Displaying publications 901 - 920 of 4000 in total

  1. Aziz J, Shezali H, Radzi Z, Yahya NA, Abu Kassim NH, Czernuszka J, et al.
    Skin Pharmacol Physiol, 2016;29(4):190-203.
    PMID: 27434176 DOI: 10.1159/000447017
    Collagen and elastin networks make up the majority of the extracellular matrix in many organs, such as the skin. The mechanisms which are involved in the maintenance of homeostatic equilibrium of these networks are numerous, involving the regulation of genetic expression, growth factor secretion, signalling pathways, secondary messaging systems, and ion channel activity. However, many factors are capable of disrupting these pathways, which leads to an imbalance of homeostatic equilibrium. Ultimately, this leads to changes in the physical nature of skin, both functionally and cosmetically. Although various factors have been identified, including carcinogenesis, ultraviolet exposure, and mechanical stretching of skin, it was discovered that many of them affect similar components of regulatory pathways, such as fibroblasts, lysyl oxidase, and fibronectin. Additionally, it was discovered that the various regulatory pathways intersect with each other at various stages instead of working independently of each other. This review paper proposes a model which elucidates how these molecular pathways intersect with one another, and how various internal and external factors can disrupt these pathways, ultimately leading to a disruption in collagen and elastin networks.
  2. Zamri Radzi, Noor Hayaty Abu Kasim, Yahya, N.A., Gan, S.N., Daud, N.M., Saffai, L., et al.
    Ann Dent, 2007;14(1):46-51.
    The impact strength of a newly developed experimental polyurethane-based polymer which is derived from palm oil (Experimental PU) was compared with denture polymers; heat-cured and self cured polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and ® Eclipse , light-activated urethane dimethacrylate prosthetic resin system. Ten specimens were ® prepared using heat-cured PMMA (Meliodent Heat Cure, Heraeus Kulzer, Germany), self cured PMMA ® (Meliodent Rapid Repair, Heraeus Kulzer, ® Germany), Eclipse baseplate resin (Dentsply, USA) and Experimental PU material. Specimens were prepared following manu- facturer’s instructions except for the Experimental PU material where it was prepared in bulk and sectioned to the desired dimension, 64 x 6 x 4 mm. A ‘V’ notch of approximately 0.8mm in depth was machine cut across the 6mm width. Prior to the Charpy type impact test, specimens were soaked in a water bath for 50 hours at 37ºC. ® Eclipse baseplate resin showed the highest 2 impact strength (2.73 kJ/m ±0.54) followed by ® 2 Meliodent Rapid Repair (2.50kJ/m ±0.65), ® 2 Meliodent Heat Cure (1.96kJ/m ±0.42) and 2 Experimental PU (1.04kJ/m ±0.29). One-way ANOVA showed significant interaction between materials (p
  3. Lee, Szu Ming, Poh, Bee Koon, Mohd Ismail Noor, Ahmad Fuad Shamsuddin
    Kafein mempunyai kesan ergogenik terhadap golongan yang terlatih; walaubagaimanapun, kajian kesan fisiologi kafein terhadap golongan sedentari adalah amat terhad. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan kafein ke atas penggunaan oksigen dan tanggapan tahap lesu semasa senaman intensiti sederhana dalam kalangan dewasa muda perempuan yang sedentari. Subjek terdiri daripada 16 orang mahasiswi yang berumur antara 22 hingga 24 tahun. Kriteria penerimaan adalah tahap aktiviti fizikal yang rendah dan pengambilan kafein adalah kurang daripada 50 mg sehari, disaring dengan menggunakan Soal Selidik Aktiviti Fizikal Antarabangsa (versi pendek) dan soal selidik pengambilan kafein. Reka bentuk kajian eksperimental ini adalah buta tunggal, pindah silang, kawalan plasebo dengan semua subjek menjadi kawalannya tersendiri. Subjek