A cross-sectional study was conducted among form four students of secondary schools in the District of Petaling, Selangor, Malaysia from February 2008 to June 2008 with the aim of quantifying the prevalence of smoking and identifying the psychosocial factors related to smoking among adolescents in this district. A two-stage stratified sampling strategy was used to obtain a sample of 1300 students based on an estimated prevalence of 10%. The response rate was 80.5% (1045 out of 1298 students). Results showed that prevalence of smoking was higher among male students (22.3%) compared to females (5.5%) and the median age at smoking initiation was lower among males compared to female smokers (14 years old vs 15 years old). Modifiable risk factors associated with smoking were "percentage of friends who smoke" (OR 2.94, 95% CI [1.71- 5.06]) and "having a brother who smokes" (OR 1.97, 95% CI [1.20-3.31]). There was also a correlation between smoking prevalence and the number of risk factors present. Intensification of health education and anti-smoking programmes and modification of external factors in early adolescence are recommended to prevent smoking initiation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of enteroparasitic infections in students and their hormonal and immunological repercussions on physical development. Students of basic education of both sexes were evaluated. Parasitological stool tests were performed using the Hoffman and Kato-Katz methods. The students were divided into two groups: a control group (negative parasitological examination, N=25) and an infected group (positive parasitological test, N=25). Anthropometric variables (height, weight, and BMI), concentrations of hormones (melatonin and cortisol), cytokine/chemokine levels (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17 and TNF-α) and physical performance (aerobic capacity, upper- and lower-limb muscle strength and abdominal performance) were evaluated. The prevalence of parasitic infection among the students was 7.98%. No anthropometric differences were observed among the groups. IL-2 and TNF-α levels were higher and IL-8 levels were lower in serum from students who were positive for parasitic infection. Serum from students who were positive for parasitic infection showed higher levels of melatonin than that from parasitenegative students. No differences were observed in cortisol levels. Students who were positive for parasitic infection presented greater lower-limb strength and lower abdominal performance than parasite-negative students. In the parasitic infection group, IL-12 was positively correlated with melatonin. In the parasitic infection group, IL-8 showed a positive correlation with aerobic capacity, while IL-17 and TNF-α showed a positive correlation with abdominal performance. These data suggest that parasitic infections determine the profile of inflammatory cytokines and that melatonin may be involved in the control of this process to minimize tissue damage. Additionally, students' difficulty in practising physical exercises can be an indication of enteroparasitic infection.
Dietary habits and choice of food influences nutritional status of adolescence. Malnutrition have been associated with adolescents' dietary habits that may predispose to chronic disease during their adulthood. The aim of this study is to determine the association between food habit and nutritional status of adolescents. In the baseline study, a total of 924 students from 10 secondary schools were randomly selected from a total of 62 secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. The students were assessed on various dietary components including food habits using a structured questionnaire as well as for anthropometry measurements. All data were analyzed using SPSS 23. The prevalence of obesity was significantly higher among males compared to females (16.4% vs. 8.4%, X2=25.42, p<0.001). Food habit exhibits an inversed association with z-score of body mass index for age (β=-0.107, 95% CI=-0.053, -0.013), especially via food habits such as often eat dinner (r=-0.102, p=0.002), often have breakfast before school (r=-0.100, p=0.002), often eat cake or dessert at meal (r=-0.110, p=0.001), often drink eight glasses of water (r=0.132, p<0.001), often eat food from school canteen (r=-0.071, p=0.031) and often bring own snack from home (r=-0.112, p=0.001). This study suggested that the type of food and timing of meal should be considered to prevent obesity among adolescents.
