Displaying publications 881 - 900 of 1522 in total

  1. Ruth Sabrina, S., Nik Azlan, N.M., Adi, O.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(1):28-32.
    Urban cities are synonym with a high incidence of penetrating chest injuries either from accidents or interpersonal violence. The outcome of penetrating chest wound can vary from immediate death to a prolonged morbidity. We here report a case of 39-year-gentleman who presented to Emergency Department Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh, Perak after being stabbed to the chest. His anterior penetrating chest wound was located at the 5th intercostal space medial to the midclavicular line. The stab wound penetrated the myocardium, causing minimal myocardial rupture. He also suffered from left haemothorax and hemopericardium. The haemothorax was drained with insertion of 32 French chest tube. The patient was admitted under the cardiothoracic team and discharged five days later without surgical intervention. He presented again to the Emergency Department with complains of shortness of breath and pleuritic pain. A left ventricular thrombus was detected via echocardiography. Unfortunately, he took his own discharge. Five days later he came again to Emergency Department with sporadic of loss of vision. The mural thrombus dislodged and embolized to the retinal artery causing amaurosis fugax. The patient was treated with aspirin 150mg and his symptoms subsequently resolved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  2. Syuhada, N., Azimatun, N.A., Alfizah, H., Tzar, M.N., Ramliza, R.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(2):64-72.
    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) causes mild to severe diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis in patients who had prior antibiotic exposure. Despite CDI being prevalent worldwide, its epidemiological data is scanty in Malaysia. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and incidence of CDI at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Stool specimens from 147-suspected CDI patients were obtained from 1 November 2011 until 31 October 2012. The presence of C. difficile toxin A and/or B were detected using a commercial immunochromatographic kit (Wampole™ Tox A/B Quik Chek). Surveillance data was collected from patients’ medical records to establish the demographic and clinical characteristics. The overall prevalence and incidence of CDI in UKMMC was 6.1% and 5.2 cases per 10 000 patient-days, respectively. Among nine CDI patients, 77.8% were males and 55.6% were Chinese. CDI was most common in medical wards (88.9%). The median age was 60 years and the median length of hospital stay was 13 days. Majority (88.9%) of CDI patients received antibiotics eight weeks prior to CDI. Penicillin-beta-lactamase inhibitors were the most common antecedent antibiotics. Five (55.6%) CDI patients received acid suppressant medications. The in-hospital mortality rate was 22.2%. In conclusion, the prevalence and incidence of CDI at UKMMC is relatively low and occurs sporadically.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  3. Idris N, Arsyad A
    Malays Fam Physician, 2012;7(2-3):46-50.
    PMID: 25606257 MyJurnal
    Vitamin B12 deficiency is a well-known cause of megaloblastic anaemia and pancytopenia. However, the incidence in pregnancy is rarely reported. We present a case of a 32-year old multigravid woman who was diagnosed with megaloblastic anaemia since 22 weeks gestation and progressed to develop severe pancytopenia at 30 weeks gestation. She was also diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency related to dietary and sociocultural habits. Folate and iron levels were normal throughout pregnancy. Treatment with parenteral cyano-cobalamin resulted in sustained improvement of haematological parameters. The pregnancy was carried to term and the baby was born weighing 2,050gm but otherwise well at birth and had normal developmental milestones thereafter. This case illustrates the clinical presentation of maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and demonstrates the importance of detecting and treating maternal vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy in at-risk patients. Failure to diagnose and institute treatment carries significant risks to both mother and child. Oral vitamin B12 supplementation should be considered for patients who are strict vegetarians or consume very little animal products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  4. Noor Hassim Ismail, Rosnah Ismail, Rampal, K.G.
    Aims : The review was to determine the prevalence of needlestick injury especially among health care personnel and to determine the score of knowledge and compliance to the Standard Universal Precaution.
    Method : Twelve theses were reviewed from year 1996 to 2007 of Master in Community Health Science, Master in Community Health and Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health of Community Health Department Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center involving of 1645 respondents of health care personnel, support staff and student of nursing and medical. Eleven studies were cross sectional design and only one study was retrospective.
    Results : Respondents were dominated by female (74.6%) and Malay ethnicity (65%), as young as 19 years old to 56 years old of age. Majority had received Hepatitis B vaccination (79.4%) but only 37.1% had completed the 3 doses regime. The incidence of episodes of needle stick injury among health care personnel was double (53.7%) compared to final year medical students (20.9%). Needle stick injuries did not occur at random as there were a few health care personnel injured repeatedly. Those who had higher mean or median score for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution were non case of needlestick injury. Work practices had been highlighted in few studies of being risk factors for needlestick injury such as blood withdrawing related activities. Other risk factors were job category, predictive factor for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution, risk perception and training.
    Conclusion : Even though the review could not extrapolated to general population of healthcare personnel but it gave some illustrated pictures to what had happened in small clustered locations. Episodes of needle stick injury was 53.7% for past 12 years, it was double in comparison to final year medical students in year 2001. 13.2% were injured repeatedly. The score of knowledge was more the 50% of range but compliance to Standard Precaution made differences in being cases or non cases among respondents. The seroconversion status till date was unknown.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  5. Hazim, W., Roszaman, R.