dikehendaki malaporkan diri ke makmal untuk menjalankan dua sesi eksperimen selepas masing-masing mengambil kapsul plasebo atau kafein dengan selang masa 3 hari antara dua sesi eksperimen tersebut. Enam puluh minit selepas mengambil kapsul plasebo (Glucolin, glukosa) atau 100 mg kafein (Pro-plus, United Kingdom), subjek dikehendaki berlari di atas treadmill selama 30 minit pada kuasa kerja yang bersamaan 60% daripada anggaran maksimum kadar denyutan jantung. Penggunaan oksigen, kadar denyutan jantung dan tanggapan tahap lesu direkod pada minit ke-20, ke-25 dan ke-30, manakala tekanan darah direkod serta-merta selepas subjek menghabiskan larian. Perbezaan direkod selepas kesemua subjek menyempurnakan kedua-dua eksperimen plasebo dan kafein. Min peratus lemak tubuh subjek adalah 28.4 ± 5.4. Ujian t bersandar menunjukkan tiada perbezaan signifikan antara trial plasebo dengan trial kafein ke atas penggunaan oksigen (13.99 ± 2.47 vs 14.49 ± 1.73, p = 0.440), tanggapan tahap lesu (12.3 ± 2.5 vs 12.3 ± 2.1, p = 1.000), tekanan darah sistolik (113 ± 10 vs 117 ± 11, p = 0.129), tekanan diastolik (67 ± 8 vs 69 ± 10, p = 0.408) dan kadar denyutan jantung (127.3 ± 11.0 vs 127.1 ± 11.6, p = 0.912). Terdapat korelasi negatif tinggi yang signifikan antara peratusan lemak tubuh dengan pengambilan oksigen (r = –0.568, p < 0.05) serta korelasi positif tinggi yang signifikan antara peratusan lemak tubuh dengan tanggapan tahap lesu (r = 0.515, p < 0.05). Hasil kajian tidak meningkatkan kesan yang signifikan mungkin disebabkan oleh kesan saiz (effect size) kajian ini yang kecil (d = 0.24). Justeru itu, kajian masa depan yang melibatkan lebih ramai subjek harus dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan kafein semasa senaman dalam kalangan populasi sedentari.
  4. Ruzita Abdul Talib, Chan, Choon Li, Ismail Mohd Noor, S, Thavaraj
    Prevalens obesiti di Malaysia telah meningkat dengan mendadak sejak dua dekad yang lalu. Oleh itu, usaha untuk menangani masalah ini menjadi semakin penting. Objektif umum kajian hirisan lintang ini adalah untuk menilai keberkesanan projek obesiti yang dijalankan oleh NGOs yang dibiayai oleh Lembaga Promosi Kesihatan Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini, data sekunder dari laporan akhir 22 buah projek obesiti telah dianalisiskan untuk menilai keberkesanannya. Maklumat dalam laporan akhir projek telah dimasukkan ke dalam borang penilaian formatif yang disediakan oleh pihak LPKM. Keberkesanan projek ditentukan melalui tahap pencapaian indikator RE-AIM dengan menggunakan 21 indikator berasaskan Model RE-AIM yang telah disahkan. Projek yang mencapaikan 15 hingga 21 indikator dikirakan mempunyai kualiti tinggi, 8 hingga 14 indikator dikirakan kualiti sederhana dan 0 hingga 7 indikator dikategorikan sebagai kualiti rendah. Dengan menggunakan ujian Cohen’s Kappa untuk menilai reliabiliti antara penyelidik terhadap 21 indikator RE-AIM, didapati bahawa terdapat persetujuan yang tinggi antara 2 penyelidik (k = 0.868). Daripada 22 buah projek obesiti yang dikaji, tiada projek yang mempunyai kualiti tinggi, 21 projek didapati mempunyai kualiti yang sederhana dan 1 projek mempunyai kualiti yang rendah. Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap peratusan pencapaian indikator RE-AIM antara tempoh projek menurut ujian T tidak berpasangan (P > 0.05). Berdasarkan kepada saringan kesihatan yang dijalankan terhadap 1982 orang peserta, 333 (16.8%) orang didapati mempunyai masalah berlebihan berat badan dan 354 (17.9%) orang adalah obes. Kesimpulannya, majoriti projek telah dilaksanakan dengan berjaya. Namun, kajian lanjut disarankan untuk memantau perubahan gaya hidup yang mungkin dapat mengurangkan prevalens obesiti di komuniti di mana projek telah dijalankan.