Teachers play an important role in the successful implementation of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for students with complex communication needs. The goal of this two-phase, mixed-methods study was to explore Malaysian teachers' use of, experience with, and perceptions about AAC. Phase 1 involved 252 teachers who completed a questionnaire that was aimed at collecting nationwide data about their use and overall perceptions of AAC. Phase 2 involved semi-structured interviews with 13 teachers who had experience supporting students who used AAC. Approximately half of the participants who completed the questionnaire knew about AAC and had used AAC with their students. Almost all of the participants had positive views of AAC though some misconceptions were reported. Most participants had limited knowledge about AAC that led them to experience difficulties supporting their students. Teachers were motivated to receive AAC-related training to enable them to use AAC more successfully with their students given the small number of SLPs in the country.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had considerable psychological health impacts across the globe. This study aimed to establish the psychological process variables underlying psychopathology in Malaysian public university students during the national Movement Control Order (MCO). The aim was to craft structured and sustainable psychological support programs with these students. We conducted a cross-sectional study involving Malaysian university students subjected to the Malaysian MCO. Structured questionnaires measuring sociodemographic factors, measures of depression, anxiety, stress, psychological mindedness, psychological flexibility and state mindfulness were employed. A total of 515 students participated in this study with 12 students (2.3%) being quarantined at the time. Many of them scored 'moderate' or above on the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) with 20.2%, 25.0% and 14.2%, respectively. Quarantined students had higher depressive symptoms, with female students scoring significantly higher for depression, anxiety, and stress. Multiple regressions suggested gender and quarantine status predicted depression scores. However, only gender significantly predicted anxiety and stress. Psychological flexibility and psychological mindedness (Insight subscale) are significantly correlated with depression, anxiety, and stress, with psychological mindedness predicting all three psychopathologies. This study demonstrates that gender, psychological flexibility, and psychological mindedness are key demographic and psychological factors impacting students. Targeting psychological flexibility and psychological mindedness may enable timely prevention and intervention programs for our students to support their mental and physical health as we move through, and out of, the pandemic.
Introduction: Preclinical teaching using simulation is very beneficial in training dental graduates. The use of laboratory simulation for its undergraduate training during the preclinical years has been used in dental education. Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate student’s perception, self evaluation and satisfactory level in preparing duralay burn-out post and core in preclinical fixed prosthodontics sessions.
Materials and Methods: The participants comprised of 104 fourth year dental undergraduates in the Faculty of Dentistry Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The students had undergone preclinical session for endodontics during the 3rd year and had already completed root canal treatment on single rooted tooth. The same tooth was used for preclinical post and core preparation. The gutta percha was partially removed and the root canal was prepared. They then proceeded with the preparation of duralay build-up/pattern based on the lecture, video demonstration and manual given. Once completed and satisfied with their work, students were asked to answer the questionnaires in the simulation manual.
Results: Student response rate was 88.46% (92/104). Majority of the students were satisfied with their canal preparation, with about 5mm gutta percha left apically, appropriately shaped canal with sufficient retention and resistance form. They also thought that the surface of the duralay was good with no voids. With regards to the coronal preparation, majority of them incorporated ferrule effect and prepared preliminary crown preparation. More than half of the students claimed the level of difficulty of this procedure was moderate. Furthermore, majority of them said that the lecture and the preclinical manual were sufficient and helpful. The help from the supervisors was also benefit in preparing duralay burnout post and core.
Conclusions: From this study, majority of fourth year dental students could perform appropriate canal preparation as well as duralay pattern post and core. Only one student did not feel competent and confident in doing canal preparation and duralay pattern post and core. Our teaching methods and aids were proven to help them in preparing these tasks.
Background: In Malaysia, the prevalence of hypertension amongst adults aged 30 years and above has increased from 32.9% in 1996 to 40.5% in 2004 and to 42.6% in 2006. Information on the prevalence of hypertension among adolescents is lacking.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of hypertension among Malay secondary school students in Putrajaya.
Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The sampling frame consisted of a list of all the 12 secondary schools in Putrajaya. Three schools were selected using table of random numbers. All Malay students aged 13 years old to 17 years old from the three selected school students were included in the study. Blood pressure was measured after the respondents had rested for at least 5 minutes using a standard mercury sphygmomanometer. Three blood pressure measurements were taken for each respondent. Systolic blood pressure [SBP] was defined as the average of three SBP readings and diastolic blood pressure [DBP] was defined as the average of three DBP readings. Data was analyzed using SPSS 18.
