Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 213 in total

  1. Suif Z, Fleifle A, Yoshimura C, Saavedra O
    Sci Total Environ, 2016 Oct 15;568:933-945.
    PMID: 27338846 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.12.134
    Understanding of the distribution patterns of sediment erosion, concentration and transport in river basins is critically important as sediment plays a major role in river basin hydrophysical and ecological processes. In this study, we proposed an integrated framework for the assessment of sediment dynamics, including soil erosion (SE), suspended sediment load (SSL) and suspended sediment concentration (SSC), and applied this framework to the Mekong River Basin. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model was adopted with a geographic information system to assess SE and was coupled with a sediment accumulation and a routing scheme to simulate SSL. This framework also analyzed Landsat imagery captured between 1987 and 2000 together with ground observations to interpolate spatio-temporal patterns of SSC. The simulated SSL results from 1987 to 2000 showed the relative root mean square error of 41% and coefficient of determination (R(2)) of 0.89. The polynomial relationship of the near infrared exoatmospheric reflectance and the band 4 wavelength (760-900nm) to the observed SSC at 9 sites demonstrated the good agreement (overall relative RMSE=5.2%, R(2)=0.87). The result found that the severe SE occurs in the upper (China and Lao PDR) and lower (western part of Vietnam) regions. The SSC in the rainy season (June-November) showed increasing and decreasing trends longitudinally in the upper (China and Lao PDR) and lower regions (Cambodia), respectively, while the longitudinal profile of SSL showed a fluctuating trend along the river in the early rainy season. Overall, the results described the unique spatio-temporal patterns of SE, SSL and SSC in the Mekong River Basin. Thus, the proposed integrated framework is useful for elucidating complex process of sediment generation and transport in the land and river systems of large river basins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  2. Fazly Amri Mohd, Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud, Othman A. Karim, Rawshan Ara Begum, Siti Norsakinah Selamat
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:991-997.
    Malaysia has a long coastline stretching over 4,809 km where more than 1,300 km of beaches are experiencing erosion.
    Coastal erosion is recognised as the permanent loss of land and habitats along the shoreline resulting in the changes
    of the coast. Thus, it is important to detect and monitor shoreline changes especially in Pahang coast by identifying the
    rate of shoreline erosion and accretion. This study used temporal data and high spatial resolution imagery (SPOT 5) using
    remote sensing and GIS techniques to monitor shoreline changes along 10 study locations, which is from Cherating to
    Pekan of the Pahang coast. The total length of shoreline changes is about 14 km (14035.10 m) where all these areas are
    very likely to experience erosion ranging from 0.1 to 94.7 ha. On the other hand, these coastal areas found a minimal
    accretion with increased sediment from 0.1 to 2.8 ha. Overall, the coastal areas are exposed to higher erosion process
    than accretion with a very high vulnerability of erosion rate from 1.8 to 20.9 meter per year. The findings on monitoring
    shoreline changes and identifying vulnerable erosion areas might be useful in the policy and decision making for
    sustainable coastal management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  3. Juahir, H., Fazillah, A., Kamarudin, M.K.A., Toriman, E., Mohamad, N., Fairuz, A., et al.
    Family support has a strong impact on individuals and there is no exception in substance abuse
    recovery process. Family support manages to play a positive role in substance abuse problems. The
    present study deals with the developing model of family support substance abuser with the
    combination method of Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistical models. The data used
    for this study was collected from seven districts in Terengganu with a constant number of
    respondents. 35 respondents for each district were involved in this study. It was then processed using
    factor analysis (FA) to develop index of family support. By using the developed indices, GIS tool was
    used to plot the distribution map of family support indices according to each form of family support.
    The result indicated that the highest index for all form of family support abuser was located in Besut
    district. High level of family support is essential as an effort for rehabilitation process of substance
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  4. Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, Azri Haziq Azlin, Noraqila Aiman Abu, Ahmad Norhisyam Idris, Nurmilah Romeyu
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2020;3(2):87-99.
    Disability is termed as both evolving concept and manifestation of interaction between persons with disabilities (PWDs) and physical and environmental barriers that holds them back from contributing actively in a society. People who fall in this category will find themselves trapped in a such vulnerable condition as they may not be able to cope with their daily problems without high surveillance from their guardian. Development of a mobile apps and web GIS-based healthcare system in Ampang is proposed in this study as this application has a bright potential to assist PWDs in terms of accessibilities to reach healthcare centres. The main objectives of this paper are i) to study the needs assessment on the proposed system, ii) to develop a mobile and web GIS-based healthcare information system and iii) to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. Selected respondents agreed on the development of the prototype system, namely the mobile apps and web system. The system was created with main menus such as doctor home visits, ambulance and medication delivery. Medical support team can also perform analyses in the system for PWD needs such as shortest path analysis, buffering and view of the main menus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  5. Salbiah Isa, Rohayu Hami, Hanita Hashim, Mohd Nizam S., Harani MS., Sairi S., et al.
