Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 811 in total

  1. Siti A'iasah Hashim, Khairul Zaman Mohd Dahlan, Khomsaton Abu Bakar, Ayub Muhamad
    A laboratory scale test rig to treat simulated flue gas using electron beam technology was installed at the Alurtron EB-Irradiation Center, MINT. The experiment test rig was proposed as a result of feasibility studies conducted jointly by IAEA, MINT and TNB Research in 1997. The test rig system consists of several components, among others, diesel generator sets, pipe ducts, spray cooler, ammonia dosage system, irradiation vessel, bag filter and gas analyzers. The installation was completed and commissioned in October 2001. Results from the commissioning test runs and subsequent experimental work showed that the efficiency of flue gas treatment is high. It was proven that electron beam technology might be applied in the treatment of air pollutants. This paper describes the design and work function of the individual major components as well as the full system function. Results from the initial experimental works are also presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  2. Loh, Kok Fook, Ponusamy, Ragu, Shattri Mansor, Jamil Ismail
    Malaysia is in the process of modernizing its oil palm plantation management, by implementing geo-information technologies which include Remote Sensing (RS), Geographic Information System (GIS), and Spatial Decision Support System (DSS). Agencies with large oil palm plantations such as the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority (FELCRA), Guthrie Sdn. Bhd., and Golden Hope Sdn. Bhd. have already incorporated GIS in their plantation management, with limited use of RS and DSS. In 2005, FELCRA, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Espatial Resources Sdn. Bhd. (ESR) collaborated in a research project to explore the potentials of geo-informatics for oil palm plantation management. The research was conducted in FELCRA located in Seberang Perak Oil Palm Scheme. In that research, a tool integrating RS, GIS and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed to support decision making for replanting of the existing old palms. RS was used to extract productive stand per hectare; AHP was used to compute the criteria weights for the development of a suitable model; and GIS was used for spatial modelling so as to generate the decision support layer for replanting. This paper highlights the approach adopted in developing the tool with special emphasis on the AHP computation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Remote Sensing Technology
  3. Ng King Kwi, Yong SL
    Med J Malaysia, 1973 Jun;27(4):258-61.
    PMID: 4270782
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology, Radiologic
  4. Khalijah, M.S., Helmy, M.H.M.
    ASM Science Journal, 2007;1(2):177-180.
    The Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) Angkasawan (Astronaut) Programme achieved its mission to send the first Malaysian astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukur by Soyuz TM11 to the International Space Ship (ISS) on 10 October 2007. He returned to earth, landing safely on 21 October 2007. Such a momentous event has carved out yet another milestone in the country’s
    history and development of a civilisation based on science and technology for its people. This mission has provided the educational sector with an opportunity to initiate a curriculum innovation. Together with the Ministry of Education (MOE), the initiative was undertaken to improve techniques of teaching and learning (TL) and to broaden its scope to include space science and technology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  5. Mohammed Aliyu Modibbo, Mohammed Arif Shahidah, Isah Funtua Abdulkadir, Umar Wali
    This paper has evaluated the spatial growth of Bauchi Metropolis from 1976 to 2015
    through the application of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. Various satellite
    imageries of the metropolis (Landsat MSS of 1976, TM of 1986, 1996 and ETM+ of 2006
    and 2015) were integrated; processed and classified using ERDAS imagine 9.1. The
    results showed an increase in area from 11.68km2
    in 1976 to 12.51km2
    in 1986 to
    32.44km2 in 1996, to 49.66km2
    in 2006 and finally to 89.23km2 in 2015. It is
    recommended that government should provide the required capacities for the use of
    Remote Sensing and GIS in planning for the growth of the town.
    Matched MeSH terms: Remote Sensing Technology
  6. Cahyani NDW, Choo KR, Ab Rahman NH, Ashman H
    J Forensic Sci, 2019 Jan;64(1):243-253.
    PMID: 29783278 DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13820
    Advances in technologies including development of smartphone features have contributed to the growth of mobile applications, including dating apps. However, online dating services can be misused. To support law enforcement investigations, a forensic taxonomy that provides a systematic classification of forensic artifacts from Windows Phone 8 (WP8) dating apps is presented in this study. The taxonomy has three categories, namely: Apps Categories, Artifacts Categories, and Data Partition Categories. This taxonomy is built based on the findings from a case study of 28 mobile dating apps, using mobile forensic tools. The dating app taxonomy can be used to inform future studies of dating and related apps, such as those from Android and iOS platforms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  7. Alam T, Islam MT, Ullah MA, Cho M
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Jul 31;18(8).
