Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 4035 in total

  1. Ho, C. L. I., Choo, B. Q.
    In this paper, stormwater runoff from a residential catchment located in Miri, Sarawak, was characterized to determine the pollutant concentrations and loading. The observed average event mean concentrations were 116 mg/L for TSS, 115 mg/L for COD, 1.5 mg/L for NH3-N, and 0.23 mg/L for Pb. Based on Interim National Water Quality Standards (INWQS) for Malaysia, the average event mean concentration, EMC value for TSS exceeded class II (50 mg/L), exceeded class V (>100 mg/L) for COD, and exceeded class III (0.9 mg/L) for NH3-N. All four water quality parameters exhibited first flush characteristic but to varying magnitude which was influenced by the storm characteristics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Movements; Water Quality
  2. Al-Hassoun, Saleh A., Mohammad, Thamer Ahmed
    Groundwater is the main source of water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A larger part of groundwater is founded in alluvial (unconfined) aquifers. Prediction of water table elevations in
    unconfined aquifers is very useful in water resources planning and management. During the last two
    decades, many aquifers in different regions of the KSA experienced significant groundwater decline.
    The declines in these aquifers raised concerns over the quantity and quality of groundwater, as well
    as concerns over the planning and management policies used in KSA. The main objective of this study was to predict water table fluctuations and to estimate the annual change in water table at an alluvial aquifer at wadi Hada Al Sham near Makkah, KSA. The methodology was achieved using numerical groundwater model (MODFLOW). The model was calibrated and then used to predict water table elevations due to pumping for a period of 5 years. The output of the model was found to be in agreement with the previous records. Moreover, the simulation results also show reasonable declination of water table elevations in the study area during the study period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Groundwater; Water Resources
  3. Khalid AAH, Yaakob Z, Abdullah SRS, Takriff MS
    Bioresour Technol, 2018 Jan;247:930-939.
    PMID: 30060432 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.09.195
    This study investigated acclimation ability of native Chlorella sorokiniana (CS-N) and commercial Chlorella sorokiniana (CS-C) in palm oil mill effluent (POME), their metabolic profile and feasibility of effluent recycling for dilution purpose. Maximum specific growth rate, µmax and lag time, λ of the microalgae were evaluated. Result shows both strains produced comparable growth in POME, with µmax of 0.31 day-1 and 0.30 day-1 respectively, albeit longer λ by the CS-C. However, three cycles of acclimation was able to reduce λ from eight days to two days for CS-C. Metabolic profiling using principal component analysis (PCA) shows clear cluster of acclimatized strains to suggest better stress tolerance of CS-N. Finally, a remarkable µmax of 0.57 day-1 without lag phase was achieved using acclimatized CS-N in 40% POME concentration. Acclimation has successfully shortened the λ and dilution with final effluent was proved to be feasible for further improvement of the microalgae growth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Waste Water*
  4. Aziz A, Agamuthu P, Fauziah SH
    Waste Manag Res, 2018 Oct;36(10):975-984.
    PMID: 30058954 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X18790360
    Landfill leachate contain persistent organic pollutants (POPs), namely, bisphenol A (BPA) and 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol, which exceed the permissible limits. Thus, such landfill leachate must be treated before it is released into natural water courses. This article reports on investigations about the removal efficiency of POPs such as BPA and 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol from leachate using locust bean gum (LBG) in comparison with alum. The vital experimental variables (pH, coagulant dosage and stirring speed) were optimised by applying response surface methodology equipped with the Box-Behnken design to reduce the POPs from leachate. An empirical quadratic polynomial model could accurately model the surface response with R2 values of 0.928 and 0.954 to reduce BPA and 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol, respectively. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed on treated flocs for further understanding. FTIR analysis revealed that the bridging of pollutant particles could be due to the explicit adsorption and bridging via hydrogen bonding of a coagulation mechanism. SEM micrographs indicated that the flocs produced by LBG have a rough cloudy surface and numerous micro-pores compared with alum, which enabled the capture and removal of POPs from leachate. Results showed that the reduction efficiencies for BPA and 2,4-Di-tert-butylphenol at pH 7.5 were 76% and 84% at LBG dosage of 500 mg·L-1 and 400 mg·L-1, respectively. Coagulant dosage and pH variation have a significant effect on POPs reduction in leachate. Coagulation/flocculation using LBG could be applied for POPs reduction in leachate as a pre-treatment prior to advanced treatments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical*
  5. Das R, Hamid SB, Annuar MS
    Sci Rep, 2016 10 10;6:33572.
