Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 174 in total

  1. Hamidi MFFA, Harun WSW, Samykano M, Ghani SAC, Ghazalli Z, Ahmad F, et al.
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2017 Sep 01;78:1263-1276.
    PMID: 28575965 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2017.05.016
    Biocompatible metals have been revolutionizing the biomedical field, predominantly in human implant applications, where these metals widely used as a substitute to or as function restoration of degenerated tissues or organs. Powder metallurgy techniques, in specific the metal injection moulding (MIM) process, have been employed for the fabrication of controlled porous structures used for dental and orthopaedic surgical implants. The porous metal implant allows bony tissue ingrowth on the implant surface, thereby enhancing fixation and recovery. This paper elaborates a systematic classification of various biocompatible metals from the aspect of MIM process as used in medical industries. In this study, three biocompatible metals are reviewed-stainless steels, cobalt alloys, and titanium alloys. The applications of MIM technology in biomedicine focusing primarily on the MIM process setting parameters discussed thoroughly. This paper should be of value to investigators who are interested in state of the art of metal powder metallurgy, particularly the MIM technology for biocompatible metal implant design and development.
  2. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Ima-Nirwana S
    Bone, 2018 11;116:8-21.
    PMID: 29990585 DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2018.07.003
    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with osteoporosis due to the underlying inflammatory and hormonal changes. Annatto tocotrienol has been shown to improve medical complications associated with MetS or bone loss in animal studies. This study aimed to investigate the effects of annatto tocotrienol as a single treatment for MetS and osteoporosis in high-carbohydrate high-fat (HCHF) diet-induced MetS animals. Three-month-old male Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups. The baseline group was euthanized at the onset of the study. The normal group received standard rat chow and tap water. The remaining groups received HCHF diet and treated with three different regimens orally daily: (a) tocopherol-stripped corn oil (the vehicle of tocotrienol), (b) 60 mg/kg annatto tocotrienol, and (c) 100 mg/kg annatto tocotrienol. At the end of the study, measurements of MetS parameters, body compositions, and bone mineral density were performed in animals before sacrifice. Upon euthanasia, blood and femur of the rats were harvested for the evaluations of bone microstructure, biomechanical strength, remodelling activities, hormonal changes, and inflammatory response. Treatment with annatto tocotrienol improved all MetS parameters (except abdominal obesity), trabecular bone microstructure, bone strength, increased osteoclast number, normalized hormonal changes and inflammatory response in the HCHF animals. In conclusion, annatto tocotrienol is a potential agent for managing MetS and osteoporosis concurrently. The beneficial effects of annatto tocotrienol may be attributed to its ability to prevent the hormonal changes and pro-inflammatory state in animals with MetS.
  3. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Ima-Nirwana S
    PMID: 30149518 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15091828
    The beneficial effects of vitamin E in improving components of MetS or bone loss have been established. This study aimed to investigate the potential of palm vitamin E (PVE) as a single agent, targeting MetS and bone loss concurrently, using a MetS animal model. Twelve-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into five groups. The baseline group was sacrificed upon arrival. The normal group was given standard rat chow. The remaining three groups were fed with high-carbohydrate high-fat (HCHF) diet and treated with tocopherol-stripped corn oil (vehicle), 60 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg PVE. At the end of the study, the rats were evaluated for MetS parameters and bone density. After euthanasia, blood and femurs were harvested for the evaluation of lipid profile, bone histomorphometric analysis, and remodeling markers. PVE improved blood pressure, glycemic status, and lipid profile; increased osteoblast surface, osteoid surface, bone volume, and trabecular thickness, as well as decreased eroded surface and single-labeled surface. Administration of PVE also significantly reduced leptin level in the HCHF rats. PVE is a potential agent in concurrently preventing MetS and protecting bone loss. This may be, in part, achieved by reducing the leptin level and modulating the bone remodeling activity in male rats.
  4. Lokman MQ, Shafie S, Shaban S, Ahmad F, Jaafar H, Mohd Rosnan R, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2019 Jun 30;12(13).
    PMID: 31262020 DOI: 10.3390/ma12132111
