Lightning is a powerful natural electrostatic discharge produced during a thunderstorm. The electric current passing through the discharge channels is direct with a potential of 1000 million volts or more. Lightning can kill or injure a person by a direct strike, a side-flash, or conduction through another object. Lightning can cause a variety of injuries in the skin and the cardiovascular, neurological and ophthalmic systems. Filigree burn of lightning is a superficial burn and very rare. Two cases of death from lightning which have this rare finding are reported and discussed.
Death by hanging is believed to be a painless method of committing suicide. In most cases the noose has a knot and on this basis only it can be labeled as atypical or typical hanging. A 35 year Chinese man committed suicide by hanging with a ligature material made of electric wire where there was no knot present on the noose.
Sudden deaths because of congenital heart diseases are infrequently referred to the forensic pathologist for autopsy. Many of such deaths, if already diagnosed are released directly from the hospital without autopsy. Even forensic pathologists face a few difficulties in performing the autopsy on such infrequent cases, as they are not always updated with the anatomy of anomalies. While dealing with such cases, the concerned forensic pathologist is compelled to refer literature and textbooks again to understand the nature of developmental defects. This is especially so when dealing with cases of situs inversus accompanied by transposition of great arteries and other congenital cardiac abnormalities and variants such as single ventricle, double outlet right ventricle, Taussig-Bing variety etc. In the present case also, situs inversus with transposition of great vessels and other anomalies have been noted and studied.
The main aim of this study was to determine the causes and epidemiological aspects of paediatric death. Data was collected on 143 cases of paediatric death from a total of 2,895 autopsies performed in University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, over a five-year period from 2000 to 2004. There were 78 males and 65 females. The largest number of cases (32.9%) were stillborn. The highest proportion of cases (30.1%) were Chinese. The majority of cases of paediatric death were non-traumatic (74.8%) of which intrauterine death (IUD) was the most common (32.9%). Amongst the traumatic deaths (25.2%), accidental injury (23.8%) was observed in the majority of cases.
The purpose of this study was to record and evaluate the causes and the magnitude of the fatal burn injuries retrospectively. An analysis of autopsy records revealed 19.4% cases of burn injuries amongst the total autopsies done over 10years period (1993-2002) in the mortuary of the department of Forensic Medicine of Kasturba medical College, Manipal. The majority of deaths (78.5%) occurred between 11 and 40years of age group with preponderance of females (74.8%). The flame burns were seen in 94.1% of the victims followed by scalds and electrical burns in 2.8% and 2.5% cases, respectively. The majority of burn incidents were accidental (75.8%) in nature followed by suicidal (11.5%) and homicidal (3.1%) deaths. The percentage of burn (TBSA) over 40% were observed in most of the cases (92.5%). The majority of deaths occurred within a week (69.87%) and most the victims died because of septicemia (50.9%).
A hitherto undescribed group of lesions consisting of cystic bony lesions, exostosis, fibromatous lesion, unilateral tonsillar hypertrophy, epidermoid cyst (cholesteatoma) and hyperplasia of the mandible confined to the left side of the face is reported. The case may represent a variant of the Proteus syndrome.
Carcinoma arising primarily from the jaw is a locally aggressive lesion with poor prognosis. Primary intraosseous carcinoma (PIOC) lesion develops either de novo remnants of odontogenic epithelium, odontogenic cyst/tumor, epithelium remnants, or/and salivary gland residues. We describe very interesting case of primary intraosseous carcinoma of mandible. This extensive lesion was sent for oncological opinion and further management. Due to the uncertainty of diagnostic criteria of PIOC, only few cases of this lesion with a typical presentation have been reported. This article presents a case of primary intraosseous carcinoma with a unique appearance and detailed review stating its clinicopathological correlation.
Chirothripoides brahmaputrai sp.n. is described based on a holotype female from Assam State, India, and a paratype female from Peninsular Malaysia. A key to the six species of Chirothripoides is provided, and partial sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (mtCOI) from the holotype of the new species is generated and submitted to Barcode of Life Database.
Listeriosis is a severe disease caused by the foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, posing a significant risk to vulnerable populations such as the elderly, pregnant women, and newborns. While relatively uncommon, it has a high global mortality rate of 20-30%. Recent research indicates that smaller outbreaks of the more severe, invasive form of the disease occur more frequently than previously thought, despite the overall stable infection rates of L. monocytogenes over the past 10 years. The ability of L. monocytogenes to form biofilm structures on various surfaces in food production environments contributes to its persistence and challenges in eradication, potentially leading to contamination of food and food production facilities. To address these concerns, this review focuses on recent developments in epidemiology, risk evaluations, and molecular mechanisms of L. monocytogenes survival in adverse conditions and environmental adaptation. Additionally, it covers new insights into strain variability, pathogenicity, mutations, and host vulnerability, emphasizing the important events framework that elucidates the biochemical pathways from ingestion to infection. Understanding the adaptation approaches of L. monocytogenes to environmental stress factors is crucial for the development of effective and affordable pathogen control techniques in the food industry, ensuring the safety of food production.
