Displaying publications 1321 - 1340 of 1933 in total

  1. Wan Manan W.M., Noor Izani N.J., Nik Nurain N.H., Razlina A.R., Nik Rosmawati N.H.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):21-27.
    Background: School children are at great risk of nutrition-related chronic diseases. Their eating pattern in
    school is influenced by the availability of food served within the school environment. The purpose of this
    paper was to determine the effectiveness of a canteen-based food nutrition intervention, designed according
    to the theory of planned behaviour, on the knowledge, perception and choices of healthy food among primary
    Methods: This was a prospective intervention study using a two-group design. Six school canteens from the
    ninety-eight primary schools were randomly allocated to an intervention group or a control group. All the
    food handlers in the intervention group were given a twelve-week training course in food nutrition. On the
    completion of the course, 293 Standard Six students from these schools, were interviewed with a nutritional
    questionnaire on food in their school canteens. The training programme for the intervention group and the
    questionnaire for the students were developed and validated for the study, and a power calculation made for
    the sample size of students.
    Results: The students in both groups were homogeneous in gender and body mass. The mean body mass
    index (BMI) was 19.26 (SD: 0.38) and 19.47 (SD: 0.39) for the intervention and the control group respectively.
    There were more schoolchildren in the intervention group who purchased foods in school canteens (p 0.0036)
    of milk and milk products (p 0.034), and white rice (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Jia, Y.F., Loo, Yee Teo
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):1-5.
    Introduction: Studying in a university can be stressful for any undergraduate student, and the excessive
    stress is associated with physical and mental health problems. The purpose of the study was to examine the prevalence and determinants of perceived stress among undergraduate students in a Malaysian university.
    Methods: 456 undergraduate students participated in this study. The Perceived Stress Scale and the Student Stress Survey (SSS) were implemented as indicators; PSS as a global measure of perceived stress, and the SSS for the identification of the sources of stress.
    Results: The prevalence rate of perceived stress among the undergraduate students was 37.7%. The overall PSS mean score was 27.5 ( SD 4.763), with a cut-off value of perceived stress at 28. Multivariate logistic regression model identified that the female student (OR 1.995, 95% CI 1.313-3.031) and the first year student (OR = 2.383, 95% CI 1.047-5.422) perceived more stress than the others.
    Conclusion: The present study demonstrated a high prevalence rate of perceived stress among undergraduate students in general, and the female and the first year undergraduate students in particular. There is a need for further studies on the borderline stress of the undergraduate students and the sources of stress.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Sundram ER, Norsa'adah B, Mohamad H, Moy FM, Husain NRN, Shafei MN
    Oman Med J, 2019 Jan;34(1):49-55.
    PMID: 30671184 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2019.08
    Objectives: We sought to determine the effectiveness of a voice care program among primary school teachers in a northeastern district in Malaysia.
    Methods: We conducted a randomized community trial in eight primary schools in a northeastern district in Malaysia. The self-administered and validated Malay-Voice Handicap Index-10 (M-VHI-10) questionnaire was used to assess overall voice handicap scores pre-intervention and eight weeks post-intervention. Teachers with a score of five or more (n = 86) were randomized into intervention (n = 41) and control groups (n = 45). The intervention group received portable voice amplifiers and vocal hygiene instruction, which was delivered by lectures and a booklet. The control group was not prescribed any intervention.
    Results: The sociodemographic, lifestyle, and occupational characteristics of the teachers (except maximum number of students per class) were similar between both groups. The baseline M-VHI-10 scores between both groups were also comparable. After the intervention phase, there was a significant effect observed in the total M-VHI-10 scores (p = 0.021, F-stat (df): 5.33 (1,79)) between both groups after controlling for the maximum number of students per class.
    Conclusions: Our results support the use of voice amplification in adjunct with vocal hygiene instruction as a prevention and treatment modality to reduce voice handicap among teachers. Our study demonstrated encouraging evidence on the low-cost voice care program as well as the success of group and workplace-based approaches in the school setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Arrasyid NK, Sinambela MN, Tala ZZ, Darlan DM, Warli SM
    Open Access Maced J Med Sci, 2017 Apr 15;5(2):117-120.
