Metabolic syndrome (MetS) consists of several medical conditions that collectively predict the risk for cardiovascular disease better than the sum of individual conditions. The risk of developing MetS in human depends on synergy of both genetic and environmental factors. Being a multifactorial condition with alarming rate of prevalence nowadays, establishment of appropriate experimental animal models mimicking the disease state in humans is crucial in order to solve the difficulties in evaluating the pathophysiology of MetS in human. This review aims to summarize the underlying mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of dietary, genetic, and pharmacological models of MetS. Furthermore, we will discuss the usefulness, suitability, pros and cons of these animal models. Even though numerous animal models of MetS have been established, further investigations on the invention of new animal model and clarification of plausible mechanisms are still necessary to confer a better understanding to researchers on the selection of animal models for their studies.
This article presents an overview of long acting products used in animal health, production
and reproduction. The topic represents a niche field of controlled release that few formulation scientists become specialists and experts in, but it is a field which has made significant contribution to the area of controlled release technology, and one which is of major importance to human kind due to their dependence on farmed animals as a source of hide, protein, milk and eggs.
The microstructural evolution of Sn-40Pb/Cu joints has been investigated under 125 o C thermal exposure conditions using single shear lap joints. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the morphology of the phases and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) was used to estimate the elemental compositions of the phases. A double layer of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn were observed. The Cu6Sn5 developed with a scalloped morphology, while the Cu3Sn always grew as a somewhat undulated planar layer in phase with the Cu6Sn5. The Cu6Sn5 layer began to transform from scallop shape to planar type after aging for 375 hours due to reduction in the interfacial energy. The intermetallic layers showed a linear dependence on the square root of aging time. The growth rate constant of the intermetallic compounds are estimated as 15.2 x 10 - 14 and 0.152 x 10 -14 cm 2 /s for Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic, respectively.
Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan, kesan ekonomi semasa dan faktor pencemaran terhadap modal, perbelanjaan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terutamanya kepada Malaysia dan dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Jepun, Singapura dan Zimbabwe. Persoalan utama adalah sama ada modal dan perbelanjaan dapat berterusan menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi ataupun tidak. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan, kami gunakan Test Unit Root (TUR); Augmented Dickey-Fuller Method (ADF), Phillip-Perron Test (PP) dan Kwiatkowski-Phillip-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS), Test Johansen Cointegration (TJC), diikuti Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan akhir sekali Test Granger Causality (TGC). Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengukur perhubungan, kestabilan dan kesahihan model. Kedua, untuk mengkaji kesan impak ekonomi kami gunakan Impulse Respond dan ujian Variance Decomposition yang menyelidik kesan berapa banyak dan berapa panjang model bertindakbalas kepada kesan Kegawatan Ekonomi Asia pada 1997 dan Kesan Serangan Pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada September 2011. Ketiga kami juga megukur kesan perbelanjaan isi rumah dan kerajaan terhadap alam persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini mendapati, ia menyokong idea modal penjana pertumbuhan tetapi natijah perbelanjaan penjana pertumbuhan adalah berbeda mengikut tahap pertumbuhan. Di mana Malaysia dan Singapura menyokong sepenuhnya tetapi Jepun dan Zimbabwe hanya menyokong separa sahaja. Apabila kami mengukur impak kesan ekonomi pula, di dapati pada negara Zimbabwe tiada kesan antara krisis pada tahun 1997 ataupun pada 2001. Tetapi impak pada negara seperti Jepun, Malaysia dan Singapura pula berhadapan dalam posisi tidak baik pada krisis tahun 1997 tetapi keadaan yang baik pula pada krisis tahun 2001. Akhir sekali kami juga bangunkan theori pencemaran dimana untuk negara Zimbabwe ke semua pembolehubah seperti Perbelanjaan isi rumah (HC), Perbelanjaan