    Introduction: Laboratory turnaround time (LTAT) is considered a reliable indicator of the quality and efficiency of a laboratory’s service. LTAT achievement, particularly of urgent tests, remains unsatisfactory and challenging in many clinical laboratories especially in tertiary health care centres with high workload and restricted resources. The unresolved issue of unsatisfactory urgent renal profile (RP) LTAT below the standard performance goal prompted our interest to improve laboratory’s handling of urgent test request. We thus implemented the Lean principle in the management of urgent test requests using urgent RP as the test model. Methods: The implementation of laboratory Lean involved 4 steps process; (1) Development of burning platform for change (2) Identification of waste (3) Plan- ning and implementation of control measures (4) Measuring, monitoring, and sustaining the improvement. Urgent RP LTAT and the percentage of the request met the time requirement determined based on the data extracted from laboratory information system (LIS) before and after the implementation of Lean was compared to assess the effec- tiveness. Results: Urgent RP LTAT after the implementation of Lean was reduced i.e 35 min (before) vs 31 min (after), with the percentage of LTAT met the time requirement was significantly increased above the set target i.e 82.8% (before) to 93.5% (after) with P-value = 0.001. Conclusion: Implementation of innovation using Lean management has significantly improved urgent RP LTAT achievement, thus optimised urgent test management in our Chemical Pathology laboratory. Lean is a strongly recommended strategy to improve urgent test LTAT especially in laboratories with restricted resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Clinical Laboratory Information Systems
  6. Nhu VH, Mohammadi A, Shahabi H, Ahmad BB, Al-Ansari N, Shirzadi A, et al.
    PMID: 32650595 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17144933
    We used AdaBoost (AB), alternating decision tree (ADTree), and their combination as an ensemble model (AB-ADTree) to spatially predict landslides in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. The models were trained with a database of 152 landslides compiled using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, Google Earth images, and field surveys, and 17 conditioning factors (slope, aspect, elevation, distance to road, distance to river, proximity to fault, road density, river density, normalized difference vegetation index, rainfall, land cover, lithology, soil types, curvature, profile curvature, stream power index, and topographic wetness index). We carried out the validation process using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and several parametric and non-parametric performance metrics, including positive predictive value, negative predictive value, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, root mean square error, and the Friedman and Wilcoxon sign rank tests. The AB model (AUC = 0.96) performed better than the ensemble AB-ADTree model (AUC = 0.94) and successfully outperformed the ADTree model (AUC = 0.59) in predicting landslide susceptibility. Our findings provide insights into the development of more efficient and accurate landslide predictive models that can be used by decision makers and land-use managers to mitigate landslide hazards.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  7. Salahuddin L, Ismail Z, Abd Ghani MK, Mohd Aboobaider B, Hasan Basari AS
    J Eval Clin Pract, 2020 Oct;26(5):1416-1424.
    PMID: 31863517 DOI: 10.1111/jep.13326
    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to identify the factors influencing workarounds to the Hospital Information System (HIS) in Malaysian government hospitals.

    METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted among 31 medical doctors in three Malaysian government hospitals on the implementation of the Total Hospital Information System (THIS) between March and May 2015. A thematic qualitative analysis was performed on the resultant data to deduce the relevant themes.

    RESULTS: Five themes emerged as the factors influencing workarounds to the HIS: (a) typing skills, (b) system usability, (c) computer resources, (d) workload, and (e) time.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study provided the key factors as to why doctors were involved in workarounds during the implementation of the HIS. It is important to understand these factors in order to help mitigate work practices that can pose a threat to patient safety.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hospital Information Systems
  8. Lee, Yi Yi, Narimah Samat, Wan Manan Wan Muda
    Malays J Nutr, 2017;23(3):397-408.
    Introduction: Physical activity has been shown to be beneficial for the prevention of
    obesity and non-communicable diseases. Our contemporary way of life that is technology
    dependent has significantly reduced physical activity. This study aimed to determine
    accelerometer-measured physical activity (moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA))
    among adults in high and low walkability neighbourhoods in Penang and Kota Bharu,

    Methods: Participants (n=490) were sampled using multistage sampling method
    from neighbourhoods with varied levels of walkability using Geographical Information
    System (GIS). Physical activity was measured objectively using Actigraph GT3X+
    accelerometers, worn by the participants on their waists for a period of 5 to 7 days.