  5. Mahmood, A.A., Hapipah, M.A., Noor, S.M., Kuppusamy, U.R., Salmah, I., Salmah, I., et al.
    ASM Science Journal, 2009;3(1):51-57.
    The effects of topical application of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf extract on the rate of wound healing and histology of the healed wound were assessed. Four groups of adult male Sprague Dawley rats were experimentally wounded in the posterior neck area. A thin layer of blank placebo was applied topically to wounds of Group 1 rats. Wounds of experimental animals (Group 2 and 3) were dressed with placebo containing 5% and 10% O. stamineus extract, respectively. A thin layer of Intrasite gel® was applied topically to wounds of Group 4 animals as reference. Macroscopically, wounds dressed with placebo containing 5% (healed on day 14.50 ± 0.43) and 10% (healed on day 13.83 ± 0.21) O. stamineus extract each or Intrasite gel® (healed on day 13.13 ± 0.42) significantly accelerated the rate of wound healing compared to wounds dressed with blank placebo. Histological analysis of healed wounds confirmed the results. Wounds dressed with placebo containing 5%, 10% O.stamineus or Intrasite gel® showed markedly less scar width at wound enclosure and granulating tissue contained markedly more collagen, proliferating fibroblast with angiogenesis, and no inflammatory cells compared to wounds dressed with blank placebo. In conclusion, placebo containing 5% or 10% O. stamineus on extract-dressed wounds significantly accelerated the rate of wound healing in rats.
  6. Rozita Hod, Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Nazarudin Safian, Mohd Hasni Jaafar
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(1):1-6.
    Accepted 21 July 2011.
    Introduction The extensive and intensive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has exposed farmers to various hazards resulting in varying degrees of health
    Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study among paddy farmers in Sabak Bernam district, Malaysia. The objective of this study was to gather baseline information on chlorpyrifos blood level and its relationship with pesticides exposure symptoms.
    Results We detected chlorpyrifos in farmers’ blood in 7 percent of the respondents, with mean 7.29 nanogram per millilitre blood (sd 5.84 nanogram per millilitre). The percentage of farmers who experienced at least one pesticide exposure symptoms was 75 percent. However, we found no significant association between chlorpyrifos blood level and its exposure symptoms. The farmers had low scores on safe practice of pesticide use even though they have high marks on knowledge and attitude. We found no significant association between the scores on knowledge, attitude and practice on pesticide use and the chlorpyrifos blood level.
    Conclusions The presence of pesticide exposure symptoms proved that most of the farmers were exposed to hazardous effects of pesticides. Specific trainings on safe use and handling of pesticides should be given on regular basis to these farmers to ensure they are protected from hazardous effects of pesticides exposure.
  7. Fadhli, Y., Azaadi, O., Noor Ani, A., Balkish, M.N., Ahmad Jessree, K., Tahir, A.
    The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2011 was a nationally representative household survey of non-institutionalized Malaysian population who were residing in Malaysia for at least 2 weeks prior to data collection. The aim of the survey was to provide health related community–based data and information to support Ministry of Health, Malaysia, in reviewing health priorities, programme strategies and activities, and planning for allocation of resources. There were twelve research scopes included in the survey. The sample size was calculated based on the requirement for each scope. A two-stage stratified sampling was adopted in the survey. The methods for data collection were via the questionnaire, clinical examination, and biochemical analysis. Quality controls were also instituted to ensure collection of high quality data. The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2011 (NHMS 2011) adopted an appropriate methodology for a population survey and all the necessary steps were taken to ensure valid and reliable findings.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2011)
  8. Khairani Omar, Noor Azimah Muhammad, Farihna Mohamed Fadhlullah, Ramli Musa, Jamaiyah Hanif, Adam Bujang
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):44-55.
