Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 793 in total

  1. Abdul Kadir A, Nordin R, Ismail SB, Yaacob MJ, Wan Mahmud WMR
    Objective: To determine the prevalence of postnatal depression (PND), and associated risk factors among women in Kota Bharu District, Kelantan. Design: A cohort study Methods: A study involving four hundred and twenty one pregnant women attending primary health care facilities in Kota Bharu between February and September 2000 were screened for depression at 36-42 weeks of pregnancy, 1 week postpartum and 4-6 weeks postpartum using validated Malay version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results: Three hundred and seventy seven women successfully completed the EPDS (response rate = 89.8%). The prevalence of PND at 4-6 weeks postpartum, based on an EPDS score of 12 and above, was 20.7%. Depressive symptoms at the end of pregnancy (p<0.05) and one week postnatal (p<0.05) were significantly associated with PND. Conclusions: PND among women in Kota Bharu was 20.7%, which was higher than previously reported studies. Onset of depressive symptoms towards the end of pregnancy and early postnatal period independently predicted postnatal depression. © 2005 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation.
  2. Azizah MR, Ainol SS, Kong NCT, Normaznah Y, Rahim MN
    Objective: SLE is an autoimmune disease which affects multiple organ system. Clinical and immunological expression of the disease have been widely studied and variations occur in different ethnic groups. Here in this study, we have analyzed the clinical manifestations and immunological features of Malaysian patients with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and compared them with SLE population from some of the Asian countries. Study design: A total of 134 Malaysian patients attending the SLE Clinic of The National University Hospital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and who satisfy the revised ACR (American College of Rheumatology) criteria for the classification of SLE were enrolled into the study. Data on the demography, clinical and immunological features were obtained from medical records. Materials and Methods: The female to male ratio in the study cohort was 10:1 and consisted of the Malay, Chinese and Indian races. Past clinical and immunological features were entered into a prepared questionnaire. At study entry patients were seen by a rheumatologist for assessment of present clinical condition and blood obtained for immunological tests (Antinuclear, antids DNA, antiSm, antiU1RNP, antiSSA(Ro), antiSSB(La), anticardiolipin (IgG and IgM) antibodies and complements C3 and C4). Chi-square, Fisher's exact test and Mann Whitney U Test were used to analyze data. Results: Clinical features expressed at disease presentation in order of frequency was mucocutaneous (72%), followed by musculoskeletal (58%) and renal involvement (45%) which was also similar during the course of the disease (90%, 72% and 64% respectively). A high prevalence of antiSSB (La) antibodies was found (48%). Conclusion: This study provides the literature on the clinical and immunological features of Malaysian SLE patients and further shows the different spectrum of disease profile when compared to other ethnic groups. The roles of racial and genetic factors are suggested.
  3. S. Raman, Rohani R. N., Shamsuddin A. L., Saharun M. R.
    In Malaysia, there is an increase in both demand and prescribing of supplements. Such trend raises the likelihood of adverse events and treatment costs. Numerous prescribing policies have been suggested for better utilization of resources. However, the adherence and improvement from such policies are yet to be fully characterized.
  4. Bakar, J., Abdul Kadir, N. S., Ahmad Mazlan, A. S., Ismail Fitry, M. R.
    The quality change of fish sausage (keropok lekor) coated in sago starch-gelatine coating with
    papaya seed extract (PSE) during chill storage (7°C) was determined. During storage, pH,
    thiobarbituric acid value (TBA), colour, moisture, and the total plate count were evaluated. pH
    of samples significantly dropped (p < 0.05) during storage, and the highest decrease was in
    control sample. The moisture content in control sample had an increasing trend while that of
    samples with 5 and 7% PSE coatings significantly decreased, and only a slight change for
    samples with 0% PSE coating. All samples had significant increase in their TBA values during
    storage. The presence of the coating provided a positive effect on the colour of the fish sausages since no significant colour changes were observed during storage. TPC of control and
    coated sausage in 0, 5, and 7% PSE exceeded the recommended microbial standard after 2, 6,
    8, and 4 d of storage, respectively. Overall, coating with 5% of PSE was the most effective in
    retarding the quality deterioration of the fish sausages.
  5. Sanus,M,A,, Nordin,M,A,, Rusli,M,R,, Mohamed,Z,N,h,
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2020;7(1):13-19.
    Objectives: This study aimed to assess intra- and inter-examiner reliability of International Caries Detection
    and Assessment System (ICDAS) and modified epidemiology ICDAS (MOD) code by undergraduate dental
    students with different clinical experiences.