    PMID: 30065233 DOI: 10.3390/s18082480
    One of the most efficient methods to observe the impact of geographical, environmental, and geological changes is remote sensing. Nowadays, nanosatellites are being used to observe climate change using remote sensing technology. Communication between a remote sensing nanosatellite and Earth significantly depends upon antenna systems. Body-mounted solar panels are the main source of satellite operating power unless deployable solar panels are used. Lower ultra-high frequency (UHF) nanosatellite antenna design is a crucial challenge due to the physical size constraint and the need for solar panel integration. Moreover, nanosatellite space missions are vulnerable because of antenna and solar panel deployment complexity. This paper proposes a solar panel-integrated modified planner inverted F antenna (PIFA) to mitigate these crucial limitations. The antenna consists of a slotted rectangular radiating patch with coaxial probe feeding and a rectangular ground plane. The proposed antenna has achieved a -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 6.0 MHz (447.5 MHz⁻453.5 MHz) with a small-sized (80 mm× 90 mm× 0.5 mm) radiating element. In addition, the antenna achieved a maximum realized gain of 0.6 dB and a total efficiency of 67.45% with the nanosatellite structure and a solar panel. The challenges addressed by the proposed antenna are to ensure solar panel placement between the radiating element and the ground plane, and provide approximately 55% open space to allow solar irradiance into the solar panel.
    Matched MeSH terms: Remote Sensing Technology
  8. Jebril AH, Sali A, Ismail A, Rasid MFA
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Sep 27;18(10).
    PMID: 30262793 DOI: 10.3390/s18103257
    As a possible implementation of a low-power wide-area network (LPWAN), Long Range (LoRa) technology is considered to be the future wireless communication standard for the Internet of Things (IoT) as it offers competitive features, such as a long communication range, low cost, and reduced power consumption, which make it an optimum alternative to the current wireless sensor networks and conventional cellular technologies. However, the limited bandwidth available for physical layer modulation in LoRa makes it unsuitable for high bit rate data transfer from devices like image sensors. In this paper, we propose a new method for mangrove forest monitoring in Malaysia, wherein we transfer image sensor data over the LoRa physical layer (PHY) in a node-to-node network model. In implementing this method, we produce a novel scheme for overcoming the bandwidth limitation of LoRa. With this scheme the images, which requires high data rate to transfer, collected by the sensor are encrypted as hexadecimal data and then split into packets for transfer via the LoRa physical layer (PHY). To assess the quality of images transferred using this scheme, we measured the packet loss rate, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM) index of each image. These measurements verify the proposed scheme for image transmission, and support the industrial and academic trend which promotes LoRa as the future solution for IoT infrastructure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  9. Mohd Hafzi, M.I., Baba, M.D., Mohd Radzi, A.M., Zulhaidi, M.J., Khairil Anwar, A.K.
    Lane Change Assistance (LCA) system in cars can potentially mitigate blind spot related crashes; but its effectiveness
    largely depends on driver acceptance and proper use. Although still in early stages, the volume of cars equipped with
    LCA system is expected torise in the near future as the technology has been considered in the New Car Assessment
    Program for Southeast Asian Countries (ASEAN NCAP) 2017 Rating Scheme. Therefore, this study is initiated to assess
    user acceptance of and experience with LCA-equipped cars. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to
    owners of LCA-equipped cars at selected service centres in the Klang Valley from November 2016 to February 2017.
    From a total of 276 valid responses, results revealed that most owners greatly considered LCA system when
    purchasing their cars and agreed that the systems had positively altered their driving behaviours i.e. regularly using
    the turn signal and checking the side mirrors. Nevertheless, about 20% of the respondents stated theirannoyance and
    distraction by the LCA systems due to unnecessary warnings from various sources, aside from getting too many
    warnings during traffic congestion. The study findings provide some practical implications that can aid the industry
    and relevant stakeholders in gauging the issue and actual situations concerning the use of LCA system in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  10. Chen WL, Wong KL, Li YC
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1707-1714.