    PMID: 27721429 DOI: 10.1038/srep33572
    The present study reported for the first time covalent immobilization of protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-POD) onto functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (F-MWCNT) for degrading the toxic 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3,4-DHBA) pollutant in water. The F-MWCNTs had a maximum 3,4-POD loading of 1060 μg/mg. Immobilized 3,4 POD had 44% of relative structural changes to its free configurations. Nevertheless, >90% of relative activity and about 50% of catalytic efficiency were retained to the free enzyme. Immobilized 3,4-POD demonstrated higher alkaline stability and thermostability than the free 3,4-POD. The free and immobilized 3,4-POD lost 82% and 66% of relative activities, respectively after 180 min of incubations at 90 °C. Excellent shelf-life was observed for the immobilized 3,4-POD with residual activity of 56% compared with 41% and 39% of the free 3,4-POD at 4 °C and 25 °C over 30 days storage. Immobilized 3,4-POD showed >60% of catalytic activity retention even after ten-cycle uses, defraying the expenses of free 3,4-POD productions for long term uses. Finally, the immobilized 3,4-POD removed 71% of 3,4-DHBA from water in <4 h, paving its future application for water purification with reduced costs and time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Purification
  6. Krishnan S, Zulkapli NS, Din MFM, Majid ZA, Honda M, Ichikawa Y, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Feb 01;255:109890.
    PMID: 31790869 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109890
    Water treatment plants generate vast amounts of sludge and its disposal is one of the most expensive and environmentally problematic challenges worldwide. As sludge from water treatment plants contains a considerable amount of titanium, both can create serious environmental concerns. In this study, the potential to recover titanium from drinking water treatment residue was explored through acid leaching technique. Statistical design for the optimization of titanium recovery was proposed using response surface methodology (RSM) based on a five-level central composite design (CCD). Three independent variables were investigated, namely the acid concentration (3 M-7 M), temperature (40 °C - 80 °C) and solid/liquid ratio (0.005-0.02 g/mL). According to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the p-value (<0.0001) indicated the designed model was highly significant. Optimization using RSM gave the best fit between validated and predicted data as elucidated by the coefficient of determination with R2 values of 0.9965. However, acid concentration and solid/liquid ratio showed an initial increase in titanium recovery followed by recovery reduction with increasing concentration and ratio. Quadratic RSM predicted the maximum recovery of titanium to be 67.73% at optimal conditions of 5.5 M acid concentration, at a temperature of 62 °C with a solid/liquid ratio of 0.01 g/mL. The verification experiments gave an average of 66.23% recovery of titanium, thus indicating that the successfully developed model to predict the response. This process development has significant importance to reduce the cost of waste disposal, environmental protection, and recovery of economically valuable products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*
  7. Su H, Kanchanatip E, Wang D, Zheng R, Huang Z, Chen Y, et al.
    Waste Manag, 2020 Feb 01;102:520-527.
    PMID: 31765972 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.11.018
    In China, waste sorting practice is not strictly followed, plastics, especially food packaging, are commonly mixed in food waste. Supercritical water gasification (SCWG) of unsorted food waste was conducted in this study, using model unsorted food waste by mixture of pure food waste and plastic. Different operating parameters including reaction temperature, residence time, and feedstock concentration were investigated. Moreover, the effect of three representative food additives namely NaCl, NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 were tested in this work. Finally, comparative analysis about SCWG of unsorted food waste, pure food waste, and plastic was studied. It was found that higher reaction temperature, longer residence time and lower feedstock concentration were advantageous for SCWG of unsorted food waste. Within the range of operating parameters in this study, when the feedstock concentration was 5 wt%, the highest H2 yield (7.69 mol/kg), H2 selectivity (82.11%), total gas yield (17.05 mol/kg), and efficiencies of SCWG (cold gas efficiency, gasification efficiency, carbon gasification efficiency, and hydrogen gasification efficiency) were obtained at 480 °C for 75 min. Also, the addition of food additives with Na+ promoted the SCWG of unsorted food waste. The Na2CO3 showed the best catalytic performance on enhancement of H2 and syngas production. This research demonstrated the positive effect of waste sorting on the SCWG of food waste, and provided novel results and information that help to overcome the problems in the process of food waste treatment and accelerate the industrial application of SCWG technology in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*
  8. Ng CKC, Lim TY, Ahmad AB, Khaironizam MZ
    Zootaxa, 2019 Mar 18;4567(3):zootaxa.4567.3.5.
