate analyses were used to evaluate the differences between survivors and non-survivors. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the presence of sarcopenia in predicting in-hospital mortality were calculated. Kaplan-Meier methods, log-rank test, and Cox proportional hazards model were also performed to examine survival between groups with sarcopenia versus non-sarcopenia.

    RESULTS: Splenic abscess patients with sarcopenia were 7.56 times more at risk of in-hospital mortality than those without sarcopenia (multivariate-adjusted HR: 7.56; 95% CI: 1.55-36.93). Presence of sarcopenia was found to have 84.62% sensitivity and 96.49% negative predictive value in predicting mortality.

    CONCLUSION: Sarcopenia is associated with poor prognoses of in-hospital mortality in patients with splenic abscess presenting to the ED. We recommend its use in the ED to rapidly risk stratify and predict outcome to guide treatment strategies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  4. Shehab ZN, Jamil NR, Aris AZ
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Nov 15;274:111141.
    PMID: 32818827 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111141
    A simplified modelling approach for illustrating the fate of emerging pollutants can improve risk assessment of these chemicals. Once released into aquatic environments, these pollutants will interact with various substances including suspended particles, colloidal or nano particles, which will greatly influence their distribution and ultimate fate. Understanding these interactions in aquatic environments continues to be an important issue because of their possible risk. In this study, bisphenol A (BPA) in the water column of Bentong River, Malaysia, was investigated in both its soluble and colloidal phase. A spatially explicit hydrological model was established to illustrate the associated dispersion processes of colloidal-bound BPA. Modelling results demonstrated the significance of spatial detail in predicting hot spots or peak concentrations of colloidal-bound BPA in the sediment and water columns as well. The magnitude and setting of such spots were system based and depended mainly on flow conditions. The results highlighted the effects of colloidal particles' concentration and density on BPA's removal from the water column. It also demonstrated the tendency of colloidal particles to aggregate and the impact all these processes had on BPA's transport potential and fate in a river water. All scenarios showed that after 7.5-10 km mark BPA's concentration started to reach a steady state with very low concentrations which indicated that a downstream transport of colloidal-bound BPA was less likely due to minute BPA levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  5. Rahim MH, Dom NC, Ismail SNS, Mulud ZA, Abdullah S, Pradhan B
    One Health, 2021 Jun;12:100222.
    PMID: 33553566 DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2021.100222
    This study has highlighted the trend of recently-reported dengue cases after the implementation of the Movement Control Orders (MCOs) caused due to COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. The researchers used the dengue surveillance data published by the Malaysian Ministry of Health during the 3 phases of MCO (which ranged between 17th March 2020 and 28th April 2020) was used for determining the cumulative number of dengue patients. Thereafter, the dengue cases were mapped using the Geographical Information System (GIS). The results indicated that during the 42 days of MCO in Peninsular Malaysia, 11,242 total cases of dengue were reported. The daily trend of the dengue cases showed a decrease from 7268 cases that occurred before the MCOs to 4662 dengue cases that occurred during the initial 14 days of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., MCO I), to 3075 cases occurring during the MCO II and 3505 dengue cases noted during MCO III. The central peninsular region showed a maximal decrease in new dengue cases (52.62%), followed by the northern peninsular region (1.89%); eastern coastal region (1.25%) and the southern peninsular region (1.14%) during the initial MCO implementation. However, an increase in the new dengue cases was noted during the MCO III period, wherein all states showed an increase in the new dengue cases as compared during MCO II. The decrease in the pattern was not solely based on the MCO, hence, further investigation is necessary after considering different influencing factors. These results have important implication for future large-scale risk assessment, planning and hazard mitigation on dengue management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  6. Ahmed MF, Lim CK, Mokhtar MB, Khirotdin RPK
    PMID: 34360286 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18157997
    Chemical pollution in the transboundary Langat River in Malaysia is common both from point and non-point sources. Therefore, the water treatment plants (WTPS) at the Langat River Basin have experienced frequent shutdown incidents. However, the Langat River is one of the main sources of drinking water to almost one-third of the population in Selangor state. Meanwhile, several studies have reported a high concentration of Arsenic (As) in the Langat River that is toxic if ingested via drinking water. However, this is a pioneer study that predicts the As concentration in the Langat River based on time-series data from 2005-2014 to estimate the health risk associated with As ingestion via drinking water at the Langat River Basin. Several time-series prediction models were tested and Gradient Boosted Tree (GBT) gained the best result. This GBT model also fits better to predict the As concentration until December 2024. The mean concentration of As in the Langat River for both 2014 and 2024, as well as the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of As ingestion via drinking water, were within the drinking water quality standards proposed by the World Health Organization and Ministry of Health Malaysia. However, the ingestion of trace amounts of As over a long period might be detrimental to human health because of its non-biodegradable characteristics. Therefore, it is important to manage the drinking water sources to minimise As exposure risks to human health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  7. Ahmad Fuad AF, Said MH, Samo K, Rahman MAA, Mohd MH, Zainol I
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2020;2020:6957171.
