Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 336 in total

  1. Shashvat K, Basu R, Bhondekar PA, Kaur A
    Trop Biomed, 2019 Dec 01;36(4):822-832.
    PMID: 33597454
    Time series modelling and forecasting plays an important role in various domains. The objective of this paper is to construct a simple average ensemble method to forecast the number of cases for infectious diseases like dengue and typhoid and compare it by applying models for forecasting. In this paper we have also evaluated the correlation between the number of typhoid and dengue cases with the ecological variables. The monthly data of dengue and typhoid cases from 2014 to 2017 were taken from integrated diseases surveillance programme, Government of India. This data was analysed by three models namely support vector regression, neural network and linear regression. The proposed simple average ensemble model was constructed by ensemble of three applied regression models i.e. SVR, NN and LR. We combine the regression models based upon the error metrics such as Mean Square Error, Root Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error. It was found that proposed ensemble method performed better in terms of forecast measures. The finding demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms as compared to already available applied models on the basis of forecast accuracy.
  2. Ragu R, Meurette G, Kim M, Le Normand L, Lehur PA
    Tech Coloproctol, 2016 Nov;20(11):745-752.
    PMID: 27592221
    Bladder exstrophy is a rare malformation. Ureteral diversion, such as ureterosigmoidostomy or a neorectal bladder, has been described. When the patients reach adulthood, cancer may arise in these reconstructions. Our aim was to perform a systematic review (all languages) of the published literature on neoplasia after urinary diversion and suggested management in cases of cancer. PubMed and Cochrane library were searched for relevant articles published within the last 20 years. All identified articles were reviewed for inclusion. Carcinoma occurring in the bladder and unreconstructed exstrophy were excluded. Out of 47 articles found, 12 matched our search criteria. The outcomes of 23 patients (including 2 from the authors' institution) were reported. Twenty-two patients with adenocarcinoma and 1 with carcinoid tumour were identified. Median age at urinary diversion was 3 (range 1-13) years. There were 20 ureterosigmoidostomies and 2 neorectal bladders. Cancer was diagnosed subsequently at a median of 31 (range 5-55) years after urinary diversion still in place (n = 18) or 21 years (range 1-30) after incomplete excision of ureteric stump when re-diverted (n = 5). The long-term outcomes of 15 patients were available. Ten died due to colorectal adenocarcinoma, and 5 were disease-free at 3 years. Patients with enteric diversion for bladder exstrophy, including those with subsequent reconstruction, are at risk of adenocarcinoma during adulthood. It is important to provide adequate surveillance. If lesions suggestive of carcinoma are seen, complete excision of the receptive bowel and urinary diversion are mandatory.
  3. Saad S, Hisham S, Amir Hamzah SPA
    Malays J Pathol, 2024 Apr;46(1):21-40.
    PMID: 38682842
    INTRODUCTION: Sex estimation is crucial in forensic anthropology. In situations such as mass disasters, and forensic anthropology cases, sex estimation is a very important initial step in the disaster victim identification process. Literature has acknowledged that sex estimation is population-specific. However, sex estimation standards in South-East Asian populations are limited, leading to the usage of most Thais discriminant function equations on sex estimation by other South-East Asian countries including Malaysia. This systematic review was conducted to summarise the findings of sex estimation studies in South-East Asian countries.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed through the SCOPUS database and Web of Science (WOS) database for relevant studies between 2014 and 2022. All published articles that are related to sex estimation from different types of bone, methods, landmarks, and sample sources (i.e., photographs, dry bones, and CT images) were included in this review. The main inclusion criteria were studies on (i) sex estimation; (ii) in South-East Asian populations; (iii) between the years 2014 and 2022; and (iv) in English.

    RESULTS: The literature search identified 30 potentially relevant studies, of which 15 publications met all the inclusion criteria. From those research, 13 studies were related to the Thai population and two to the Malaysian population. Only one study was based on morphological traits, while the rest were based on a morphometric approach.

    CONCLUSION: All studies found that sex estimation is populationspecific. Therefore, further research is recommended to explore more on population-specific sex estimation using different parts of bone.