    Methods: A total of 150 dental undergraduate students with varying clinical experiences (0, 1 and 2 years of
    clinical experience) were recruited. Participants received training through a theoretical lecture on ICDAS criteria
    by an experienced National Benchmark Group (NBG) examiner and underwent e-learning program prior to
    ICDAS calibration. Visual examination on extracted permanent teeth (N= 45) with different location and stages
    of caries progression ranging from ICDAS scores 0 to 6, was performed using the ICDAS criteria. The
    assessments were repeated after one hour. The data were analysed to evaluate inter-examiner and
    intra-examiner reliability in the form of kappa scores using SPSS 23 Software.
    Results: Mean kappa values for intra- and inter-examiner reliability for ICDAS code, were between 0.41 to
    0.60, and 0.61 to 0.80 respectively. For MOD code, mean kappa values for intra- and inter-examiner reliability
    were between 0.61 to 0.80. Good intra-examiner agreement (>0.61) was observed in both ICDAS and MOD
    code for all groups.
    Conclusion: All students performed similar agreement, therefore, clinical experience within 2 years does not
    influence the performance of visual inspection in detecting caries using ICDAS. The results of the study shows
    that ICDAS and modified epidemiology ICDAS codes has good reproducibility and is feasible to be used as a
    tool in clinical practice as well as patient education.
  6. Sharma S, Sudhakara P, Singh J, Ilyas RA, Asyraf MRM, Razman MR
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Aug 06;13(16).
    PMID: 34451161 DOI: 10.3390/polym13162623
    In the determination of the bioavailability of drugs administered orally, the drugs' solubility and permeability play a crucial role. For absorption of drug molecules and production of a pharmacological response, solubility is an important parameter that defines the concentration of the drug in systemic circulation. It is a challenging task to improve the oral bioavailability of drugs that have poor water solubility. Most drug molecules are either poorly soluble or insoluble in aqueous environments. Polymer nanocomposites are combinations of two or more different materials that possess unique characteristics and are fused together with sufficient energy in such a manner that the resultant material will have the best properties of both materials. These polymeric materials (biodegradable and other naturally bioactive polymers) are comprised of nanosized particles in a composition of other materials. A systematic search was carried out on Web of Science and SCOPUS using different keywords, and 485 records were found. After the screening and eligibility process, 88 journal articles were found to be eligible, and hence selected to be reviewed and analyzed. Biocompatible and biodegradable materials have emerged in the manufacture of therapeutic and pharmacologic devices, such as impermanent implantation and 3D scaffolds for tissue regeneration and biomedical applications. Substantial effort has been made in the usage of bio-based polymers for potential pharmacologic and biomedical purposes, including targeted deliveries and drug carriers for regulated drug release. These implementations necessitate unique physicochemical and pharmacokinetic, microbiological, metabolic, and degradation characteristics of the materials in order to provide prolific therapeutic treatments. As a result, a broadly diverse spectrum of natural or artificially synthesized polymers capable of enzymatic hydrolysis, hydrolyzing, or enzyme decomposition are being explored for biomedical purposes. This summary examines the contemporary status of biodegradable naturally and synthetically derived polymers for biomedical fields, such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, bioengineering, targeted drug discovery and delivery, implantation, and wound repair and healing. This review presents an insight into a number of the commonly used tissue engineering applications, including drug delivery carrier systems, demonstrated in the recent findings. Due to the inherent remarkable properties of biodegradable and bioactive polymers, such as their antimicrobial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities, certain materials have gained significant interest in recent years. These systems are also actively being researched to improve therapeutic activity and mitigate adverse consequences. In this article, we also present the main drug delivery systems reported in the literature and the main methods available to impregnate the polymeric scaffolds with drugs, their properties, and their respective benefits for tissue engineering.
  7. Hanif Farhan, M. R., White, P. J, Warner, M., Adam, J. E.
    The aim of this review was to systematically explore the underlying musculoskeletal biomechanical mechanisms of carrying and to describe its potential relationship with low back pain. This literature review was carried out using AMED, CINAHL, Compendex and MEDLINE electronic databases. Articles published from 2004 to 2012 were selected for consideration. Articles were considered if at least one measurement of kinetics, kinematics or other related musculoskeletal parameters related to biomechanics were included within the study. After combining the main keywords, 677 papers were identified. However, only 10 studies met all the inclusion criteria. Age, body mass index, gender and level of physical activity were identified as the factors that may influence the biomechanics of carrying activity. Carrying a loaded backpack was reported leading to posterior pelvic tilt, reduced lumbar lordosis, but increased cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis and trunk forward lean. Furthermore, while carrying bilaterally, lumbo-pelvic coordination was also reported to be more in-phase, as well as reduced coordination variability in transverse plane. Future studies investigating the biomechanics of a standardized carrying activity for clinical test are recommended.