    Objective: Family Environment Scale (FES) is one of the most widely used instruments to measure many family aspects. Cross cultural adaptation of the original FES is essential prior to local utilization as different cultures percept their family environments differently. We attempted to translate the FES into the Bahasa Malaysia language for adolescents, evaluate its reliability using internal consistency and compare its results with the original
    study. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, involving adolescents aged 12-17 from four secondary schools. The adolescents were selected using quota sampling for different age, ethnic and academic performance. The study was divided into four phases, namely: i) translation of FES, ii) pilot test iii) internal consistency reliability test and iv) comparison of the study results with the original FES. Results: A total of 295 adolescents participated in this study. All of the reliability measurements generated (ranged between Cronbach’s alpha 0.10 - 0.70) were lower than those originally reported for this instrument (ranged between Cronbach’s alpha 0.61 -0.78). Five subscales in the Bahasa Malaysia version were found to be less than Cronbach’s alpha 0.5, which were below the acceptable level for practical or research use. There was considerable variation observed between the sample population of this study and that of the original study, which could be due to the social cultural differences. Conclusion: The Bahasa Malaysia version of FES requires further culturally
    appropriate revision. A new measuring scale could also be devised to provide an accurate evaluation of the family environment as perceived by Malaysian adolescents, which has acceptable levels of reliability and validity.
  9. Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Azreen Hashim, Mohamad Hussain Habil, Noor Zurani Md Haris Robson
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):108-112.
    Objective: This case report highlights the abuse and dependence potential of Zolpidem and the risk of life-threatening withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. Method: We report a case of Zolpidem dependence which presented with withdrawal symptoms upon abrupt discontinuation. Results: A 32 year old male, who had abused non-benzodiazepine Zolpidem for 6 years presented to the accident and emergency unit with generalized seizures upon stopping Zolpidem ‘cold turkey’. He required admission to the neurology high dependency unit for stabilization of the seizures and was later managed by the addiction team where a tapering dose of benzodiazepine was prescribed. Conclusion: This case demonstrates that non-benzodiazepine agents can cause tolerance and dependence, and thus produce withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuation.
  10. Neo, Xiao Xu, Khairul Osman, Sri Pawita Albakri Amir Hamzah, Noor Hazfalinda Hamzah
    Individual identification is an important and challenging task in forensic investigation. Lip print on drinking glass or cigarette butt found at crime scenes may link to a suspect. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in lip print between sexes or races, differences in lip measurement between sexes or races and determine a way to estimate sex and race by using lip print or lip measurements for main races in Malaysia. A total of 134 subjects (67 males and 67 females) of Malay, Chinese and India were recruited from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus Kuala Lumpur (UKMKKL), Malaysia. Lip prints were taken by using a lipstick and a transparent cellophane tape. Lip measurements were taken by using electronic digital callipers. Lip prints were classified according to Tsuchihashi classification. Statistical analysis indicated that there was a significant difference in lip print between sexes (p < 0.001) but not in races (p > 0.05). Width of oral opening and the height of lower lip both indicated significant differences between sexes (p < 0.001) while the height of upper lip and lower lip each indicated significant differences between races (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant interaction between sexes and races for all lip measurements. Formulae for sex and race determination were calculated with Classification Tree when there was significant difference between every comparison. Tables of accuracy percentage and performance evaluation for method in categorizing sex or race by using lip print or lip measurement were made. For validation of method in sex determination based on the formulae formed, accuracy in females is 90% and 65% in males. Therefore, overall percentage of accuracy in sex determination was 77.5%. This study can provide a preliminary idea about the use of lip prints in sex or race determination among Malaysian population.
  11. Al-Haddad, S.A.R., Samad, S.A., Hussain, A., Ishak, K.A., Noor, A.O.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(1):75-81.
