Displaying publications 5741 - 5760 of 24633 in total

  1. Ahmad Saat, Zaini Hamzah, Zaharidah Abu Bakar
    Being an imperative material for man either used as building materials, pottery or as components in material industry and technology, knowledge of clays elemental contents is important. In the present study ten clay samples obtained from various locations in North-West Peninsular Malaysia were used. Majority of the clays were economically manufactured to be used as building materials or pottery. The objective of study was to determine the main elemental contents of the samples, and relate the results to the types of minerals, as well as to compare them with clays from other studies. In the study X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) coupled to samples dilution method and standard calibration samples was used. The elements detected in the study were Si, Al, Fe, Ti, K and Ca. Depending on locations, the percentage concentration ranged between 24.8 – 32.4 for Si, 10.8 – 19.0 for Al, 0.09 – 2.12 for Fe, 0.08 – 1.13 for Ti, 0.45 – 3.39 for K and trace amount of Ca and P. However, Mg that normally found in typical clay was not found in the studied samples. Comparing the oxide of the major elements with other studies, it was found that the clay samples contained mixtures of kaolinite (two-layered structure) and illite (three-layered structure).
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Pau, J.S., Pao, William K.S., Shaharin A. Sulaiman, Halawa, E.
    Unnecessary air conditioning for thermal comfort causeds energy over consumption. As air conditioning has become irreversible, one of the solutions is to run air conditioners at minimal energy without sacrificing the comfort of occupants in air conditioned space. The approach to thermal comfort is the key to successful thermal comfort research. Fanger's model has been adopted by ASHRAE and ISO standards but its universal applications have been debated. In recent decades, adaptive model that regards humans as adaptive beings has been accepted. The static and deterministic nature of Fanger's model has limited its application in hot, humid countries, such as Malaysia. This research aims to integrate the theories of Fanger and adaptive model into a new model which is applicable in Malaysia by taking the case in lecture halls. The new Fanger's Adaptive Model is established through normalization of the thermal sensation distribution obtained in thermal chamber by Fanger. The PMV range of 80% satisfaction has been widened to -1.3 to +1.3 which adopted the theories of adaptive model, where humans have the ability to adapt to environment. The research also includes field observations on Malaysian students clothing and activity levels in lecture halls. Previous field study results which proposed 25.3°C comfort temperature for lecture halls in Malaysia together with the field observation results were used to verify the new model. About 95% of PMV falls within the new range at this comfort temperature. It is proven that Fanger's model is semi-adaptive and probabilistic and the integration of Fanger's Adaptive Model is more accurate in predicting thermal comfort in hot and humid climate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Ong, Eng Tek, Wong, Yew Tuang, Sopia Md Yassin, Sadiah Baharom, Asmayati Yahya, Zahid Md Said
    This study aimed to develop and validate an inventory that measures the whole range of basic and integrated science process skills as stipulated in the Malaysian science curricula and that is suitable for Malaysian lower secondary school students. The validated inventory was subsequently utilised to determine the differential acquisition of science process skills by gender, location, and ethnicity. In the instrument development phase which involves item generation and field testing, a reliable 60-item Malaysian-Based Basic and Integrated Science Process Skills Inventory (MB-BISPSI) that has a KR-20 reliability of 0.88, difficulty indices of items that range between 0.25-0.75 and discrimination indices which are above 0.4 was produced. In the main causal-comparative study using a sample of 1021 Form 2 students (548 girls and 473 boys) from seven (four rural and three interior) out of the eight secondary schools in Kapit Division, Sarawak, the findings indicate that the students achieved a mastery level which fell short of the two-third benchmark (e.g., 66.7%) for the overall science process skills, basic and integrated science process skills, and also for each of the 12 science process skills. Additionally, it was found that, while female students generally achieved a markedly higher mean percentage score in the overall Science Process Skills than did the male students, such phenomenon was only observed amongst the Kenyah ethnicity. There were no significant differences in science process skills acquisition between rural and interior students. Implications for a more thoughtful inculcation of science process skills are proffered alongside recommendations for future research using a more nationally representative sample to examine the validity of such generalisation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Chong, Aik Lee, Sakaria Abas, Yee, Angelina Seow Voon