    PMID: 28507613 DOI: 10.3889/oamjms.2017.016
    BACKGROUND: The latest estimates indicate that more than 2 billion people worldwide are infected by Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH). The burden of STH infection is mainly attributed to the chronic effect on health and quality of life of those infected. It is also contributed to micronutrient deficiencies such as iron-deficiency anaemia. The prevalence of worm infection in Public Primary School students in Medan was quite high (40.3%), and 33.3% was anaemic in the latest study.

    AIM: To determine the correlation between STH infection with serum iron (SI) level on primary school children, as well as to determine the prevalence of SI level and worm infection, and the type of worm that infects the most of them.

    METHODS: This study was conducted in the cross-sectional method. Consecutive sampling technique was used and a total of 132 students age 8-12 years old were included. The study took places in Public Primary School 060925 Amplas, Medan and 101747 Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang throughout May-October 2016. Fisher Exact test was used to analyse the correlation between STH infection and SI level.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of STH infection was 7.6%, and low SI was 11.4%.

    CONCLUSION: There was no significant correlation between STH infection and SI level (P = 0.317). The prevalence of low SI level was not significantly dependent on STH infection (RP = 1.877, 95% CI = 0.481-7.181).

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Izni Syamsina Saari, Nor Adila Kedin, Ainon Syazana Ab Hamid, Mohd Amirul Atan
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2019;15(1):33-43.
    In Malaysia, gastric cancer (also known as stomach cancer) is diagnosed at a complex stage and has poor prognosis. Most mortality cases due to gastric cancer diseases are potentially preventable. Thus greater efforts are needed for gastric cancer awareness to give adequate knowledge for Malaysians in order to be more cautious or alert in diagnosing the ailment much earlier. After all, early detection is the key towards improving the survival rate in gastric cancer patients. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the youngsters’ awareness on the risk factors of gastric cancer. A survey using online forms was conducted on 350 students of UiTM Melaka, Alor Gajah Campus, to assess their awareness of risk factors regarding gastric cancer. Based on the regression analysis conducted, it can be highlighted that attitudes, knowledge, medication, education level and faculty (dummy) are some of the variables that were found to be the risk factors of the awareness on gastric cancer among these selected youngsters in the 21st century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Baloch GM, Kamaludin K, Chinna K, Sundarasen S, Nurunnabi M, Khoshaim HB, et al.
    PMID: 33673237 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18041799
    COVID-19 has speedily immersed the globe with 72+ million cases and 1.64 million deaths, in a span of around one year, disturbing and deteriorating almost every sphere of life. This study investigates how students in Pakistan have coped with the COVID-19. Zung's self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) was used for measuring anxiety and the coping strategies were measured on four strategies i.e., seeking social support, humanitarian, acceptance, and mental disengagement. Among 494 respondents, 61% were females and 77.3% of the students were in the age group of 19-25 years. The study findings indicate that approximately 41 percent of students are experiencing some level of anxiety, including 16% with severe to extreme levels. Seeking social support seemed to be the least preferred coping strategy and that female students seek social support, humanitarian, and acceptance coping strategies more than males. Students used both emotion-based and problem-based coping strategies. The variables of gender, age, ethnicity, level and type of study, and living arrangement of the students were associated with usage of coping strategies. Findings showing that students do not prefer to seek social support. The study outcomes will provide basic data for university policies in Pakistan and the other countries with same cultural contexts to design and place better mental health provisions for students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  7. Sulaiman S, Leelavathi M, Norasyikin AW
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 11;75(6):655-659.
    PMID: 33219173
    INTRODUCTION: The rapid increase in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) among the younger age groups is a growing concern worldwide. Thus, assessing the perception of risk and knowledge among those at risk may provide an opportunity for early intervention, delay or even prevent the onset.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the perceived risk of developing T2DM and its knowledge among the offspring of diabetic patients.
    METHODS: A cross sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among university students whose parents had type 2 diabetes to determine their perceived risk and knowledge on T2DM.