    This study investigated the different thicknesses of TiO2 photoanode films and the effect of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of Ag-TiO2 nanocomposites on the current-voltage (I-V) performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The TiO2 layer was deposited using the doctor blade technique and the thickness of the TiO2 films was controlled by using a different number of Scotch tape layers. The silver nanoparticles (AgNP) were synthesised using a chemical reduction method and the concentration of sodium citrate as a reducing agent was varied from 4 to 12 mM to study the effect of citrate ion on the size of the nanoparticles. Ag-TiO2 nanopowder was prepared by adding pure anatase TiO2 powder into AgNP colloidal solution. The mixture was left to dry for 24 h to obtain Ag-TiO2 powder for paste preparation. The three-layer Scotch tape, with thickness of 14.38 µm, achieved a high efficiency of 4.14%. This results showed that three layers was the optimal thickness to improve dye loading and to reduce the charge recombination rate. As for the Ag-TiO2 nanocomposites, 10 mM of AgNP, with a mean diameter of 65.23 nm and high efficiency of 6.92%, proved that SPR can enhance the absorption capability of dye and improve the photon-to-electron generation.
  5. Yue L, Xue D, Draz MU, Ahmad F, Li J, Shahzad F, et al.
    PMID: 31936543 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17020446
    Urbanization has made tremendous contributions to China's economic development since its economic reforms and opening up. At the same time, population agglomeration has aggravated environmental pollution and posed serious challenges to China's environment. This article empirically investigates the impacts of China's urbanization on eco-efficiency, comprehensively reflecting economic growth, resource input, and waste discharge. We first measured the provincial eco-efficiency in China from 2005 to 2015 using the Super Slack-Based model (Super-SBM). We then constructed a spatial model to empirically analyze the effects of urbanization on eco-efficiency at the national level, and at four regional levels. The results indicated that the regional eco-efficiency in China has fluctuated, but is generally improving, and that a gap between regions was evident, with a trend toward further gap expansion. We observed an effect of spatial spillover in eco-efficiency, which was significant and positive for the whole country, except for the western region. The influence of urbanization on China's eco-efficiency exhibited a U-curve relationship. The changing trend in the eastern, central, and western regions was the same as that in the whole country; however, the trend exhibited an inverted U-curve relationship in the northeastern region. To the best of our knowledge, covering a time period of 2005-2015, this article is the first of its kind to study the impact of urbanization on eco-efficiency in China at both the national and regional levels. This study may help policy-makers to create sustainable policies that could be helpful in balancing urbanization and the ecological environment.
  6. Umar MF, Ahmad F, Saeed H, Usmani SA, Owais M, Rafatullah M
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2020 Jun 01;10(6).
    PMID: 32492878 DOI: 10.3390/nano10061096
    A novel method of preparing reduced graphene oxide (RGOX) from graphene oxide (GOX) was developed employing vegetable extract, Chenopodium album, as a reducing and stabilizing agent. Chenopodium album is a green leafy vegetable with a low shelf life, fresh leaves of this vegetable are encouraged to be used due to high water content. The previously modified 'Hummers method' has been in practice for the preparation of GOX by using precursor graphite powder. In this study, green synthesis of RGOX was functionally verified by employing FTIR and UV-visible spectroscopy, along with SEM and TEM. Our results demonstrated typical morphology of RGOX stacked in layers that appeared as silky, transparent, and rippled. The antibacterial activity was shown by analyzing minimal inhibitory concentration values, agar diffusion assay, fluorescence techniques. It showed enhanced antibacterial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in comparison to GOX. It has also been shown that the synthesized compound exhibited enhanced antibiofilm activity as compared to its parent compound. The efficacy of RGOX and GOX has been demonstrated on a human breast cancer cell line, which suggested RGOX as a potential anticancer agent.
  7. Nazri MY, Aminudin CA, Ahmad FS, Mohd Jazlan MA, Jamalludin Ab R, Ramli M
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 02;74(1):25-29.
    PMID: 30846658
    INTRODUCTION: Minor amputation was performed as a salvage procedure because most of the patients were not able to ambulate and become dependent following major amputation. Minor amputation is defined as amputation at the level of ankle joint and below while major amputation is defines by amputation above the ankle joint. The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life among diabetes patients following major and minor amputations.

