Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 144 in total

  1. Ramli SB, Ravoof TB, Tahir MI, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Jul 1;71(Pt 7):o475-6.
    PMID: 26279916 DOI: 10.1107/S205698901501107X
    In the title compound, C15H16N2S3 {systematic name: [({[(4-methyl-phen-yl)meth-yl]sulfan-yl}methane-thio-yl)amino][1-(thio-phen-2-yl)ethyl-idene]amine}, the central CN2S2 residue is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0061 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 7.39 (10) and 64.91 (5)° with the thienyl and p-tolyl rings, respectively; the dihedral angle between these rings is 57.52 (6)°. The non-thione S atoms are syn, and with respect to the thione S atom, the benzyl group is anti. In the crystal, centrosymmetrically related mol-ecules self-associate via eight-membered {⋯HNCS}2 synthons. The dimeric aggregates stack along the a axis and are are consolidated into a three-dimensional architecture via methyl-C-H⋯π(benzene) and benzene-C-H⋯π(thien-yl) inter-actions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  2. Omar SA, Chah CK, Ravoof TBSA, Jotani MM, Tiekink ERT
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2018 Feb 01;74(Pt 2):261-266.
    PMID: 29850067 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989018001330
    In the title di-thio-carbazate ester, C16H17N3S2 (systematic name: (Z)-{[(benzyl-sulfan-yl)methane-thio-yl]amino}[1-(6-methyl-pyridin-2-yl)ethyl-idene]amine), the central methyl-idenehydrazinecarbodi-thio-ate (C2N2S2) core is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0111 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 71.67 (3)° with the approximately orthogonally inclined thio-ester phenyl ring, and 7.16 (7)° with the approximately coplanar substituted pyridyl ring. The latter arrangement and the Z configuration about the imine-C=N bond allows for the formation of an intra-molecular hydrazine-N-H⋯N(pyrid-yl) hydrogen bond that closes an S(6) loop. In the crystal, phenyl-C-H⋯S(thione), methyl-ene-C-H⋯π(pyrid-yl), methyl-ene- and phenyl-C-H⋯π(phen-yl) contacts connect mol-ecules into supra-molecular layers propagating in the bc plane; the layers stack along the a axis with no directional inter-actions between them. The analysis of the Hirshfeld surface indicates the relative importance of an intra-layer phenyl-H⋯H(pyrid-yl) contact upon the mol-ecular packing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  3. Kumar SS, Ghosh P, Kataria N, Kumar D, Thakur S, Pathania D, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Oct;280:130601.
    PMID: 33945900 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130601
    In the current scenario, alternative energy sources are the need of the hour. Organic wastes having a larger fraction of biodegradable constituents present a sustainable bioenergy source. It has been reported that the calorific value of biogas generated by anaerobic digestion (AD) is 21-25 MJ/m3 with the treatment which makes it an excellent replacement of natural gas and fossil fuels and can reduce more than 80% greenhouse gas emission to the surroundings. However, there are some limitations associated with the AD process for instance ammonia build-up at the first stage reduces the rate of hydrolysis of biomass, whereas, in the last stage it interferes with methane formation. Owing to special physicochemical properties such as high activity, high reactive surface area, and high specificity, tailor-made conductive nanoparticles can improve the performance of the AD process. In the AD process, H2 is used as an electron carrier, referred as mediated interspecies electron transfer (MIET). Due to the diffusion limitation of these electron carriers, the MIET efficiency is relatively low that limits the methanogenesis. Direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET), which enables direct cell-to-cell electron transport between bacteria and methanogen, has been considered an alternative efficient approach to MIET that creates metabolically favorable conditions and results in faster conversion of organic acids and alcohols into methane. This paper discusses in detail the application of conductive nanoparticles to enhance the AD process efficiency. Interaction between microbes in anaerobic conditions for electron transfer with the help of CNPs is discussed. Application of a variety of conductive nanomaterials as an additive is discussed with their potential biogas production and treatment enhancement in the anaerobic digestion process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  4. Chai A, Wong YS, Ong SA, Aminah Lutpi N, Sam ST, Kee WC, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Sep;336:125319.
