Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 102 in total

  1. Aniza, I., Hossein, M., Otgonbayar, R., Munkhtuul, Y.
    Introduction : Economic evaluations can provide “value-for money” information to those making decisions about the allocation of limited health care resources. In particular, economic evaluations can be used to identify interventions that are worth providing and those that are not. Furthermore, evaluations can be used with other approaches to help set priorities, such as program-budgeting marginal-analysis.
    Methodology : Compile and systematically describe from the publications, articles and reports on economic evaluation in healthcare decision making.
    Result : A high quality economic evaluation should provide decision makers with information that is useful, relevant, and timely. In addition, evaluations should be based on rigorous analytical methods, be balanced and impartial (credible), and be transparent and accessible to the reader. There are many situations where economic evaluations can assist decision makers: decisions by various levels of government or administrative bodies (e.g., regional health authorities, hospitals, drug plans) to fund a program, service or technology, pricing decisions by government regulators and technology manufacturers, clinical practice guidelines, priorities for research funding by governments and researchbased firms, post-marketing surveillance and updates of economic information based on the use of the technology in the “real world” (which can then be used to inform one of the other types of decisions).
    Conclusion: This requires that decision makers take a broad view of the impact of a technology, and decision that are more explicit and transparent. The ultimate test of an evaluation is whether it leads to better decision in the presence of uncertainty, and results in the more efficient and effective use of resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  2. Shahruz Idzwan Azmi, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Noor Hassim Ismail
    Occupational Related Chronic Low Back Pain (OCLBP) is a globally recognized illness that causes reduction in productivity and substantial economic burden to the countries. It requires a multidisclipinary approach involving employer, healthcare provider, compensatory and enforcement agencies. However there is no specific guideline or pathway that has integrated the roles of each responsible agency. The objective of this article is to highlight the need and to propose a coordinated approach through the concept of Integrated Care Pathway (ICP). Therefore, we reviewed international and local guidelines as well as published articles on chronic low back pain and care pathway. We believed that development of a pathway will be able to organize the role of management at every level, reducing the variations in the management, addressing issues of communicating the findings between the responsible stakeholders, fulfilling the requirements as the laws, allows effective and feasible approaches to take place in terms of cost and practicality, and increase the awareness on occupational diseases. Expected challenges such as limitation of resources, unawareness and lack of understanding on OCLBP from every level are issue that we agreed can be bridged through ICP.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  3. Niestanak, S. Abedi, Faieza, A.A., Sulaiman, S., Rosnah, M.Y.
    This study of the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in a customer driven environment analyzes the critical success factors throughout the initialization phase. The dynamic and stochastic nature of customer driven environments results in a massive workload of product structure configuration tasks related to new arrivals on one hand and a constant updating process on the other. Meanwhile, the development and implementation of an ERP system was studied from the very first step (i.e. the feasibly study for implementing an ERP) to the last step (i.e. testing the outputs of the implemented system) in an office furniture company for three years. The study involved analyzing of the data collected that were from a series of interviews, as well as direct observations and reviewing of the company’s documents. Based on the output of the analysis phase, a top-down hierarchical analysis of goals and CSFs were carried out according to the CSF analysis method. Three top level objectives included reducing project failure risk, project cost, and project time. Analysing the primary results of the study (i.e. activity model, data flow diagram DFD of different levels, system problems and potential solutions descriptions, etc.) revealed that the critical phase of the implementation project would be product structure initialization and this should be taken into consideration as the bottleneck of production planning in customer driven environment, which dramatically reduced the ERP efficiency in this kind of environment. Moreover, initializing issues of the same process is the main obstacle to the success of the ERP implementation, as it considerably raises the project failure risk and cost. Therefore, the simplification, facilitation, and automation of the PSCM process, which lead to acceleration of this process, are the most significant success factors for the ERP implementation projects in customer driven environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  4. Anwar M, Abdullah AH, Altameem A, Qureshi KN, Masud F, Faheem M, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Sep 26;18(10).