  4. Yap KL, Sabil D, Muthu PA
    PMID: 6673122
    The prevalence of human rotavirus enteritis in children admitted to the gastroenteritis ward of the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital was studied in 1982. Human rotavirus in the stool of the patients was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The survey showed that rotavirus enteritis in children were observed throughout the year, with two broad peaks of rotavirus infection occurring around March and September. The lowest incidence was recorded in July, however, no prolonged period of low prevalence of rotavirus enteritis was observed. The average prevalence for the whole of 1982 was 40% of the total diarrhoeal cases. No significant relationship was noted between the prevalence of the disease and rainfall.
  5. Suwaryo PAW, Ristanto R, Waladani B, Siwi AS
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Jul;78(4):508-510.
    PMID: 37518922
    INTRODUCTION: This research was done to find out how well post-stroke therapy works in reducing side effects and improving patient mobility.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study used a randomised control trial design involving 42 post-stroke patients (mean 40 days after onset) with hemiparesis from January to October 2022, who were separated into two groups and randomly allocated to either the experimental group (n=21) or the control group (n=21). The intervention group received 24 times Swiss Ball Exercise (SBE), and the control group received 24 times conventional therapy.

    RESULTS: We found for the intervention group using SBE on TUG (p<0.001), TIS (Pp=0.011), DGI (p=0.005) and RMAB (p<0.001).

    CONCLUSION: After a stroke, patients with hemiparesis who exercise on a Swiss ball experience improved body function and movement.

  6. Anitha H, Lam YF, Sutton PA, Kosai NR, Srijit D
    Clin Ter, 2014;165(4):203-5.
    PMID: 25203334 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2014.1734
    Refeeding syndrome is a potentially fatal clinical condition characterized by severe electrolyte and fluid shifts associated with metabolic abnormalities in severely malnourished or starved patients undergoing oral, enteral or parenteral refeeding. We here present a case of a 50-year-old Indian male with a background of depression and alcoholic liver disease presented with alleged ingestion of a detergent. He subsequently developed an oesophageal stricture resulting in severe malnutrition. He developed refeeding syndrome following commencement of TPN associated with clear biochemical alteration. This was immediately identified and rectified. This case report highlights the prevalence of refeeding syndrome in a typical hospital setting that can easily be overlooked and stresses the importance of early recognition as this is a preventable disorder.
  7. Wan Hassan WN, Stephenson PA, Waddington RJ, Sloan AJ
    J Dent, 2012 May;40(5):406-15.
    PMID: 22342686 DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2012.02.002
    Root resorption is a ubiquitous although undesirable sequela to orthodontic treatment. Current methods to investigate the pathophysiology have certain limitations. In pursuit to understand and develop treatment modalities for orthodontically induced root resorption, the ability to manipulate cells within their natural extracellular matrix in a three dimensional organotypic model is invaluable. The study aimed to develop a laboratory-based organotypic model to investigate the effect of orthodontic forces on the periodontium.
  8. Baxter R, Patriarca PA, Ensor K, Izikson R, Goldenthal KL, Cox MM
    Vaccine, 2011 Mar 9;29(12):2272-8.
    PMID: 21277410 DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.01.039
    Alternative methods for influenza vaccine production are needed to ensure adequate supplies.
  9. Al-Jubouri MA, Inkster GD, Nee PA, Andrews FJ
    Ann. Clin. Biochem., 2006 Jul;43(Pt 4):323-5.
    PMID: 16824287 DOI: 10.1258/000456306777695681
    A 35-year-old Malaysian man presented with rapid onset of flaccid quadriparesis associated with nausea and vomiting. General blood tests revealed severe hypokalaemia (serum potassium 1.5 mmol/L) and hypophosphataemia (serum phosphate 0.29 mmol/L) as a potential cause of the flaccid paralysis. Arterial blood gases showed mixed acid base disturbance of respiratory alkalosis and metabolic acidosis with hyperlactataemia. Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) was suspected as the underlying cause of this presentation and thyroid function tests showed severe hyperthyroid results (free T4 > 77.2 pmol/L, free T3 19.3 pmol/L, thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] < 0.05 mIU/L). Treatment with intravenous potassium and phosphate infusion and oral propranolol resulted in rapid resolution of his symptoms. A discussion of the clinical and pathophysiological features and treatment of TPP (a very rare encounter in UK clinical practice) is presented, and to our knowledge associated hyperlactataemia has not been previously described.
  10. Ambrosio L, Battista S, Borzacchiello A, Borselli C, Causa F, De Santis R, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2004 May;59 Suppl B:71-2.
    PMID: 15468824
  11. Kosai NR, Rajan R, Roslani EJ, Sutton PA, Mustafa M, Das S
    Clin Ter, 2015 Nov-Dec;166(6):248-52.
    PMID: 26794812 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2015.1896
    In the modern era of surgery, minimally invasive surgery is increasingly applied for excision of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Site, size and tumor location are important factors that affect the surgical approach and excision. We performed a laparoendoscopic transgastric enucleation of a 4-cm pericardial endophytic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) using an energy device. The surgery was successful and post-operative recovery uneventful. No tumor recurrence was detected on surveillance gastroscopy. In the safe hands of a well-trained laparoscopic upper gastrointestinal surgeon, pericardial GIST can be enucleated safely by this method. The avoidance of surgical staplers is not only cost-effective, but also reduces the risk of associated complications.
  12. Chow VT, Tambyah PA, Yeo WM, Phoon MC, Howe J
    J Clin Virol, 2000 Dec;19(3):143-7.
    PMID: 11090749
    BACKGROUND: between 1998 and 1999, an outbreak of potentially fatal viral encephalitis erupted among pig farm workers in West Malaysia, and later spread to Singapore where abattoir workers were afflicted. Although Japanese encephalitis virus was initially suspected, the predominant aetiologic agent was subsequently confirmed to be Nipah virus, a novel paramyxovirus related to but distinct from Hendra virus.