Kerajaan (GC) dan Modal Tetap Kasar (GFC) tidak mempengaruhi pencemaran iaitu Karbon Dioksida (CO2). Tetapi natijah untuk negara Malaysia dan Singapura pula hanya HC mencipta CO2, tidak untuk GC dan GFC. Dan pengakhiran sekali Negara Jepun pula semua pembolehubah seperti GC,HC dan GFC mencipta pencemaran. Kesimpulannya krisis yang berlaku pada negara Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2001 memberi kesan terus pada Negara Amerika tetapi tidak pada negara seperti Malaysia, Jepun dan Singapura, walhal negara-negara ini menadapat lambakan di dalam pasaran modal akibat perubahan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi Amerika seterusnya meningkatkan secara langsung Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP). Walaubagaimanapun negara Zimbabwe tidak mempunyai kesan langsung sama ada sebelum atupun selepas masalah krisis ekonomi ini. Apabila kertas kerja ini mengkaji daripada sudut pembangunan lestari didapati Negara Zimbabwe seperti HC dan GC tidaklah mencemar seperti negara Malaysia dan Singapura yang menunjukkan HC punca pencemaran dan bukannya GC yang mungkin disebabkan skala ekonominya yang lebih kecil. Untuk negara Jepun pula disebabkan negara ini mempunyai skala ekonomi yang lebih besar HC dan GC adalah agen kepada pencemaran. Implikasinya model ini sepatutnya diambil kira dalam pembuat keputusan terutamanya untuk meninkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
Gelatins from the skin of four local marine fish, namely “kerapu” (Epinephelus sexfasciatus), “jenahak” (Lutjianus argentimaculatus), “kembung” (Rastrelliger kanagurta), and “kerisi” (Pristipomodes typus) have been successfully extracted by acid extraction. Results characterization showed that the fish gelatins were comparable to the fish gelatins from other fish species previously reported. They appeared snowy white in color with crystal-like and light texture. The gelatine extracted from “kerapu” had the strongest fishy odor, followed by the gelatines derived from “jenahak”, “kembung” and “kerisi”. In terms of bloom strength, the gelatin extracted from “kerapu” was found to be the strongest one compared to others, with the bloom value of more than 2000 g. The gelatins developed in this study contained almost all essential amino acids, with glycine being the most predominant one.
This study was carried out to compare the rate of burn wound healing with the applications of the latex of Carica papaya Linn. (papaya) or of silver sulfadiazine cream (SSD). Partial and full thickness burn wound (2 cm x 2 cm) was induced on the dorsal part of anaesthetized rats by using heated metal plates. The rats were divided into three groups, i.e. untreated group and groups treated daily with SSD and papaya latex, respectively. A digital camera was used to take photographs of the burn wounds daily to monitor their healing. It was found that there was no significant difference in the healing time of papaya latex treated group compared to the SSD treated group. Papaya latex contained digestive enzymes which might clean burn wounds but might also cause wound bleeding in a few rats of the papaya latex group.
Ceramic foams are a class of high porosity materials that are used or being considered for a wide range of technological applications. Ceramic foam was produce by polymer replication method. In this process, commercial polymeric sponge was use as template, dipping with ceramic particles slurry, drying and then sintered to yield a replica of the original foams. The study was focus on the fabrication of different density of ceramic foams by varying the density of ceramic slurries (1.1876, 1.2687, 1.3653 and 1.5295 g/cm3). Properties of ceramic foam produced such as density was characterized accordingly to ASTM C 271-94 and porosity were characterized using Archimedes methods. Compressive and bending strength was performed accordingly to ASTM C1161-94 and C773-88 (1999), respectively. The morphological study was performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDX. Density of ceramic foams produced was about 0.5588 and 1.1852 g/cm3, where as porosity was around 26.28 and 70.59 %. Compressive and bending strength was increase from strength also increases from 2.60 to 23.07 MPa and 1.20 to 11.10 MPa, respectively, with increasing of slurries density from 1.1876 to 1.3653 g/cm3. The SEM micrographs show that the cells structure become denser as the slurries density increased. EDX proved that the ceramic used is porcelain. As a conclusion, increasing in slurries density produced ceramic foams with good mechanical properties such as compressive and bending strength and denser body.
