Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 1069 in total

  1. Chin YX, Mi Y, Cao WX, Lim PE, Xue CH, Tang QJ
    Nutrients, 2019 May 21;11(5).
    PMID: 31117266 DOI: 10.3390/nu11051133
    Kappaphycus is a commercially important edible red alga widely cultivated for carrageenan production. Here, we aimed to investigate the anti-obesity mechanism of Kappaphycusalvarezii by comparing the effects of whole seaweed (T), extracted native κ-carrageenan (CGN), and the leftover fraction sans-carrageenan (SCGN) supplementations (5%, w/w) on diet-induced obese C57BL/6J mice. A high-fat diet induced both a raised body fat percentage and serum cholesterol level, increased adipocytes size, abnormal levels of adipocytokines, and promoted gut dysbiosis. Our results showed that, overall, both CGN and SCGN were more effective in reversing obesity and related metabolic syndromes to normal levels than T. Furthermore, these findings suggested that CGN- and SCGN-modulated gut dysbiosis induced by a high-fat diet, which may play an influencing role in adiponectin dysregulation. Our data also showed some evidence that CGN and SCGN have distinct effects on selected genes involved in lipid metabolism. In conclusion, both κ-carrageenan and SCGN have novel anti-obesity potential with possible different mechanisms of action.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/chemically induced*; Obesity/drug therapy*; Anti-Obesity Agents/pharmacology*; Anti-Obesity Agents/chemistry
  2. Sarbini SR, Kolida S, Gibson GR, Rastall RA
    Br J Nutr, 2013 Jun;109(11):1980-9.
    PMID: 23116939 DOI: 10.1017/S0007114512004205
    The fermentation selectivity of a commercial source of a-gluco-oligosaccharides (BioEcolians; Solabia) was investigated in vitro. Fermentation by faecal bacteria from four lean and four obese healthy adults was determined in anaerobic, pH-controlled faecal batch cultures. Inulin was used as a positive prebiotic control. Samples were obtained at 0, 10, 24 and 36 h for bacterial enumeration by fluorescent in situ hybridisation and SCFA analyses. Gas production during fermentation was investigated in non-pH-controlled batch cultures. a-Gluco-oligosaccharides significantly increased the Bifidobacterium sp. population compared with the control. Other bacterial groups enumerated were unaffected with the exception of an increase in the Bacteroides–Prevotella group and a decrease in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii on both a-gluco-oligosaccharides and inulin compared with baseline. An increase in acetate and propionate was seen on both substrates. The fermentation of a-gluco-oligosaccharides produced less total gas at a more gradual rate of production than inulin. Generally, substrates fermented with the obese microbiota produced similar results to the lean fermentation regarding bacteriology and metabolic activity. No significant difference at baseline (0 h) was detected between the lean and obese individuals in any of the faecal bacterial groups studied.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/microbiology*
  3. Chong HL, Soo TL, Rasat R
    Med J Malaysia, 2012 Apr;67(2):147-50.
    PMID: 22822632
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/epidemiology*
  4. Chew HB, Ngu LH, Keng WT
    BMJ Case Rep, 2011;2011.
    PMID: 22715259 DOI: 10.1136/bcr.02.2010.2706
    A rare syndrome of rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation and autonomic dysregulation (ROHHAD) has been recently described. We report the first patient with this syndrome in Southeast Asia and review reported cases to date. Our patient was good health with normal development until the age of 2. He then developed hyperphagic obesity, hypersomnolence, seizures, alveolar hypoventilation, central hypothyroidism, sodium and water dysregulation, gastrointestinal dysmotility, strabismus, disordered temperature and irregular heart rate, altered sweating, delayed puberty, mental retardation and recurrent respiratory tract infections. The cardiomyopathy with heart failure and abnormal cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) neurotransmitter analysis present in our patient have not been reported previously. Tumours of the sympathetic nervous system are known to be associated with this syndrome but had not been found in our patient at the time of reporting. We highlight the difficulty of achieving the diagnosis of ROHHAD syndrome and its overlap with other well-established disease entities. The mortality and morbidity resulting from the high incidence of cardiorespiratory arrest may be prevented by early ventilatory support.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/diagnosis*
  5. Khambalia AZ, Seen LS
    Obes Rev, 2010 Jun;11(6):403-12.