    OBJECTIVE: to describe a case of Nipah virus encephalitis in a pig farm worker from Malaysia.

    STUDY DESIGN: the clinical, laboratory and radiological findings of this patient were scrutinized. Special emphasis was placed on the electron microscopic analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimen from this patient.

    RESULTS: the neurological deficits indicative of cerebellar involvement were supported by the magnetic resonance imaging that showed prominent cerebellar and brainstem lesions. CSF examination provided further evidence of viral encephalitis. Complement fixation and/or RT-PCR assays were negative for Japanese encephalitis, herpes simplex, measles and mumps viruses. ELISA for detecting IgM and IgG antibodies against Hendra viral antigens were equivocal for the CSF specimen, and tested initially negative for the first serum sample but subsequently positive for the repeat serum sample. Transmission electron microscopy of negatively-stained preparations of CSF revealed enveloped virus-like structures fringed with surface projections as well as nucleocapsids with distinctive helical and herringbone patterns, features consistent with those of other paramyxoviruses, including Hendra virus.

    CONCLUSION: this case report reiterates the relevant and feasible role of diagnostic electron microscopy for identifying and/or classifying novel or emerging viral pathogens for which sufficiently specific and sensitive tests are lacking.

  13. Jr Laforce R, Gibson B, Morehouse R, Bailey PAB, MacLaren VV
    Med J Malaysia, 2000 Dec;55(4):524-6.
    PMID: 11221170
    Exposure to extraordinary stressors or life-threatening events has been shown to result in negative cognitive, behavioural and emotional outcomes including the cluster of symptoms constituting Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This disorder has most often been studied in military veterans and victims of abuse who also show high rates of comorbid conditions. We report a case of PTSD following an electrical injury in a patient with no past psychiatric history. Implications for a full range of examinations including comprehensive neuropsychiatric testing are discussed. Results suggest that such approach addresses the complexity of a differential diagnosis between organic and psychiatric dysfunctions.
  14. Rota PA, Liffick S, Rosenthal S, Heriyanto B, Chua KB
    Lancet, 2000 Apr 29;355(9214):1557-8.
    PMID: 10801203 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)74612-2
  15. Suresh K, Init I, Reuel PA, Rajah S, Lokman H, Khairul Anuar A
    Parasitol Res, 1998;84(4):321-2.
    PMID: 9569099
  16. Pérolat P, Grimont F, Regnault B, Grimont PA, Fournié E, Thevenet H, et al.
    Res. Microbiol., 1990 Feb;141(2):159-71.
    PMID: 2189169
    A total of 67 serovar reference strains and 7 isolates belonging to the genus Leptospira were characterized by ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene restriction patterns. Fifty patterns were observed. Strains belonging to different genomic species always gave different patterns. However, genomic species were subdivided into several patterns. Forty-three serovars gave a specific pattern. Some serovars could not be separated by rRNA gene restriction patterns: strains of serovars icterohaemorrhagiae, copenhageni, lai, pyrogenes and jalna gave pattern 1; serovars birkini, mankarso and wolffi gave pattern 4; serovars canicola, gem, hebdomadis, pomona and hardjo (strain hardjoprajitno) gave pattern 12; serovars valbuzzi and zanoni gave pattern 14; serovars jonsis, malaya and sumneri gave pattern 16; serovars arborea, ballum, castellonis and kenya gave pattern 35; and serovars borincana and shermani gave pattern 43. These data provide the bases for a molecular typing system for the genus Leptospira.
  17. Ramli US, Baker DS, Quant PA, Harwood JL
    Biochem Soc Trans, 2002 Nov;30(Pt 6):1043-6.
    PMID: 12440968
    Control analysis is a powerful method to quantify the regulation of metabolic pathways. We have applied it to lipid biosynthesis for the first time by using model tissue culture systems from the important oil crops, olive ( Olea europaea L.) and oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). By the use of top-down control analysis, fatty acid biosynthesis has been shown to exert more control than lipid assembly under different experimental conditions. However, both parts of the lipid biosynthetic pathway are important, so that attempts to alter oil yield by manipulating the activity of a single enzyme step are very unlikely to produce significant increases.
    J R Army Med Corps, 1960 Jan;106:12-21.
    PMID: 13841274
  19. Nishijima KA, Follett PA, Bushe BC, Nagao MA
    Plant Dis, 2002 Jan;86(1):71.
