Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 1818 in total

  1. Muhammad Jefri Mohd Yusof, Ibrahim Abdullah, Siti Fairus M Yusoff
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1817-1823.
    Sistem hidrazin hidrat/hidrogen peroksida (HH/H2
    ) digunakan untuk menjana sumber hidrogen bagi tujuan
    penghidrogenan getah asli cecair (LNR) melalui penghasilan diimida. Spesies diimida yang terhasil akan membekalkan
    sumber hidrogen kepada ikatan karbon ganda dua dalam rantai polimer LNR. Getah asli cecair terhidrogen (HLNR)
    yang terhasil menunjukkan ciri lebih tahan suhu berbanding LNR. Suhu degradasi HLNR didapati meningkat pada 435°C
    berbanding LNR iaitu pada 381°C. HLNR seterusnya dijadikan pengserasi dalam penghasilan adunan polimer polistirena/
    getah asli, PS/NR/HLNR (60/35/5). Kekuatan regangan dan impak PS/NR masing-masing meningkat sebanyak 70.7% dan
    149.6% setelah HLNR ditambah sebagai pengserasi dalam adunan. Beberapa pemerhatian morfologi melalui mikroskop
    optik dan SEM turut menyokong kesan penyerasian adunan PS/NR dengan HLNR.
  2. Wan Haizatul Akmal Che Yusoff, Zazali Alias, Khanom Simarani
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1057-1062.
    The glutathione S-Transferase (GST) enzyme plays an important role in cellular detoxification. This multifunctional enzyme
    is involved in Phase II detoxification pathways that protect cellular macromolecules from being attacked by harmful
    compound. The study is an attempt to isolate glutathione transferase-expressing bacteria from the rhizospheric soil of
    selected herbal plants. Screening showed nine positive isolates out of twelve bacterial samples from a large microbial
    population in our soil collection. Crude extract from strain E1 which was isolated from Piper sarmentosum (Kadok)
    showed the highest specific activity against 1-chloro-2, 4-dinitrobenzene substrates (5.78 × 10-06 µmol/min/mg). Based
    on the carbon utilization of E1 assessed using Biolog system, the strain was identified as Comamonas testosterone E1.
    Glutathione S-transferase purification using GST trap yielded two distinct subunits with molecular weights of 23 and 24
    kDa as visualized on 1D SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified GST showed reactivity towards 1-chloro-2,
    4-dinitrobenzene, 1, 2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene and ethacrynic acid with specific activity of 0.264 ± 0.038 nmol/min/
    mg and 0.056 ± 0.002 nmol/min/mg and 10.500 ± 3.130 nmol/min/mg, respectively. However, no activity was detected
    against p-Nitrobenzyl chloride, Sulfobromophthalein, trans-4-phenyl-3-butene-2-one, hexa-2, 4- dienal, trans-hepta-2,
    4-dienal and trans-oct-2-enal in the study.
  3. Salihah Yusoff, Siti Aishah Hassan, Wan Norhayati Wan Othman
    Although the modern medicine has progressed for a long time, there are empirical studies shows the effectiveness of traditional and complementary treatments (TCT) in curing chronic diseases. In Malaysia, TCT is often related to the use of herbs and meditation that vary according to ethnicity. Each ethnic group has its own beliefs system in curing diseases. This study mainly aims to provide an overview on the perceptions of the effectiveness TCT in curing chronic diseases. The authors used electronic database to select 10 journal articles according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Findings show the highest statistic among Sabah natives and followed by Malay ethnic on believing in the effectiveness of TCT. Price and encouragement from family and friends are the main influencing factors of taking TCT. We suggest that counsellors need to be aware of the TCT practices on particular culture in order to increase respect and trust in the helping relationships.
  4. Muhammad Naim Mat Salleh, Halim Ismail, Hanizah Mohd Yusoff
    Int J Public Health Res, 2020;10(1):1183-1194.
    Emergency work with regular exposure to traumatic events may cause a large burden of mental health consequences. Among the first responders, firefighters are generally said to have a larger risk for PTSD as they involve directly and indirectly with critical incidents and traumatic events as part of their duties. This systematic review will determine the prevalence of PTSD and identify factors which associated to the PTSD among firefighters.
  5. Noor Farhana Yusoff, Nor Zaini Zakaria, Hedzlin Zainuddin, Sulaiman Shaari
    Science Letter, 2017;11(1):1-6.
    This paper presents the findings of a study to determine the effects of immediate built environment (mounting configuration) on output generated by photovoltaic (PV) module for building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) and retrofitted PV systems under Malaysian climate. All the systems under study are gridconnected PV (GCPV) system. Eight GCPV systems used in this study; four for BIPV systems and the other four for retrofitted systems. Data for PV module temperature, ambient temperature, plane-of-array solar irradiance and AC power were logged at 5-min interval for all systems. The operating temperature were analysed as the temperature differential with respect to the ambient temperature. The mounting factor was established for both mounting configuration type.
  6. Ezany Yusoff, Azlina Ahmad, Suharni Mohamad, Nadia Farahana Muhammada
    Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. is traditionally used as medicine especially in the treatment of diseases
    caused by bacterial pathogens. The objectives of the present study were to identify the bioactive
    compounds in the stem of Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)
    analysis, and to investigate their potentials as an alternative for antimicrobial activity. Two-microliters
    of dried powdered of Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. stem were mixed with methanol followed by injection into
    splitless mode of GC-MS. Separation was achieved by Elite-5MS fused capillary column. The mass spectra
    were compared with the spectra of known components stored in the NIST and WILEY databases for
    compound identification. Forty-six chemical constituents were identified. The major constituents were
    lanosta-8,24-dien-3-ol, (3β)- (13.60%), (23S)-ethylcholest-5-en-(3β)-ol (7.02%), linoleic acid (2.96%) and
    viminalol (2.57%). Most of the active compounds present in the stem of Euphorbia tirucalli Linn. have