    The participants had a mean of 13.5 min/day of MVPA. Total MVPA was significantly
    higher among participants in high walkability neighbourhoods (19.7 min/day vs. 9.1 min/
    day). Results from t-test showed that the time spent on MVPA per day was significantly
    lower among participants residing in low walkability neighbourhoods. The final model
    of the MIXED model statistical tests showed that total MVPA was significantly associated
    with BMI, but not with WC measurements, after adjusting for covariates.

    Conclusion: Most
    of the participants had very low MVPA and did not achieve the current physical activity
    recommendations, implying that Malaysian adults residing in these two cities were not
    physically active to achieve health benefits. Results are suggestive of the importance of the
    walkability concept in neighbourhoods in encouraging physical activity and healthy body
    weight among Malaysians.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  9. Asma’, M., Saub, R.
    Ann Dent, 2010;17(1):15-20.
    The aim of the present study is to determine the “community indicator” for dental caries among secondary school children within the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (FTKL). School factors were investigated for their ability to be used as community indicators. The components encompassing school factors include: type of school, school’s examination performances at the Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah (PMR) level, in the subjects of Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language), Science and English, school’s socioeconomic circumstances and school’s material deprivation. The study design is ecological in nature where schools were the unit of analysis. It used aggregated data for caries experiences acquired from the Oral Health Management Information System and the school factors which were extracted from the schools’ database. The subjects involved in this study were all the (75) day type secondary schools in FTKL. However, only 55 schools had complete information both for the dental caries factor and the school factors which were available for analysis. The use of bivariate analysis suggested that the school mean DMFT was significantly associated with the schools’ performance in English (p= 0.02) and the schools’ socioeconomic code (p= 0.005). The schools’ performance in English and socioeconomic code were able to explain about 10 percent and 14 percent of the variation in the school mean DMFT respectively. The final model that included both variables together explained about 17 percent of the variation in school mean DMFT. As a conclusion, this study suggests that the schools’ performance in English at the PMR level and the schools’ socioeconomic code could be used as community indicator to identify secondary schools with higher caries level in FTKL. Nevertheless, further
    improvement of the model is needed in order to create a more reliable indicator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Management Information Systems
  10. Mohan, Jai
    The importance of incorporating medical (or health) informatics into the education of medical students and medical practitioners is being increasingly recognised. The advances in information and communication technology and the pervasion of the Internet into everyday life have important implications for healthcare services and medical education. Students and practitioners should learn to utilise biomedical information for problem solving and decision making based on evidence. The extensive introduction of electronic health information systems into hospitals and clinics and at the enterprise level in Malaysia and elsewhere is driving a demand for health professionals who have at least basic skills in and appreciation of the use of these technologies. The essential clinical informatics skills have been identified and should be incorporated into the undergraduate medical curriculum. It is recommended that these be introduced in stages and integrated into existing programmes rather than taught as a separate module. At the same time, medical schools should support the integration of e-learning in the educational process in view of the numerous potential benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Information Systems
  11. Suhaida Aini, Alias Mohd Sood, Salman Saaban
    Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing are geospatial technologies that have been used for many years in environmental studies, including gathering and analysing of information on the physical parameters of wildlife habitats and modelling of habitat assessments. The home range estimation provided in a GIS environment offers a viable method of quantifying habitat use and facilitating a better understanding of species and habitat relationships. This study used remote sensing, GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) application tools as methods to assess the habitat parameters preference of Asian elephant. Satellite images and topographical maps were used for the environmental and topographical habitat parameter generation encompassing land use-land cover (LULC), Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI), water sources, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), slope and aspect. The kernel home range was determined using elephant distribution data from satellite tracking, which were then analysed using habitat parameters to investigate any possible relationship. Subsequently, the frequency of the utilization distribution of elephants was further analysed using spatial and geostatistical analyses. This was followed by the use of AHP for identifying habitat preference, selection of significant habitat parameters and classification of criterion. The habitats occupied by the elephants showed that the conservation of these animals would require good management practices within and outside of protected areas so as to ensure the level of suitability of the habitat, particularly in translocation areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  12. Rosiah Osman, Abd. Rahman Ramli, Wan Azizun Wan Adnan, Intan Helina Hasan