    Introduction: In the past, patients with previous abdominal surgery were discouraged from laparoscopic surgery because of perceived increased risk of bowel injury caused by needle and trocar insertion. However, data on the feasibility and safety of surgery of this nature is increasing. We aim to evaluate the surgical outcome of laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy/oophorectomy in previous abdominal surgery. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with descriptive analysis of retrospective data collection from the electronic medical records of women with laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy/ oophorectomy from January 2000 until Dec 2008. Results from patients with previous abdominal surgery were compared with those of women without prior abdominal surgery. Results: Three hundred and seventeen (317) laparoscopic cystectomies/ oophorectomies were performed during the study period. 71 patients (22.5%) had previous history of abdominal surgery. Adhesions were found in 72% of patients versus 40% (p=0.001) who had previous abdominal surgery but the conversion to open surgery rate was similar (3%, p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in blood loss (134.1 ml ±18.6 vs 119.0 ml ± 9.5), operating time (107 min ± 42.0 versus 102.6 min ± 42.6) and postoperative hospital stay (1.92 days ± 1.0 vs 1.91 days ± 0.7 ). The incidence of peri-operative and post-operative complication showed no significant difference in those who had undergone previous abdominal surgery than those without prior abdominal surgery (p=0.7). The overall complication rate in this series was 0.32 %. Conclusion: Laparoscopic cystectomy/ oophorectomy in the previous abdominal surgery is safe with no increase in morbidity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  6. Basri, M.N., Janattul, A.J., Azrina, M.R., Abdul Hadi, M.
    Introduction: Our objectives are to identify the incidence of hypophosphatemia and the associated risk factors. We also want to establish intravenous replacement therapy that is effective for ICU patients. Methods: A prospective observational study assessing adults admitted to ICU in between March and May 2009. All patients without baseline phosphate level and renal failure were excluded. They were evaluated for the occurrence of common risk factors. Association with independent variables that includes age, gender and BMI were verified. Evaluation of IV replacement therapy was done in the treated patients. Results: From 50 patients that were reviewed, nine were excluded. There were 66% male and 34% female with mean age 46.88±17.89. The mean ICU stay was 8.00±6.41 days. The incidence of hypophosphatemia was 29% (n=12/41). Gender and
    creatinine clearance was found to be significantly different between normophosphatemia and
    hypophosphatemia patients. There was no significant association for each potential risk factor and the number of risk factors (≥3) with the incidence of hypophosphatemia. Multi-linear regression analysis showed that lactate, creatinine clearance and pH were significant predictors to the serum levels. A significant difference of mean serum phosphate was seen after repletion by total dose of 10, 20 and 40 mmols in the treatment subgroups. Conclusions: The incidence of hypophosphatemia in our ICU was high and comparable to previous studies. None of the commonly reported risk factors is associated with hypophosphatemia in this studied population. Among all significant correlated variables, only pH was found to be a significant predictor for serum phosphate. Baseline phosphate level may guide the initial replacement dose to prevent delay in normalization of serum levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  7. Ida, S.B.O., Teh, K.H., Quah, B.S.
    Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) frequently occurs in neonates born in thick meconium-stained liquor (TMSL). It continues to be a significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality despite aggressive approaches to intervention. This study aims to identify the perinatal characteristics of deliveries with TMSL associated with the development of MAS and to describe the outcome of those babies who developed MAS.
    All newborns with TMSL born in Hospital Alor Setar, Kedah from 1 October 1998 to 30 April 1999 were prospectively studied. In the hospital, all newborns with TMSL were routinely admitted to the Special Care Nursery for observation. Relevant data regarding pregnancy, delivery, resuscitation and outcome of newborns with and without MAS were collected and analysed. The incidence of TMSL among hospital deliveries was 2.2% (95% C.I. 1.8-2.5%). Thirty-six percent (95% C.I. 28.4-44.7%) of newborns with TMSL developed MAS. Significant risk factors associated with the development of MAS were non-Malay mothers (p=0.04, OR=3.32), resuscitation by paediatric medical officers (p=0.02, OR=2.84) and direct tracheal suction during resuscitation (p=0.02, OR=2.61). The presence of non-Malay mothers or resuscitation by paediatric medical officers or direct tracheal suction during resuscitation gave a sensitivity of 88.2%, specificity of 36.7%, a positive predictive value of 44.1% and a negative predictive value of 84.6% for the development of MAS. Asphyxia, pneumothorax and persistent pulmonary hyper-tension occurred in 25.5%, 7.8% and 5.9% of the babies with MAS respectively. Mechanical ventilation was required in 51% and the mortality rate was 3.9%. In conclusion, the incidence of TMSL and MAS and the mortality rate of neonates with MAS were comparable with that in developed countries. The presence of any one of the significant risk factors had high sensitivity but low specificity for the development of MAS. Newborns were unlikely to develop MAS if all these risk factors were absent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  8. Yu, Victor Y.H.
    ANTENATAL CORTICOSTEROID THERAPY. Benefits. In 1969, the first study was published which showed that prematurely delivered lambs exposed prenatally to corticosteroids survived longer than placebo-treated control animals.' A randomised clinical trial (RCT) followed which demonstrated that antenatal corticosteroid therapy significantly reduced the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in infants born before 2 weeks gestation and reduced mortality in those born before 37 weeks.2 A meta-analysis has been published on 12 RCTs involving over 3000 women in preterm labour, using primarily 24mg of betamethasone or dexamethasone given in 2-6 divided doses over a 48-hour period.' It showed that antenatal corticosteroid therapy is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of RDS (a) if the infant is born > 24 hours or < 7 days of the treatment, (b) in both male and female infants and (c) even in infants < 31 weeks gestation. It also significantly reduces mortality rate and morbidity such as intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), shortens the duration of hospitalisation and reduces treatment costs. The improvement in survival rate in infants born