    PMID: 33414690 DOI: 10.1155/2020/6957171
    Introduction. Trawling is a method of catching fish in a large volume where fish nets are pulled through water using one or two boats. Bottom trawling is where the nets are pulled over on the seabed. The gear of the bottom trawling would impact the exposed subsea pipeline, on the seabed. Subsea pipelines transport crude oil and gas from the offshore platform to shore facility. This study assesses the risk of fish trawling activities to the subsea pipelines at Sabah and Labuan offshore. The specification of trawl equipment used by local trawlers in Sabah was determined by the on-site survey. The frequency of a fish trawler crossing over the pipelines was calculated based interview on operation and site survey. The calculation of the pull-over load of the otter board was calculated using the DNVGL algorithm. The severity and frequency index of the risk matrix was developed based on literature review. Results showed that the pull-over load of the otter board would not damage the pipelines. The risk posed by the fish trawler activity to the pipelines is low and moderate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  8. Khan AH, Aziz HA, Khan NA, Dhingra A, Ahmed S, Naushad M
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 10;794:148484.
    PMID: 34217082 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148484
    The occurrence of pharmaceutical residues in the aquatic ecosystem is an emerging concern of environmentalists. This study primarily investigated the seasonal variation of high-priority pharmaceutical residues in the Yamuna River, accompanied by 22 drains discharge from different parts of Delhi. Five sampling sites were selected for analyzing high-priority pharmaceuticals along with physico-chemical and biological parameters for 3 season's viz. pre-monsoon (PrM), monsoon (DuM), and post-monsoon (PoM), respectively. The maximum occurrences were detected during the PoM, compared to the PrM and DuM seasons. The maximum concentration of BOD, COD, and Phosphate was detected at the last sampling station (SP-5). Similarly, all targeted pharmaceuticals concentration were maximum at the last sampling point i.e. Okhla barrage (SP-5, max: DIC = 556.1 ng/l, IBU = 223.4 ng/l, CAR = 183.1 ng/l, DIA = 457.8 ng/l, OFL = 1726.5 ng/l, FRU = 312.2 ng/l and SIM = 414.9 ng/l) except at Barapulla downstream (SP-4, max: ERY = 178.1 ng/l). The mean concentrations of Fecal coliform (FC) ranged from 1700 to 6500 CFU/100 ml. The maximum colonies were detected in PrM season (6500 CFU/100 ml) followed by PoM (5800 CFU/100 ml) and least in DuM (1700 CFU/100 ml). Risk quotient (RQ) analysis of high-priority pharmaceuticals indicated high ecotoxicological risks exposure (>1) from DIC, DIA, OFL, and SIM in all seasons at all the sampling sites. However, lower risk was predicted for IBU, CAR, ERY, and FRU, respectively. This risk assessment indicated an aquatic ecosystem potentially exposed to high risks from these pharmaceutical residues. Moreover, seasonal agricultural application, rainfall, and temperature could influence the levels and compositions of pharmaceutical residue in the aquatic ecosystem. Hence, attention is required particularly to this stream since it is only a local lifeline source for urban consumers for domestic water supply and farmers for cultivation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  9. Ezrin Hani Sukadarin, Baba Md Deros, Jaharah A. Ghani, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail, Nur Syazwani Mohd Nawi, Norhidayah Abdull
    Validity test is important during the development of ergonomics measurement. Failure to conduct validity tests will result in the measurement method being developed to be incapable of providing reliable ergonomics measurements. The objective of this study is to conduct validity test on the simple method ergonomics measurement which was developed. The method named Simple Ergonomics Risks Assessment (SERA). Content validity test and criterion validity test were conducted. The content validity test consists of 6 ergonomics experts who actively provide inputs and positive feedbacks to improve the measurement method being developed. Meanwhile, the criterion validity test involves data collection of complaints on body parts among oil palm workers which were derived from Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) and ergonomics risk assessment scores obtained from SERA. Both findings were tested with the Chi-square test to explore possible relations between the two findings. Results from the test conducted showed that there are significant relations in the scores of neck posture; hip, right and left shoulder, right and left wrists and the right hand associated with fresh fruit bunch (FFB) harvesting activities. In the loose fruits collection, the Chi-square test showed significant relations in the scores of neck posture, hip, right and left shoulders, right wrist, right arm and the left hand. However, there are body parts such as the legs which showed no significant relation. More tests should be conducted to further explore the validity of the method being developed. Findings from both validity tests show that SERA were verified by the experts and tested with validated method so that it is valid to be applied in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  10. S.L. Tan
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(2):129-138.