    PMID: 30823004 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS.2002.86.1.71C
    Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) is a tropical fruit grown in Hawaii for the exotic fruit market. Fruit rot was observed periodically during 1998 and 1999 from two islands, Hawaii and Kauai, and severe fruit rot was observed during 2000 in orchards in Kurtistown and Papaikou on Hawaii. Symptoms were characterized by brown-to-black, water-soaked lesions on the fruit surface that progressed to blackening and drying of the pericarp, which often split and exposed the aril (flesh). In certain cultivars, immature, small green fruits were totally mummified. Rambutan trees with high incidence of fruit rot also showed symptoms of branch dieback and leaf spot. Lasmenia sp. Speg. sensu Sutton, identified by Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Baarn, the Netherlands), was isolated from infected fruit and necrotic leaves. Also associated with some of the fruit rot and dieback symptoms were Gliocephalotrichum simplex (J.A. Meyer) B. Wiley & E. Simmons, and G. bulbilium J.J. Ellis & Hesseltine. G. simplex was isolated from infected fruit, and G. bulbilium was isolated from discolored vascular tissues and infected fruit. Identification of species of Gliocephalotrichum was based on characteristics of conidiophores, sterile hairs, and chlamydospores (1,4). Culture characteristics were distinctive on potato dextrose agar (PDA), where the mycelium of G. bulbilium was light orange (peach) without reverse color, while G. simplex was golden-brown to grayish-yellow with dark brown reverse color. Both species produced a fruity odor after 6 days on PDA. In pathogenicity tests, healthy, washed rambutan fruits were wounded, inoculated with 30 μl of sterile distilled water (SDW) or a fungus spore suspension (105 to 106 spores per ml), and incubated in humidity chambers at room temperature (22°C) under continuous fluorescent light. Lasmenia sp. (strain KN-F99-1), G. simplex (strain KN-F2000-1), and G. bulbilium (strains KN-F2001-1 and KN-F2001-2) produced fruit rot symptoms on inoculated fruit and were reisolated from fruit with typical symptoms, fulfilling Koch's postulates. Controls (inoculated with SDW) had lower incidence or developed less severe symptoms than the fungus treatments. Inoculation tests were conducted at least twice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Lasmenia sp. in Hawaii and the first report of the genus Gliocephalotrichum on rambutan in Hawaii. These pathogens are potentially economically important to rambutan in Hawaii. G. bulbilium has been reported previously on decaying wood of guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Hawaii (2), and the fungus causes field and postharvest rots of rambutan fruit in Thailand (3). References: (1) J. J. Ellis and C. W. Hesseltine. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 89:21, 1962. (2) D. F. Farr et al. Fungi on Plants and Plant Products in the United States. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN, 1989. (3) N. Visarathanonth and L. L. Ilag. Pages 51-57 in: Rambutan: Fruit Development, Postharvest Physiology and Marketing in ASEAN. ASEAN Food Handling Bureau, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1987. (4) B. J. Wiley and E. G. Simmons. Mycologia 63:575, 1971.
  20. Mogi M, Armbruster PA, Tuno N, Aranda C, Yong HS
    J Med Entomol, 2017 11 07;54(6):1615-1625.
    PMID: 28968769 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjx156
    We compared climatic distribution ranges between Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) and the five wild (nondomesticated) species of Albopictus Subgroup of Scutellaris Group of Aedes (Stegomyia) in southern Asia. Distribution sites of the wild species concentrate in seasonal forest and savannah climate zones in India, Indochina, and southern China. The distribution of Ae. albopictus is broader than the wild species under 1) tropical rain-forest climate, 2) steppe and temperate savannah climate, and 3) continental climate with large seasonal temperature variation (hot summer and cold winter) at temperate lowlands (northernmost sites 40°N in Ae. albopictus vs 32°N in the wild species). However, the distribution of Ae. albopictus is more limited at tropical and subtropical highlands where the climate is cool but less continental (small seasonal variation, mild summer, and winter). We discuss a possibility that the broader climate ranges of Ae. albopictus are ecological or eco-evolutionary consequences of adaptation to human habitats. We also propose a general scenario for the origin, dispersal, and adaptation of Ae. albopictus in Asia as a hypothesis for future research.
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