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  9. Norhamizan Hamzah, Muhammad Aizuddin Bahari, Saini Jeffery Freddy Abdullah, Mazlina Mazlan
    Neurology Asia, 2015;20(1):49-58.
    Objective: To determine the incidence and predictors of early ankle contracture in adults with acquired brain injury. Methods: A prospective cohort study of patients admitted to Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (NICU), University Malaya Medical Centre and referred for rehabilitation within a period of 12 months. Adult patients with newly diagnosed acquired brain injury with no prior deformity to lower limbs, Glasgow Coma Scale ≤ 12, no concomitant spinal or lower limb injuries, medical stability at inclusion into the study and agreed to participate for the total duration of assessment (3 months) were recruited. We conducted weekly review of ankle muscle tone and measurement of ankle maximum passive dorsiflexion motion. The end point is reached if ankle contracture developed or completed 3 months post injury assessment. Results: The cohort included 70 patients, of which only 46 patients completed the study. Twenty-eight patients suffered from severe brain injury whilst 18 from moderate brain injury. Out of the 46 patients, 13 (28%) developed ankle contracture at the end of the study period. Abnormal motor pattern was significantly associated with incidence of ankle contracture, which included spasticity (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  10. Zahara, A.M., Nur Ili, M.T., Yahya, N.A.
    The role of diet in the aetiology of dental caries occurrence has been questioned recently. Aim: This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the relationship between dietary habits and dental caries among 105 children aged 2 to 5 years old in Kuala Lumpur. Methodology: Subjects were selected using convenient sampling method. Their body weight and height were measured and their dental check-up was performed by qualified dental nurses. A Structured questionnaire and 3-day food diaries were distributed to their parents/caretakers to obtain socio-demographic data, oral health practice and dietary habits of the subjects. The dft (decayed, filled teeth) score was used to describe dental caries incidence. Results: Caries was found in 36.6% subjects with mean dft score of 1.95±3.59 (range: 0-16). Energy (r=-0.334, p=0.008), carbohydrate (r=-0.353, p=0.005), fat (r=-0.325, p=0.01), protein (r=-0.264, p=0.038), and calcium (r=-0.470, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  11. Asma, A., Hazim, M.Y.S., Marina, M.B., Azizi, A.B., Suraya, A., Norlaili, M.T., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(2):133-138.
    Proper management of chronic otitis media may reduce the incidence of otogenic brain abscess. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical profile, treatment and surgical outcome of patients presenting with otogenic brain abscess. The medical record of patients in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) with otogenic brain abscess were retrospectively analyzed from January 1997-January 2006. Within this eriod we had approximately 10,800 of follow up cases of chronic otitis media  (COM) in our clinic. Ten patients  (2  females, 8 males) with an average age of 42  (age  range 11  to 69 years) were identified with otogenic brain abscess and included in this study. The mean follow-up period was 14 months.  All patients had cholesteatoma. All patients had a history of chronic ear discharge, headache, otalgia and fever. Six of the 10 patients had cerebellar abscess and 4 had temporal lobe abscess.  Cerebellar signs were present in 3 patients All  the  patients  were  treated  with  broad-spectrum  antibiotics. In 5 patients, mastoid exploration was the primary surgical treatment and the brain abscesses were treated conservatively. In the other 5 patients, craniotomy and drainage were performed followed by mastoid exploration when their neurological conditions had stabilized. All our patients had uneventful recovery. There were no permanent cerebellar signs during the follow up and no mortality reported in our series. In this series we demonstrated that early diagnosis and proper treatment of otogenic abscess leads to good neurological outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  12. Norsham Juliana, Shaiful Yahaya, Abdul Latiff Mohamed, Roslan Harun
    This study targeted two candidate genes from the best known regulator of blood pressure; the rennin angiotensin system; the ACE gene I/D polymorphism and the angiotensinogen M235T polymorphism. The study aimed to determine the genotypes trend between two different populations; the primary hypertensive patients, and the normal populations. 126 subjects were involved in this study (86 primary hypertensive patients and 40 normal individuals). All demographic factors were considered and analyzed. Insertion/deletion polymorphisms of the ACE gene were determined by an assay based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Polymorphism analysis using PCR-RFLP procedure was used to identify the missense mutation M235T of the AGT gene. All significant data was collected using standardized case report form. The association of the different genotypes and the subjects’ condition was analyzed using the chi squared and odds ratio analyses. In the pooled analysis of both groups, it was shown that the polymorphisms in these genes were significantly associated with the incidence of primary hypertension, p<0.05. Results also showed that the D allele of the ACE gene may be associated with increased risk of primary hypertension (p<0.05, O.R: 3.0 [C.I: 1.25 – 5.35]). The angiotensinogen M235T polymorphism also showed a significant result; the T allele is associated with increased risk of primary hypertension (p<0.05, O.R: 2.56[C.I: 1.55 – 5.28]). This knowledge of the candidate genes of rennin angiotensin system has rendered it possible to show that gene polymorphism in symphony leads to the individual risk of primary hypertension.
    Keywords: ACE, M235T, rennin, hypertension

