Displaying publications 1201 - 1220 of 10157 in total

  1. Aniza, I, Nurmawati, A, Hanizah, Y, Ahmad Taufik, J
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Malaysia and many parts of the world. Potentially modifiable risk factors for CVD include diabetes mellitus, hypertension, abdominal obesity, smoking and psychosocial stress. Over the last several decades, efforts to prevent or treat CVD risk factors have resulted in significantly lower rates of CVD-related mortality. However, many patients have never achieved adequate control of CVD risk factors despite them being identified. The aims of this study were to measure the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and to determine its associated factors. A cross sectional study was carried out in a rural area of Malaysia from March 2011 to November 2011 on 1489 respondents aged 18 and above who were selected via convenient sampling. The survey was conducted via a face-to-face interview using a standardized self administered questionnaire. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease identified was 72 cases (4.8%). Overall, the prevalence of modifiable risk factors were predominant compared to non modifiable, with abdominal obesity (51.2%) hypertension (39.5%) and psychosocial stress (33.8%) being among the highest. However, the prevalence of other modifiable risk factors was relatively low with smoking (25.2%), and diabetes mellitus (10.9%) respectively. Respondent with diabetes mellitus and hypertension were 4 times more likely to have cardiovascular disease and those who are obese had associated 2.5risks towards cardiovascular disease. Therefore, community health intervention measures should be mobilized,specifically on prevention and control of lifestyle-related risk factors.
  2. Wong, T. L., Ahmad, U. K., Tharmalingam, S.
    – The increasing use of fibre blends in clothing requires effective characterisation methods.
    Fibre analysts have often relied on the methods developed for single fibres to characterise fibre
    blends. This study was thus carried out using light microscopy and infrared spectroscopy to
    characterise binary-blended specimens and to evaluate the effectiveness of these tools on blended
    fibres. The blended samples were successfully characterised with the application of stereomicroscope,
    polarized light microscope (PLM), fluorescence microscope and attenuated total reflectance Fourier
    transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). PLM was more effective in discovering the presence of
    fibre blends compared to other techniques used in this work. Stereomicroscope allowed preliminary
    screening while fluorescence microscope provided useful information in fibre discrimination. High
    correlations (>80%) with combined infrared spectra of individual fibre components were reached for
    most blended samples. Therefore, light microscopy (stereo, polarizing and fluorescence) and infrared
    spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) are recommended for the effective characterisation of fibre blends.
    Copyright © 2016 Penerbit Akademia Baru - All rights reserved.
  3. Farah Kamil, Tang, S.H., Zulkifli, N., Ahmad, S.A., Khaksar, W.
    Robotic navigation has remained an open issue through the last two decades. Mobile robot
    is required to navigate safely to goal location in presence of obstacles. Recently the use of mobile
    robot in unknown dynamic environment has significantly increased. The aim of this paper is to offer a
    comprehensive review over different approaches to mobile robots in dynamic environments,
    particularly on how they solve many issues that face the researchers recently. This paper also explains
    the advantages and drawbacks of each reviewed paper. The authors decide to categorize these articles
    based on the entire content of each paper into ten common challenges which have been discussed in
    this paper, including: traveling distance, traveling time, safety, motion control, smooth path, future
    prediction, stabilization, competence, precision, and low computation cost. Finally, some open areas
    and challenging topics are offered according to the articles mentioned.
  4. Khairiatul Nabilah Jansar, Ahmad Muhaimin Roslan, Mohd Ali Hassan
    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the most planted trees in Malaysia for the palm oil production. Thus, solid biomass had been generated from this industry such as empty fruit bunch, shell, mesocarp fibre, frond and trunk produced that causes problematic to the nation and expected to escalate up to 85-110 million tonnes by 2020. Besides that, palm oil mill effluent and excessive steam also generated from the production of palm oil. In situ hydrothermal pretreatment means the utilisation of excessive steam produced by the oil palm mill and at the same time, generating value added product as well as reducing the biomass. Oil palm biomass is rich in lignocellulosic materials which comprised of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose. Refinement of lignocellulosic from oil palm biomass can be utilised to form fermentable sugar, bioethanol and other potential chemicals. Recalcitrant property of lignocellulosic reduces the ability of enzymes to penetrate, thus pretreatment is required prior to hydrolysis process. Pretreatment can be either physical, chemical, biological or combined. In this review paper, three types of hydrothermal pretreatment were discussed as suitable in situ pretreatment process for oil palm biomass; in palm oil mill. The suitability was measured based on the availability of excess steam and energy in the mill. Furthermore, physicochemical pretreatment also facilitate the saccharification process, whereby it loosened the lignocellulose structure and increase the surface area. The effects and factors in choosing right pretreatment are highlighted in this paper.