    Collaboration without performance measures is likened to a football game without a scoreboard. Traditionally, universities have operated in isolation industry and vice versa. University and industry were formed with different agenda and objectives. Fundamentally, a university is a nonprofit oriented organisation while industry is profit oriented. However, industrialisation and egalitarian awakening in the early 20'" century gradually brought university and industry together. Currently, university and industry are increasingly seeking avenues to collaborate strategically. Nevertheless, 50% to 70% of collaborative efforts fail prematurely due to the lack of performance measures. In light of that, there is a need to search for a set of holistic performance measures. Therefore, this study is undertaken to determine the performance measures of strategic university industry collaborations in Malaysia using dyadic multicases approach. The researcher analyses multiple cases from the perspectives of university and industry within a bounded system via qualitative research methodology. Interviews respondents were from university and industry. From the 68 interviews conducted, university and industry respondents shared their experiences on the need for performance measures to include trust, commitment, enterprise, communication, complementary, flexibility, commercialisation and resources on top of conventional performance measures like agreed objectives, timelines, financial indicators and reporting. With that, a set of holistic performance measures is established from interviews. The main contributions of the research findings are: (i) to policy-making for the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia; and (ii) to the body of knowledge in investigating the performance measures in satisfactory performance of strategic university-industry collaboration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Ramadas, A., Kandiah, M., Jabbar, F., Zarida, H.
    At least 6 million deaths occurred worldwide are due to cancer and this figure is expected to rise to
    15 millions by the year 2020. Colorectal cancer is among the most commonly occurring cancers
    both globally and in Malaysia. Numerous studies have shown significant relationships between
    various dietary components and the risks for colorectal cancer. Meanwhile, several theories have
    been suggested as etiological explanations, one of which is the influence of dietary factors on the
    cell proliferation rate. A higher cell proliferation rate is statistically associated with increased risk
    of colorectal cancer. However, evidence of a significant relationship between diet and colorectal
    adenomas, a potential precursor for colorectal cancer, remains insufficient. Colorectal adenomas or
    polyps are vital in their relationship with colorectal cancers as almost 70% of all colorectal cancers
    are developed from these polyps. Studying the modifiable risk factors related to polyps will provide
    an opportunity for the prevention of colorectal cancer even before it develops. This paper reviews
    the available evidence linking dietary factors with the risk for colorectal adenomas. As the numbers
    of published studies are limited, of which most are concentrated in Western countries, there is a
    need for epidemiological studies in Malaysia to strengthen the evidence of a relationship between
    diet and colorectal adenomas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Mahmud, A.R., Awad, A., Billa, R.
    Many residential areas of Kuala Lumpur are susceptible to landslides; this is seen in the frequency of landslide occurences in these areas. The objective of this study is to delineate landslide risk areas in support of development planning, monitoring and control of unstable areas. In this study, five landslide causative factors were extracted from satellite imagery and maps provided by the Geological Survey Department of Malaysia. Factors included in the study including land use, river density and lineament derived from Landsat ETM image, precipitation amount from rain gauge stations and lithology, were extracted from the geological map of the study area. Layers were analyzed and divided into subclasses. An average weightage score was applied to calculate the subclasses into percentage weights of influence on landslide. Overlay, geo-processing and geo-statistic techniques in GIS were used to discriminate these weighted subclasses into landslide susceptibility at low, medium and high levels of risk areas. Results showed very high susceptible areas covering 0.21% of Kuala Lumpur of which 5.02% were found in the highly urbanized areas. Meanwhile, a landslide susceptibility map was generated to show low, medium and high susceptible areas in Kuala Lumpur. Results were verified using recorded cases of landslides in Kuala Lumpur which showed a 77% agreement with the study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Wan Ishak, W.I., Hudzari, R.M., Tan, M.Y.
