PATIENTEN UND METHODEN: Sechs Monate postoperativ wurde bei allen Patienten das klinische Ergebnis nach den Crawford-Kriterien, die Schmerzen anhand einer visuellen Analogskale (VAS) und der DASH-Score ermittelt. Zusätzlich wurden die aktive Beweglichkeit und das Extensionsdefizit im Endgelenk sowie aufgetretene Komplikationen festgehalten.
ERGEBNISSE: Patienten der Gruppe 1 hatten eine signifikant bessere Beugung im Fingerendgelenk, aber auch ein signifikant größeres Extensionsdefizit, obwohl sie signifikant früher ihre Arbeit wiederaufnahmen. Nach den Crawford-Kriterien erzielten 71 % der Patienten der Gruppe 1 und 100 % der Gruppe 2 ein exzellentes und gutes Ergebnis. Keine Unterschiede konnten bzgl. der OP-Dauer, der Schmerzen, dem DASH-Score und der Zeit bis zur knöchernen Heilung festgestellt werden.
SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: In der Kurzzeitbeobachtung werden mit Extension-Block-Pinning bessere Ergebnisse in der Behandlung des knöchernen Strecksehnenausriss am Fingerendglied erzielt als mit der Delta-Draht-Technik.
METHOD: A pre-school was provided with an interactive hand hygiene application for two months. The device features an online administrator dashboard for data collection and for monitoring the children's hand washing steps and duration. A good hand washing is defined as hand washing which comprise all of the steps outlined in the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
RESULTS: The prototype managed to capture 6882 hand wash performed with an average of 20.85 seconds per hand wash. Washing hands palm to palm was the most frequent (79.9%) step performed, whereas scrubbing fingernails and wrists were the least (56%) steps performed.
CONCLUSIONS: The device is a good prototype to educate, stimulate and monitor good hand hygiene practices. However, other measures should be undertaken to ensure sustainability of the practices.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Quantitative research with a survey approach and observation of hand washing compliance of all nurses N = 321 with a sample of n = 178 nurses. The research variables studied consisted of intention, discipline, self-assessment, opportunity compliance and implementation of the nurse's hand washing. Nurse handwashing compliance observations were made by Infection Prevention Control Link Nurse (IPCN) committee. Data analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) with smart partial least square (SmartPLS 3.0) application.
RESULTS: The nurse's intention to apply the theory of planned behaviour has no significant effect on the implementation of hand washing with path coefficients of 0.104 and p-value 0.221 > 0.05. The effect of nurses' intentions on the implementation of nurse hand washing through discipline is significant with a value of variance accounted for (VAF) 0.8043 or 80.43 % of nurse discipline is a complete mediation variable.
CONCLUSION: Discipline as a complete meditation variable in the application of the theory of planned behaviour in the compliance of nurses' hand washing five moments six steps. Nurses are expected to continuously improve their discipline independently or be assisted by training activities facilitated by the hospital.
METHODS: The observational study (#NCT04367337) enrolled 6064 adults residing in Australia, Canada, China, France, Gambia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, and Switzerland. Data on handwashing adherence across 8 situations (indicated in the WHO guidelines) were collected via an online survey (March-July 2020). Individual-level handwashing data were matched with the date- and country-specific values of the 6 indices of the trajectory of COVID-19 pandemic, obtained from the WHO daily reports.
RESULTS: Multilevel regression models indicated a negative association between both accumulation of the total cases of COVID-19 morbidity (B = -.041, SE = .013, p = .013) and mortality (B = -.036, SE = .014 p = .002) and handwashing. Higher levels of total COVID-related morbidity and mortality were related to lower handwashing adherence. However, increases in recent cases of COVID-19 morbidity (B = .014, SE = .007, p = .035) and mortality (B = .022, SE = .009, p = .015) were associated with higher levels of handwashing adherence. Analyses controlled for participants' COVID-19-related situation (their exposure to information about handwashing, being a healthcare professional), sociodemographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status), and country-level variables (strictness of containment and health policies, human development index). The models explained 14-20% of the variance in handwashing adherence.
CONCLUSIONS: To better explain levels of protective behaviors such as handwashing, future research should account for indicators of the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials.Gov, # NCT04367337.
OBJECTIVES: We conducted a systematic review of the health effects of hand-transmitted vibration exposure in tropical countries to determine the characteristics of hand-arm vibration syndrome in a warm environment and compared the findings with the results of the systematic reviews published by the US NIOSH.
METHODS: We searched major medical databases including MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Ovid and Cochrane based on the terms "hand arm vibration syndrome," "hand transmitted vibration," "vibration white finger" and "Raynaud" up to January 2011. Only studies conducted in a tropical or subtropical environment were selected for the review. The quality of the selected papers was assessed independently by two investigators using predefined criteria. A standard set of information was abstracted from the papers for review.
RESULTS: Only six papers from tropical countries and three papers from subtropical countries were available in the literature. No vibration white finger was reported in the tropical countries. Neurological symptoms were prevalent in the vibration-exposed workers. Finger coldness seems to be an important surrogate for vascular disorder in a tropical environment. Meta-analysis could not be performed due to inadequacy of the information reported in these papers.
CONCLUSIONS: The current dose-response relationship in ISO5349-1 for hand-transmitted vibration exposure is not applicable to a tropical environment. Further studies on hand-arm vibration syndromes in tropical countries are needed.