Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 29 in total

  1. Abdullah NR, Ismail Z, Ismail Z
    Phytomedicine, 2009 Mar;16(2-3):222-6.
    PMID: 17498941
    The acute toxicity of standardized extract of Orthosiphon stamineus was studied in Sprague Dawley rats. The rats were administered a single dose of 5000 mg/kg body weight (BW) orally on Day 0 and observed for 14 days. There were no deaths recorded and the animals did not show signs of toxicity during the experimental period. The effect of the extract on general behavior, BW, food and water intake, relative organ weight per 100 g BW, hematology and clinical biochemistry were measured. All the parameters measured were unaffected as compared to the control. The acute toxicity LD(50) was estimated to be > 5000 mg/kg BW.
  2. Chan KL, Choo CY, Abdullah NR
    Planta Med, 2005 Oct;71(10):967-9.
    PMID: 16254833 DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-864188
    Among the quassinoids isolated from Eurycoma longifolia Jack, eurycomanone was identified as the most potent and toxic inhibitor of the chloroquine-resistant Gombak A isolate of Plasmodium falciparum. Several diacylated derivatives of eurycomanone, 1,15-di-O-isovaleryleurycomanone, 1,15-di-O-(3,3-dimethylacryloyl)- eurycomanone and 1,15-di-O-benzoyleurycomanone were synthesized by direct acylation with the respective acid chlorides. The monoacylated 15-O-isovaleryleurycomanone was synthesized by selective protection of the other hydroxy groups of eurycomanone with trimethylsilyl trifluoromethanesulphonate to enable the exclusive acylation of its C-15 hydroxy group. This was followed by the removal of the protecting groups with citric acid. The diacylated eurycomanones exhibited lower antiplasmodial activity against the Gombak A isolates and lower toxicity in the brine shrimp assay when compared to eurycomanone. In contrast, the monoacylated derivative displayed comparable antiplasmodial potency to eurycomanone, but its toxicity was reduced. Thus, preliminary studies of the synthesized acylated eurycomanones have shown that acylation only at the C-15 hydroxy group may be worthy of further antimalarial investigation.
  3. Wong SK, Lim YY, Abdullah NR, Nordin FJ
    PMID: 21232161 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-11-3
    Studies have shown that the barks and roots of some Apocynaceae species have anticancer and antimalarial properties. In this study, leaf extracts of five selected species of Apocynaceae used in traditional medicine (Alstonia angustiloba, Calotropis gigantea, Dyera costulata, Kopsia fruticosa and Vallaris glabra) were assessed for antiproliferative (APF) and antiplasmodial (APM) activities, and analysed for total alkaloid content (TAC), total phenolic content (TPC) and radical-scavenging activity (RSA). As V. glabra leaf extracts showed wide spectrum APF and APM activities, they were further screened for saponins, tannins, cardenolides and terpenoids.
  4. Cheah YH, Azimahtol HL, Abdullah NR
    Anticancer Res, 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6B):4527-34.
    PMID: 17201174
    Xanthorrhizol is a natural sesquiterpenoid compound isolated from the rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb (Zingiberaceae). Xanthorrhizol was tested for a variety of important pharmacological activities including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. An antiproliferation assay using the MTT method indicated that xanthorrhizol inhibited the proliferation of the human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7, with an EC50 value of 1.71 microg/ml. Three parameters including annexin-V binding assay, Hoechst 33258 staining and accumulation of sub-G1 population in DNA histogram confirmed the apoptosis induction in response to xanthorrhizol treatment. Western-blotting revealed down-regulation of the anti-apoptotic bcl-2 protein expression. However, xanthorrhizol did not affect the expression of the pro-apoptotic protein, bax, at a concentration of 1 microg/ml, 2.5 microg/ml and 5 microg/ml. The level of p53 was greatly increased, whilst PARP-1 was cleaved to 85 kDa subunits, following the treatment with xanthorrhizol at a dose-dependent manner. These results, thereby, suggest that xanthorrhizol has antiproliferative effects on MCF-7 cells by inducing apoptosis through the modulation of bcl-2, p53 and PARP-1 protein levels.