    RESULTS: A total of 336 university students participated in this study and 56.5% of them correctly identified themselves at risk of developing T2DM. About half of them (52.7%) had higher knowledge of T2DM. Male students appeared to have better risk perception (p=0.024) compared to females while those with mothers affected by T2DM appear to have higher knowledge regarding diabetes (p=0.007). Most of their information regarding T2DM was obtained from the internet (87.5%) and other family members (77.9%).
    CONCLUSION: The students whose mothers had T2DM appear to have better knowledge and information regarding T2DM and this was mostly obtained from the internet and family members. Awareness regarding diabetes and healthy lifestyles advice through primary patients may be beneficial for their offspring.
    Study site: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Nurshaidah Mohamad Sari, Nur Sofurah Mohd Faiz
    The issue in research ethics has been a long-standing problem in the academic world. In qualitative research, most of the studies carried out involve human subjects and require awareness of ethical issues that may arise, such as misconduct in research, plagiarism and authorship disputes. However, the emphasis on this issue has been given little exposure mostly among postgraduate students in Malaysia. This paper will highlight the most common ethical issues that arise in qualitative research studies, why this has happened, and how to overcome these important issues across institutions. In order to discover these issues, the databases Scopus, Google Scholar and Google Search were queried in the searching. The databases were assessed through the criteria of research ethics, research misconduct, and ethical issue in qualitative research from the year 1995 to 2019. The results revealed that there are studies on ethics in qualitative research especially in health and business area but insufficiently addressed in education. Besides, there are also several types of ethical problems in qualitative researches being identified which are commonly engaged by students despite research classes or courses that have been provided. Finally, it is concluded that not only does the research ethics component needs to be clearly addressed in the teaching among postgraduate students when conducting qualitative research, but there is also an urgent need to improve the institution curriculum in the research subject.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Kamaludin K, Chinna K, Sundarasen S, Khoshaim HB, Nurunnabi M, Baloch GM, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Nov;6(11):e05339.
    PMID: 33134570 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05339
    This study examined how university students in Malaysia coped with the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on movement (also known as MCO). A total of 983 students participated in a survey conducted online between April 20 and May 24, 2020. The psychological impact was measured using Zung's Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). The students were assessed on the usage of adaptive (humanitarian and seeking social support) and maladaptive coping strategies (acceptance and mental disengagement). The results showed that the students used maladaptive coping strategies more than adaptive coping strategies to deal with anxiety caused by the pandemic and the effect of restriction of movement. Seeking social support and acceptance coping strategies were significantly associated with the level of anxiety. The student's gender, age, ethnicity, level and type of study, and living arrangement were associated with coping strategies. The students' selection of coping strategies mirrors typical Asian culture, that is, submissiveness. The study proposes several practical and professional suggestions to address students' mental health issues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Muhammad Darwiis Abdullah, Aiman Faiz Ahmad Fuad, Hafiz Ilmie Rahman, Mark Tan Kiak Min