    Study site: University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center and International Medical University Cardiology Clinic
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  13. Kuan JW, Melaine Michael S
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 04;73(2):78-85.
    PMID: 29703870 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVES: There are very few published chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) epidemiology studies in South-East Asia and no representative from Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of adult CML patients (citizen) in a single but representative centre in southern Sarawak.

    RESULTS: Total 79 patients (Malay 39%, Chinese 30.4%, Iban 17.7%, Bidayuh 12.7%) were identified from the databases. Median age at diagnosis was younger, 40, compared to developed countries due to population structure. M:F ratio was higher, 2.6:1 compared to other countries 1.3-1.7:1. Majority presented at chronic phase (89.5%), low/intermediate risk score (80%) and started imatinib (96%) as first line tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), which 40% of them switched to other TKI due to intolerance (17%) and failure (including disease progression)/not achieving major molecular response (83%). Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assessment after three months of TKI treatment had higher positive predictive value to predict Imatinib failure, 75%, than qPCR assessment after six months of TKI treatment, 58%. Presenting phase, symptoms, signs and laboratory data were like most countries. Estimated prevalence and incidence of CML in southern Sarawak was 69.2/1,000,000 population at the Year 2016 (similar to most developing countries) and 8.0/1,000,000 population per year at the Year 2011-2016 (similar to most countries), respectively. The incidence increased with age and was lowest among Iban, 12.8 and highest among Chinese, 19.5, which was 4x higher than Chinese in China. The prevalence of different BCR-ABL1 transcript type was like other Asia countries CONCLUSION: Significant epidemiological differences on M:F ratio and ethnic groups compared to other countries warrant further study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  14. Engku Fatimah Syairah Engku Safruddin, Wan Zainira Wan Zain, Bhavaraju, Venkata Murali Krishna, Kannan, Thirumulu Ponnuraj
    Given that the germline mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 confer genetic susceptibility to cancer, the
    genetic variations, polymorphisms or mutations are widely analyzed in Western countries. However, in Asian
    population, the prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 polymorphisms is very limited. In Asia, breast cancer occurs in
    women early with an age of onset under 50 years. This review comprises the incidence of BRCA1 and BRCA2
    polymorphisms in the Japanese, Korean and Malaysian population. Founder mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2
    were also compared to mark the genetic difference in these populations. The mutational analysis performed to
    analyze the entire coding region of BRCA1 and BRCA2 include the next generation sequencing and full
    sequencing of all exons and intron-exon junctions. From the diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)
    patients, TNBC is associated with the lack of tailored therapies and the treatment option available for TNBC
    patients is mainly chemotherapy. The poor prognosis of TNBC leads to determine the predictive biomarkers in
    order to develop treatment efficacy. This review will address the current clinical therapies available to treat TNBC
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  15. Rosenblatt E, Fidarova E, Zubizarreta EH, Barton MB, Jones GW, Mackillop WJ, et al.
    Radiother Oncol, 2018 Sep;128(3):400-405.
    PMID: 29859755 DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.05.014
    BACKGROUND: The planning of national radiotherapy (RT) services requires a thorough knowledge of the country's cancer epidemiology profile, the radiotherapy utilization (RTU) rates and a future projection of these data. Previous studies have established RTU rates in high-income countries.