    PMID: 34049168 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.125319
    A pilot scale anaerobic degradation of sugarcane vinasse was carried out at various hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the Anaerobic Suspended Growth Closed Bioreactor (ASGCB) under thermophilic temperature. The performance and kinetics were evaluated through the Haldane-Andrews model to investigate the substrate inhibition potential of sugarcane vinasse. All parameters show great performance between HRT 35 and 25 days: chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction efficiency (81.6 to 86.8%), volatile fatty acids (VFA) reduction efficiency (92.4 to 98.5%), maximum methane yield (70%) and maximum biogas production (19.35 L/day). Furthermore, steady state values from various HRT were obtained in the kinetic evaluation for: rXmax (1.20 /day), Ks (19.95 gCOD/L), Ki (7.00 gCOD/L) and [Formula: see text] (0.33 LCH4/gCOD reduction). This study shows that anaerobic degradation of sugarcane vinasse through ASGCB could perform well at high HRT and provides a low degree of substrate inhibition as compared to existing studies from literature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  5. Chai, S.P., Zein, S.H.S., Mohamed, A.R.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(1):57-64.
    Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 1991, a fundamental question still remained on how to control morphologically the synthesis of CNTs. This task has always been a challenge. In this paper, we report the results that we have published previously with the aim of sharing the possible controlled synthesis approach via this novel production method. Findings demonstrated that various CNTs could be synthesized by using specially developed supported catalysts from the catalytic decomposition of methane. These synthesized CNTs include carbon nanofibres, single-walled and multi-walled CNTs, Y-junction CNTs and CNTs with special morphologies. It was also revealed that catalyst composition and reaction parameters played an important role in controlling the morphology and type of CNTs formed. The synthesis of CNTs with various morphologies is important because this can enrich the nanostructures of the carbon family. This finding also provides useful data for better understanding of the parameters that govern the growth mechanism of CNTs which may be required in the near future for enhanced controlled synthesis of CNTs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  6. Kamarudin, K.S.N., Chieng, Y.Y., Hamdan, H., Mat, H.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(1):35-44.
    The importance of zeolite surface area and pore volume in adsorption processes has been much reported in literature. In addition to that, structural framework and pore network system may also influence the adsorption capacity and selectivity of methane on zeolite. This paper discusses the characteristics of methane adsorption based on several physical properties of the adsorbents such as surface area, pore volume, pore network system and its interaction with adsorbate. The study, using FTIR spectroscopy showed that the adsorbed methane at room temperature was detected in the FTIR region between 3200 cm–1 – 1200 cm–1. Based on the physical properties of the adsorbents and the FTIR spectra of adsorbed methane, the surface area was not the only factor that determined methane adsorption; in fact the type of pore network system of the adsorbent also affected the interaction, thus affecting the adsorption of methane in zeolite.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  7. Khairudin NF, Sukri MFF, Khavarian M, Mohamed AR
    Beilstein J Nanotechnol, 2018;9:1162-1183.
    PMID: 29719767 DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.9.108
    Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is one of the more promising methods for syngas (synthetic gas) production and co-utilization of methane and carbon dioxide, which are the main greenhouse gases. Magnesium is commonly applied in a Ni-based catalyst in DRM to improve catalyst performance and inhibit carbon deposition. The aim of this review is to gain better insight into recent developments on the use of Mg as a support or promoter for DRM catalysts. Its high basicity and high thermal stability make Mg suitable for introduction into the highly endothermic reaction of DRM. The introduction of Mg as a support or promoter for Ni-based catalysts allows for good metal dispersion on the catalyst surface, which consequently facilitates high catalytic activity and low catalyst deactivation. The mechanism of DRM and carbon formation and reduction are reviewed. This work further explores how different constraints, such as the synthesis method, metal loading, pretreatment, and operating conditions, influence the dry reforming reactions and product yields. In this review, different strategies for enhancing catalytic activity and the effect of metal dispersion on Mg-containing oxide catalysts are highlighted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  8. Arij Y, Fatihah S, Rakmi AR
    Bioresour Technol, 2018 Jul;260:213-220.
    PMID: 29626780 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.03.131
    The anaerobic treatment of leachate from a municipal waste transfer station in Malaysia was tested using a pilot scale anaerobic biofilm digester system that was operated under HRT sequence of 30-day, 25-day, 20-day and 10-day for 163 days under mesophilic conditions. Despite the leachate's complex characteristics, the system showed great performance given its maximum COD, BOD5 and total phosphorus removal efficiencies of 98 ± 1%, 99 ± 1% and 92 ± 9% respectively. The system was stable throughout its operation and showed optimal average values for the monitored parameters such as pH (7.53 ± 0.14), total VFA (79 ± 66 mg HOAc/L), alkalinity (10,919 ± 1556 mg CaCO3/L) and a non-toxic value for accumulated ammonia (960 ± 106 mg NH3-N/L). Measurement of the average daily biogas production yielded a value of 25 ± 1 m3/day throughout the system's operation with a composition of 57 ± 12% methane and 26 ± 6% carbon dioxide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  9. Aghbashlo M, Tabatabaei M, Soltanian S, Ghanavati H, Dadak A
    Waste Manag, 2019 Mar 15;87:485-498.