    The paper seeks to assuage the fears and worries over living modified organisms (LMOs). It describes how any research carried out on LMOs as well as any release activity on LMOs for public use in Malaysia is controlled by the Biosafety Act 2007. Stringent risk assessment of the LMO and its product/s is carried out to eradicate or minimize the negative effects of these on animal and human health, and to biological diversity and the environment. In contrast, no such risk assessment is carried out on introduced exotic species, or on the products of other types of technology, with the exception of pharmaceuticals. Examples are given comparing risk assessment on LMOs and exotic species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  11. Zainap Lamat, Yuhani Jamian, Mohd Agus Adib Eskandar
    Sarawak has experienced several earthquakes of local origin and was also affected by long-distance earthquake that originated from Southern Philippine and the Straits of Macassar, Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea. The objectives for this study were to conduct site specific ground response analysis and develop design response spectra for Bakun area by using 1-D equivalent linear ground response analysis. The site characterisation was carried out utilising the soil profile and soil property data of the selected site. Local surface fault ruptures were investigated for possible hazards due to intraplate earthquakes. Earthquake ground motion records were selected based on characteristics of the controlling earthquakes for an area and the maximum magnitude faults were considered for risk assessment. The site-specific response spectra represent the predicted surface ground motions that reflect the levels of strong motion amplitude and frequency content at a particular site. The site-specific ground response analysis for Bakun site found that the peak ground acceleration at bedrock was amplified from 0.16 g to 0.33 g at the ground surface.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  12. Wan Fadzlina Wan Muhd Shukeri, Azrina Md. Ralib, Mohd Basri Mat-Nor
    Clinical scoring methods such as the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
    (SOFA) score are frequently used to predict outcome in sepsis, with limited capacity.
    Further tools for risk assessment of septic critically ill patients would thus be useful.
    Our purpose was to derive a scoring method i.e. Sepsis Mortality Score using multimarker
    approach for the prediction of 30-day mortality in septic critically ill patients,
    and compare its performance to the SOFA score (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  13. Thangam, N., Farah Radhiah, H., Sashitharan, D., Abdul Kadir, A.K.
    Clozapine is effective in treatment resistant schizophrenia. Priaprism is a rare side effect of Clozapine. It is a urological emergency and can lead to permanent damage to the penis. We present two cases two cases of clozapine induced priapism. Both patients were started on Clozapine in view of treatment resistant. For the first patient, priapism was noted after 2 years on Clozapine and treated conservatively. Clozapine was rechallenged in this patient but in a lower dosage and was augmented with amisulpride. He did not develop priaprism until date. In the second case, patient developed priaprism after 7 months on clozapine and required urological intervention. He redeveloped recurrent episode of priaprism as clozapine was restarted on the previous dose. In conclusion, priaprism is not related to dosage or duration of treatment of Clozapine. Thus, a careful risk-benefit assessment need to done as there is always a risk of priapism to recur when clozapine rechallenged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  14. Dai C, Li S, Duan Y, Leong KH, Tu Y, Zhou L
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Dec 20;801:149730.
