Displaying publications 1701 - 1720 of 24597 in total

  1. Rohayu Sarani, Hizal Hanis Hashim, Wan Fairos Wan Yaakob, Norlen Mohamed, Radin Umar Radin Sohadi
    Int J Public Health Res, 2013;3(1):267-275.
    The increase in car usage due to economic prosperity has led to increase in occupant injuries. One way to reduce the injuries encountered by road accident victims is by implementing the rear seatbelt (RSB) law. Rear seatbelt wearing has been proven to save lives. In Malaysia, the implementation of the restraint system for front occupant has started in the 70's. However, the rear seatbelt enforcement law only came in 2009, after six months of an advocacy program. Prior to the introduction of the rear seatbelt law, rear seatbelt wearing rate was rather low, started to increase gradually during the advocacy period and jumped to the highest level after two month of the enforcement. This paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of the rear seatbelt intervention in reducing injuries among passenger car occupants in Malaysia using the generalized linear model (GLM). In GLM procedure, the dependent variable is the number of people from passenger vehicles that sustained severe and slight injuries, for the study period. The study period selected covers six months before implementation, six months during advocacy program, and six months after the law is implemented. The independent variables considered are enforcement and balik kampung activities (both are dummy variables) and time effect. Our results suggest that RSB intervention (p-value= 0.0001) had significantly reduced the number of people sustained serious and slight injuries by about 20%. The implementation of change in the RSB law has benefited not only in reducing the number of injuries but also result to great impact to the health outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Mohd Nazry Salleh, Farizul Hafiz Kasim, Khairul Nizar Ismail, Che Mohd Ruzaidi Ghazali, Kamarudin Hussin, Saiful Azhar Saad, et al.
    Batu Reput’ is primary sediment mineral and abundantly found in Perlis. Perlis is one of the major producers of ‘Batu Reput’ in Malaysia that content large deposit of high-purity dolomite [CaMg (CO3)2]. Pure samples of ‘Batu Reput’ recently explored in the Koperasi Rimba Mas Padang Besar Quarry were investigated for their physical, chemical and mineralogical composition. SEM and XRD analysis methods were applied. The potential of ‘Batu Reput’ as a raw material in fertilizer production was investigated in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Gan Chun Chet
    The paper writes on the possible origin of off-limit cases found in a noise project conducted internally in a factory in Malaysia. Out of 691 sampled workers’ that attended audiometric test results (some repeated), it was found that the mode of hearing ability is between 20 to 30 dB depending on individual worker’s age ranging from 20 to 55 years. Out of the total results, approximately 100 workers are above a limit defined here in this paper as the off-limit condition. The chance of a worker originating from a good condition to an unhealthy condition is about 1 percent. The data are tabulated to show that a sway pattern could be an explanation of workers’ origin. Although the data is profound, there is no evidence of a trace due to a short test period. Possibilities are highlight here to outline the severity of a cross over to the unhealthy condition (here defined as the off-limit condition). Some advises are mentioned here with individual susceptibility on the matter though there is no data to substantiate. Further findings are required to show a trace. In conclusion, the severity is highlight. A chart, developed to know the limits of hearing ability, is illustrated ased the findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Saad Mohd Said, Zairihan Abdul Halim, Fatimah Said
    This study analyzes the determinants of workplace injuries across 44 four-digit manufacturing industries in Malaysia from 1993 to 2008 through the business cycle and structural approaches. The results of fixed-effects estimations revealed that workplace injuries in Malaysian manufacturing sector were negatively influenced by firm size and positively influenced by business cycle. Consistent with the findings of previous studies in other countries, the empirical evidence of this study supports the pro-cyclical behavior of injury rates in manufacturing industries towards business cycle. The analysis demonstrates that both structural and cyclical variation effects are important determinants of workplace injuries in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Zafir, M.M., Fazilah, M.H.