Results: The overall mean SBP and DBP were 108.9 mmHg and 63.2 mmHg respectively. The prevalence of pre-hypertension and hypertension among the male was 16.2% and 12.9% respectively as compared to 5.8% and 10.2% respectively in the females. The overall prevalence of prehypertension and hypertension was 11.1% and 11.6% respectively. The prevalence increased with age (p<0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between BMI and SBP (r = 0.52, r2 = 0.27, p= 0.001) and BMI and DBP (r = 0.38, r2 = 0.15, p= 0.001). The mean SBP was significantly higher in males (111.7 mmHg) as compared to 106 mmHg in females (p<0.001). The mean DBP in males (63.5 mmHg) was slightly higher as compared to 62.9 mmHg in females but the difference was not significant.
Conclusions: Prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension is high. There is an urgent need for implementation of a comprehensive CVD prevention program and routine blood pressure measurements should be taken in school children to improve the detection, prevention and treatment of hypertension
Keywords: Prevalence, Hypertension, Adolescents, Putrajaya, Malaysia
Little is known about the sero-prevalence of diphtheria anti-toxoid antibody levels among medical students in Malaysia. They too, just like other health care workers (HCWs) are at risk of contracting and transmitting diphtheria. Fortunately, this can be prevented by giving a specific vaccine: the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) vaccine. Nonetheless, data from local or regional surveys are needed before any decision is made by the respective authorities. General objective: We studied the epidemiology of diphtheria anti-toxoid antibody levels and vaccination history amongst medical students and staff in Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Specific objectives: We determined the level of diphtheria anti-toxoid antibodies amongst pre-clinical students and staff. Methodology: A total of 152 sera were collected from subjects aged 19 to 63, and diphtheria anti-toxoid levels were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: One hundred and fifty-two (94.4%) blood samples out of 161 participants were successfully withdrawn, which comprised 105 (69.1%) and 47 (30.9%) medical students and staff, respectively. A total of 77.6% and the other 22.4% of the subjects had full and basic protection, respectively. Higher levels were predominant amongst males and they were 1.3 times more protected than females in 20-29 year-old group (85.1% vs 66.2%; odd ratios 1.25 [95% CI 1.03-1.50]; P=0.03). No significant difference in the levels of immunity among subjects for ethnicity and academic position (P>0.05). Recommendations: Level of full protection against diphtheria toxin should be clearly defined by broad population based studies using several comparable detection methods. Medical students and staff with basic protection should be closely monitored or should be given a booster dose for those who are at high risk of acquiring the disease. Thus, a standard degree of coverage should be clearly determined for health workers to prevent a potential outbreak. Conclusion: Students and staff possess immunity towards diptheria toxin however the level of full protective antibody is yet to be determined in future.
A 17-year-old male student of Indonesian parentage presented with two weeks history of progressive painless bilateral visual deterioration. There was no contact with tuberculosis (TB)-infected patients and parents claimed that all immunization including BCG was completed. However, BCG scar was not apparent. Visual acuity was 6/36 and 6/60 in the right and left eyes respectively. The anterior and vitreous chambers were quiet. Funduscopic examination revealed retinal vasculitis with perivascular exudates, branch vein occlusion, neovascularization and macular oedema. Fluorescein angiography confirmed large areas of capillary non-perfusion and leaking new vessels. Mantoux test was positive and full regime anti-TB therapy was instituted. HIV screening was negative. Three days later, an immunosuppressive dose of oral steroid was started. Both eyes received intensive laser photocoagulation.Interestingly, there was no development of vitritis throughout.