Osteoporosis is a systemic condition of the skeleton that leads to diminished bone mass, a breakdown in the bone tissue's microscopic architecture, and an elevated risk of breaking a bone. The elderly and women particularly after menopause are disproportionately affected, and the condition generally stays undiagnosed until a broken bone causes severe pain and immobility. Causes of osteoporosis include low bone mass, more than normal bone loss, changes in hormone levels (decreased estrogen or testosterone), certain diseases and therapies, and lifestyle factors like smoking and inactivity. The spine, hip, and forearm are particularly vulnerable to osteoporosis-related fractures. The purpose of this article is to present a thorough understanding of osteoporosis, including the disease's connection to bone density in humans, and the major part played by genetic pathways and gut flora. The causes of osteoporosis, the effects of aging on bone density, and why some groups experience a higher incidence of the disease than others are investigated. The paper also includes animal and human experiments investigating the link between gut flora and osteoporosis. Finally, it looks to the future and speculates on possible developments in osteoporosis prevention and therapy.
Synchronous cancers are defined as malignant tumours that occur simultaneously, each of which must be distinct with no possibility of one being the metastasis of the other. A 65 year old gentleman presented to us with two month history of epigastric pain associated with anaemia, loss of appetite and weight. He has no history of malignancy in his family. Colonoscopy revealed tumours at transverse colon and caecum. Intra-operatively, tumours were sited at caecum, transverse colon and jejunum. Tumours were diagnosed as synchronous adenocarcinoma histopathologically with loss of expression of MLH1 and MSH2. From literature search, this is the first reported triple synchronous tumours of the caecum, transverse colon and jejunum. We believe that this gentleman developed triple synchronous tumour through the sporadic MSI pathway.
Incomplete intestinal fixation or malrotation of gut with midgut volvulus is one of the important causes of bilious vomiting in neonates. The incidence of malrotation of gut in population is 4% and that of duplication cyst is 1:4500. Patients with malrotation are prone to develop midgut volvulus due to their narrow mesenteric base demanding urgent surgical intervention. Common associated anomalies are intrinsic duodenal obstruction, internal hernias, caecal volvulus, anorectal malformations and Hirschsprung's disease. The present case refers to a 4-day-old neonate who presented with malrotation of gut with reverse volvulus and an associated gastrointestinal duplication cyst, which is a rare association with only few reported case reports. After imaging with ultrasound and contrast radiograph, the baby underwent prompt surgical intervention in the form of Ladd's procedure with resection and anastomosis of jejunal duplication cyst.
ABSTRACTS FOR THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL BORNEO HEALTHCARE AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE AND 4TH BORNEO TROPICAL MEDICINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONGRESS. New Frontiers in Health: Expecting the Unexpected. Held at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 3rd-5th September 2019
Introduction: Rice is classified as waxy, very low, low, intermediate and high based on its amylose content (AC). Most people prefer to consume intermediate AC rice because of its texture which tends to appear in between low (moist and sticky) and high (dry and less tender). Although rice with high AC appears dry and less tender, it usually possesses a low glycemic index (GI) i.e. a slower increase in blood glucose level after the consumption of food. Consequently, people with diabetes are recommended to eat low and intermediate GI foods. Although, rice is generally categorised as a high GI staple food there are some exceptions to it. For example, the premium Basmati aromatic rice possesses a low GI and is recommended for diabetic patients. The study aimed to identify Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm with low GI via AC that may be used as a replacement to commercial rice varieties.
Methods: A total of 110 traditional rice samples were obtained from rice fields located in the Tuaran and Kota Belud districts of Sabah. The AC in each sample was determined via I:KI method (ISO AACC-6647).
Results: We found that 46 (41.8%), 51 (46.4%), 7 (6.4%) and 6 (5.5%) Sabah’s traditional rice samples possess high, intermediate, low and very low AC, respectively. The intermediate AC type is predominant in Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm as it is the preferred rice texture by the general population. We have identified 46 rice germplasm with high AC type (i.e. with low GI value). The AC content in these is comparable to the Basmati rice and may be suitable candidates for diabetic patients.