    previously been shown to exhibit antimicrobial properties.
  7. Muid, S., Ali, A.M., Yusoff, K., Nawawi, H.M.
    Vitamin E is known to have potent antioxidant activity and plays an important role in reducing oxidative stress, a pivotal step in atherogenesis. However, several randomised clinical trials using α-tocopherol have failed to demonstrate consistent beneficial effects of antioxidants against atherosclerosis and clinical endpoints. Tocotrienol, a vitamin E compound analogue is shown to have more potent antioxidant activity compared to tocopherol. Finding the optimal anti-oxidative dose is crucial and may effectively be applied for cardioprotection in human. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal dose of tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) with highest antioxidant activity in vitro using the ferric thiocyanate (FTC), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and 2’, 7’- dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFHDA) assays. It was found that TRF exhibited potent antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities with an IC50 of 22.10 + 0.01 µg/ml. In all assays, TRF had optimal antioxidant activity at moderate concentrations (10-100 µg/ml). In conclusion, TRF has potent antioxidant activity, which is optimal at moderate concentrations.
  8. Yusoff, A.N., Te, L.H., Mukari, S.Z.M., Abd Hamid, A.I.
    Heschl’s gyrus (HG) is known to interact with other auditory related areas of the same hemisphere during the performance
    of an auditory cognitive task. However, the information about how it interacts with the opposite HG is still lacking.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the psychophysiologic interaction (PPI) between the bilateral HG during a
    simple arithmetic addition task and to verify the role of noise as an experimental factor that would modulate the PPI.
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans were performed on eighteen healthy participants, in which a
    single-digit addition task were solved during in-quiet (AIQ) and in-noise (AIN) conditions. The fMRI data were analysed
    using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8). The interaction between the bilateral HG was investigated using PPI
    analysis. The response in right HG was found to be linearly influenced by the activity in left HG, vice-versa, for both
    in-quiet and in-noise conditions. The connectivity from right to left HG in noisy condition seemed to be modulated
    by noise, while the modulation is relatively small oppositely, indicating a non-reciprocal behavior. A two-way PPI
    model between right and left HG is suggested. The connectivity from right to left HG during a simple addition task in
    noise is driven by a higher ability of right HG to perceive the stimuli in a noisy condition. Both the bilateral HGs took
    part in the cognitive processes of arithmetic addition from which the interactions between the two were found to be
    different in noise.
  9. Munira Y, Zunaina E, Azhany Y
    Int Med Case Rep J, 2013;6:37-9.
    PMID: 23966803 DOI: 10.2147/IMCRJ.S47769
    A 15-year-old boy presented with painless progressive blurring of vision in the right eye for 1 year in duration. His visual acuity in the right eye was hand movement. The right fundus showed presence of extensive subretinal exudates at the posterior pole and a retinal macrocyst at the temporal periphery. It was associated with exudative retinal detachment at the inferior periphery of the retina. Fundus angiography revealed telangiectatic retinal vessels at the superotemporal retina. Based on clinical and angiographic findings, a diagnosis of Coats disease was made. He was treated with retinal laser photocoagulation. There was resolution of the exudative retinal detachment, reduction of subretinal exudates, and regression of the retinal macrocyst with improvement of visual acuity to 1/60 post-laser therapy.
  10. Abidi SS, Goh A, Yusoff Z
    Stud Health Technol Inform, 1998;52 Pt 2:1282-6.
    PMID: 10384666
    The practice of medicine, with its wide range of environmental conditions and complex dependencies, has long been used as a test bed for various advanced technologies. Telemedicine, as conceptualised within the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) context, is seen as the application of several relatively mature technologiesartificial intelligence (AI), multimedia communication and information systems (IS) amongst othersso as to benefit a large cross-section of the Malaysian population. We will discuss in general terms the Malaysian vision on the comprehensive MSC telemedicine solution, its functionality and associated operational conditions. In particular, this paper focuses on the conceptualisation of one key telemedical component i.e. the Lifetime Health Plan (LHP) system, which is eventually intended to be a distributed multi-module application for the periodic monitoring and generation of health-care advisories for upwards of 20 million Malaysians.
  11. Yusoff K, Roslawati J, Almashoor SH
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Sep;47(3):194-9.
    PMID: 1491645
    One hundred consecutive patients attending the UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Cardiology Clinic completed a questionnaire enquiring about their own assessment of their knowledge about their illness, their awareness of cardiac risk factors and their expectations in their management. Only 11% of our patients had graduated from tertiary education. 59% of our patients were being treated for ischaemic heart disease. Although only 28% of our patients considered having considerable knowledge of their illness, a majority of our patients were aware of cardiac risk factors. This was independent of the formal education achieved. However this awareness did not necessarily result in appropriate behaviour; 32% of patients admitted to smoking despite being aware of the harmful effects of smoking. 74% of our patients expected a cure from their doctors; only 37% of our patients thought they required medication indefinitely. Thus, patients could be made aware of their illness regardless of their formal educational status. However this may not necessarily result in appropriate behaviour. The high expectations which the patients have of their doctors is unrealistic and may be detrimental to appropriate long-term management of their chronic illness.