    PMID: 31109549 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.02.029
    A comprehensive exergoeconomic performance analysis of a municipal solid waste digestion plant integrated with a biogas genset was conducted throughout this study in order to highlight its bottlenecks for further improvements. Exergoeconomic performance parameters of each component of the plant were determined by solving exergy and cost balance equations based on Specific Exergy Costing (SPECO) approach. The analysis was conducted to reveal the cost structure of the plant based on actual operating information and economic data. The exergy unitary cost of two main products of the plant, i.e., bioelectricity and biofertilizer were determined at 26.27 and 2.27 USD/GJ, respectively. The genset showed the highest overall cost rate (101.27 USD/h) followed by digester (68.41 USD/h). Furthermore, the net bioelectricity amounted to 67.81% of the overall cost rate of the products, while this value was 32.19% for both liquid and dewatered digestates. According to the results obtained, efforts should mainly focus on enhancing the efficiency of the genset in order to boost the overall performance of the system exergoeconomically. In addition, minimizing the investment-related cost of the digester could also substantially enhance the exergoeconomic performance of the plant.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  10. Rozidawati Awang, Saadah A. Rahman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2008;37:233-237.
    A series of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) thin films were deposited using home-built direct-current (DC) plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) system. In this present study, the a-C:H thin films were deposited using pure methane (CH4) gas diluted either with hydrogen (H) or helium (He). The effects of hydrogen and helium dilution on the photoluminescence (PL) properties and optical band gap (E04) were studied. The dependence of PL properties and optical energy gap on the film thickness has also been investigated. The characterization techniques used were optical transmission and photoluminescence spectroscopies. The sp2 cluster sizes were determined from Raman spectra are in the range of 5 to 7 nm. Hydrogen and helium dilution of methane strongly influences the PL efficiency of the a-C:H films. The PL efficiency are enhanced with increase in film thickness for a-C:H films prepared both from H and He diluted CH4. The optical energy gap of these films decreases with increase in H or He dilution and film thickness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  11. Liew YX, Chan YJ, Manickam S, Chong MF, Chong S, Tiong TJ, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Apr 15;713:136373.
    PMID: 31954239 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136373
    Oil and grease, carbohydrate, protein, and lignin are the main constituents of high strength wastewaters such as dairy wastewater, cheese whey wastewater, distillery wastewater, pulp and paper mill wastewater, and slaughterhouse wastewaters. These constituents have contributed to various operational problems faced by the high-rate anaerobic bioreactor (HRAB). During the hydrolysis stage of anaerobic digestion (AD), these constituents can be hydrolyzed. Since hydrolysis is known to be the rate-limiting step of AD, the overall AD can be enhanced by improving the hydrolysis stage. This can be done by introducing pretreatment that targets the degradation of these constituents. This review mainly focuses on the biological pretreatment on various high-strength wastewaters by using different types of enzymes namely lipase, amylase, protease, and ligninolytic enzymes which are responsible for catalyzing the degradation of oil and grease, carbohydrate, protein, and lignin respectively. This review provides a summary of enzymatic systems involved in enhancing the hydrolysis stage and consequently improve biogas production. The results show that the use of enzymes improves the biogas production in the range of 7 to 76%. Though these improvements are highly dependent on the operating conditions of pretreatment and the types of substrates. Therefore, the critical parameters that would affect the effectiveness of pretreatment are also discussed. This review paper will serve as a useful piece of information to those industries that face difficulties in treating their high-strength wastewaters for the appropriate process, equipment selection, and design of an anaerobic enzymatic system. However, more intensive studies on the optimum operating conditions of pretreatment in a larger-scale and synergistic effects between enzymes are necessary to make the enzymatic pretreatment economically feasible.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  12. Anwar MN, Fayyaz A, Sohail NF, Khokhar MF, Baqar M, Yasar A, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Apr 15;260:110059.