    PMID: 20233309 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2010.00728.x
    Like other nations experiencing rapid industrialization, urbanization and a nutrition transition, there is concern in Malaysia of a possible escalation in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. In 1996, the National Health and Morbidity Survey reported a 16.6% and 4.4% prevalence of overweight and obesity, respectively. In the following decade, there have been several national and community surveys on overweight and obesity in Malaysia. The objective of this systematic review is to describe the trend from 1996 to 2009 in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults in Malaysia nationally and by gender, age and race. Results indicate that there has been a small rise in overweight adults in the years 1996, 2003 and 2006 (20.7%, 26.7% and 29.1%) and a much more dramatic increase in obesity in 1996, 2003, 2004 and 2006 (5.5%, 12.2%, 12.3% and 14.0%). Evidence showed a greater risk for overweight and obesity among women compared with men. Based on the highest-quality studies, overweight and obesity levels were highest among adults 40-59 years old. Overweight levels were highest among Indians, followed by Malays, Chinese and Aboriginals, with less consistency across studies on the order of risk or obesity by ethnicity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/epidemiology*
  6. Marimuthu S, Menon BS
    Arch Dis Child, 2009 Jun;94(6):477.
    PMID: 19460927 DOI: 10.1136/adc.2008.155713
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/complications*
  7. Gendeh BS, Salina H
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Dec;62(5):368-9.
    PMID: 18705467
    The purpose of this retrospective study is to determine whether there is a correlation among overweight, gender and the risk of development of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea. The clinical data of eight patients diagnosed with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea who had been treated at our tertiary referral centre between 1998 and 2007 were assessed. Demographically, seven patients were female and one male with ages ranging from 14 to 53 years with a mean age of 43.6 years. This observation revealed that all patients were overweight with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 32.5 kg/m2. This study suggests that there is a trend of increasing BMI to the risk of developing a spontaneous CSF rhinorrhoea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/complications
  8. Murphy N, Cross AJ, Abubakar M, Jenab M, Aleksandrova K, Boutron-Ruault MC, et al.
    PLoS Med, 2016 Apr;13(4):e1001988.
    PMID: 27046222 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001988
    BACKGROUND: Obesity is positively associated with colorectal cancer. Recently, body size subtypes categorised by the prevalence of hyperinsulinaemia have been defined, and metabolically healthy overweight/obese individuals (without hyperinsulinaemia) have been suggested to be at lower risk of cardiovascular disease than their metabolically unhealthy (hyperinsulinaemic) overweight/obese counterparts. Whether similarly variable relationships exist for metabolically defined body size phenotypes and colorectal cancer risk is unknown.

    METHODS AND FINDINGS: The association of metabolically defined body size phenotypes with colorectal cancer was investigated in a case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Metabolic health/body size phenotypes were defined according to hyperinsulinaemia status using serum concentrations of C-peptide, a marker of insulin secretion. A total of 737 incident colorectal cancer cases and 737 matched controls were divided into tertiles based on the distribution of C-peptide concentration amongst the control population, and participants were classified as metabolically healthy if below the first tertile of C-peptide and metabolically unhealthy if above the first tertile. These metabolic health definitions were then combined with body mass index (BMI) measurements to create four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories: (1) metabolically healthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), (2) metabolically healthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2), (3) metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), and (4) metabolically unhealthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Additionally, in separate models, waist circumference measurements (using the International Diabetes Federation cut-points [≥80 cm for women and ≥94 cm for men]) were used (instead of BMI) to create the four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories. Statistical tests used in the analysis were all two-sided, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. In multivariable-adjusted conditional logistic regression models with BMI used to define adiposity, compared with metabolically healthy/normal weight individuals, we observed a higher colorectal cancer risk among metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (odds ratio [OR] = 1.59, 95% CI 1.10-2.28) and metabolically unhealthy/overweight (OR = 1.40, 95% CI 1.01-1.94) participants, but not among metabolically healthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.65-1.42). Among the overweight individuals, lower colorectal cancer risk was observed for metabolically healthy/overweight individuals compared with metabolically unhealthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.49-0.96). These associations were generally consistent when waist circumference was used as the measure of adiposity. To our knowledge, there is no universally accepted clinical definition for using C-peptide level as an indication of hyperinsulinaemia. Therefore, a possible limitation of our analysis was that the classification of individuals as being hyperinsulinaemic-based on their C-peptide level-was arbitrary. However, when we used quartiles or the median of C-peptide, instead of tertiles, as the cut-point of hyperinsulinaemia, a similar pattern of associations was observed.

