Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 185 in total

  1. Boey, C.C.M.
    JUMMEC, 2010;13(1):3-11.
    In the last three centuries, medicine has focused predominantly on the physical body as the source of disease, placing very little importance on the mind. However, the significance of mind-body interactions in medicine is now increasingly being recognised. True health must include both the physical body and the mind. This article traces our concepts of the relationship between mind and body since primitive times and explores its relevance to the maintenance of health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  2. Mohd Ariff M, Abu Hassan Z
    Malays Fam Physician, 2006;1(1):11-4.
    PMID: 26998200 MyJurnal
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
  3. Niamul Islam N, Hannan MA, Mohamed A, Shareef H
    PLoS One, 2016;11(1):e0146277.
    PMID: 26745265 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146277
    Power system oscillation is a serious threat to the stability of multimachine power systems. The coordinated control of power system stabilizers (PSS) and thyristor-controlled series compensation (TCSC) damping controllers is a commonly used technique to provide the required damping over different modes of growing oscillations. However, their coordinated design is a complex multimodal optimization problem that is very hard to solve using traditional tuning techniques. In addition, several limitations of traditionally used techniques prevent the optimum design of coordinated controllers. In this paper, an alternate technique for robust damping over oscillation is presented using backtracking search algorithm (BSA). A 5-area 16-machine benchmark power system is considered to evaluate the design efficiency. The complete design process is conducted in a linear time-invariant (LTI) model of a power system. It includes the design formulation into a multi-objective function from the system eigenvalues. Later on, nonlinear time-domain simulations are used to compare the damping performances for different local and inter-area modes of power system oscillations. The performance of the BSA technique is compared against that of the popular particle swarm optimization (PSO) for coordinated design efficiency. Damping performances using different design techniques are compared in term of settling time and overshoot of oscillations. The results obtained verify that the BSA-based design improves the system stability significantly. The stability of the multimachine power system is improved by up to 74.47% and 79.93% for an inter-area mode and a local mode of oscillation, respectively. Thus, the proposed technique for coordinated design has great potential to improve power system stability and to maintain its secure operation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  4. Mohd Rizal Hamid, Ahmad Faruq Mohamad Rosli, Manokaran, Kesavan, Siti Shafiqa Shamira Hashin, Nik Mohd Dzarrin Ghifari Azmy, Baba Md Deros, et al.
    Awareness of occupational noise and its effects is growing. At No. 11 squadron base, Sukhoi jet was identified as the main culprit of occupational noise that affects not just the employees of the base but also civilian people in the surrounding area. The objective of the study is to identify the noise level produced by Sukhoi two-engines jet during maintenance operations. Investigations were carried out using Bruel & Kjaer 2250 sound level meter hand-analyser. Measurements were performed directly under the Sukhoi jet body and then 10 metres, 50 metres, 100 metres, 1000 metres and 1500 metres away. The jet engines could operate at two levels, at 72% RPM and at 85% RPM. The civilians are only exposed to its noise from more than 1000 metres away. The results from this study are analysed and noise mapping and noise contouring are produced which give the level of noise exposure. The maximum noise is recorded t 122dB(A) and the minimum is at 60dB(A). The farther the noise from the jet is measured, the lower the values recorded. From the noise mapping, the effects of noise exposures on both the employees at the base and the civilian at the neighbouring surrounding could be identified. Even though the exposures are only for 5-10 minutes, it is still considered as a threat
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  5. Engku Liyana Zafirah Engku Mohd Suhaimi, Jamil Salleh, Suzaini Abd Ghani, Mohamad Faizul Yahya, Mohd Rozi Ahmad