    PMID: 32090808 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.110059
    This study critically reviews the recent developments and future opportunities pertinent to the conversion of CO2 as a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) to fuels and valuable products. CO2 emissions have reached an alarming level of around 410 ppm and have become the primary driver of global warming and climate change leading to devastating events such as droughts, hurricanes, torrential rains, floods, tornados and wildfires across the world. These events are responsible for thousands of deaths and have adversely affected the economic development of many countries, loss of billions of dollars, across the globe. One of the promising choices to tackle this issue is carbon sequestration by pre- and post-combustion processes and oxyfuel combustion. The captured CO2 can be converted into fuels and valuable products, including methanol, dimethyl ether (DME), and methane (CH4). The efficient use of the sequestered CO2 for the desalinization might be critical in overcoming water scarcity and energy issues in developing countries. Using the sequestered CO2 to produce algae in combination with wastewater, and producing biofuels is among the promising strategies. Many methods, like direct combustion, fermentation, transesterification, pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion (AD), and gasification, can be used for the conversion of algae into biofuel. Direct air capturing (DAC) is another productive technique for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and converting it into various useful energy resources like CH4. These methods can effectively tackle the issues of climate change, water security, and energy crises. However, future research is required to make these conversion methods cost-effective and commercially applicable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  13. Foong SY, Liew RK, Lee CL, Tan WP, Peng W, Sonne C, et al.
    J Hazard Mater, 2022 01 05;421:126774.
    PMID: 34364214 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126774
    Waste furniture boards (WFBs) contain hazardous formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds when left unmanaged or improperly disposed through landfilling and open burning. In this study, pyrolysis was examined as a disposal and recovery approach to convert three types of WFBs (i.e., particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard) into value-added chemicals using thermogravimetric analysis coupled with Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (TG-FTIR) and pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS). TG-FTIR analysis shows that pyrolysis performed at an optimum temperature of 250-550 °C produced volatile products mainly consisting of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and light hydrocarbons, such as methane. Py-GC/MS shows that pyrolysis at different final temperatures and heating rates recovered mainly phenols (25.9-54.7%) for potential use as additives in gasoline, colorants, and food. The calorific value of WFBs ranged from 16 to 18 MJ/kg but the WFBs showed high H/C (1.7-1.8) and O/C (0.8-1.0) ratios that provide low chemical energy during combustion. This result indicates that WFBs are not recommended to be burned directly as fuel, however, they can be pyrolyzed and converted into solid pyrolytic products such as biochar with improved properties for fuel application. Hazardous components, such as cyclopropylmethanol, were removed and converted into value-added compounds, such as 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-d-glucopyranose, for use in pharmaceuticals. These results show that the pyrolysis of WFBs at high temperature and low heating rate is a promising feature to produce value-added chemicals and reduce the formation of harmful chemical species. Thus, the release of hazardous formaldehyde and greenhouse gases into the environment is redirected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  14. Santos JS, Fereidooni M, Marquez V, Arumugam M, Tahir M, Praserthdam S, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2022 Feb;289:133170.
    PMID: 34875298 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.133170
    This study investigates the facile fabrication of interfacial defects assisted amorphous TiO2 nanotubes arrays (am-TNTA) for promoting gas-phase CO2 photoreduction to methane. The am-TNTA catalyst was fabricated via a one-step synthesis, without heat treatment, by anodization of Titanium in Ethylene glycol-based electrolyte in a shorter anodizing time. The samples presented a TiO2 nanostructured array with a nanotubular diameter of 100 ± 10 nm, a wall thickness of 26 ± 5 nm, and length of 3.7 ± 0.3 μm, resulting in a specific surface of 0.75 m2 g. The am-TNTA presented prolonged chemical stability, a high exposed surface area, and a large number of surface traps that can reduce the recombination of the charge carriers. The am-TNTA showed promising photoactivity when tested in the CO2 reduction reaction with water under UV irradiation with a methane production rate of 14.0 μmol gcat-1 h-1 for a pure TiO2 material without any modification procedure. This enhanced photocatalytic activity can be explained in terms of surface defects of the amorphous structure, mainly OH groups that can act as electron traps for increasing the electron lifetime. The CO2 interacts directly with those traps, forming carbonate species, which favors the catalytic conversion to methane. The am-TNTA also exhibited a high stability during six reaction cycles. The photocatalytic activity, the significantly reduced time for synthesis, and high stability for continuous CH4 production make this nanomaterial a potential candidate for a sustainable CO2 reduction process and can be employed for other energy applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  15. Zhang Y, Feng Y, Ren Z, Zuo R, Zhang T, Li Y, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2023 Apr;374:128746.