    Vapour pressure deficit (VPD) analysis introduces an approach to develop a better basis for the control of the environment of lowland greenhouses in Malaysia. The study of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) is to show air moisture conditions for plant production while taking into account different temperature levels. The purpose of this project is to develop a real-time automatic temperature and relative humidity control system in the lowland tropical greenhouse using a PIC16f876A microcontroller. The controller will then be used to monitor the temperature, relative humidity and VPD in the planting of Chili Kulai (Titisan 15). The fertigation system was introduced to the greenhouse to fertilize and irrigate the plant as well as to provide moisture to the environment. A swamp cooler was used to bring down the temperature and increase moisture content in the greenhouse. Ventilators were installed to remove the heat in the greenhouse. The study was carried out in an experimental greenhouse located at the Institute of Advanced Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. Redhwan, A.A., Md Idris, M.N., Robert, C.
    Objective :This study was performed to determine changes in diet and lifestyle among breast cancer survivors in Malaysia.
    Methods :This was a qualitative study done on fifteen survivors (8 Malays and 7 non-Malays) obtained from the Oncology and Surgery Department, National University of Malaysia Hospital. The study was conducted using a semi-structured interview format. The data obtained were sorted into various categories via content analysis.
    Results :Majority of breast cancer survivors increased their fruit and vegetable intake following diagnosis. Some non-Malays changed to vegetarian whereas all the Malays remained on the same dietary pattern. As far as exercise was concerned, all Malays did not exercise before diagnosis, but did so after diagnosis, whereas most of non- Malays did not exercise either before or after diagnosis.
    Conclusion : Some changes were noticed in dietary and lifestyle behaviors after diagnosis among some survivors. The differences were due to their different cultural and religious backgrounds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. Anuar, I., Zahedi, F., Kadir, A., Mokhtar, A.B.
    Background: The occupationally acquired accident and injuries in Malaysian medical laboratories are still largely unexplored prior to this survey. Some of these questions are attempted in this survey and act as source of reference for the number and accident injuries in medical laboratories in the area of Klang Valley and also in Malaysia.
    Methods : This survey was carried out based on recordable cases throughout the calendar year of 2001 to 2005 from 3 main medical laboratories of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) and Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM).
    Results : The average annual incident rate for this three medical laboratories is 2.05/100 full time equivalent (FTE) employees. The annual incident rate in individual medical laboratory is 2.04/100 FTE (HKL), 2.07/100 FTE (HUKM) and 2.04/100 FTE (PPUM) employees, respectively. The most common injury that is 25.3% of the total cases reported was due to cuts by sharp objects and the second most common injury was exposure to biohazard and chemical substances which constitutes 19.9% of the total cases. . Needle prick injury (16.8%), fire (8.4%), fall/slip (6.3%) and gases leak and locked in cold room were reported as one case each.
    Conclusion : The average incident rate from this study is remarkably similar compared with the incident injury rate reported by BLS (2006) which is 2.1/100 FTE in the average size of medical laboratory and diagnostic. Besides this incident rate of injury and illness as a comparison, it also can be used as a benchmark to evaluate the safety performance among medical laboratories in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Zuhaida, A.J., Maznisham, M.S.
    Introduction : Flood disaster in Johor started at the end of 2006 until the early year of 2007 causing the distruction of property and human life and it was the worse flood disaster in the history of Malaysia. The Muar and Kluang Health Office had been taken all the measures in the District Plan of Action for flood disaster in the early phase of the flood. Management of the Health and Medical team was one of the measures taken for the deployment of staff systematically and optimumly use of man power during a disaster.
    Metodology : The objective for this article is to share the experience regarding human resource management during flood disaster. Data collected base on flood activities rosters used by health staff during morning briefing, analysis of record and daily flood report, interviewing the staff and flood victim involved regarding the experience and challengers they face and lastly by observing the services given to flood victim during the disasters.
    Finding : There were 41 Medical and Health Team formed and responsible at 108 flood relived centre homing 26,824 flood victims in Muar District while in Kluang, 21 Medical and health Team were providing services in 60 flood relieve centre with 36,126 flood victims. All of the activities conducted by the Medical and Health team were coordinated by the district flood operation centre. District of Muar had been receiving 16 additional staff from other state while 34 additional staff had been providing services in Kluang. Challengers that had been identified include shortage of human resource compared to the increasing need and task during the flood disaster, shortage of personal protective equipments, frequent changers and inconsistency in the format use during flood reporting and lack of psychosocial support and motivation among the staff involved in the flood disaster operation.
