Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kandungan makronutrien dalam tiga jenis kuih manis tempatan iaitu kuih seri muka (SM), kuih bakar (B) dan kuih wajik (W) yang mana resepinya telah dibentuk secara pengiraan nutrien yang berdasarkan Jadual Komposisi Makanan Malaysia (JKMMM) dengan kaedah analisis secara proksimat. Penentuan kandungan makronutrien secara spesifik ditentukan menggunakan kaedah analisis proksimat manakala penentuan tenaga dan karbohidrat total dijalankan melalui pengiraan. Hasil analisis proksimat menunjukkan W mengandungi karbohidrat total tertinggi (61.5 ± 1.6%) secara signifikan (p < 0.05), berbanding B (39.3 ± 1.5%) dan SM (38.7 ± 1.5%). SM mempunyai kandungan air yang lebih tinggi (46.7 ± 1.6%) secara signifikan (p < 0.05) berbanding B (42.5 ± 6.6 %) dan W (30.2 ± 0.4%). B mengandungi kandungan protein tertinggi (6.1 ± 0.9%) secara signifikan berbanding dengan W (3.0 ± 0.3%). Tiada perbezaan yang signifikan bagi kandungan lemak di antara B (12.8 ± 1.8%), SM (9.9 ± 0.2%) dan W (8.2 ± 2.6%). Jumlah kalori untuk W adalah tertinggi (332 kcal/100g) diikuti oleh B (299 kcal/100g) dan SM (262 kcal/100g). Secara umumnya, nilai kandungan makronutrien dari analisis proksimat adalah lebih rendah berbanding secara pengiraan kandungan makronutrien menggunakan JKMMM. Ini disebabkan pengiraan berdasarkan JKMMM adalah berdasarkan bahan mentah manakala analisis proksimat berdasarkan sampel kuih yang telah disediakan.
Kajian kes ini dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kebersihan diri pengendali makanan dan kebersihan kafetaria di kolej kediaman Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Seramai 75 responden telah terlibat. Data demografi menunjukkan terdapat responden yang tidak mendapat suntikan demam kepialu (32%) dan tidak mempuyai sijil kursus pengendali makanan (49.3%). Selain itu, lebih separuh bilangan responden adalah bukan warganegara (50.73%). Dapatan berkaitan amalan kebersihan diri menunjukkan 7 item mempunyai peratusan yang agak baik (70.3% – 87.5%) manakala 7 item yang lain mempunyai peratusan kurang baik (26.4% – 68%). Kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat 12 item berkaitan kebersihan kafetaria yang dipatuhi dan 9 item yang tidak dipatuhi daripada 21 item yang dinilai. Ujian statistik menunjukkan wujud perbezaan yang signifikan (U = 472, p = 0.01) antara pengendali makanan yang warganegara dan bukan warganegara di mana warganegara mempunyai amalan kebersihan diri yang lebih baik berbanding bukan warganegara. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan wujud hubungan yang positif dan signifikan di antara kebersihan diri dan kebersihan kafetaria (χ2 = 6.432, p = 0.011). Walau bagaimanapun, kekuatan hubungannya adalah sederhana (Φ = 0.29). Kesimpulannya, pengendali makanan yang warganegara mempunyai amalan kebersihan diri yang baik dan akan menjana suasana persekitaran kafetaria yang bersih.
Selaras dengan ledakan pengetahuan berasaskan komputer dan teknologi pada abad ke-21, kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek (PBP) atau Project Based Learning (PBL) telah diperkenalkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) pada tahun 2006. Pada awalnya, implementasi kaedah PBP telah dimulakan di sekolah-sekolah bestari perdana. Ini merupakan tinjauan literatur yang membincangkan takrifan dan teori yang digunapakai dalam kaedah PBP. Selain itu, perbandingan kaedah PBP dengan kaedah Pembelajaran Berasaskan Masalah (PBM) atau Problem Based Learning (PBL) turut dibincangkan memandangkan kedua-dua kaedah ini menggunakan akronim yang sama dalam bahasa Inggeris. Berdasarkan tinjauan literatur ini, didapati bahawa kaedah PBP mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan yang tersendiri, maka terpulang kepada budi bicara guru yang mengajar untuk mengaplikasikan kaedah ini dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P dan P) bersesuaian dengan kebolehan murid.