Conclusion: The present study showed Sabah’s traditional rice germplasm has the potential to be promoted as a low GI rice cultivar based on AC for diabetic patients in order to prevent spikes in blood glucose levels while still enjoying the staple food
Geraniin (GE), an ellagitannin (ET) renowned for its promising health advantages, faces challenges in its practical applications due to its limited bioavailability. This innovative and novel formulation of GE and soy-phosphatidylcholine (GE-PL) complex has the potential to increase oral bioavailability, exhibiting high entrapment efficiency of 100.2 ± 0.8 %, and complexation efficiency of 94.6 ± 1.1 %. The small particle size (1.04 ± 0.11 μm), low polydispersity index (0.26 ± 0.02), and adequate zeta potential (-26.1 ± 0.12 mV), indicate its uniformity and stability. Moreover, the formulation also demonstrates improved lipophilicity, reduced aqueous and buffer solubilities, and better partition coefficient. It has been validated by various analytical techniques, including Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. Oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of free GE and GE-PL complex investigated in rabbits demonstrated enhanced plasma concentration of ellagic acid (EA) compared to free GE. Significantly, GE, whether in its free form or as part of the GE-PL complex, was not found in the circulatory system. However, EA levels were observed at 0.5 h after administration, displaying two distinct peaks at 2 ± 0.03 h (T1max) and 24 ± 0.06 h (T2max). These peaks corresponded to peak plasma concentrations (C1max and C2max) of 588.82 ng/mL and 711.13 ng/mL respectively, signifying substantial 11-fold and 5-fold enhancements when compared to free GE. Additionally, it showed an increased area under the curve (AUC), the elimination half-life (t1/2, el) and the elimination rate constant (Kel). The formulation of the GE-PL complex prolonged the presence of EA in the bloodstream and improved its absorption, ultimately leading to a higher oral bioavailability. In summary, the study highlights the significance of the GE-PL complex in overcoming the bioavailability limitations of GE, paving the way for enhanced therapeutic outcomes and potential applications in drug delivery and healthcare.
COVID-19 is caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 and is a potentially fatal disease that is of great global public health concern. In addition to respiratory symptoms, neurological manifestations have been associated with COVID-19. This is attributed to the neurotropic nature of coronaviruses. The authors present a case of Bell's palsy associated with COVID-19 in a term primigravida.
Consumption of probiotics, which are beneficial live microorganisms, has received a lot of attention because of their potential to improve health and wellness. Robust quality control measures are necessary to ensure the safety of probiotics and maximize their health effects. This review delves into the topic of quality management in probiotics, highlighting the significance of sticking to strict guidelines from manufacture to storage to distribution. Probiotic quality standards, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) implementation, quality control and testing techniques, and documentation and traceability systems are all discussed in detail. The importance of taking precautions to avoid microbial contamination, meeting all applicable regulations, and clearly marking and packaging probiotic products is also emphasized. In addition, it reviews the clinical evidence supporting the possible health advantages of probiotics and investigates the processes through which probiotics enhance health. The review continues by stressing the significance of educating and informing consumers about probiotics and their proper use in order to maximize health benefits. Probiotics' potential health benefits can be maximized and consumer faith in these helpful microbes can be bolstered by adopting thorough quality management measures to ensure their safety, efficacy, and consistency.
Antioxidants play an important role in inhibiting and scavenging radicals, thus providing protection to humans against infections and degenerative diseases. Literature shows that the antioxidant activity is high on herbal and vegetable plants. Realizing the fact, this research was carried out to determine total antioxidant activity and the potential anticancer properties in three types of selected local vegetable shoots such as Diplazium esculentum (paku shoot), Manihot utillissima (tapioca shoot) and Sauropous androgynus (cekur manis). The research was also done to determine the effect of boiling, on total antioxidant activity whereby samples of fresh shoots are compared with samples of boiled shoots. In every case, antioxidant activity is compared to alpha-tocopherol and two methods of extraction used are the organic and the aqueous methods. Besides that, two research methods used were the ferric thiocyanate (FTC) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) with absorbance of 500nm and 532nm respectively. Oneway ANOVA test at P<0.05 determines significant differences between various samples. In the cytotoxic study, the ethanolic extract and several cell lines i.e. breast cancer (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7), colon cancer (Caco-2), liver cancer (HepG2) and normal liver (Chang liver) were used. The IC(50)-value was determined by using the MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay. The antioxidant study found that all the samples in both aqueous and organic extraction were significantly different. The total antioxidant activity values of aqueous extract in descending order are as follows: M. utilissima (fresh) >D. esculentum (fresh) >S.androgynus (fresh) > M.utilissima (boiled) > D. esculentum (boiled) > S.androgynus (boiled). It also was found that S.androgynus shoots ethanolic extract was able to inhibit the viability of the breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 with the IC50 value of 53.33 micrograms/ml. However, S.androgynus shoots and D. esculentum shoots ethanolic extracts did not inhibit the viability of MDA-MB-231 cell line. While, the tapioca shoot ethanolic extract was able to inhibit the viability of MCF-7 cell line with the IC(50) value of 52.49 micrograms/ml. S.androgynus shoots and D.esculentum shoots ethanolic extracts did not give an IC(50) value against the MCF-7 cell line. S.androgynus, tapioca and D.esculentum shoots ethanolic extracts did not show cytotoxic effect against the Caco-2 and HepG2. There was no IC(50)-value from any sample against Chang Liver cell line. In conclusion, the antioxidant activity of both fresh and boiled samples were higher than alpha-tocopherol, although fresh vegetable shoots were found to be higher in antioxidant activity compared to boiled shoots. This study also suggested that S.androgynus shoots and tapioca shoots have potential as an anticancer agent against certain breast tumours.