    Conclusion : Partnership among other department are very importance and the collaboration between them were very good.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Alina, M., Azrina, A., Mohd Yunus, A.S., Mohd Zakiuddin, S., Mohd Izuan Effendi, H., Muhammad Rizal, R.
    Level of heavy metals in marine ecosystem has been intensively studied during recent years as these hazardous substances could be accumulated in the biota. Generally, the presence of contaminants in fish is a result of human activities such as industrial and agricultural wastes. In this study, the marine fish and shellfish from the Straits of Malacca were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) and Flow Injection Mercury System (FIMS) for Cd, As and Pb and Hg, respectively. The Straits of Malacca is one of the busiest shipping routes in the world that make the level of heavy metals potentially high besides the various industrial activities along the west region of Peninsular Malaysia. The range of heavy metals in samples were 1.0-3-6.5-3 µg/ g wet sample for Hg, 0.5-2-47-2 µg/ g wet sample for Cd, 0.01-0.39 µg/ g wet sample for Pb and 0.14-6.57 µg/ g wet sample for As. Most part of the values was below the permitted limit set by FAO/WHO 2004 as well as Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations 1985. Therefore it can be generalized that fish and shellfish from the Straits of Malacca are safe to consume in terms of these heavy metals concentrationand do not constitute a risk for human health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Souad, A.M., Jamal, P., Olorunnisola, K.S.
    Watermelon waste materials remained one of the important food grade agro-wastes generated by most hospitality industries in Southeast Asia and particularly in Malaysia. Jam was prepared from watermelon rind with different flavours (vanilla, pineapple, strawberry, lemon and no flavour). Five different samples were prepared at various compositions T₁ (50-50), T₂ (80-20), T₃ (60-40), T₄ (40-60) and T₅ (20-80) of rind and sugar. T₁ (50-50) gave the best jam set. Ten man panel (trained) evaluated the jam for its sensory characteristics and physicochemical analysis. Sensory evaluation conducted among five flavours was significantly different at (p>0.05). Chemical analysis showed that ascorbic acid reduced greatly among all treatments during three month storage. Soluble sugar and pH also decreased gradually for T₁ (from 4.96 to 4.40), T₂ (from 4.92 to 4.21), T₃ (from 4.74 to 4.11), T₄ (from 4.62 to 4.51) and T₅ (from 4.52 to 4.25) upon storage. Strawberry flavoured jam was most acceptable by the panel.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Shahrul Azmin, Tan, Eng Liang, Law, Zhe Kang, Remli Rabani, Wan Yahya Nafisah, Sahathevan, Ramesh, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2016;21(2):137-143.
    Background: Impulse control behaviours are repetitive and excessive activities that may be sub-syndromal and not fulfil the criteria for impulse control disorder. These activities have potential to negatively impact on the daily lives of sufferers. We conducted a study to investigate the prevalence of impulse control behaviours and its associated features in Parkinson’s disease in our population. Methods: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study on consecutive patients attending neurology clinic. Inclusion criteria include idiopathic Parkinson’s disease patients with Hoehn & Yahr stage I-IV. Eighty patients were enrolled and screened for impulse control behaviours using the Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorder for Parkinson’s disease (QUIP). Results: Prevalence of impulse control behaviours among our cohort was 11.3%; the features significantly associated with it were higher level of education (p=0.02), advanced stage of disease (p=0.03) and higher levodopa dosage (p= 0.01). The commonest impulse control behaviour in our cohort was compulsive medication use (7.5%), followed by hobbyism (6.3%), hypersexuality (5%), compulsive buying (3.75%), punding (2.5%), walkabout (2.5%), compulsive eating (1.25%) and pathological gambling (1.3%).
    Conclusions: There is an association between impulse control behaviour and higher levodopa dosage in a study on patients with Parkinson’s disease in Malaysia. We also found a low prevalence of pathological gambling as compared to studies performed in the West.