    CONCLUSIONS: These results support the idea that individuals with the metabolically healthy/overweight phenotype (with normal insulin levels) are at lower colorectal cancer risk than those with hyperinsulinaemia. The combination of anthropometric measures with metabolic parameters, such as C-peptide, may be useful for defining strata of the population at greater risk of colorectal cancer.

    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity, Metabolically Benign/blood; Obesity, Metabolically Benign/diagnosis; Obesity, Metabolically Benign/epidemiology*; Obesity/blood; Obesity/diagnosis; Obesity/epidemiology*
  9. Lim SM, Goh YM, Mohtarrudin N, Loh SP
    BMC Complement Altern Med, 2016 May 23;16:140.
    PMID: 27216718 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-016-1116-y
    Germinated brown rice (GBR) is a novel functional food that is high in fiber and bioactive compounds with health-promoting properties. This study aims to evaluate anti-obesity effects of GBR in obese rats fed high-fat diet (HFD).
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/diet therapy*
  10. Gooda Sahib Jambocus N, Saari N, Ismail A, Khatib A, Mahomoodally MF, Abdul Hamid A
    J Diabetes Res, 2016;2016:2391592.
    PMID: 26798649 DOI: 10.1155/2016/2391592
    The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, with high fat diet (HFD) as one of the main contributing factors. Obesity increases the predisposition to other diseases such as diabetes through various metabolic pathways. Limited availability of antiobesity drugs and the popularity of complementary medicine have encouraged research in finding phytochemical strategies to this multifaceted disease. HFD induced obese Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with an extract of Morinda citrifolia L. leaves (MLE 60). After 9 weeks of treatment, positive effects were observed on adiposity, fecal fat content, plasma lipids, and insulin and leptin levels. The inducement of obesity and treatment with MLE 60 on metabolic alterations were then further elucidated using a (1)H NMR based metabolomics approach. Discriminating metabolites involved were products of various metabolic pathways, including glucose metabolism and TCA cycle (lactate, 2-oxoglutarate, citrate, succinate, pyruvate, and acetate), amino acid metabolism (alanine, 2-hydroxybutyrate), choline metabolism (betaine), creatinine metabolism (creatinine), and gut microbiome metabolism (hippurate, phenylacetylglycine, dimethylamine, and trigonelline). Treatment with MLE 60 resulted in significant improvement in the metabolic perturbations caused obesity as demonstrated by the proximity of the treated group to the normal group in the OPLS-DA score plot and the change in trajectory movement of the diseased group towards the healthy group upon treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/drug therapy*; Obesity/etiology; Obesity/metabolism; Obesity/physiopathology; Anti-Obesity Agents/isolation & purification; Anti-Obesity Agents/pharmacology*
  11. Pok EH, Lee WJ, Ser KH, Chen JC, Chen SC, Tsou JJ, et al.
    Asian J Surg, 2016 Jan;39(1):21-8.