    METHODS: A total of 94 diabetes patients were reviewed six months following amputation. Their walking ability, dependency status and quality of life were evaluated, using the Malay translated version of the Short Form Health Survey 36 (SF-36) questionnaire.

    RESULTS: During the follow up only three patients (8.3%) following major amputation were dependant compared to 30 patients (51.7%) following minor amputation. Forty-nine (84.5%) of minor amputation and only 15 (41.7%) of major amputation patients were ambulating independently. Patients with minor amputation have significantly better Physical functioning, Role - physical, General health, Role - emotional, and Mental health score (p<0.001). However, they have worse BP and SF score than those following major amputation (p<0.001). The VT score of both groups were not significantly different.

    CONCLUSION: Patients with minor amputation are more independent, ambulatory and had better quality of life than those with major amputation. Despite the risk of persistent infection and amputation stump complication, minor amputation should be attempted in diabetes patients.
  8. Khangholi S, Majid FA, Berwary NJ, Ahmad F, Aziz RB
    Planta Med, 2016 Jan;82(1-2):32-45.
    PMID: 26550791 DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1558086
    Glycation, the non-enzymatic binding of glucose to free amino groups of an amino acid, yields irreversible heterogeneous compounds known as advanced glycation end products. Those products play a significant role in diabetic complications. In the present article we briefly discuss the contribution of advanced glycation end products to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications, such as atherosclerosis, diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and wound healing. Then we mention the various mechanisms by which polyphenols inhibit the formation of advanced glycation end products. Finally, recent supporting documents are presented to clarify the inhibitory effects of polyphenols on the formation of advanced glycation end products. Phytochemicals apply several antiglycation mechanisms, including glucose metabolism, amelioration of oxidative stress, scavenging of dicarbonyl species, and up/down-regulation of gene expression. To utilize polyphenols in order to remedy diabetic complications, we must explore, examine and clarify the action mechanisms of the components of polyphenols.
  9. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Ima-Nirwana S
    Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes, 2018 Apr;126(4):205-212.
    PMID: 29117620 DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-119352
    Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities including central obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. A previous study has established that high-carbohydrate high-fat diet (HCHF) can induce MetS in rats. In this study, we modified components of the diet so that it resembled the diet of Southeast Asians. This study aimed to determine the effects of this modified HCHF diet on metabolic parameters in rats. Male Wistar rats (n=14) were randomised into two groups. The normal group was given standard rat chow. The MetS group was given the HCHF diet, comprises of fructose, sweetened condensed milk, ghee, Hubble Mendel and Wakeman salt mixture, and powdered rat food. The diet regimen was assigned for a period of 16 weeks. Metabolic syndrome parameters (abdominal circumference, blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid profile) were measured at week 0, 8, 12, and 16 of the study. The measurement of whole body composition (fat mass, lean mass, and percentage of fat) was performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at week 0, 8, and 16. Our results indicated that the components of MetS were partially developed after 8 weeks of HCHF diet. Systolic blood pressure, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, fat content, and percentage of fat was significantly higher in the HCHF group compared to normal group (p<0.05). After 12 weeks of HCHF diet, the rats showed significant increases in abdominal circumference, blood pressure, glucose intolerance, and dyslipidemia compared to normal control (p<0.05). In conclusion, MetS is successfully established in male rats induced by the modified HCHF diet after 12 weeks.
  10. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Jamil NA, Ima-Nirwana S
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2018 Feb;98:191-200.
    PMID: 29257979 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.12.042
    This study aimed to investigate the bone quality in rats induced with metabolic syndrome (MetS) using high-carbohydrate high-fat (HCHF) diet. Male Wistar rats (n = 14) were randomized into two groups. The normal group was given standard rat chow. The MetS group was given HCHF diet. Diet regimen was assigned for a period of 20 weeks. Metabolic syndrome parameters were measured monthly until MetS was established. Left tibiae were scanned using micro-computed tomography at week 0, 8, 12, 16, and 20 to analyze the trabecular and cortical bone structure. At the end of the study, rats were euthanized and their bones were harvested for analysis. Metabolic syndrome was established at week 12 in the HCHF rats. Significant deterioration of trabecular bone was observed at week 20 in the HCHF group (p  0.05). Femur length and width in the HCHF group were significantly shorter than the normal group (p 
  11. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Ima-Nirwana S
    PLoS One, 2018;13(2):e0192416.
    PMID: 29420594 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0192416
    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of metabolic syndrome (MetS) induced by high-carbohydrate high-fat (HCHF) diet on bone mineral density (BMD), histomorphometry and remodelling markers in male rats. Twelve male Wistar rats aged 12 weeks old were randomized into two groups. The normal group was given standard rat chow while the HCHF group was given HCHF diet to induce MetS. Abdominal circumference, blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid profile were measured for the confirmation of MetS. Bone mineral density, histomorphometry and remodelling markers were evaluated for the confirmation of bone loss. The HCHF diet caused central obesity, hyperglycaemia, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia in male rats. No significant difference was observed in whole body bone mineral content and BMD between the normal and HCHF rats (p>0.05). For bone histomorphometric parameters, HCHF diet-fed animals had significantly lower osteoblast surface, osteoid surface, osteoid volume, and significantly higher eroded surface; resulting in a reduction in trabecular bone volume (p<0.05). Feeding on HCHF diet caused a significantly higher CTX-1 level (p<0.05), but did not cause any significant change in osteocalcin level compared to normal rats (p>0.05). In conclusion, HCHF diet-induced MetS causes imbalance in bone remodelling, leading to the deterioration of trabecular bone structure.
  12. Ma'Arup R, Ali NS, Ahmad F, Ahmad Z, Mohamed Norawi MF, Moinuddin HF
    Int J Radiat Biol, 2023;99(3):516-522.
    PMID: 35675589 DOI: 10.1080/09553002.2022.2087932
    PURPOSE: Lower doses (1-10 Krad) of gamma-rays (γ) are frequently used in obtaining useful mutants in diverse plant species, whereas no report on gamma (γ) irradiation being used to develop new varieties of vanilla from vanilla cuttings. This study assessed the potential of lower doses of gamma-rays for vanilla mutation breeding.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We compared the morphological differences between vanilla plants irradiated at different lower doses of gamma radiation (10, 30, 40, and 50 Gy). We quantified protein and compared variation from the extracted protein of vanilla shoots regenerated between treatments.

    RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: After 44 weeks, the results showed that the growth of M1V1 (mutation 1 in vegetative cycle 1) plants at 0 Gy (control) is highest compared with other doses of gamma radiation in terms of plant height and the number of shoots. However, the highest measurement for root length is at 10 Gy. The slowest growth rate was obtained from 40 to 50 Gy. Based on the unique band of protein that appears on the SDS-PAGE gel, 10 Gy has three unique bands at loci 0.105 RF, two bands lie at loci between 0.164 RF and 0.234 RF. While 30 Gy is absent two unique bands at loci 0.234 RF compared to 0 Gy. Thus, the dose of gamma rays at 10 Gy gave the highest number of protein fragments, which detected polymorphisms between the control (0 Gy) and the plants treated. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the protein variation in M1V1 of irradiated vanilla plants.

  13. Ahmad F, Draz MU, Chandio AA, Su L, Ahmad M, Irfan M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Oct;28(39):55344-55361.
    PMID: 34137008 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-14641-8
    Since the development of the service sector and renewable energy reduce fossil-based energy consumption which mitigates CO2 emissions and this nexus provides a better understanding of the environmental sustainability. Considering the substantially increasing contribution of service sector and tremendous potential for renewable energy in ASEAN5 countries, leaning forward from ASEAN's energy and growth nexus, this study examines the impact of service sector contribution and renewable energy on the environmental quality of ASEAN5 using annual data from 1990 to 2018. The results of the fully modified ordinary least squared, dynamic ordinary least squared, and canonical co-integrating regressions depicted that the service sectors of Thailand, the Philippines, and Singapore augment CO2 emissions; however, the service sectors of Malaysia and Indonesia could reduce CO2 emissions. The increasing share of renewable energy can enhance environmental quality, but its magnitude varies in ASEAN5 economies; non-renewable energy, population, and economic development deteriorate the environment. Our results confirm the existence of environmental Kuznets curve in all the ASEAN5; the Gregory-Hansen test confirmed that results are robust. Finally, the Granger causality designated that economic development and non-renewable energy have a significant causal relationship with CO2 emission of ASEAN5 countries. These findings suggest that the ASEAN5 economies need to optimize their economic structure for promoting sustainable development in the long run.Graphical abstract.
  14. Wong SK, Chin KY, Suhaimi FH, Ahmad F, Ima-Nirwana S
    Front Pharmacol, 2017;8:444.
    PMID: 28725195 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2017.00444
    A constellation of medical conditions inclusive of central obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia is known as metabolic syndrome (MetS). The safest option in curtailing the progression of MetS is through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which by itself, is a long-term commitment entailing much determination. A combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach, as well as lifestyle modification is a more holistic alternative in the management of MetS. Vitamin E has been revealed to possess anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-hypertensive and anti-hypercholesterolemic properties. The pathways regulated by vitamin E are critical in the development of MetS and its components. Therefore, we postulate that vitamin E may exert some health benefits on MetS patients. This review intends to summarize the evidence in animal and human studies on the effects of vitamin E and articulate the contrasting potential of tocopherol (TF) and tocotrienol (T3) in preventing the medical conditions associated with MetS. As a conclusion, this review suggests that vitamin E may be a promising agent for attenuating MetS.
  15. Abdul Rahim R, Jayusman PA, Muhammad N, Ahmad F, Mokhtar N, Naina Mohamed I, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019 Dec 06;16(24).
    PMID: 31817699 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16244962