  5. Hidayat AFA, Chan CK, Mohamad J, Kadir HA
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2018 Nov 15;226:120-131.
    PMID: 30118836 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2018.08.020
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE: Leptospermum flavescens has been used traditionally in Malaysia to treat various ailments such as constipation, hypertension, diabetes and cancer.

    AIM OF STUDY: To investigate the potential protective effects of L. flavescens in pancreatic β cells through inhibition of apoptosis and autophagy cell death mechanisms in in vitro and in vivo models.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: L. flavescens leaves were extracted using solvent in increasing polarities: hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and water. All extracts were tested for INS-1 β cells viability stimulated by streptozotocin (STZ). The extract which promotes the highest cell protective activity was further evaluated for insulin secretion, apoptosis and autophagy signaling pathways. Then, the acute toxicity of extract was carried out in SD rats according to OECD 423 guideline. The active extract was tested in diabetic rats where the pancreatic β islets were evaluated for insulin, apoptosis and autophagy protein.

    RESULTS: The methanolic extract of L. flavescens (MELF) was found to increase INS-1 β cells viability and insulin secretion against STZ. In addition, MELF has been shown to inhibit INS-1 β cells apoptosis and autophagy activity. Notably, there was no toxicity observed in SD rats when administered with MELF. Furthermore, MELF exhibited anti-hyperglycemic activity in diabetic rats where apoptosis and autophagy protein expression was found to be suppressed in pancreatic β islets.

    CONCLUSION: MELF was found to protect pancreatic β cells function from STZ-induced apoptosis and autophagy in in vitro and in vivo.

  6. Saadi Ahmad Kamaruddin, Nor Azura Md Ghani, Norazan Mohamed Ramli
    Neurocomputing has been adjusted effectively in time series forecasting activities, yet the vicinity of exceptions that frequently happens in time arrangement information might contaminate the system preparing information. This is because of its capacity to naturally realise any example without earlier suspicions and loss of sweeping statement. In principle, the most widely recognised calculation for preparing the system is the backpropagation (BP) calculation, which inclines toward minimisation of standard slightest squares (OLS) estimator, particularly the mean squared mistake (MSE). Regardless, this calculation is not by any stretch of the imagination strong when the exceptions are available, and it might prompt bogus expectation of future qualities. In this paper, we exhibit another calculation which controls the firefly algorithm of least median squares (FFA-LMedS) estimator for neural system nonlinear autoregressive moving average (ANN-NARMA) model enhancement to provide betterment for the peripheral issue in time arrangement information. Moreover, execution of the solidified model in correlation with another hearty ANN-NARMA models, utilising M-estimators, Iterative LMedS and Particle Swarm Optimisation on LMedS (PSO-LMedS) with root mean squared blunder (RMSE) qualities, is highlighted in this paper. In the interim, the actual monthly information of Malaysian Aggregate, Sand and Roof Materials value was taken from January 1980 to December 2012 (base year 1980=100) with various levels of anomaly issues. It was found that the robustified ANN-NARMA model utilising FFA-LMedS delivered the best results, with the RMSE values having almost no mistakes at all in all the preparation, testing and acceptance sets for every single distinctive variable. Findings of the studies are hoped to assist the regarded powers including the PFI development tasks to overcome cost overwhelms.