    An investigation on the properties of Tenun Pahang fabric performances using alternative yarns was conducted. The studies were made in order to evaluate whether the Tenun Pahang fabric could be produced economically and at the same time maintain the fabric quality. Traditional Tenun Pahang fabric uses silk for both warp and weft. For this project, two alternative yarns were used which were bamboo and modal, which were a little lower in cost compared to silk. These yarns were woven with two variations, one with the yarns as weft only while maintaining the silk warp and the other with both warp and weft using the alternative yarns. Four (4) physical testing and three (3) mechanical testing conducted on the fabric samples. The fabric samples were evaluated including weight, thickness, thread density, crease recovery angle, stiffness and drapability. The results show that modal/silk and bamboo silk fabrics are comparable in terms of stiffness and drapability, hence they have the potential to replace 100% silk Tenun Pahang.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  6. Hasnida Abdul Samat, Shahrul Kamaruddin, Ishak Abdul Azid
    Maintenance is a vital system in a manufacturing company. The maintenance objectives are to ensure that the machine is in good condition, serviceable and safe to be operated in producing quality products. However, the system usually imposes a high cost system due to its ineffective activities. Therefore, this paper was written to review the factors affecting the maintenance effectiveness and methods used to measure its performance. In this paper, maintenance performance measurement methods are categorized into three groups, based on holistic, machine, and value factors. Each group is discussed based on the principles and techniques of the maintenance performance measurement methods, along with the example of its applications in the industry. The most common methods used are the holistic approach, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and balance score-card (BSC). These various methods have their own benefits and drawbacks, according to the area of measurement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  7. Mohd Fazli Zakaria, Lanyau, Tonny, Mohamad Fauzi Saad, Ahmad Razali Ismail
    Ageing management is one of the important safety factors to be implemented proactively throughout the lifetime of a research reactor. In order to continue the safe operation of a research reactor from the reactor safety standpoint, a systematic and methodical approach should be taken. In practice, ageing management programme is accomplished by integrating the existing programmes including maintenance, periodic testing and inspection and periodic safety reviews. Such approach will be a good platform for the reactor operation
    and maintenance group to utilize data from existing maintenance programme to be incorporate into the ageing maintenance system. This paper will describe the ageing management programme for Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP).
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  8. Islam MT, Ashraf FB, Alam T, Misran N, Mat KB
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Sep 05;18(9).
    PMID: 30189669 DOI: 10.3390/s18092959
    A compact ultrawideband (UWB) antenna based on a hexagonal split-ring resonator (HSRR) is presented in this paper for sensing the pH factor. The modified HSRR is a new concept regarding the conventional square split-ring resonator (SSRR). Two HSRRs are interconnected with a strip line and a split in one HSRR is introduced to increase the electrical length and coupling effect. The presented UWB antenna consists of three unit cells on top of the radiating patch element. This combination of UWB antenna and HSRR gives double-negative characteristics which increase the sensitivity of the UWB antenna for the pH sensor. The proposed ultrawideband antenna metamaterial sensor was designed and fabricated on FR-4 substrate. The electrical length of the proposed metamaterial antenna sensor is 0.238 × 0.194 × 0.016 λ, where λ is the lowest frequency of 3 GHz. The fractional bandwidth and bandwidth dimension ratio were achieved with the metamaterial-inspired antenna as 146.91% and 3183.05, respectively. The operating frequency of this antenna sensor covers the bandwidth of 17 GHz, starting from 3 to 20 GHz with a realized gain of 3.88 dB. The proposed HSRR-based ultrawideband antenna sensor is found to reach high gain and bandwidth while maintaining the smallest electrical size, a highly desired property for pH-sensing applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  9. Lau BWK, Chung JTC, Young DYN
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11:31-36.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
  10. Salari N, Khazaie H, Hosseinian-Far A, Khaledi-Paveh B, Ghasemi H, Mohammadi M, et al.
    BMC Neurol, 2020 Aug 13;20(1):300.
    PMID: 32791960 DOI: 10.1186/s12883-020-01883-1
    BACKGROUND: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), as a type of behavioral therapy, attempts to respond to changes in people's performance and their relationship to events. ACT can affect sleep quality by providing techniques to enhance the flexibility of patients' thoughts, yet maintaining mindfullness. Therefore, for the first time, a systematic review on the effects of ACT on sleep quality has been conducted.

