Displaying publications 461 - 480 of 1133 in total

  1. Roseleena, J., Nursuriati, J., Ahmed, J., Low, C.Y.
    The agricultural industry scenario in many industrialized countries has adopted an image processing system as a solution to automate the grading process in order to provide accurate, reliable, consistent and quantitative information in addition to the large volumes, which human graders are not able to perform. In Malaysia, the grading of palm oil Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) is still performed manually through visual inspection using the surface color as the main quality attribute. It is the intention here to introduce an automated grading system for palm oil FFB using a computer assisted photogrammetric methodology which correlate the surface color of fruit bunches, not the fruitlets, to their ripeness and eventually sorts the fruit to two predefined fruit categories. The methodology consists of five main phases, i.e. image acquisition, image pre-processing, image segmentation, calculation of color Digital Numbers (DN) (data manipulation) and finally the classification of ripeness. This computerized photogrammetric image processing technique using MATLAB® package which is integrated to a sorting system differs in various aspects from other digital imaging technique or machine vision system adopted for classifying fruit ripeness. A comprehensive discussion will be presented based on the results achieved through actual fruit testing on the prototype grading system. The main concern was to ensure the reliability of the computerized photogrammetric technique achievable and the system’s mechanism working as intended. The fruit classification ability of the system yields above 90% accuracy and taking not more than 25 seconds to classify and sort each fruit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  2. Rohman, A., Che Man, Y.B.
    Two functional food oils, namely extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and virgin coconut oil (VCO) have been analyzed simultaneously using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The performance of multivariate calibration of principle component regression (PCR) and partial least square regression (PLSR) was evaluated in order to give the best prediction model for such determination. FTIR spectra were treated with several treatments including mean centering (MC), derivatization, and standard normal variate (SNV) at the combined frequency regions of 3050 – 3000, 1660 – 1650, and 1200 – 900 cm-1. Based on its capability to give the highest values of coefficient of correlation (R) for the relationship between actual value of EVOO/VCO and FTIR predicted value together with the lowest values of root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC), PLSR with mean centered-first derivative spectra was chosen for simultaneous determination of EVOO and VCO. It can be concluded that FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate calibration of PLSR was successfully applied to simultaneously quantify EVOO and VCO with acceptable parameters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  3. Wan Md Zin Wan Yunus, Tajau, Rida, Khairul Zaman Mohd Dahlan, Mohd Hilmi Mahmood, Kamaruddin Hashim, Mohd Yusof Hamzah
    The use of microemulsion in the development of nanoparticle based on acrylated palm oil product is demonstrated. Acr ylated palm oil microemulsions were prepared using ionic surfactant. Combination methods of emulsion polymerization and radiation crosslinking were applied to the microemulsion system for synthesizing nanoparticle. The ionizing radiat ion technique was introduced to generate a crosslinking reaction in the development of nanoparticle. The nanoparticle was evaluated in terms of particle diameter, surface charge, pH and conductance. Their image was captured using Tra nsmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results show that the size, charge and shape of the particles are influenced by c oncentration of surfactants, monomer concentration, radiation dose and time of storage. The study showed a promising method to produced nanoparticle. This nano-sized product has the potential to be utilized as controlled-drug-release-carrier.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  4. Mas Ezatul Nadia Mohd Ruah, Nor Fazila Rasaruddin, Fong, Sim Siong, Mohd Zuli Jaafar
    This paper outlines the application of chemometrics and pattern recognition tools to classify palm oil using Fourier Transform Mid Infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR). FT-MIR spectroscopy is used as an effective analytical tool in order to categorise the oil into the category of unused palm oil and used palm oil for frying. The samples used in this study consist of 28 types of pure palm oil, and 28 types of frying palm oils. FT-MIR spectral was obtained in absorbance mode at the spectral range from 650 cm -1 to 4000 cm -1 using FT-MIR-ATR sample handling. The aim of this work is to develop fast method in discriminating the palm oils by implementing Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Learning Vector Quantisation (LVQ) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Raw FT-MIR spectra were subjected to Savitzky-Golay smoothing and standardized before developing the classification models. The classification model was validated through finding the value of percentage correctly classified by test set for every model in order to show which classifier provided the best classification. In order to improve the performance of the classification model, variable selection method known as t-statistic method was applied. The significant variable in developing classification model was selected through this method. The result revealed that PLSDA classifier of the standardized data with application of t-statistic showed the best performance with highest percentage correctly classified among the classifiers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  5. Mohamad Arif, A.M., Zetty Norhana, B.Y., Abdullah, F., Tan, Su.G., Ismail, S.
    Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by species Ganoderma, is one of the most serious disease of oil palm in Malaysia. As far as the disease problem to oil palm in Malaysia is concerned, BSR is the only disease requiring urgent solution. The BSR is not new to Malaysia, it has been known to attack oil palm since the early years when the crop was introduced into this country. There is an indication that there are differences in susceptibility to basal stem rot between germplasm materials from different genetic origin [2]. This provides hope in generating oil palm varieties with reduced level of susceptibility using existing genetic materials. There is also interest in developing diagnostic tools such as using PCR primers for detection of the pathogen in oil palms [1]. Altered expression of several classes of genes was observed in plants in response to fungal infection. These include genes associated with cell maintenance and development, genes involved in biosynthesis of lignin and phenolics and genes implicated in oxidative burst, programmed cell death or hypersensitive response [5].
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  6. Mohd. Hilmi Mahmood, Shahrol Najmin Baharom, Rida Tajau, Mek Zah Salleh, Khairul Zaman Mohd. Dahlan, Rosley Che Ismail
    Various palm oil (RBD Palm Olein) based urethane acrylate prepolymers (UPs) having different structures and molecular weights were synthesised from palm oil based polyols, diisocyanate compounds and hydroxyl terminated acrylate monomers by following established synthesis procedures described elsewhere. The products (UPs) were compared with each other in terms of their molecular weights (MW), viscosities and UV curing performances of pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA) UP based formulations. The molecular structure of diisocyanate compounds and hydroxyl acrylate monomers tend to determine the molecular weights and hence viscosities of the final products of urethane acrylate prepolymers (UP), whereas, the MW of the UP has no direct effects on the coatings and adhesive properties of UV curable UP based PSA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  7. Ahmad Saat, Zaini Hamzah, Zaharidah Abu Bakar, Zuraidah A. Munir, Siti Mariam Sumari, Misbah Hassan
    A study was carried out to determine short term diurnal radon concentration at five locations in Malaysia. Two locations (KG & AP) are former tin mining areas that has been converted to housing area and training centre respectively, one a relatively new city (SA), that was formerly a rubber and oil palm plantation area, one older cities (KB) and one housing complex by the sea (LP). The study was carried out in 2005, 2006 and 2007 using a diffused-junction photodiode sensor continuous radon monitor. The monitor is recognized by the USEPA. In each location, measurements were carried out on at least ten sites. Former tin mining areas of KG and AP shows up to seven times higher indoor average than the average in the other three locations. However the indoor average in all locations is still below the action level of 4 pCiL-1. For outdoor, the former tin mining areas average concentration was higher than the global average of 0.4 pCiL-1. For the twenty four hours temporal variation the trend indicated that former tin mining areas concentration are always higher, and at time up to six fold higher. The hourly variation of all locations follows an identical trend of high concentration during early to late morning and drop in the afternoon till evening. The outdoor twenty four hour temporal average of former tin mining areas is consistently higher than the outdoor global average of 0.4 pCiL-1. The strong correlation between indoor and outdoor concentration at AP, indicates that indoor radon might originates from outdoor environment. The study was also extended to estimate the effective dose (mSvyr-1) of Rn-222 to the public.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  8. Tan YL, Abdullah AZ, Hameed BH
    Bioresour Technol, 2018 Sep;264:198-205.
    PMID: 29803811 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.05.058
    Silica-alumina catalyst was prepared and used in the catalytic fast pyrolysis of durian rind in a drop-type two-stage reactor. The effects of catalytic temperature (400 °C-600 °C) and catalyst-to-durian rind ratio (1:30-3:30) were evaluated. Bio-oil yield was increased with increased catalytic temperature due to considerable dehydration process, but it was reduced with high catalyst loading due to the overcracking of organics into light gases. Silica-alumina catalyst possessed good selectivity and the products changed according to the temperature. The major components in bio-oil were hydrocarbons, furan derivatives, and aromatic compounds at 400 °C, 500 °C, and 600 °C, respectively. The hydrogen and carbon contents of bio-oil were reduced with high catalyst loading due to the overcracking of organics, and the deoxygenation process became unfavorable. The silica-alumina catalyst worked well in catalytic fast pyrolysis of durian rind, and the condition may be adjusted based on the desired products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  9. Yan D, Wong YF, Whittock SP, Koutoulis A, Shellie RA, Marriott PJ
    Anal Chem, 2018 04 17;90(8):5264-5271.