  7. Wan Ahmad Hazim, Nur Hidayah Aeshah Ng, Salleha Khalid
    Minimally invasive surgery results in faster recovery. The objective of this study is to identify criteria for the feasibility of 24-hour discharge post laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy. This is a prospective cross-sectional study that was carried out at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department in Putrajaya Hospital between 1 January and 31 December, 2016. The inclusion criteria were: age between 15 and 45, no comorbidities, no family history of malignancy, BMI of less than 30, mass size less than 18 weeks, single uninoculated simple cyst and no ascites. The exclusion criteria were post-menopause women, known medical illness, family history of malignancy, mass size more than 18 weeks, multiloculated or bilateral ovarian cyst, presence of solid area within the cyst and ascites. The sample size was calculated to be 14. A total of 16 participants were identified. Results showed that using the Visual Analogue Score (VAS), the mean pain score post operatively in the first six hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, two weeks and three months were 3.67, 2.57, 0.5, 0 and 0, respectively. Two of the subjects experienced post-operative nausea and vomiting, one had urinary tract infection and one had minor bleeding from the surgical site. All the participants were discharged within 24 hours post-operatively. There was no readmission. In conclusion, 24-hour discharge post laparoscopic cystectomy is safe and feasible. Factors determining the success must be adhered to closely to ensure a good and satisfactory outcome. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
  8. Zulhaidi, M.J., Baba, M.D., Mohd Hanif, S., Ahmad Azad, A.R.
    This study aims to determine the job satisfaction (JS) level among professional driving instructors (PDIs) in the driver
    training and licensing system in Malaysia. Specifically, it looks at the influence of income level and remuneration
    scheme on PDI’s satisfaction. The average income of PDI is relatively low with three remuneration schemes: fixed
    income; fixed income plus commission; and commission only. The study adopted the cross-sectional survey using the
    20-item Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) (short-form) with end-specified 10-point scale. Analysis of
    the data revealed that PDIs with higher income are more satisfied with their job, t (179) = -3.248, p = 0.001.
    Similarly, three level One-way ANOVA of JS scores with three remuneration schemes revealed a significant difference
    of JS across these schemes, F (2,178) = 3.51, p ≤ 0.032. Researchers’ further exploration found a significant
    interaction between these two variables (income level vs. remuneration scheme), F (5,175) = 4.88, p = 0.001. In
    general, PDIs with higher income are more satisfied with their job only if they received it as a fixed income
    (regardless of having commission or not). This insightful finding can be a basis for relevant stakeholders in
    understanding the influence of income and remuneration scheme towards JS among PDIs in Malaysia.
  9. Nurul Ain Nabilla, Samsilah Roslan, Zeinab Ghiami, Noorlila Ahmad
    The purpose of this paper was to identify theories that underpin the relationship between perceived restorativeness and psychological wellbeing. This study also aimed to identify the types of activities that the respondent preferred to use as psychological resources when dealing with threatening situation. The instruments used in this study were Perceived Restorativeness for Activities Scale (PRAS) and Psychological Wellbeing Scale. The questionnaires were administered to a sample of 192 Master of Education students. The findings demonstrated that Master of Education students possess a high level of psychological well-being (Mean = 4.39, SD = 0.611) and high level of perceived restorativeness for their preferred activities (Mean = 4.57, SD = 0.76). The most preferred activities for restorativeness approach included participation in social context, followed by engaging in outdoor activities and lastly observing nature. The fascination property of perceived restorativeness obtained the highest score. Thus, the findings of the study illustrate the students’ preferred activities of restorativeness for maintaining their level of psychological wellbeing.
  10. Baskaran Gunasekaran, Siti Aqlima Ahmad, Mohd Izuan Effendi Halmi
    The Malacca river runs through the Malacca UNESCO heritage site where a number of historical buildings are located. The river itself runs through several industrial sites that increase the chances of the water being polluted. Water pollution including heavy metals, in the long run, can damage the reputation of the site. Hence monitoring of the water quality needs to be done periodically. As the cost of instrumental monitoring is costly, biomonitoring using enzyme is being intensely developed worldwide. In this study, a rapid inhibitive enzyme assay using the molybdenum-reducing enzyme from the bacterium Serratia sp. strain DRY6 sensitive to the heavy metals mercury, copper, silver, and chromium was developed as a method for a rapid monitoring of heavy metals. The IC¬50 values for mercury, copper, silver and chromium were 0.268, 0.352, 0.393 and 0.499 mg L-1, while the LOD values were 0.166, 0.071, 0.033 and 0.064 mg L-1, respectively. The IC50 values for these heavy metals are comparable and in several cases, more sensitive than established assays. Water samples from various locations in the Melaka river were tested for the presence of heavy metals using the developed assay. Enzyme activity was found to be inhibited in one sampling location, but the concentration of metal ions on the site was found to be below the Maximum Permissible Limit according to Malaysian Environmental Quality standard. The assay for heavy metals can be completed in less than 10 minutes and can be carried out at ambient temperature. The assay is rapid and simple and can be used as a first screening method or even near real-time method for routine monitoring of heavy metals.