    METHODS: This systematic review was performed to determine the effect of ACT on insomnia and sleep quality. To collect articles, the PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Cochrane library, Embase, Scopus, Science Direct, ProQuest, Mag Iran, Irandoc, and Google Scholar databases were searched, without a lower time-limit, and until April 2020.

    RESULTS: Related articles were derived from 9 research repositories, with no lower time-limit and until April 2020. After assessing 1409 collected studies, 278 repetitive studies were excluded. Moreover, following the primary and secondary evaluations of the remaining articles, 1112 other studies were removed, and finally a total of 19 intervention studies were included in the systematic review process. Within the remaining articles, a sample of 1577 people had been assessed for insomnia and sleep quality.

    CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that ACT has a significant effect on primary and comorbid insomnia and sleep quality, and therefore, it can be used as an appropriate treatment method to control and improve insomnia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders/psychology*; Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders/therapy*
  11. Amir Syafiq Samsudin, Mohd Hisbany Mohd Hashim, Siti Hawa Hamzah, Afidah Abu Bakar
    Scientific Research Journal, 2018;15(1):15-29.
    Nowadays, demands in the application of fibre in concrete increase gradually as an engineering material. Rapid cost increment of material causes the increase in demand of new technology that provides safe, efficient and economical design for the present and future application. The introduction ofribbed slab reduces concrete materials and thusthe cost, but the strength of the structure also reduces due to the reducing of material. Steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) has the ability to maintain a part of its tensile strength prior to crack in order to resist more loading compared to conventional concrete. Meanwhile, the ribbed slab can help in material reduction. This research investigated on the bending strength of 2-ribbed and 3-ribbed concrete slab with steel fibre reinforcement under static loading with a span of 1500 mm and 1000 mm x 75 mm in cross section. An amount of 40 kg/m steel fibre of all total concrete volume was used as reinforcement instead of conventional bars with concrete grade 30 N/mm2 . The slab wastested underthree-point bending. Load versus deflection curve was plotted to illustrate the result and to compare the deflection between control and ribbed slab. Thisresearch showsthat SFRCRibbed Slab capable to withstand the same amount of load as normal slab structure, although the concrete volume reduces up to 20%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  12. Ahmad Fuad Ab Ghani, Azrin Ahmad, Nor Salim Muhammad, Reduan Mat Dan, Rustamreen Jenal
    This study describes the review on maintenance related issues during design and construction stage
    within construction industry. The paper highlights the causes and errors made during design and
    construction stage and their impact during the operation/production/occupancy stage as well as the
    maintenance costs associated with it. The study identifies the mistakes in the working processes within
    design and construction stage leading to the errors that affect the durability, performance, reliability,
    maintainability, availability and safety of the systems. The paper presents a comprehensive review of
    the published literatures, journals, technical papers in the related areas in the construction field. The
    review highlights the new approaches and decision framework which link the designers and
    construction personnel that could reduce the errors and defects in construction which then lead to
    maintenance issues and asset management. The factors of accessibility, materials, design and
    documentation standardization have been discussed thoroughly for better understanding in improving
    maintenance and physical asset management in project commissioning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  13. Abd Warif NB, Idris MYI, Abdul Wahab AW, Salleh R, Ismail A
    Forensic Sci Int, 2019 Feb;295:83-99.
    PMID: 30576953 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2018.12.004