  8. Chua, L. S., Adnan, N. A., Abdul-Rahaman, N. L., Sarmidi, M. R.
    Honey is usually subjected to filtration and heating for bottling before commercialization. However, there is no standard procedure available for thermal treatment on honey. Honey is thermally heated at various temperature and duration based on individual experience to prolong the shelf life of honey in the market. The heating methods might decrease the biochemical components such as nutrients, enzymatic activities and vitamins to certain extent. In addition to water reduction, thermal treatment on sugar rich honey usually accompanied by the formation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). In the present study, the biochemical components in three commonly consumed honey in Malaysia, namely tualang, gelam and acacia honey were investigated before and after thermal treatment at 90oC for 30 min. The short period of heating time was found to degrade nutrients, enzymatic activities and water soluble vitamins in honey. The degradation of protein and enzyme via proteolytic digestion had attributed to the increase of free amino acids in honey. Based on the multivariate analysis, the most thermally affected biochemical components are crude fat, panthotenic acid (Vitamin B5) and diastase activity which explain for 86.4% of the total variance. The kinetic studies on the HMF formation revealed that the honey samples followed zero order kinetic model for the first 60 min of heating at 90oC. The findings indicate that the temperature and duration of heating during honey processing is essential to be investigated according to the honey origin. The initial biochemical composition of honey would affect the kinetic profile of HMF formation.
  9. Mohd Yusak, M. I., Putra Jaya, R., Hainin, M. R., Wan Ibrahim, M. H.
    Porous concrete technology has been used since 1970s in various parts of the United States
    as an option in complex drainage systems and water retention areas. Porous concrete pavements have
    become popular as an effective stormwater management device to control stormwater runoff in
    pavement. Porous concrete pavement is being used as one of the solutions to decrease the stormwater
    runoff by capturing and allowing rainwater to drain into the land surface. The main problem of porous
    concrete pavement is its strength. The objective of this paper is to review the use and performance of
    nano silica in porous concrete pavement and previous laboratory study on porous concrete pavement.
    From the literature review, it was found that the conventional porous concrete pavement does not have
    good strength for pavement purpose. An addition of nano-material will improve the physical and
    chemical properties of porous concrete pavement. To improve the strength of the porous concrete,
    various additives have been studied as a part of porous concrete mix and yet, the optimum condition to
    produce good porous concrete has still not been established. From the previous study, it was found that
    in preparing the porous concrete laboratory specimen, the use of standard Proctor hammer (2.5 kg)
    and pneumatic press (70 kPa compaction effort) resulted in the closest properties to the field porous
  10. Faizah, M. H., Anisah, N., Yusof, S., Noraina, A. R., Adibah, M. R.
    Medicine & Health, 2017;12(2):286-292.
    Acanthamoeba spp. merupakan ameba hidup bebas yang biasa ditemui
    di persekitaran. Ia merupakan agen penyebab keratitis Acanthamoeba (AK)
    dan ensefalitis ameba bergranuloma (GAE). Ameba ini juga mampu menjadi
    perumah kepada pelbagai bakteria termasuklah yang bersifat patogenik seperti
    Mycobacterium, Legionella dan Staphylococcus aureus rintang metisilin (MRSA).
    Berdasarkan maklumat ini, satu kajian dijalankan untuk mengesan kehadiran tiga
    bakteria endosimbion berkepentingan perubatan di dalam Acanthamoeba spp. yang
    telah dipencilkan dari bolong penghawa dingin yang terdapat di wad and dewan
    bedah di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kehadiran bakteria
    endosimbion ini disaring menggunakan pasangan primer khusus bagi setiap genus
    menggunakan reaksi rantai polimerase (PCR) konvensional dan disahkan dengan
    analisis penjujukan. Dua puluh sembilan (80.56%) pencilan Acanthamoeba spp.
    didapati mengandungi bakteria endosimbion patogenik yang disasarkan dengan
    sekurang-kurangnya satu genus bakteria bagi setiap pencilan. Mycobacterium
    (82.76 %) adalah bakteria yang paling banyak dikesan, diikuti dengan Legionella sp.