Most investigations on heavy metals content in fish were either conducted on single markets, ports, seaside markets or direct sampling from natural habitat, and there were very few studies done on fish samples from both wet markets and supermarkets. This paper presents the assessment outcome of Cd and Pb levels in commercial fish sold between wet markets and supermarkets in Klang Valley, Malaysia. In this study, the organs of four commercial fish species (Rastrellinger kanagurta, Epinephelus sexfasciatus, Lates calcarifer, and Decapterus maruadsi) sampled from different markets within the sampling area were assessed using dry ashing-acid digestion method and Flame AAS. Results obtained concluded that Cd and Pb in fishes sampled from supermarkets are generally higher compared to wet markets, while both metals content in the edible organs fall well within the permissible limits for human consumption when compared to the Fourteenth Schedule of the Malaysian Food Regulations 1985.
Madu adalah bahan semulajadi yang dihasilkan oleh lebah madu, Apis mellifera, berpunca daripada madu yang diambil dari bunga yang berkembang atau cecair dari pokok dan tumbuhan yang dikenali sebagai madu nektar dan madu serangga masing-masing. Ia adalah larutan tepu gula, yang kaya dengan protein, mineral, vitamin, asid organik dan polifenol. Madu mempunyai pelbagai khasiat, sifat penyembuhan dan profilaktik disebabkan oleh komponen-komponen yang terkandung di dalamnya. Madu mempunyai beberapa khasiat kesihatan seperti penyembuhan luka, antimikrob, antioksidan dan potensi anti-radang. Ulasan ini adalah berkaitan komposisi nutrien, antioksidan dan kesan terapeutik madu dengan penekanan kepada madu di Malaysia.
Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti punca insidens tinggi infeksi Acanthamoeba di kalangan pemakai kanta sentuh di Kuala Lumpur. Satu ratus tujuh puluh empat sampel diambil dari 66 subjek pemakai kanta sentuh lembut jenis pakaibuang dan mereka juga disoal dengan menggunakan borang kaji selidik. Kesemua pemakai kanta sentuh menggunakan pelbagai jenis larutan disinfeksi atau larutan pelbagai guna untuk membersih dan mendisinfeksi kanta sentuh. Swab diambil dari kanta sentuh yang masih dipakai, bekas kanta sentuh dan juga larutan disinfeksi yang sedang digunakan. Daripada swab ini proses pengkulturan yang lengkap dilakukan untuk pemencilan Acanthamoeba spp. Pemencilan Acanthamoeba spp. daripada 14 sampel daripada 7 subjek telah berjaya dilakukan. Hasil pemencilan yang tinggi adalah daripada bekas kanta sentuh (13.5%) dan kanta sentuh subjek (10.6%). Walau bagaimanapun tiada sebarang pemencilan didapati daripada larutan disinfeksi. Punca infeksi Acanthamoeba adalah dari bekas simpanan kanta sentuh dan kanta sentuh yang dipakai. Kaji selidik menunjukkan peratusan tidak komplain yang tinggi di kalangan pemakai kanta sentuh kerana ramai menggunakan air paip untuk mencuci kanta sentuh dan bekasnya.
Dengue is a disease propagated by vectors namely Aedes spp. mosquitoes. One of the effective approaches to control dengue is through integrated vector management and intervention programs. COMBI or Communication for Behavioral Impact is a strategic approach to control the Aedes population as well as dengue cases. This study was conducted at Taman Desa Kolej, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, an suburban residential area to determine the effectiveness of COMBI, by using questionnaire and entomological survey as well as implementation of an intervention program. We carried out activities such as the establishment of COMBI promoter team, clean up events, talk shows with the residential community and distributed pamphlets containing information about dengue. Results indicated significant difference (p
Aquaculture is a growing industry with a great potential towards the contribution of the country’s total
fish requirement. Serious efforts have been done to develop and improve the production of fish by rearing high value fish in tanks or ponds. Under the Third National Agricultural Policy (1998-2010), the target is to annually produce 1.93 million tonnes of fish worth approximately RM8.3 billion by the year 2010. Consequently, the development of an automatic fish feeding machine can be very beneficial to the growth of the aquaculture industry. This device was developed to overcome labour problems in the industry and introduce a semi-automatic process in the aquaculture industry. It has the ability to dispense dried fish food in various forms such as pellets, sticks, tablets or granules into fish tanks or ponds in a controlled manner for a stipulated time. The automatic fish feeder is controlled by a digital timer and it is capable of feeding the fish in accordance with a pre-determined time schedule without the presence of an operator, and at a feeding rate of 250g/min. The feeder can be adjusted to the desired height and conveniently moved around to be positioned adjacent to the pond or tank. Meanwhile, its hopper can be covered and easily dissembled to change the size of the hopper to accommodate different capacities of feed. This automatic fish feeder can be implemented in aquaculture system to convenience to fish culturists.