    Mental illness is expected to become the second biggest health problem affecting Malaysians by 2020. Doctors and medical students are more prone to mental illness compared to the general population. However, they are often reluctant to and resist seeking help because of stigma and a (strong) sense of shame. This can lead to detrimental consequences for themselves and their patients. That said, a doctor with a mental illness receiving appropriate treatment and who is in a stable condition may still be permitted to practise provided patient safety is not compromised. Determining this is a key responsibility of a healthcare regulator like the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). Using some prominent cases to illustrate this point, this article reviews the MMC guideline on ‘Managing Impaired Registered Medical Practitioners’. In the absence of similar local guidelines for medical students, we also allude to the UK General Medical Council’s guideline on ‘Supporting Medical Students with Mental Health Conditions’. The article recommends that doctors and medical students with mental illness should seek help; outlines a number of factors to consider in deciding whether a doctor should continue practising; and explores alternative career paths in instances where they should not. The article concludes that appropriate support goes a long way for doctors and medical students who grapple with mental health issues in that there is hope and a way through a seemingly devastating situation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  11. Sedigheh Moghadam, Hairul Anuar Hashim
    Introduction: Regular aerobic exercise and low-fat milk consumption can improve certain cognitive functions and reducing emotional distress. However, the impacts of combining these modalities are less explored. Thus, the present study examined the effects of combining aerobic exercise and low-fat milk intake among sedentary female students. Methods: Using a nonrandomized pretest – posttest with a control group research design, 85 sedentary females aged 16 years old were assigned into either milk (n = 21), exercise (n = 22), combined low fat milk and exercise (n = 23), or control (n = 19) groups. One serving of low-fat milk was provided to the students during each school day, and a 1-hour supervised step aerobics exercise was conducted twice per week for 3 months. Emotional distress and sus- tained attention were measured at baseline, 6th and 12th weeks after the intervention. A mixed factorial ANOVA was used to analyse the data. Results: The results revealed significantly less emotional distress in the combined (p < 0.01) and exercise groups (p < 0.05) compared with the control group after 12 weeks. Additionally, significant reductions were observed in the total time taken and errors of omission for both digits 6 and 9 of the Digit Vigilance Test in the combined group (p < 0.05, p < 0.001) compared with the control group. Conclusions: The results showed that low fat milk alone did not provide any additional benefits related to distress regulation, but the combination of exercise and low-fat milk contributed to improving sustained attention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Nowyannie Willie D. Tamsin, Norah Tuah, Mazalan Sarahintu, Herniza Roxanne Marcus
    Borneo Akademika, 2019;3(1):20-29.
    University students are known to have different sleeping schedules. Students’ sleep difficulties will affect their health and their performances in studies. Sleep hygiene is a collection of healthy sleep habits that can improve one’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. It is considered to be imperative to treat sleep disturbance especially among university students. The aim of this study is to examine the sleep beliefs among the students of UiTM Sabah based on gender and academic performance. This study was conducted on Diploma students between March and July 2018. The respondents were randomly selected from Diploma students of all faculties in UiTM Sabah: Accounting, Business Management, Public Administration, Science, Planting Industry Management, Hotel Management, and Tourism Management. This paper is based on the Sleep Belief Scale questionnaire to assess the sleep hygiene awareness. Questionnaires were distributed using online survey. Findings of this study were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The result of findings showed that the Sleep Incompatible Behaviours (drinking coffee, taking sleep medication, smoking before sleep) is the highest contributor of the students’ sleep hygiene and therefore it affects the sleep quality. While the Sleep Wake Cycle Behaviours (going to bed & waking up always at the same hour, going to bed two hours earlier than the habitual hour) and Thoughts and Attitude to Sleep (over thinking before sleep, trying to fall asleep without having a sleep sensation)also contributed to the sleep hygiene of the students but not as high as the Sleep Incompatible Behaviours. Based on the results of the findings, the counseling department of UiTM Sabah may organise an education program to create awareness among students about the intervention and prevention strategies as well as the incorrect beliefs about sleep.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Okwuduba EN, Nwosu KC, Okigbo EC, Samuel NN, Achugbu C
    Heliyon, 2021 Mar;7(3):e06611.