    Taking into consideration that the prior CMF detection methods rely on several fixed threshold values in the filtering process, we propose an efficient CMF detection method with an automatic threshold selection, named as CMF-iteMS. The CMF-iteMS recommends a PatchMatch-based CMF detection method that adapts Fourier-Mellin Transform (FMT) as the feature extraction technique while a new automatic threshold selection based on iterative means of regions size (iteMS) procedure is introduced to have flexibility in changing the threshold value for various characteristics (quality, sizes, and attacks) in each input image. To ensure the reliability of the proposed CMF-iteMS, the method is compared with four state-of-the-art CMF detection methods based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), patch matching, multi-scale analysis and symmetry techniques using three available datasets that cover the variety of characteristics in CMF images. The results show that the F-score of the CMF-iteMS outperformed existing CMF detection methods by exceeding an average of 90% F-score values for image-level evaluation and 82% of F-score value for pixel-level evaluation for all datasets in original size. As special attention is given to the image resizing attack, the method is able to maintain the highest performance even if the images in the datasets are resized to 0.25 parameter.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  14. Asyraf MRM, Ishak MR, Sapuan SM, Yidris N
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Feb 19;13(4).
    PMID: 33669491 DOI: 10.3390/polym13040620
    The application of pultruded glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites (PGFRPCs) as a replacement for conventional wooden cross-arms in transmission towers is relatively new. Although numerous studies have conducted creep tests on coupon-scale PGFRPC cross-arms, none had performed creep analyses on full-scale PGFRPC cross-arms under actual working load conditions. Thus, this work proposed to study the influence of an additional bracing system on the creep responses of PGFRPC cross-arms in a 132 kV transmission tower. The creep behaviors and responses of the main members in current and braced PGFRPC cross-arm designs were compared and evaluated in a transmission tower under actual working conditions. These PGFRPC cross-arms were subjected to actual working loads mimicking the actual weight of electrical cables and insulators for a duration of 1000 h. The cross-arms were installed on a custom test rig in an open area to simulate the actual environment of tropical climate conditions. Further creep analysis was performed by using Findley and Burger models on the basis of experimental data to link instantaneous and extended (transient and viscoelastic) creep strains. The addition of braced arms to the structure reduced the total strain of a cross-arm's main member beams and improved elastic and viscous moduli. The addition of bracing arms improved the structural integrity and stiffness of the cross-arm structure. The findings of this study suggested that the use of a bracing system in cross-arm structures could prolong the structures' service life and subsequently reduce maintenance effort and cost for long-term applications in transmission towers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  15. Nurul Nadiah Abdul Halim, S. Sarifah Radiah Shariff, Siti Meriam Zahari
    MATEMATIKA, 2020;36(2):113-126.
    Preventive maintenance (PM) planning becomes a crucial issue in the real world of the manufacturing process. It is important in the manufacturing industry to maintain the optimum level of production and minimize its investments. Thus, this paper focuses on multiple jobs with a single production line by considering stochastic machine breakdown time. The aim of this paper is to propose a good integration of production and PM schedule that will minimize total completion time. In this study, a hybrid method, which is a genetic algorithm (GA), is used with the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) technique to deal with the uncertain behavior of machine breakdown time. A deterministic model is adopted and tested under different levels of complexity. Its performance is evaluated based on the value of average completion time. The result clearly shows that the proposed integrated production with PM schedule can reduce the average completion time by 11.68% compared to the production scheduling with machine breakdown time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  16. Malik AS, Malik RH
    Med Teach, 2021 Apr 09.
    PMID: 33836640 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1910642
    INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the educators to creatively develop teaching and assessment methods that can work effectively and efficiently while maintaining the social distancing and avoiding the gatherings of the classrooms and examination halls. Online approach has emerged as an effective alternate for classroom teaching.

    AIM: To equip faculty with tools to conduct TBL session online, synchronously, effectively and efficiently.

    METHODS: We examined the published literature in the area of online teaching and combined it with our own experience of conducting TBL sessions online.

    RESULTS: We created 12 tips to assist faculty to facilitate an effective and engaging TBL session online.

    CONCLUSIONS: Applying these 12 tips while facilitating a TBL-online session will ensure the full engagement of students in the process of active learning.