    Study site: Cardiology Clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
  12. Zainudin BM, Ismail O, Yusoff K
    Thorax, 1994 Mar;49(3):267-9.
    PMID: 8202885
    BACKGROUND: The benefit of adding theophylline to beta 2 agonists in acute asthmatic attacks has been debated frequently.
    METHODS: In an open randomised study 25 patients with severe acute asthma who presented to the emergency department were treated with either a combined nebulised salbutamol (5 mg/dose) and aminophylline infusion (0.6-0.9 mg/kg/hour), or nebulised salbutamol alone.
    RESULTS: The responses to treatment as measured by peak expiratory flow (PEF) and the time taken to achieve maximum PEF were similar in both groups. Side effects were observed more commonly in patients receiving the combined treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nebulised salbutamol is equally efficacious in acute asthma when given alone or in combination with aminophylline.
    Study site: Emergency department, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  13. Cheung, Tian Pei, Rostenberghe, Hans Van, Narazah Mohd Yusoff, Noraida Ramli, Nor Rosidah Ibrahim, Nishio, Hisahide, et al.
    Background: The low yield and quality of buccal-derived genomic DNA have reduced its applicability in various genetic research. The aim of this study was to assess the quantity, purity and genotyping efficiency of genomic DNA isolated from neonatal buccal swabs. Methods: Paired buccal swabs and whole blood samples were collected from 60 neonates with the mean age 5 days (SD=1.57). The genomic DNA quantity and purity were measured by using Infinite® 200 PRO NanoQuant reader and agarose gel electrophoresis. High-resolution melting (HRM) analysis was used to analyse the sequence variants present in uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1 c.211G>A) and nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I, member 3 (NR1I3 IVS8+116T>G) genes. Results: Buccal swabs provided lower mean genomic DNA concentration (18.78 ± 8.39 ng/μl versus 40.02 ± 13.03 ng/μl), yield (2.63 ± 1.17 μgversus8.00 ± 2.61 μg). The purity of buccal samples however were inconsistent with 16 samples (26.7%) having A260/280 ratios below 1.8 which indicated protein contamination. Genomic DNA purity for all blood samples were within the ideal range with average absorbance ratios of 1.8−2.0. However, all buccal genomic DNA demonstrated 100% genotype call rates for all variants. A complete genotype concordance was also observed between paired genomic DNA samples. Conclusion: Despite related to a reduced quantity and purity, neonatal buccal genomic DNA could generate reliable HRM genotyping results. Therefore, buccal swab collection is a promising alternative to the invasive blood sampling to provide genomic DNA for genetic analysis involving paediatric population.
  14. Ida Dalina Noordin, • Idayu Badilla Idris, Rozita Hod, Mohd Famey Yusoff, Hanizah Mohd Yusoff, Azmawati Mohamed Nawi, et al.
    Int J Public Health Res, 2020;10(2):1258-1267.
    In 2015, almost half of low birth weight babies in the world were born in Southern Asia. It is contributed by multiple factors including maternal exposure to the elements in the environment during the antenatal period. Particulate matter (PM10) pollution in Southeast Asian region have been extensively studied with known attributions and sources. It is also known that PM10 is able to restrict foetal growth at molecular level. This review intends to investigate if the unborn in Asia are affected by air pollutants indirectly through their mothers. Methods Publications from Scopus and Science Direct digital databases in Asian region from 2015 onwards were reviewed. Details collected were the year of publication and study location, the study design, investigated air pollutants, exposure estimation methods used, the timing of exposure in relation to pregnancy, pregnancy outcome measured and the relative risk or odds of effect. Results A total of eight full text articles were included. Most of the studies were of cohort and quasi experimental designs, involving local air monitoring measurements to assign exposure. Conclusions There were more studies considered multiple air pollutants as contributing risk rather than a single pollutant. The exposure was measured according to stages of pregnancy and the trimester stratification is the most often method used. Modalities used in representing birth outcomes were not confined to birth weight alone but also included the length of gestation. Exposure to PM10 have been found to be associated with reduction in birth weight and increased risk for preterm birth in Asia.
  15. Yunus NA, Mohamed Yusoff H, Draman N
    Malays Fam Physician, 2018;13(1):10-17.
    PMID: 29796205 MyJurnal
    Introduction: Cervical cancer ranks as the second most frequent cancer among women in Malaysia. Although a cervical screening program has been introduced since 1960s and is provided free of charge in all government health facilities, the coverage and adherence rate to recommendation among Malaysian women remains low.