    PMID: 36813050 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128746
    The ideal conditions for anaerobic digestion experiments with biochar addition are challenging to thoroughly study due to different experimental purposes. Therefore, three tree-based machine learning models were developed to depict the intricate connection between biochar properties and anaerobic digestion. For the methane yield and maximum methane production rate, the gradient boosting decision tree produced R2 values of 0.84 and 0.69, respectively. According to feature analysis, digestion time and particle size had a substantial impact on the methane yield and production rate, respectively. When particle sizes were in the range of 0.3-0.5 mm and the specific surface area was approximately 290 m2/g, corresponding to a range of O content (>31%) and biochar addition (>20 g/L), the maximum promotion of methane yield and maximum methane production rate were attained. Therefore, this study presents new insights into the effects of biochar on anaerobic digestion through tree-based machine learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  16. Afandi NS, Mohammadi M, Ichikawa S, Mohamed AR
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Dec;27(34):43011-43027.
    PMID: 32725565 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10269-2
    Several multi-walled carbon nanotubes supported Ni-Ce catalysts were synthesized, and their performance in carbon dioxide reforming of methane (CDRM) for syngas production was evaluated. The attachment of Ni-Ce nanoparticles to the functionalized carbon nanotube (fCNT) support was carried out using four synthesis routes, i.e., impregnation (I), sol-gel (S), co-precipitation (C), and hydrothermal (H) methods. Results indicated that synthesis method influences the properties of the NiCe/fCNT catalysts in terms of homogeneity of metal dispersion, size of crystallites, and metal-support interaction. The activity of the catalysts followed the order of NiCe/fCNT(H) > NiCe/fCNT(S) > NiCe/fCNT(C) > NiCe/fCNT(I). The NiCe/fCNT(H) catalyst exhibited the highest catalytic activity with CH4 and CO2 conversions of 92 and 96%, respectively, and resulted in syngas product with consistent H2/CO ratio of 0.91 at reaction temperature of 800 °C without notable deactivation up to 30 h of reaction. Moreover, the growth of carbon on the spent catalyst was only 2% with deposition rate of 4.08 mg/gcat·h; this was plausibly due to the well-dispersed distribution of nanoparticles on fCNT surface and abundant presence of oxygenated groups on the catalyst surface.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  17. Isa MH, Bashir MJK, Wong LP
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Jun;29(29):44779-44793.
    PMID: 35138542 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-19022-3
    In this study, palm oil mill effluent (POME) treated by ultrasonication at optimum conditions (sonication power: 0.88 W/mL, sonication duration: 16.2 min and total solids: 6% w/v) obtained from a previous study was anaerobically digested at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs). The reactor biomass was subjected to metagenomic study to investigate the impact on the anaerobic community dynamics. Experiments were conducted in two 5 L continuously stirred fill-and-draw reactors R1 and R2 operated at 30 ± 2 °C. Reactor R1 serving as control reactor was fed with unsonicated POME with HRT of 15 and 20 days (R1-15 and R1-20), whereas reactor R2 was fed with sonicated POME with the same HRTs (R2-15 and R2-20). The most distinct archaea community shift was observed among Methanosaeta (R1-15: 26.6%, R2-15: 34.4%) and Methanobacterium (R1-15: 7.4%, R2-15: 3.2%). The genus Methanosaeta was identified from all reactors with the highest abundance from the reactors R2. Mean daily biogas production was 6.79 L from R2-15 and 4.5 L from R1-15, with relative methane gas abundance of 85% and 73%, respectively. Knowledge of anaerobic community dynamics allows process optimization for maximum biogas production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  18. Qureshi F, Yusuf M, Ibrahim H, Kamyab H, Chelliapan S, Pham CQ, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Jul 15;229:115963.