    METHODS: Optimal RTU (oRTU) rates were determined for nine middle-income countries, following the epidemiological evidence-based method. The actual RTU (aRTU) rates were calculated dividing the total number of new notifiable cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in 2012 by the total number of cancer patients diagnosed in the same year in each country. An analysis of the characteristics of patients and treatments in a series of 300 consecutive radiotherapy patients shed light on the particular patient and treatments profile in the participating countries.

    RESULTS: The median oRTU rate for the group of nine countries was 52% (47-56%). The median aRTU rate for the nine countries was 28% (9-46%). These results show that the real proportion of cancer patients receiving RT is lower than the optimal RTU with a rate difference between 10-42.7%. The median percent-unmet need was 47% (18-82.3%).

    CONCLUSIONS: The optimal RTU rate in middle-income countries did not differ significantly from that previously found in high-income countries. The actual RTU rates were consistently lower than the optimal, in particular in countries with limited resources and a large population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  16. Maimaiti N, Ahmed Z, Md Isa Z, Ghazi HF, Aljunid S
    Value Health Reg Issues, 2013 09 13;2(2):259-263.
    PMID: 29702874 DOI: 10.1016/j.vhri.2013.07.003
    OBJECTIVE: To measure the clinical burden of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in selected developing countries.

    METHODS: This is an extensive literature review of published articles on IPD in selected developing countries from East Asia, South Asia, Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. We reviewed all the articles retrieved from the knowledge bases that were published between the years 2000 and 2010.

    RESULTS: After applying the inclusion, exclusion, and quality criteria, the comprehensive review of the literature yielded 10 articles with data for pneumococcal meningitis, septicemia/bacteremia, and pneumonia. These selected articles were from 10 developing countries from five different regions. Out of the 10 selected articles, 8 have a detailed discussion on IPD, one of them has s detailed discussion on bacteremia and meningitis, and another one has discussed pneumococcal bacteremia. Out of these 10 articles, only 5 articles discussed the case-fatality ratio (CFR). In our article review, the incidence of IPD ranged from less than 5/100,000 to 416/100,000 population and the CFR ranged from 12.2% to 80% in the developing countries.

    CONCLUSIONS: The review demonstrated that the clinical burden of IPD was high in the developing countries. The incidence of IPD and CFR varies from region to region and from country to country. The IPD burden was highest in sub-Saharan African countries followed by South Asian countries. The CFR was low in high-income countries than in low-income countries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  17. Awang, M.S., Abdul Razak, A.H., Che Ahmad, A., Mohd Rus, R.
    Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the incidence of clavicle fractures in newborn
    associated with fetal, maternal and process of deliveries in Kuantan General Hospital from June 2012 until
    January 2014. This study is to determine epidemiological data of clavicle fractures, maternal and baby risk
    factors associated with clavicle fractures of newborn and its’ outcome.

    Methods: This is a prospective
    study. 13 patients were identified to fulfill the inclusion criteria of the study. The data of
    sociodemographic, associated fetal and maternal risk factors and the outcomes were recorded using
    proforma. The statistical data analysis was done using SPSS 12.0.