  5. Abdullah NR, Furuta T, Taib R, Kita K, Kojima S, Wah MJ
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1996 Feb;54(2):162-3.
    PMID: 8619441
    We describe here a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction method for the detection of malaria parasites. Ten in vitro-cultured isolates of Plasmodium falciparum and 16 specimens from patients infected with P. falciparum were used to examine the specificity and sensitivity of the test. The sensitivity of the test was 0.3 parasites per microliter of blood. Specificity was determined by matching the sequences of the specimens' DNA to published sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA genes in the species-specific region. The test proved to be very sensitive and specific for the detection of P. falciparum infection.
  6. Chan KL, Choo CY, Abdullah NR, Ismail Z
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2004 Jun;92(2-3):223-7.
    PMID: 15138004 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2004.02.025
    The roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack have been used as traditional medicine to treat malaria. A systematic bioactivity-guided fractionation of this plant was conducted involving the determination of the effect of its various extracts and their chemical constituents on the lactate dehydrogenase activity of in vitro chloroquine-resistant Gombak A isolate and chloroquine-sensitive D10 strain of Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Their antiplasmodial activity was also compared with their known in vitro cytotoxicity against KB cells. Four quassinoids, eurycomanone (1), 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone (3), 13 alpha(21)-epoxyeurycomanone (4), eurycomalactone (6) and an alkaloid, 9-methoxycanthin-6-one (7), displayed higher antiplasmodial activity against Gombak A isolate but were less active against the D10 strain when compared with chloroquine. Amongst the compounds tested, 1 and 3 showed higher selectivity indices obtained for the cytotoxicity to antiplasmodial activity ratio than 14,15 beta-dihydroxyklaineanone (2), eurycomanol (5), 6 and 7.
  7. Wong SK, Lim YY, Abdullah NR, Nordin FJ
    Pharmacognosy Res, 2011 Apr;3(2):100-6.
    PMID: 21772753 DOI: 10.4103/0974-8490.81957
    The anticancer properties of Apocynaceae species are well known in barks and roots but less so in leaves.
  8. Naghibi F, Esmaeili S, Abdullah NR, Nateghpour M, Taghvai M, Kamkar S, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2013;2013:316185.
    PMID: 24455686 DOI: 10.1155/2013/316185
    Based on the collected ethnobotanical data from the Traditional Medicine and Materia Medica Research Center (TMRC), Iran, Myrtus communis L. (myrtle) was selected for the assessment of in vitro and in vivo antimalarial and cytotoxic activities. Methanolic extract of myrtle was prepared from the aerial parts and assessed for antiplasmodial activity, using the parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) assay against chloroquine-resistant (K1) and chloroquine-sensitive (3D7) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. The 4-day suppressive test was employed to determine the parasitemia suppression of the myrtle extract against P. berghei in vivo. The IC50 values of myrtle extract were 35.44 µg/ml against K1 and 0.87 µg/ml against 3D7. Myrtle extract showed a significant suppression of parasitaemia (84.8 ± 1.1% at 10 mg/kg/day) in mice infected with P. berghei after 4 days of treatment. Cytotoxic activity was carried out against mammalian cell lines using methyl thiazol tetrazolium (MTT) assay. No cytotoxic effect on mammalian cell lines up to 100 µg/mL was shown. The results support the traditional use of myrtle in malaria. Phytochemical investigation and understanding the mechanism of action would be in our upcoming project.
  9. Subenthiran S, Abdullah NR, Muniandy PK, Joseph JP, Cheong KC, Ismail Z, et al.
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2013;12(4):5937-44.