    PMID: 29575899 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b00142
    A novel sequential three-dimensional gas chromatography-high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (3D GC-accTOFMS) approach for profiling secondary metabolites in complex plant extracts is described. This integrated system incorporates a nonpolar first-dimension (1Dnp) separation step, prior to a microfluidic heart-cut (H/C) of a targeted region(s) to a cryogenic trapping device, directly followed by the rapid reinjection of a trapped solute into a polar second-dimension (2DPEG) column for multidimensional separation (GCnp-GCPEG). For additional separation, the effluent from 2DPEG can then be modulated according to a comprehensive 2D GC process (GC×GC), using an ionic liquid phase as a third-dimension (3DIL) column, to produce a sequential GCnp-GCPEG×GCIL separation. Thus, the unresolved or poorly resolved components, or regions that require further separation, can be precisely selected and rapidly transferred for additional separation on 2D or 3D columns, based on the greater separation realized by these steps. The described integrated system can be used in a number of modes, but one useful approach is to target specific classes of compounds for improved resolution. This is demonstrated through the separation and detection of the oxygenated sesquiterpenes in hop ( Humulus lupulus L.) essential oil and agarwood ( Aquilaria malaccensis) oleoresin. Improved resolution and peak capacity were illustrated through the progressive comparison of the tentatively identified components for GCnp-GCPEG and GCnp-GCPEG×GCIL methods. Relative standard deviations of intraday retentions (1 tR, 2 tR,, and 3 tR) and peak areas of ≤0.01, 0.07, 0.71, and 7.5% were achieved. This analytical approach comprising three GC column selectivities, hyphenated with high-resolution TOFMS detection, should be a valuable adjunct for the improved characterization of complex plant samples, particularly in the area of plant metabolomics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  10. Juahir H, Ismail A, Mohamed SB, Toriman ME, Kassim AM, Zain SM, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2017 Jul 15;120(1-2):322-332.
    PMID: 28535957 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.04.032
    This study involves the use of quality engineering in oil spill classification based on oil spill fingerprinting from GC-FID and GC-MS employing the six-sigma approach. The oil spills are recovered from various water areas of Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah (East Malaysia). The study approach used six sigma methodologies that effectively serve as the problem solving in oil classification extracted from the complex mixtures of oil spilled dataset. The analysis of six sigma link with the quality engineering improved the organizational performance to achieve its objectivity of the environmental forensics. The study reveals that oil spills are discriminated into four groups' viz. diesel, hydrocarbon fuel oil (HFO), mixture oil lubricant and fuel oil (MOLFO) and waste oil (WO) according to the similarity of the intrinsic chemical properties. Through the validation, it confirmed that four discriminant component, diesel, hydrocarbon fuel oil (HFO), mixture oil lubricant and fuel oil (MOLFO) and waste oil (WO) dominate the oil types with a total variance of 99.51% with ANOVA giving Fstat>Fcritical at 95% confidence level and a Chi Square goodness test of 74.87. Results obtained from this study reveals that by employing six-sigma approach in a data-driven problem such as in the case of oil spill classification, good decision making can be expedited.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fuel Oils
  11. Ong CS, Al-Anzi B, Lau WJ, Goh PS, Lai GS, Ismail AF, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2017 07 31;7(1):6904.
    PMID: 28761159 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-07369-4
    Despite its attractive features for energy saving separation, the performance of forward osmosis (FO) has been restricted by internal concentration polarization and fast fouling propensity that occur in the membrane sublayer. These problems have significantly affected the membrane performance when treating highly contaminated oily wastewater. In this study, a novel double-skinned FO membrane with excellent anti-fouling properties has been developed for emulsified oil-water treatment. The double-skinned FO membrane comprises a fully porous sublayer sandwiched between a highly dense polyamide (PA) layer for salt rejection and a fairly loose dense bottom zwitterionic layer for emulsified oil particle removal. The top dense PA layer was synthesized via interfacial polymerization meanwhile the bottom layer was made up of a zwitterionic polyelectrolyte brush - (poly(3-(N-2-methacryloxyethyl-N,N-dimethyl) ammonatopropanesultone), abbreviated as PMAPS layer. The resultant double-skinned membrane exhibited a high water flux of 13.7 ± 0.3 L/m2.h and reverse salt transport of 1.6 ± 0.2 g/m2.h under FO mode using 2 M NaCl as the draw solution and emulsified oily solution as the feed. The double-skinned membrane outperforms the single-skinned membrane with much lower fouling propensity for emulsified oil-water separation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils
  12. Noor Atiqah Aizan Abd Kadir, Azrina Azlan
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of disability and premature death throughout the world. This disease is commonly experienced by people with unhealthy lifestyle, stress and physical inactivity. Cholesterol has received the most attention as single risk factor of CVD. Reducing the intake of cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans faty acids may be beneficial, yet controversy is still lingering to what constituents more beneficial dietary fats. The purpose of this article is to give an overview on the impact of major dietary fatty acids on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and to give an insightful information regarding fatty acids composition in selected fruits oils in search for novel oils as potential therapy against CVD.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  13. Koh, S. P., Long, K., Yusoff, M. S. A., Arifin, N.