The present conventional (destructive) method used in determining LAI is laborious, difficult and time consuming. Thus, an image-based measurement using camera system with fish eye lens offers an alternative means for an accurate indirect measurement of LAI in oil palm. In this study, a methodology was developed to improve the leaf area index of the oil palm determination using hemispherical photography as an indirect method. A set of true LAI data, collected using the destructive method, were used as a reference to calibrate the LAI measurements obtained by the hemispherical photography. A good relationship (r = 0.85) was found between age of palm and hemispherical photographic LAI. However, the estimated LAI obtained by the hemispherical photographic method was underestimated as compared to the destructive method. Some means of calibration was necessary to determine the relationship between the actual LAI and the hemispherical photographic LAI. It was necessary to multiply the LAI value from 5 years to 16 years, by a clumping factor of 2.14 for 5 to 9 year old palms, 2.33 for 10 to 14-year old palms and 2.37 for above 15- year old palms to calculate the accurate LAI values. For palms which are less than 5 year old (i.e. 2 to 3 years in this study), the photography LAI value was equal to the calculated LAI value. This proposed that correction factors would solve this underestimation effect. In addition, two equations were also proposed to estimate the true LAI from the Photographic LAI for immature and mature oil palm plantation.
This work was investigated the protein solubility properties of meat from chicken in different
body part. The effects of fresh and freezing condition were studied on the protein solubility as
a functional property of slaughter and non slaughtering chicken meat. Solubility of proteins
was significantly reduced for slaughtering fresh meat and in contrast, non slaughtering fresh
meat shows the higher protein solubility. On the other hand, frozen storage meat showed the
difference amount of protein solubility between slaughtering and non slaughtering condition
meat. Freezing condition also showed that the different solubility of different body part meat.
The protein solubility of some parts was significantly increased and some were decreased
between the slaughtering and non slaughtering condition.
The peptide composition of gelatin is known to vary very common that the electrophoretic pattern of gelatin from one source differs from another source even for the same raw material. Therefore, the present study aimed to use proteomics field to identify gelatin polypeptides biomarker for depending on the condition under which collagen is hydrolyzed. Hence, it is porcine skins. The polypeptides obtained for porcine skin gelatins can be used as reference in future to detect the origins of gelatin added in the processed food. We compared porcine skin gelatin samples obtained from three producers. Total average numbers of polypeptides of porcine skin gelatins from company A, B and C were 303 ± 2.8, 285.5 ± 3.5 and 270.5 ± 4.9 spots respectively. 10 biomarkers were identified and presented in all different companies. We also did a mixture of porcine and bovine skin gelatin to detect the presence of these 10 biomarkers. The level of adulteration that could be detected was as low as 1.0% w/w
The impaction of dental prostheses in either the airway or esophagus is an under-recognized problem which may result in severe morbidity or even mortality. The radio-opacity and the size of fixed and removable dental prostheses in an animal carcass was investigated. Prostheses were placed one at a time in the oro-laryngopharynx or in tho trachea and the esophagus. Lateral radiographs were taken for each prosthesis in site. The radio-opacity and size of the prostheses on the radiograph was graded. Most of the prostheses investigated were radio-opaque though the removable prostheses were more likely to be radiolucent and differ in size. In a symptomatic patient with a missing dental prosthesis, a negative chest or abdominal radiograph does not exclude impaction, inhalation or ingestion. Further evaluation with endoscopy or even computed tomography may be essential to reduce the possibility of severe morbidity or even mortality.