    Robustness is a key issue in speech recognition. A speech recognition algorithm for Malay digits from zero to nine and an algorithm for noise cancellation by using recursive least squares (RLS) is proposed in this article. This system consisted of speech processing inclusive of digit margin and recognition using zero crossing and energy calculations. Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient vectors were used to provide an estimate of the vocal tract filter. Meanwhile dynamic time warping was used to detect the nearest recorded voice with appropriate global constraint. The global constraint was used to set a valid search region because the variation of the speech rate of the speaker was considered to be limited in a reasonable range which meant that it could prune the unreasonable search space. The algorithm was tested on speech samples that were recorded as part of a Malay corpus. The results showed that the algorithm managed to recognize almost 80.5% of the Malay digits for all recorded words. The addition of a RLS noise canceller in the preprocessing stage increased the accuracy to 94.1%.
  12. Noor Hafizah, Y, Maskat, M. Y., Wan Aida, W. M., Maaruf, A. G.
    Storage study of mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.) extract was carried out to determine the effects
    of canning and storage period on pH, total polyphenol content, antioxidant activity, intensity of off-odour and aroma acceptance. Uncanned (control) and canned extract were stored for 0, 8, 16 and 24 weeks under room temperature. Results showed canning resulted in a significant (p
  13. Muhamad Faiz Musa, Mohd Reeza Yusof, Noor Sahidah Samsudin, Faridah Muhamad Halil
    The construction industry should move from conventional construction method and adopt the
    industrialisation concept, to increase productivity and deliver quality construction end products.
    Industrialisation is the combination of a large market to divide into fractions the investment in
    strategies and innovation, in return, of simplifying the production and, therefore, reducing the costs.
    The introduction of Degree of Industrialisation by Roger-Bruno Richard is critical to the construction
    industry. The five degrees of industrialisation are prefabrication, mechanisation, automation, robotics
    and reproduction. Richard’s Degree of Industrialisation is in line with the Malaysian government’s
    vision to be a developed nation by 2020, to push forward the use of innovative technologies in most
    industries including the construction industry. The adoption of industrialisation and innovations in
    the Malaysian construction industry has the potential to solve the current problems in the
    construction industry. The problems are the inferior quality of products and processes, a poor site
    working conditions, low construction productivity, high construction cost, relying on foreign workers
    and lack of skill labours. The adoption of industrialisation and innovations promote sustainability in
    the construction environment. The objectives of the study are to investigate whether the adoption of
    industrialisation in the construction environment promotes sustainability and to identify the current
    level of industrialisation of the Malaysian construction industry. The methodologies of the study are
    semi-structure interview and observation. The Malaysian construction industry is ready to embrace
    industrialisation in construction environment in limited areas and industrialisation promotes
    sustainability in the construction environment.
  14. Rahman TA, Hassim NF, Zulkafli N, Muid S, Kornain NK, Nawawi H
    Food Nutr Res, 2016;60:31525.
    PMID: 27799085 DOI: 10.3402/fnr.v60.31525
    Atherosclerosis is the main cause of coronary artery disease -related deaths worldwide. The atheroprotective properties of pure tocotrienols (T3) in the absence of alpha-tocopherol (α-TCP) in vitamin E has not been extensively examined.
  15. Mohd Razif Shahril, Suhaina Sulaiman, Sharifah Wajihah Wafa, Sharifah Noor Akmal
    Vitamin A, C and E intake has been shown to play a role in the etiology of breast cancer, but the findings have been
    inconsistent and limited to developed countries with higher cancer incidence. Therefore, the aim of this study is to
    examine the association of premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer risk with vitamin A, C and E intake from
    dietary sources. This is a population based case-control study conducted in Malaysian population among 382 breast cancer
    patients and 382 control group. Dietary intake was assessed via an interviewer-administered food frequency
    questionnaire. Logistic regression was used to compute odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and a broad
    range of potential confounders were included in analysis. The results of this study shows a significant decreased risk of
    breast cancer among premenopausal (ORQ4 to Q1=0.38, 95% CI, 0.12 – 0.55, p-trend=0.001) and postmenopausal (ORQ4 to
    Q1=0.26, 95% CI, 0.03 – 0.75, p-trend=0.017) women was observed in the highest quartile of beta-carotene intake.
