OBJECTIVE: To assess the evidence of health interventions in addressing inequity among migrants.
METHODS: We adopted a two-stage searching approach to ensure the feasibility of this review. First, reviews of interventions for migrants were searched from five databases: PubMed, Cochrane, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and EMBASE until June 2017. Second, full articles included in the identified reviews were retrieved. Primary studies included in the identified reviews were then evaluated as to whether they met the following criteria: experimental studies which include equity aspects as part of their outcome measurement, based on equity attributes defined by PROGRESS-Plus factors (place of residence, race/ethnicity, occupation, gender, religion, education, socio-economic status, social capital, and others). We analysed the information extracted from the selected articles based on the PRISMA-Equity guidelines and the PROGRESS-Plus factors.
RESULTS: Forty-nine reviews involving 1145 primary studies met the first-stage inclusion criteria. After exclusion of 764 studies, the remaining 381 experimental studies were assessed. Thirteen out of 381 experimental studies (3.41%) were found to include equity attributes as part of their outcome measurement. However, although some associations were found none of the included studies demonstrated the effect of the intervention on reducing inequity. All studies were conducted in high-income countries. The interventions included individual directed, community education and peer navigator-related interventions.
CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence reveals that there is a paucity of studies assessing equity attributes of health interventions developed for migrant populations. This indicates that equity has not been receiving attention in these studies of migrant populations. More attention to equity-focused outcome assessment is needed to help policy-makers to consider all relevant outcomes for sound decision making concerning migrants.
METHODS: We assessed campaign impact using serial population surveys, with the target population being women living in Victoria who were not meeting the current physical activity guidelines. Two surveys were carried out before the campaign (October 2017 and March 2018), and the post-campaign survey immediately following the first wave of TGC-Victoria mass media (May 2018). Analyses were primarily on the cohort sample of 818 low-active women followed across all three surveys. We measured campaign effects using campaign awareness and recall, and self-report measures of physical activity behaviour and perceptions of being judged. Changes in perceptions of being judged and in reported physical activity were assessed in relation to campaign awareness over time.
RESULTS: Overall, TGC-Victoria campaign recall increased from 11.2% pre-campaign to 31.9% post-campaign, with campaign awareness more likely among younger and more educated women. There was a slight increase of 0.19 days in weekly physical activity following the campaign. Feeling that being judged was a barrier to physical activity declined at follow up, as did the single item perceptions of feeling judged (P
OBJECTIVE: We conducted a scoping review to identify the types of interventions targeting PFH-CRC, their effectiveness in increasing CRC screening uptake, and the elements associated with the outcomes.
METHODS: The Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping review was followed. The search for eligible articles was conducted from the inception of each database until 17 July 2024 in PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane, PsycINFO and Web of Science with no restrictions on language.
RESULTS: Thirty studies from 1995 to 2023 across 13 countries were included; mostly from high-income countries. There was considerable variability in study design, intervention characteristics, and screening outcomes. Eleven studies used theoretical frameworks in intervention development. Fourteen studies reported statistically significant increases in screening uptake among PFH-CRC, most using complex, multiple-component interventions. Tailored print materials and patient navigation more consistently demonstrated increased screening uptake, while counselling yielded mixed results.
CONCLUSION: Interventions for promoting CRC screening uptake in PFH-CRC commonly incorporate print material, patient navigation and counselling, often combined into complex interventions. Future research should include more implementation studies to translate these interventions into real-world settings. Additionally, there are gaps in research from low- and middle-income countries, highlighting the need for further research in these resource-limited settings.
METHODS: Sport programme deliverers, targeting physically inactive women in Victoria, participated in concept mapping to brainstorm, sort and rate (impact on their ability to prevent/manage injury, frequency of and difficulty to overcome the challenge on a 1 (low)-5 (high) scale) the challenges faced. Analysis included multidimensional scaling, hierarchical cluster analysis and descriptive statistics (eg, mean ratings).
RESULTS: Twenty-five deliverers brainstormed 82 injury prevention/management-related challenges. An eight cluster map was considered the most appropriate representation of the participants' sorting data (mean cluster impact, frequency and difficulty to overcome rating (1-5)): time constraints (3.42, 3.69, 3.12); perceived competence in injury prevention/management (3.36, 3.50, 3.27); navigating participant perceptions and knowledge (3.35, 3.74, 3.49); information and responsibility (3.32, 3.50, 3.26); session planning and structure (3.25, 3.45, 3.07); participant engagement (3.13, 3.47, 3.08); responding to individual needs (3.07, 3.42, 2.92) and access to injury management resources (2.87, 3.25, 3.17).