    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  17. Tarusan SAA, Jidin A, Jamil MLM
    ISA Trans, 2021 Apr 16.
    PMID: 33931170 DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2021.04.005
    Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme introduces a robust and simple control of electrical drive. However, its shortcomings such as broad torque ripple and variable switching frequency have offered several improvements like Space Vector Modulation (SVM) strategy, multilevel inverter (MLI) topology, etc. The conventional DTC which is fed by the two-level inverter has limited voltage vector, results in some difficulties to optimize the operation, especially at low operating speed. In contrast to MLI, the abundant of voltage vector has provided various amplitudes and angles that can overcome the problem of conventional DTC. Thus, this paper introduces the selected optimal voltage vector obtained from five-level Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverter that employs in DTC hysteresis-based to achieve better optimization that similar to the DTC-SVM. Initially, the research work begins with an investigation on the performance comparison between a DTC hysteresis-based between two-level inverter (conventional method) and a five-level CHB inverter (proposed method). Here, a DC generator acted as a load is employed to control the operating speed instead of the speed controller (speed controller is negligible). Hence, the DTC method is optimized by minimizing the torque ripple as well as retaining the torque control capability at constant torque region on several operating speed. The selected optimal vector from the look-up table DTC of five-level CHB inverter must be dynamically appropriate to any change of torque (increased or decreased torque). For simplicity, this paper will only discuss the experimental results for both topologies of drive system. From the experimental results, it is verified that the torque ripples by the proposed method have achieved 10% and 50% reduction at high and low operating speed respectively. It is found that the DTC hysteresis-based result simpler control method than DTC-SVM while maintaining similar output performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  18. Ong CT, Yap JF, Wai YZ, Ng QX
    Cureus, 2016;8(8):e733.
    PMID: 27630805 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.733
    Clinical photography in the field of oculoplastic surgery has many applications. It is possible for clinicians to obtain standardized clinical photographs without a studio. A clinician photographer has the advantage of knowing exactly what to photograph as well as having immediate access to the images. In order to maintain standardization in the photographs, the photographic settings should remain constant. This article covers essential photographic equipment, camera settings, patient pose, and digital asset management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  19. Ang KM, Yeo LY, Hung YM, Tan MK
    Nanoscale, 2017 May 18;9(19):6497-6508.
    PMID: 28466906 DOI: 10.1039/c7nr01690e
    We exploit the possibility of enhancing the molecular transport of liquids through graphene films using amplitude modulated surface acoustic waves (SAWs) to demonstrate effective and efficient nanoparticle filtration. The use of the SAW, which is an extremely efficient means for driving microfluidic transport, overcomes the need for the large mechanical pumps required to circumvent the large pressure drops encountered in conventional membranes for nanoparticle filtration. 100% filtration efficiency was obtained for micron-dimension particulates, decreasing to only 95% for the filtration of particles of tens of nanometers in dimension, which is comparable to that achieved with other methods. To circumvent clogging of the film, which is typical with all membrane filters, a backwash operation to flush the nanoparticles is incorporated simply by reversing the SAW-induced flow such that 98% recovery of the initial filtration rate is recovered. Given these efficiencies, together with the low cost and compact size of the chipscale SAW devices, we envisage the possibility of scaling out the process by operating a large number of devices in parallel to achieve typical industrial-scale throughputs with potential benefits in terms of substantially lower capital, operating and maintenance costs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
  20. Ahamad, I.S., Choong, T.S.Y., Yunus, R., Chuah, T.G., Vassiliadis, V.S.
    Controller tuning is needed to select the optimum response for the controlled process. This work presents a new tuning procedure of PID controllers with safety and response quality measures on a non-linear process model by optimization procedure, with a demonstration of two tanks in series. The model was developed to include safety constraints in the form of path constraints. The model was then solved with a new optimization solver, NLPOPT1, which uses a primal-dual interior point method with a novel non-monotone line search procedure with discretized penalty parameters. This procedure generated a grid of optimal PID tuning parameters for various switching of steadystates to be used as apredictor of PID tunings for arbitrary transitions. The interpolation of tuning parameters between the available parameters was found to be capable to produce state profiles with no violation on the safety measures, while maintaining the quality of the solution with the final set points targeted achievable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Maintenance
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