    (65.52 %) dan Pseudomonas spp. (62.07 %). Tiada bakteria MRSA dikesan daripada
    mana-mana pencilan dalam kajian ini. Dua endosimbion Mycobacterium yang
    dikenalpasti telah dikelompokkan ke dalam strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
    Kami membuat kesimpulan bahawa, kebanyakan Acanthamoeba berpotensi untuk
    menjadi perumah bagi pelbagai bakteria patogenik, namun implikasi interaksi ini
    terhadap patogenisiti kedua-dua organisma masih kurang jelas dan memerlukan
    penyelidikan yang lebih lanjut.
  11. Maisarah AS, Nurul Ajilah MK, Siti Amalina MR, Norazuroh MN
    This literature review focuses on the implementation of biomedical ethics in Malaysia based on the government and institutional settings. Insights of the development of biomedical ethics and the responsible entities, particularly the clinical trials that become the emerging field of interest by the government to boost the biomedical research in Malaysia are provided. Some issues and their implications for research and ethical review process in Malaysia are also elucidated. The review indicates the advancement of policies by the government in implementing the biomedical ethics with some affairs that should be a matter to be concerned.
    Keywords: Biomedical, ethics, implementation, standards, research ethic committee, good laboratory practice.
  12. Rahman ZA, N. Sulaiman, Rahim SA, Idris WMR, Lihan T
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1679-1687.
    Peat soil is characterized by its high content of decomposed organic matter. Majority of areas occupied by peatland have
    been developed for agriculture sectors such as pineapple cultivation and oil palm. Due to its geotechnical drawback
    characteristics such as highly compressibility and low shear strength, peat soil is classified as problematic soils and
    unstable for engineering structures. Lack of suitable and expensive price of lands, peatland will be an alternative
    option for future development. Prior to construction works, stabilization of peat soil should be performed to enhance
    its engineering characteristics. This paper presents the effect of cement and curing period on engineering properties
    of the cement-treated peat soil. Some engineering variables were examined including the compaction behaviour,
    permeability and unconfined compressive strength (UCS). The Atterberg limit test was also carried out to examine
    the influence of cement addition on peat soil. The cement-treated peat soils were prepared by adding varying amount
    of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) ranging between 0% and 40% of dry weight of peat soil. In order to examine the
    effect of curing, the treated samples were dried at room temperature for three and seven days while for UCS tests
    samples were extended to 28 days prior to testings. The results showed that the liquid limit of treated soil decreased
    with the increase of cement content. Maximum dry density (MDD) increased while optimum moisture content (OMC)
    dropped with the increase in cement content. Permeability of treated soil decreased from 6.2×10-4 to 2.4×10-4 ms-1 as
    cement content increase from 0% to 40%. In contrast, the UCS tests indicated an increase in uncompressive strength
    with the increase in cement contents and curing period. The liquid limit and permeability were also altered as curing
    periods were extended from three to seven days. This study concluded that geotechnical properties of peat soil can
    be stabilized using ordinary cement and by modification of the curing periods.
  13. Biswash MR, Sharmin M, Rahman NMF, Farhat T, Siddique MA
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:706-716.
    A field experiment was conducted from June to December, 2013 to study the genetic diversity of 15 modern T. Aman rice
    varieties of Bangladesh (Oryza sativa L.) with a view to assess the superior genotype in future hybridization program
    for developing new rice varieties that is suitable for the target environment. Analysis of variance for each trait showed
    significant differences among the varieties. High heritability associated with high genetic advance in percent of mean
    was observed for plant height and thousand seed weight which indicated that selection for these characters would be
    effective. Hence, thrust has to be given for these characters in future breeding program to improve the yield trait in rice.
    Multivariate analysis based on 10 agronomic characters indicated that the 15 varieties were grouped into four distant
    clusters. The inter cluster distance was maximum between cluster II and cluster IV. The highest intra-cluster distance was
    found in cluster IV. Based on positive value of vector 1 and vector 2, plant height and 1000-seed weight had maximum
    contribution towards genetic divergence. From the results, it can be concluded that the varieties BRRI dhan40, BRRI
    dhan44, BRRI dhan46, BRRI dhan49 and BINA dhan7 may be selected for future hybridization program.
  14. Ahmad Jelani, N. A., Azlan, A., Khoo, H. E., Razman, M. R.
    The present work was aimed to optimise the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of dabai oil
    from dabai pulp and defatted pulp using RSM in comparison with hexane extraction method.