    Stres di tempat kerja terjadi apabila keperluan kerja tidak sepadan dengan kebolehan, sumber, dan kehendak pekerja. Ia boleh memberi kesan ke atas psikologi dan fisiologi manusia. Seseorang individu yang berasa tertekan dengan kerja yang dilakukan akan menunjukkan kemurungan yang berpanjangan. Apabila rasa tertekan, psikologi akan terganggu dan pekerja gagal membuat keputusan dengan baik. Situasi ini boleh menjejaskan prestasi kerja mereka dan menggugat produktiviti organisasi. Masalah paling dibimbangi adalah stres di tempat kerja boleh menyebabkan penyakit berbahaya seperti tekanan darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan melemahkan sistem pertahanan badan terhadap penyakit. Stres di tempat kerja juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan di tempat kerja, peningkatan kos keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan, gangguan trauma kumulatif, menjejaskan prestasi kerja serta mengganggu kehidupan sosial individu. Masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan akibat stres di tempat kerja seharusnya tidak diabaikan oleh organisasi kerana ia boleh menyebabkan sumber manusia sesebuah negara kehilangan daya saingnya. Sumber manusia yang berasa terancam akibat masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan akan gagal menggunakan sepenuhnya kreativiti mereka dan melakukan tugas pada tahap minimum. Fenomena ini seharusnya dibimbangi dalam persekitaran perniagaan masa kini yang sangat kompetitif. Di Malaysia, kajian yang berkaitan dengan stres seharusnya dipertingkatkan kerana kajian lepas terhadap stres di tempat kerja adalah tidak menyeluruh. Perkembangan ini sejajar dengan perubahan yang berlaku di persekitaran kerja seperti teknologi, sosial, ekonomi, undang-undang buruh dan seumpamanya. Kajian stres di tempat kerja perlu dijalankan kerana sumbangannya amat bernilai dalam menghasilkan sumber manusia yang lebih produktif dan berdaya saing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Ismail Mustapha, Samihah Mustaffh, Md Fakarudin Ab Rahman, Roslan Yahya, Lahasen @ Norman Shah Dahin, Nor Pa’iza Mohd Hasan, et al.
    Non-destructive and real time method becomes a well-liked method to researchers in the oil palm
    industry since 2000. This method has the ability to detect oil content in order to increase the
    production of oil palm for better profit. Hence, this research investigates the potential of neutron
    source to estimate oil content in palm oil fruit since oil palm contains hydrogen with chemical
    formula C55H96O6. For this paper, oil palm loose fruit was being used and divided into three
    groups. These three groups are ripe, under-ripe and bruised fruit. A total of 21 loose fruit for each
    group were collected from a private plantation in Malaysia. Each sample was scanned using
    neutron backscattered technique. The higher neutron count, the more hydrogen content, and the
    more oil content in palm oil fruit. The best correlation result came from the ripe fruits with r2=0.98.
    This research proves that neutron backscattered technique can be used as a non-destructive and
    real time grading system for palm oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Wo, Yii Mei, Hidayah Shahar, Zaharudin Ahmad
    Present of 241Am in the environment is being determined as part of surveillance and research
    programs related to nuclear activities. The separation of 241Am from environmental samples was
    carried out against the IAEA’s reference material by using an improved in-house radiochemical
    separation method through anion exchange column, followed by the electro-deposition on a
    stainless steel disc, and finally assayed on alpha spectrometry counting system. The resulting
    spectra showed good isolated peak, indicating a good separation of the radionuclide of interest.
    The analytical results were in good agreement with the certified value for IAEA-326 and IAEA-368
    with the calculated U-score was 0.36 and 0.82, respectively, showing no significant difference
    between the experimental and certified value. Using this method, distributions of 241Am in seabed
    surface sediment in the Exclusive Economic Zone of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia were studied.
    Samples were collected during June 2008 where the concentrations of 241Am were found to be
    ranged from < 0.08 to 0.36 Bq/kg, dry weight.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. McNeil HC, Clarke SC
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Jun;71(3):134-8.