Food poisoning is still a major problem in the state of Terengganu. The study was conducted during an episode of food poisoning outbreak which occurred in October, 1999, at Universiti Tekonologi Mara (UiTJ1rO, Dungun to determine the etiology, mode of transmission, source and the risk factors of the outbreak and hence to take appropriate remedial actions and preventive measures. A retrospective cohort study was conducted amongst 925 students using a standard questionnaire as well as environmental investigation and bacterial subtyping. All the samples were Malay females, age ranging jrom /9 — 22 years. It was found that majority ofthe victims (72 %) presented with abdominal cramp, 68.5% headache, 60.0% diarrhea, 55.2% fever, 45.0% nausea, 39.0% muscle
ache and 3]. 7% vomiting. The epidemic curve suggested of a common source of infection and the most probable food that has been contaminated was taken during lunch hour on October 20'I'1999, Statistical analysis showed that spices jiied chicken and "nasi minyak" were significantly associated with the illness (p < 0. 05). The most likely causative organism was Salmonella spp as supported by the clinical presentation and incubation period of the disease, identdication of contaminated food, bacterial subtyping result and environmental findings. Following the outbreaks, several remedial actions were taken including immediate close—up ofthe canteen for I4 days, treatment for the cases and health examination and typhoid immunization for all food handlers.
Introduction: Frequency of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in young age women is not well studied. It is said to be common among female elderly and multiparous population. The aim of this study is to obtain the prevalence of LUTS among nulliparous students in relation to their personal hygiene. Materials and methods: This is a prospective cross-sectional study conducted among 200 nulliparous medical and nursing students aged between 18-28 years using standardized questionnaires. Urine samples were also collected from students to detect urinary tract infections. Results: The complete data sets of 146 students were analyzed. All of them were nulliparous, single and not sexually active. The prevalence of LUTS was 52.7% consist of over-active bladder, urinary incontinence (UI) and voiding difficulty respectively (51.3%, 34.9% and 45.2%). The most common type of UI was stress urinary incontinence which was 21.9% followed by 11.6% of urgency incontinence. Conclusion: The prevalence of LUTS among young age population is high at 52.7%. Public awareness regarding LUTS and availability of treatment is needed.
This study aimed to determine the perceptions and opinions of medical students about food allergy. Universal sampling was used to conduct focus group discussions. The majority of the participants 40 (67%) mentioned that the common symptoms of food allergy are: skin rashes, swollen lips, diarrhea, vomiting, bronchospasm, redness, itchiness, difficulty in breathing, stomach ache and fever. Majority of participants mentioned that seafood is the food that can cause most food allergies 52 (87%), followed by tree nuts 25 (42%), peanuts and dairy products 19 (32%). Regarding the most allergenic food named by the participants are seafood 23 (38%); followed by milk and dairy products 5 (8%) and nuts 5 (8%). The majority of participants mentioned that food allergy can be fatal 48 (80%), a child can catch food allergy 57 (95%), and 10 of 100 people would have food allergy 31 (52%). Half of the participants 30 (50%) mentioned that it is very hard to care for children with food allergy. The majority of participants mentioned that food allergies do run in families 50 (83%), avoiding allergenic food is the best preventive methods 36 (60%) and that food allergy can be treated and will go away and 32 (53%). This study showed that in spite of sufficient knowledge among medical students about food allergy, some misconceptions still exist such as the high prevalence of food allergy and that food allergy can be treated and will go away. Therefore, there is a need for improving the continuous medical education among medical students with regard to food allergy because they are our future physicians.
The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence and factors that influenced smoking behaviours among male adolescents in Kuantan, Pahang. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the form four male students in Kuantan District. Three hundred and twenty three students were randomly selected from eight secondary schools. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all the respondents. Almost half of the sample was smokers (45.8%) and half of them were Malays (53.1%). Students whose parents had lower level of occupation were more likely to smoke (58.8%). Among smokers, 34.5% of them smoked since primary school and a majority (91.7%) smoked 10 or less cigarettes per day. Half of them (53.4%) reported that they bought loose cigarettes and most of them used their school pocket money to purchase the cigarettes (81.7%). From the multivariate analysis, it was found that Non-Science Stream classes (OR=3.92, 95% CI= 2.10, 7.32), peers' smoking (OR=6.07, 95% CI= 2.32, 15.92), and attitude towards smoking (OR= 21.93, 95% CI= 9.71,49.51) were significantly associated with smoking habit. The prevalence of smoking among male adolescents was considerably high'in this population. It is recommended that antismoking activities in school be carried out regularly and should involve an active participation from the adolescents themselves since peers have great influence on smoking habits.