    The management of a chemical inventory is necessary for safety purposes as well as for fulfilling regulatory compliance. In most academic laboratories, the management of chemicals is still being done manually, which is time-consuming. As a result, data are not updated and expired chemicals are unintentionally used. This research proposes that UHF Class 1 Gen 2 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology be used in the development of a chemical inventory information system to ease chemical tracking as well as to shorten the inventory process time. An information system integrating RFID data and a web-based rule identification interface was developed. WAMP 2.2.17, PHP 5.3.5 and MySQL 5.5.8 were downloaded and a programming language was written to check the expiration date of the chemicals as well as to produce alert notification status. Wireless technology through GSM modem helped in producing alert messages using the Short Message System (SMS) of the nearly expired chemicals to the handphone of the person in charge in real time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Information Systems
  13. Ariffin Abas, Abdul Halim Shaari, Zainal Abidin Talib, Zaidan Abdul Wahab
    The computer, together with Lab View software, can be used as an automatic data acquisition system. This project deals with the development of a computer interfacing technique for the study of Hall Effect and converting the existing automation system into a Web-based automation system. The drive board RS 217-3611 with PCI 6025E card and stepper motor RS191-8340 with a resolution of 0.1mm, was used to move a pair of permanent magnets backward and forward against the sample. The General Interface Bus (GPIB) card interfaces, together with digital nano voltmeter and Tesla meter using serial port RS232 interface, are used for measuring the potential difference and magnetic field strength respectively. Hall Effect measurement on copper (Cu) and tantalum (Ta) showed negative and positive sign Hall coefficient. Therefore, the system has electron and hole charge carriers respectively at room temperature. The parameters such as drift velocity, conductivity, mobility, Hall Coefficient and charge carrier concentration were also automatically displayed on the front panel of Lab View programming and compared with standard value. The Web-based automation system can be remotely controlled and monitored by users in remote locations using only their web browsers. In addition, video conferencing through Net Meeting has been used to provide audio and video feedback to the client.
    Matched MeSH terms: Information Systems
  14. PMID: 12262042
    Matched MeSH terms: Information Systems
  15. Babalola Sunday Oyetayo, Abdul Rahman Alias, Tan, Liat Choon, Abidoye Ayodeji Iyanu, Anthony Olatunbosun
    The new innovative of technology by (GIS) Geographic Information System, (LIS) Land
    Information System and (CIS) Cadastral Information System has been playing a leading
    role in the development of cadastral and land administration in this study area. The
    Customary ways and approach to the land titling and registration in the time past has
    resulted in the delay in the processes of obtaining title to the land. Land administration
    system in Nigeria includes the processes of land registration, cadastral mapping, land
    valuation and land inventory. Most of developing nation particularly Nigeria is faced
    with the problem of poor land administration and management. Technology is
    paramount in acquiring a proper technological development in land administration.
    This study tried to encourage land title registration by providing web technologies that
    are faster and suitable with a low rate and minimum delay. The need to develop a
    dynamic web for the processes in the land registration arises from the dynamic
    relationship to the land of the people. The delay in time and process of land registration
    couple with the exploitation in land related activities has called for the urgent
    intervention of all the stakeholders in land administration. PHP programming language
    was used as a server side scripting languages together with MyAdmin SQL, a website
    was developed for the processes involved in the land registration having examined the
    fastest way to solve the problem. A robust dynamic database that is reliable and easy
    to use was also developed which is capable of accommodating several numbers of
    applicants. The applicants, monitoring agency and the government have the advantage
    of checking all the processes on line without any contact with the officers working on
    the certificate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  16. Nur Azriati Mat, Aida Mauziah Benjamin, Syariza Abdul-Rahman
    The selection of landfill, which happens to be an environmental issue, has attracted
    the attention of many researchers from the fields of waste management and
    environmental sciences worldwide. Hence, in the attempt to overcome this problem,
    some decision-making techniques, including Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), have been widely utilized in prior studies,
    where multiple criteria, particularly in site selection process, have been employed.