    PMID: 24338387 DOI: 10.4238/2013.November.26.3
    Carbamazepine (CBZ) is used as the first line of treatment of complex partial seizures (CPS) in Malaysia. While this drug is known to be effective for the treatment of CPS, more than 30% of patients remain drug resistant to CBZ mono-therapy. We examined a possible relationship between patients' response to CBZ mono-therapy and the G2677T SNP of the ABCB1 gene. Three hundred and fourteen patients with CPS were recruited from the Neurology Department of the Kuala Lumpur Hospital, of whom 152 were responders and the other 162 were non-responders to CBZ mono-therapy. DNA was extracted from blood samples and real-time PCR was performed to detect the G2677T SNP of the ABCB1 gene. Results were described as genotype frequencies and compared by logistic regression analysis. Among the 152 responders, 74% had the GG genotype. However, among the 162 non-responders, 26.5% had the GT genotype and 39% had the TT genotype. There was a significant difference in genotype frequency (TT vs GG; odds ratio 4.70; 95% confidence interval, 2.70-8.20) between responders and non-responders. The presence of the T allele of the G2677T SNP appears to be a useful screening marker to determine if a patient is going to be resistant to CBZ as a single drug therapy in the treatment of CPS.
  10. Abdullah NR, Norahmad NA, Jelip J, Sulaiman LH, Mohd Sidek H, Ismail Z, et al.
    Malar J, 2013;12:198.
    PMID: 23758930 DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-12-198
    Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) has been in use for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Malaysia since the 1970s and is still widely employed in spite of widespread clinical resistance. Resistance to SP is known to be mediated by mutations in the pfdhfr and pfdhps genes. The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution of pfdhfr and pfdhps gene polymorphism in Plasmodium falciparum field isolates from Kalabakan, Sabah, in northern Borneo.
  11. Cheah YH, Nordin FJ, Tee TT, Azimahtol HL, Abdullah NR, Ismail Z
    Anticancer Res, 2008 Nov-Dec;28(6A):3677-89.
    PMID: 19189649
    Xanthorrhizol is a natural sesquiterpenoid compound isolated from the rhizome of Curcuma xanthorrhizza Roxb (Zingerberaceae). Recent studies of xanthorrhizol in cell cultures strongly support the role of xanthorrhizol as an antiproliferative agent. In our study, we tested the antiproliferative effect of xanthorrhizol using different breast cancer cell lines. The invasive breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231, was then selected for further investigations. Treatment with xanthorrhizol caused 50% growth inhibition on MDA-MB-231 cells at 8.67 +/- 0.79 microg/ml as determined by sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. Hoechst 33258 nuclear staining assay showed the rate of apoptosis of MDA-MB-231 cells to increase in response to xanthorrhizol treatment. Immunofluorescence staining using antibody MitoCapture and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled cytochrome c revealed the possibility of altered mitochondrial transmembrane potential and the release of cytochrome c respectively. This was further confirmed by Western-blotting, where cytochrome c was showed to migrate from mitochondrial fraction to the cytosol fraction of treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Caspase activity assay showed the involvement of caspase-3 and caspase-9, but not caspase-6 or caspase-8 in MDA-MB-231 apoptotic cell death. Subsequently, cleavage of PARP-1 protein is suggested. These data suggest treatment with xanthorrhizol modulates MDA-MB-231 cell apoptosis through the mitochondria-mediated pathway subsequent to the disruption of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9, and the modulation of PARP-1 protein.
  12. Awang K, Mukhtar MR, Hadi AH, Litaudon M, Latip J, Abdullah NR
    Nat Prod Res, 2006 May 20;20(6):567-72.
    PMID: 16835089
    The alkaloidal extract of the leaves of Phoebe grandis (nees) merr. have provided two new minor alkaloids; phoebegrandine D (1), a proaporphine-tryptamine dimer, and phoebegrandine E (2), an indoloquinolizidine. This is the first report on the occurrence of an indoloquinolizidine in the Phoebe species. The crude extract also exhibited antiplasmodial activity (IC50<8 microg mL-1). The structures of the novel compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, notably 2D NMR and HRMS.
  13. Haslinda MS, Aiyub Z, Bakar NK, Tohar N, Musa Y, Abdullah NR, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2015 Mar;32(1):129-39.