    Study site: Neurology clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Norhamdan, M.Y., Damrudi, M., Santhna, L.P.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):66-79.
    Pain is an unpleasant sensation that can cause physical and psychological problems for the patient. Despite the pharmacological intervention for reducing pain, it remains as an issue after surgery. Music therapy as non-pharmacological intervention can effect post-operative pain and patients’ requirement of analgesics. The purpose of this study was to determine effect of music therapy on pain after elective total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. This study compared analgesics consumption by patients post-operatively for five days. A Quasi-experimental design with convenience sample of patient with a mean of 64.35 (49-76) who underwent TKR in UKM Medical Centre from May to December 2012 was used. Forty patients were randomly assigned in one of the two groups using a sealed-envelope technique. The experimental group listened to music for five days post-operatively and were on analgesics and control group were treated with pharmacological intervention only. Pain was measured by McGill Pain Questionnaire-Short Form (MPQ-SF) for patient on bed rest on day one, day three and day five post-operatively. Statistical (Mann- Whitney) findings between groups showed the experimental group significantly had less pain on day one and day five rather than the control group at 0.05 level using Pain Rating Intensity (PRI), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Present Pain Intensity (PPI). Statistical (Friedman) tests within group showed that the patient had significantly decreased pain over time at level 0.05 using PRI, VAS and PPI. Statistical (Mann- Whitney) tests revealed that there was no significant difference when using analgesics between the two groups in five days post-operatively at milligram but comparing median showed experimental group used less analgesic than control group. Music therapy is simple, available, save and cheap effective intervention for pain management post-operatively. Pain management is one of the key roles of nursing and nurses can use music therapy as a simple intervention to reduce pain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Mohd Armi, A.S., Afiza, A.S., Mohd Ramzi, A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2012;6(2):149-151.
    Over the last century, the earth’s climate has changed. It is a serious global, long-term problem which involves complex interactions. A lot of evidence suggests that most of the observed factors contributing to the crisis over the last 50 years can be attributed to human activities. Malaysia has always been vulnerable to extreme climatic events such as typhoons, floods and drought. We expect climate change to exacerbate these vulnerabilities. To ensure, that our water resources will always be secure and ready for use. We need to create awareness in the public and the policy makers so that they will acknowledge that the climate change issue is real. They also need to accept that actions to adapt with our vulnerabilities should be immediately put in place. We can do this by integrating the various sector policies and securing the participation of all stakeholders in Malaysia and other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. M.A.M. Ishak, M.T. Safian, Z.A. Ghani, K. Ismail
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(1):7-17.
    Solvent flow reactor system was introduced into the extraction system to increase the system efficiency and enhance the extraction yield by adding fresh solvent during the extraction processes. The liquefaction experiment was carried out at various flow-rates (1, 3 and 5 ml/min), reaction times (30, 45 and 60 min) and reaction temperatures (300ºC, 350ºC, 400ºC, 420ºC and 450ºC) with tetralin as solvent. Despite the ability of adding fresh solvent into the extraction process, the conversion of oil+gas was still considered to be low as there was ~25% of coal extracts left to be converted into low molecular weight compounds. One possible option to increase the oil yield is by applying catalyst that will further break up the coal extracts into small molecular weight compounds. In this study, a second reactor was introduced consisting of catalyst (NiSiO2) assuming that the catalyst would interact more effectively with coal extracts rather than the coal itself. In the
    absence of catalyst, the oil yield was 55%. By introducing the Ni catalyst, the oil yield increased by 15%. Further analysis of GCMS showed that the oil from catalytic liquefaction gave out more low molecular weight compounds in comparison to the un-catalytic liquefaction oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Zailina Hashim, Wee, Bee Suan, Juliana Jalaludin, Jamal H. Hashim
    Cr0ss»sectional studies on lung functions of 100 smokers and 100 non-smokers was conducted among a university student population. The objectives of the studies were to determine the correlation between the lung functions with smoking frequency and duration among smokers as well as to compare the lung functions with non-smokers. The smokers’ mean age was 20.74 years, their smoking initiation age was 16.18 years, the smoking duration was 4.41 years and the smoking frequency was 8.72 cigarettes per day. Among smokers, signqicant inverse correlation was shown between FEV] predicted and the smoking frequency (number of cigarette per day) (ri-0.241, p=0.016). Multiple regression confirmed the relationship between FEV]% predicted with respondent’s age (p=0.013) and smoking frequency (p=0.002), FVC% predicted with age (p=0.005) and smoking frequency (p=0.009). The FEV;/FVC% predicted was signyicantly related to phlegm symptoms (p=0.03), while the FEFZ5.y5% predicted was signdicantly related to age (p=0.005), height (p=0.043) and smoking duration (p=0.046). The lung functions (FEV1% predicted, FVC% predicted and FEV]/FVC% predicted ) for smokers were not statistically dyferent from non-smokers. This study showed that the lung functions for the smokers were still quite normal due to their short smoking duration, their low number of cigarette smoked per day and their young age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Abu Bakar A Majid, Lokman H Johari, Amal M Nasir, Anselm, S.T., Chan, W.H., Noraziah A Rahman, et al.