    PMID: 27495888
    Pneumococcal disease, caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, is a major burden to global health. Although the World Health Organisation (WHO) strongly recommends the inclusion of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in national immunisation programmes (NIP's) worldwide, this has not occurred in many countries in the WHO South East Asia and Western Pacific regions - particularly longstanding middle-income countries. It is widely accepted that carriage of S. pneumoniae is a precursor to developing any pneumococcal disease. The reduction in pneumococcal disease from vaccine serotypes (VT) following widespread implementation of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is believed to be through the direct immunogenic protective effect of immunised individuals as well as indirectly through herd immunity diminishing the incidence of disease in nonimmunised individuals. In Malaysia, pneumococcal disease is not included in national surveillance programmes and although PCVs have been licensed, they have not been included in the NIP. Hence, the vaccine is only available privately and the majority of the population is not able to afford it. There is an urgent need to develop surveillance programmes in Malaysia to include pneumococcal serotype data from carriage and invasive disease so that it may help guide national vaccine policy prior to a decision being taken on the inclusion of PCVs in the NIP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. MyJurnal
    The aim of this study was to examine vegetarian burger patties manufactured by two producers in Malaysia for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes. Brand A was produced by an established food manufacturer
    while Brand B was produced by a small-scaled food producer. A total of 108 samples of vegetarian burger
    patties produced by both manufacturers were sampled from retail market and were analyzed by combined
    MPN-PCR and MPN plating method. Of all the samples tested, ten (9.3%) were found to be contaminated with L. monocytogenes. The L. monocytogenes contamination level in vegetarian burger patties manufactured by producer A (20.9% of the samples were contaminated with 3-1100 MPN/g of L. monocytogenes) was significantly higher (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Ismail, N. A., Ab. Karim, M. S., Othman, M., Abd. Halim, N.
    The central question to be examined in this study is associated with the value of the Malays traditional culinary practices of Malay chef in preparing the traditional food in Malaysian hotels. Present understanding highlighted that hotels are giving high priority on their superior services, such as luxury accommodations and intimate hospitalities. As such, promoting local foods in their dining establishment has taken a back seat. Research from past scholars indicated that hotel in Malaysia can be the one stop center for the local and international tourists to get the first hand information about local food specialities. On the hindsight, very limited efforts have been put into practice on the promotions of local food especially Malay cuisines in hotels. Main issue such as mass-produced Malay cuisines in the commercial kitchens, for example, should be highlighted to ensure that hotels are not jeopardizing the originality of traditional food preparations. Therefore, a qualitative reasearch focusing in in-depth interview with 10 Malay chefs was conducted in hotels around the Klang Valley. The results are so profound that majority of the Malay chefs under study shared similar understandings on technology advancements and modernizations that have taken place in their daily food preparations. Another finding revealed that one of the most challenging factors in preventing the Malay chefs to prepare the Malay food as it has been done traditionally is the attitude and awareness of the young generations to understand the values in traditional culinary practices. This study concludes with suggestion that aggressive knowledge sharing and information dissemination among the Malay chefs in hotels are needed to effectively market the traditional Malay food.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Mohd Nor Azman, A., Samsur, M., Mohammed, M., Fasihuddin, B.A.
    This study is to report the proximate compositions as well as tetrodotoxin (TTX) content in the muscles of yellow puffer fish Xenopterus naritus that collected from Kg. Manggut and Kabong, Sarawak. The internal organs of 26 and 20 specimens from Kg. Manggut and Kabong respectively were removed by the local people that had skills and experiences with the preparation of yellow puffer fish. In general, the moisture contents were ranging between 75.2% and 80.6%. X. naritus from Kabong showed higher crude protein contents (88.2% dry weight) than the same species from Kg. Manggut (87.9% dry weight) and not significantly different (p>0.05). X. naritus from Kg. Manggut demonstrated a significantly higher (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Harold Criso Ajin, Mohamed Kamel Abd Ghani, Nurul Farhana Jufri, Ahmad Zorin Sahalan, Wan Omar Abdullah
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan Trichomonas vaginalis, di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan Orang Ulu. Penyaringan dijalankan pada lumuran Pap lazim ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat kepada ciri-ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel epitelial sekiranya ianya mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan trikomoniasis mencatatkan jangkitan sebanyak 7.7% kes. Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 hingga 29 tahun. Kesemua kes turut menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan Trikomonas vaginalis selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Tee, Lee Theng, Zaharuddin Ahmad
    Natural radionuclides such as 210 Po and 210 Pb were analyzed in soft part of cockle (Anadara granosa) obtained from Kuala Selangor in the west coast Peninsular of Malaysia. The activity levels of both nuclides fluctuated within the size of cockles from 41.3 ± 2.5 Bq/kg to 114 ± 7 Bq/kg and 12.9 ± 1.7 Bq/kg to 96.8 ± 5.3 Bq/kg in dry weight (dwt) for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively. The level activity in wet weight (wwt) also varied from 8.60 ± 0.52 Bq/kg to 25.70 ± 1.63 Bq/kg and 2.47 ± 0.40 Bq/kg to 19.27 ± 1.05 Bq/kg for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively, probably related to the different of metabolic rate and growth of cockles. Activity ratio of 210 Po/ 210 Pb in dry weight also fluctuated from 0.93 to 6.41 with not related to the decay of 210 Pb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Sulaiman, I., Omar, M.