    Meanwhile, a higher intake of vitamin C showed significantly lowered risk only for premenopausal women (ORQ4 to
    Q1=0.13, 95% CI, 0.03 – 0.32, p-trend=0.001). As a conclusion, beta-carotene intake was independently related to pre- and
    postmenopausal breast cancer risk, while vitamin C intake was associated with decreased risk among premenopausal
    women only. However, no association was observed for vitamin A especially retinol and vitamin E intake from dietary
  16. Noor, N.S.M., Ghazalli, Z., Mamat, R., Kadirgama, K., Sani, M.S.M., Ahmad, Z., et al.
    Seating comfort is one of the important indicators while driving especially for a long hour drive. The objective of this study was to execute a preliminary study of survey and identify the discomfort of body while driving and after driving session by conducting a survey. The questionnaire developed was tested for its reliability. By using Cronbach’s Alpha, this paper’s contribution was found to be significant in which it provides a survey with acceptable test reliability in which the alpha (α) was 0.887. The survey was conducted on 30 students of University Malaysia Pahang (20 male and 10 female) with driving experience and valid driving license. The subjects should have experiences in driving small size car or mini car as well. The results showed that the body area that the drivers felt discomfort while driving and after driving should be known. The findings showed that the discomfort was intense at the neck, upper back, and lumbar while and after driving.
  17. Salwati Shuib, Sharifah Noor Akmal, Zarina Abdul Latif, Nor Zarina Zainal Abidin, Zubaidah Zakaria
    Medicine & Health, 2006;1(1):45-52.
    In this report we demonstrate the role of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and conventional cytogenetic methods in clinically and cytogenetically confirmed cases of microdeletion syndromes. A total of nine cases were referred to the Cytopathology and Cytogenetic Unit, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) from 2002 to 2004. They include three Prader-Willi syndrome, three DiGeorge syndrome, one Williams syndrome, one Miller-Dieker syndrome and one Kallmann syndrome. Blood samples from the patients were cultured and harvested following standard procedures. Twenty metaphases were analysed for each of the cases. FISH analysis was carried out for all the cases using commercial probes (Vysis, USA): SNRPN and D15S10 for Prader-Willi syndrome, LIS1 for Miller Dieker syndrome, ELN for Williams syndrome, KAL for Kallmann syndrome, TUPLE 1 and D22S75 for DiGeorge syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed normal karyotypes in all but one case with structural abnormality involving chromosomes 9 and 22. FISH analysis showed microdeletions in all of the nine cases studied. This study has accomplished two important findings ie. while the FISH method is mandatory in ruling out microdeletion syndromes, conventional cytogenetics acts as a screening tool in revealing other chromosomal abnormalities that may be involved with the disease.
  18. Khor, Chai Wey, Ahmad Azlina, Ponnuraj, Kannan Thirumulu, Noor Hayati Abdul Razak
    Xeroderma pigmentosum-D (XPD) is one of the genes that play a role in the Nucleotide-Excision Repair (NER). Polymorphisms in XPD gene have been identified and reported to be associated with many types of cancer with two common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely, XPD312 and XPD751. The XPD312 polymorphism is at exon 10 codon 312 Asp to Asn (A→G) and the association of this polymorphism with oral cancer is very little known, especially, in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to screen for XPD312 gene polymorphisms in human oral cancer patients attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Malaysia. Blood samples were collected from 10 oral cancer and 10 normal healthy subjects with their consent. DNA was extracted using commercial DNA extraction kit and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify the XPD312 gene. The PCR products were digested using restriction enzyme, Sty I and analyzed on a 3% agarose gel for the detection of polymorphisms. This was followed by DNA sequencing to confirm the findings. In the current study, only homozygous wild type polymorphisms in the XPD312 gene was noticed in the oral cancer tissues as revealed by the restriction enzyme and DNA sequencing analyses.