    PMID: 25964106 DOI: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2015.03.006
    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a popular stand-alone bariatric surgery, despite a paucity of long-term data. Hence, this study is to report the long-term outcome of LSG as primary bariatric procedure and the result of revisional surgery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity, Morbid/surgery*
  12. Rachagan SP
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Jun;48(2):250.
    PMID: 8350808
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/drug therapy*
  13. Merican MI
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Sep;44(3):183-8.
    PMID: 2626132
    Heat stroke is hardly seen in Malaysia. However, it occurs commonly in Saudi Arabia during the Haj season. Many Malaysian pilgrims are affected every year and some die. Having faced this environmental hazard for eight years, the Malaysian Medical Mission, sent each year to look after our pilgrims, modified its treatment strategy in 1988 and successfully decreased the overall morbidity and mortality of affected patients without the use of sophisticated equipment. A brief account of the management of 17 cases seen in 1988 is given. Only one died following treatment. The rest recovered fully without any residual neurological deficit or other complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/complications
  14. Murni Aliza Abd Malik, Noor Azimah Muhammad, Mohd Fairuz Ali
    Local profiles on the use of weight loss products are scarce. The study aims to address this together with concerns on the users’ misperception of the safety of these products, and the absence of high-quality evidence to support such use. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in overweight and obese patients attending a public primary care clinic in Penang. Selected patients were given a set of self-administered questionnaire that assessed types of weight loss products used, factors that influenced the usage and the users’ perception of their own body weight and the diet products they are taking. Results: From 332 participants of this study, 18.7% were users. Mean age of users were 44.6 (SD 11.9) years. The majority (66.1%) only used dietary supplements, 11.3% used weight loss medications and the rest (22.6%) used both products. Reasons for its use were for health, a faster result to lose weight and failing dieting and exercise regimes. The average amount spent on this was RM100 per month. Commonest source of weight loss products were friends. Majority (80.6%) did not discuss the use of the products with doctors. Factors associated with the use of weight loss products were being female (AOR=5.59), had tertiary level education (AOR=2.27), being employed (AOR=3.42), self-perceived of overweight (AOR=3.61) and perception that weight loss products as safe (AOR 2.48). Conclusion: Users of weight loss products are among highly educated working females who perceived themselves as being overweight and assume the products are safe.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity; Anti-Obesity Agents
  15. Tan, Siew-Tin, Sherina Mohd-Sidik, Rampal, Lekhraj, Normala Ibrahim, Tan, Kit-Aun
    Overweight and obesity have become a serious health issue in worldwide and Malaysia is no exception. In view that obesity is one of the leading causes of non-communicable diseases, this systematic review aimed to explore whether Malaysian are getting fatter (overweight or obesity) and rounder (abdominal obesity). Searches of the published literature were conducted using 3 databases including EMBASE, MEDLINE, and PubMed. These were limited to cross-sectional or cohort studies in Malaysia. The databases provided the prevalence of overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity among 15 years old and above Malaysian population from 2009 to 2015. In total, 47 articles were included in this review. Findings exhibit that the prevalence rates of overweight, obesity, and abdominal obesity range from 9.5% to 43.5%, 1.77% to 26.4% and 11.4% to 57.4%, respectively. Overweight is more predominant among males. However, obesity and abdominal obesity are more predominant among females. This means that more females are getting fatter and “rounder” as compared to males in Malaysia. The findings imply a lack of intervention programmes based on proper randomized controlled trials which are needed to adequately address the problem of obesity in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity; Obesity, Abdominal
  16. A Hamid MS, Sazlina SG
    PLoS One, 2019;14(1):e0209746.
    PMID: 30625165 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209746
    BACKGROUND: Childhood overweight and obesity has emerged as a major public health threat worldwide with challenges in its management. This review assessed the effectiveness of interventions for childhood overweight and obesity.

    METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted using CINAHL, EMBASE, Ovid MEDLINE, PsycINFO and SPORTDiscus databases to retrieve articles published from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2017. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-experimental studies comparing different strategies in managing overweight and obesity among schoolchildren (6 to 12 years of age) were included. The main outcomes of interest were reductions in weight related variables included anthropometry and body composition measurements. All variables were analysed using random effects meta-analyses.

    RESULTS: Fourteen studies were reviewed, 13 were RCTs and one was a quasi-experimental study. The risk of bias for randomisation was low risk for all of RCTs except for one, which was unclear. The risk of bias for randomisation was high for the quasi-experimental study. Most interventions incorporated lifestyle changes and behavioural strategies such as coping and problem solving skills with family involvement. The meta-analyses did not show significant effects of the intervention in reducing weight related outcomes when compared with controls.

    CONCLUSION: Meta-analyses of the selected studies did not show significant effects of the interventions on weight related outcomes among overweight and obese schoolchildren when compared with controls. The role of interdisciplinary team approaches with family involvement using behaviour and lifestyle strategies to curb obesity among schoolchildren is important.

    Matched MeSH terms: Pediatric Obesity/therapy*
  17. Sacks G, Vanderlee L, Robinson E, Vandevijvere S, Cameron AJ, Ni Mhurchu C, et al.
    Obes Rev, 2019 11;20 Suppl 2:78-89.
    PMID: 31317645 DOI: 10.1111/obr.12878
    Addressing obesity and improving the diets of populations requires a comprehensive societal response. The need for broad-based action has led to a focus on accountability of the key factors that influence food environments, including the food and beverage industry. This paper describes the Business Impact Assessment-Obesity and population-level nutrition (BIA-Obesity) tool and process for benchmarking food and beverage company policies and practices related to obesity and population-level nutrition at the national level. The methods for BIA-Obesity draw largely from relevant components of the Access to Nutrition Index (ATNI), with specific assessment criteria developed for food and nonalcoholic beverage manufacturers, supermarkets, and chain restaurants, based on international recommendations and evidence of best practices related to each sector. The process for implementing the BIA-Obesity tool involves independent civil society organisations selecting the most prominent food and beverage companies in each country, engaging with the companies to understand their policies and practices, and assessing each company's policies and practices across six domains. The domains include: "corporate strategy," "product formulation," "nutrition labelling," "product and brand promotion," "product accessibility," and "relationships with other organisations." Assessment of company policies is based on their level of transparency, comprehensiveness, and specificity, with reference to best practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/prevention & control*
  18. Ariaratnam S, Rodzlan Hasani WS, Krishnapillai AD, Abd Hamid HA, Jane Ling MY, Ho BK, et al.
    PLoS One, 2020;15(9):e0238566.
    PMID: 32915860 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238566
    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a crucial public health problem and is rising globally. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of obesity and its associated factors among the elderly in Malaysia.
    METHODS: Data were obtained from the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2015. This was a cross sectional population-based study using a two stage stratified random sampling design. Elderly population aged 60 years and above was selected. Data were collected using pre-tested self-administered questionnaire in the form of sociodemographic profile, non-communicable diseases (NCD) comorbidities (status on hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia) and NCD risk factors (current smoker and physical activity). Obesity has been defined using the World Health Organization (WHO) Body Mass Index (BMI) guideline, 1998. A complex sampling design analysis was used for the descriptive statistics. The associated risk factors for obesity were identified using Multiple Logistic Regression analysis.