Acanthamoeba is a free living protozoa that can cause keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Physiological characteristics of this amoeba are found to have a medical importance in which it can be related to the pathogenicity potential of the organism. This study was carried out to investigate the physiological characteristics of survivability during axenization. Six Acanthamoeba strains from three clinical isolates (HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95) and three environmental isolates (PHS 2, PHS 11 and PHS 15) were used in this study. Axenization test was done by treating cysts with hydrochloric acid (3%) and Page saline containing Gentamicin (100 μg/ml). Cysts were then cultured into PYG enrich media, incubated at 30oC and the presence and proliferation of trophozoites of Acanthamoeba were observed. This study showed that PHS 15, HSB 1, HKL 48 and HKL 95 could be axenized but they have poor proliferation rate in PYG enrich media. The result showed that the difference between both clinical and environmental isolates was observed in two strains; PHS 2 and PHS 11. This indicates that there is a possibility that the physiological traits of strains from both isolates are the same and strains from the environment are able to show the pathogenic potential and capable of causing infection to human.
Keywords: Axenization, Survivability, Acanthamoeba, Clinical and environmental strains
Sejarah awal negara Malaysia yang terdapat dalam pensejarahan Asia Tenggara telah menjadi sumber rujukan di peringkat sekolah dan juga universiti. Periode dari 100EU hingga 1400EU lazimnya mengandungi naratif ringkas mengenai kerajaan tua. Semenanjung Tanah Melayu mewarisi negeri-kerajaan tua Kataha (Kedah), Langkasuka, Panpan, Chihtu dan Baruas yang telah lama terdapat dalam buku sejarah. Bagaimanapun Sarawak kini tidak mewaris apa-apa sedangkan pesisir pantai Borneo di sebelah barat, selatan dan timur terdapat banyak negeri-kerajaan tua seperti Sambas, Mempawah, Pontianak, Landak, Sukadana, Sampit, Banjarmasin, Kutei, Pasri, Bolongan dan Brunei. Terdapat kekosongan dari segi masa dan ruang dalam pensejarahan negeri Sarawak kini. Kajian yang lebih teliti terhadap beberapa sumber primer peribumi di Arkipelago Melayu seperti Silsilah Raja-Raja Brunei dan karya Jawa, Nagarakertagama, telah membongkar beberapa toponim seperti Sarawak, Samarahan, Saribas, Kalaka dan Malanau yang kini merupakan pusat pentadbiran negeri itu. Sumber primer peribumi telah menyatakan bahawa toponim ini adalah negeri yang pernah menjadi jajahan takluk Majapahit selepas itu di bawah Brunei pula. Karangan ini tuba memaparkan naratif ringkas seperti pendekatan yang terdapat dalam pensejarahan Asia Tenggara dan Semenanjung Malaysia. Akhirnya karangan ini mencadangkan negeri kerajaan awal yang diwarisi oleh negeri Sarawak sekarang dinobatkan ke dalam buku sejarah kurikulum sejarah Negara.
Cocoa pod borer (Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen)) is the main fatal pest that destroys cocoa plantations in South East Asia, mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. Infested cocoa beans stick to each other, the pulp become hard and normal fermentation process to produce flavour precursors cannot be done. This research aimed to utilize the infested cocoa beans as a source of phenolic compounds. Extraction of phenolic compounds was carried out for three infestation levels regarded as low, medium and heavy. Parameters of study were bean size, shell content, fat content, total polyphenol and antioxidant activity. Results of the study showed that the increase in cocoa pod borer infestation significantly decreased cocoa bean size, fat content and total polyphenol; but shell content was increased. Antioxidant activity of the extracted polyphenol was not significantly affected by the infestation. The results clearly indicate that cocoa beans infested by cocoa pod borer can potentially to be used as a source of phenolic compounds for natural antioxidant uses.
The study was conducted to detect the porcine DNA in pharmaceutical products in local market using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and southern-hybridization on the biochip. A total of 113 (n=113) of hard (82 samples) and soft gel (31 samples) capsules from pharmaceutical products were purchased and tested for the presence of porcine DNA for Halal authentication. All capsules were gelatin-based purchased from local over the counter (OTC) markets. Of all samples tested, 37.2% (42/113) contained porcine DNA. While, none porcine DNA band was detected for 62.8% (71/113) of capsules tested. All samples which were positive toward porcine DNA were imported pharmaceutical products with none Halal logo. Results in the presence study demonstrated that the PCR techniques and southern-hybridization on the biochip is suitable tool for monitoring the Haram component in highly processed product of soft and hard capsule.
