The present study was carried out to determine the concentrations of selected metal elements (lead, copper, manganese, zinc and iron) in 51 samples of commercial drinking water and tap water available in Malaysia. The results indicated that low metal elements were found in the studied water samples. Lead, manganese, zinc and iron were not detected in some of the studied samples, except copper. The concentrations of the metal elements in the studied samples were well below the maximum permitted concentrations as recommended. Therefore these drinking water are safe for consumption and do not pose adverse effect to the health of consumers due to metal toxicity.
Kajian terdahulu banyak menunjukkan perbezaan dalam dimensi okular mengikut kaum. Walau bagaimanapun hanya terdapat sedikit data mengenai dimensi okular bangsa Melayu di Malaysia yang dilaporkan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan nilai normal dimensi okular bangsa Melayu muda di Malaysia. Seramai 584 orang telah diundang untuk menjadi subjek untuk kajian secara sukarela. Pengukuran yang dilakukan meliputi kelengkungan dan ketebalan tengah kornea, nilai esentrisiti kornea (e), diameter iris horizontal dan vertikal yang kelihatan, saiz pupil dan bukaan palpebral. Subjek dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan berikut mengikut umur dan dipadankan mengikut jantina dan umur: Kumpulan 1 (7-12 tahun, n = 188), Kumpulan 2 (13 to 18 tahun, n = 196) and Kumpulan 3 (19 to 24 tahun, n = 200). Pengukuran dilakukan menggunakan topografer kornea (CTK 922 dari Haag Streit, Jerman), pakometer ultrasonik (Corneo-Gage Plus 2 dari Sonogage Incorporated) dan auto refraktometer (Auto-Ref R1 dari Canon, Jepun). Dimensi okular bangsa Melayu yang diukur didapati lebih kecil dari bangsa lain di seluruh dunia. Perbezaan yang signifikan juga didapati untuk semua pengukuran dengan peningkatan umur (p < 0.05). Keputusan kajian ini boleh dijadikan rujukan untuk nilai dimensi okular populasi Melayu muda Malaysia di masa hadapan.
Malaysia has adopted various strategies in developing its space sector. Indigenous space technologies would enable a sustainable growth of the space field and at the same time develop the strategic space technologies. Therefore, issues related to the current space research level are fundamentally crucial to be highlighted. Subsequently, the space focus areas can be derived in order to meet the expectations of the national and international space technology growth requirements, which are moving on to a stronger posture in R&D. In the absence of a strong R&D national space industry leadership, the Malaysian space sector remains in a traditional downstream mode of the world space technology supply chain ever since. The space technology supply chain can be divided into the ground segment and the space segment. This paper examines the current space research activities in Malaysia within the framework of the space technology supply chain. As a result, a preliminary gap in the overview of space research in Malaysia is established.
Aspek pantang larang dalam pemakanan dan perkhidmatan bomoh merupakan entiti unik dalam budaya masyarakat Orang Asli. Satu kajian irisan lintang di kalangan masyara/cat Orang Asli pinggiran (di Pos Betau) dan pedalaman (Pos Sinderut) Kuala Lipis telah dijalankan pada 25hb September hingga 6 Oktober 1999 bagi mengetahui pola pemakanan dan amalan pantang larang dalam aspek pemakanan yang mempengaruhi tahap pemakanan seseorang. Seramai 255 orang responden telah ditemuduga oleh kakitangan terlatih menggunakan borang soal selidik berpandu dimana 15 orang dari kawasan pinggiran dan 104 orang dari pedalaman. Hasil kajian menuruukkan Orang Asli pinggiran lebih kerap mengombil makanan dalam sehari (p
What does this term medical education conjure up? Does it refer to the teaching and learning of medicine and therefore relates to students and the curriculum? Does it refer to the process of teaching and therefore relates to teachers? Perhaps it is both, since teaching and learning go hand in hand.(Copied from article).
A month hourly measurement of radon concentration was taken in the bedroom of a two story link house in Kuala Lumpur. The house is a typical urban house in Malaysia, constructed with bricks, concrete and cement plaster. These materials are natural sources of radon in the house. The hourly radon concentration was found to vary from 0 pCiL-1 to 3 pCiL-1. It was found to peak during early morning and to minimize in the evening. The daily average radon concentration varied from 0.2 pCiL-1 to 1.0 pCiL-1.