  11. Mugilan Muralitharan, Syed Ahmad Helmi, Kamarulafizam Ismail, Azanizawati Ma'aram
    Aesthetic value of the automotive car seat has been one of the selling points of each car besides
    providing functions such as being safe, supportive as well provides comfort to the occupants. Other
    criteria considered besides the aesthetic element are cushion foam and self-adjustment factor.
    Ergonomics is not a new issue because most of the existing seat design today have already practiced it.
    Existing car seat manufacturers have considered anthropometry data. The average upon 95th percentile of
    human measurement had been deliberated. However, issues such as time spent driving and seat design
    issue have arisen upon the search of comfort and rising of musculoskeletal disease such as back pain. As a
    solution, this study would propose an automotive car seat design of ergonomic evolution, which would
    create comfort by manipulating the seat cushion foams. The proposed seat cushion foam would be use to
    replace the existing polymers with beanbag foam. This is inspire by the nature of beanbag, fitting up and
    providing comfort to the occupants of various body sizes and shapes. Malaysian anthropometry
    measurements are required for design of car seat, which later compared with the existing seats of
    commercial vehicle. The literature review showed the pressure mapping technique of respondent seating
    on the existing car seat. The most sensitive compartments where discomfort are experienced studied and
    placed with sachets filed with beanbag beads. This experiment conducted many times over a few
    respondents by using the pressure mat to find out, if there are any changes in terms of comfort. This
    design of new car seat with a manipulation cushion foam replaced with beanbag foam could be a niche to
    eliminate discomfort to all range body sizes and shapes.
  12. Darliana, M., Ahmad, R.I., Baba, M.D., Dian, D.I.D.
    This study was conducted to analyses the Biceps Brachii (BB) muscle contraction during different driving postures.
    Drivers’ posture is one of the factors that contribute to driving fatigue that eventually may lead to road accident
    and injuries. The experiment conducted for this study is using the surface electromyography (SEMG) method for
    objective evaluation of muscle involved in driving activities. A total of 14 participants are involved in the
    experiment. The experiment was done on three different posture based on comfortable angles published by previous
    research. From the results analysis, the RMS value for activity left turn is lower than activity for right turn for all
    three postures and results also shows that posture B with elbow angle of 134° is perceived as most comfortable
    based on the lowest value of muscle contraction with a value of 15.67μV. The outcomes from this study are hoped to
    benefit both manufactures and also car users in ensuring better and optimum driving postures that can avoid fatigue
    and injuries.
  13. Motharasan Manogaran, Nur Adeela Yasid, Siti Aqlima Ahmad
    Glyphosate is an agricultural herbicide with usage in the amounts of thousands of tonnes per year
    in Malaysia. In certain soils, glyphosate can persist for months and its removal through
    bioremediation is the most economical and practical. A previously isolated glyphosate-degrading
    bacterium showed substrate inhibition to the degradation rate. Important degradation inhibition
    constants can be reliably obtained through nonlinear regression modelling of the degradation rate
    profile using substrate inhibition models such as Luong, Yano, Teissier-Edward, Aiba, Haldane,
    Monod and Han and Levenspiel models. The Aiba model was chosen as the best model based on
    statistical tests such as root-mean-square error (RMSE), adjusted coefficient of determination
    (adjR2), bias factor (BF) and accuracy factor (AF). The calculated values for the Aiba-Edwards
    constants qmax (the maximum specific substrate degradation rate (h−1), Ks (concentration of
    substrate at the half maximal degradation rate (mg/L) and Ki (inhibition constant (mg/L)) were
    131±34, 4446±2073, and 24323±5094, respectively. Novel constants obtained from the
    modelling exercise would be useful for further secondary modelling implicating the effect of
    media conditions and other factors on the degradation of glyphosate by this bacterium.