    The potential use of medium- and long-chain triacylglycerols (MLCT) oil blends in food applications such as frying oil and salad dressings were investigated. The frying strength of palm-based MLCT oil with different antioxidants under deep frying conditions was assessed. Palm-based MLCT oil showed better thermal-resistant oxidative strength than refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein throughout the five consecutive days of frying. Sensory evaluation and rancidity assessment on fried chips showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) between chips fried in RBD palm olein and palm-based MLCT oil. MLCT-based salad dressings treated with different antioxidants showed similar rheological behaviors as compared to soybean based salad dressings. The overall quality of the physical appearance and organoleptic acceptability based on quantitative descriptive analysis showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) in all salad dressings. These findings indicated that MLCT-based oil blends can be used as healthy functional oil for daily consumption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  14. Ali A, Hei GK, Keat YW
    J Food Sci Technol, 2016 Mar;53(3):1435-44.
    PMID: 27570268 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-015-2124-5
    Effect of 2.0 % ginger oil (GO) and 1.5 % ginger extract (GE) in combination with 10.0 % gum arabic (GA) was evaluated for the postharvest control of anthracnose and maintaining quality of Eksotika II papaya fruit during storage at 12 ± 1 °C and 80-85 % RH. Antifungal compounds present in GO and GE were analyzed using gas chromatography and GO was found to contain α-pinene, 1, 8-cineole and borneol, while only borneol was present in GE due to different extraction methods applied. The highest antifungal activity was shown in 2.0 % GO combined with 10 % GA, which significantly (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  15. Hassan H, Lim JK, Hameed BH
    Bioresour Technol, 2016 Dec;221:645-655.
    PMID: 27671343 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.09.026
    Co-pyrolysis of biomass with abundantly available materials could be an economical method for production of bio-fuels. However, elimination of oxygenated compounds poses a considerable challenge. Catalytic co-pyrolysis is another potential technique for upgrading bio-oils for application as liquid fuels in standard engines. This technique promotes the production of high-quality bio-oil through acid catalyzed reduction of oxygenated compounds and mutagenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. This work aims to review and summarize research progress on co-pyrolysis and catalytic co-pyrolysis, as well as their benefits on enhancement of bio-oils derived from biomass. This review focuses on the potential of plastic wastes and coal materials as co-feed in co-pyrolysis to produce valuable liquid fuel. This paper also proposes future directions for using this technique to obtain high yields of bio-oils.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils
  16. Salema AA, Afzal MT, Bennamoun L
    Bioresour Technol, 2017 Jun;233:353-362.
    PMID: 28285228 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.02.113
    Pyrolysis of corn stalk biomass briquettes was carried out in a developed microwave (MW) reactor supplied with 2.45GHz frequency using 3kW power generator. MW power and biomass loading were the key parameters investigated in this study. Highest bio-oil, biochar, and gas yield of 19.6%, 41.1%, and 54.0% was achieved at different process condition. In terms of quality, biochar exhibited good heating value (32MJ/kg) than bio-oil (2.47MJ/kg). Bio-oil was also characterised chemically using FTIR and GC-MS method. This work may open new dimension towards development of large-scale MW pyrolysis technology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  17. Misni N, Nor ZM, Ahmad R
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2017 Jan-Mar;54(1):44-53.
    PMID: 28352045
    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Many essential oils have been reported as natural sources of insect repellents; however, due to high volatility, they present low repellent effect. Formulation technique by using microencapsulation enables to control the volatility of essential oil and thereby extends the duration of repellency. In this study, the effectiveness of microencapsulated essential oils of Alpinia galanga, Citrus grandis and C. aurantifolia in the lotion formulations were evaluated against mosquito bites.

    METHODS: Essential oils and N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) were encapsulated by using interfacial pre- cipitation techniques before incorporation into lotion base to form microencapsulated (ME) formulation. The pure essential oil and DEET were also prepared into lotion base to produce non-encapsulated (NE) formulation. All the prepared formulations were assessed for their repellent activity against Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory condition. Field evaluations also were conducted in three different study sites in Peninsular Malaysia. In addi- tion, Citriodiol® (Mosiquard®) and citronella-based repellents (KAPS®, MozAway® and BioZ Natural®) were also included for comparison.