    Fatty acid profile and antioxidant properties of the extracted dabai oil were also determined.
    Optimal RSM conditions were 36 MPa pressure, 40°C temperature and 21 min of extraction
    time. The extracted yields ranged between 14.13% and 15.42%. Supercritical carbon dioxide
    extracted oils had lower total phenolics, total flavonoids, and antioxidative activities than the
    hexane-extracted oils. High-performance liquid chromatography results showed that only
    vanillic, protocatechuic and gallic acids were identified in both hexane and supercritical carbon
    dioxide extracted oils of defatted dabai pulp. The total saturated fatty acids were higher in
    hexane-extracted dabai oil as compared to the supercritical carbon dioxide extracted oil, and
    vice versa for the unsaturated fatty acid. Although supercritical carbon dioxide extracted dabai
    oils are inferior to the hexane-extracted oils, they are preferred as they are extracted using
    green technology.
  15. Mustafa Kamal, M., Baini, R., Lim, S. F., Rahman, M. R., Mohamaddan, S., Hussain, H.
    Local people in Sarawak, Malaysia produce sago starch, commonly referred as lemantak, using traditional method for authentic meals and delicacies. The quality of lemantak degrades with time due to its high moisture content limiting the potential for a wider market, and hence affecting the socio-economy of those whose livelihood depends on sago starch production. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the changes in the properties of traditionally processed dried Sarawak sago starch. In order to achieve this, sago starch was extracted using a well-established traditional process and was dried at 40°C to produce sago starch with moisture contents of 40%, 30%, 20% and 10% wet basis. The effect of moisture content on the physical properties was studied through colour analysis, microscopic analysis, and particle size distribution. Analysis on resistant starch content was also performed. Changes on the hydration and functional properties was monitored by measuring the water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), swelling capacity (SC), and gelatinisation behaviour. Lastly, Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was applied to observe the changes in amorphous and crystalline areas. The physical properties analysis showed changes in starch colour and granule surface; but the change on granule size varied. Dried starch with lower moisture content exhibited higher resistant starch, absorption index, and peak temperature, but lower solubility index, swelling capacity, peak viscosity, crystalline index, and amorphous index. It is suggested that moisture content affected the changes in traditionally processed sago starch properties which was influenced by few components namely polyphenol, lipid, amylose-lipid complex, and inter-molecular hydrogen bond.
  16. Norhayati Y, Wahizatul Afzan A, Siti Noor Jannah S, Nurul Wahidah MR
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1035-1040.
    Interaction between the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) and coconuts will stimulate the plants’ early response by producing the
    reactive oxygen species (ROS) which causes lipid peroxidation and membrane damage of the host plants. Thus, a multiple
    defense lines, including both scavenging enzymes and molecular antioxidants have been evolved to promptly inactivate
    these radicals. This study investigated the responses of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX),
    α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and carotenoids contents of three coconut cultivars which were PANDAN, MAWA and MATAG
    against the RPW infestation. The infested PANDAN and MAWA exhibited higher CAT, POD and APX specific activities of 2.60
    ± 0.11, 5.0 ± 0.72 and 1.58 ± 0.20 units/mg protein for PANDAN whereas 1.13 ± 0.04, 39.38 ± 2.29 and 1.15 ± 0.16 units/
    mg, protein for MAWA) compared with controls. However, MATAG cultivar showed no significant difference (p<0.05) in the
    production of both enzymes except for POD specific activities. RPW infestations only managed to trigger the α-tocopherol
    concentrations in the MAWA cultivar compared with the others. Infested MAWA and MATAG increased the ascorbic acid
    concentrations, however, a contrast results was observed in infested PANDAN. All coconut cultivars exhibited higher
    carotenoids content (2771.20 ± 263.90, 3043.20 ± 526.35 and 921.20 ± 281.10 µg/g.fwt of PANDAN, MAWA and MATAG,
    respectively) compared with their respective controls (455.20 ± 135.10, 1408.40 ± 103.02 and 248.80 ± 110.39 µg/g.
    fwt). The above results indicated that the oxidative stress induced by the RPW infestation would stimulate the activities of
    enzymes and molecular antioxidants studied especially in infested MAWA. Thus, it may be suggested that MAWA cultivar
    was more tolerance towards RPW infestation compared to MATAG and PANDAN. It is hoped that this finding will provide
    clues on how plant respond toward stress during infestation, thus further action can be activated as soon as possible to
    control the spread of R. ferrugineus.