    Tropical or subtropical countries are very suitable for the development of solar and heat pump technology. This paper
    proposed the integration of air conditioners that exhaust heat with solar energy to enhance the overall efficiency of thermal
    energy conversion. The analysis of thermal storage tanks of different volumes showed that a two-ton air conditioner
    operating for an hour produced double energy than normal sunshine for a day. With thermal storage tanks of fixed
    volume, the integration of air conditioners of different tons with solar energy indicated that air conditioners of less tons
    produced faster and more efficient energy conversion. Therefore, this paper proposed that the modification of condenser
    in domestic air conditioner into water-cooled condenser not only enhance the energy efficiency of air conditioners but
    also increased hot water supplies since hot water from air conditioners could be integrated into solar water heaters. By
    doing so, energy conservation and carbon reduction could be achieved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  11. Norwahyu Jusoh, Lau KK, Yeong YF, Azmi M. Shariff
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1707-1714.
    The increasing demands of natural gas pushes energy industries to explore the reservoirs contain high CO2 concentration
    and impurities including heavy hydrocarbons. High efficiency of using membrane technology in CO2
    -natural gas separation
    has extended its potential application to offshore environment. Due to the limited studies related with the separation of
    under offshore conditions, the present work has investigated the separation performance of a commercial membrane
    in removing bulk CO2
    from methane at elevated pressure condition. A wide range of offshore operating conditions
    including pressure from 10 to 50 bar, CO2
    concentration from 25 to 70% and temperature of 30o
    C, 40o
    C and 50o
    C were
    studied. High relative CO2 permeance and relative CO2
    selectivity were observed when the pressure and the CO2
    concentration increased. This work, therefore substantial is to bridge the gap and facilitates the application of membrane
    technology for offshore operating conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  12. Ghanbari T, Abnisa F, Wan Daud WMA
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Mar 10;707:135090.
    PMID: 31863992 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135090
    The environment sustenance and preservation of global climate are known as the crucial issues of the world today. Currently, the crisis of global warming due to CO2 emission has turned into a paramount concern. To address such a concern, diverse CO2 capture and sequestration techniques (CCS) have been introduced so far. In line with this, Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) have been considered as the newest and most promising material for CO2 adsorption and separation. Due to their outstanding properties, this new class of porous materials a have exhibited a conspicuous potential for gas separation technologies especially for CO2 storage and separation. Thus, the present review paper is aimed to discuss the adsorption properties of CO2 on the MOFs based on the adsorption mechanisms and the design of the MOF structures. In addition, the main challenge associated with using this prominent porous material has been mentioned.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  13. Farouq I, Sulong Z, Ahmad U, Jakada A, Sambo N
    Data Brief, 2020 Jun;30:105670.
    PMID: 32435680 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105670
    The presentation of this data focuses on analysing the dynamic role of economic growth, foreign direct investment and financial globalization uncertainty on financial development of selected leading African economies, spanning the year 1970 to 2018, and the data were obtained from world development indicators and global financial development databases. Second generation econometrics techniques were deployed for the analysis. We began with the descriptive and correlation statistics in order to ascertain the normality of the data. Also, homogeneity and cross-sectional dependency tests were carried out to validate the whether or not the data is heterogeneous and depend upon each other across the series. As well, the [3] co-integration and dynamic common correlated effect [1] and pool mean group [2] estimates were applied to confirm the presence of long-run relationship and their effects on the financial development among the sampled countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  14. Mohan D, Khairullah NF, How YP, Sajab MS, Kaco H
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Apr 23;12(4).
    PMID: 32340327 DOI: 10.3390/polym12040986
    Drug delivery constitutes the formulations, technologies, and systems for the transport of pharmaceutical compounds to specific areas in the body to exert safe therapeutic effects. The main criteria for selecting the correct medium for drug delivery are the quantity of the drug being carried and the amount of time required to release the drug. Hence, this research aimed to improve the aforementioned criteria by synthesizing a medium based on calcium carbonate-nanocellulose composite and evaluating its efficiency as a medium for drug delivery. Specifically, the efficiency was assessed in terms of the rates of uptake and release of 5-fluorouracil. Through the evaluation of the morphological and chemical properties of the synthesized composite, the established 3D printing profiles of nanocellulose and CaCO3 took place following the layer-by-layer films. The 3D printed double laminated CaCO3-nanocellulose managed to release the 5-fluorouracil as an effective single composition and in a time-controlled manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  15. Zailani MAH, Raja Sabudin RZA, Abdul Rahman R, Mohd Saiboon I, Ismail A, Mahdy ZA
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Aug;43(2):251-259.