    PMID: 30261628 DOI: 10.3390/s18103237
    Recent technological advancement in wireless communication has led to the invention of wireless body area networks (WBANs), a cutting-edge technology in healthcare applications. WBANs interconnect with intelligent and miniaturized biomedical sensor nodes placed on human body to an unattended monitoring of physiological parameters of the patient. These sensors are equipped with limited resources in terms of computation, storage, and battery power. The data communication in WBANs is a resource hungry process, especially in terms of energy. One of the most significant challenges in this network is to design energy efficient next-hop node selection framework. Therefore, this paper presents a green communication framework focusing on an energy aware link efficient routing approach for WBANs (ELR-W). Firstly, a link efficiency-oriented network model is presented considering beaconing information and network initialization process. Secondly, a path cost calculation model is derived focusing on energy aware link efficiency. A complete operational framework ELR-W is developed considering energy aware next-hop link selection by utilizing the network and path cost model. The comparative performance evaluation attests the energy-oriented benefit of the proposed framework as compared to the state-of-the-art techniques. It reveals a significant enhancement in body area networking in terms of various energy-oriented metrics under medical environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  5. Hasan MS, Jamaludin MA, Mohd Azman SA, Atan R, Yap MH, Lee ZY, et al.
    Nephrology (Carlton), 2024 Aug;29(8):528-536.
    PMID: 38830816 DOI: 10.1111/nep.14330
    AIM: Despite the superiority of regional citrate anticoagulation (RCA) in continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), its application is limited in resource-limited settings. We aim to explore the cost and safety of RCA for CRRT in critically ill patients, compared to usual care.

    METHODS: This prospective observational study included patients requiring CRRT in a tertiary intensive care unit (ICU) from February 2022 to January 2023. They were classified to either the RCA or usual care groups based on the anticoagulation technique chosen by the treating physician, considering contraindications. The CRRT prescription follows the institutional protocol. All relevant data were obtained from the ICU CRRT-RCA charts and electronic medical records. A cost analysis was performed.

    RESULTS: A total of 54 patients (27 per group) were included, with no demographic differences. Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score and lactate levels were significantly higher in the usual care group. The number of filters used were comparable (p = .108). The median filter duration in the RCA group was numerically longer (35.00 [15.50-56.00] vs. 23.00 [17.00-29.00] h), but not statistically significant (p = .253). The duration of mechanical ventilation, vasopressor requirement, and mortality were similar, but the RCA group had a significantly longer ICU stay. The rate of adverse events was similar, with four severe metabolic alkalosis cases in the RCA group. The RCA group had higher total cost per patient per day (USD 611 vs. 408; p = .013).

    CONCLUSION: In this resource-limited setting, RCA for CRRT appeared safe and had clinically longer filter lifespan compared with usual care, albeit the increased cost.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources/economics; Health Resources/statistics & numerical data
  6. Suleiman AB
    Stud Health Technol Inform, 2004;104:182-90.
    PMID: 15747978 DOI: 10.3233/978-1-60750-947-9-182
    Malaysia, like many other countries faces major challenges in meeting increasing demands with limited resources. Changes in demography, life-style diseases, increasing consumer expectations, new medical technologies and rapid economic growth all fuel demand for more healthcare services. There are problems related to the distribution and delivery of healthcare services, and there is inadequate integration of healthcare delivery and continuity of care is a major concern. Resources tend to be concentrated in the very expensive hospital sector, although services would be cost-effectively and conveniently delivered at primary care level. There is no ideal healthcare system, and how healthcare is supported and organized for service delivery influences the country's social, economic and political well-being. Like many other countries, Malaysia is undergoing health reform in meeting these challenges, and is becoming more reliant on telemedicine and telehealth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources/economics; Health Resources/supply & distribution
  7. Chen PCY
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Dec;35(2):102-8.
    PMID: 6790916
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  8. Norsyafiqah Mohamad, Masnita Misiran, Zahayu Md Yusof
    Businesses adopt queuing mechanism as it can improve efficiency and provide economic use of
    resources. Some business segment that normally adapted queuing theory include assessing staff
    scheduling, productivity, performance, and customers waiting time. This article will adopt queuing
    theory to current service provided by Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu. As the department is
    committed to provide quality services to its customer, the level of satisfaction and current queueing
    time need to be investigated. To achieve this, four elements in queueing theory – arrival rate, the
    queuing discipline, the service and also the cost structure are utilized. Arrival rate is measured as way
    in which customer arrives at this department and entered for receiving a service. Single server queuing
    model is known as infinite queue length model (exponential service) was used in this study. This model
    is based on certain assumptions about queuing, as the arrivals are described by Poisson probability
    distribution and arrive from infinite population. This study has demonstrated that, majority of the
    customers are dissatisfied with services offered and the major cause of dissatisfaction is the long waiting
    time. Sunday shows the busiest day at Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu when there are too
    many customers and duty officer faced a hectic day on Sunday, followed by Thursday and Wednesday.
    Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu needed to do the other internal procedures for reducing
    waiting times and thus ensuring an effective services system. This study recommended of adding a new
    checkout counter and hiring another employee to help duty officer improve the operation at Department
    of Labour, Kuala Terengganu.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  9. Sukeri S, Bakar RS, Othman A, Ibrahim MI
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2017 Oct;12(5):424-429.
    PMID: 31435274 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.05.002
    Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the barriers that deter mothers of children with disabilities from attaining their unmet needs.

    Methods: In-depth interviews of 12 mothers of children with disabilities were conducted from November 2014 to January 2015 in Kelantan, Malaysia. The mothers were recruited by purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was used for identifying, analysing and reporting the data.

    Results: Barriers to the unmet needs among mothers of children with disabilities were found to stem from the mothers' expectation and further propagated by lack of support, the role of healthcare professionals in providing care, inappropriate policies and shortage of resources required for survival and maintaining care.

    Conclusions: Identification of the barriers to the attainment of unmet needs among mothers of disabled children is crucial for resolving the issue of unmet needs. Deeper understanding of these barriers may facilitate positive actions toward addressing the needs of these mothers and to alleviate the stress on mothers of disabled children. A concerted effort to coordinate services across all disciplines is required to dismantle these barriers by improving the provision of health care delivery and evaluation of welfare policies and services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
    This qualitative descriptive study, underpinned by naturalistic inquiry, explored the prehospital emergency medical service response time in Klang Valley by providing an in-depth information of the phenomenon. In this study, various levels of health care personnel participated in focus group discussion and semi-structured interview. The staff members consisted of many levels of category from the lower ranks up to the higher level administrative officers. Content analysis was employed in analysing all data. Every one of the key informants was aware of the importance of making immediate responses to each ambulance call received. They shared their thoughts, experiences, and challenges in achieving the ideal response time in line with international recommendations. There were five categories of issues that emerged and challenges that arose from delays in response time, namely, 1) insufficient key information; 2) inconsistent information leading to delayed arrival of ambulance; 3) traffic condition causing delay in ambulance speed; 4) lack of resources contributing to an increase in workload; and, 5) unassertiveness in the attitude of members of staff. The findings have provided an answer to the society with regard to the current pre-hospital emergency medical service issues related to delay in the service delivered. Thus, policy makers and pre-hospital health care service providers should develop a strategic action plan by focusing on these findings to reduce the response time of ambulance call.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  11. Salbiah Isa, Rohayu Hami, Hanita Hashim, Mohd Nizam S., Harani MS., Sairi S., et al.
    Introduction: Laboratory turnaround time (LTAT) is considered a reliable indicator of the quality and efficiency of a laboratory’s service. LTAT achievement, particularly of urgent tests, remains unsatisfactory and challenging in many clinical laboratories especially in tertiary health care centres with high workload and restricted resources. The unresolved issue of unsatisfactory urgent renal profile (RP) LTAT below the standard performance goal prompted our interest to improve laboratory’s handling of urgent test request. We thus implemented the Lean principle in the management of urgent test requests using urgent RP as the test model. Methods: The implementation of laboratory Lean involved 4 steps process; (1) Development of burning platform for change (2) Identification of waste (3) Plan- ning and implementation of control measures (4) Measuring, monitoring, and sustaining the improvement. Urgent RP LTAT and the percentage of the request met the time requirement determined based on the data extracted from laboratory information system (LIS) before and after the implementation of Lean was compared to assess the effec- tiveness. Results: Urgent RP LTAT after the implementation of Lean was reduced i.e 35 min (before) vs 31 min (after), with the percentage of LTAT met the time requirement was significantly increased above the set target i.e 82.8% (before) to 93.5% (after) with P-value = 0.001. Conclusion: Implementation of innovation using Lean management has significantly improved urgent RP LTAT achievement, thus optimised urgent test management in our Chemical Pathology laboratory. Lean is a strongly recommended strategy to improve urgent test LTAT especially in laboratories with restricted resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  12. Rizal, A.M., Aniza, I., Jannatul Madihah, A.B., Ahma Fareed, A.R., Natrah, M.S.