    PMID: 25801263
    An antiplasmodial screening of Phyllanthus debilis and Phyllanthus urinaria was carried out. The medicinal plants were extracted and evaluated for in vitro antiplasmodial activity against D10 (chloroquine-sensitive, CQS) and Gombak A (chloroquine-resistant, CQR) strains of Plasmodium falciparum. The methanolic crudes from the soxhlet extraction were active against both strains however, P. urinaria (IC50 8.9 μg/ml with CQR strain) exhibited better anti-malarial activity compared to P. debilis (IC50 12.2 μg/ml with CQR strain). Furthermore, the methanolic crude of P. urinaria obtained by the cold extraction has good anti-malarial activity towards CQS (IC50 4.1 μg/ml). The concentration of macronutrients (calcium and magnesium) and trace metals (copper, manganese, iron and zinc) from three Phyllanthus species i.e. P. debilis Klein ex Wild., Phyllanthus niruri L., P. urinaria L. and Alpinia conchigera Griff. were determined using microwave digestion method and analyzed by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Standard Reference Material 1547 (peach leaves) was used to validate the method throughout this study. The recovery values were in the range of 80% to 120% which were in very good agreement with the certified values. The three Phyllanthus species and leaves of A. conchigera showed the highest concentration of calcium compared to other metals and macronutrients studied. The significant presence of all the important macronutrients and trace metals which are essential for human health and well-being substantiate their use medicinally in traditional practices.
  14. Usuldin SRA, Wan-Mohtar WAAQI, Ilham Z, Jamaludin AA, Abdullah NR, Rowan N
    Sci Rep, 2021 11 29;11(1):23079.
    PMID: 34845290 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-02486-7
    Natural mycelial biomass (MB) and exopolysaccharides (EPS) of Malaysian tiger milk mushroom Lignosus rhinocerus are considered high-end components due to their high commercial potential value in drug discovery. This study aims to evaluate the toxicity of the mushroom extracts' generated in a bioreactor using the zebrafish embryo toxicity (ZFET) model assay as a new therapy for treating asthma. Both MB and EPS extracts, at concentrations 0.16-10 mg/mL, were tested for ZFET and early development effects on Zebrafish Embryos (ZE) during 24-120 h post-fertilisation (HPF). Findings revealed that MB was deemed safe with an LC50 of 0.77 mg/mL; the EPS were non-toxic (LC50 of 0.41 mg/mL). Neither MB nor EPS delayed hatching nor teratogenic defects in the treated ZE at a 2.5 mg/mL dose. There were no significant changes in the ZE heart rate after treatments with MB (130 beats/min) and EPS (140 beats/min), compared to that of normal ZE (120-180 beats/min). Mixing both natural compounds MB and EPS did not affect toxicity using ZFET testing; thus, intimating their safe future use as therapeutic interventions. This represents the first study to have used the ZFET assay on MB and EPS extracts of L. rhinocerus for future health applications.
  15. Zakaria Y, Rahmat A, Pihie AH, Abdullah NR, Houghton PJ
    Cancer Cell Int, 2009;9:16.
    PMID: 19508737 DOI: 10.1186/1475-2867-9-16
    Eurycomanone is a cytotoxic compound found in Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Previous studies had noted the cytotoxic effect against various cancer cell lines. The aim of this study is to investigate the cytotoxicity against human hepato carcinoma cell in vitro and the mode of action. The cytotoxicity of eurycomanone was evaluated using MTT assay and the mode of cell death was detected by Hoechst 33258 nuclear staining and flow cytometry with Annexin-V/propidium iodide double staining. The protein expression Bax, Bcl-2, p53 and cytochrome C were studied by flow cytometry using a spesific antibody conjugated fluorescent dye to confirm the up-regulation of p53 and Bax in cancer cells.