    PMID: 33869848 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06611
    Provision of equitable access to university education is the primary goal of pre-university education. Academically weak students stand to benefit more from pre-university program. However, available literature on effectiveness of the program revealed that high percentage of students still fail pre-university courses. Although the role of psycho-emotional factors on student academic performance has been highlighted, mechanism through which psycho-emotional factors impact on academic performance of pre-university science students is still not clear to offer adequate insights for proper intervention program. Therefore, we examined the pre-university students' academic performance in sciences in relation to Emotional Intelligence (EI) (Interpersonal EI and Intrapersonal EI) and Self-directed Learning (SDL). Specifically, a correlational study design was conducted to measure and gauge the level of relationships amongst Interpersonal EI, Intrapersonal EI, SDL and academic performance of pre-university students. The participants were 443 Nigerian students enrolled in pre-university science program. Students' self-report on EI and SDL were gathered and analyzed using SPSS 26 and AMOS 24. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were performed to determine cross-cultural validity of the instruments in the Nigerian context. After controlling for gender and age, the hierarchical regression analysis reveals that student academic performance was positively predicted by perceived Interpersonal and Intrapersonal EI, whereas self-directed learning has an inconsistent predictive impact at different steps in the model. Overall, the predictor variables were able to explain substantial proportion of students' academic performance in pre-university program. Insightful suggestions were made.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Khoo, Erwin Jiayuan, Kutzsche, Stefan
    Introduction: Training of all health personnel involved in paediatric care is a key determinant of successful outcome during paediatric emergencies. We aimed to identify the need for paediatric Mock Code Blue skills training among non-paediatricians in a pre-hospital setting through checklist assessment of their performance. Methods: A paediatric septic shock and cardiac arrest Mock Code Blue pre-hospital scenarios were presented for non-paediatricians during a National Clinical Skills Conference. Eight medical student assessors and four clinical facilitators were involved in this training. Participants were expected to be able to demonstrate the skills and teamwork necessary to managepaediatric emergencies according to the learning outcomes. Results: A total of 97 delegates participated in a facilitated paediatric Mock Code Blue for multidisciplinary groups of health personnel. Outcome measures showed a significant lack of communication and team work skills, and weakness in “closing the loop” as barriers to successful resuscitation. Conclusion: We recommend Mock Code Blue simulation training to be offered regularly to all groups of healthcare providers involved in paediatric and neonatal care while not overlooking the emphasis on non-technical skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  15. Suzilawati Mohamed Ariffin, Mimi Nor Aliza Setapani
    Malaysia has the highest road fatality risk (per 100,000 populations) compared to other ASEAN nations and more than 50% of the road accident fatalities involving motorcyclists. Hence, this becomes the leading cause of death among young people, aged 15–29 years. The most common cause of fatalities involving motorcyclist is the head injury., This present study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice on helmet usage among secondary school students in Kuantan. A descriptive cross-sectional design (two months of data collection) was used in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to 200 participants from two schools in Kuantan. The main finding of this study suggests that common reason for the participants to wear a helmet is that ‘it can save a life’. Besides that, the poor practice regarding helmet usage was also found as only 4.5% of them wore the helmet all the time. However, the overall result showed that most of the participants have a good knowledge and positive attitude regarding utilization of helmet.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  16. Bashir TF, Hassan S, Maqsood A, Khan ZA, Issrani R, Ahmed N, et al.
    Eur J Dent, 2020 Dec;14(S 01):S91-S96.
    PMID: 33368064 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1721653
    OBJECTIVE:  To evaluate the anxiety and depression amid novel coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic in health sciences students around the globe.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS:  This cross-sectional observational study comprised 523 health science students. A well-structured online questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions based on student's general information, Patient Heath Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)-7 scales were used to assess the psychological impact of COVID-19.

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS:  SPSS-25 was used to analyze the outcome of this study. Multiple linear regression analysis test was used to assess variables which had impact on PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scores among the participants. A p-value of ≤ 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

    RESULTS:  Among the 523 participants, 365 (69.55%) students were from developing countries and 158 (30.21%) from developed countries; 424 (81.1%) students were tested negative for COVID-19 and 99 (18.9%) had suffered from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection during pandemic. The mean GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scores were 7.16 ± 5.755 and 7.30 ± 6.166, respectively. Significant impact on anxiety levels was associated with age, gender, education status, and COVID-19 positive patient, while depression was not significantly associated with gender, COVID-19, and its reported symptoms in participants.

    CONCLUSION:  As the world is trying to contain the health effects of COVID-19, the psychological effects might take a longer time to be addressed. Our study highlights the dire need to identify mental well-being of health science students as this may have a direct impact on their professional commitments and future responsibilities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Zain RB, Pateel DGS, Ramanathan A, Kallarakkal TG, Wong GR, Yang YH, et al.
    J Cancer Educ, 2020 Aug 21.