  17. Alsubari S, Zuhri MYM, Sapuan SM, Ishak MR, Ilyas RA, Asyraf MRM
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Jan 28;13(3).
    PMID: 33525703 DOI: 10.3390/polym13030423
    The interest in using natural fiber reinforced composites is now at its highest. Numerous studies have been conducted due to their positive benefits related to environmental issues. Even though they have limitations for some load requirements, this drawback has been countered through fiber treatment and hybridization. Sandwich structure, on the other hand, is a combination of two or more individual components with different properties, which when joined together can result in better performance. Sandwich structures have been used in a wide range of industrial material applications. They are known to be lightweight and good at absorbing energy, providing superior strength and stiffness-to-weight ratios, and offering opportunities, through design integration, to remove some components from the core element. Today, many industries use composite sandwich structures in a range of components. Through good design of the core structure, one can maximize the strength properties, with a low density. However, the application of natural fiber composites in sandwich structures is still minimal. Therefore, this paper reviewed the possibility of using a natural fiber composite in sandwich structure applications. It addressed the mechanical properties and energy-absorbing characteristics of natural fiber-based sandwich structures tested under various compression loads. The results and potential areas of improvement to fit into a wide range of engineering applications were discussed.
  18. Asyraf MRM, Ishak MR, Norrrahim MNF, Nurazzi NM, Shazleen SS, Ilyas RA, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2021 Dec 15;193(Pt B):1587-1599.
    PMID: 34740691 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.10.221
    Biocomposites are materials that are easy to manufacture and environmentally friendly. Sugar palm fibre (SPF) is considered to be an emerging reinforcement candidate that could provide improved mechanical stiffness and strength to the biocomposites. Numerous studies have been recently conducted on sugar palm biocomposites to evaluate their physical, mechanical and thermal properties in various conditions. Sugar palm biocomposites are currently limited to the applications of traditional household products despite their good thermal stability as a prospective substitute candidate for synthetic fibres. Thus, thermal analysis methods such as TGA and DTG are functioned to determine the thermal properties of single fibre sugar palm composites (SPCs) in thermoset and thermoplastic matrix as well as hybrid SPCs. The biocomposites showed a remarkable change considering thermal stability by varying the individual fibre compositions and surface treatments and adding fillers and coupling agents. However, literature that summarises the thermal properties of sugar palm biocomposites is unavailable. Particularly, this comprehensive review paper aims to guide all composite engineers, designers, manufacturers and users on the selection of suitable biopolymers for sugar palm biocomposites for thermal applications, such as heat shields and engine components.
  19. Faruque MR, Hossain MI, Misran N, Singh M, Islam MT
    PLoS One, 2015;10(11):e0142663.
    PMID: 26599584 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142663
    A metamaterial-embedded planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is proposed in this study for cellular phone applications. A dual-band PIFA is designed to operate both GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1800 MHz. The ground plane of a conventional PIFA is modified using a planar one-dimensional metamaterial array. The investigation is performed using the Finite Integration Technique (FIT) of CST Microwave Studio. The performance of the developed antenna was measured in an anechoic chamber. The specific absorption rate (SAR) values are calculated considering two different holding positions: cheek and tilt. The SAR values are measured using COMOSAR measurement system. Good agreement is observed between the simulated and measured data. The results indicate that the proposed metamaterial-embedded antenna produces significantly lower SAR in the human head compared to the conventional PIFA. Moreover, the modified antenna substrate leads to slight improvement of the antenna performances.
  20. Darmawan MF, Yusuf SM, Abdul Kadir MR, Haron H
    Leg Med (Tokyo), 2015 Mar;17(2):71-8.
    PMID: 25456051 DOI: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2014.09.006
    Age estimation was used in forensic anthropology to help in the identification of individual remains and living person. However, the estimation methods tend to be unique and applicable only to a certain population. This paper analyzed age estimation using twelve regression models carried out on X-ray images of the left hand taken from an Asian data set for subjects under the age of 19. All the nineteen bones of the left hand were measured using free image software and the statistical analysis were performed using SPSS. There are two methods to determine age in this study which are single bone method and all bones method. For single bone method, S-curve regression model was found to have the highest R-square value using second metacarpal for males, and third proximal phalanx for females. For age estimation using single bone, fifth metacarpal from males and fifth proximal phalanx from females can be used due to the lowest mean square error (MSE) value. To conclude, multiple linear regressions is the best techniques for age estimation in cases where all bones are available, but if not, S-curve regression can be used using single bone method.
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