    PMID: 31715885 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4567.3.5
    This study investigates the published literature and incorporates our field data from 1997 to September 2018 to generate an inventory report of primary freshwater fishes for Perak State in Malaysia. We critically examined and enumerated 186 species from 2 classes, 16 orders, 43 families and 114 genera in 57 localities. A total of 173 fish species (91.4%) are native to Perak and 17 species (8.6%) are non-native. The provisional checklist presented herein is conservative and excludes doubtful inventory records that lack synthesis and traceability. We encountered seven taxonomic discrepancies and we also could not confidently identify eight species. These are explicitly discussed to inform future workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water*
  9. Kutty SRM, Almahbashi NMY, Nazrin AAM, Malek MA, Noor A, Baloo L, et al.
    Heliyon, 2019 Oct;5(10):e02439.
    PMID: 31667371 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02439
    Treated palm oil mill effluents (POME) is of great concern as it still has colour from its dissolved organics which may pollute receiving water bodies. In this study, the removal of colour from treated palm oil mill effluent were investigated through adsorption studies using carbon derived from wastewater sludge (WSC). Sludge from activated sludge plants were dried and processed to produce WSC. In this study, three different bed depths of WSC were used: 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm. For each bed depth, the flowrate was varied at three different values: 100 mL/hr, 50 mL/hr and 25 mL/hr. It was found that at bed depth of 5 cm, the breakthrough curves were occurred at 360 min, 150 min and 15 min for flowrates of 25, 50 and 100 mL/hr respectively. It was observed that at a particular depth the exhaustion time for column reduced as flow rate increases. Kinetic models, Adams-Bohart and Yoon-Nelson were used to analyze the performance of the adsorption. It was found that rate constant for Adams Bohart model decreased with the increase in bed depth. Adsorption capacity obtained from Adams-Bohart model ranged from 2676.19 mg/L up to 8938.78 mg/L. The maximum adsorption capacity increases with smaller bed depth. For Yoon-Nelson model, the rate constant decreases with increase in bed depth. The required time for 50% breakthrough obtained from the models ranged from 17.01 to 104.17 minutes for all three bed depths. The reduction of colour was found to be effective at all bed depths. The experimental data was best described by both models as with higher values of correlation coefficient (R2).
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification; Waste Water
  10. Noorain Mohd Isa, Ahmad Zaharin Aris
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:23-32.
    Classified as a small island, Kapas Island experiences major problems especially in supplying freshwater where groundwater abstraction is the only way to meet the demand of drinking water and domestic use. Groundwater samples were collected from seven constructed boreholes to examine the hydrochemistry properties of major ions and in-situ parameters as these could provide a basis for future reference. The chemical composition showed strong and significant correlation for each studied parameter; an indication of the effect of environmental variables to the groundwater composition. The composition changed from Ca-rich to Na-rich are explained mostly by mixing and cation exchange processes. This study provided an input for water management at Kapas Island where groundwater is a crucial resource to maintain the hydrogeological balance of the island.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water; Drinking Water
  11. Mohd Shafiq Zakeyuddin, Amir Shah Ruddin Md Sah, Mohd Syaiful Mohammad, Nurul Fazlinda Mohd Fadzil, Zarul Hazrin Hashim, Wan Maznah Wan Omar
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:853-863.
    A study of spatial and temporal variations on water quality and trophic status was conducted twice a month from December
    2012 to January 2014 in four sampling stations at Bukit Merah Reservoir (BMR). The concentration of dissolved oxygen
    (DO), water temperature, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total phosphorous (TP), PO4
    , NO2
    , NO3
    , NH4
    + and
    net primary productivity had significant differences temporally (p<0.05) except for pH, total suspended solids (TSS)
    and chlorophyll-a. Based on correlation analysis, the amount of rainfall and rain days has negatively correlated with
    secchi depth and chlorophyll-a (p<0.01). The water level has significantly decreased the value of the temperature, pH,
    conductivity, TP and NO2
    but it has positive correlation with NO3
    and NH4
    +. Discharged from Sungai Kurau increased
    the value of conductivity, TSS, TP and NO2
    as a result from runoff and erosion, thus decreasing the secchi depth values,
    and NH4
    +. The water quality of BMR is classified in Class II and TSI indicates that the BMR has an intermediate level
    of productivity (mesotrophic) and meets the objective of this reservoir which was to provide water for paddy irrigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Quality
  12. Hassimi AH, Ezril Hafiz R, Muhamad MH, Sheikh Abdullah SR
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Apr 15;260:110046.