    PMID: 32821988 DOI: 10.1007/s13187-020-01814-1
    Early diagnosis of oral cancer results in less aggressive treatment and improves the quality of life and overall 5-year survival rate. Well-trained dental professionals can play a crucial role in the early detection of oral cancers. The present study aims to determine the effectiveness of the training program "OralDETECT", a spaced repetitive, test-enhanced learning tool with a corrective feedback mechanism for early detection of oral cancer. Thirty-two dentists and 259 dental students from three Malaysian dental schools were involved in this study. All participants were trained and calibrated to recognize oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) and oral cancer using "OralDETECT", which is comprised of a series of pre-test, lecture, post-tests and review sessions. The percentage of correct answers (scores) for each test given by the participants was calculated and analysed using a paired t test. It was found that the overall percentage of diagnostic accuracy for both dental professionals and student groups increased to above 80% from the pre-tests to the final post-tests. There was a significant improvement in overall scores between the pre-tests and all three post-tests for the dental professional groups and the student groups. The diagnostic accuracy for individual OPMD and lesions suspicious of oral cancer also increased to above 80% for both groups. The results of our study demonstrate that the "OralDETECT" is an efficient and effective competency tool which can be used to train dental professionals and students for the early detection of OPMD and oral cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  18. Jusnani, Embing
    One of the world's leading causes of death among teenagers aged 15-29 is suicide. Students of higher institutions also involved in the specific group that was reported to have a high level of suicidal ideation. Thus, in order to overcome this issue, all factors that influence suicidal ideation should be identified. This article is intended to identify the factor that influences suicidal ideation among higher learning education students based on their perceptions. This study was conducted using a qualitative method using semi-structured interview questions to explore participants’ perceptions towards suicidal ideation among students of higher learning institutions. As for data collection method, two focus group discussions were identified as main instrument. The findings show that factors identified to influence the existence of suicidal ideation among students of higher learning institutions can be categorized into two categories, external factors, and internal factors. These factors are peer pressure, pressure from society, social media influences, family factors, financial factors, intrapersonal and individual interpersonal factors, and low self-esteem factor. This study also found that counsellors and other professional bodies such as psychologists were not the choices of participants to express a problem that led to their suicidal ideation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Nurunnabi M, Hossain SFAH, Chinna K, Sundarasen S, Khoshaim HB, Kamaludin K, et al.
    F1000Res, 2020;9:1115.
    PMID: 33274049 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.25557.1
    Background: COVID-19 has severely affected university students everywhere in the world. Due to fear of infection, government and local authorities in China immediately closed academic institutions and tried to find survival techniques to cope with market turbulence. COVID-19 was present in China at the end of 2019. However, little attention has been paid by researchers to coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and few measures were taken to assess the coping strategies of university students, specifically following the closure of their institutions. To address this gap, this study attempted to discover the coping strategies of Chinese students during the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Methods: We conducted an online survey using a semi-structured questionnaire with a simple random sampling technique and received 559 responses. The survey questions captured information about students' lives during the COVID-19 outbreak, actions to control anxiety, and what students care about during the pandemic. The associations between coping strategies used and levels of anxiety were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures. SPSS Statistics v27 was used for statistical analysis in this study. Results: The university students reported that coping strategies and survival techniques were required due to high levels of anxiety and psychological pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the respondents reported the prompt closure of their academic institutions due to COVID-19. Psychological concerns, such as lack of sleep, emotional support, mental support and social appeal, were also reported. Conclusions: This is one of the very first studies on coping strategies for anxiety in China. The study reveals that university students employ a number of coping strategies in relation to COVID-19, but also suggests a need to strengthen such strategies in this population. However, the study was limited to a small number of provinces in China, which may affect the generalizability of the research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Purnomo YW, Prananto IW, Driana E, Saparanti K, Nuriadin I, Ismail SN
    Data Brief, 2020 Dec;33:106578.
    PMID: 33318973 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106578
    This article presents data on factors that depict [pre-service] teacher beliefs about educational research. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect the data that involved 352 final-year students working on their undergraduate theses. The students were registered in the faculty of teacher training and education in one of the private universities with an A (excellent) accreditation in Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants were selected conveniently. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to reveal the factors comprised in the data. 49 out of 72 items formed five factors: negative views about educational research, positive views about educational research, knowledge about educational research, open-mindedness, and accessibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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