Aim: To manufacture a clinical simulation apparatus for the undergraduates' endodontic radiography teaching Objectives: • To provide a model for teaching of parallax method using Kelly's forcep • To provide a model for undergraduates to practice radiographic localization employing parallax method. • To allow students to practice taking radiographs in a way that simulates the clinical situations with a good diagnostic quality Methods: Impressions of a dentate arch (maxillary and mandibullary) were used to form a stone cast. A section of the cast, in the area where the natural teeth were to be placed, is sectioned and removed. Three maxillary extracted teeth (canine, first and second premolar) were selected and mounted with acrylic resin at the sectioned area. The resin was cured in a light box. The arches were mounted in a phantom head with a placement of rubber cheek. The first premolar was isolated with rubber dam. The intraoral holder (Kelly's forcep) was attached to a robotic arm. The students were taught the correct angulations of the x-ray cone for the paralleling technique and parallax method using Kelly's forcep during root canal treatment. Results: All students managed to complete the exercise and were considered competent when they produced acceptable quality of radiographs. Conclusion: The model described was improvised from a model that has been used during the past 2 years for undergraduates' endodontic courses. It has been well accepted as it simulates the clinical situation more closely than was possible previously.
Stress is a common problem among university students and studies showed that involvement in exercise could help in reducing stress. However, information regarding the effect of high intensity progressive resistance training (PRT) using a resistant tube on stress among inactive and moderate active young male university students is limited. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the effect of high intensity PRT using a resistant tube on psychological stress level, cortisol, DHEA and physical fitness in this population. A total of 30 male university students were participated in this quasi-experiment study. Intervention group (n = 14, age: 21.50 ± 1.37 yr) was participaned to carry out high intensity PRT by using resistant tube 3 times per week for 10 weeks; control group (n = 16, age: 21.29 ± 1.86 yr) was asked to continue their current lifestyle as usual. Before and after 10 weeks of intervention, psychological stress was measured by using PSS and SLSI questionnaires; cortisol and DHEA level were measured by using ELISA method. Timed up-and-go (TUG) used to examine dynamic balance and handgrip strength test used to measure muscle strength. Findings showed that the increased of DHEA level after 10 weeks of intervention was significantly difference between control and intervention groups (p < 0.05). There was no significant group difference in changes over time in anthropometric and body composition measurements, stress scores, cortisol level and physical fitness. High intensity PRT using resistant tube may be beneficial in increasing DHEA level among young male adults, which can act as a stress biochemical indicator.
Overweight during adolescence has many psychological consequences and low self·esteem is the immediate detrimental effect observed. Adolescents with low self»esteem are at risk for many emotional and behavioural disorders while high self-esteem adolescents experience an incremental improvement in their quality of life. The objective of this study was to compare seh'-esteem between overweight and non-overweight Malay adolescents in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. A cross-sectional study was conducted between January to ]une 2005 among 1364 students selected from ten co-educational government secondary schools in Kota Bharu using stratified multistage cluster sampling. A set of guided self-administered questionnaire which included a Malaysian version of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Body Mass Index measurement was used. Data was entered using SPSS 12.0 and analysed using STATA 8. O. The prevalence of overweight among secondary school students in Kota Bharu was 12.5% and there was no significant difference in self-esteem between overweight and non-overweight students. However, the findings may not be generalized to out-of-school youth and other ethnic groups in this country. Infomation on other modifers, such as parental acceptance or lack of concern regarding the child’ obesity was not elicited in this study. It is an important protective factor for self-esteem and need to be included in future studies.
