METHODS: We searched the databases of PubMed, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, and EBSCO host using (professionalism AND (professionalism OR (professional identity) OR (professional behaviors) OR (professional values) OR (professional ethics))) AND ((social media) AND ((social media) OR (social networking sites) OR Twitter OR Facebook)) AND (health professionals). The research questions were based on sample (health professionals), phenomenon of interest (digital professionalism), design, evaluation and research type. We screened initial yield of titles using pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria and selected a group of articles for qualitative analysis. We used the Biblioshiny® software package for the generation of popular concepts as clustered keywords.
RESULTS: Our search yielded 44 articles with four leading themes; marked rise in the use of social media by healthcare professionals and students, negative impact of social media on digital professionalism, blurring of medical professional values, behaviors, and identity in the digital era, and limited evidence for teaching and assessing digital professionalism. A high occurrence of violation of patient privacy, professional integrity and cyberbullying were identified. Our search revealed a paucity of existing guidelines and policies for digital professionalism that can safeguard healthcare professionals, students and patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Our systematic review reports a significant rise of unprofessional behaviors in social media among healthcare professionals. We could not identify the desired professional behaviors and values essential for digital identity formation. The boundaries between personal and professional practices are mystified in digital professionalism. These findings call for potential educational ramifications to resurrect professional virtues, behaviors and identities of healthcare professionals and students.
SURVEY METHODOLOGY AND OBJECTIVES: A traditional rather than a systematic review approach was taken to focus on fungal responses to temperature stress elucidated using proteomic approaches. The effects of temperature stress on fungal metabolic pathways and, in particular, heat shock proteins (HSPs) are discussed. The objective of this review is to provide an overview of the effects of temperature stress on fungal proteomes.
CONCLUDING REMARKS: Elucidating fungal proteomic response under temperature stress is useful in the context of increasing understanding of fungal sensitivity and resilience to the challenges posed by contemporary climate change processes. Although useful, a more thorough work is needed such as combining data from multiple -omics platforms in order to develop deeper understanding of the factor influencing and controlling cell physiology. This information can be beneficial to identify potential biomarkers for monitoring environmental changes in soil, including the agricultural ecosystems vital to human society and economy.
METHODS: Conducted at Universiti Sains Malaysia, this cross-sectional study involved 234 medical students from the 1st, 3rd, and 5th years of the MBBS program. Data were collected via five validated survey instruments: DASS-9, TEQ, Dundee, Brief COPE, and CBI, through Google Forms. Participants were selected using purposive sampling. The surveys assessed mental well-being (burnout, anxiety, depression, stress), coping strategies, and medical professionalism attributes. Model fit was evaluated using established indices.
RESULTS: Findings indicated that professional behavior reduces burnout and negatively impacts negative coping strategies (NCSs). Additionally, medical professionalism indirectly enhances empathy and positively influences CSs. Conversely, psychological distress increases NCSs and reduces empathy. Positive coping strategies (PCSs) enhance empathy levels, while MWB issues elevate NCSs.
DISCUSSION: The study underscores the vital role of professional behavior in mitigating burnout and fostering positive coping mechanisms among medical students. Addressing MWB issues through targeted interventions can enhance empathy and professional behavior, ultimately improving the quality of patient care.
METHODS: FS measures at 1 and 4 kHz center frequencies were obtained using a custom-made software in normal-hearing (NH), slight SNHL and mild-to-moderate SNHL subjects. For comparison, subjects were also assessed with the Malay Digit Triplet Test (DTT) and the shortened Malay Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing Scale (SSQ) questionnaire.
RESULTS: Compared to DTT and SSQ, the FS measure at 4 kHz was able to distinguish NH from slight and mild-to-moderate SNHL subjects, and was strongly correlated with their thresholds in quiet determined separately in 1-dB step sizes at the similar test frequency. Further analysis with receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves indicated area under the curve (AUC) of 0.77 and 0.83 for the FS measure at 4 kHz when PTA thresholds of NH subjects were taken as ≤ 15 dB HL and ≤ 20 dB HL, respectively. At the optimal FS cut-off point for 4 kHz, the FS measure had 77.8% sensitivity and 86.7% specificity to detect 20 dB HL hearing loss.
CONCLUSION: FS measure was superior to DTT and SSQ questionnaire in detecting early frequency-specific threshold shifts in SNHL subjects, particularly at 4 kHz. This method could be used for screening subjects at risk of noise-induced hearing loss.
METHOD: Sixty-seven normal-hearing infants, both with and without risk factors, aged less than 7 months old, participated in this study. The ABR test was conducted at 70 dBnHL using 33.3 stimulus repetition rates with both Click and LS CE-Chirp stimuli. The signal averaging was stopped at a maximum fixed signal average of 2,500 sweeps. Data were statistically compared between the two stimuli using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
RESULTS: The waves I and V ABRs elicited by LS CE-Chirp exhibited significantly larger amplitudes than the Click stimulus. However, the amplitude of wave III and absolute latencies were similar in both stimuli at a supra-threshold level.
CONCLUSION: LS CE-Chirp has the advantage of larger amplitudes than the ABR from Click at the supra-threshold level (70 dBnHL) in normal-hearing infants.