    PMID: 34467938 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.149730
    Pharmaceuticals in aquatic environment have raised wide attention in recent years due to their potential adverse effects and bioaccumulation in biota. China has been a major producer and consumer of pharmaceuticals, however, the potential human health risk of these chemicals is yet to be determined in China. In this study, we evaluated available exposure data for twenty pharmaceuticals in surface waters from Chinese five major river basins (the Yangtze, Haihe, Pearl, Songliao, and Yellow River Basins), and human health risk assessment was performed. Based on the concentration data and risk data, we conducted research on the source, cause, and control measures of the pharmaceuticals. The twenty pharmaceuticals were found to be ubiquitous in China with median concentrations between 0.09 and 304 ng/L. The estimated daily intake of pharmaceuticals from drinking water and eating fish was calculated. The intake via drinking water was significantly lower than that via eating fish. The risk quotients via water intake and fish consumption ranged from 0 to 17.2, with estrogen and sulfapyridine highest among the twenty pharmaceuticals. High risks of exposure were mainly in North China, including the Haihe and Songliao River Basins. This is the first analysis in Chinese major river basins that has filled the gaps in the research on the human health risks of pharmaceuticals. The results of the study provide basic information of pharmaceutical intake from drinking water and eating fish in China and provide insights into the risk management guidance of pharmaceuticals, and will facilitate the optimization of health advisories and policy making.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  15. Yang J, Ching YC, Kadokami K
    Chemosphere, 2022 Jan;287(Pt 3):132340.
    PMID: 34826953 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132340
    Indoor dust is an important source of human exposure to hazardous organic micropollutants (OMPs) because humans spend about 90 % of their time in the indoor environments. This study initially analyzed the concentrations and compositions of OMPs in the dust of different indoor environments from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 57 OMPs were detected and assigned to 7 chemical classes in this study. The total concentration of OMPs ranged from 5980 to 183,000 ng/g, with the median concentration of 46,400 ng/g. Personal care products, organophosphate esters, and pesticides were the dominant groups, with their median concentrations at 12,000, 10,000, and 5940 ng/g, respectively. The concentrations and compositions of influential OMPs varied in different microenvironments, suggesting different sources and usage patterns in the house. Then, the noncarcinogenic and carcinogenic risks of exposure to these substances for diverse age groups were assessed based on the median concentration. Cumulative noncarcinogenic risks of these OMPs via ingestion pathway were estimated to be negligible (1.41 × 10-4 - 1.87 × 10-3). The carcinogenic risks of these OMPs were higher than 10-6 (1.63 × 10-6 - 6.17 × 10-6) and should be noted. Theobromine accounted for more than 89 % of the cumulative cancer risk, implying that the carcinogenic risk of theobromine needs further monitoring in the future. Toddler was the most affected group for cancer risk among all the age groups, regardless of the microenvironments. These findings from this study may provide a benchmark for future efforts to ensure the safety of indoor dust for the local residents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  16. Savira YM, Tejamaya M, Putri AA
    Gac Sanit, 2021 12 22;35 Suppl 2:S374-S378.
    PMID: 34929854 DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2021.10.054
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyse the health risks related to the use of chemicals among workers in small footwear factories.

    METHODS: This was a descriptive case study conducted in three selected small footwear factories located in Ciomas, Bogor, Indonesia. The assessment was conducted using the chemical health risk assessment method by the Department of Safety and Health Malaysia Year 2018.

    RESULTS: Results showed that the level of risk of chemicals through inhalation fell on the moderate and high-risk categories, indicating that high exposure could lead to carcinogenic effects. Dermal exposure was categorised as moderate risk, causing such health effects as skin and eye irritation.

    CONCLUSION: Factory X, Y, and Z have been found to have a significant risk of hazardous chemical exposure (i.e., benzene and toluene), specifically at the glueing stations, either from inhalation or dermal contact.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  17. Alslaibi TM, Abunada Z, Abu Amr SS, Abustan I
    Environ Technol, 2018 Nov;39(21):2691-2702.
    PMID: 28789588 DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1365936
    Landfills are one of the main point sources of groundwater pollution. This research mainly aims to assess the risk of nitrate [Formula: see text] transport from the unlined landfill to subsurface layers and groundwater using experimental results and the SESOIL model. Samples from 12 groundwater wells downstream of the landfill were collected and analyzed in 2008, 21 years after the landfill construction. The average [Formula: see text] concentration in the wells was 54 mg/L, slightly higher than the World Health Organization ([Formula: see text] 50 mg/L) standards. SESOIL model was used to predict the [Formula: see text] concentration at the bottom of the unsaturated zone. Results indicated that the current mean [Formula: see text] concentration at the bottom of the unsaturated zone is 75 mg/L. the model predicted that the level of NO3 will increased up to 325 mg/L within 30 years. Accordingly, the [Formula: see text] concentration in groundwater wells near the landfill area is expected to gradually increase with time. Although the current risk associated with the [Formula: see text] level might not be harm to adults, however, it might pose severe risks to both adults and infants in the near future due to [Formula: see text] leaching. Urgent mitigation measures such as final cell cover (cap), lining system and vertical expansion should be considered at the landfill to protect the public health in the area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  18. Omar K, Baha Raja D, Abdul Taib NA, Rajaram N, Ahmed J, Arvinder-Singh HS, et al.