A 20- year-old female student was involved in a motor vehicle accident. She sustained a severe friction injury to the left knee that resulted in considerable soft tissue and bone loss. There was also damage to the knee extensor mechanism, tibialis anterior muscle, femoral trochlea, the anterior half of the tibial plateau extending distally to the proximal tibia and skin. However, there was no crushing of the limb or resultant neurovascular deficit but cancellous bone and the remainder of the joint were exposed. Repeated surgical debridement was performed and was followed by covering of the soft tissue using a latissimus dorsi free flap and skin grafts. The bony defect was reconstituted with antibiotic bone cement to prevent flap adherence and shrinkage, enhance stability and prevent fracture. The cement was later removed at the time of arthrodesis at which time an ipsilateral double barrel vascularised fibular graft supplemented with autogenously cancellous bone and a ring fixator was used. Computer tomography confirmed union at three months post procedure. The fixator was then removed and a tibialis posterior transfer was performed.
A survey of colour vision deficiency among 1427 medical students and healthcare personnel in Seremban revealed a prevalence of 3.2% with a marked male predominance (males 6.7%, females 0.4%). In view of the potential difficulties faced by such personnel in clinical works, early detection of this deficiency allowed appropriate counselling.
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of the most common phobias and associated factors among university students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at Management and Science University (MSU). Random sampling was performed throughout all faculties. The questionnaires were distributed randomly at classes, library and university cafe within MSU. Diagnosis of anxiety disorders were established according to DSM-IV criteria. These criteria are included in Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). The questionnaire consists of two sections. The first section consists of socio-demographic characteristics such as (age, sex, race, type of faculty and income); the second section is LSAS standard questionnaire. Multiple linear regression using backward analysis was performed to obtain the associated factors. Results: A total number of four hundred sixty eight (468) students participated in this study. The majority of them were older than 20
years old, female, Malay and from non-medical and heath faculties (59.6%, 69.6%, 77.8%, 68.8%; respectively). Regarding history of abuse during childhood, the majority of the university students reported that there was no sexual, physical and emotional abuse during childhood (98.5%, 97.4%, 82.1%; respectively). The majority of the students (53.85%) reported that they have phobia. The highest type of phobia reported among university students was phobia from snake (11.5%), followed by speaking in front of crowd (9.2%) and the lowest were phobia of speed, dolls phobia, ropes phobia. Types of faculty, smoking status and history of physical abuse during childhood were the factors that significantly influence the social anxiety among university students in univariate and multivariate analysis. Conclusion: The prevalence of phobic symptoms among university students was
high types of faculty; smoking status and history of physical abuse during childhood significantly influenced social anxiety among university students. Education and counseling university students is necessary to educate the students who suffer from phobia to cope with different situations during study period.
The National HPV Immunization Programme, which offers free human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines to teenaged female students, was launched in Malaysia in 2010. HPV vaccination paired with adequate knowledge about HPV infection provides the best protection against cervical cancer. To identify the level of knowledge and the health beliefs towards HPV and the HPV vaccine among HPV-vaccinated female students in Malaysia. A nationwide cross-sectional survey among 14 years old female students who had received three doses of the HPV vaccine was conducted in 32 randomly selected schools from 13 states and 3 federal territories in Malaysia between February 2013 and April 2013. Among 2482 respondents, knowledge about HPV infection and the HPV vaccine was extremely poor. The mean total knowledge score was only 3.56 (SD ± 1.76), out of a possible score of 10. The majority of respondents were unaware that vaccinating boys with HPV can help protect girls against HPV infection (91.6%), HPV cannot be cured (81.6%) and that HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (70.3%). Most of the respondents had the misconception that only females get HPV (95.1%), and that the HPV vaccine eliminates the need for Pap smear tests (68.3%). Most respondents (91.6%) believed that they would not get an HPV infection. Almost half of the respondents (42.9%) held the misconception that HPV infection could not lead to serious illness. Findings revealed poor knowledge about both HPV and the HPV vaccine, low perceived susceptibility to HPV infection and misinformation about HPV infection among HPV-vaccinated girls. Therefore, it is essential to increase the knowledge and awareness of health risks regarding HPV infection among teenaged girls who have received the HPV vaccine.