    The indoor and outdoor radon/thoron progenies concentrations and natural background radiation levels throughout Sarawak and Sabah were measured. The measurements were carried out at 234 locations in 40 towns in Sarawak and Sabah. The mean indoor and outdoor radon equilibrium equivalent concentrations (EEC) in Sarawak were found to be 1.2 Bqm-3 and 1.5 Bqm-3 respectively. In Sabah, the mean indoor and outdoor radon equilibrium equivalent concentrations were 1.7 Bqm-3. The mean indoor and outdoor thoron equilibrium equivalent concentrations of 0.4 Bqm-3 and 0.3Bqm-3 respectively, were the same for Sarawak and Sabah. The mean indoor and outdoor radiation levels of 46 nGyh-1 and 42 nGyh-1 in Sarawak were slightly lower than the respective values in Sabah, i.e. 53 nGyh-1 and 46 nGy h-1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Nor Mariah Adam, Rosli Darmawan
    One of the most prevailing issues in the operation of Nuclear Reactor is the safety of the system. Worldwide publicity on a few nuclear accidents as well as the notorious Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing have always brought about public fear on anything related to nuclear. Most findings on the nuclear reactor accidents are closely related to the reactor cooling system. Thus, the understanding of the behaviour of reactor cooling system is very important to ensure the development and improvement on safety can be continuously done. Throughout the development of nuclear reactor technology, investigation and analysis on reactor safety have gone through several phases. In the early days, analytical and experimental methods were employed. For the last three decades ID system level codes were widely used. The continuous development of nuclear reactor technology has brought about more complex system and processes of nuclear reactor operation. More detailed dimensional simulation codes are needed to assess these new reactors. This paper discusses the development of 3D CFD usage in nuclear reactor safety analysis worldwide. A brief review on the usage of CFD at Malaysia's Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI is also presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Alaghmand, S., Abdullah, R., Abustan, I., Vosoogh, B.
    As a crucial demand in urban areas, flood risk management has been considered by researchers and decision makers around the world. In this case, hydrological modelling that simulates rainfall-runoff process plays a significant role. This paper quantified the roles of three main parameters in river basin hydrological response, namely, rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition. The case study area of this research was Sungai Kayu Ara basin which is located in the western part of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of twenty seven scenario were defined for this research, including three different rainfall event durations (60, 120 and 360 minutes), three different ARIs (20, 50 and 100 years) and in three different land-use conditions (existing, intermediate and ultimate). The results of this research indicate that rainfall event duration, rainfall event ARI (magnitude) and land-use development condition have considerable effects of the surface runoff hydrographs in terms of peak discharge and volume.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Sharifa Ezat WP, Natrah MS, Khalib AL, Hasni H
    Introduction : Selangor’s private clinic registry system had been introduced in 2006 following gazettment of The Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act. Through the act, data’s from the private clinics can be obtained and its characteristics can be compared between the urban and rural private clinic. An overview of the services can be known and an appropriate action can be planned.
    Methodology : A cross-sectional study was done on private clinics registered in state of Selangor. Using databased known as MedPCs (Medical Practice Control System), a purposive sampling was used to select four districts – two urban and two rural. All private clinics in the selected districts were studied and all details shall be collected online.
    Result : District of Gombak and Klang were selected as urban and Sabak Bernam and Kuala Selangor represented rural area. Of a total 625 clinics selected, 90.0% (562) from urban and 10.0% (63) rural. Distributions of clinic were in line with the act. The most prominent services were general treatment (89.4%) and ability to serve more than eight hours daily (89.4%). Medical clinic still dominated at 84.0% compared to dentistry at 16.0%. About 70.6% were operated by male doctors. Though clinic services in rural were relatively as good as urban, the different were significantly observed to the ethnicity of the doctor. Indian doctors more in rural (46.03%), whilst in urban, Malay doctors were more dominant (39.50%). Followed closely by seniority, where rural doctors were much senior (51.02 years old), however, most of the doctors in rural private clinics experienced less exposure in government sectors, compared to those in urban areas.