A Monte Carlo simulation of the Malaysian nuclear reactor has been performed using MCNP Version 5 code. The purpose of the work is the determination of the multiplication factor (k eff ) for TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Malaysia based on Monte Carlo method. This work has been performed to calculate the value of k eff for two cases, which are the control rod either fully withdrawn or fully inserted to construct a complete model of the TRIGA Mark II PUSPATI Reactor (RTP). The RTP core was modeled as close as possible to the real core and the results of k eff from MCNP5 were obtained. When the control-fuel rods were fully inserted, the k eff value indicates the RTP reactor was in the subcritical condition with a value of 0.98370 ± 0.00054. When the control-fuel rods were fully withdrawn the value of k eff value indicates the RTP reactor is in the supercritical condition, that is 1.10773 ± 0.00083.
Analyses activities of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were conducted at ten stations of Pulau Redang, Malaysia. Dissolved radium isotopes such as 226 Ra and 228 Ra had shown enrichment at coastal area stations. Meanwhile, activities of both nuclides in the suspended particle matters were slightly in equilibrium with the activity ratio ranging from 0.88 – 1.86. The calculated distribution coefficient values (Kd) of 226 Ra and 228 Ra were in the range of 0.78 x 10 5 L g -1 to 5.56 x 10 5 L g -1 and 0.21 x 10 5 L g -1 to 1.86 x 10 5 L g -1 , respectively, indicate that most of the radium nuclides in the study area are strongly absorbed into the particulate phases. Therefore, low concentrations of suspended particles matter in the water column (< 10 mg L -1 ) have insignificant effects on the Kd values.
Emergency in a major hazard installation may cause extensive damage to property and serious disruption both inside and outside the installation. The overall objectives of an emergency plan are: to localise the emergency and, if possible, eliminate it; and to minimise the effects of the accident on people and property. The off-site emergency plan is an integral part of any major hazard control system. In many countries the duty to prepare the off-site plan lies with the local authorities, including Malaysia. Thus, the preparations of written off-site emergency response planning is required to minimize the impact of major accident to the people , property and environment.
Sports engineering can be considered as a new engineering discipline. It bridges the gap between two distinctive fields: sport science and engineering. Sports engineers are responsible in designing and building new equipment based on athlete's demands, besides measuring the performance of the athlete, the equipment itself, as well as their interaction. It is without doubt that engineering and technology have played an important role not only in improving the performance of an athlete, but also in making sports more entertaining and safe. This article provides an insight into how engineering and technology have affected sports in many ways transforming it from just a past time to more exciting and competitive world events. Apart from the impact of engineering in sports, the history of the application of engineering and technology in sports is also elaborated. Furthermore, research conducted in related fields worldwide is highlighted. A brief overview of sports engineering research in Malaysia is also presented.
Surface sediments were collected from the north western intertidal area (14 sites), drainage (3 sites), and rivers (3 sites) of Peninsular Malaysia in April 2005. The samples were analyzed for their concentrations of Cd, Ni, and Zn. The ranges for the total concentrations (µg/g dry weight) of Cd, Ni, and Zn were found to be 0.79-2.48, 6.46-73.92, and 33.6-484.14, respectively. Factory drainage site at Juru exceeded the established sediment quality values (Effect Range Median-ERM) for Zn and Ni, while the concentrations of Zn were also found to have exceeded the ERM at drainages at Kuala Kurau Town and Sg. Juru sites. The geochemical study, based on the sequential extraction technique on the sediments, revealed that the metal percentages of non-resistant fractions of the drainage at Kuala Kurau Town (drainage), Sg. Juru (river), Kuala Juru (intertidal), and factory drainage site at Juru were higher than the resistant fractions of the metals. These indicated that the sites (intertidal, river, and drainages) received anthropogenic inputs of these metals. Therefore, the point source of anthropogenic input in these sites should be given attention in future in order to mitigate the environmental problem on the living resources in the north western of Peninsular Malaysia. The present monitoring data are useful for future establishment of sediment quality guideline for Malaysian aquatic environment.