    A cross—sectional study conducted in the fasting month of Ramadan targeting muslim males assessed their religious beliefs in relation to smoking and their intentions t0 quit smoking in Ramadan. It was found that there law; is a strong association between their perceptions on the religious ruling of smoking as haram (prohibited) in relation to their smoking status. Among the non smokers and ex smokers, 87.8% and 73.6% respectively accept the ruling on smoking as prohibitea'(haram), while only 31.6% of smokers accept smoking as prohibited. Among the smokers, 97.7% smoke a lesser number of cigarettes during Ramadan, while 96.7% of them felt that it is easier to quit during the fasting month. The findings suggest that the religious department needs to provide more information and education to the Muslim population as to the reasons of the ruling on smoking as haram(prohibited) on religious grounds . It was also found that the majority felt it is easier to quit during quit smoking programmes can be emphasized and carried out on a bigger scale during fasting months in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  19. Nor Afiah, M.Z., Hejar, A.R., Looi, Y.K., Lim, S.J., Ng, C.Y., Tong, C.Y.
    Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and in Malaysia. It has better cure rate if detected early. However, the practice of breast cancer screening in Malaysia is still low. The objective of this study is to determine the knowledge and its associated factors as well as sources of information on breast cancer and breast cancer screening among female staff in a public university in Malaysia. Materials and Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in 2005 involving 394 female staff including academic and non-academic staff, which was selected by cluster sampling. A self-administered questionnaire on socioeconomic characteristics and family history of breast cancer was used for data collection. Chi-square Test and Fisher’s Exact Test was used for testing an association using SPSS 12.0. Results: The response rate was 84.3%. Only 50.9% had high knowledge on breast cancer and breast cancer screening and this was significantly associated with occupational status, monthly family income and educational level (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  20. Bannur Z., Bahaman S., Salleh M.Z., Teh L.K.
    Introduction: Knowledge, attitude as well as adoption of pharmacogenomics in clinical practice among the pharmacists and physicians in Malaysia have not been reported. This cross-sectional study explores various facets of the two professions as related to pharmacogenomics to determine the need and preferred method to improve education among them. This study also aims to identify the current state of pharmacogenomics practice in Malaysia to help identify barrier and solution to reap advantages from pharmacogenomics practices. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 38 questions in five parts was adopted and validated. It explores the respondents’ characteristics, attitude, knowledge, adoption and education. It was distributed online to 1500 pharmacists and physicians over five months. Results: Pharmacists differed from the physicians in terms of attitude, knowledge, adoption and education. Overall, adoption rate of pharmacogenomics was found to be low but its anticipation for future adoption is high, and benefits were reported by healthcare professionals who have used the test in a clinical setting. Majority of respondents had poor to fair knowledge and nearly half have had no prior formal teaching on pharmacogenomics. Interest in the education is very high, and most of them preferred to learn pharmacogenomics via continuous professional education programs. Conclusion: Pharmacogenomics is a field that promises many benefits, but to reap these benefits require its implementation in clinical setting. Pharmacists and physicians need to be equipped with adequate knowledge and positive attitude towards pharmacogenomics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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