    PMID: 32090804 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.110046
    This study was conducted to examine the production of bioflocculants using agricultural wastewater as a fermentation feedstock under different temperatures and incubation times. The mechanism of flocculation was studied to gain a detailed understanding of the flocculation activity. The highest bioflocculant yield (2.03 g/L) at a temperature of 40 °C was produced in a palm oil mill effluent medium (BioF-POME). Bioflocculant produced from a fermented SME medium (BioF-SME) showed the highest activity. The flocculation tests for colour and turbidity removal from lake water indicated that BioF-SME and BioF-POME performed comparably to commercial alum. Analyses of the bioflocculants using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) found that the bioflocculants contained xylose and glucose. The mechanism study showed that flocculation occurred through charge neutralization and interparticle bridging between the bioflocculant polymer and the particles in the lake water. Thus, agricultural wastewater can be used as a fermentation feedstock for high-quality bioflocculants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Waste Water*
  13. Mohammed JN, Wan Dagang WRZ
    Water Sci Technol, 2019 Nov;80(10):1807-1822.
    PMID: 32144213 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2020.025
    The biodegradability and safety of the bioflocculants make them a potential alternative to non-biodegradable chemical flocculants for wastewater treatment. However, low yield and production cost has been reported to be the limiting factor for large scale bioflocculant production. Although the utilization of cheap nutrient sources is generally appealing for large scale bioproduct production, exploration to meet the demand for them is still low. Although much progress has been achieved at laboratory scale, Industrial production and application of bioflocculant is yet to be viable due to cost of the production medium and low yield. Thus, the prospects of bioflocculant application as an alternative to chemical flocculants is linked to evaluation and utilization of cheap alternative and renewable nutrient sources. This review evaluates the latest literature on the utilization of waste/wastewater as an alternative substitute for conventional expensive nutrient sources. It focuses on the mechanisms and metabolic pathways involved in microbial flocculant synthesis, culture conditions and nutrient requirements for bioflocculant production, pre-treatment, and also optimization of waste substrate for bioflocculant synthesis and bioflocculant production from waste and their efficiencies. Utilization of wastes as a microbial nutrient source drastically reduces the cost of bioflocculant production and increases the appeal of bioflocculant as a cost-effective alternative to chemical flocculants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Waste Water*
  14. Athirah Othman, Johan Sohaili, Nur Sumaiyyah Supian
    This review is aimed to present an in-depth review of several methodologies on magnetic
    water treatment (MWT) that are employed as scale treatment in water pipeline and to
    critically discuss each method in order to determine the best outcome of MWT. The
    magnetically assisted water in pipeline in various applications are presented, argued and
    best variables are listed according to the performance of each MWT. The advantages and
    limitations of MWT are discussed and the main outcome from the review summarize the
    best method in MWT, especially in effectiveness of treating scale in terms of sustained
    environment benefits. Magnetic field application in water treatment has the potential to
    improve the water pipeline performance and lifetime. The application is also significant in
    controlling the growth of scale in upcoming system. Both of these benefits lead to healthier
    water treatment, increasing and maintaining the lifetime and performance of water system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Purification
  15. Baneshi MM, Ghaedi AM, Vafaei A, Emadzadeh D, Lau WJ, Marioryad H, et al.
    Environ Res, 2020 04;183:109278.
    PMID: 32311912 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109278
    The water sources contaminated by toxic dyes would pose a serious problem for public health. In view of this, the development of a simple yet effective method for removing dyes from industrial effluent has attracted interest from researchers. In the present work, flat sheet mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) with different physiochemical properties were fabricated by blending P84 polyimide with different concentrations of cadmium-based metal organic frameworks (MOF-2(Cd)). The resultant membranes were then used for simultaneous removal of eosin y (EY), sunset yellow (SY) and methylene blue (MB) under various process conditions. The findings indicated that the membranes could achieve high water permeability (117.8-171.4 L/m2.h.bar) and promising rejection for simultaneous dyes removal, recording value of 99.9%, 81.2% and 68.4% for MB, EY and SY, respectively. When 0.2 wt% MOF-2(Cd) was incorporated into the membrane matrix, the membrane separation efficiency was improved by 110.2% and 213.3% for EY and SY removal, respectively when compared with the pristine membrane. In addition, the optimization and modeling of membrane permeate flux and dye rejection was explored using response surface methodology. The actual and model results are in good agreement with R2 of at least 0.9983 for dye rejection and permeate flux. The high flux of the developed MMMs coupled with effective separation of dyes suggests a promising prospect of using P84 polyimide MMMs incorporated with MOF-2(Cd) for water purification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*
  16. Cheng SY, Show PL, Juan JC, Ling TC, Lau BF, Lai SH, et al.
    Environ Res, 2020 09;188:109737.