    Background : Miscarriage is a common problem in pregnancy which can occur during early, mid or late pregnancy. Incomplete miscarriage can be treated expectantly, medically or surgically. The most preferred method used in UKMMC is using sharp curettage.
    Methodology : This study is conducted in the UKMMC from 1st January 2010 to 30th March 2010. The purpose of this study is to analyze the cost of treating incomplete miscarriage using metal sharp curettage from the provider’s perspective per patient-day.
    Result : A total of 17 samples were eligible for analysis from 46 patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The cost is derived from cost calculation on capital and recurrent costs. Results showed that the average cost for treating incomplete miscarriage using sharp curettage per day is RM252.56. Recurrent costs contributed 83.3% of the total treatment with overhead cost was the biggest percentage (51.6%). Discussion The treatment cost for incomplete miscarriage using sharp curettage is found to be higher as compared to medical approach according to literatures. The higher cost of surgical approach was mainly attributed to the recurrent cost which is included in the calculation.
    Conclusion : Effective usage of the operation theatre and all resources should be managed and utilized well in order to achieve optimum outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  13. S.P. Woo, I.H. Siti, Y. Zulfigar, S.H. Tan
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(2):167-171.
    The unsustainable harvesting of sea cucumbers in the Straits of Malacca poses a danger of collapsing population of this marine resource. Recent survey revealed the absence of commercially important sea cucumber species like Stichopus horrens was alarming since there were a lot of taxonomical complications in identifying species from this genus. The knowledge of taxonomy and ecology is an integral part in determining resource management strategies and conservation of marine resources like sea cucumber.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  14. Irniza Rasdi, Nadia Farhana Ismail, Andy, Shin Shyen Kong, Suhainizam Muhammad Saliluddin
    Introduction: The prevalence of stress among Malaysian police is high in which 38.8% polices have severe stress related to work resources and workplace environment. Psychosocial safety climate is one of the indicators that can be used to avoid psychosocial health problems. Objective: This study was conducted to determine the risk factors of psychosocial safety climate and to measure the effectiveness of a customised safety website in improving the safety climate. Methodology: This study involved 105 police officers who were randomly selected from nine different departments in PDRM Bukit Aman. A survey adapted from previous study was used to determine the psychosocial safety climate levels among respondents. Then, occupational safety website was introduced to the respondents and being used for two weeks. Lastly, post survey was done to see the difference of psychosocial safety climate before and after the use of the website. Results and Discussion: Findings showed that team psychological safety (r=0.381, p= , p=
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  15. Boon YW, Han KAO, Gideon Khoo
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:379-386.
    The present study describes the length-weight relationships (LWRs) of four Acetes species (Acetes indicus, A. serrulatus,
    A. japonicus and A. sibogae) which were sampled from offshore trawling and inshore catches along the west coast of
    Peninsular Malaysia. Morphometric measurements (total length, TL and wet weight, WW) were obtained from the samples
    and LWRs were estimated. All LWRs were significant (p<0.05) for the four species, with the coefficient of determination, R2
    0.659. The estimated b values for LWR were 2.432-3.403. The R2
    value was >0.84 when the data was analysed according
    to inshore and offshore samples. Male and female A. indicus and A. serrulatus demonstrated negative allometric growth
    whilst male A. japonicus and A. sibogae showed isometric growth type. Positive allometric growth was depicted by a
    combined group of male and female A. sibogae. This study has contributed to the knowledge of the offshore and inshore
    distribution patterns of different populations of Acetes spp. in the Straits of Malacca. It also presents a comparison of
    the LWRs between offshore and inshore catches of A. indicus and A. serrulatus, with the inshore catches of A. japonicus
    and A. sibogae, which have not been previously reported. The findings of this study would contribute to the conservation
    and management of this commercially important fisheries resource.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  16. Nor Hasliza Mat Desa, Maznah Mat Kasim, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:239-247.