    Plant-derived polyphenolic compounds have gained widespread recognition as remarkable nutraceuticals for the prevention and treatment of various disorders, such as cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, diabetes, osteoporosis, and neoplastic diseases. Evidence from the epidemiological studies has suggested the association between long-term consumption of diets rich in polyphenols and protection against chronic diseases. Nevertheless, the applications of these phytochemicals are limited due to its low solubility, low bioavailability, instability, and degradability by in vivo and in vitro conditions. Therefore, in recent years, newer approaches have been attempted to solve the restrictions related to their delivery system. Nanoencapsulation of phenolic compounds with biopolymeric nanoparticles could be a promising strategy for protection and effective delivery of phenolics. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) is one of the most successfully developed biodegradable polymers that has attracted considerable attention due to its attractive properties. In this review, our main goal is to cover the relevant recent studies that explore the pharmaceutical significance and therapeutic superiority of the advance delivery systems of phenolic compounds using PLGA-based nanoparticles. A summary of the recent studies implementing encapsulation techniques applied to polyphenolic compounds from plants confirmed that nanoencapsulation with PLGA nanoparticles is a promising approach to potentialize their therapeutic activity.
  16. Rehman S, Madni A, Jameel QA, Usman F, Raza MR, Ahmad F, et al.
    AAPS PharmSciTech, 2022 Nov 17;23(8):304.
    PMID: 36396831 DOI: 10.1208/s12249-022-02456-w
    The current study sought to create graphene oxide-based superstructures for gastrointestinal drug delivery. Graphene oxide has a large surface area that can be used to load anti-cancer drugs via non-covalent methods such as surface adsorption and hydrogen bonding. To enhance the bio-applicability of graphene oxide, nano-hybrids were synthesized by encapsulating the graphene oxide into calcium alginate hydrogel beads through the dripping-extrusion technique. These newly developed bio-nanocomposite hybrid hydrogel beads were evaluated in structural analysis, swelling study, drug release parameters, haemolytic assay, and antibacterial activity. Doxorubicin served as a model drug. The drug entrapment efficiency was determined by UV-spectroscopy analysis and was found to be high at ⁓89% in graphene oxide hybrid hydrogel beads. These fabricated hydrogel beads ensure the drug release from a hybrid polymeric matrix in a more controlled and sustained pattern avoiding the problems associated with a non-hybrid polymeric system. The drug release study of 12 h shows about 83% release at pH 6.8. In vitro drug release kinetics proved that drug release was a Fickian mechanism. The cytotoxic effect of graphene oxide hybrid alginate beads was also determined by evaluating the morphology of bacterial cells and red blood cells after incubation. Additionally, it was determined that the sequential encapsulation of graphene oxide in alginate hydrogel beads hides its uneven edges and lessens the graphene oxide's negative impacts. Also, the antibacterial study and biocompatibility of fabricated hydrogel beads made them potential candidates for gastrointestinal delivery.
  17. Madni A, Rehman S, Sultan H, Khan MM, Ahmad F, Raza MR, et al.
    AAPS PharmSciTech, 2020 Nov 22;22(1):3.
    PMID: 33221968 DOI: 10.1208/s12249-020-01873-z
    Targeting the small intestine employing nanotechnology has proved to be a more effective way for site-specific drug delivery. The drug targeting to the small intestine can be achieved via nanoparticles for its optimum bioavailability within the systemic circulation. The small intestine is a remarkable candidate for localized drug delivery. The intestine has its unique properties. It has a less harsh environment than the stomach, provides comparatively more retention time, and possesses a greater surface area than other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. This review focuses on elaborating the intestinal barriers and approaches to overcome these barriers for internalizing nanoparticles and adopting different cellular trafficking pathways. We have discussed various factors that contribute to nanocarriers' cellular uptake, including their surface chemistry, surface morphology, and functionalization of nanoparticles. Furthermore, the fate of nanoparticles after their uptake at cellular and subcellular levels is also briefly explained. Finally, we have delineated the strategies that are adopted to determine the cytotoxicity of nanoparticles.
  18. Salleh WM, Hashim NA, Ahmad F, Heng Yen K
    Adv Pharm Bull, 2014 Dec;4(Suppl 2):527-31.
    PMID: 25671185 DOI: 10.5681/apb.2014.078
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and antityrosinase activities of extracts from ten Piper species namely; P. caninum, P. lanatum, P. abbreviatum, P. aborescens, P. porphyrophyllum, P. erecticaule, P. ribesioides, P. miniatum, P. stylosum, and P. majusculum.