    PMID: 37105287 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115963
    Hydrogen (H2) is a possible energy transporter and feedstock for energy decarbonization, transportation, and chemical sectors while reducing global warming's consequences. The predominant commercial method for producing H2 today is steam methane reforming (SMR). However, there is still room for development in process intensification, energy optimization, and environmental concerns related to CO2 emissions. Reactors using metallic membranes (MRs) can handle both problems. Compared to traditional reactors, MRs operates at substantially lower pressures and temperatures. As a result, capital and operational costs may be significantly cheaper than traditional reactors. Furthermore, metallic membranes (MMs), particularly Pd and its alloys, naturally permit only H2 permeability, enabling the production of a stream with a purity of up to 99.999%. This review describes several methods for H2 production based on the energy sources utilized. SRM with CO2 capture and storage (CCUS), pyrolysis of methane, and water electrolysis are all investigated as process technologies. A debate based on a color code was also created to classify the purity of H2 generation. Although producing H2 using fossil fuels is presently the least expensive method, green H2 generation has the potential to become an affordable alternative in the future. From 2030 onward, green H2 is anticipated to be less costly than blue hydrogen. Green H2 is more expensive than fossil-based H2 since it uses more energy. Blue H2 has several tempting qualities, but the CCUS technology is pricey, and blue H2 contains carbon. At this time, almost 80-95% of CO2 can be stored and captured by the CCUS technology. Nanomaterials are becoming more significant in solving problems with H2 generation and storage. Sustainable nanoparticles, such as photocatalysts and bio-derived particles, have been emphasized for H2 synthesis. New directions in H2 synthesis and nanomaterials for H2 storage have also been discussed. Further, an overview of the H2 value chain is provided at the end, emphasizing the financial implications and outlook for 2050, i.e., carbon-free H2 and zero-emission H2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  19. Govindan SS, Agamuthu P
    Waste Manag Res, 2014 Oct;32(10):1005-14.
    PMID: 25323145 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X14552551
    Waste management can be regarded as a cross-cutting environmental 'mega-issue'. Sound waste management practices support the provision of basic needs for general health, such as clean air, clean water and safe supply of food. In addition, climate change mitigation efforts can be achieved through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management operations, such as landfills. Landfills generate landfill gas, especially methane, as a result of anaerobic degradation of the degradable components of municipal solid waste. Evaluating the mode of generation and collection of landfill gas has posted a challenge over time. Scientifically, landfill gas generation rates are presently estimated using numerical models. In this study the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Waste Model is used to estimate the methane generated from a Malaysian sanitary landfill. Key parameters of the model, which are the decay rate and degradable organic carbon, are analysed in two different approaches; the bulk waste approach and waste composition approach. The model is later validated using error function analysis and optimum decay rate, and degradable organic carbon for both approaches were also obtained. The best fitting values for the bulk waste approach are a decay rate of 0.08 y(-1) and degradable organic carbon value of 0.12; and for the waste composition approach the decay rate was found to be 0.09 y(-1) and degradable organic carbon value of 0.08. From this validation exercise, the estimated error was reduced by 81% and 69% for the bulk waste and waste composition approach, respectively. In conclusion, this type of modelling could constitute a sensible starting point for landfills to introduce careful planning for efficient gas recovery in individual landfills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  20. Huang L, Wen X, Wang Y, Zou Y, Ma B, Liao X, et al.
    J Environ Sci (China), 2014 Oct 1;26(10):2001-6.
    PMID: 25288543 DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2014.07.012
    Effects of antibiotic residues on methane production in anaerobic digestion are commonly studied using the following two antibiotic addition methods: (1) adding manure from animals that consume a diet containing antibiotics, and (2) adding antibiotic-free animal manure spiked with antibiotics. This study used chlortetracycline (CTC) as a model antibiotic to examine the effects of the antibiotic addition method on methane production in anaerobic digestion under two different swine wastewater concentrations (0.55 and 0.22mg CTC/g dry manure). The results showed that CTC degradation rate in which manure was directly added at 0.55mg CTC/g (HSPIKE treatment) was lower than the control values and the rest of the treatment groups. Methane production from the HSPIKE treatment was reduced (p<0.05) by 12% during the whole experimental period and 15% during the first 7days. The treatments had no significant effect on the pH and chemical oxygen demand value of the digesters, and the total nitrogen of the 0.55mg CTC/kg manure collected from mediated swine was significantly higher than the other values. Therefore, different methane production under different antibiotic addition methods might be explained by the microbial activity and the concentrations of antibiotic intermediate products and metabolites. Because the primary entry route of veterinary antibiotics into an anaerobic digester is by contaminated animal manure, the most appropriate method for studying antibiotic residue effects on methane production may be using manure from animals that are given a particular antibiotic, rather than adding the antibiotic directly to the anaerobic digester.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/chemical synthesis*
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