  14. Azisyahirah Azizan, Haris Ahmad Israr, Mohd Nasir Tamin
    Mechanical responses and failure of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite
    laminates could be predicted using the validated finite element (FE) simulation. The
    material constitutive and damage models employed in the simulation are developed
    based on the properties of the unidirectional lamina, including those obtained
    through tension tests. Such computational model assumes perfectly aligned fibers in
    the lamina. In this respect, this paper examined the effect of fabrication-inherited
    fiber misalignment on the tensile response of the unidirectional lamina. For this
    purpose, a series of tension tests are performed on unidirectional carbon fiberreinforced
    polymer (CFRP) composite lamina specimens with different gage lengths
    ranging from 50 to 150 mm. Fiber misalignment is quantified to be 7o and represents
    the nominal deviation of the fibers from the reference longitudinal axis direction.
    Load-displacement responses of the specimens are compared. Results show that the
    nominal tensile strength of the lamina is 1089±33 MPa. The elastic modulus,
    however, increases from 36.96 to 55.93 GPa as the gage lengths vary from 50 to 150
    mm, respectively. This is due to the induced bending effects on the reinforcing fibers
    that is greater for longer gage lengths. Multiple fiber fracture events, each is depicted
    in a noticeable load drop, are recorded throughout the tensile loading of long lamina
    specimens. Although the load at fracture is accurately reproduced by the FE
    simulation using the damage-based mesoscale model, the effect of fiber
    misalignment could not be captured.
  15. Zulkifli Ahmad, Mohd Najeb Jamaludin, Abdul Hafidz Omar
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2018;7(1):15-25.
    Physical fatigue or muscle fatigue is a common problem that affects people
    who are vigorously involved in activities that require endurance movements.
    It becomes more complicated to measure the fatigue level when the dynamic
    motion of the activity is included. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a
    wearable device that can be used for monitoring physical fatigue condition
    during aerobic exercise. A 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) microcontroller
    board was used to process the data sensed by Ag/AgCl electrodes
    and real-time transmitted to the computer through Bluetooth's technology.
    The wearable was attached to the knee and connected to the biopotential
    electrodes for sensing the muscle movement and convert it into the electrical
    signal. The signal then processed by using the fourth-order Butterworth filter
    to filter the low-pass filter frequency and eliminate the noise signal. The
    results reveal that the fatigue level increased gradually based on the rating of
    perceived exertion (RPE), using 10-point Borg's scale, which is rated by the
    subject’s feeling. Both muscle's activities in lower limb rise as speed is
    increased, and it was also observed that the rectus femoris is functioning
    more than gastrocnemius due to the size of muscle fiber. Furthermore, it
    was established that the maximum volumetric contraction (MVC) could be
    used as a reference and indicator for measuring the percentage of contraction
    in pre-fatigue but not to fatigue induced experiment. However, this wearable
    device for EMG is promising to measure the muscle signal in the dynamic
    motion of movement. Consequently, this device is beneficial for a coach to
    monitor their athlete's level of exhaustion to be not over-exercise, which also
    can prevent severe injury.
  16. Ahmad Saad, F.F., Abdullah, N.S., Shaharuddin, S., Nordin, A.J.
    Chronic inflammation is associated with processes that contribute to the onset or progression of cancer. This study examined the correlation between dichotomised patients with malignant tumours and inflammatory markers based on the altered glucose metabolism measured by the FDG SUVmax that underpins the degree of tumour aggressiveness. Thirty-one patients underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT for various carcinoma along with blood inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL6), lipid profile and fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels were obtained in retrospective study. Patients were dichotomised by the cut-off SUVmax value of 6.0 dl/ml derived from curve analysis (P=-0.025). The mean age of the subjects were 53.16 ± 12.06 years and mean SUVmax of 8.80±6.27 g/ml. Significant correlation was noted between the SUVmax and CRP and IL6 (r=0.361; P
  17. Ahmad Sahril Hussin, Nik Azrizie Muhamed, Haryati Husin, Irfan Mohamad
    Intramuscular haemangioma is relatively rare and accounts for less than 1% of all haemangioma.