    Objectives: To determine the proportion of non-adherence to Pap smear screening guidelines and its associated factors among women attending a health clinic in Malaysia.

    Method: A cross sectional study involving 316 women aged 20 to 65 years who had undergone a Pap smear. Universal sampling method was applied to select participants among women who attended the selected health clinic from January 2013 to May 2013. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain the socio-demographic characteristics, socio-health data and perceptions about cervical cancer and Pap smear screening. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression.

    Result: The proportion of non-adherence to Pap smear screening was 90.5%. Age, marital status, duration of marriage, education level, employment, household income and number of children were not significantly associated with non-adherence. Perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefit, perceived barrier and cues to action did not show significant association with non-adherence to Pap smear screening.

    Conclusion: Non-adherence to Pap smear screening was high among Malaysian women. Measures should be taken to increase Pap smear screening coverage in our country. Other factors beyond Health Belief Model that influence Pap smear screening practice among Malaysian women should be explored.
  16. Affandi FA, Ishak MY
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Jun;26(17):16939-16951.
    PMID: 31028621 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05137-7
    Mining activities are responsible for the elevated input levels of suspended sediment and hazardous metals into the riverine ecosystem. These have been shown to threaten the riverine fish populations and can even lead to localized population extinction. To date, research on the effects of mining activities on fish has been focused within metal contamination and bioaccumulation and its threat to human consumption, neglecting the effects of suspended sediment. This paper reviews the effects of suspended sediment and metal pollution on riverine ecosystem and fish population by examining the possibilities of genetic changes and population extinction. In addition, possible assessments and studies of the riverine fish population are discussed to cope with the risks from mining activities and fish population declines.
  17. Mohd Yusoff R, Mulud ZA, Mohammadnezhad M
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(Suppl 1):117-121.
    PMID: 38555895
    INTRODUCTION: Hip fractures, predominantly due to decreased bone density and falls, significantly impact elderly health, disproportionately affecting women and placing a strain on healthcare resources. This study aims to conduct an indepth epidemiological analysis of hip fracture incidence among the elderly in Pahang, Malaysia, to inform better healthcare strategies.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, medical records of patients admitted with hip fractures between 2019 and 2021 at Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (HoSHAS) in Pahang were analyzed. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, nature of trauma, fracture types, and comorbidities were collected and examined using descriptive and inferential statistics.