    Conclusion : There were obvious difference in terms of distribution, where more clinics were located in urban compared to rural, but all were still in line to the act and their services were comparable. Most noticeable differences were ethnicity, seniority and past experience working in the public sector. Indian doctors were dominant in rural and Malay in urban. Although rural doctors were more senior, relatively they were less experienced working in the government sector.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan, Mandra Janep, Syaiful Hamzah
    This research aims to evaluate the effects of different cognitive training using imagery, general cognitive (CG) and specific cognitive (CS) (Paivio, 1985) to the achievement of service by the tekong in sepak takraw. The effects of imagery training with physical training towards achievement, imagery ability and exercise heart rate were also collected. The subjects consisted of 24 elite players sepak takraw (tekong) school level player that involved in Tunas Cemerlang program, aged 13 to 17 years old (M = 14.66, SD = 1.40). The subjects were divided into three groups, the test (CG & CS) and control (C) group with an exercise program to different imagery and physical training for eight weeks. Pre-test was conducted by testing the service performance appraisal based on the results of 25 landings repeated as in training, Miq-R questionnaire (Hall & Martin, 1997) and pulse rate immediately prior to the exercise of a service. ITP imagery training program adapted from Morris et at. (2005) was conducted using different imagery scripts for CG and CS groups and post-test was conducted at the end of the program. Independent samples t-test showed no significant difference when comparing the two test groups. Paired t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis showed that CG group significantly improved performance while not among C group. Analysis Miq-R and the average training heart rate is not significant for all subjects. The study has found that the imagery of CG and CS are not differed in terms of the effectiveness in improving achievement but both are suggested to be conducted in the training program to improve the service by the tekong.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  19. Mohan V, Aziz KB, Kamaruddin K, Leonard JH, Das S, Jagannathan MG
    EXCLI J, 2012;11:284-90.
    PMID: 27418905
    The use of manual stretching procedures has become more prevalent in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy to improve pulmonary functions. However, limited evidence exists regarding evaluation of their effectiveness. The study aimed to determine the impact of Intercostal (IC) stretch in improving the dynamic pulmonary function parameters (Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC % and respiratory rate among healthy adults. Thirty healthy male subjects were recruited based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subjects were assigned to the experimental group and the control group through random sampling method. In the experimental group, subjects underwent IC stretch for ten breaths on the inspiratory phase of the respiratory cycle with breathing control exercises in semi recumbent position, while in the control group, breathing control exercises alone were performed in the semi recumbent position. The results of the study showed, FEV1/FVC % in the experimental group significantly improved with P=0.017 (p<0.05) than the control group, which means IC stretch increased lung volume and lead to improved lung function. This study suggested the IC stretching with breathing control may be more effective in improving dynamic lung parameters especially FEV1/FVC % than breathing control alone.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  20. Lim SY, Ooi AL, Wong WL
    Springerplus, 2016;5(1):1609.
    PMID: 27652182 DOI: 10.1186/s40064-016-3266-2
    Tilapia is one of the commercially important fish in Malaysia as well as in other parts of the world. An understanding of monogenean infection dynamics in tilapia fish may assist us in searching for some intervention measures in reducing the loss of fish caused by parasitic diseases. The present study aimed (1) to compare infection level of monogeneans between the wild and cultured Oreochromis niloticus, and between the cultured O. niloticus and cultured red hybrid tilapia, and (2) to examine the spatial distribution of monogenean species over the gills of the different host species. From a total of 75 fish specimens, six species of monogeneans from two genera: Cichlidogyrus (C. halli, C. mbirizei, C. sclerosus, C. thurstonae, C. tilapiae) and Scutogyrus (S. longicornis) were identified. Data showed that the infection level of cultured O. niloticus was higher than that of the wild O. niloticus, however, the former was lower than that of the cultured red hybrid tilapia. Higher species richness of monogeneans was observed in the cultured red hybrid tilapia as compared to the others. Results for spatial distribution showed that the monogeneans have no preference on the left or right sides of the gills. However, C. halli, C. mbirizei, and C. tilapiae showed preferences on specific gill arches in the cultured O. niloticus and red hybrid tilapia. In general, the gill arch IV harboured the least number of monogeneans. The susceptibility of monogenean infection between the different types of tilapia is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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