    PMID: 34448789
    INTRODUCTION: The vast advancement of technology and breakthrough in high-tech disciplines created multiple areas of research activities, including the emergence of the medical drone. Malaysia, a rapidly developing country in Southeast Asia is on track to achieving high-income status. However, the stagnant growth of Malaysian maternal healthcare does not run parallel with the aspiration. This review paper assessed and reported narratively the current condition of maternal healthcare in Malaysia, the possible application of drones in improving the sector, exploring in detail several challenges, and providing recommendations for experts in studying the rising technological phenomena.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was done from June 2019 to November 2019 with restrictions to the English language. The search was performed in ScienceDirect, PubMed, and EMBASE databases, using a combination of search terms related to drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), maternal, obstetric, healthcare, medical products transportation and Malaysia. A discourse analysis followed and a narrative review was provided on this subject.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The validated ability of drones in the delivery of blood products is highlighted as a possible application in improving maternal healthcare in Malaysia, particularly in the state of Sabah. Five key challenges are identified: infrastructure, technicalities, regulations, expertise, and social acceptance. Future predictions of drone technology in healthcare were outlined with the suggestion of three principle arms of application.

    CONCLUSION: The usage of the medical drone in medical products transportation supports the objectives of WHO MDG 5 for Malaysian maternal health. A study on the impact of drones in reducing the maternal mortality ratio is recommended for further exploration.

    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  16. Hossain MI, Faruque MRI, Islam MT, Ullah MH
    Materials (Basel), 2014 Dec 25;8(1):57-71.
    PMID: 28787924 DOI: 10.3390/ma8010057
    A new design and analysis of a wide-band double-negative metamaterial, considering a frequency range of 0.5 to 7 GHz, is presented in this paper. Four different unit cells with varying design parameters are analyzed to evaluate the effects of the unit-cell size on the resonance frequencies of the metamaterial. Moreover, open and interconnected 2 × 2 array structures of unit cells are analyzed. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, based on the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio, is utilized in the majority of this investigation. The experimental portion of the study was performed in a semi-anechoic chamber. Good agreement is observed between the simulated and measured S parameters of the developed unit cell and array. The designed unit cell exhibits negative permittivity and permeability simultaneously at S-band (2.95 GHz to 4.00 GHz) microwave frequencies. In addition, the designed unit cell can also operate as a double-negative medium throughout the C band (4.00 GHz to 4.95 GHz and 5.00 GHz to 5.57 GHz). At a number of other frequencies, it exhibits a single negative value. The two array configurations cause a slight shift in the resonance frequencies of the metamaterial and hence lead to a slight shift of the single- and double-negative frequency ranges of the metamaterial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  17. Alshami IH, Ahmad NA, Sahibuddin S, Firdaus F
    Sensors (Basel), 2017 Aug 05;17(8).
    PMID: 28783047 DOI: 10.3390/s17081789
    The Global Positioning System demonstrates the significance of Location Based Services but it cannot be used indoors due to the lack of line of sight between satellites and receivers. Indoor Positioning Systems are needed to provide indoor Location Based Services. Wireless LAN fingerprints are one of the best choices for Indoor Positioning Systems because of their low cost, and high accuracy, however they have many drawbacks: creating radio maps is time consuming, the radio maps will become outdated with any environmental change, different mobile devices read the received signal strength (RSS) differently, and peoples' presence in LOS between access points and mobile device affects the RSS. This research proposes a new Adaptive Indoor Positioning System model (called DIPS) based on: a dynamic radio map generator, RSS certainty technique and peoples' presence effect integration for dynamic and multi-floor environments. Dynamic in our context refers to the effects of people and device heterogeneity. DIPS can achieve 98% and 92% positioning accuracy for floor and room positioning, and it achieves 1.2 m for point positioning error. RSS certainty enhanced the positioning accuracy for floor and room for different mobile devices by 11% and 9%. Then by considering the peoples' presence effect, the error is reduced by 0.2 m. In comparison with other works, DIPS achieves better positioning without extra devices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Wireless Technology
  18. Mohamad Saberi FN, Sukumaran P, Ung NM, Liew YM
    Biomed Eng Online, 2022 Dec 03;21(1):83.