    RESULTS: Among 3856 Orthopaedic Department admissions at HoSHAS (2019-2021), 296 hip fracture cases were identified, predominantly in women (71.3%), Malay ethnicity (75.3%), and aged 71-80 (38.5%). Intertrochanteric femur fractures were prevalent (62.8%). Unintentional falls accounted for 94.9% of cases. Logistic regression showed age and gender as significant predictors of femoral neck fractures. Specifically, Chinese seniors were 1.96 times more likely, and women over 65 were 1.95 times more likely to suffer these fractures. Notably, the absence of comorbidities increased the risk by 3.41 times (p < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: With increased longevity among Malaysian citizen, the number of hip fracture cases are growing and leading to other health-related problems such as disability, depression, and cardiovascular. Various preventive interventions for osteoporosis and falls should be implemented to reduce the incidence of hip fractures among older adults.

  18. Rosdi RA, Mohd Yusoff N, Ismail R, Soo Choon T, Saleem M, Musa N, et al.
    Ann Hum Biol, 2015 Sep 24.
    PMID: 26402341
    CYP2C9 gene polymorphisms modulate inter-individual variations in the human body's responses to various endogenous and exogenous drug substrates. To date, little is known about the CYP2C9 gene polymorphisms among the aboriginal populations of the world, including those in Malaysia.
  19. Sanip Z, Hanaffi SH, Ahmad I, Yusoff SS, Rasool AH, Yusoff HM
    Tob Induc Dis, 2015;13(1):32.
    PMID: 26346914 DOI: 10.1186/s12971-015-0052-9
    BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated that secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure could impair endothelial function. However, the effect of SHS exposure specifically on microvascular endothelial function is not well understood. This study aimed to determine the effects of SHS exposure on microvascular endothelial function among non-smoking, generally healthy women.

    FINDINGS: We studied 127 women; and based on their hair nicotine levels measured using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, 25 of them were categorized as having higher hair nicotine levels, 25 were grouped as having lower hair nicotine and 77 women were grouped into the non-detected group. The non-detected group did not have detectable levels of hair nicotine. Anthropometry, blood pressure (BP), lipid profile and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) were measured accordingly. Microvascular endothelial function was assessed non-invasively using laser Doppler fluximetry and the process of iontophoresis involving acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside as endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasodilators respectively. The mean hair nicotine levels for higher and lower hair nicotine groups were 0.74 (1.04) and 0.05 (0.01) ng/mg respectively. There were no significant differences in anthropometry, BP, lipid profile and hsCRP between these groups. There were also no significant differences in the microvascular perfusion and endothelial function between these groups.

    CONCLUSION: In this study, generally healthy non-smoking women who have higher, lower and non-detected hair nicotine levels did not show significant differences in their microvascular endothelial function. Low levels of SHS exposure among generally healthy non-smoking women may not significantly impair their microvascular endothelial function.

  20. Mat Yusoff M, Gordon MH, Ezeh O, Niranjan K
    Food Chem, 2016 Nov 15;211:400-8.
    PMID: 27283648 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.05.050
    This paper reports on the extraction of Moringa oleifera (MO) oil by using aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) method. The effect of different process parameters on the oil recovery was discovered by using statistical optimization, besides the effect of selected parameters on the formation of its oil-in-water cream emulsions. Within the pre-determined ranges, the use of pH 4.5, moisture/kernel ratio of 8:1 (w/w), and 300stroke/min shaking speed at 40°C for 1h incubation time resulted in highest oil recovery of approximately 70% (goil/g solvent-extracted oil). These optimized parameters also result in a very thin emulsion layer, indicating minute amount of emulsion formed. Zero oil recovery with thick emulsion were observed when the used aqueous phase was re-utilized for another AEE process. The findings suggest that the critical selection of AEE parameters is key to high oil recovery with minimum emulsion formation thereby lowering the load on the de-emulsification step.
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