    The issue of age difference in hospital admission should be given special attention since it affects the structure of hospital care and treatments. Patients of different age groups should be given different priority in service provision. Due to crucial time and limited resources, healthcare managers need to make wise decisions in identifying priorities in age of admission. This paper aimed to propose a construction of a daily composite hospital admission index (CHAI) as an indicator that captures relevant information about the overall performance of hospital admission over time. It involves five different age groups of total patients admitted to seven major public hospitals in the Klang Valley, Malaysia for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases for a period of three years, 2008 - 2010. The criteria weights were predetermined by aggregating the subjective weight based on rank ordered centroid (ROC) method and objective weight based on entropy - kernel method. The highest and lowest scores of CHAI were marked, while the groups of patients were prioritized according to the criteria weight ranking orders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  17. Mohamad Mahathir Amir Sultan, Goh CT, Peterson PJ, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Mazlin Mokhtar
    The risks of mercury use have prompted the establishment of Minamata Convention on Mercury which placed strong emphasis on management of mercury-added products. This convention aims to reduce and phase out the use, manufacturing and trade of mercury-added products including batteries, switches and non-electronic measuring devices. This commitment will cause significant impacts especially in the developing countries in designing the right approach to achieve it. This is also true for medical industry which is well known for the utilization of mercury-added devices and dental amalgam in its services but had embarked on efforts in eliminating mercury for many years. The experiences learned within a medical facility can be useful in efforts to meet this global ambition of mercury phase out. This paper aims to provide conceptual discussion on the challenges faced by developing countries and lessons learned from medical facility that can helps the formulation of appropriate approaches to manage mercury-added products. The paper adopted medical industry as a case study and used document analysis to discuss the issue. The main challenges identified for developing countries include lacks of capacity, funding, data and newer technologies. Based on analysis of previous studies, this study proposed a mercury management framework in medical facility and identified the recommended practices, namely technological application, policy instrument, capacity building and guidelines development. These identified approaches are found to have specific relationships between cost and potential impacts, hence giving flexibility for adoption based on the available resources in promoting better mercury management system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  18. Diao Y, Li M, Huang Z, Sun J, Chee YL, Liu Y
    Risk Manag Healthc Policy, 2019;12:357-367.
    PMID: 31908552 DOI: 10.2147/RMHP.S226379
    China's healthcare reform aims to provide affordable and equitable basic healthcare for all by 2020. Access to medicines is an essential part of the healthcare. The efforts of promoting access to medicines have been moving from meeting the needs of the basic healthcare, towards increasingly dedicated resources to offer breakthrough therapies. Looking at access to novel medicines from a health system perspective, and placing the changes China has made into that system context, this paper makes a comprehensive review of the progress of access to novel medicines in China. The review drew on two sources of information, which included desk review of published and grey literature, and key informant interview. Five hurdles were identified which create barriers of access to novel medicines, ranging from regulation and financing of medicines, intellectually property rights protection, and development of innovation capacity, to other health system components. Multiple policies have been implementing in China to remove the multiple access barriers gradually. Universal access to medicines has been moving from towards the basic common conditions to the world breakthrough technologies. We see cause for optimism, but recognize that there is a long way to go. Achieving broader and better access to modern medicines for Chinese patients will require multiple and coordinated government efforts, which would need to target the whole lifecycle regulation of novel medicines with a health system perspective, from balancing IP protection, strengthening R&D and public health, to appropriate regulatory approach and financing mechanism, and to supply chain management, as well as smart use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  19. Beam M, Abdull Wahab SF, Ramos M
    Med Clin North Am, 2025 Jan;109(1):313-324.
    PMID: 39567101 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcna.2024.06.005
    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) bridges diagnostic gaps across the continuum of care worldwide and is a particularly potent tool in resource-limited settings (RLS). To capture the scope of its current impact in RLS, this narrative review of POCUS use in public health, primary care, outpatient specialty, pre-hospital, and palliative care settings discusses its use in reducing diagnostic health care inequities. Disease-specific protocols, longitudinal training, quality assurance, and task shifting are key to robust expansion of POCUS in RLS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
  20. Shakeel S, Ahmed Hassali MA, Abbas Naqvi A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2020 Mar;27(2):159-164.
    PMID: 32788851 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2020.27.2.16
    The World Health Organization (WHO) has termed the novel coronavirus infection a pandemic based on number of confirmed cases in more than 195 countries and with risk of further spread. The infection has had drastic impact on global trade and stock markets. The Malaysian authorities realised the need to ensure availability of health resources and facilities in the country so that the healthcare professionals could treat serious cases on priority basis. Steps have been taken to ensure that health facilities are not overwhelmed with cases and do not become the source of virus spread to other healthcare staff and patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Resources
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