  19. Norimah A.Karim, Nik Shanita Safii, Safiah Mohd Yusof, Norazliana Mohd Noor, Zawiah Ahmad, Tee, E Siong
    This paper reports the nutrition knowledge of Malaysian elderly, as part of a nationwide study to evaluate the status of nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food and nutrition among various communities in Malaysia. A total of 906 elderly, age ranging between 60 to 96 years old, with mean age 67.4 ± 6.7 years representing all states in Malaysia participated in the study. An interview administered questionnaire was used to assess the nutrition knowledge and to collect demographic data of the elderly. Subjects were in the 60-65 years (51%) and more than 65 years (49%) age category. There were 46% Malays, 32% Chinese, 6% Indians while the remaining 16% comprised of other minority groups in Malaysia such as Iban, Kadazan, Melanau, Orang Asli and others. More than half of the elderly (54%) had no formal education, 36% completed primary schooling and only 9% finished secondary education. Overall 73% elderly were categorized as having poor nutrition knowledge, 18% moderate and only 9% good. The minority groups had the highest percentage of poor nutrition knowledge (91%) while the Chinese had the highest percentage of good nutrition knowledge (11%). More female (78%) than male (67%) had poor nutrition knowledge, in contrast to more male (10%) than female (8%) with good nutrition knowledge. Chi square test showed that there was a significant correlation between educational status and nutrition knowledge. This was reflected in the results which showed that 81% elderly with no formal education were categorized in the poor nutrition knowledge group. Majority of the elderly did not know about foods to be consumed most (88%), or to be eaten least (87%). Only a quarter to a third of the elderly responded correctly to questions on nutrient function and content. The question on foods with high salt was well responded by the elderly (65%). It is quite discouraging to show that a majority of Malaysian elderly had poor nutrition knowledge. This study indicated that appropriate nutrition education interventions need to be implemented to improve the shortcomings of nutrition knowledge among the Malaysian elderly.
  20. Mohd Razif Shahril, Suhaina Sulaiman, Soraya Hanie Shaharudin, Nurismah Md Isa, Sharifah Noor Akmal Syed Hussain
    Food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) is a practical tool for the measurement of usual food intake in large surveys because it gives a quick approximation to 'true' dietary intake. This study was carried out to compare the semiquantitative FFQ with three day 24-hour diet recalls (24-hr DR) in assessing intake of energy, total fat, fatty acids and vitamin A, C and E among Malaysian women. This semi-quantitative FFQ which was developed specifically for the Malay and Indian ethnicities has 200 food items and categorized according to three mealtimes namely breakfast, lunch or dinner and morning or afternoon snacks. A total of 51 Malay and 28 Indian women aged between 30 to 60 years were selected as study subjects. The result of the study shows that majority of study subjects were within the normal EI/BMR ratio when their energy intake was assessed by semi-quantitative FFQ (70%) and 24-hr DR (74%). However, 10% of study subjects became over-reporters when their intakes were assessed using the semi-quantitative FFQ. Analysis of t-test shows there is no significant difference (p > 0.05) on the mean intake of energy, total fats, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A, C and E between semi-quantitative FFQ and 24-hr DR. Percent mean differences were also less than 10% for all nutrients included in this study. This indicates that the semi-quantitative FFQ can produce comparable results with 24-hr DR. Energy adjusted correlation coefficient values for all studied nutrients were total fat (r = 0.64, p = 0.02), saturated fatty acids (r = 0.59, p = 0.01), monounsaturated fatty acids (r = 0.52, p = 0.03), polyunsaturated fatty acids (r = 0.57, p = 0.02), vitamin A (r = 0.69, p = 0.01), retinol (r = 0.55, p = 0.01), beta carotene (r = 0.74, p = 0.01), vitamin C (r = 0.64, p = 0.02) and vitamin E (r = 0.69, p = 0.01). Cross-classification for both methods into quartiles of intake resulted in correct classification into the same or adjacent quartile from 82% to 96% of the study subjects. Only 3% of the subjects were grossly misclassified. As a conclusion, this semi-quantitative FFQ gives estimation as good as 24-hr DR for intakes of energy, total fat, fatty acids and vitamin A, C and E among Malaysian women specifically for the Malay and Indian ethnicities. This semi-quantitative FFQ is a useful tool in dietary intake assessment for research use especially for epidemiological study on diet and disease relationship such as cardiovascular, cancer and diabetes.
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