    RESULTS: A total of 3794 respondents were included in this study. The prevalence of obesity among Malaysian elderly was 30.2%. The prevalence of obesity among the elderly was significantly higher in females, respondents from urban areas and Indians. Approximately one third of the elderly with non-communicable diseases such as hypertension (33.1%) and diabetes (38.8%), respectively, were obese. Among elderly who were obese, majority of them (89.8%) had at least one NCD. The prevalence of obesity was 16.8% among current smokers (aOR 0.59). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that elderly females (aOR [adjusted odds ratio] 1.52), having secondary education (aOR 1.96) with household income of RM 3000 and above (aOR 1.57) as well as being hypertensive (aOR 1.61) and diabetic (aOR 1.50) were more likely to be obese. In contrast, the Chinese elderly respondents (aOR 0.62) and current smokers (aOR 0.59) were less likely to be obese. There were no significant associations of obesity with hypercholesterolemia or with physical activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of Malaysian elderly were obese, and factors associated with obesity among them were being female, having secondary education with a household income of RM 3000 and above and being hypertensive or diabetic. Enhanced health promotion and education should be targeted at younger people in order to prevent obesity in the later years.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2015)
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/epidemiology*
  19. Siti Zuhaidah Shahadan, Muhammad Lokman Md. Isa, Azlina Daud, Ali Aminuddin Mohd Rasani, Muhammad Ibrahim, Samsul Deraman
    Introduction: Abdominal obesity and inflammation are two independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, the inter-relationship between these two factors among Malay population is fragmented. The purpose of this study is to determine the association between waist circumference as a measure of abdominal obesity and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein as an indicator of inflammation status among Malay obese adults in Kuantan, Pahang. Materials and Methods: Ninety-three apparently healthy obese adults (BMI between 27.5 and 39.9 kg/m2 ) aged between 20 to 62 years old were recruited in this study (68% men and 32% women). Circumference tape was used to measure the waist circumference and fasting venous blood was obtained to determine the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level. Results: On average, the waist circumference of obese men and women was 103 cm (SD = 8.7) and 94 cm (SD = 7.0), respectively. The median (IQR) of the hs-CRP level of the study participant was 3.80 mg/L (1.5, 10.1). The Kendall’s Tau correlation reveals that there is a significant positive linear correlation between waist circumference and hs -CRP level in obese men (r (30) = 0.355, p = 0.006) and women (r (63) = 0.177, p = 0.043). Conclusion: There is a significant inter-relationship between waist circumference and hs-CRP level among apparently healthy obese adults in Kuantan, Pahang. This study suggests that assessment of hs-CRP level is beneficial to predict the risk for future cardiovascular disease event and facilitate the management of obesity in this population. A prospective clinical study is recommended to confirm the findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity; Obesity, Abdominal
  20. Saleh MSM, Siddiqui MJ, Mediani A, Ahmed QU, Mat So'ad SZ, Saidi-Besbes S, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2020 11;137:109547.
    PMID: 33233172 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109547
    Fruit of salak (Salacca zalacca) is traditionally used and commercialized as an antidiabetic agent. However, the scientific evidence to prove this traditional use is lacking. This research was aimed to evaluate the metabolic changes of obese-diabetic (OBDC) rats treated with S. zalacca fruit extract using proton-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomics approach. This research presents the first report on the in vitro antidiabetic effect of S. zalacca fruits extract using this approach. The obtained results indicated that the administration of 400 mg/kg bw of 60% ethanolic S. zalacca extract for 6 weeks significantly decreased the blood glucose level and normalized the blood lipid profile of the OBDC rats. The potential biomarkers in urine were 2-oxoglutarate, alanine, leucine, succinate 3-hydroxybutyrate, taurine, betaine, allantoin, acetate, dimethylamine, creatine, creatinine, glucose, phenyl-acetylglycine, and hippurate. Based on the data obtained, the 60% ethanolic extract could not fully improved the metabolic complications of diabetic rats. The extract of S. zalacca fruit was able to decrease the ketones bodies as 3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate. It also improved energy metabolism, involving glucose, acetate, lactate, 2-hydroxybutyrate, 2-oxoglutarate, citrate, and succinate. Moreover, it decreased metabolites from gut microflora, including choline. This extract had significant effect on amino acid metabolism, metabolites from gut microflora, bile acid metabolism and creatine. The result can further support the traditional claims of S. zalacca fruits in management of diabetes. This finding might be valuable in understanding the molecular mechanism and pharmacological properties of this medicinal plant for managing diabetes mellitus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Obesity/drug therapy
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