    PMID: 32554270 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109737
    Sustainable wastewater treatment necessitates the application of natural and green material in the approach. Thus, selecting a natural coagulant in leachate treatment is a crucial step in landfill operation to prevent secondary environmental pollution due to residual inorganic coagulant in treated effluent. Current study investigated the application of guar gum in landfill leachate treatment. Central composite design in response surface methodology was used to optimize the performance of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal. Quadratic model developed indicated the optimum COD removal 22.57% at guar gum dosage of 44.39 mg/L, pH 8.56 (natural pH of leachate) and mixing speed 79.27 rpm. Scanning electron microscopy showed that floc was compact and energy-dispersive-x-ray analysis showed that guar gum was capable to adsorb multiple ions from the leachate. Structural characterization using Fourier Transform Infrared analysis demonstrated that hydrogen bonding between guar and pollutant particles was involved in coagulation and flocculation process. Therefore, guar gum coagulant present potential to be an alternative in leachate treatment where pH requirement is not required during treatment. Simultaneously, adsorption by guar gum offers added pollutant removal advantage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical*
  17. Arumugam M, Tahir M, Praserthdam P
    Chemosphere, 2022 Jan;286(Pt 2):131765.
    PMID: 34371351 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131765
    Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into gaseous hydrocarbon fuels is an auspicious way to produce renewable fuels in addition to greenhouse gas emission mitigation. In this work, non-metals (B, O, P, and S) doped graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) was prepared via solid-state polycondensation of urea for photocatalytic CO2 reduction into highly needed methane (CH4) with water under UV light irradiation. The various physicochemical characterization results reveal the successful incorporation of B, O, P, and S elements in the g-C3N4 matrix. The maximum CH4 yield of 55.10 nmol/(mLH2O.gcat) over S-doped g-C3N4 has been obtained for CO2 reduction after 7 h of irradiation. This amount of CH4 production was 1.9, 1.4, 1.7, and 2.4-folds higher than B, O, P and bare g-C3N4 samples. The doping of S did not enlarge the surface area and photon absorption ability of the g-C3N4 sample, but this significant improvement was evidently due to effective charge separation and migration. The observed results imply that the doping of non-metal elements provides improved charge separation and is an effective way to boost photocatalyst performance. This work offers an auspicious approach to design non-metal doped g-C3N4 photocatalysts for renewable fuel production and would be promising for other energy application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*
  18. Tran TV, Nguyen DTC, Nguyen TTT, Nguyen DH, Alhassan M, Jalil AA, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Jan 15;856(Pt 1):158817.
    PMID: 36116641 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158817
    Each year, nearly 30 million tons of pineapple fruit are harvested for food and drinking industries, along with the release of a huge amount of pineapple wastes. Without the proper treatment, pineapple wastes can cause adverse impacts on the environment, calling for new technologies to convert them into valuable products. Here, we review the production and application of adsorbents derived from pineapple wastes. The thermal processing or chemical modification improved the surface chemistry and porosity of these adsorbents. The specific surface areas of the pineapple wastes-based adsorbents were in range from 4.2 to at 522.9 m2·g-1. Almost adsorption systems followed the pseudo second order kinetic model, and Langmuir isotherm model. The adsorption mechanism was found with the major role of electrostatic attraction, complexation, chelation, and ion exchange. The pineapple wastes based adsorbents could be easily regenerated. We suggest the potential of the pineapple wastes towards circular economy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification*
  19. Hung CM, Chen CW, Huang CP, Shiung Lam S, Dong CD
    Bioresour Technol, 2022 Jan;343:126082.
    PMID: 34610427 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126082
    Antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (SMX) has been commonly found in various water matrices, therefore effective decontamination method is urgently needed. Metal-free pristine coconut-shell-derived biochar (CSBC), synthesized by thermochemical conversion at 700 °C, was used for activating peroxymonosulfate (PMS), an oxidant, to degrade SMX, a sulfonamide antibiotic, in water. SMX degradation, maximized at 0.05 mM concentration, was 85% in 30 min at pH 5.0 in the presence of 150 mg L-1 of CSBC. Remarkably, SMX removal reached 99% in a chloride-rich CSBC/PMS system. SMX degradation was mainly attributed to the role of CSBC in enhancing PMS activation to produce combined radical (SO4•-/HO•) and nonradical (1O2) reaction pathways. The most abundant genus in the CSBC/PMS system was Methylotenera, which belonged to the Proteobacteria phylum. Thus, from a perspective of biowaste-to-resource recycling and circular bioeconomy view point, CSBC is a potential catalytic activator of PMS for the removal of sulfonamide antibiotics from aqueous environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*
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