    Results: Out of 20,257 live births at our
    centre during the study period, 13 infants were diagnosed to have clavicle fractures, giving an incidence of
    0.64 per 1000 live births. There were 5 (38.5%) left, 7 (53.8%) right and one (7.7%) bilateral fracture. All
    fractures located at the mid shaft of the clavicle and none have associated brachial plexus injuries. All
    infants were delivered through vaginal delivery (61.5%); five through assisted delivery (instrumental); 2
    (15.4%) forcep and 3 (23.1%) vacuum. Two of the babies developed shoulder dystocia. The average birth
    weight was 3371 grams (SD 0.269) and mean gestational age was 38.7 weeks (SD 1.16). Five of the mothers
    (38.5%) were primigravida and eight (61.5%) were multigravida in which,7 (53.8%)were healthy without
    other co-morbidty, 5 (38.5%) having gestational diabetis and one (7.7%) hypertension. The average maternal
    weight was 62.0 kg and height 1.58 metres with average BMI of 24.16 (3.29SD). All eventually had a
    complete recovery at 6 weeks with clinical and radiological evident of fracture union.

    Conclusions: In
    conclusion, all patients with clavicle fractures were found following vaginal delivery. There were no
    associations between neonatal clavicle fractures with maternal or baby risk factors. All fractures healed
    without any complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  18. Mohamad Yusof A, Jamal R, Muhammad R, Abdullah Suhaimi SN, Mohamed Rose I, Saidin S, et al.
    PMID: 29713312 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00158
    The incidence rate of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has rapidly increased in the recent decades, and the microRNA (miRNA) is one of the potential biomarkers in this cancer. Despite good prognosis, certain features such as lymph node metastasis (LNM) and BRAF V600E mutation are associated with a poor outcome. More than 50% of PTC patients present with LNM and BRAF V600E is the most common mutation identified in this cancer. The molecular mechanisms underlying these features are yet to be elucidated. This study aims to elucidate miRNA-genes interaction networks in PTC with or without LNM and to determine the association of BRAF V600E mutation with miRNAs and genes expression profiles. Next generation sequencing was performed to characterize miRNA and gene expression profiles in 20 fresh frozen tumor and the normal adjacent tissues of PTC with LNM positive (PTC LNM-P) and PTC without LNM (PTC LNN). BRAF V600E was genotyped using Sanger sequencing. Bioinformatics integration and pathway analysis were performed to determine the regulatory networks involved. Based on network analysis, we then investigated the association between miRNA and gene biomarkers, and pathway enrichment analysis was performed to study the role of candidate biomarkers. We identified 138 and 43 significantly deregulated miRNAs (adjusted p value 
    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
  19. Seow SC, How AK, Chan SP, Teoh HL, Lim TW, Singh D, et al.
    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 2018 Aug;27(8):2182-2186.
    PMID: 29678635 DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2018.03.019
    BACKGROUND: Occult atrial fibrillation (AF) is not uncommon in patients with stroke. In western cohorts, insertable loop recorders (ILRs) have been shown to be the gold-standard and are cost-effective for AF detection. Anticoagulation for secondary stroke prevention is indicated if AF is detected. The incidence of occult AF among Asian patients with cryptogenic stroke is unclear.

    METHODS: Patients with cryptogenic stroke referred between August 2014 and February 2017 had ILRs implanted. Episodes of AF >2 minutes duration were recorded using proprietary algorithms within the ILRs, whereupon clinicians and patients were alerted via remote monitoring. All AF episodes were adjudicated using recorded electrograms. Once AF was detected, patients were counseled for anticoagulation.

    RESULTS: Seventy-one patients with cryptogenic stroke, (age 61.9 ± 13.5 years, 77.5% male, mean CHA2DS2VASc score of 4.2 ± 1.3) had ILRs implanted. Time from stroke to the ILR implant was a median of 66 days. Duration of ILR monitoring was 345 ± 229 days. The primary endpoint of AF detection at 6 months was 12.9%; and at 12 months it was 15.2%. Median time to detection of AF was 50 days. The AF episodes were all asymptomatic and lasted a mean of 77 minutes (± 118.9). Anticoagulation was initiated in all but 1 patient found to have AF.

    CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of occult AF is high in Asian patients with cryptogenic stroke and comparable to western cohorts. The combination of ILR and remote monitoring is a highly automated, technologically driven, and clinically effective technique to screen for AF.

    Matched MeSH terms: Incidence
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