    With that, this article identifies the selection criteria for landfill selection and presents
    a review concerning decision-making techniques that have been used in past studies
    for two important phases involved during the process of site selection, namely, (1)
    preliminary site screening, and (2) assessment of site suitability. As such, some 82
    articles chosen from 34 peer-reviewed journals had been investigated in detail. The
    results showed that 42.68% of the selected articles integrated GIS and MCDA
    techniques to solve the problem of landfill site selection, and this is followed by
    integrating GIS and fuzzy MCDA technique (18.29%). Both these techniques are indeed
    powerful tools that can guide decision-makers to solve problems in making decisions
    on the basis of various criteria under certainty and uncertainty results, mainly involving
    environmental issues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  17. Mohd Muzammil Salahuddin, Zulfa Hanan Ashaari
    The use of remote sensing in detecting aerosol or air pollution is not widely applied in Malaysia. The large area of coverage provided by remote sensing satellite may well be the solution to the lack of spatial coverage by the local ground air quality monitoring stations. This article discusses the application of remote sensing instruments in air quality monitoring of Malaysia. The remote sensing data is validated using ground truths either from local ground air monitoring stations or the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). The correlation between remote sensing is relatively good with R from 0.5 to 0.9 depending on the satellite used. The correlation is much improved using the mixed effects algorithm applied on MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data. Accuracy of predicted air quality data by remote sensing is generally tested using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) against the ground truths data. Besides the Geographic Information System (GIS) tools are used in manipulating the data from both remote sensing and ground stations so as to produce meaningful results such as spatio-temporal pattern mapping of air pollution. Overall the results showed that the application of remote sensing instruments in air quality monitoring in Malaysia is very useful and can be improved further.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  18. Noor Shaila Sarmin, Mohd Hasmadi Ismail
    The aim of this paper is to review the potentialities and major methodological challenges
    of integrating remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) with socioeconomic data
    from published articles or book chapters. RS and GIS combined with social science (SS)(termed as
    geoinformation technology) serve many applications for sustainable management and monitoring of
    the environment. This combined approach gives more accurate results than the single one. It makes
    information available about the trend and pattern of land use and land cover change (LUCC) with
    socioeconomic variables like population, demographic or income. This combined study which links
    RS and GIS with socioeconomic data can also be used successfully for monitoring transmission rate
    of disease and mapping or preparing vulnerability index. For impact assessment and modelling, this
    combined technology provides better results than the single one. There are some methodological
    problems for the researchers to link completely two different disciplines as the object of study and
    observational unit is completely different. However, this interdisciplinary study is gaining popularity
    day by day to researchers from different disciplines as well as decision makers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  19. Bathrellos GD, Skilodimou HD, Chousianitis K, Youssef AM, Pradhan B
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Jan 01;575:119-134.
    PMID: 27736696 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.025
    Preparation of natural hazards maps are vital and essential for urban development. The main scope of this study is to synthesize natural hazard maps in a single multi-hazard map and thus to identify suitable areas for the urban development. The study area is the drainage basin of Xerias stream (Northeastern Peloponnesus, Greece) that has frequently suffered damages from landslides, floods and earthquakes. Landslide, flood and seismic hazard assessment maps were separately generated and further combined by applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and utilizing a Geographical Information System (GIS) to produce a multi-hazard map. This map represents the potential suitability map for urban development in the study area and was evaluated by means of uncertainty analysis. The outcome revealed that the most suitable areas are distributed in the southern part of the study area, where the landslide, flood and seismic hazards are at low and very low level. The uncertainty analysis shows small differences on the spatial distribution of the suitability zones. The produced suitability map for urban development proves a satisfactory agreement between the suitability zones and the landslide and flood phenomena that have affected the study area. Finally, 40% of the existing urban pattern boundaries and 60% of the current road network are located within the limits of low and very low suitability zones.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
  20. Tukimat NNA, Ahmad Syukri NA, Malek MA
    Heliyon, 2019 Sep;5(9):e02456.
    PMID: 31687558 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02456
    An accuracy in the hydrological modelling will be affected when having limited data sources especially at ungauged areas. Due to this matter, it will not receiving any significant attention especially on the potential hydrologic extremes. Thus, the objective was to analyse the accuracy of the long-term projected rainfall at ungauged rainfall station using integrated Statistical Downscaling Model and Geographic Information System (SDSM-GIS) model. The SDSM was used as a climate agent to predict the changes of the climate trend in Δ2030s by gauged and ungauged stations. There were five predictors set have been selected to form the local climate at the region which provided by NCEP (validated) and CanESM2-RCP4.5 (projected). According to the statistical analyses, the SDSM was controlled to produce reliable validated results with lesser %MAE (<23%) and higher R. The projected rainfall was suspected to decrease 14% in Δ2030s. All the RCPs agreed the long term rainfall pattern was consistent to the historical with lower annual rainfall intensity. The RCP8.5 shows the least rainfall changes. These findings then used to compare the accuracy of monthly rainfall at control station (Stn 2). The GIS-Kriging method being as an interpolation agent was successfully to produce similar rainfall trend with the control station. The accuracy was estimated to reach 84%. Comparing between ungauged and gauged stations, the small %MAE in the projected monthly results between gauged and ungauged stations as a proved the integrated SDSM-GIS model can producing a reliable long-term rainfall generation at ungauged station.
    Matched MeSH terms: Geographic Information Systems
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