    PMID: 36463182 DOI: 10.1186/s12938-022-01055-x
    Tooth demineralization is one of the most common intraoral diseases, encompassing (1) caries caused by acid-producing bacteria and (2) erosion induced by acid of non-bacterial origin from intrinsic sources (e.g. stomach acid reflux) and extrinsic sources (e.g. carbonated drinks). Current clinical assessment based on visual-tactile examination and standardized scoring systems is insufficient for early detection. A combination of clinical examination and technology is therefore increasingly adapted. This paper reviews various procedures and technologies that have been invented to diagnose and assess the severity of tooth demineralization, with focus on optical coherence tomography (OCT). As a micron-resolution non-invasive 3D imaging modality, variants of OCT are now available, offering many advantages under different working principles for detailed analytical assessment of tooth demineralization. The roles, capabilities and impact of OCT against other state-of-the-art technologies in both clinical and research settings are described. (139 words).
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  19. Hui CY, Abdulla A, Ahmed Z, Goel H, Monsur Habib GM, Teck Hock T, et al.
    J Glob Health, 2022 Dec 29;12:04094.
    PMID: 36579436 DOI: 10.7189/jogh.12.04094
    BACKGROUND: Digital health can support health care in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by overcoming problems of distance, poor infrastructure and the need to provide community practitioners with specialist support. We used five RESPIRE countries as exemplars (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan) to identify the digital health solutions that are valuable in their local setting, worked together with local clinicians and researchers to explore digital health policy, electricity/ICT infrastructure, and socio-cultural factors influencing users' ability to access, adopt and utilise digital health.

    METHODS: We adopted the Joanna Briggs Institute's scoping review protocol and followed the Cochrane Rapid Review method to accelerate the review process, using the Implementation and Operation of Mobile Health projects framework and The Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Mobile Telephony to categorise the results. We conducted the review in four stages: (1) establishing value, (2) identifying digital health policy, (3) searching for evidence of infrastructure, design, and end-user adoption, (4) local input to interpret relevance and adoption factors. We used open-source national/international statistics such as the World Health Organization, International Telecommunication Union, Groupe Speciale Mobile, and local news/articles/government statistics to scope the current status, and systematically searched five databases for locally relevant exemplars.

    RESULTS: We found 118 studies (2015-2021) and 114 supplementary online news articles and national statistics. Digital health policy was available in all countries, but scarce skilled labour, lack of legislation/interoperability support, and interrupted electricity and internet services were limitations. Older patients, women and those living in rural areas were least likely to have access to ICT infrastructure. Renewable energy has potential in enabling digital health care. Low usage mobile data and voice service packages are relatively affordable options for mHealth in the five countries.

    CONCLUSIONS: Effective implementation of digital health technologies requires a supportive policy, stable electricity infrastructures, affordable mobile internet service, and good understanding of the socio-economic context in order to tailor the intervention such that it functional, accessible, feasible, user-friendly and trusted by the target users. We suggest a checklist of contextual factors that developers of digital health initiatives in LMICs should consider at an early stage in the development process.

    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
  20. An H, Razzaq A, Haseeb M, Mihardjo LWW
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Feb;28(5):5254-5270.
    PMID: 32960444 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10775-3
    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is closely linked to the ecological sustainability of the infrastructure ventures that intrinsically include the aspects of climate change and pollution. Though there exists literature on the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and pollution haven hypothesis (PHH), very few explore the scope in the light of Belt and Road host countries (B&RCs). Therefore, the study examines the income-induced EKC and Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI)-based PHH in the multivariate framework of people's connectivity and technology innovation in B&RCs from 2003 to 2018. The outcome of the study reveals that the observed relationship is quantile-dependent, which may disclose misleading results in previous studies using traditional methodologies that address the averages. Utilizing the novel "Method of Moments Quantile Regression (MMQR)" of Machado and Silva (J Econom 213:145-173, 2019), the findings confirm an inverted U-shape association between economic growth and CO2 emissions only at lower to medium emission countries, thus validating the EKC hypothesis. The Chinese outward FDI flows increase carbon emissions at medium to high emission countries, thereby confirming PHH. The findings also indicate that people's connectivity contributes to increasing emissions while innovation mitigates carbon emissions at lower to medium polluted countries. Moreover, the outcomes of Granger causality confirm one-way causality between economic growth and CO2 emissions, between FDI and CO2 emissions, between people's connectivity and CO2 emissions, and between innovation and CO2 emissions. The results offer valuable insight for legislators to counteract CO2 emissions in B&RCs through innovation-led energy conservation in infrastructure projects while adopting green and sustainable financing mechanisms to materialize mega construction projects under the BRI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Technology
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