    RESULTS: In laboratory conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils showed no significant difference with regard to the duration of repellent effect compared to the microencapsulated DEET used at the highest con- centration (20%). It exhibited >98% repellent effect for duration of 4 h (p = 0.06). In the field conditions, these formulations demonstrated comparable repellent effect (100% for a duration of 3 h) to Citriodiol® based repellent (Mosiguard®) (p = 0.07). In both test conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils presented longer duration of 100% repellent effect (between 1 and 2 h) compared to NE formulations.

    INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: The findings of the study demonstrate that the application of the microencapsulation technique during the preparation of the formulations significantly increases the duration of the repellent effect of the essential oils, suggesting that the ME formulation of essential oils have potential to be commercialized as an alternative plant-based repellent in the market against the mosquitoes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage*; Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification; Oils, Volatile/pharmacology
  18. Bashir MJK, Wei CJ, Aun NC, Abu Amr SS
    J Environ Manage, 2017 May 15;193:458-469.
    PMID: 28262420 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.02.031
    Malaysia alone produces more than 49 million m3 palm oil mill effluent per year. Biological treated palm oil mill effluent via ponding system often fails to fulfill the regulatory discharge standards. This is due to remaining of non-biodegradable organics in the treated effluent. Thus, the aim of this study was to resolve such issue by using electro persulphate oxidation process, for the first time, as a post treatment of palm oil mill effluent. Central composite design in response surface methodology was used to analyze and optimize the interaction of operational variables (i.e., current density, contact time, initial pH and persulphate dosage) targeted on maximum treatment efficiency. The significance of quadratic model of each response was determined by analysis of variance, where all models indicated sufficient significance with p-value 
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  19. Omar, Naja Nadiera, Iskandar Shahrim Mustafa, Nurhayati Abdullah, Rokiah Hashim
    Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) resin has been extensively used in the manufacturing industry as a binding agent, especially in the production of wood-based panels because of its ability to provide good moisture resistance, exterior strength and durability as well as excellent temperature stability. However, due to the use of limited petroleum-based phenol in its formulation, there is a strong interest in exploring renewable biomass material to partially substitute the petroleum-based phenol. In this study, the slow pyrolysis of biomass decomposition process was used to convert two types of biomass, namely, oil palm frond and Rhizophora hardwood, into bio-oil. The phenol-rich fraction of the bio-oil was separated and added into the formulation of PF resin to produce an environmentally-friendly type of PF resin, known as bio-oilphenol-formaldehyde (BPF) resin. This BPF resin was observed to have comparable viscosity, better alkalinity, improved non-volatile content and faster curing temperature than conventional PF resin. Moreover, the particleboard bonded with this BPF resin was observed to have just as excellent bonding strength as the one bonded using conventional PF resin. However, the BPF resin exhibited an increased level of free formaldehyde and less thermal stability than the conventional PF resin, probably due to the addition of the less reactive bio-oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  20. Tan YL, Hameed BH, Abdullah AZ
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Feb 10;703:134902.
    PMID: 31753498 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134902
    Catalysts prepared from industrial wastes rich in Fe, Ca, Si, and Al were used in catalytic upgrading of pyrolysis vapour derived from durian shell and their effect on product yield and properties were compared. With same silica-to-alumina ratio, catalyst prepared from oil palm ash (AS-OPA) with lower Fe and Ca contents gave higher liquid yield (8.32 wt%) with alcohols (28.90%), hydrocarbons (46.00%), and nitrogen-containing compounds (21.46%) while catalyst prepared from electric arc furnace slag (AS-EAF) with higher Fe and Ca contents produced lower liquid yield (50.21 wt%) with high amount of esters (25.80%) and hydrocarbons (72.82%). The presence of AS-OPA and AS-EAF catalysts enhanced deoxygenation degree of bio-oil to 81.13% and 85.49%, respectively. The catalytic performance of AS-EAF at different temperatures (400-600 °C) and AS-EAF/durian shell ratios (1:30, 2:30, 3:30) was investigated. Increasing catalytic temperature enhanced production of bio-oil, reduced oxygenates and enhanced formation of esters. The liquid yield and yield of esters decreased with increasing catalyst loading. Hydrocarbons (mainly neopentane) were the major chemical compounds found in bio-oil produced over AS-EAF. Besides that, AS-EAF showed good deoxygenation performance with highest selectivity of hydrocarbons at 500 °C and AS-EAF/durian shell ratio of 2:30. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of durian shell using waste-derived catalysts is an effective waste management strategy as the bio-oil produced can be a potential alternative source of energy or chemical feedstocks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
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