    METHODS: Anticholinesterase and antityrosinase activities were evaluated against in vitro Ellman spectroscopy method and mushroom tyrosinase, respectively.

    RESULTS: The EtOAc extract of P. erecticaule showed the highest AChE and BChE inhibitory with 22.9% and 70.9% inhibition, respectively. In antityrosinase activity, all extracts of P. porphyrophyllum showed the highest inhibitory effects against mushroom tyrosinase, compared to standard, kojic acid.

    CONCLUSION: This study showed that P. erecticaule and P. porphyrophyllum have potential AChE/BChE and tyrosinase inhibition activities. The respective extracts can be explored further for the development of novel lead as AChE/BChE and tyrosinase inhibitors in therapeutic management of Alzheimer's disease.

  19. Lakshman SJ, Mohd Daud TI, Midin M, Ahmad F, Tommy K
    Front Psychiatry, 2023;14:1078423.
    PMID: 37383615 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1078423
    BACKGROUND: The Recovery Knowledge Inventory (RKI) is a widely used self-report instrument that assesses recovery-oriented knowledge among mental health professionals. The purpose of this study is to translate the RKI into the Malay language (RKI-M) and to examine its psychometric properties among Malaysian health care workers.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving 143 participants was conducted at an urban teaching hospital, an urban government hospital, and a rural government hospital. Following the translation of the RKI, its internal reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha. Construct validity was also determined using confirmatory factor analysis.

    RESULTS: The Malay-Version RKI (RKI-M) has good internal reliability with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.83. However, the Malay-version RKI failed to replicate the original four-factor structure. The final model only achieved the best model fit after the removal of 9 items with two-factor loadings: (GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0 0.87; CFI = 0.91; RMSEA = 0.074).

    CONCLUSION: The 20-item RKI-M is reliable but has poor construct validity. However, the modified 11-item Malay-version RKI is a more reliable measure as it has good construct validity, with room for future studies to examine the psychometric properties of the modified 11-item RKI among mental health care workers. More training on recovery knowledge should be done, and a simple worded questionnaire should be developed in keeping with local practitioners.

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