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2022;47:102318.
    PMID: 35342008 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2022.102318
    BACKGROUND: Guided by the best practices adapted from national and international bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the UK Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC), this paper aims to develop and provide an empirical risk stratification and assessment framework for advancing the safe resumption of global travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    METHOD: Variables included in our model are categorized into four pillars: (i) incidence of cases, (ii) reliability of case data, (iii) vaccination, and (iv) variant surveillance. These measures are combined based on weights that reflect their corresponding importance in risk assessment within the context of the pandemic to calculate the risk score for each country. As a validation step, the outcome of the risk stratification from our model is compared against four countries.

    RESULTS: Our model is found to have good agreement with these benchmarked risk designations for 27 out of the top 30 countries with the strongest travel ties to Malaysia (90%). Each factor within this model signifies its importance and can be adapted by governing bodies to address the changing needs of border control policies for the recommencement of international travel.

    CONCLUSION: In practice, the proposed model provides a turnkey solution for nations to manage transmission risk by enabling stakeholders to make informed, evidence-based decisions to minimize fluctuations of imported cases and serves as a structure to support the improvement, planning, and activation of public health control measures.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  19. Razak MR, Aris AZ, Zainuddin AH, Yusoff FM, Balia Yusof ZN, Kim SD, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 Feb;313:137377.
    PMID: 36457264 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.137377
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are gaining worldwide attention because of their toxicity, bioaccumulative and resistance to biological degradation in the environment. PFAS can be categorised into endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and identified as possible carcinogenic agents for the aquatic ecosystem and humans. Despite this, only a few studies have been conducted on the aquatic toxicity of PFAS, particularly in invertebrate species such as zooplankton. This study evaluated the acute toxicity of two main PFAS, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), by using freshwater cladocerans (Moina micrura) as bioindicators. This study aimed to assess the adverse effects at different levels of organisations such as organ (heart size and heart rate), individual (individual size and mortality) and population (lethal concentration, LC50). PFOA was shown to be more hazardous than PFOS, with the LC50 values (confidence interval) of 474.7 (350.4-644.5) μg L-1 and 549.6 (407.2-743.9) μg L-1, respectively. As the concentrations of PFOS and PFOA increased, there were declines in individual size and heart rate as compared to the control group. The values of PNECs acquired by using the AF method (PNECAF) for PFOA and PFOS were 0.4747 and 0.5496 μg L-1, respectively. Meanwhile, the PNEC values obtained using the SSD method (PNECSSD) were 1077.0 μg L-1 (PFOA) and 172.5 μg L-1 (PFOS). PNECAF is more protective and conservative compared to PNECSSD. The findings of this study have significant implications for PFOS and PFOA risk assessment in aquatic environments. Thus, it will aid freshwater sustainability and safeguard the human dependency on water resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  20. Ibrahim MS, Naing NN, Abd Aziz A, Makhtar M, Mohamed Yusoff H, Esa NK, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Dec 10;19(24).
    PMID: 36554487 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192416601
    During the initial phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, there was a critical need to create a valid and reliable screening and surveillance for university staff and students. Consequently, 11 medical experts participated in this cross-sectional study to judge three risk categories of either low, medium, or high, for all 1536 possible combinations of 11 key COVID-19 predictors. The independent experts' judgement on each combination was recorded via a novel dashboard-based rating method which presented combinations of these predictors in a dynamic display within Microsoft Excel. The validated instrument also incorporated an innovative algorithm-derived deduction for efficient rating tasks. The results of the study revealed an ordinal-weighted agreement coefficient of 0.81 (0.79 to 0.82, p-value < 0.001) that reached a substantial class of inferential benchmarking. Meanwhile, on average, the novel algorithm eliminated 76.0% of rating tasks by deducing risk categories based on experts' ratings for prior combinations. As a result, this study reported a valid, complete, practical, and efficient method for COVID-19 health screening via a reliable combinatorial-based experts' judgement. The new method to risk assessment may also prove applicable for wider fields of practice whenever a high-stakes decision-making relies on experts' agreement on combinations of important criteria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
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