The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant activities of dietary bitter melon fruit supplemented in male rat model. In this study, three common tests for measuring antioxidant activity of the bitter melon were evaluated using 2, 2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl assay (DPPH assay), total phenolic acid assay (TPC assay) and Ferric reducing ability of plasma assa. (FRAP assay). Results showed that the extracting solvent significantly (P
Chhana jalebi is a popular product in middle and northern parts of India and is prepared by frying of batter made from chhana, maida and water and finally soaking in sugar syrup. This chhana based fried sweet product is being prepared and sold by halwais in Indian sweet market. It has a coiled structure with syrupy interiors and chewy body. It has close resemblance to maida jalebi and khoa jalebi, but has firmer coils. The manufacturing procedure varies widely from manufacturer to manufacturer. There was no proper (standard) manufacturing method available for the preparation of chhana jalebi. Hence, a study was conducted to standardize a method for its manufacture consequently it will be helpful to produce the jalebi on a commercial scale. The chhana jalebi was standardized by various process parameters such as fat level in milk 3%, ratio of maida - chhana combination 1:1, water level in batter 45%, frying time and temperature 160-170°C, sugar syrup concentration 68°Brix and soaking time 2 min. Standardized product was analyzed by various physical, chemical, microbial, sensory and textural characteristics. The product had a light brown coloured coiled appearance, crispy body and texture. The nutritional composition percentage of chhana jalebi was protein 5.71±0.20, carbohydrate 67.11±0.19, fat 12.53±0.17 and moisture 20.23±0.25. The shelf life of the jalebi was found to be 5 days at 28°C. This was enhanced to 18 days by using potassium sorbate as preservative at the permitted levels. The optimized process and enhanced shelf life will pave way for commercialization and mechanization of chhana jalebi by food industry.
Horaeomorphus bicornis sp. n., a remarkable species with strongly modified head from Yunnan, Southwest China is described. A distinctly different female from the same locality is also recorded, its identity remains unconfirmed until associated males become available. The previously unknown female of H. hujiayaoi Zhou & Zhang, 2016, is discovered, with its spermatheca and female terminalia illustrated. Horaeomorphus punctatissimus Franz, 1992 is newly recorded from Mount Trus Madi, Malaysia. Two females of H. eumicroides Schaufuss, 1889 were discovered from Singapore, with female terminalia illustrated.
The simuliid fauna of the Oriental Region is reviewed in comparison with those in five other zoogeographical regions. It is relatively young, represented by only one genus Simulium, which is regarded as the most specialized among 26 genera of the family Simuliidae. The Oriental Region has the second largest simuliid fauna with 524 species or 23.8% of the world total of 2204 extant species. This species richness is associated with a high speciation index (15.4), reflected especially by the high speciation rates of two dominant subgenera Gomphostilbia and Simulium although the number of lineages in the Oriental Region is moderate (34 or 20.6% of the total 165). The Oriental fauna has relationships with all other zoogeographical regions at the lineage level, having the highest affinity index (31.9) with the Palearctic Region. It is inferred that eight of 10 Oriental subgenera moved during the ice ages from the Palaearctic to the Oriental Regions; the subgenus Gomphostilbia evolved into 11 species-groups and underwent species radiation in the Oriental Region. On the other hand, two other subgenera, Nevermannia and Simulium, moved southward during the ice ages after evolving into species-groups. In the post-ice ages, most lineages retreated northward, with different portions of species left in the Oriental Region, although some lineages failed to retreat and survived as relict lineages in the Oriental Region.
Leech is an uncommon nasal foreign body, which can cause epistaxis. It is an aquatic segmental
worm living in fresh water most commonly in tropical areas. Once it is attached in the nose, it will
secrete an anticoagulant enzyme named hirudin, and that will result in continuous bleeding more
than from a normal wound even after it is removed. We present a case of a live leech in the nose
that caused unilateral epistaxis in a patient with a recent history of jungle trekking.