  16. Ismail Z, Halim SZ, Abdullah NR, Afzan A, Abdul Rashid BA, Jantan I
    PMID: 25530788 DOI: 10.1155/2014/741470
    The subchronic toxicity effect of the leaf extract of Carica papaya Linn. in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats was investigated in this study. The extract was prepared by dissolving the freeze dried extract of the leaves in distilled water and was administered orally to SD rats (consisted of 10 rats/sex/group) at 0 (control), 0.01, 0.14, and 2 g/kg body weight (BW) for 13 weeks. General observation, mortality, and food and water intake were monitored throughout the experimental period. Hematological and biochemical parameters, relative organ weights, and histopathological changes were evaluated. The study showed that leaf extract when administered for 13 weeks did not cause any mortality and abnormalities of behavior or changes in body weight as well as food and water intake. There were no significant differences observed in hematology parameters between treatment and control groups; however significant differences were seen in biochemistry values, for example, LDH, creatinine, total protein, and albumin. However, these changes were not associated with histopathological changes. In conclusion, the results suggested that daily oral administration of rats with C. papaya leaf extract for 13 weeks at a dose up to fourteen times the levels employed in traditional medicine practice did not cause any significant toxic effect.
  17. Mohd Abd Razak MR, Afzan A, Ali R, Amir Jalaluddin NF, Wasiman MI, Shiekh Zahari SH, et al.
    PMID: 25510573 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-14-492
    The development of resistant to current antimalarial drugs is a major challenge in achieving malaria elimination status in many countries. Therefore there is a need for new antimalarial drugs. Medicinal plants have always been the major source for the search of new antimalarial drugs. The aim of this study was to screen selected Malaysian medicinal plants for their antiplasmodial properties.
  18. Subenthiran S, Abdullah NR, Joseph JP, Muniandy PK, Mok BT, Kee CC, et al.
    PLoS One, 2013;8(5):e64827.
    PMID: 23717663 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0064827
    Carbamazepine (CBZ) is used as the first line of treatment of Complex Partial Seizures (CPS) in the Epilepsy Clinic, Neurology Department of Kuala Lumpur Hospital (KLH). More than 30% of the patients remain drug resistant to CBZ mono-therapy. CBZ is transported by the P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The P-gp encoded by the ABCB1 and ABCC2 genes are expressed in drug resistant patients with epilepsy. A few studies have shown significant association between CBZ resistant epilepsy and Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) with adjacent polymorphisms of these genes. Our study is aimed at determining the correlation between patients' response to CBZ mono-therapy to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms G2677T and C3435T of the ABCB1 gene as well as G1249A and -24C>T of the ABCC2 gene.
  19. Afzan A, Abdullah NR, Halim SZ, Rashid BA, Semail RH, Abdullah N, et al.
    Molecules, 2012 Apr 10;17(4):4326-42.
    PMID: 22491681 DOI: 10.3390/molecules17044326
    Carica papaya L. leaves have been used in ethnomedicine for the treatment of fevers and cancers. Despite its benefits, very few studies on their potential toxicity have been described. The aim of the present study was to characterize the chemical composition of the leaf extract from 'Sekaki' C. papaya cultivar by UPLC-TripleTOF-ESI-MS and to investigate the sub-acute oral toxicity in Sprague Dawley rats at doses of 0.01, 0.14 and 2 g/kg by examining the general behavior, clinical signs, hematological parameters, serum biochemistry and histopathology changes. A total of twelve compounds consisting of one piperidine alkaloid, two organic acids, six malic acid derivatives, and four flavonol glycosides were characterized or tentatively identified in the C. papaya leaf extract. In the sub-acute study, the C. papaya extract did not cause mortality nor were treatment-related changes in body weight, food intake, water level, and hematological parameters observed between treatment and control groups. Some biochemical parameters such as the total protein, HDL-cholesterol, AST, ALT and ALP were elevated in a non-dose dependent manner. Histopathological examination of all organs including liver did not reveal morphological alteration. Other parameters showed non-significant differences between treatment and control groups. The present results suggest that C. papaya leaf extract at a dose up to fourteen times the levels employed in practical use in traditional medicine in Malaysia could be considered safe as a medicinal agent.
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