CONCLUSION: Limited time created injury prevention/management challenges for programme deliverers when planning and modifying sport programmes for physically inactive women. Injury prevention/management should be integrated into programme design and delivery principles. Programme deliverers need education/training and access to injury prevention/management resources (eg, activity modification) and engagement/communication strategies tailored for physically inactive women. Public health funders, coaching course accreditors, programme designers and deliverers can use these insights to develop strategies to minimise injury risk and effect systemic change in sport programme delivery.
OBJECTIVE: This study reviewed progress in the use and adoption of telemedicine in Middle Eastern countries. The key dimensions affecting the progress of telemedicine in these countries were identified.
METHOD: A systematic review of the literature was conducted on 43 peer reviewed articles from 2010 to 2020. The review followed the scientific process of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines of identification, selection, assessment, synthesis, and interpretation of findings.
RESULTS: The results showed that progress made in the utilization of telemedicine was insufficient and varies across Middle Eastern countries. Certain cultural, financial, organizational, individual, technological, legal, and regulatory challenges were found to prevent telemedicine from being fully used to the point where the full range of medical services can be provided. For example, doctor and patient resistance, poor infrastructure, lack of funding, poor system quality, and lack of information technology training were associated with the low adoption of telemedicine in the region.
CONCLUSION: This review provides a number of recommendations that will help policymakers to move toward the integration of innovative technologies in order to facilitate access to health information, health services, and training. It also recommends that health initiatives should focus on health education and health promotion in order to increase public awareness of the benefits of telemedicine services in the region.
OBJECTIVES: The objective is to assess how well sustainability and scale-up strategies have been integrated into the design and implementation of a 3-year multicountry technical program; to explore enablers and barriers of sustainability and scaling up; and to identify practical strategies that can improve sustainability and scale-up of Better Health Program interventions.
METHODS: We applied a staged approach to explore barriers and enablers and to identify practical strategies to improve sustainability and scale-up of four NCD interventions: community-based obesity prevention, front-of-pack labeling, local learning networks (LLNs), and NCD surveillance. We extracted evidence from peer-reviewed literature and local documents. We also conducted in-depth interviews with the implementation teams and key stakeholders. We conducted a thematic synthesis of the resulting information to identify practical strategies that improve sustainability and scale-up of the four interventions.
RESULTS: Strong engagement of stakeholders at higher levels of the health system was identified as the main enabler, while limited funding and commitment from local governments were identified as a key barrier to sustainability and scale-up. Strengthening the social and institutional anchors of community health volunteers, enhancing evidence-based advocacy for front-of-pack labeling, trailblazing the LLN innovation, and securing the commitment of local governments in the implementation of NCD surveillance were among the key strategies for improving sustainability and scale-up of Better Health Program interventions in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, and Vietnam, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: This study identified practical strategies for improving sustainability and scale-up of NCD-related interventions. Implementation of the strategies that had high priority and feasibility will improve the sustainability of critical elements of the program in the respective countries.
STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative narrative study.
METHODS: Grey literature on COVID-19 art initiatives and programmes in Malaysia was reviewed.
RESULTS: The art initiatives and efforts in Malaysia to promote health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic were compelling and notable. These initiatives can be classified into five major categories, namely performing arts, visual arts, culture, literature and digital art. The main health messages conveyed through these initiatives included public education regarding COVID-19, health precautionary steps recommended for the public, and solidarity in the fight against COVID-19. These art initiatives cultivated positive responses from the public and increased their awareness of COVID-19.
CONCLUSION: From the public health perspective, the use of arts to educate and create awareness of COVID-19 in Malaysia were encouraging. The public is made more informed and prepared to face the challenges ahead.
METHODS: The mixed methods pilot feasibility study was carried out between April and September 2021, involving 16 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and 5 experts. The usability score was rated according to the System Usability Scale (SUS).
RESULTS: The average SUS score by the experts was 88. The patients gave a higher score of 85 for SUS, with 58 as the lowest. The average SUS score was 72. The findings indicate that the webpage is acceptable, good, and highly usable for users.
CONCLUSION: The outcomes of this study signify the relationship between effective health applications and how their design might hamper their effectiveness in changing patients' behavior.