Green mussel (Perna viridis) was hydrolysed with alcalase under two different conditions consisting of pH7, E/S5% or pH 9, E/S 3% at 60°C for two hours. Hydrolysis at pH 9, E/S3% resulted in a higher degree of hydrolysis (DH) than pH7, E/S5% with degree of hydrolysis of 37.00% and 28.33%, respectively. The green mussel hydrolysates were characterized by molecular weight of
This study is to report the proximate compositions as well as tetrodotoxin (TTX) content in the muscles of yellow puffer fish Xenopterus naritus that collected from Kg. Manggut and Kabong, Sarawak. The internal organs of 26 and 20 specimens from Kg. Manggut and Kabong respectively were removed by the local people that had skills and experiences with the preparation of yellow puffer fish. In general, the moisture contents were ranging between 75.2% and 80.6%. X. naritus from Kabong showed higher crude protein contents (88.2% dry weight) than the same species from Kg. Manggut (87.9% dry weight) and not significantly different (p>0.05). X. naritus from Kg. Manggut demonstrated a significantly higher (p
Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan Trichomonas vaginalis, di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan Orang Ulu. Penyaringan dijalankan pada lumuran Pap lazim ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat kepada ciri-ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel epitelial sekiranya ianya mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan trikomoniasis mencatatkan jangkitan sebanyak 7.7% kes. Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 hingga 29 tahun. Kesemua kes turut menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan Trikomonas vaginalis selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.
Natural radionuclides such as 210 Po and 210 Pb were analyzed in soft part of cockle (Anadara granosa) obtained from Kuala Selangor in the west coast Peninsular of Malaysia. The activity levels of both nuclides fluctuated within the size of cockles from 41.3 ± 2.5 Bq/kg to 114 ± 7 Bq/kg and 12.9 ± 1.7 Bq/kg to 96.8 ± 5.3 Bq/kg in dry weight (dwt) for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively. The level activity in wet weight (wwt) also varied from 8.60 ± 0.52 Bq/kg to 25.70 ± 1.63 Bq/kg and 2.47 ± 0.40 Bq/kg to 19.27 ± 1.05 Bq/kg for 210 Po and 210 Pb, respectively, probably related to the different of metabolic rate and growth of cockles. Activity ratio of 210 Po/ 210 Pb in dry weight also fluctuated from 0.93 to 6.41 with not related to the decay of 210 Pb.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of different ratios of fish to tapioca flour on the linear expansion, oil absorption, colour, and crispiness of fish crackers. Four different ratios of fish to tapioca flour were used in the formulation of the fish crackers. The results showed that protein and fat content increased with the increase in the ratio of the fish. On the other hand, linear expansion and oil absorption decreased with an increase in the ratio of the fish. Hardness also increased with the increase in the ratio of the fish. The colour measurement showed that the lightness value decreased with an increase in the ratio of fish and this decrease is seen more clearly with the fried fish crackers.
Studies indicate that bacterial cross-contamination occurs during food preparation where bacteria can retent on the food contact surfaces and cause illness. The study evaluated the adherence of Campylobacter spp. to cutting boards, blades of knives and hands after cutting chilled, raw broiler parts (thighs + drumsticks, wings and livers). The adherence to cucumber cuts that were cut using the unwashed boards and knives was also analyzed. Generally, utensils have higher mean of Campylobacter spp. retained to them (1.4-223.3 MPN/ml rinse) than hands (0.7-43.4 MPN/ml rinse); however, Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant differences in the bacterial numbers found among the different surfaces. The transfer rates of Campylobacter spp. from utensils to cucumber cuts varied from 0% to more than 100%. The bacteria detected could be from the utensils and cucumber contamination before purchase or due to other factors where further investigation is required. The possibility is there for Campylobacter to spread to contact surfaces during chilled broiler handling; therefore, utensils and hands involved should be washed thoroughly especially before ready-to-eat food preparation.
Bat-borne viral diseases are a major public health concern among newly emerging infectious diseases which includes severe acute respiratory syndrome, Nipah, Marburg and Ebola virus disease. During the survey for Nipah virus among bats at North-East region of India; Tioman virus (TioV), a new member of the Paramyxoviridae family was isolated from tissues of Pteropus giganteus bats for the first time in India. This isolate was identified and confirmed by RT-PCR, sequence analysis and electron microscopy. A range of vertebrate cell lines were shown to be susceptible to Tioman virus. Negative electron microscopy study revealed the "herringbone" morphology of the nucleocapsid filaments and enveloped particles with distinct envelope projections a characteristic of the Paramyxoviridae family. Sequence analysis of Nucleocapsid gene of TioV demonstrated sequence identity of 99.87% and 99.99% nucleotide and amino acid respectively with of TioV strain isolated in Malaysia, 2001. This report demonstrates the first isolation of Tioman virus from a region where Nipah virus activity has been noticed in the past and recent years. Bat-borne viruses have become serious concern world-wide. A Survey of bats for novel viruses in this region would help in recognizing emerging viruses and combating diseases caused by them.