    Most of these tumours occur in the trunk, arms and legs. Only 14% of all intramuscular haemangioma arise
    from the head and neck region, with masseter muscle representing the most common site of involvement,
    followed by the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. We present a case of a 60-year-old man with a
    soft lump in the left cheek. Imaging of the neck showed irregular, dilated enhancing vessels seen in the left
    masseter muscle suggestive of intramuscular haemangioma. Excisional biopsy was performed, and
    histopathological findings confirmed the diagnosis.
  18. Nur Asiyah Che Saari, Wan Munira Jaafar, Nobaya Ahmad
    The present research sought to examine the teamwork performance among AIM microcredit
    participants based on Tuckman (1965) model. Hence, the author elaborates the level of teamwork
    process such as forming, norming, storming and performing in a group among AIM participant in
    Daerah Hulu Langat. The AIM is replication of the Grameen Bank approach in Malaysia and the
    teamwork concept was apply which is the scheme must be apply in a group and not in individual. Selfadministrative
    questionnaire was applied to conduct a data collection and a sample of 160 respondents
    among participant from Sungai Gabai, Sungai Ramal, Sungai Chua, Sungai Tangkas, Bukit Mewah,
    Semenyih and Sungai Jelok in Kajang were chosen based on stratified and simple random sampling
    techniques to complete the survey. Researcher suggests the finding indicate that the high level stage in
    teamwork process is forming, storming and performing stage. Only norming stage was in moderate
    level. Consequently, high and positive teamwork resulted efficiencies in the microfinance group.
    Teamwork with the right process can achieved positive outcome among AIM microcredit participants.
  19. Ali Garba Kolo, Wan Munira Wan Jaafar, Nobaya Ahmad
    This paper examined the influence of psychosocial factors on student’s academic performance. Selfadministered
    questionnaire was applied as the method of data collection and a sample of 339 students’
    from five faculties/schools in Potiskum College were chosen based on stratified and simple random
    sampling techniques to complete the survey. After analyzing the data collected, Person’s correlation
    coefficient reflected that, there was a positive and significant correlation between the all four variables:
    students’ attitudes towards lecturers, academic self-efficacy, students’-lecturers’ interaction and
    academic performance. Moreover, multiple regression analysis by using stepwise method was
    conducted to estimate the prediction power of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The
    finding indicated that only attitude and interaction could significantly predict students’ academic
    performance by R2=65.6%. Meaning academic self-efficacy failed to predict academic performance in
    present study. To conclude in this study, attitude and interaction are important factors in influencing
    students’ academic performance positively in Potiskum College of education, Nigeria.
  20. Fauziah Ani, Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah, Ma'rof Redzuan, Norbaya Ahmad
    This paper seeks to illustrate how empowerment theory can be applied as a critical approach which
    could heighten power and capacity in community development. This is because empowerment is not
    just viewed through theory or philosophy only, but as an active approach which could be applied to
    enhance individual, oganizational or even communal prosperity. Many communal issues discussed by
    scholars such as poverty, health, women, people with disability, single mothers, youth, leadership, organization and many others utilises the empowerment approach. This is because it is the most
    effective approach in resolving issues by empowering individual or target group to take effective action
    through ability and potential, which have been developed. Discussion will ensue with definition of
    empowerment, which will be elucidated, with the concept of power. In the context of community
    development, empowerment refers to a mechanism where individual, organization and community will
    amass control on life and related issues affecting them such as economy, social, psychology and
    politics. To understand this concept clearly, discussion of empowerment concept will be closely
    examined to view the definition from two different dimensions, which is whether empowerment can be
    ascertained as a process, benefit or outcome. By using the qualitative approach, which is through
    analysing content, books, journals and other references, a few steps or process have been unearthed to
    apply empowerment as an approach, which could be practiced in the context of community
    development specifically in rural areas.
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