Tilapia is one of the commercially important fish in Malaysia as well as in other parts of the world. An understanding of monogenean infection dynamics in tilapia fish may assist us in searching for some intervention measures in reducing the loss of fish caused by parasitic diseases. The present study aimed (1) to compare infection level of monogeneans between the wild and cultured Oreochromis niloticus, and between the cultured O. niloticus and cultured red hybrid tilapia, and (2) to examine the spatial distribution of monogenean species over the gills of the different host species. From a total of 75 fish specimens, six species of monogeneans from two genera: Cichlidogyrus (C. halli, C. mbirizei, C. sclerosus, C. thurstonae, C. tilapiae) and Scutogyrus (S. longicornis) were identified. Data showed that the infection level of cultured O. niloticus was higher than that of the wild O. niloticus, however, the former was lower than that of the cultured red hybrid tilapia. Higher species richness of monogeneans was observed in the cultured red hybrid tilapia as compared to the others. Results for spatial distribution showed that the monogeneans have no preference on the left or right sides of the gills. However, C. halli, C. mbirizei, and C. tilapiae showed preferences on specific gill arches in the cultured O. niloticus and red hybrid tilapia. In general, the gill arch IV harboured the least number of monogeneans. The susceptibility of monogenean infection between the different types of tilapia is discussed.
In this investigation, the structure of bidentate N,N-Schiff base ligand of vanillin, (E)-4-(((2-amino-5-nitrophenyl)imino)methyl)-2-methoxyphenol (HL) was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The interaction of new [CuL2], [NiL2] and [VOL2] complexes with DNA and BSA was explored through UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy. The electronic spectra changes displayed an isosbestic point for the complexes upon titration with DNA. The Kb values for the complexes [CuL2], [NiL2] and [VOL2] were 2.4×105, 1.9×105 and 4.2×104, respectively. [CuL2] complex was bound more toughly than [NiL2] and [VOL2] complexes. These complexes had a significant interaction with Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and the results demonstrated that the quenching mechanism was a static procedure. Also, the complexes interacted with BSA by more than one binding site (n>1). Finally, the theoretical studies were performed using the docking method to calculate the binding constants and recognize the binding site of the DNA and BSA with the complexes. The ligand and complexes including Ni2+, Cu2+ and VO2+ ions were colonized by fungal growth.
Predator-prey interactions play important roles in ecological communities. Personality, consistent inter-individual differences in behaviour, of predators, prey or both are known to influence inter-specific interactions. An individual may also behave differently under the same situation and the level of such variability may differ between individuals. Such intra-individual variability (IIV) or predictability may be a trait on which selection can also act. A few studies have revealed the joint effect of personality types of both predators and prey on predator foraging performance. However, how personality type and IIV of both predators and prey jointly influence predator foraging performance remains untested empirically. Here, we addressed this using a specialized spider-eating jumping spider, Portia labiata (Salticidae), as the predator, and a jumping spider, Cosmophasis umbratica, as the prey. We examined personality types and IIVs of both P. labiata and C. umbratica and used their inter- and intra-individual behavioural variation as predictors of foraging performance (i.e., number of attempts to capture prey). Personality type and predictability had a joint effect on predator foraging performance. Aggressive predators performed better in capturing unpredictable (high IIV) prey than predictable (low IIV) prey, while docile predators demonstrated better performance when encountering predictable prey. This study highlights the importance of the joint effect of both predator and prey personality types and IIVs on predator-prey interactions.
Impairment of memory is one of the most frequently reported symptoms during sudden hypoxia exposure in human. Cortical atrophy has been linked to the impaired memory function and is suggested to occur with chronic high-altitude exposure. However, the precise molecular mechanism(s) of hypoxia-induced memory impairment remains an enigma. In this work, we review hypoxia-induced learning and memory deficit in human and rat studies. Based on data from rat studies using different protocols of continuous hypoxia, we try to elicit potential mechanisms of hypobaric hypoxia-induced memory deficit.
The marine mysid species Rhopalophthalmus longipes Ii, 1964 is reported from Malaysian waters for the first time. Specimens are described and illustrated in detail based on material collected by epibenthic sledge from the seagrass meadows of Pulau Tinggi, Johor. Specimens exhibit a slight difference from Ii's type material by possessing a rounded process bearing two small protrusions apically near the middle distal end of the third segment of antennal peduncle. In addition, its telson armed with 7-9 moderately strong setae at the lateral margin.